SPARTAN DAILY Serving San Jose State I fniversit\ %in( 193-1 VOLUME 124, NUMBER 20 IRSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 2W)5

aid ing rfrIFRX ui- OPINION om- Forensic class teaches `CSI' tools ing an changed I Uri car 6 y eat.- Derichnian said. Ethitts i1 I: ii') Ittorulos 10 Fehruari the .Sparlan The degree in It science is fairly new at 1)aill tit!! ".4ih t, 11111qUe (rIllr\t offered hi. rhi rum erorr c- San Jose State I iii ersity It has been offered since or- October 201)1. said Stet en Lee. associate professor in By Mayra Flores and direst ii I 11,101,11. sliente program. Ind Daily Stuff Writer 'I didn't knots what I V1/4 anted to do and CSU

Sacramento 11.1d a forensic St. IC1/1.1: pprogram."Deitchinan ler% ..iid -I took a let', ,tasses. loved ion Students on the fifth floor ol MacQuarrie Hall sat wir- and pursued it eter since And this was before Wasted Days and W'asted amn ed) as guest speaker Vince Dent Milan. a criminologist it got popular %%itlt the (1 .1 Simpson trial and Nights cal the Oakland Police Ikpartment. explained the differ- The truth about abusive ing ences :miring fingerprints 1.eb. I lie piogi am o offers tort kinds of degrees -- to- relationships p. 2 I h. the -The three basic pattern types are loops. art hes and tell sit. sk. %% Ith all en iphirsis in either biology or whorls.- Dem-how:1 said. slieinistr. Lee said. fit, The lingerpnining lab is me of the tnan comprinefits 'Arc challenging. hut it is definitely full of in- that make up the Intro to Forensic Science t Liss Still John Aitken. a tumor mmonng in nts -The most common pattern type is the loop. account- Risme studies ou learn a lot rcall last and have the ing ltirhti to 63 pertent.- Witt hman said. set'. kin its ledgeable guest speakeis.- an a i show. Lee the t.,tensis st. tense s lass Meets at 3.31) p iii ['whitens's ss ietisc ptogianos [tor \ ;Ind Wednesdays in NlacQuarrie Ilill is tit(' director. ikkIsel and pit itesv11 III the prol...wam. "f hip rt II In nits :ire identical and they wmain iii hit W.I. !ICI is extremely knooledgeahle and eil sersel iii III, SIII/let I. At 11k01 Silld ''lie has cc- telt et torso. e hack grown in the toren-ass held tpt: and genet', and is a is ealth ,it Knott ledge in SJSUCK !lucre ale applii1111:11el) 1-1 ttitellsik StAtillee Do you hate or love the Lins III rallti Illa. 1Witchinan said or- Internet'? p.2 The students prat it. c tnie to.lite sit nat s ins and try Mt tu- Its' skills they learn in s lasslilt.' nto died situations. nd ' Pie prof cs, I still set rip a till)..' `Aerie and we mite Ii, figure tt hat happened hy looking at the his blood splatter tit lining ringerin int. or searching tor I)NA h stcaltliing salit rit soda sans.- said

obi 55.1,114 111.11,.ring lence kk too hook th, k last seincsiei lorportant asp:, is I ,1 this' 1_13s, ilit (Olt e problem

5. e ABOVE: A forensic science student practices lifting \\ !Wit ilk MI .1 s,tsC. its Nel", important to fingerprints, called latent prints, from a plastic bottle. IX' able I., el e idence relevance %% ith scientific The black powder can only be used to lift prints from linolim2s. I Wm Milan said. 'fy rug the et idence to the smooth surfaces. The forensic class meets from scene mid the suspect needs to be done using the 5:30 p.m. to 13:15 p.m Mondays and Wednesdays. tiiiils .ind knots ledge Ste hat c. tti order for the jury rii -,i is lie said LIFT: Berenice Amezcua, a junior majoring in justice " I I ,s, ditteient too:tisk rim:suga- studies, and Marvella Sanchez, a senior majoring in r modern-day crime 110 sit touch the 11. J b Justice studies, use tape to transfer exposed prints from Photos by Ctilin Underwood / Daily Staff a plastic bottle to a glass slide. see FORENSIC, page 3 A.S. discusses book prices, passes resolution

Concert Review By Ashley Johnson affordability and at, oh public interest issues, one con- .- lie ...lid hiblislicis one!) Inittitl,e tie'.', Ashlee Simpson sings to .1,61a) There are Itut' steps in adopting cerning the rising costs ill text- lesthooks !hoe ins leased sit additions. , I pvisetil Dully stu././ writer more fans at Event Center p.4 the resolution. 1 Ili t'. Iii.. II Is It, books tunes the !Me the than press ills additions bring it before S it if applt 11 al lex' IN,Iss ate IOU epelisi e Past w`ci, Nut011iN ilt it's (Ills tie,leaSe the Chinese New Year Josh Zahatfitt assistant ing.1 and 111 it. es are being raised more. Not only do priblishers use OISI iii 1/1.4,k, Up011 buyback hut it Celebration welcomes Associ:ited Students 1114,1, the III/Ing director tor the California Zahanitt said gimmicks to inflate the cost , if is hardet for students to find used Year 1)1 the Rooster p.4 first step Wednestlo to timer text- Student Public Interest Research -Out teseart hi shoos that the leNtb01,10. bill tlie Add hell', and hooks. /Allmon said book prices. Drink of the Reek ( iroup argued in ha'. or of reducing Li'. crags' oil legs' student spends n, It I Sties Stk. (1) RI rsfs. son !he resolution urges college Get the Kass Kass at the rhe Board ot Does:tin, imam the 111,4 III le IkN about a SLit itti lethotik. tun) packets and ttorkhooks him testhook publisheis to adopt prat: - Tied !louse Cale p.4 int uiisk ipprosed iesolution sup- R( Is a state isle student Witit:11 Is lion ;1110111 .7.0 petkent died together. din iip die Ii Is potting and ads its at tug texthimik adtricass group \%orking on a set the cost of in -state tuition from Zaliariiii said see MEETING, page 3 SPOR IS Flight team CSU Sacramento Walking by ... takes off proposes 1 76 a at conference name change

