The Art Issue
C & 0 Canal Association concerned with the conservation of the natural and historical environment of the C&O Canal and the Potomac River Basin VOLUME XXVIII SEPTEMBER 1996 NUMBER3 THE ART ISSUE JACK DURHAM AND HIS PAINTINGS On May 25, the C&O Canal silent auction opened at the D&D Art Gallery at 1618 Wisconsin Avenue NW in Georgetown. Exhibited were 22 paintings by Jack Durham. In addition, there were canal-related paintings or photographs by Elizabeth Miles Cooke, Dara Friel, Delilah Hawa, Peter Hill, Andrei Kushner, Debbie Niichell LeBlanc, Gustavo Mogollon, Suzanne Twyforde ·and Ethel Durham. The works by Jack Durham, around which this exhibition was built, were donated by his daughter, Nancy Durham Robinson, of Richmond, Vermont. Mrs. Robinson wanted the sales proceeds donated to help repair the January flood damage. The silent auction, which continued on the following day, March 26, was also held on the weekends, of June 1-2, June 8-9, June 15-16, and June 22-23 from 2-4 p.m . ----------~- -~~--~~-~--~--~---· -'~-- -~-~--~-~-:!""". ,_ __ _ •....... ' Jack Durham - a portrait courtesy of Delilah Hawa - ulwlf I Jack Durham helped to found the C&O Canal Association- and took the lead in organizing and managing the original Douglas f hike in March 1954. He left to the Association his archives, I which include not only important documents and photographs pertaining to the hike, the dramatic event that saved the canal I from being paved over for a highway, but also to the Association's establishment and early history. Durham spent his career as a public relations official for several government agencies in Washington.
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