The Commencement Service of Columbia Theological Seminary Saturday, May 18, 2019 10:00 a.m. Peachtree Presbyterian Church Atlanta, Georgia 2 THE COMMENCEMENT SERVICE Prelude “Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty” Martin Shaw Michael Morgan, organ * Processional “Highland Cathedral” Corbin McKinnon, bagpipes Welcome Leanne Van Dyk * Call to Worship Onica Stewart, Jean Seme Joseph Leaders: Come, all you people, One: From north and south and east and west Two: From Georgia and Jamaica, from South Korea and South Carolina, Leaders: From Louisiana and Liberia, from India and Indiana… All: From all the ends of the earth, let us come and let us praise the Lord! One: The alpha and the omega, Two: The beginning and the end; One: Water of life and bread of heaven, Two: Light of the world and shepherd of all. All: Come, let us bow down and worship, let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Leaders: For the Lord is our God; All: We are the people of God’s pasture and the sheep of God’s hand. adapted from Psalm 95:6,7 * Hymn “Praise Ye, Praise Ye the Lord” COLUMBIA (hymn located on page 6) Prayer for Illumination Frank Asumadu First Reading John 21:15-19 Emmanuel Oppong Peprah Psalm 23 Alexandra DuBose Mauney, Carl James Dates, Karen Fletcher, Samuel Joseph Turpen Second Reading Revelation 21:1-6 C. Jeanine Fulton Faculty Blessing E. Elizabeth Johnson Sung Response “Send Me Jesus” (hymn located on page 7) Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession William Yoo 3 Conferring of Degrees and Presentation of Hoods Thomas W.
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