By Sarah Holcomb Vote will take I Judy Staff Writer place in May The Precision FBing Team made its presence felt Baseball By Lauren Bosch at a LOntelenCe last it eckend, despite haY ing its Team looks to get hack on track 1)(14 Staff Writer after III days oithout a game student organi/alion shims les Keil hi, the LIIIISersitx p. 5 1%%11 CekS hCh e tillinhit Silt,'!', and Hight ( 'onleient e. the team mixs notified by San lot. il .1 California Jose State I no.eisits 'hal it could HO ekelVe the nec- Vt li,it's in a name' Apparently a State I niteisity is imolsed in the disc ussion essary status Mat is I squired by the ccinference's par- ( 'al State Sacramento the 'SI' Hoard ent team/mon. the National Inteicollegiate will he asking ot Ii maces Ii, stile in favor of changing the school's Asmis lati"n Ii, Plitt 'Pate III the t.t iuiIit'iis c,att. ind NI mg to an article pet must% published in the spattait name on the Slay Ill- I I agenda " l'he puipose is to gist? 111111re tlt SellSe ot iiumuls smiipos anti lo make our identilik it e,isier 'Raise lour Voice "It %kJs wally hat il. and a lot of people didn't take lot the to encourage said 1-rank Whitlatch. uniyersity Anus Panel hopes it ter', well.- stud Craig Utas. Bight team captain. on e%erciiire.- students civic involvement p. 3 spokesman 'Metall, the team did a reall) good lob ot sticking %%L.A. Mall% it huh Ii gether thoolleh the whole thing.- In past rit the unitersities system hate dist ussed the possibility rit a Bradlian Ambassador Harrisim said the status tt as denied because of risk the Tlw most to change its name Speaker N Isits SJSU to discuss management problems She said she recened a letter name hange. iecent Cal State Last Bay. formerly ( 'al State international affairs p. 6 from Brad 1)ak is. the director 01 komphance at soya:. is the tress ,k kkhikh olio( changed its name on "(The leiter) said the liability policy did not cocer H as Lit latirm so die team couldn't compete." Harrison Lin 21, lose also taken said. San State I 'nit ersity has part in %Mlle talks to do the same. but to change the name to Various letters and e Malls %WTI: exchanged he . Sari lose- or 1 al Stare San lose Sparta Guide p.2 tween the team and the 11111%0'01s. hut no resolution "CSI uussuiuui tt Ibis come to the .1, limier Sctii,11 Huth, sltitf was found before the conference lit..' unik clod's stood I he dist. stance heo mike 01 alumni. commit Crossword p. firm in its postilion that at lawn t% as lot, IAN he In man) A passerby walks on the lobby floor of the Dr. Martin Luther nity, student and Lit tilts thins tittles %%itli %%Ins h unu covered by InStlfallice. I liii Porn said King Jr Joint Library on Monday. A portrait of Martin Luther Classifieds p. cisme. 'lase %%his hi names the imitersities that are King Jr hangs in the Children's room of the library. see FLIGHT, page 3 see NAME, page 6 WW.THEAPARIA NIPA ILYA

PAGE 2 - SPARTAN DAILY OPINION THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Bullies and abusers not about to change Waking up in the morning with my arms out- always been taken hack. And I knew it hurt her feelings - I didn't care. It Because, really - bullies don't care. Many may stretched. I have only one thing on my mind. You The longer I knew, the more I knew, the more I was done for the sake of pure entertainment. see they're bullies, but they don't see any harm in it know what I want. Give me some sugar. began to hate. Children will always act like children, so what's a -- it has always got them what they wanted, so why It's best first thing in the morning. I may apologize, but it's out of obligation. And the little teasing? change a good thing? Lunch and dinner - that was always an option too, more I say I'm sorry, the more resentment I feel. For some, it's the difference between mental stabil- Bullies have their fair shares and insecurities and especially when I was broke. Who would have thought I'd become ity and exploding. vulnerabilities. Sometimes, the abuse is overshad- But sweet is nothing when it's flavored with bitter the abusive one of the relationship. Anxiety attacks occur among some owed by their "sweet" sides. resentment. You were always sweet but sugar is adults when they feel that they have lost And for some people, every bully has a sweet The humiliation, guilt and shame - small remind- bad. all their securities. side. ers of how little a person you are. Silly rabbit, you were never good How much worse can it be for children But kicking this sugar addiction is a hard feat to The yelling - the verbal abuse - why do you enough for Trix. who feel like their sense of control over accomplish. take it? I've never been too kind, and I've their own lives have been taken away and Throwing out the box of cereal will only be the It had just occurred to me - but it's a pretty abu- been known to he of a bully. that power given over to a bully? It must first step. sive relationship. But when did it cross over from childish be cut in half since they're not yet full- So what alternatives would an abuser have? A single argument will escalate into full rage with- nonsense to harassment and abuse? sized. Counseling? No. That's for the crazies. in two seconds. While in high school, freshmen were ELIZABETH NGUYEN But sometimes, little people come with I think I'll stick it out. It seems to be going well. "What do you mean, 'yogurt'?" I shriek from my favorite victims. big problems. None of the writers have really cried yet - at least across the room. "You big-eared, cotton-tailed car- Little girls and boys would follow Sc) why do they stay? It's not because not in front of me. toon freak!" me around as part of my crew. that's What they want. It felt like such betrayal, and it was never lived They were the most loyal - always willing to do Little children stay because they have to - and so down. anything for me, and frequently the easiest to abuse. do adults. Then there was the crying - too many tears shed One girl. who was willing to following me around People change - or so many have hammered it Elizabeth Nguyen 4 the Spartan Daily A&E editor. on my account. everywhere like a sick puppy. used to hang her head into their heads to believe people do. "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights" appears every Angry glares may shoot across the room, but l'% e in shame on command. But many don't. Thursday. WORLD OF THE NO BRIAN PEREZ SJSUCK

Hey ma' T killed Choose your own adventure the lost terrorist' through journalistic exploration

