f l.

We M l - 20c Sunday

Pertly tunny, very warm end. humid today, dkenca ef a thowtr er thunder- Wearer tW ard evening. High upper tH . Meetly cieudy tenight, chance eff ecca- stenet »Heurer» dr H w i er|hediri. Lew mid Me. Mostly cieudy pad center Thurs day, chewed ef periedi ef rein. High We. predpHaHen prehehHHy 30 per cent to- day, 4d par cent tenight, so per cent Thursday.

POSTAOI PAID Peat Office,' Wayne, N. £

Vel. 3, He. 1. wetmer publications Wed., June 3,1970 Wayne Reverses Vote WiHiana, Gross Win Primary Battles With but a traction o f Wayne’s Nelson G. Gross a two to one crats from the'old-line Hudson and says he spent only $15. Yet endecj the .era when ttuilion’s registered voters going to the m ajority over his opponent County organization, will risk his total -ipproafhed.. that * of Democratic stronghold could polls, to vote in yesterday's pri­ James A. Quaremba. following- his seat in November against QuareRiba, who haci-been run­ control Democratic primaries mary election, the township re­ the county trend more closely. I an old organ izatiyjf- man with a ning hard, since January. simply by entering a candidate. versed the trend shown in Pas­ new style-—former State Repub­ . Williams' victory \may- haw, (Continued on Page 5) saic County on the vote for U£. In Passaic County Cross won: lican Chairman Nelson G.. Gross. Senate, While Patm isf County 5,474 - 1,968 / 508-278 in Williams, seeking a third gave a two to one plurality to Wayne. Williams wen 6,434- term, won the Democratc nora- incumbent Harrison A. Williams, -3,718 but lost in W ayne, inktion Tuesday by carrying ev­ Couttfy Com! iitee Races Wayne voted directly opposite, 376-698. „ ery county but Hudson and piled giving Ids opponent ’ Frank J. up a 2-1 margin in the state County coijhmittee contests in eleven dist: ots of Waymi s six Guarini twice the number- o f • t UJSi Sen. Harrison A. Wil­ over the .Hudson candidate, wards in yesterday’s electipn saw the defeat yeveral incumbents votes cast tor Williams. liams Jr., fighting o ff the latest State Sen. £rank J. Guarini Jr. in scattered sections of the township. In other districts the incum- Wayne also gave Republican challenge to the state’s Demo­ With all but a" few scattered .bents -came on strong, handily defeating theii opponents. ^ returns missing, he had 191,817 The two most closely watched contests to'tic place in thy‘Sec­ votes to 100.200 for Guarini. ond and*Third Wards. In the Second Ward, • anoklates John Maz-. Gross is a - political ally of zhcca and Harriet Geltman, >yhp had been ^adprsed by Second ’ both President Nixon and Gov. VVa'rd Councilman Walter Hoffmanhy garnere.i 145 votes each de­ William T . Cahill. Hie split yvth feating Joseph Hayes and Maryann Greeland, -,vho polled .77 and 70 - Nixoif on the Vietnam War and votes respectively- . , * . easily woil the Republican pri­ In the Third Ward, James Railton, a Republican who sup­ mary over twq unknowns. Gross ported the candidacy of Mayor Newton E. Miller, workover Carfe- had 142,956 votes to 42,564 for Schultz by a vote of 89 to 29. Also in the Third Ward, in tin; Demo- -James A. Quaremba of Ridge­ .cratic column, incumbent Mary IJoehloff was defeated by. Elizabeth r wood and 31,925 for Joseph T. Trainor by a vote of 71 to 50. * v „ t' Gavin Jr. of Moorestown. In the First District of the Sixth Ward, incumbeht William Both Williams and Gross op­ , Bankauf polled 89 votes to his opponent Carm- h P-irestM 29. In tlx; pose President Nixon’s actions First District of the Fourth Ward Joseph Quigiey' with 71 v ie s on Cambodia so the November and Alice Klim wth 72 votes won over A1 T.UOin and Jean Peck election will involve men with with 38 and 43 votes respectively. sinfilar views on key issues. In the Second District of the Fourth W a i t ! , EdwardJ M«m is - • Gavin’s total was the biggest with 65 votes and Esther Liss with 69 votes v*,«»n ever theii oppon­ surprise. He entered the race ents Arthur Zuekerman and Barbara Plestml ’k Who polled 57 and only to provide a complete bal­ 53 votes respectively. (C'outiniied on Page 5) lot line for a Congressional can­ didate. He did not campaign Hoffmann Outlines Seven Point Program Tp Clean Up Local Landfill Operation Councilman Waltei’ Hoffmann has outlined a seven point program tor T ow n ail ion WINNERS IN NEW JERSEY— U.S. Senator Harrison A. Wil­ to clean up the landfill operation at the Hofster Restaurant on Route liams ((eft) makes his first public statement to the press In a statement issued today, Hoffmann said: “ I believe the continuance of the pre­ following his victory in the Democratic primary in New sent landfill operation at the Holster Restaurant is intolerable both from the point of A g Jersey. Williams outpoiled his opponent, JFrank Guarini, by •view of the pollution of our streams and rivers and from the point of view of an attrac­ a margin of almost 2-1. The Senator wHi face Nelson Gross tive nuisance and danger to the children in the nearby neighborhood'. I. therefore, call who soundly defeated his chief rived, James Quaremba, in upon the Administration, the Council and the landfill,owner and-operator to follow the fo l­ the' Republican primary yesterday. Both men witt battle lowing program: for die senate soot In November. " “ 1. The present permit issued by the Health Officer 17 Haxo Sees Critical Year months ago should be revoked ^Concerned Parents Hear The permit was issued on the condition that there be com For Future Of Library pliance with the sanitary 'land Overcrowding Explanation fill code. That condition -has “ 1970 will be a crucial year for the future of the Wayne Public Library,” said Dr. Henry E. Haxo, -Jr., as C' ✓ J- . By FRAN fftlEND rjot been fulfilled in that all he accepted his fifth term as President of the Wayne L i­ Protesting pei’epts o f eighth grade students at George the debris has not been com­ brary Board of Trustees. “ Most of the goals which the Washington Junior High School attended a meeting last pacted and covered on a pro­ gressive' basis and there, has Library Board set five years ago have now been me). Al e night at-the school to debate the proposed classroom re- been more than the permitted are now planning for the seventies.” , organizatlon plan ' which would -place their children in 75 feet of exposed surface -for “The Library Board is aciive- Waynp^allejr **d Wayne Hills High Schools in September quite som etim e. ■ A ly seeking the designation is “2. No more pumping, of the Details Of Suit Area Library for Passaic C o u n ­ _ eting,,- xit-j which ~ * polluted pond w ater Into the ty. We are w orking .on plans ! ov called by Valter Smith, prast-bs , T f j w n C o U F I C ll nearby brook should be'allowed, Heard Tonight an addition to the Main Libra­ .dfeiit'.of'fi. ^school .. PiTJt, and * o u n t ” - Ms was stopped by the Passaic Joseph Vadala, Chairman of ry, which celebrated its fifth Edward Newman, a member of Meets Tonight •Valley Water Commission'and the Quad-City Citizens’ Flood anniversary in February. A t die the organization, was. attended should under- no circumstances Control Committee, has an­ same time w e intend to oper­ by several ^jemhers the Mayor Newton E. Millet is be reinstated..''- nounced that the committee will ate an efficient, progressive^ li-\ Board,of Kdocatioiv. who did expected to. shed some Ught on “3. The oVrner Should be re­ hold its next general meeting brary system, even as current i not spdak-buf'Sa* quM ^Aittlie P^STdeVidopmeifts. for the posi quired to aerate the water in tonight at the Wayne Munici­ library use gi-ovys.V audience. The Board p o s i t kof m Business. , ___ » Administrator its placi to take away the pal Building at 8:00 pan. in the ■. Other officers elected were vot^d on $n co^ieren<».dn'lA®- - «t -tonight's meeting of the strong odor that' is eipanating Health Center. Mr. George G. Pagonis, Vice d a y n i g t f | ^ igoundl at Town Hall at 8 p.m. _ from the pondi - j ‘r - The agenda this evening will President; Mis. Joseph R. Casa- T h e position, vacant since the “4. Clean dfatt Should be concern itself w'ith the status of mento, Secretary; and Mrs. V^ purflnn of former Business brought in to cover alf,exposed the committee’s pending suit Robert Trappe, Treasurer. Mrs. perintendeil^is£«rt" Adn^nistrator John Leidy on against the State of New Jer­ August Lascari, Coordinator TW two gave asfide pwsWf surfaces which can be reached 31, 1969, has gone sey for its failure to provide Educational Media Set'Y’iees K- t$)fon showing the results of by a bulldozer. , .. . unBUed sinoe the council turn- “5. If

