Block 3 the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
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56 Block3 TheWarsofthe Three Kingdoms Year ContinentalEuropeEngland and WalesScotland Ireland 1555 Religious peaceof Augsburg. 1605 GunpowderPlot. 1613 MarriageofElector Palatine to JamesI’ s daughter Elizabeth. 1618 – 48 Thirty Years ’ War. 1619 Elector Palatine Scheme to marry offeredthrone of CharlestoSpanish Bohemia. Infanta. 1620DefeatofElector PalatineinBohemia by imperial forces. 1622Englishforces under Vere served in Palatinate. Elector Palatine expelledfrom German lands by imperial forces. 1623 Elector Palatine deprived of German lands and electoral title. 1625 Englishforces in DeathofJames I; DeathofJames VI; DeathofJames VI; Palatinate. accessionof accession of accession of CharlesI. Charles I. CharlesI. Englandjoined MarriageofCharlesI Marriage of CharlesI Protestant Union. to HenriettaMaria, to HenriettaMaria, MarriageofCharlesI Catholic daughterof Catholic daughterof to HenriettaMaria, HenryIVofFrance. HenryIVofFrance. Catholic daughterof Charles proposed HenryIVofFrance. revokinggifts of crownand kirk propertymade since1540. 1626 Lord JusticeCrew dismissed fornot admittinglegality of forced loan. 1628 TheGraces promised concessions to Catholic OldEnglish. 1629– 40 Eleven years ’ personal rule without parliament. 57 Year ContinentalEuropeEngland and WalesScotland Ireland 1632 DeathofGustavus William Laud Adolphus,kingof appointed archbishop Sweden, at battle of of Canterbury. Lützen. 1633 Charles I ’ scoronation Wentwortharrived as in Edinburgh. deputylieutenant. Parliament met. 1635 France declared war on Spain. Mutiny in Swedish army. 1636 Arundel’ smission to Publicationofnew Holy RomanEmperor canons forChurchof on behalfofElector Scotland. Palatine. 1637 Hampden’ sShip Publicationofnew Money case. prayerbook (liturgy) Prynne,Burtonand forChurch of Bastwicktried and Scotland. punished by Star Riot in St Giles ’ s Chamber foranti- cathedral, Edinburgh episcopal writings. (23July). Laud’ sinjunctions on Petitioning against position of prayerbook. communion table. 1638 France declared war National Covenant on theHolyRoman circulated andsigned. Empire. King agreed to revokeprayerbook. GeneralAssemblyof theKirkmet in Glasgow(Nov). 1639 FirstBishops ’ War (Mar– June); concluded by Pacifi cation of Berwick. Episcopacy abolished. 1640 MeetingofShort Second Bishops ’ War Parliament (Apr); (Aug– Oct); dissolved May. concluded by treaty MeetingofLong of Ripon(Oct). Parliament (Nov). Rootand Branch petition. 58 Year ContinentalEuropeEngland and WalesScotland Ireland 1641 Triennial Actpassed Outbreak of rebellion (Feb). in Ulster (Oct). Trialand execution of Alliance between Strafford(Mar – May). Gaelic Irish Ulster Actabolishing insurgents andOld prerogativecourts of English(Dec). Star Chamber and High Commission (July). GrandRemonstrance (Dec). 1642– 46 FirstCivil War. 1642 Charlesattempted to FormationofCatholiC arrest fi ve MPsand Confederationof onepeer (Jan). Kilkenny (May). Actfor Reducing Ireland (Feb). MilitiaOrdinance (March). NineteenPropositions (June). Royal commissions of arraysetting aside MilitiaOrdinance (June). CharlesIraisedhis standard at Nottingham(22 Aug). Battle of Edgehill (23 Oct). 1643 Westminster Solemn Leagueand One-yeartruce agreed Assembly of Divines Covenant:Scots betweenCharles and setup(June); Scots agreed to send army Catholic Confederates representatives joined to supportparliament (Sept), freeing (Aug). in England (Sept). Englishtroopstojoin royal army in England. 1644 Parliamentaryvictory at MarstonMoor (2 July). 