We've gone too far. I love the Internet. In the wake of Hunter S. Thompson's death, Its Did you guys check out that ne% 50 Cent? Where's evident that we've taken his invention, labeled "gonzo Napster when you need a! "In My Hood.- that one's journalism." to the extreme. hot. Speaking of hot, did you guy s see Pans Hilton's Gonzo - no. not the blue Muppet - jountalism Sidekick phone list? Oh man. I know copied down The next generation console game. is the act of placing oneself into the scene and story Usher's e-mail address. I'm gonna send him some when reporting on events and ignoring the tradition of heats I made. And should he expect- objective coverage. And in Thompson's case, often- ing a call from one Spartan Daily journalist very soon! times his immersion within an article was accompa- Oh. and the porn! "Lollipop- is the longest word you nied by a distorted viewpoint due to lying under the can type using one hand. Don't ask me how I know SPARTA GUIDE influence of substances. that. Nonetheless, in this day and age, any yahoo with Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students. faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon three a computer is a regular Hunter S. Thompson thanks From the choices provided, please choose the working days before the desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the Spartan Daily office in Dwight to these Internet things called weblogs for as I like to punch line dull best suits you. Bentel Hall. room 209. Entries can also be e-mailed to spartandaily*casa.sjsusedu titled "Sparta Guide." Space call them. 'blogs. Tell your friends). People post links printed in the order in %%Mai they are received. restrictions may require editing of submissions. Entries are to already published news stories online 111 these pseu- In the next Spartan sporting event. I predict a: TODAY in the Pacifica room of the Student Union. do-diaries. make a few comments. and a. victory - *pore - all of the sudden they're h. loss Tom Brokaw. Everybody's a journalist! c. loss San Jose State Handball Club School of Art and Design We can all report the news! We can all d. both hand c games will take place from 5 p.m. to An art exhibition featuring student galleries Handball talk about the news and how it relates to will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art 7 p.m. at handball court I of the Event Center as! Sorry. you're not, you can't and you San Jose State University's fees are building. Sports Club. can't. Nobody cares about you. higher than: The power has been siphoned out of a. Tower Hall Career Center African Awareness Month Planning Committee the readership's hands and given to these h. a giraffe tied to a hunch of balloons A panel will take place from noon to 2 p.m. in the "Disease Awareness" will take place at 6 p.m. in wannabc providers of news. So I'm here tilled with helium Costanoan room of the Student Union. Discover the Umunhum room of the Student Union. to bring that back - to swipe the control KEVIN YUEN c. whoever hired Spartan basketball the range of jobs in recreation. out of the print oppressors' iron grasp head coach Phil Johnson and present the consumer with choices d. last year's fees Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists again. Catholic Campus Ministry A meeting will take place at 6 p.m. in the So what you read next is out of my hands. kids. Kevin: Daily Mass will take place at 12:10 p.m. "Faith Costanoan room of the Student Union. Just remember, as you embark on this literary journey. a. please write for my newspaper / magazine. Formation" will take place at 6 p.m. Scripture with great power comes great responsibility. *thwip* please reflection will take place at 7 p.m. The Alpha Black Alliance of Scientists and Engineers h. please stop writing ... forever Omega Student Fellowship will meet at it p.m. A meeting will take place at 7 p.m. in the Please read one of the .following mssages that il- c. please coach the men's basketball team next in the lounge. All events will take place in the Guadalupe room of the Student Union. lustrates the stance you want me to take - either "I season Catholic Campus Ministry chapel. hate the Internet" or "I low the Internet." Remember, d. lollipop thee heel sou haw a choice. Asian Baptist Student Koinonia School of Music Afterword: A Bible study will take place at 7:30 p.m. in "The Listening Hour" concert series will take the I hate the Internet. If you choose to read about sports, turn to page Costanoan room of the place from 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Music Student Union. The new 50 Cent album was pirated and leaked live in your Spartan Daily. building Concert Hall. Today's concert will feature onto the Web - just like his last one. Paris Hilton's If you choose to read about arts and entertain- "Plucked or Struck?" and the erard piano. Campus Crusade for Christ T-Mobile Sidekick was hacked, its contents emptied ment. turn to page four of your Spartan Daily. "Nightlife.- a time for worship. prayer. fellowship out into cyberspace for all to see. But, for some rea- If you choose to read about news, put this thing 11 son, this all seems ordinary. Topless white chicks? down and go pick up the San Jose Mercury News. Chinese Mandarin Bible Fellowship and hearing the word will take place at )4 p.m. at Mumbling rappers? Booming! Too everyday. Bring If you're anything like me, go get a burrito with A meeting will take place from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. the Spartan Memorial. on the next scandal or flash in the pan. please. The extra hot sauce and attempt to he humorous while fail- in the Montalvo room of the Student Union. Internet has deteriorated us into savages M. Ith the ing miserably. Fiji attention span of a ... a ... something that gets dis- Hip Hop Congress Games of Texas hold 'em will take place at tracted very easily. And the porn! Who needs to do Kevin Yuen is the Spartan Daily sports editor. A meeting will take place from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 10 p.m. at 567 S. Eighth Si. anything ever again. ever? We've got porn! ".5.1SUCK" appears every Thursday.

SPAR IAN DAllY KEN LOTICH Executive Editor AIMS! RS - Richard Craig and Mack Lundstrom, Newsiktftlis Dunleavy, NI VS ROOM: 408.924.3281 OPINION PALI POI R V Readers are encouraged ANNA MOLIN Managing Editor Photojournalism; Tim Burke, Production Chief; Tim Hendrick, Advertising to express themselves on the Opinion page with a I AX: 408.924.3282 letter to the editor. LING-MEI WONG Opinion Editor

