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Журнал №10 Итог 111 Copy 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS RUSSIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE — 2019 — № 1 (10) POLITICAL STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE WORLD From the editors 2 SECTION I. POLITICAL SCIENCE IN THE USSR AND MODERN RUSSIA 4 Edward Jeliński, Some remarks concerning the discussion on the beginnings of the Bartosz Hordecki russian political science 4 Vladimir Sobolev F.M. Burlatsky about development of political science in the USSR 12 Researches of Russian political scientists 18 Master’s program «The global order: transformations and challenges» 22 SECTION II. RUSSIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE A SPACE FOR DIALOGUE 24 The interview with Stipe Mesic, the President of Croatia in 2000–2010 24 The interview with Jovan Kovačić, Co-Founder and President of the international research community East West Bridge 27 The interview with Peter Kuznick, the Professor of history at Ameri- can University 34 SECTION III. RUSSIA, USA AND CHINA: POLITICS AND THEORY 46 David Bdoyan The collision of the interests of Russia and the USA in the Middle East 46 The People’s Republic of China and The United States of America James D. Sellmann constitutional theory and practice: developing an organic contract 53 LO, Stephen Andrew The Linking of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Kai Tai Union and its Impacts on Sino-Russian Relations 65 SECTION IV. RUSSIA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: COOPERATION AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY 73 Communicative strategies in mass media: the image of Russia in Olga Pirozhenko 73 modern Spain Georgi The European Union and Russia: a strategic partnership in Interna- Parkhomenko tional security 77 SECTION V. ISSUES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN MODERN STATES 83 Jagdish Khatri Good Economics for Good Politics? — An Indian Perspective 83 Andrey Joys — the solution for the development of the digital economy of Mikhaylishin modern states 86 SECTION VI. IDEOLOGIES AND POLITICAL REGIMES: HISTORY AND MODERNITY 92 Hatidža Alil Berisha, Nature of political regime as a civil war outbreak risk factor Zoran Vitorovic 92 Vladimir Boldin On the origins of pan-ideologies: Pan-Hellenism 103 Marxist-Taoist Syncretism: On the reasons for the ideological suc- Larisa Smirnova cess of Marxism in China and its future as a paradigm for innovative thinking 110 SECTION VII. SPORT AND POLITICS IN THE MODERN WORLD 115 Vladimir Obradovic, Connection between policy and modern sport Marko Kimi Milic 115 INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS 121 EDITORIAL COUNCIL 123 EDITORIAL BOARD 125 EDITORIAL OFFICE 126 2 RUSSIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE. 2019. № 1 (10) Political studies in Russia and the world FROM THE EDITORS e present the next issue of and the island of Guam (USA). The pre- the journal «Русская поли то- sented studies analyze the policy of Wло гия — Russian Political Sci- relations between Russia, China and the ence». This is the 10th issue, which has United States in Eurasia and the Middle been published by our editorial office East. Also in this section there is an article since 2016. This issue was published in that deserves the attention of researchers English so that more political scientists of the theory of social contract and con- from different countries could get ac- stitutionalism. The theme of the article: quainted with the works of the authors “The People’s Republic of China and The of our journal. United States of America Constitutional This journal presents political scientists Theory and Practice: Developing an Or- from Russia, Poland, Serbia, USA, Switzer- ganic Сontract”. land, India and Canada. The fourth section of the journal con- The fi rst section of the journal pres- tains articles on relations between Russia ents articles on the development of and the European Union and individual EU political science in modern Russia and a countries. This section presents an article historical article on the infl uence of the that analyzes the image of Russia in the Soviet political scientist F.M. Burlatsky on Spanish media, as well as an article on the the development of political science in the tasks of strategic partnership between USSR. It is noteworthy that the fi rst article Russia and the EU in the fi eld of interna- was written by political scientists from tional security. Poland. In addition to the articles in the The fi fth section presents articles that fi rst section of the journal the informa- analyze the economic situation in modern tion about the books of political scientists India, as well as technology Joys, which is from Russia and the master’s program in aimed at the development of the digital English “Global Order — Transformations economy in modern countries. and Challenges” is published. The pro- In the sixth section of the article, which gram is implemented at the Lomonosov dealt with questions of ideology: Panide- Moscow State University. ology and Marxism in China. In this section The second section presents inte r- is also published an article that analyzes views within the framework of the project the phenomenon