An Independent Technical Report on the Material Assets of Katanga Mining Limited, Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”) Katanga Mining Limited Katanga Mining Limited 15 Golding Road London England WW159JG United Kingdom 17 March 2009 Principal Author: Roger Dixon Partner Pr.Eng, BSc (Hons) Mining, FSAIMM Contributing Victor Simposya Partner (SRK) Pr.Sci.Nat, MSc (Mining), BSc (Geology), MSAIMM Authors: Ebrahim Takolia Principal Consultant (SRK) MBA, BEconSc, MSAIMM, MSI (UK) Wally Waldeck Partner (SRK) Pr.Eng, MBA, BSc Eng, FSAIMM, AMAMMSA Henrietta Salter Principal Scientist (SRK) Pr. Sci. Nat, MSc, EngD Anton von Wielligh Engineer (A&B Global) Pr.Eng, BEng (Hons) Alan Naismith Partner (SRK) PrSciNat, MSc, MBA, FSAIMM, FSAIRE Consultant (Bateman Petrus Cilliers Pr.Eng, BEng (Chem Eng), MBA Engineering) Rob McNeill Partner (SRK) Pr.Tech (Eng) MSAICE, MSAPMI, MIWM An Independent Technical Report on the Material Assets of Katanga Mining Limited, Katanga Province, DRC Katanga Mining Limited Katanga Mining Limited 15 Golding Road London England WW159JG United Kingdom SRK Project Number 389772 SRK Consulting 265 Oxford Road Illovo 2196 South Africa P O Box 55291 Northlands 2116 South Africa Tel: +27 11 441-1111 Fax: +27 11 880-8086
[email protected] 17 March 2009 Explanatory Note This document has been written in accordance with the requirements of the International System of Units (SI Units) as applied in South Africa. The SI is the only system of units that is universally recognized, so that it has a distinct advantage in establishing a dialogue globally. Even so, some readers will be unfamiliar with the conventions of SI Units.