S IA1 I 1/11111 RS - Banks Albach, Shannon Barry, Jean Blomo, Lauren Bosch, Erin A letter to the editor is a response hi an issue or a KEVIN YUEN Sports Editor ADVERTISING: 408.924.3271) Caballero, Peter Clark, Mayra Flores, Angela Forte, Christine Glarrow, Rachel Hill, point of view that has appeared in the Spartan Daily. ELIZABETH A&E Editor Sarah Holcomb, Ashley Johnson, Vaishali Kirpekar, Ashley Little, Sergey Loginov, Only between 200 ti, 400 NGUYEN SPAR IAN DAN letters words will be Marsea Nelson, Traci Newell, Joe Shreve considered for publication. JULIA WEEKS Photo Editor (tmwse509-48o) is published every school day for (full Submissions become property of the Spartan Daily RAYCHELLE Production Editor SI N1011 S IAI I 1/Ill II H5 - Kenneth Sell, Amber Sheldon, Sara Spivey academic year) $40 and and may be edited for clarity, grammar, libel and GARCIA (semester) CM Periodicals length. Submissions must contain the author's name, address, phone number, CATHERINE Production Editor SIA1 I P110 I OLHAPIII US - Zach Beecher, Brian Connelly, Shaminder Dulaiolennifer postage paid at San Jose. Mail signatun. and major. BURMEISTER Seigal, Lorry Thomas, Colin Underwood, Neal Waters subscriptions accepted on a Submissions may be placed in the Letters to the Editor box at the Spartan Daily office in JOHN MYERS Copy Editor remainder of semester basis. Dwight Bentel Spartan Daily, San Jim. State Hall, Room Soy, sent by fax to (40$) 924-3237. e-mail SI N1011 SIA1 I P110 IOLHAPIII 115 - Ryan Balbuena, Benjamin Favela, Adam Heyman EMMANUEL Copy Editor University, One Washington at spartandailyorcasa.mjswedu or mailed to the Spartan LOPEZ Square, San Jose, Daily Opinion Editor. School of Journalism and Mass ADVI HI ISINL - Tina Fontenot, Sofia Hendrix, Jacob Ivester, Kim, Robert MARK CORNEJO Online Editor Annie CA 9519241149 Communications, San Jose State University, One Martinez, Serenity Polizzi, Jermaine Robinson, Aaron Ruthnick, Binh Trim, Stefanie Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192104W CHRISTOPHER Advertising Director Vasilev, Jamie Yoshioka FILICE P05IMASII H: Send address Editorials are written by and are the consensus attn. changes to the Spartan Daily, Spartan Daily editors, not the staff. FAREENA AZHAR Creative Director All 1 ISIS - Alan Bayudan, Illustrator; Brian Perez and Nick Scott, Cartoonists San Jose State University, One Published opinions and advertisements (14c not PRISCILLA Art Director Washington Square. San Jose, necessarily reflect the views of the Spartan Daily , the CA RODRIGUES 941114N DAN V I 051 SASIllst,i stg thU 'c5 los) 4)5192-oi4ui School of Journalism and Mass Communications or ROBERT SOTO National IOM J (4.74 - 3.151 SPAN! ANDAN tOo( 1'41...1M .1111 W11111)4111111141Moi N Director I I liRrARY 24. 2005 THURSDAY NEWS SPARTAN DAILY -- PAGE 3 'Raise Your Voice' conference advocates FORENSIC - Students test hair, saliva for DNA continued from page 1 with you, so you're always giving and patterns," he said to the class and taking something in the envi- "They- were crazy. But I came t, community involvement for students broad picture, more the small stuff ronment,- Aitken said. find out that it is very challenging ly and linking things scientifically." But the jobs may not be like the "There are scientific and tech. it Aitken said. TV shows. nological advancements that are Iy "Whenever you enter an en- When he was timt hired. Defiant= really kind of changing the field of vironment, maybe a hair falls off was assigned to latent prints. latent prints. soil's an exciting pro- id of you, or maybe you bump up "I didn't take all this chemistry fession, and growth opportunity is J. against a ;111 and take something and biology just to look at lines definitely there.- he said. et MEETING - A.S. candidate applications due today It continued from page 1 the hopes that he will endorse the need. IC proposed practices. A.S. would also encourage tices that would reduce textbook A.S. also heard from Michael clubs, councils and organizations prices. Harold of CSU Spartans. He came on campus to participate in the di- The solution is to produce to offer his point of view and sup- saster relief effort. books as cheaply as possible while port in changing the name of San Funding was approved for preserving educational content. Jose State University to CSU San two organizations on campus Zaharoff said. Jose in order to restore the identity Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. "If they're going to bundle on campus. which received $1.h9).12 for books, they should also offer The first step would be to get a campus event titled "A Cut books unbundled and they should Associated Students to appro% e a Above the Rest.- and the SJSU disclose all the prices to faculty referendum on whether San Jose Philosophy Club, which will re- when they are pitching this book." should have an alternate identity. ceiYe $1,250.(Ml. Zaharoff said. Harold said. Soon, these decisions is ill he He also stressed the importance A.S. also voted unanimously. voted on by a group of new SJSU of releasing new editions only if to adopt a resolution to support students. there is new educational content. the Tsunami Relief Effort pro- The deadline for A.S. candi- The resolution will go to the posed by hoard member Rebecca date applications is 5 p.m. today. Instruction and Student Affairs Bidden's. director of community Applications should he turned in Committee, followed by the affairs. at the administration building. Academic Senate, for approval. By adopting the resolution. room 2614. Brian Connelly / Doily Slug Photographer If the Academic Senate ap- Associated Students would con- No prey ious experience is re- proves the resolution, it will go to tinually contribute to the tsunami quired to run as a candidate for Robert Cooper, San Jose State University's associate vice president of undergraduate studies, gives a speech interim President Don Kassing in relief effort as long as there is a A.S. to students attending the second annual national student teleconference "Raise Your Voice" Wednesday. Panel wants universities to encourage internships FLIGHT- Team ineligible to compete in annual convention By Jean Blomo non to the classroom." Cooper lea change. - \vete not flying to represent SJSI' ence was held Sunday. Harrison said. Daily Staff Writer said. "The reason we are now Involvement in the 0111111111 - continued from page 1 "They wanted to see vs hat it Because the team did not compete, emphasizing internships and nil) can start locally and have would have been like," Utas said. they did not vs in any awards for the service learning is because we an affect globally. said Stephanie -A lot ot the team. my self in- adding that there are a few seniors competitions. How e% Cr, the members A sinal I teleconference room are not engaging student well Rail!, a panelist and student at cluded, thought up until the last on the flight team who were disap- didn't go home empty -handed. in the Instructional Resources enough. - Macalester College. minute it would get vs orked out, pointed they couldn't participate in "Our region has a sportsmanship Center hiisted Sall Jose State Julie Chavez Rodriguez. a pan- "Being nook ed in decisions that the university. wouldn't let their last conference. award and SJSU got it.- Harrison University students and ta, elist at -Raise Your Voice- and an made on campus has taught me a us down." Utas said. Utas said that the schools com- said. "The team got a standing ova- Pk!, Illeillhels, ss ho listened to empitiyee it the nonpridit Caesar lot:' Raill said. Harrison said the team has peting included Embery -Riddle tion from all the other teams." ideas ahout is1, ement Chavez Foundation, echoed the "Unisersities and colleges given up on wlirking with Aeronautical University, Air Force Utas said he was surprised that and the role ot universities need for universities to encourage are much like institutions in the the university and has sent the team received the award internships business and corporate world," Academy, Mt. San Antonio College. in promoting community in- documents to the governor of Christian Heritage College and one "At first. I really didn't think "Ser.% iv e learning allows stu- she said. California to try. to volvement acquire help pilot represented the team from we'd he eligible for it since we dents to explore different career She said she is confident that resolution. Moderator John Kohara. the in finding a Cypress College. weren't officially competing," Utas Ilk opportunities before jumping her experience in student leader- ese% utiSe ci 'I Big Brothers The flight team intended to "Only the elite of the elite get on the said. "But I'm glad we did because headfirst into one." Chavez ship at her college will give her and Big Sisters. and three panel- host and compete in the confer- flight teams at those schools." Harrison a lot of the schools recognized what hi uk ist discussion Rodriguez said. skills for the real world. but with the events leading ists their of ence, said, adding that the team wa.s disap- we did and I think it was really for Whatev er career a student Rebecca Baldares, director of iS is engagement to ono ersifies up to the conference, competi- pointed it could not compete. the good team. The team felt like al. Is 'v. I 'lined States from chooses, it should he chosen be- community affairs for Associated tion was not possible. Despite An awards banquet for the confer- they got something out of it too." cause 14 a strong passion for that Students, attended the teleconfer- 1 my ei say iit North Carolina at not being able to participate. . hapel 11111 held. Kohara said. ence to report hack to the A.S. the team went to the Salinas Board of Directors. The World Famous ',1St ( 'enter for Municipal Airport to play host. Now Open in Set% ice Learning. .11 She said her in- -IThe team) did all the plan- IktiPt, 4 DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE re, ted by Slis. hael "You should not see a job yid% emem with A.S. ning for the event.- said team 1' Comedy Club & Restaurant at the Historical Jose Theatre spons.ited has given her much' coach Kelly Harrison. "But we the ey ent and ins ited as not only earning a buck needed skills. played a different role at the parti, ipants to e-mail "I have heard em- conference." questions to the panel you can also help the ployees are tired of "I think it went very well, we dm mg the loe broad- students who can- were told by other teams that we cast. C0771Munity." not communicate." really raised the bar.- Utas said. "Find a need and Haldares said. Utas, a senior inafonng in aviation, till it." said Derwin Dubose said work- is in his second year on the team. 1 hihr Ise. a student ing in student orga- "Every thing went safely. we panelist front the nizations also helps treated the other teams well and S ersity of North David Price, developing much' the teams had fun.- he said. "A Carolina .11 the hour- desired leadership lot of the people are proud of long ,iinteience. assemblyman skills. the team for sticking around the Dohose said he be About a dozen whole weekend. - heves um% ersines ha y e students and faculty Despite being grounded for CARLOS DAVE PABLO mole responsibility members attended the competition. two of the pi- MENCIA ATTELL FRANCISCO Ilium training students Cititens can also make a dif- the teleconference lots decided to fly one of the Feb 1 7 - 20 Feb 25 - 27 March 3 - 6 "3 Amigo Comedy Tour Ins, stonier " "3 Arns(1.5. Comedy tour" lot careers. ference in society working in Wednesday. cotnpetition routes utter the con- Comedy Central Tough rowd" Comedy Central Raised in rural Alabama, corporate Os, said David Price, "I wish our numbers were ference was over, Harrison said. greater. but I've learned to focus Dubose said he hopes his edu- guest speaker and assemblyman She added that both pilots are AA I)4")%" 62 S 2nd Street, Downtown San Jose , anon Y% ill allow him to help of North Carolina. on those of you that are here.