PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE ManheimManheim Borough Borough Office Office Hours: Hours: PAID MondayMonday - - Thursday: Thursday: 8:00am 8:00am - -5:00pm 5:00pm PRSTPRST ST ST HARRISBURG PA Friday:Friday: 8:00am 8:00am - - 1:30pm 1:30pm USUS POSTAGE POSTAGE PD PD PERMIT NO. 592 PERMITPERMIT #2 #2 Closed:Closed: Saturday Saturday and and Sunday Sunday LITITZ,LITITZ, PA PA 1754317543 ManheimManheim Borough Borough 1515 East East High High Street Street Manheim,Manheim, PA PA 17545 17545 P.P. 717 717-665-665-2461-2461 F.F. 717 717-665-665-7324-7324 CACA——RTRT SORTSORT
[email protected] POSTALPOSTAL CUSTOMERCUSTOMER LOCALLOCAL ECRWSS MANHEIMMANHEIM POSTAL CUSTOMER Manheim PA 17545 BOROUGHBOROUGH NEWSNEWS FALLFALL ISSUE ISSUE 2015 2015 AA LetterLetter fromfrom thethe BoroughBorough ManagerManager JamesJames R. R. Fisher Fisher ThankThank you you to to the the Boards Boards & & Commissions Commissions for for serving serving the the Manheim Manheim Borough! Borough! I’dI’d like like to to thank thank I Igraduated graduated from from Carnegie Carnegie Mellon Mellon Uni- Uni- everyoneeveryone from from the the versityversity in in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh with with a a BS BS in in Civil Civil TheThe Manheim Manheim Borough Borough Council Council would would like like to to encourage encourage all all ManheimManheim Borough Borough Council Council PlanningPlanning Commission Commission David Fenicle President ManheimManheim com- com- Engineering.Engineering. I Iwas was formerly formerly the the owner owner of of residents,residents, property property owners, owners, businesses businesses and and stakeholders stakeholders to to David Fenicle President J.J.