9 N W A Y N E T O D A Y JU N E 3, 1970 Poqe Mall pat king lot yesterday. A $120 Panasonic player was lost lost window was vent player the into Panasonic $120 broke A thief a yesterday. when lot pat king Mall a tn wr msig M. i cnldd ht hs ih be might this that concluded and Lis motor Mr. missing. Evinrude horsepower were 25 his tank that gas discovered Lis Mr. survived is t' unidentified, e y as Another, box. glove the jimmied als hc h a b hl to. held be can he which .tables was out approximately $300 if police could not recover the the recover not could police if $300 property. sto.en approximately out was problem, the f o examination close Upon power. usual Its lacked Avenue, Pequannoek- Linden 254 Sandy Avenue, Mts. of owner, Third 46 its by Scuorzo of survived VanNisS* also is Dorothy Panasonic The Miss Verona. owner. its by. Society tonight. The ceremony ceremony The tonight. Society bbinducted will students School he that concluded also He .sRtggishness. boat’s his f o cause the motorboat outboard perky usually his when yesterday prised Cox. Miss Sting­ young Blue -a vehicle, yester­ The lot overnight SStool there Packanack it the left in she thief when a day to Stingray her lost will take place at 8:00 pjn.; in in pjn.; 8:00 at place take will purchased recently was flowers pink and basket white witha ray h WyeHls auditorium. Hills Wayne the Honor National the f o chapter school’s the f o members new as the for transportation as Company Bicycle Schwinn the from sophomores. The chapter meets meets chapter The sophomores. et rne to a un o te os a 21 am ti morn­ this a.m. 2:10 at worst the for turn a took Orange, West ten juniors, and thirty-six thirty-six and juniors, new ten the that said principal, ing” when he made an improper move on Ifoute 23 at packanack packanack at 23 Ifoute on move improper an made he ing” when officers of the chapter will lead will chapter the of officers discuss to and speakers hear year to school the dining monthly po hted out to Mr. O’Reilly that his first mistake Was driving driving Was mistake $100. at first set was his Bail alcohol. that of influence O’Reilly the under whikf Mr. to out hted po Patrol­ lane. bound north the in south traveling began ft and Sad r n M Smith. ME and advis­ or Society Honor Sheehan. Hon­ the explain will members The meeting. Wednesday at officers the announced be 70-71 will organization’s for the of interest. current of topics • seniors, three include members man DuBois was watching the comedy of errors. He quickly quickly He errors. of comedy the watching was DuBois man in the rear yesterday while waiting -on Hamburg Turnpike to to Turnpike driven was Hamburg vehicle -on assaulting waiting The lot. while parking a into turn a yesterday make rear the in bers who will speak are Daniel Daniel are speak will who bers the and standards, present Society or several report, nual by Lucia M. Stevens, 31, of 45 Elmwood Terrace, Wayne. Lucia Lucia Wayne. Terrace, Elmwood 45 of 31, Stevens, M. Lucia by new members in taking- the the taking- in members new an­ an give will historian club eevd crls diig umn n eoy f h occasion. the of memory in summons driving careless a received lde mn fcly mem­ faculty - Among pledge. to the Council so the Council Council the so Council the to i ad umt as n tttne and maps submit and mit operations. landfill the prohibits which ordinance 1969 its amending consider can lyn i te ra t risk a at area the from in youhgsteis playing deter to tion ed around the landfill opera opera landfill the around ed s of ulig aeil in materials building f o use o h Ouclfra nw per­ new a Oouncil'for the to o e ntle Tonight Installed Be To Members Society Honor v < Continued from Page 1) Page < from v Continued Forty-nine Wayne Hills High High Hills Wayne Forty-nine Arthur Smith. Wayne Hills Hills Wayne Smith. Arthur The results of the election election the of results The “6. The owmer should apply apply should owmer The “6. . A ec sol h erect­ he should fence "A 7. “ W w mr cr ae lyr pse aa i thie. in away passed players tape car more Two The daughter of Mrs. Mary, Cox, 121 Oakwood Drive, Wayne, Wayne, Drive, 121 Oakwood Cox, Mary, Mrs. of daughter The r Watr i, f 4 Rvran rv, an, a sur­ was Wayne, Drive, Riverlawn 346 of Lis, alter W Mr. Mr. Thomas Eugene O’Reilly, 20, of 10 West Park Drive, Drive, Park West 10 of 20, O’Reilly, Eugene Thomas Mr. Hoffmann r: ee W Buh, 6 o Jcsnil, lrd, a hit was Florida, Jacksonville, of 46, Baughn, W. Helen Mrs: * n Bd un eevs Another Deserves Turn Bad One yeNw n i f rie B In News ayne isn Horsepower Missing - jj - V Soe Stingray ,Stolen lea Spanking Illegal n Memoriam In . ih op Lri LGse Ka­ LaGasse, Lorrie Kopp, \ dith _____ ’Wendy Wohlers: Juniors — Sue — Juniors Wohlers: ’Wendy Bryant, Sal Cola Ed­ Cola tare John Sal i, Bryant, DeMarco, Tracey Deschatne, De­ Deschatne, Tracey DeMarco, Ben- Sue Bass, Jatricia Bailey, Monego. Joyce McGuire. Mahnken. Bill ’Pat Mack, Stan ger,' Keating, Pat /Gardner, Keith one a Shi; Sopho­ Schaik; Van JoAnne Jar- Paula Jaeger, Kathy gar, thryn Lewus, Ben Lichtenberg, Lichtenberg, Ben Lewus, thryn Hoch- Martin W Goldman, Roy Donado, Jeanne Dittmar, nise Janie Babjak,, Kathie _— mores epl Rnl Jhsn ‘De­ Johnson, Ronald keppel. Linda Buck, William --'kPinocr. nehill, Jim Vannioe and Debra Debra and Vannioe Jim nehill, Deborah McKeown, Patricia Lockwood, Mahnken, Daria Fisher, Robert Fabbro, Richard Otte. Otte. Joan Perry, Debra Gilbert Nuss, Pappoceno, Neu- Catherine Elizabeth bauer, Nathan, David Ju- Jung, Colieen Jones, borah gen, Naida Schlegei, Kathleen Kathleen Tan- Susan Swan, Guy Shenton, Schlegei, Naida gen, gram to the Administration, to to Administration, the to gram eznwk, eoa Ket . Koelt- Deborah Perzanowski, t the owner anl to tbiriandfill tbiriandfill to anl owner the tre, o o' eiv .State believe not' been, do I have started, should never what out o f the area. The massed massed The area. the f o out ordinances, local and code rea­ a is it believe I operator. operator must cooperate to pre­ to cooperate must operator '' ignored. b^ should The Tiawh, the owner and'the' and'the' owner the Tiawh, The A sliding. to subject is surface correct to program sonable child may fall in and (frown. (frown. and in fall may child efeUdier their keep to residents et ah catastrophe.” a each vent ter Uvps. their o New members are: Seniors — — Seniors are: members New X aeugse ti pro­ this havesuggested “X “In the meantime, I urge the. the. urge I meantime, the “In ... . pi pre at and* auto parked a ——4 -— .-ly ' 7 ' .-ly .¥?*"'.■

