District Census Handbook, Mandya, Part XII-B, Series-11
CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Serit'~ - II KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK MANDYA DISTRICT PART XII - B VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT "\OBII \ N-\l\1BISr\N Din'dor of Cl'lI~lI~ Opl'ralioll!<., Ka"lIalaka 77' KARNATAKA ADMINISTRA TIVE DIVISIONS 1991 leO Ie' Where the name of the district I taluk differs from that of its headquarters town name the former appears within brackets. ARABIAN 5£A Bansalore is the headquarters for 8angalore North und Bangalore South taluks lind also (or BlfnBlllore lind BlIngliJore Rurlll Districts. T·Tumkur o 13. " .. BOUNDARIES :- STATE .. DISTRICT. TALUK .. HEADQUARTERS :- 12 STATE .. DISTRICT. @ TALUK .. *o K1LOMETRES 60 :zp 'PY )0 4f I 74° East of Greenwict'l 77' Based upon Survey of Indio map with the permission of the S.rveyor General 0 f India. © Government of Indio Copyright, 1994. The terrilorlal water. of Indio ••tend into lhe sea to a distonce of lwelve naulical miles mellSured from the appropriate bose lin •. CONTENTS F< m.EWORD \ 1 PREF/\('E \'11 \,111 1)\11'( mTANT STATISTICS 1:1. - Xli ,\i'\ALYTICAL NOTE .:',"\ PRL\IARY (_'ENSLI~ ABSTRACT E\pl.lIlalory Nolc~ 31 - 34 A. Dj~l riel Primary Ce 11~1l" Ah~l ract 3(1 - .+7 {i) Villagc.Tll\\n Priman ('cn~lI~ Ah~tr,lct /\lph;thetical Li~( llJ VilLtge:-, Kri"hn;1I ;Ijpcl CD. Billd, 51 ."i:-: Prinldn l'ell:-'ll~ />..h-'(I ael 1...:.1 i"hnarailll'l (·.f).Rlnd (.1) ()() Alph<thetical Li:-,( oj Village~ - i\laddur C.D.Blnd, 10., 11)7 Primary Cen"u'-. Ah"tract - l\laddur C.D.Block I()~ - 1.:'7 Alphahetical Li:-,( of Village:-, l\Lt1a\ alii CD.Block 131 - 1.1,5 Primary ('en:-L1:- Ah:-.lract - l\1ala\alli CD.B1ock 1.1,() - 15') t\lphahetical Li:-,( of Villa!!e~ - I\lall((\'a ('.D.Block Ih.~ - HI7 Primary (\;n~L1" Ab"tral·t ;VLtndya (',D.BI(iCk 1(,1' II) I Alphabetical Li:-t of Village~ N;tg;lInang;lla CD.
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