- certified by the Federal As whim (408) 280-7475 www improv corn educe poen) in his hom- "You should not see a lob as Fallon said. Administration as pill its and Comedy Club & Restaurant iny% n. not only earning a buck you Michelle Obama. director Campus Compact. an orga- can also help the community. - of the University of that is kicking off its Price Hospital and w of Illinois Sen. nization said. 700 S Winchester Blvd Across Century Theater 24 "Raise Your Voice- month. put A student from Indiana Harack Ohania, spurred students on the teleconference hoping to Uniyersity sent in an e-mail ask- to push themselves during the raise interest and awareness of ing the panel to discuss how it is teleconference. LIVE DJ I 41). vti as Ii ism in students. possible for students under great "As soon as a citizen accepts 12 Rebecca Dogan, a student at financial strain to find the time to society for the way it is, they are DJ KOMODO & DJ ft 5115 AT IS/IL lost." Ohama said. "We must con- onn SAC who attended the telecon- yolunteer or sacrifice a good pay- ference, said volunteer work ing lob for a low paying job in a stantly push ourselves to promote Fil-M4 ',AstOOTHIES COFFEE TI A I ISION RHO has helped her realize that "it !Hammitt company. change." does so much for the commu- "You must find a halance in GOING TO THE MALL.. com- money KARAOKE nity more than we can trying to make enough ,,, A N to BUY 1 get 1 for 590 I prehend.- in survive and gi% mg back uwer STARTING FRIDAY MARC., Hula Padilla. a Muse peer the company.- Chavez Gutierrez mentin who also attended the said. "We can use both our pro- bra. eYent. said she helps freshmen le...tonal and personal lives to at'- "s1,1AN.1 S.IS1. understand there is mole to the college experieth ; than what you learn in the class - t . "Many freshmen say they 're Chinese Cuisine BUY ONE, TAKE ONE here to get a degree and move FOOD TO GO /Illetufh on.- Padilla said. %bind Svehrtme I MO. lb., I 11110h to or, % Robert Cooper. associate I 11111 awl threw" r afebrog .11stoblbb president of undergraduate stud- lfrpoo ?kith ileord %tomb's deitter is an introduction to 1 Wed FREE ies, pri We accept VISA MC AMEX DM ALL MONTH LONG! the teleconference ON ALL LOLLICUP DRINKS "Beginning in the late 1950s. 111 E. Jackson Street Clio, va5s1 nnly upon prosanlation &the. rnoupn Tel 41/1, .44 44' 4 Oleic has been much more em - Blocks North of Santa Clara rest onion Inns., he of *goal I' spst, valut to 1st. stook on doing things IR allt11- Rehveen 1rd and Ch Street (Ann"' tp r f untsiossa ',nth tall.. I 111.11 p psornotson, 294-3303 or 998-9427 of pros pot cantatas/ pot visa espeo 05 I% 08 PAGE 4 SPARTAN DAILY AEtE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Chinese New Year celebration renews old traditions By Vaishali Kirpekar terisocs that a person born under 'I just went to school, carry- the Daily Stuff Writer Year of the Rooster is sup- ing my art portfolio. My parents posed to have a deep thinker, were happy that I would rather go creative and the like," said Shen. to school than stay home to cel- SJSU students, busy with jobs, "Nevertheless, we do believe ebrate the new year," said a 20- books and life tried to respond to in these zodiac signs, back home," year-old Justin Lit, who studies the call of the rooster wake up she said. art. The thing that most excited and follow the traditional Chinese Shen said not being able to him about the new year was the Year of the Rooster. The lire of celebrate the new year does not "red envelope." mean that it doesn't excite her "Red is the color of luck. Ill VII 11/ anymore. The elders of the house give the "I loved the auspicious red young some money to wish luck." the Chinese dragon pulled a few. rooster cards that my mother sent he said. if not all, to the traditions of the from Taiwan. They are cute little Professor Chrishtian Jochim, Chinese New Year as some SJSU cards and we consider them very students, continued to go about chair of humanities department lucky." she said. who has traveled their routines. "Forget the mashed and lived in rice sticky cakes and stir fry fish. She loves the cards so much China as an exchange professor, traditionally made at home hack in that she has kept the cards sent for strongly believes the Chinese Taiwan. When my sister and me. her birthday, which fell in the Year Americans have traditions in lived in Taiwan with our parents. of the Monkey. their blood. we used to help our mother make For Shen, being away from "The way the Chinese new them. But this year, we ordered home was a dampener but for 21 - year is celebrated in China is go- a takeout on the new year day." year-old Telly Tan, being busy, he ing to remain very traditional be- said 24-year-old Lydia Shen. an said, made it impossible for him to cause of the homogenizing politi- art major. pray with his family who lives in cal structure, which won't change Shen, who works in the Spartan San Francisco. even in the next 2,000 years," he Bookstore, said she had no tune "This year, I felt like I am not said. Colin Underwood / Daily Staff to celebrate her sister Amanda's so involved like I was earlier be- lochim also spoke about the birthday, even if it happens to cause I was not home for pray- "hybrid nature" that this cel- The largest annual Chinese New Year parade outside of China took place In San Francisco on Feb. 19.The be the year of the rooster, which ing. But later, we did visit rela- ebration has adopted in America. parade has been an annual event in San Francisco since 1958. This year, the parade celebrated the Year of comes every 12 years. Shen ex- tives and ate orange cookies and "The western style parades have the Rooster. plained that the rooster is one of deep-fried dumplings,- said Tan, a Chinese overlaya dragon, the 12 animals, which Chinese a senior majoring in industrial few dozen high school marching New Year card on e-mail is made traditions. it. But now, here, we don't fol- astrologers believe symbolize a technologies. bands etc. which is comparable possible because of consumeriza- "I stayed up till 12 in the night low it." person's characteristics, accord- "The San Francisco Chinese to the Memorial Day or Fourth lion and modernization." to pray for my parents, who live in At the same time, as one cul- ing to their year of birth. New Year Parade causes bad traf- of July or even a Miss China There are many people who Indonesia. It is a tradition, to pray ture gets affected, another devel- Mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, drag- fic. I can't hear with it anymore," Downtown riding in a convert- cannot go home because of a for their long life." she said. ops. Tan said. Tan's sister is mar- on, snake, horse, goat. monkey, Tan said. ible," he said. heavy work schedule and they Tan said immigration leads to ried to an American and his family. dog, and boar are the remaining In spite of a hectic schedule, He fondly remembers a cannot take days off. an erosion of values and tradi- celebrates the new year tradition- II zodiac signs. Shen said. Tun said he followed what he was Hallmark greeting card sent to him But some like Jennifer Tan, a tions. "In my grandparents house. ally for her sake. "We all sat down "Amanda who turned 23. has told -- wear red. by a student from China and said, sophomore majoring in business, we are not allowed to touch food, for a hotpot with 20 family mem- not till now, shown, those L harac- "It brings happiness." he said. "It was sent on e-mail. A Chinese don't let that come in the way of kept on the table before they eat bers," she said. Ashlee Simpson sings, impresses screaming teens By Angela Forte didn't Lome out. a darker side with "Shadoss,- a song nit:dley including 1 he Pretenders' Daily Stuff Writer "Autobiography." flashed on the about feeling inferior to her celebrity "Brass in Pocket." Blondie's "Call screen, followed by childhood pic- sister. . Me" and 's "Bunting Up." tures of Simpson. Simultaneously. the song's video Fans got excited and tried too sing Guilty -pleasure fans were nowhere After a minute and a half of this er- played on the big screen behind along. hut then realized they didn't to be found at the Ashlee Simpson roneous hype, Simpson ran out unto Simpson. know the lyrics. concert Tuesday night at the Event the stage and sang "Autobiography." It was difficult to feel sorry for Only a few members Center. Simpson wanted to let the audi- Simpson as she tried to evoke feelings sang, and those were the parents. These "guilty" fans are the twenty - ens,: kiloss that she was "keeping it of oppression and un-acceptance. For the finale. Simpson emerged something cn,v,. d who secretly watch real" sv ith her simple duds - black Once the song was done. Siinpson with a purple boa wrapped around stretch Dickies. a white leather belt. slipped on a vest and a fedora back- her neck, a different white polka dot RE VII IV and Coils erse sneakers. stage for her lust costume change. fedora and stilettos. She cuffed her Dickies and "The Ashlee Simpson Show" on MTV. lieu initlit was probably "too real." With no choreographed dances pranced on stage while to a envying her Fendi hag collection and as she locked her knees and inces- or set changes, the costume changes swiveling her hips slow, jazzy introduction of "La La." relating to her feelings of inadequacy. santly rocked her right leg with every seemed unnecessary, showing that Trying to emulate . Instead. crowds of girls. proudly song. Simpson is struggling to find a place Simpson look unrefined as she at- displaying their loy aliy, tilled the seats As "Autobiography" came to a within pop music. tempted to dramatically toss her boa for Simpson's first Natuinal 16ur. close. Simpson belted out the last line Simpson followed up with and fedora off. (;irk as young as 6 years old and repeated it by screaming it out to "Wannabe" and "Undiscovered." She uncomfortably kicked her sti- svvo,,,ned op\ Cr the "cute- opening boy the audience forcefully. "All you have Between giggles, Simpson lettos into midair as they landed back- hands while desperately waiting for to do is ask me!" tried to convince the crowd that stage. Simpson to "La 1.a." Simpson continued to do this with "Undiscovered" was about a serious Barefoot and hyper. Simpson ferked Some dressed in "I he Ashlee" most of her songs throughout the one- break up with an ex-boyfriend. about the stage and barely had to, sine tanks and others kept it true Simpson - hour performance. Taking her vest off, exposing a sim- the Mmy as fans sang it tin her s IL. trousers, rocker tees. newsboy Before segueing into "Nothing ple black tank. Simpson casually gath- The encore featured the infamous L lips and all. New." Simpson shouted, "Are you ered with her two guitarists and sang "Napoleon Dynamite" dance. show- Hoards of teenage girls in stilettos guys ready to party?" a medley of choruses from "(;iving it ing fans she is nerdy. but cool at the and thigh -high fishnets elbowed each Screams emanated from all areas of All Away." "Love Makes the World go) same time. other as they shimmied up too the front the Event Center as Simpson twirled Around" and "Hollywood" - her cli- Simpson appeared in a white of the stage. and side stepped. like 's che interpretation of I.os Angeles with square-dancing petticoat tor "Pieces The lights dimmed and Simpson's Gwen Stelani did in the Rock Steady lyrics about lost .1(lam licantaa Daily Staff souls getting high. of Me." her first hit single from five band members situated them - 2001 tour. Then, Simpson forewarned the "Autobiography." sets es on stage. After "Nothing New" Simpson Ashlee Simpson performs"Nothing New" from her debut crowd that she would he doing some Simpson's performance was not Lthereal music played as a huge declared that nobody is perfect and album "Autobiography" to a crowd of approximately 3,600 covers that would "go hack to the as impressive as her shopping experi- screen lowered in lineally similar then sang her heart out in "I .01e Me at the Event Center on Tuesday. 'MK" ences and hand rehearsals on her real- to Madonna's 2110.3 Remsention fin This was the fourth show of her North American tour that Me." Most of the fans, albeit born after ity show. Grand Prairie, Texas. bin not as es, lime Mien Madonna and bobbed their ends on April 20 at Fans gesticulated 1990, shrilled at the tops of their lungs It was hest to leave the dancing to they mimicked heads as and stomped their feet when they Stelani. the burning up to Madonna