.eeain no io’ fl at fold Nixon’s into ..delegation By \ ; u, oily rmnn. e is He prominent. socially ous, e I TheSpotlight Men In o ogesa Wlim . Ca-> T. William Congressman iof has held since 1958, (share one one 1958, (share since held has the f o touch a with man, er's .Ar­ Harrison .and Gross Gerard Nixon's action on Cambodia-, " Cambodia-, on action Nixon's Dem­ a Williams, Nelson. called prosper­ self-assured, party, smooth, Gross, Republican his” parties. like political their' won Nixon's friendship and the the and friendship Nixon's won Pele.” “ as all and one by fam­ iliarly known He’s rogue. boyish niy fWilams /colleague, s’ m illia of'W enmity for November in meet to day symbolize Jh. Williams lington h nmntn convenheq. nominating the who Gross, for adeparture was President oppose Both view. Williams sea| Senate ,U.S. the work­ a polished, s s le is ocrat, and lucrative private practice, practice, private lucrative and Jersey- New the led he Case, when Clifford Son. Republican it But new. nothing is Nixon elective office, a state Assem-, Assem-, state a office, elective H e gave the seat up to become become to up seat the gave e H did. large Grass as a built never Williams: nierdChl’ rmr vic­ primary Cahill’s engineered od H fahd o el rm- . promi- real to flashed He hold. 1963. -in won he which seat My in oe t Nixon. to votes tion County. general election,. he offered offered he election,. general largely and year last nqm- ■ ination gubernatorial the for hill Cahill's record 'triumph in the the in 'triumph record Cahill's Gross chose later Cahill tory. tt’ 4.peieta conven­ presidential 40. the state’s of 18 steered he lantic.City, Sen. Republican veteran help from with 1968 when, in inenoe Bergen home his to counsel Gross the attorney general’s general’s attorney the Gross rn S “a” aly f At- of Farley “Hap” S. Frank strong­ Republican in a chairmanship’ Bergen, GOP tire for a U.S. Senator,” and Gross said. Gross and Senator,” beU.S. a to wanted always “He’s says, \ • . job. after and, chairman state for But a longtime acquaintance acquaintance longtime a But chairman. party national tential instead. Senate the for try ' In 1965, he won a party fight fight party a won 1965, he In ' The two rhen, nominated Tues­ rhen, nominated two The N E W A R K r tA P I — Netepa Netepa — I P tA r K R A W E N o Wlim, poiin t • 'to opposition Williams, For Both men are lawyers. But But lawyers. are men Both Gross was ah early supporter supporter early ah was Gross rs, 8 hs ed ny qne only held has 38, Grass, oe iwd rs a a po­ a as Gross viewed Some to declined, •- choosing Gross d r D« p , hrt oahe. sn Mr n, r; nbis, HtWi ; and l; ia W t [H , ils b tn M ^ Dr.; Eng, Mar Psnno Honawheeg. Choryt a, ip H « D ard Edw nigfcte The srgnniinrian «i mai d s s M a w i ^ s h W a y a t t a y a W h s ^ i w a M s s d «i mai srgnniinrian The nigfcte fanat tl mn ka ik rmon l lu t , i l i a i x M t a n Ifla t COUttt Baiitt Uit:wlianMfi SawJim «Th AtMr.W tf it t t h h W . r M t A h T « m i J w a S i f M n liila w Uniat.: f o tht i Beapi t tet U SCHO O itC W O HARI G IN R A H BOB : , began with .1948 graduation graduation .1948 with , began Nl, 5. "Nell, da family. They have a son," son," a have They family. da terms before he lost in 1956,in the lost he before terms daughter. law firm a year later. He quick­ He later. year a firm law fpynt.” tye out to like I “ slide. five have They background. the ly entered /politics ifl his native native his ifl /politics entered ly children, including a married married a including children, prominent New Vork and Flori­ and Vork socially-, New a prominent f o wftjowly- daughter tall, blonde; a Love, oel N mer came back to win nomination nomination win to back came RenrasentaftVes. f o 1953 wan in and County Union Elizabeth an with affiliation and his School Law Columbia from er te lehwr land­ Elsenhower the f o year a speciaUflecnon for the House House the for speciaUflecnon a in the primary pud then defeat­ then pud primary the in f otfl vigor. youthful of election. general another Shanley, Bernard ing noted Republican lawyer, in tne tne in lawyer, Republican noted Grogan J. John Cleric County Hudson beating the-Senate, for other qualification is that they they that is qualification other in­ those for stores center ping now are I^geant Beauty ness ing “ Miss Preakness” o r one of of one r o Preakness” Miss “ ing wish who 25 18and f o between ages the ladies young terested shop­ Preakness all at available Preak­ Miss the for blanks En­ try the that indicated Firemen and Association Merchants ter her ladies in’ waiting. The onty onty The waiting. in’ ladies her becom­ f o honor for-the vie to . ad o h lde i wait­ in ladies the to and . . . !or winner contestant, every for single. be Volunteer Falls Pomptoh the not, and- to the lucky young, young, lucky the to and- not, go a fabulous trip to “ Aruba” Aruba” “ to trip fabulous wtU a crown go the wears who lady i TWb years later, Williams, Williams, later, years TWb i n o te ias il lo go also will finals the of ing ilas ff sas oe in more stays fife Williams’ euy Contest Beauty He was elected twice to full full to twice elected was He Williams’ road to the Senate’ Senate’ the to road Williams’ for­ the tb married is Gross e lo a cm bc from back come has also He h rans hpig Cen­ Shopping Preakness The At 50, Williams retains a look look a retains 50, Williams At It will be h great experience experience great h be will It ay la Vary i y u m e n Stores In le is* ' censure did hot directly inspire inspire directly hot did censure ' ■ censure him for conduct ‘unbe­ conduct for him ■ censure * o mc, h si i acknowl­ in said he much,” -too Tl i'ws rfm ^lng- g lin ^ arifym H was it' Told - him to Quit drinking. Nor, they they Nor, drinking. Quit to him -dik) polm hc in which problem g--drinku)g coming a senator. Williams won won Williams senator. a coming 1968 led the state N A A C P to to P C A A N state the led 1968 n 8 ots “ sd p drink tp used “I months. 18 in that organization’s support this year. this support that organization’s had once He crisis. personal a Senate with Iowa Sen. Harold Harold Sen. Iowa with Senate I “ years. some for conversation' Williams a member o f the Sub­ the f o member a Williams private hathbeen edging-what name. ' ' name. and Alcoholism on committee the in acquaintance his did say, I and more , any great.” feel, drink doiTt Drugs. Drugs. like and alcoholic an Hughes, said, “That’s no namj»! for a kid. a namj»! for no “That’s said, e' Fi o Wdedy eve­ Wednesday on Fair men's most o f his life, by his Tick- Tick- his by life, his f o most W hy don’t you can : n h some­ h : can n you don’t hy W jtt it h w grandfather his ■Wayne Theatre oh Tuesday Tuesday oh Theatre ■Wayne ter birth when a fmfnfl fmfnfl a when birth ter ton Jr., the friendj jibmed Pete, Pete, jibmed friendj the Jr., ton ■ named. f was baby hn ipe lk } like simple, thing the young ladies chosen by. a by. chosen ladies young the certificates. merchandise in $50 e ad unr up. runners and ner all r fo prizes f o host a Truly vnn Jn 2r ad h fin­ the and 23rd June evening famous panel o f judges, as win­ as judges, f o panel famous season. high­ the of one is lr fA Annual of Stern’s In fth T June ning hesi­ to not axe Advised terested ning, July 1st. The Firemen’s Firemen’s The 1st. July ning, Fire­ Falls Pompton the at the als at staged be trill tion, eve­ .will Wednesday on eliminations ..placetake First June on 15th. close will Entries tate. lights o f this areas summer summer areas this f o lights elimina­ public First Praaknessz