of interdependence “Russian Political Science — Space for Dia- of the political regime and civil peace in logue”. The project is aimed at developing society. a dialogue between representatives of The seventh section presents an article diff erent political traditions, to establish on the impact of politics on the sport of long-term communication among politi- high achievements. cal scientists, political and public fi gures, The editorial board thanks the authors scientists, business representatives of dif- of the journal and wishes them further ferent countries and continents. This issue success. features an interview with the President A team of political scientists and of Croatia (2000 — 2010) Stipe Mesic, philologists from Russia worked on the President of the organization East West preparation of this issue. Of special note Bridge Jovan Kovačić and an interview is the deputy editor-in-chief Oleg Stole- with a Professor of history at American tov, as well as members of the editorial University in Washington, Director of the board and the editorial staff of the jour- Nuclear Studies Institute Peter Kuznick. nal — Elena Vasetsova, Vladimir Boldin, The third section presents articles by Vladimir Sobolev, Irina Dashkina and Anna political scientists from Russia, Canada Holodkova. Special thanks for translation From the editors 3 of articles to Maria Shadskaya and Anasta- implemented for the purpose of con- sia Matusova. For the design of the cover structive dialogue between political a huge gratitude to the modern designer scientists, politicians, public fi gures Natalya Androsova. and business representatives from dif- Moreover, this issue would not have ferent countries and continents; been published without the participation • the website of the journal was created: of members of the editorial board and the WWW.RUPOLITOLOGY.RU ; editorial staff of the journal. • work is executed to include the jour- This is the anniversary issue of the nal in the Russian and international journal, which is the basis for summing up citation databases, at the moment the some results. Since the end of 2016 the journal is indexed in the RSCI system. editorial board: From the very first issue the main • published ten thematic issues with partner of the journal is the Autonomous 158 articles; Non-Profi t Organization “Laboratory of • published two issues in English; Humanitarian Projects”. The journal is • the authors of the journal are political published at private expense. scientists from the following countries: The editorial Board is opened to co- Russia, Serbia, Belarus, Tajikistan, operation with political scientists from Ukraine, China, India, USA, Canada, diff erent countries and continents, as we Switzerland, UK, Belgium, Poland, believe that the cooperation of political Hungary, Japan, Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, scientists from diff erent scientifi c schools, Argentina, Oman and Afghanistan; diff erent continents and countries will • two special issues for young political help to create a more stable and secure scientists have been published; world. We invite political scientists to • an international contest “the Best cooperate. Article of a Young Political Scientist” In 2019, the editorial board plans to was held, in which 51 political scientists publish issues on the following topics: took part. The articles of the winners • Modern socio-political processes in were published on the pages of the Eurasia. journal. The competition is planned to • Research of young political scientists. be held annually; The third special issue of the interna- • translated and published 9 articles tional competition “The Best Article from Spanish into Russian, 8 articles of a Young Political Scientist — 2019”. from English into Russian, as well as • Modern socio-political processes in translated from French into Russian Latin America. and published one archival material, All the Best, which was written in Rome (Italy) in the Andrey Gorokhov, fi rst half of the XIX century; Editor-in-chief • a special project “Russian political sci- «Русская политология – ence — a space for dialogue” is being Russian Political Science» 4 SECTION I. Political science in the USSR and modern Russia SOME REMARKS CONCERNING THE DISCUSSION ON THE BEGINNINGS OF THE RUSSIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE Abstract The aim of the sketch is to present some chosen voices in the discussion on the traditions of Russian political science. Statements and concepts presented in the article are not contradic- tory. However, they highlight diff erent aspects of the past Russian refl ection on socio-political matters. To some extent they allow to see the plurality of opinions on the moments which are being perceived as the most important points of reference by the contemporary political sci- entists in Russia. In the light of presented approaches it is easy to see that exchange of ideas on the discussed issue is becoming more and more relevant last years. Key words: beginnings of contemporary Russian political science, specifi city of Russian political science, identity of Russian political science, narrations on the beginnings of Russian political science Authors Edward Jeliński dr hab.
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