Simpson. heard "Sos." and songs in their entirety for a less Simpson then showed Simpson rushed through another choppy and more consistent show. SUMMER TEACHING JOBS Drinkottiu Week (2.'i Do meaningful work by teaching reading skills in communities throughout Books? of the day. With a shot of Love Northern California. By Ashley Little with these customers." Patron silver tequila. peach Four people not fond of a Begin a nest chapter this summer... L.1..) Gain valuable training and hundreds Daily Staff Writer schnapps, lime juice and or- shot of alcohol. they can have of hours of teaching experience with ange juice, this drink will def- a Kaw Kaw and their mind Teach Reading different age groups. Most pcople %%fluid think initely make an impression. will change. This drink offers Share your passion for literature. that a shot Lontams straight Taken like a shot, the Kaw the alcohol content of good fr, but this is not the Kaw goes down smooth, but tequila, with the citrus flavor L..' Earn $6,500- $7,001.1 this summer liquor. case Institute of tor the Tied House Cale in it has a sweet aftertaste. The of orange and lime Juices. www.readingpmgratrtcorg/teachtnginb.s Muslims% n San Jose. combination of both lime and The Mice, take away from Reading The Kaw Kaw has made orange juice makes it sweet the tequila flavor, but it still a name four itself as a drink like candy. but not too sweet has the same kick. 1 ) Development to handle. This is definitely a drink With most drinks, We arc a pnvate school that teaches reading enrichment programs for universitie the that people must try. sweetness can he too much. The Tied House. locatcd ii STUDENTS who want to spend the suttinicr nationwide. We are seeking GRAD but the Kaw Kaw is irresist- 65 N. San Pedro St.. is also, a teaching others how to enjoy books and become stronger readers. Atv,,,iiv ible. It has a perfect cnmhinu- brewery and cafe. Customer, interested in learning more about the job is welcome to attend an open house tifl lii on of liquor and sweetness. can UMW and en joy situ -Is ,141. lilt "011 "It is more Interesting and of mom February 24, from 12:00-1:00pm, in the Professional Devel(vonent choices it thcs at t. Thursday, unique." manager Christian not looking tow a beer oA have questions, feel free fru call Center (21(0 Lundy Ave.), Room 250. If you (1048) Macauley said. "It is popular drink. 964-0092 or visit us on-line at manyirsadingprogramo_retcachingtobil I '001 U