Primary Day: Som e Surprises Wrought By V o tes 1970 3, E N JU Y A D TO E YN A W 3

By CARL P. LEUB8DOKF 442. ident Nixon because of the U.S. Murphy 304,463: Sinion 157,098. to-1 victor over state Sen. George C. Wallace has won In California, Unruh, a attack into Cambodia. Frank J. Guarini, will rheet'Nel­ slimmed-down version o f the The year’s busiest political son G. Gross, former state Re­ his bid to recapture Alabama’s The winner ifaces incumbent man known as “ Big Daddy” day so far, w ith’ balloting in publican chairman who easily governorship —- the likely pre­ Sen. George Murphy, the one­ while speaker of the state’s As­ eight states, saw the renomina­ whipped two opponents. lude tp*another presidential race time actor arid dancer, who de­ tion of four pemocratic sena­ Both Williams, who once sup­ in 1972 — and Jess KriiHih claim­ sembly in the mid-1960s, easily" feated milhoaaire industrialist outdistanced Mayor Sam For­ tors — Majority Leader Mfke ported U.S. involvement in Viet­ ed the Democratic nbnination Norton Sirifen In the GOP pri­ ty of Los Angeles. Reagan was Mansfield of Montana, John C\ nam, and Gross, who broke, against Gov. Ronald Reagan of mary. Murphy, is a strong sup unopposed fo r Republican re- Stennis of Mississippi, Harrison with President Nixon’s South­ California. porter of President Nixon’s poli­ nomination. A. Williams Jr. of New Jersey- east Asia policies over the Cam­ Wallace,^vho overcame a nar­ cies in Southeast Asia. row first primary, loss, prompt­ That state’s battle of two an­ and Joseph M. Montoya of New bodia attack, have hecom

