Point Four Program
- [COMMITTEE PRIT]ltE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS POINT FOUR BACKGROUND AND PROGRAM (International Technical Cooperation Act of 1949) Prepared forthe use of the Committee on Foreign'Affairs of the House of Representatives by the Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress, largely from materials supplied by the Department of State. JULY 1949 UNITED STATES GOVEIWMENT PRINTING OFFICE 9403 WASflNGTON 1949 3L A u ! ' ' , /' ' ". I I t '.t " .' I " COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS JOHN I&EE, West Virginia, Chairman JAmES P. RICHARDS, South Carolina OHARLES A. EATON, Newlersey jOSEPH L. PFEIFER, New York ROBERT B. OHIFJDRFIELD, Illinois THOMAS S.,GORDON, Iinois JOHN M. VORYS, Ohio 'HELEN GAIAGAN DOUGIAAS; eChIfornladFRANCES p1.-BOLTN, bhio. MIKE MAN5FIEID,.Montana LAWRENCE H. SMITA WisconS~ 'THOMAS E. MORGAN, Fensylvanlma CHESTER E IERROW, New flampshir LAURIE 0. BATTLE, Alabama WALTER H. JUDD, Mumnesgd GEORGE A. SMATHERS, Florida iAMES G: FUtTON,.'urindvahi A. S. J. CARNAHAN, Missouri JACOB K. YAVITS, New York ,THURMOND CHATHAM, North Carolina JOHN DAVIS LODGE, Connecticut , CLEMENT X. ZADLOCKI, Wisconsin DONALD L. JACKSON California A. A. RIBICOFF, Connecticut OMIAR BURLESON, Texas BOYD ORAWFORD, Adminrstrative O0.fer and Committee Clerk ~CiARLEs B. MARSHAL, Staff Cqsintn faA E. BENNETT, Staff Consultant JUNE NIoin, StaffAveitant WINIFRED OSBORNE, SlaffAnifstanl DoRIS LEONE, StaffAsewest MABEL HENDERSON, SlaffAzssua7t MAny G, GRACE, Staff Assstant II -0/- _ 2 S LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, LEGISLATIVE RrFrRENCE SERVICE, Washington 25, D. C., July 20, Hon. Jon Kmz, 1949. C7 irman, Committee on ForeignAffairs, Uouse of Representatives, Washington, D. C. DEAR JUDGE.Kmg: The report Point Four: Background and Pro gram is trausmitted herewith in response to your recent request.
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