Pelješac bridge – design and maintenance Marjan Pipenbaher Gordana Hrelja Kovacevic Tatjana Peteršic Nijaz Mujkanovic Marjan Pipenbaher Ponting Consulting Engineers, Maribor, Slovenia Gordana Hrelja Kovacevic, Nijaz Mujkanovic University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia Tatjana Peteršic Pipenbaher Consulting Engineers, Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia Corresponding author: Gordana Hrelja Kovacevic,
[email protected] Scientific Symposium FUTURE TRENDS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Zagreb, Croatia, 17 October 2019 Future Trends in Civil Engineering Pelješac bridge – design and maintenance Abstract The Pelješac Bridge is currently the largest bridge under construction in Croatia and in the wider region. The construction began in July 2018 (for the second time), and the bridge should be completed in 36 months. The design work for the bridge started in 2004. Various bridge alternatives were considered during preliminary studies, preliminary design and main design activities. The bridge is located in a high-activity seismic zone with strong winds, and is realised in extremely adverse foundation soil conditions, and in aggressive maritime environment. The multi-span extradosed semi-integral bridge with steel deck was finally chosen for the main design and construction. The history of design, final design and maintenance of the bridge is presented in the paper. Key words: cable stayed bridge, extradosed bridge, steel box girder, driven steel piles, durability, maintenance Most Pelješac – projektiranje i održavanje Sažetak Pelješki most trenutačno je najveći most koji se gradi u Hrvatskoj, ali i u široj regiji. Gradnja mosta započela je u srpnju 2018., po drugi put. Predviđa se da će gradnja trajati 36 mjeseci.