Life-Building' Gene Made By Scientists t ■ gene in the laboratory, a feat that raises questions about, the possibility of starting life itself in a test tube.1 The . announcement of the first man-made gene— the basic unit of heredity that contuols all life processes — was made Tuesday by a team headed by--a Nobel Prize winner. Hi-.. H. Gobmd Khorana. The University of Wisconsin team said genes can be made completely from simple organic chemi-. cate. ■ ' * Khorana who won a 1968 No bel for earlier work on ttie ge­ netic code, said the new work Anti-Inflation might e\jentually allow scien­ tists to manipulate the biology Efforts Fail of a living system. Some sicentists have said in In New Poll the past that it might be 25 to 1QQ years’ before thus new WASHINGTON * AP» Three knowledge of genetics can be or four businessmen in a new put to work in man. poul say the government's antij inflation effortJ have H The first likely application echoing the perslstcln .Would be m genetic engineer ment of organize! labor ‘ ing — perhaps infecting humaA^ group of congressional with viruses that carry new Vrats genes, genes that would cute Of tiu* 712 businessmen .nr IN THR WINNCR’S CIRCLE— Former Alabamama Governor George Wallace (upper left) hereditary diseases such 3* fw ering a poul b\ the l .S smile! at his supporters last nigght after-defeating'the present Governor, Albert Brew­ hemophilia. Cham lie r oi Commerce,, maga­ ster hi the Democratic primary. Congressman- George V. Tunney (upper right) and his zine Nation’s Business. f>10 said wife are jubulant^Whrle holding a slim lead aver Rep. George Brown in a California By making and giving substi­ Presfden t \ ixhn’s --(‘ffni ts* W U.S. Senate race. In latter .picture, California Governor Ronald Reagan and his wife tute genes, many may lie ahlc going Uadl\ Ml IIIien- 'was n< ■ talk to Sen. George Murphy. Both won re nominations. to make people .smarter or tail er Scientists may be able to improverjK h-i in inMali.r»n. turn off the growth of cancel “We ha\<* tin* \\>ust in l iarion cells. iti 20 yiMis,. i n .-CH ) ocono­ mist Nut han Guldfin.urei said A first simple life form thai Nation Tonight Tuesday , ‘I \\ ( hi Id not rule :(>u r might be made in the test tube po 1. lull the earn WASHINGTON (API—Presi­ tions ,ia Cambodia after June 30. end when ho reportedly was giv­ is a virus. - I t situation tv rtainh is one ■ •! dent Nixon goes..bn national Alttosgli defeat of the Dole en optimistic accounts of the Kven this, however, could be • ‘cunomic fixression. and rhe r“CO- propositi, which* called for allow­ month-old Cambodian cam­ television tonight to issue an In­ dangerous. A*- man-made virus nomi<- ssi<*n. iLS g«.*rtiing ing the President to use U.S. paign, dochina progress fspjort, just might be so unusual that noth­ U()I,S('," hours after a lc^y Serpte vote on forces Cembodia as long as The President's Indochina pol­ ing would ^exlst to control it. In othei *n.-M.|„,,!li« nI- Ti B American troops were held pris­ icy also was under attack in the limiting his future Cambodian day t ho stovlfc mark«*t's hiur-tU\\ oner there, hacf been expected, House today where antiwar S«* while scientists are mov­ polley. ' ff "Y I'm il\ sralku1 aid': ;i g.-.i i n (tl The Senate test was on fhe ad- the action reportedly would not members argued for a rider to ing closer to control of biolo­ n. would bai-'funds for U.S. opera­ military [feeders over the week­ Asia:,- ' x- ' ., . B^actfQI-Youth Felt By Congressmen On Capitol Hill George !) At.ken. K-Yh. s:iio: i powerful■vtiiw'fni timv new alliesallies, the most votes are ‘Counted. Counted. lookingiking youngsteis,youngsters^.’ ',1 £* 1* Aik* o. K \ i . . .1 iti. WASHINGTON f-AP) J* The thought they encouraging word for the stu­ According to. many of those - However, Rep, oiin R- Rar- legmens o f young people \yho rive than any simUai ai-iimi that dents came from one of their who listenea to the voices of ick, D-La., who supports Presi­ -cane to Capitol HH1 in-the Wake we’ve ever ii.id ttel'nre most enthusiastic backers, Sen. hundreds- -sortib estimate thou- dent Nixon on Vietnam, said he of the Uli. attack into Cambo­ " I tried ■■ impie.-.- ->ii li t . r>>.” Alan Cranston, tis-Calif- sands-Asrf vbdng. it was a? gen­ met with young people here and dia^ to lobby for peace have won he continued, "that taking put 1 Cranston claims at least two erally peaceful exercise in com­ in his home state and found praise front' Congressmen for in politic.-, is moi'c :nj“ " 'ant munication although not all the “ no matter what you tell them, tbeir” performance, but It will * senators, after visits by . the than dctnoiisi rating 1 expec* -youths, switched and now favor congressmen liked 'What they unless you agree completely take^roll k«y antiwar with them, they are never sat they w ill n.' n ir iv p.»lj: n ally“ac measures t « calculate stfteir con­ ant amendment to restrict fu- heard. T . “'Some were on a lark,” said Isfied. live this .lab. quests, i f any . , ' " tureU-S. involvement in Cam­ “Theit enrnesi Rep. Silvio tX,Conte, R-Mass., a “ I think some o f them hurt tH-ss impressed" a !‘ survey’ slwwjs fnost sena- , bodia. He declined to name the Nixon war policy critic and sup­ themselves by their demands," me as much as any thing. tors and representatives oh both senators. YVhethc; they oltangiHl any , ’ However, most other senators porter of tne youthful campaign, he added. “There has been - sides o f the Ipdoehina issue minds <,1 not, ihey may have in­ and congressmen agree the “but most of them were very se: some backlash but it Js hard to credited the students at least fluenced some lo proceed -with young lobbyists, impact can't rious kids With lots of dedica- estimate how much.” fo r theft- conduct. On the other hand, Sen. greater cantain.” Aiken said. As for their gctt of gaining really be determined until the Jfoo. They’re dean-cut, good- I

W AYNE TO D A Y JUNE 3.1970 Page 4 V h po wa hl at h Mao i Es Orne A range. O East in anor M the t a held as w prom The hs affair. phish ag maoiy f tdns t h sho atne the attended school night. the at Friday students of lost ajority students m ey large aH ayne'V W r fo prom on Sp, rm M atmbl a te uir senior junior the data, at his automobile assists Ms from McKenna Sipe, / Brian Donna ESC OUT HELPFUL fO NG —Wan Vle suet poeae rud h futi q /e ao i Es Oag o Po ngt ls Fia* uir' n seniors and Juniors' Friday* last night, Prom on Orange East in Manor /he qt fountain the around promenade students Valley ayne W T— NIGH PftOM tedd h eet Te laat ete atatd h.ope t te usd trae. h futis t ter eiet wn wr a aoie spot-? favorite a were swans resident their ith w fountains The terraces. Outside the to the.couples attracted weather pleasant The event. the attended alley Seniors alley Several hundred students were in attendance. attendance. in were students hundred Several

TI HM PSIK hs oroe tp a JH. H J . H J at * stops prom foursome annual This schooPs the ed APPSTITK— THEM G ETTIN H W trig hi mi a. hey wae mn te udes f an VHy tdns attend­ o h w students VaHey Wayne of hundreds the among are w y e th eat. M main their starting B rown. ■ J ~— — ~ 7 - F . ------o l t r, rd eiz Jci Mle, ele He md ry a G d sm MHnes Leslie Milnes, Jackie Kenitz, Fred are, ft le tom ->•- 1 wH wr aog eea hnrd tdns to students hundred several among warn pwpHs ak o ah pgd h srcu# n the ^ back in of strectur# area Who pagoda •ram a bon oath talk ted h afi. >;%■: - affair. the attend AOA nhn, atoie n Krn Abianuon Karan and >a thorite Anthony, PAGODA ------ye ae suet who ottona- o h w students VaHey ayne W f - . % £ os 'eve tbe preparatory table d'oeuvres hors Manor Manor v i h

at rne Te two The Orange. Wast * v • r 7 , • . i v 4SjSt - ~ t

Notes F rom A F rien d Township Resident Taken To Court By Fran Friend For 'Inflicting Cruelty' To Animal M YE ODAYJN 3 1970 3, JUNE Y A D TO AYNE W

