Meeting Places and Social Capital Supporting Rural Landscape Stewardship: a Pan-European Horizon Scanning
Copyright © 2021 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance. Angelstam, P., M. Fedoriak, F. Cruz, J. Muñoz-Rojas, T. Yamelynets, M. Manton, C.-L. Washbourne, D. Dobrynin, Z. Izakovičova, N. Jansson, B. Jaroszewicz, R. Kanka, M. Kavtarishvili, L. Kopperoinen, M. Lazdinis, M. J. Metzger, D. Özüt, D. Pavloska Gjorgjieska, F. J. Sijtsma, N. Stryamets, A. Tolunay, T. Turkoglu, B. Van der Moolen, A. Zagidullina, and A. Zhuk. 2021. Meeting places and social capital supporting rural landscape stewardship: A Pan-European horizon scanning. Ecology and Society 26(1):11. Research Meeting places and social capital supporting rural landscape stewardship: A Pan-European horizon scanning Per Angelstam 1, Mariia Fedoriak 2, Fatima Cruz 3, José Muñoz-Rojas 4, Taras Yamelynets 5, Michael Manton 6, Carla-Leanne Washbourne 7, Denis Dobrynin 8, Zita Izakovičova 9, Nicklas Jansson 10, Bogdan Jaroszewicz 11, Robert Kanka 9, Marika Kavtarishvili 12, Leena Kopperoinen 13, Marius Lazdinis 14, Marc J. Metzger 15, Deniz Özüt 16, Dori Pavloska Gjorgjieska 17, Frans J. Sijtsma 18, Nataliya Stryamets 19,20, Ahmet Tolunay 21, Turkay Turkoglu 22, Bert van der Moolen 23, Asiya Zagidullina 24 and Alina Zhuk 25 ABSTRACT. Achieving sustainable development as an inclusive societal process in rural landscapes, and sustainability in terms of functional green infrastructures for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, are wicked challenges. Competing claims from various sectors call for evidence-based adaptive collaborative governance. Leveraging such approaches requires maintenance of several forms of social interactions and capitals. Focusing on Pan-European regions with different environmental histories and cultures, we estimate the state and trends of two groups of factors underpinning rural landscape stewardship, namely, (1) traditional rural landscape and novel face-to-face as well as virtual fora for social interaction, and (2) bonding, bridging, and linking forms of social capital.
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