FEBRUARY 24, 2005 "FHURSDAY SPORTS SPARTAN DAILY PAGES Canceled games allow Spartans to refuel Moss to play By Amber Sheldon it,- Cabral said. "The tear has for Raiders May Selliur StO" Vrifer healed, but the muscle is still MINNEAPOLIS (API -Randy tight." Moss is heading to Oakland. the Law said his club is going receiver's agent said Wednesday. With their last four match-ups to have to SJSU's contend with Dante DiTrapano, Moss' squandered by foul weather. strong the pitching. agent. told The Associated Press San Jose State University baseball "Good pitchers are what ev- that the Minnesota Vikings and team is scheduled to face Brigham ery hall club tries to get to make the Raiders had "come to an Young University today after 10 up the nucleus of their team and agreement on Randy playing for that's what San Jose State brings Oakland next year." to the table." Law said. BASEBALL Neither the Vikings nor the Spartan assistant coach Bugg Raiders would confirm the deal, Record said the Cougars win against a which was first reported by The top-25 team 3-4 is impressive and St. Paul Pioneer Press on its Web knows SJSU 's pitching needs to Last four games have been site. be effective to hold off BYU's canceled due to bad weather "We have had discussions solid offense. with the Oakland Raiders, but In the seven games the days of there's nothing to announce," competitive down time. Spartans have played, they've Ruth Brzezinski. Minnesota's SJSU assistant coach Jason combined for a .2g5 batting aver- vice president of football opera- Bugg said the week off has given age, with the opposition register- tions. told The Associated Press. the players time to reflect on the ing a .317 batting average. Raiders spokesman Mike first couple weeks of the season Coach Law said his team is Taylor declined comment on the and to focus on what worked and prepared offensively to play trade reports. what still needs to he improved against anyone. Upon. "We have the opportunity "Our practices have been good here, with a nice indoor facility, THIS WEEKEND and we seem pretty confident." to sssing the hat a lot," Law said. IN SPARTAN SPORTS Bugg said. "As a coach. 1 felt they. "We have disciplined hitters, with gilt something out ot it and were a mix of contact and power." productive.' The Cougars are still looking THURSDAY The BYU Cougars will he ar- to settle in defensively with a few Baseball vs BYU. 6 p.m ris ing at Municipal Stadium fresh positions yet to be secured. at Municipal Stadium off a two-game split with No. I g "Our second baseman is go- CC Iry inc. ing to be a freshman. Sean Women's basketball vs Rice. BYU head coach Vance Law McNaughton." Law said. "And 7 p.m. at the Event Center said he hopes his team vs ill bring behind the plate, we've got four FRIDAY the same intensity and mental quulits guys who can play and preparation to their series against Baseball vs BYU. 6 p m Doily fib' phiiti its a matter of who comes out the Spartans. and vs ins that job. - at Municipal Stadium -We has e it, not he intimidated "Ile (lot %cry %sell last weekend opener against Cal Poly San Luis pearance so far this season. he Bugg said the Spartans have Women's tennis vs UC Davis. by %s in, vs etc play mg. just play the and vs s' tot )k foils ard to the same Obispo. posted 310 gone a ERA. allowing four hack to the basics, to re- 2 p.m at Los Gatos Sports Complex was vs etc capahle of.- Lass said. kind id outing.- Lass said Cabral said he's ready to go. hut hits and one run in three innings disc,,'. er the philosophies they B Y1 pa, her Das e I fi irlai. her is SISC starling pitcher Corey doesn't knoss Mien he'll be hack before tearing a muscle in the third incorporate within their game. SATURDAY set to take the mound tyidas against Cabral said he should he hack in in the rotation this weekend. inning. Game times for the three' Baseball vs BYE) noon SAC. Last Thursdas. Iiorlacher action atter takiic time ort to nurse "I was Hums mg K4 to gh mph. "When you get an Minty like game homestand are h p.m. to- at Municipal Stadium anus% ed him runs in live innings stge shtitilder that has aggras :tied SU I'm on iris vs as there, just not that, the muscles around it tighten day and Friday, with a noon start