THERE PROBABLY IS NO MORE, DELIGHTFUL ‘ “The dog was completely Director of the SPCA, also Hummel declared that she had . W A Y . . . to spend an evening than attending a perform­ emaciated." came forth to supply evidence. not noticed that either. ance of the Wayne Musical Theater. Each time this 1 “The autopsy revealed wood Mr. Weisman presented the Mis. Hummel .produced two group puts on a show, they somehow nuunigeir n ^ e to top and leaves in the dog’s stom­ findings of an autopsy perform­ witnesses in her own befialf. their last performance. ach and lower abdominal tract.” ed after the y , fates sim ilar to that o f the Joseph Hannan, Don Mi­ dogs, supposedly under Mrs. CASE OF MALNUTRITION AND MALTREATMENT— The photo- chaels and John David Hummal’s care. Both dogs met graph of this emaciated cocker spaniel owned by Mrs. Hendry. AO turned in be­ cocker spaniel-' The complain­ Margaret Hummel of Wayne was taken by dog wtarden lievable 'performances. ants were able to r name and Henry Sisco. The woman was brought to court by neigh­ All three hive fine/ voices and will, hopefully, continue describe the dogsf. , 7/ bors over her treatment of the dog. Municipal Judge Murner to entertain Musical Theater buffs. *M r. Donald Weisman, N. J.' levied a fine of $100 against Mrs. Hummel. • THE LARGE CAST . . . played all of the roles to. perfection. The play, which was a Broadway hit in the services.” portents good for the future. ’40’s took on a new freshness under the able direction Concerned "Increasing • the size of the of Jim Hoskins, who also doubled as choreographer. (Continued from Page 1) Main Building is necessary to ninth grade. A question and meet expanding- needs o{. S P E C IA L PR A IS E . . . is due to the set designers answer . ‘period followed with Wayne,” continued Dr. Haxo. Williams Joseph Hannan and Joseph Casper. These two enterpris­ members of the audience ask­ “W e anticipate a 1970 circula- (Continued from Page 1) ing men were faced with a novel problem. The Temple has ing the Effect of keeping the .tion of 380,000. an increase of • no stage. The two designed an ingenious answer to the Even in Hudson, Gutonni's ninth graders in the . school 26,000 over 1969. W e see in­ problem in the form of three portable stages complete while at the shine time keep­ creased use of the Library for margin was only 17,000 votes, with ramps for the actors to use in their entrances and ing sixth graders in the ele­ greater library services to meet far short of what he had ex-pect- exits. The effect added to the enjoyment of the play, mentary schools. today’s informational needs. ed. rather than detracting from ifc, Any move ' other than that ' The Main Building is now And immediately afterward, MARGE DOHERTY . , . handled costumes and serv­ reaching its maximum capacity planned by the board to move both GUartni and County Chair­ ed as stage manager in her usual Efficient manner. for service Space is limiting the ninth grades to the senibr man Waite i Wolfe, standing in There is positively nothing .that' can rattle that girt the scope of our service to the - high schools will have a detri- for semi-r->t.red leader John V. where the Musical Theater is concerned. One scene in public. W e must complete our mentaf\effect on the elemen­ Kenny, plunged to support W il­ .the play takes place in the Museum of Natural History.' planning now to insure the tary or) junior high schools, liams. Last year, Kenny refused One of the props is a dinosaur. M arge managed to pick continued development of the according to the administra­ to' endorse Democratic guberna­ up a styrofoam one'in a children’s toy store. The only Library to meet the already tion. torial candidate Robert B. Me.v- problem was that it had to be.pushed over at each per­ proven needs of Wayne.” er and C-thill carried Hudson formance. A fter Die first couple of times, M arge stood •* The parents protested “the overcrowding on the senior • “Such plans will be valuable f asiiy. — and silently prayed that it wouldn’t be too damaged to in our bids for Area Library high school level which will put Williams; admitted two weeks be put together with scotch tape and pins. You must designation and are a basic re­ live right, Marge, it did bold up fine. 1,683 students in Wayne Hills ago what nad long been a topic quirement .for consideration in High School and 1,818 in Val­ of political gossip- up until 18 Properties fpr the production were handled by Joe any future Federal construe- Conte, Marge Doherty and Nandy Eichom. Set construc­ ley. The protests centered months ago he had almost been tion grants."' tion and decoration were under the able supervision of mainly around the problems of an alcoholic but, non does not Joe Hannan, Joe Conte, Diane Maggio, Jdte Doherty, Jo­ maintaining., discipline in the drink al ail. anne Edwards, Bert Ivry, Sandy Hildebrant, Robert schools in the face of the over­ Ivry, Harold Moran, Marc Segan and Larry Regan crowding. The capacity of both He said in a sh6rt statement school is approximately 1,200 to about 300 supporters and THE SEGANS . . . made the play a family project students. :Both face expansion, County throngs of newsmen at t|io W in­ with Irwin Segan serving as one of pianists together (Continued from Page 1) field Scott Hotel in Elizabeth with Richard Riskin and Betty Sander. Drummer was with the program at Hills sched­ Barry Zuckerman. uled to begin in-the early fall. ?n the Tiiird District of the his victory made him “ profound­ Fourth Waid, the winners were ly grateful for many reasons.” .- T H E P L A Y . . . concerns three sailors on- twenty- John McGough with 58 votes But he did not-go into most of four hours leaves. One of them falls in love with a pict­ 1 the reasons $ ure of Miss Turnstiles and the three of them set but on and Cynthia Goldstein with 42' a search fqt her which takes them to such unlikely lo­ Haxo votes over Rita Kasperawicz The 50-year-old senator, who , with 41 votes. W alter De Young, cales as the Museum of Natural History, Carnegie Hall,' (Continued from Page 1) is in line if re-elected to become several nightclubs, g subway and even Coney Island. valuable professional knowl- polled 14 votes, although he chairman of tire Senate Educa­ withdrew before the election. tion and Labor Committee, did THE PLAYGOERS... enjoyed a wonderful produc­ erge and an opportunity to in­ say, however he believes the tion and a night o£ good music and fun. The Musical crease the avenues of coopera­ Assessing the results' o f the Theater never fails to live up to expectations. Any tion already existing between election, Councilman .Walter sta,te Democratic party is recov­ Wayne resident who patronizes a production o f this the school and public library. Hoffmann stated" this morning, ering from its debacles of the last three years. group is bopnd to come away with the feeKng that "The Library Board present­ “ I am pleased that four out of he has spent a worthwhile evening. The actors give their ed in April an official bid to seven CounlyVcommittee candi­ "People haw come together, best performances.. The plays are given from three to the Library Development Com­ dates whom I endorsed won the young, thd old, to help in- five times so no one gets to feeling stale in his role. mittee of the New Jersey Li­ victory in yesterday’s election. . ONE OF THE NICEST THINGS . . . about this brary Association for designa­ I am particularly elated by the this effort," he said. group is that an actor who had a featured part in one tion as the Area Library for outcome in the First District o f, Gross, with yictory assured •play will not hesitate to accept a bit part m the next Passaic County,” said Dr. Ha­ the Second Ward. One interest­ early, appeared /for only several offering. In other words, there are no prima donnas as xo. "We presented a picture of ing aspect of that election was minutes a; Berfgen County Re­ far as the public can'pee. ‘ . _ Wayne and its position in the the obvious alliance of the N ew ­ publican headquarters' in -Hack- , THE ACTORS ALL .. . make their parts appear to future development of the Coun­ ton Miller and Roe organiza­ ensack, then loft to prepare for be effortless. They are obviously enjoying themselves. ty.. The contiitued support of tions. Despite that alliance John his trip to the Far East. He And when they do, so do the members of the audience. If the Library by our residents Mazzaca 3nd Harriet Geltman leaves today on. a' journey that you were not lucky enough to attend a performance of and tiie local government show­ won by a fwo-to-one margin. will (take him to Vietnam, Cam­ “On the Town,” be sure to make a special effort to see the ed that even now the Library This demonstrates the viability bodia, Thailand and other hot next play put on'by this group. You won’t be sorty. can well perform area library o f the Democratic party and spots. 1 3 I » I V»AY>IE TODAY JUKE 3, 1970 Pag* 6 n e' fn qaiy luggage quality fine men's on uti-i -o-aoin savings e-for-vacotion Just-in-tim $ . Outstanding values on famous maker luggage for weekend and and weekend for luggage maker famous on values Outstanding as i udr ln sa. lc O ,rW. -ut carry-on. 1-suit 15.99. ,brdWn. Or Value Black seat. carry-on. 14.99; plane 2-suit Value under fit Bags vacation traveling. Each piece is lightweight, scuff-resistant scuff-resistant lightweight, is piece Each sturdy. and traveling. vacation lv gan iy. e. 3, e 1?. . .W ? 1 le a S $30, Reg. vinyl. grain olive Olive or chestnut vinyl, l-suiter, Reg. 32.50, S a le T ? f‘ 2-suiter, f‘ ? T le a 32.50, S Reg. l-suiter, vinyl, chestnut or Olive Luggage, Dept. Luggage, e. 25, e $4 Cu bg Rg $6 e IzTSO. le a S $16 Reg. bag, Club $34. le a S 42.50, Reg. l proe a ft;udr ipae et I ds, ant or walnut dusk, In seat. airplane under fits; bag purpose All PCA PRHS! UGD I L UH BG - BAGS PUGHT YL VIN RUGGED PURCHASE! SPECIAL AE UCAN TUITR I NT CU BAG CLUB L TA EN TIN N O C S TOURISTER N A C EU M A N O % 3 3 SAVE e v a A SS NG NTE ,N.J.... EGNMAL,PRMU.N.J..,.1 :0 P.M. Y:30 O T . M A 10 . , . . J . N US. PARAM LL, A M BERGEN . . . . J . N E, N Y A W . ER T EN C G IN P P O H S S ES N EAK W