1645 NewModelArmy Montrose routed at Arrival of papal Ordinance (Feb). Philiphaugh nuncioRinuccini Self-Denying (13Sept), ending (Nov). Ordinance (Apr). Scotsroyalist military Parliamentaryvictory effort. at Naseby(14 June). 1646 Charlessurrendered Trucebetween to ScotsatNewark Confederates and (Apr). Ormond royalists Surrender of Oxford (Aug). (24June). 59 Year ContinentalEuropeEngland and WalesScotland Ireland 1647– 48 Second CivilWar. 1647 MeetingofMPs and Scotspassed over offi cersatSaffron king to parliament Walden (Mar). (Jan). Electionofagitators Engagement between by regiments(Apr). king andScots(Dec). King seizedby parliamentaryarmy (June). Generalcouncil of thearmymet at Reading(July). Putney debates (Oct– Nov). 1648 TreatyofWestphalia Pride ’ sPurge (Dec). Cromwelldefeated ending Thirty Years ’ ScotsatPreston War. (17 – 19 Aug). 1649 Trialand execution ActofClasses Truceconcluded (30Jan)ofKing (23Jan)excluding betweenroyalists CharlesI. from public offi ce under Ormond and Monarchy and House anyone whohad ConfederateCatholics of Lordsabolished supported (17Jan). (March). Engagement. CharlesIIdeclared Charles II declared king (Feb). king (5 Feb). Droghedataken by parliament (11Sept). Fall of Wexfordto parliament (11Oct). 1650 Defeat of Scotsby CromwellatDunbar (3 Sept). 1651 Parliament’ svictory Charles II crowned over CharlesIIat king (1 Jan). Worcester(3Sept). Defeat of Scotsat Worcester(3Sept). 1652– 54 FirstAnglo-Dutch War. 1653 Barebone ’ s Parliament (July – Dec). CromwellaCCepted Instrumentof Government;took titleoflordprotector (Dec). 1655 England declared war Penruddock’ srising on Spain(Oct). (Mar). Appointmentof major-generals(Aug). 1657 HumblePetitionand Advice (May). 60 Year ContinentalEuropeEngland and WalesScotland Ireland 1658 DeathofOliver Cromwell(Sept); RichardCromwell becomes lord protector. 1660 CharlesII ’ s GeneralMonckand DeclarationofBreda Englisharmyin (Apr). Scotland marched CharlesII ’ sreturn into England. (May). 1661– 64 Clarendon Code. 1661 Legislationwithout ActRecissory, CharlesI’ sassent (i.e. annulledall after1641)declared legislation null and void. since1633. 1662 ActofUniformity. Declarationof Indulgence. 1664 Triennial Act. 1665 WarwithHolland. 1666 Fire of London.Covenantersdefeated ActofUniformity. at Rullion Green (Nov). 1672 Declarationof Renewal of Act Indulgence. against conventicles. 1673TestAct. 1676 Compton Census. 1678 Popish Plot.Highland Host: soldiers quartered on disaffected Covenanters. 1679Murderof Archbishop Sharp (3 May). Defeat of Covenantersat Bothwell Brig (22June). 1680 ExclusionBill defeated in Lords. 1681 ExclusionBill Test Act. stopped by dissolutionof parliament. 61 Year ContinentalEuropeEngland and WalesScotland Ireland 1685 DeathofCharles II; DeathofCharles II; DeathofCharles II; accessionofJames II accession of JamesII accession of JamesII andVII. andVII. andVII. Monmouth ’ s Argyll’ srising. rebellion. 1686 Freedomofworship declared forCatholics andQuakers. 1687 Declarationof Freedomofworship Indulgence. declared fornon- Church-of-Scotland Presbyterians. 1688Second Declaration Derryclosedagainst of Indulgence. James ’ sII ’ sforces. Birthofasonto JamesIIand Mary of Modena. William III landed at Torbay. James fl ed to France. 1689 England,aspartof DeclarationofRights. Proclamation of Jamesarrived in GrandAlliance Toleration Act. Williamand Mary Ireland. declared waron Mutiny Act. (Apr). Siege of Derry France; war ClaimofRight. (Apr– July). continueduntil Peace Jacobitevictory at of Ryswick(1697). Killicrankie. 1690 Williamlanded at Carrickfergus (14June). Battle of theBoyne (1 July). 1691 Massacre of Glencoe Surrender of (Feb). Limerick (3 Oct)..