for a 1 LRA to earn the lirst and the meld -hamlet since his stint on there guile !,et.- Cabral said. up so Suit lant re-miure it. as it on Saturday. All games are at Women's basketball vs Tulsa only sv in fin- the Cougars. the hill dining Ilic SD:tlan-: season In Cabral's lost .ind only ap- prevents iris Int itimi that vs ill hurt Municipal Stadium. 7 p m attire Event Center

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By Vaishali Kirpekar event. to foster student and faculty re- proximity with the U.S.." said Daily Stuff Writer "Brazil has a huge black popu- search on global issues.- said James Brent. associate professor lation, bigger than America." he Michael L ('mini if. director of and %ice-chair, of the department said. Global Studies, which has part- of political science. Georges Lrunaziere. the am- Yet they do not have as many nerships with foreign universi- For Saundra Fisher president bassador of Brazil at the San rights as people do here. They ties. of the Global Conversations. the Francisco Brazilian Consulate are not represented in their sen- "Sept. II. 2001. made us event is big because of a high- has been invited by the SJSU ate and black people are not able aware of the drift between the profile speaker with a wide inter- student organization Global to participate in the political de- U.S. and other countries." he national experience. Conversations to talk today in the bates. said. referring to the begin- "The Q&A session with the Dr Martin Luther King Library. Harris said this talk st as im- ning tat NO-VMS efforts to make ambassador is a big opportunity The talk is about Brazil's posi- portant because. "We in Aim ica students to ;ire of different cul- to ask questions to a political firm in international affairs and have integrated a SIMON 11111 is tures. "Ft en we are a powerful figure." said Fisher. Global con- the issues of race and the political multiracial. A failine iiisac Ii in country. We tt nit MN StUdeniti versations which is a platform for economy in Brazil. into este(' students discusses cur- Lamaziere is the Consul rent allairs. General and the ambassador of "This event is a part of our vision to ischer, a 30-year-old senior Brazil. He has been the ambassa- graduate in political science and dor of Brazil since 2002. His wide internationalize SJSU and create sociolop. said that SJSU ex- diplomatic experience spans his plodes it it Ii diversity, which is work as spokesman and special an intellectual climate. ..." significant ha students to know adviser to the president of Brazil, MOW eultuies. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and "We are vei t interested in the as a part of the delegation of ambassador's discussion on rac- Brazil to the United Nations in Michael L. Conn(ff, ism and on the Brazilian econo- Geneva. Switzerland. my. I think Brazil is an interesting "What he says is interesting director of Global Studies place." she said. because of his experience and also "the ilobal Conversations because he does not write speech- club is formed recently and has es. it is all by heart." said Rosana been active with 70 members Sa of the cultural department of tegration lead tat War.. Lis II suite and f ac iilo hi tias el lineign since last year. She said the event the Brazilian consulate, who has and riots." lands. learn thileient cultures. is open to all members of the heard him speak to teenagers at a The et ent is acponsiued Ilse os et sees not Just sponsored public. which will help the stu- Shanander Dalai Daily Staff high school. Mosaic Cross Cullum' Center. by companies. hut for soluntary dent organization to come close Laura Twelves, soprano section leader of the San Jose State She has been working at the the College ill Social Sciences, purposes as \sell to ilk' community University chamber choir, plays the piano while choir member Yatsi consulate over the last seven years Global Studies, the Greater Conniff highlighted Braiil's "We had invited the Italian Leung practices a piece Thursday in the Music building. The choir and has worked with the current San Jose Hispanic Chamber of significiince in ilie Id today. ambassador last semester. These is rehearsing for"Wings of Song," a late April concert for Charlene ambassador closely for about two Commerce. rican Y'outh It c as a l4ra/111mi ss ho ssas es ems are needed to bring real Archibeque, who will be retiring from the school of music and dance years. Scholarship Iron nda t ion and supposed to he the sui ce,511I world to SJSU students. slims after the Spring semester. "He likes to write and talk to the SJS1.' student organi/ation iii kt all ..1111:111. 1 'lilted Nall, Ms. them inns to respect and Whiff- students." she said. "The consul- Global Consersations. Ii is a part Secretaiv said. stand tithei cultures.- Fischer ate has a relationship with uni- of the Global Outs CISi1114 ills %%1111 is that hig iii dig inter. said. versities like Berkeley. Stanford International Figures lecune se- national lesel. It has long been The event starts at 6.30 p.m. and Santa Cruz, where we have a ries. lit inigcnatii mat diplomacy at the at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Check us out at Brazilian chair." ''this event is it part of mu I Joint Library in the David and Cobie Harris, a professor of vision to intern:mon:11w S.'S( ' -Maid is significant because it Luvile Packard Meeting Suite on political science will host the and create an intellectual c Innate is a inaiiii ci monis and has close the second Boor.

NAME - Originally called Sacramento State College in 1947

continued from page 1 Organizations such as Ctit stake. Spartans. are opposed to such Whitlatch said a sursey of names for SJSU because ot its !mire than %POO students and directly associated with the C'SU hist( try and that it is the original 1:1,111111l11111!, Illellther, (lank hided system, and individuals who pre- ('SU campus, something they 111:11 die general feeling ttis'.ard fer the nickname over the techni- feel many people forget because the change was an erwItelnang ly cal name. the unisersity doesn't the it as a pi isitis e. Cal State Sacramento, origi- tool. Some students said they don't nally named Sacramento State marketing agree ss lib I i.uuttl,h though and College in 1947, has gone "We believe i changing the school feel changing S.ISI 's name is Un- through several name issues name) would etc% ate the neCC,S;It throughout the years. accord- and that the system needs it lit111.1 111111k s’.’. lose sta- ing to a report by the committee flagship." said Michael Harold. tus All si his& ill IlleMSCISCS researching the name change. founder of GoState and member sal1114111111l2 said Cristi Known by a variation of seven of CSC.' Spartans. Long. a senior [moot iln2 III graph- to eight names, those that attend "San Jose has dropped the ball ic design "Whethei is'.' tall 'cur- the school feel that only two dif- and abdicated its rule and respo iii sels es ( 'SI Sall la ow. tar San ferent references are appropriate sibilities as being the founding Jose State, it's it a design:a:mg when referring to the university. role model," Harold said. "It's nut a status. it ilea a It, ,tu,aii I (IOW, according to the report. incredible hunt ir and asset and %cc think the litutte 11.01. I Sal ititucha According to university of- just thumb lour noses at it.' is hats'. ICS LISS! ' I hanging ficials at Cal State Sacramento. In pret ii tut. instances. Harold, the name gum.' a Ii h the confusion came from the who receited his master's degree anything abi rut the le d community not knowing the in marketing. and other group official name and proper us- members hate argued the name age. The choice to change it to San Ja Pol. Slate UnIsel'S11) "Sacramento State University- is implv that San Jose IN a state awl because several other campuses that it id so hi this less value to sin throughout the system using the dents around the globe lookio: 5SOdd, for a place to start or continue uu PlunaderdICilltdball same format. Ow Aar id.. (Tv W. 5.11,P This. along with hearing con- their higher education. INSIOF OUP THAW stant complaints in regards to "Changing the name is es MI 0 PARROT% Of It panding the geogiaphic scopc thus issue, prompted university moss Mats mono, President Alexander Gonzalez and appeal of the ninsersit.. 1110111l. 111 1111 RI AND Stat Compensation Insurance Fund to put into effect a committee Harold said. "Without the wind attn IIVIATIA to research the wants of the sur- California in our name, San Jose rounding community, according isn't that well -km twn. Our name THF can FICHAN1 Of instil It youtp rparly to apply your knowlptioe and skills ill its. post a, aro.t opportunallos to the university's newspaper. the doesn't really sit, %%here we are NAY ,10 finflif TIFF SFA tumor . Ater may ha avaalabla an State Hornet. According to State from." ,,,. qmtlitAtkin job market, then toss your hat in with State fund ler 11/ra Cam.. Hornet reports, the hope is that However, those 111 support id iarme %wt.( und, the lvddinq Cal State Sacramento's manic MEM ' workers' i ompraisatiori insurani the name change will also aid 001111dillit Arad Arit4 Nonte a a F le/ Ira Is Interested in graduates seeking in the university's plan to he the change argue the exat I opposite SiO1WAYS flagship university of the CSU of what people. such as !land(' at ppoitunit y and stability. We Of N.1 ut wkle rano., tat P' sit ions ttuoinibmit system. believe. According to reports /MOM) -No F, Second Si Ws 17777( alitot lila, 1)11115 ./nNIIVItaffillannt flint 0/1111,)%tel 7 7 I X. Crag afo n., Other CSUs that are referred from the president's tat fit t- CURS/0 your rontlimed cpowth. its students. alumni and to by their city air region arc SJSI CONVIANTINI Humboldt State. Fresno Stale. the communitv !eel it would he At State I mil you'll find ex( eptional beratlits,philessional San Diego State, San Francisco more beneficial liar the school to t mining to expand you, horizons, and Many advare erikint State, Sonoma State and SJSU. simply hate t unit ersal name 11011001 IlW/WS possibilit K's. Onli-INI 11111111111otioN A 5P00 05 Fa 11111.1101110011AN MINI I I emit how you tan join us by visiting www,ti ta tali or by 4 ad Awn/ OTATEI ffo,a a A a omit( ting Unman RPSONN us 4IS SIsS NON I !WINN 777 7 at I /1). Then latanib . AnA,d Non. N rinrrArs N your a tI11.1.1 with arid Fist. if a InfW PINS.'. 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