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Account. Ask Ask Account. n salesperson.any Page 7 WAYNE TODAY JUNE 3.1970 JUNE TODAY WAYNE 7 Page

Father's Day magic..".Arrow Decton shirt ntphogrammed at no extra charge I f people today have to work for every bit of recognition they get, shouldn’t ‘Father’s Day really 'be som ething special? W hat better way to show your man how you feelt about him than with a personalized bold Old English monogram on the pocket of a quality Arrow shirt . . . i t ’s the kind of royal treatment he deserves. The Arrow Decton is 6 5 Dacron* polyester and 3 5 '/J cotton, it’s'contour tailored and features a comfortable spread collar. Short sleeve models in a light airy batiste weave, sizes' 141 to 17 . . . 5.50. Convertible cuff long sleeve models’ in an elegant broadejoth, sizes 141 -> (32-33), 15, 15*-i, 16 (32-35), 16!-j, 1? (33-35) . . . 7.50. Other Arrow shirts also monogrammed. j _ A ll monogram orders must be received by Jure 13t?h. Men's Fashions, Dept. 4)5, at Preakness. And at Mall Level, Bergen Mall.

Mail and phone orders filled. Minimum order M l . Sorry, no C.O.D. orders accepted. Mease add sales tax an mail orders where applicable. MtCAKNESS SHOPPING CENTER, WAYNE, N. J .... BERGEN MALL, PARAMUS, N. J .... 10 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. 845-4100 )

T o d a y We Brought Down Three Helicopters and «r the Dow-iones Averages!" o . JOSEPH MATZNER, Publisher CL JERRY, FUCHS, Vice President o r> H> PutoilshM Ca'y txcepf 5aturd»v by M«jznar Publications. 1641 Routt » . wayrw d A ^479 Ttttphont 190-3000 oft«r 5:30 pm.j Editorial Otpartment. 496-3001. 3004 M Circulation, *96-3005. ! ’ . j • I M wnhw •» In * A1MC.IM P r«, M SuteabM fr»| FwnMtlM, Inc; (ubicr.-Mt rf HI m » N w ipw er EnHrpf.it Alfccittlo*. (Tht AiU O I'ld Prtst « HtlitlM mclutontt 2 Mt ttt lot pOWKaMta 4 t 0 total ntwt prtnttt Hi ntwtpiotr. M «.-l M .11 t d z m m tiitafcfiar)

