Volume 73. 1988
AmericanMineralogist, Volume 73, pages 1502-1519,1988 INDEX. VOLUME 73. 1988 Abbott, R.N., Jr., C.trrr.Burnham: Polytypism in Bailey, S.Itr., see Peacor, D.R., 876 nicas: A polyhedral approach to energy Baldwj-n, D,K., see Edgar, A.D., 524 calculations, 105 Ba11, D.G.A., see Robin, P.F., 253 Abrecht, J.: Experimental evaluation of the Barton, M., C. Van Gaans: Formation of or- MnC03 + Si02 = I4nSiO3 + C02 equilibrium at 1 thopyroxene - Fe-Ti oxide symplectltes in kbar, 1285 Precambrian intrusives, Rogaland, southwes- Abrecht, J., D.A. Hewitt: Experimental evidence tern Norway, 1046 on the substitution of Ti in bi-otite. 1,275 Batiza, R., see A1lan, J.F., 74I Afifi, A.M., E.J. Essene: MTNFILE: A microcom- Bayliss, P., A.A, Levinson: A system of puter program for storage and manipulation of nomenclature for rare-earth mineral species: chemical data on minerals. 446 Revision and extension. 422 Ahn, J.H., D.M. Burt, P.R. Buseck: Alteration of Belkin, H.E., G. Cavarretta, B. De Vivo, F, andalusite to sheet silicates in a Tecce: Hydrothermal phlogopite and anhydrite pegmatite, 559 from the SH2 we11, Sabatini volcanic dis- Aizenshtat, 2,, see He11er-Kal1ai, L., 376 trict, Latj,um, Italy: Fluld inclusions and Akizuki, M., K. Harada: Symmetry, twinning, and nlneral chemistry, 775 para11e1 growth of scolecite, mesolite, and Be11, D.R., see Edgar, A.D., 524 natroli-te, 613 Bernstein, L.R., see Ross, C.R,, ff, 657 Akizukl, M., H. Nishido: Epistilbite: Symrnetry Bethke, C.M., see Altaner, S.P., 766 and twinning, 1434 Bethke, P.M., see Altaner, S.P., 145 A11an, J.F., R.0.
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