MntOtiivtrM. m etfiti wartiv; nawutao* area. I* canto Monday avast* FrflUm H Wnta m Sunday. Stcond t i l t poattpt ptK IP Alavnc N. JL >- < a Wednesday, June 3rd, 1970 O H Ui Z New Coals For Library >■ < Dr. Henry Haxo recently accepted his fifth term as * President of the Library Board of Trustees. Along with tiis acceptance came the cautious warning that the li­ brary is currently in the midst of a planning operation —* one which will lay the foundation for the future of the library for the next several years. This past February the library celebrated its fifth anniversary! Most of the goals set at the opening have been accomplished. Now is the time for future plaps to be laid. ~ The library budget was attacked recently by the administration. We firmly believe that the library in . any township must be a progressive institution if it is to serve as a useful organ for the community. Wayne hap applied to be recognized as a library of Passaic County. To achieve this status, Wayne has worked hard to improve its op^rjdion. To maintain the status, should it be/granted, .will require even harder work. Dr. Haxo has an important task placed before him — oue which deserves the cooperation and not the cri­ ticism of the administration. W e support his effcuds and urge all those in a position to add the library, to lend their assistance in maintaining Wayne’s stature in the intellectual communitv_\G.H. News In Elections New Jersey Democrats and Republicans voted in small numbers yesterday to endorse the incumbent Sen­ ator and the former Republican State Chairman for The High Cost Of Linguistic nomination to run in the November general election, It Py JOSEPH AESOP set. Prof. Charles Stark Drap­ payments,” to the university’s is interesting that Hudson County State Senator Frank er's leadership of his labora­ general support. President John­ Guarini did not do well in his bid to unseat Senator W ASHINGTON W ith a iot tory was too strong. There were son, when he announced the Williams. The only community in Passaic County to of help from friends and fol­ lowers, Prof. Noam Chomsky also too many people, on the divestment to a suddenly silenc­ give Guarini a plurality was Wayne, which he carried now appears to have cost the MIT Corporation especially, ed faculty meeting, himself ad­ against Senator Williams 698 to 376. Wayne reversed a Massachusetts Institute of Tech- who thought it a mite unwise* mitted ihe money loss would tide in Passaic County and did it without,fanfare or ad­ nology around $5 million a tc destroy the laboratory that be very heavy, without naming vance warning. year. It seems a high price to gave the moon visitors the guid­ the total. In the Republican primary, Nelson Gross had! dif­ pay for ,a ■ linguistic theorist, ance brains for their rockets. The thought of the money ficulty winning in his home county of Bergen and in however brilliant. So M IT'has ndw been driven to loss, one suspects was what left the MIT faculty meeting at Morris where he lead Quaremba b y Only 600-voties The The story is worth relating relinquish control of the Drap­ briefly, as a sort of object er Laboratory, by “divestment.’’ an apparent loss for words. At election does illustrate that there is discontent ip; both any rate, President Johnson’s lesson in the egomanacal, silli­ Divestment, in tum_^v»till parties and .that Gross is faced with severe problems announcement was not greeted in the November election. If Joseph Job wins his 'appeal ness o f the New Left in Ameri­ cause M IT to lose at least $5 can politics. Just about a year by the howls of New Left pro­ and is allowed to run in the November election as an In­ million a year; for this was the test that have recently been dependent candidate for the Senate, it can destroy ago, ip b rief.vE tp tJ Chomsky and his New Left allies among r laboratory's former contribu­ the commonest noises at such Gross’s chance for victory. / the students and faculty began tion, in the- form of “overhead assemblages. One more obvious note is that the announcement by a violent assault upon all de­ Senator Williams that he was an alcoholic did more to fense-linked research at MIT- help him than hurt him.JPhe attack, on hipt by ^former The chief target was-The Attorney General Sills fcnptfnSacld^ei* Draper Laboratory, then still In Wayne’s county, committee eleetjiSta, the big news called the Instrumentation Lab­ is that John Mazzacca,. who has announced his candida­ oratory, which provided the cy for Democratic Leader, won his election by a strong- guidance-brains to put Ameri­ plurality of 145 votes to 77 for Joseph Hayes. In .the cans on the moortrThe M IT ad­ other contests the challengers and the • organization ministration, headed by Presi­ divided the votes. dent Howard Johnson, respond­ » ed to the N ew lJeft assault with Jim Roe announced'last week that-he would not standard pusillanimity. - seek re-election. The organization was, out to get John A stacked jury, known as the Mazzacca, had him bounced from the line and tried to Pounds Panel, was. hastily es-_ defeat him for re-election hoping that it would embar­ tablished to .sit in judgment on rass him in his bid for the leadership. Mazzacca and the great laboratory. Since the his running mate, Harriet Geltmau won handily.— J.F. N ew Left students did not con­ sider the jury-stacking bad have made ms. final choice of gone far enougta.Prof. Chom­ a candidate-known to the coun­ sky vyas subsequently added to Town cil last week. the panel. The- result, of course, (Continued treatPege 1) was a Star Chamber proceed-* on January V .*"*•' s Li * * ' . * The mayor advertised for Details - It would be tedious to relate candidates in nationwide pub­ ( Continued from Paj§e 1) the details. It is enough to say lications, receiving replies . date will be announced at the . that the recomintidatifke Td from a large number of Inter-” meeting.*" , the Star Chamber’proceeding, e sted persons who submitted re­ Also to be discussed will be accepted by MIT, made it d »i- sumes to the administration. the committee’s plans for rais­ ously impossible for the IastrU; A screening committee set up ing funds to cover legal fees mentation Laboratory to con­ by the mayor considered all and the costs o f the usit. tinue to do its job. ■nds-wea, in applicants, finally narrowing Vadaia also announced that fact, Prof Chomsky’s avowed down the field to about a he wifi hold a press conference aim; be and Ms alBee wished dozen. 1 immediately preceding t he MIT to retain control of the Several o f the candidates meeting so that the press w ill laboratory so that M could be * t»7 » by H fA , lac,, were invited to Wayne for have’® opportunity to"'ask permanently prevented from do- personal interviews. Members their own -’questions and re­ - ing its Job. tT h f* f m U f ! Why don't we go 011 « 7 ost for ptoco* of the official family, met with ceive'complete details concern­ The Chomsky 'aim, however, ■■ iw g f . them. The m ajor was -said to ing the suit was impractical from the out­


/ tg* * , , 1970 3, E N U J Y A D O T E N Y A W , * * /ttg TV & Radio Review S u b u r b a n By CYNTHIA LOWRY ote role in “La Mancha” with years. A quarter million pieces * A P Television-Radio a.. West Coast company. —ancient' Dronzes, jade, porce­ lain, paintings and metals, the “I read Ronald Ribtrfan’s play Apartments NEW YORK (AP) — Ptibli.c* best of the collection -are now- and I liked what he was saying television stations and the Na­ stored in vaults on Formosa and and I liked my rok,” Kiley said a n d some are on exhibit in Taiwan’s tional Educational Television o f the N E T play. “W e rehears­ National Palace Museum. Viety^ | network have achieved an im­ ed for two weeks and taped the ers' saw some as the narratiLJ age as plucky Cinderellas. drama, for another week. I re­ told how they were packed in | Homes ceived, for those three weeks, struggling along bravely in pen­ 20,000 crates and hauled around j Hie amount I made in One day ury while their more affluent to avoid the Japanese ami later ! working in ‘‘Gunsmoke’ or ‘Bo­ show, business sisters — stage, the Communists. r nanza.’ I wanted to do the play films and particularly commev for NET, sure, but since actors IF YOUR FAMILY It eial television*— get the break* "r There w„s cloak-and- have families and must eat. the dagger segmentas host Sander j grown and gone . . . or ^nd the big money. only reason I could afford to Vanocur interviewed former I growing now . . . and you ffris true that the usual lean was because I had the other Green Beret Capt. Robert Mar ; need more compact or budgets of educational stations things to do." asco about the spy with whose ■ larger quarters . . . in do rrot permit lavish produc death Marasco and .sever, other I a location closer to tions but sometimes the very Special Forces men were ! existence of the other media charged, although the charges ! stores and transportation NEW YORK <.\P> NBC’s make possible some of better "First Tuesday,” the two-hour were later dropped. . . . or to schools and ■ediicational network efforts. • magazine format program pre­ Marasco, now an insurance | recreaticn . . . you'll find sented somethin (A o r almost ev­ In mid-May, for instance, erybody in this month’s edi­ salesman, told of heading an es­ the living you want in there was a 2H-hour production tion. pionage mission on the Cambu- the REAL ESTATE FOR of “The Andersonville Trial" dian border, investigating ene­ SALE and TO LET clas­ with George C. Scott directing a The program started with a my facilities in the Parrot's- sifications of The M at* cast fjiat included Richard long-, perhaps too long—piece Bealc. He said that his sourc s Riisehart, William Shatner, nor, Suburban Newspap­ about Philadelphia’s aggressive found that Priiuse Sihanouk, Buddy Ebsen, Jack Cassidy and police commissioner, Frank then in oower, Was in contact - ers! You'll find a wide Cahneron Mitchell. They were Rizzo, whp lose from the ranks with the Viet Conjg. choice of older typo all big stars working for their and hag little patience with Asked ii ue killed the agent, quarters, some of the own enjoyment at a tiny frac­ criminals and trouble-makers. tion o f their usual salaries^-- Marasco replied, “ That is clas­ newest and most modern Tiiis was followed by a brief sified for seourty purposes by apartments in the East, On-June 11, the N E T network but impressive sequence in the Army and I can’t answer.” will present a 90-minute trage ’ which a boy whose features and and. also New Jersey's • Two sh o rt, lighter pieces did dy, ‘T h e Cerememy of Inno­ identity were concealed de­ biggest selection of not come otf so well, particular­ cence,” with Richard Kiley play scribed to an audience of doc­ ly one designed to be a humor­ HOMES for sale. ing a 10th • century English tors the circumstances of his en- ous treatment of the efforts ofi king, Ethelred, best by trouble trapryent by drugs, particularly the women’s liberation mot e- in his court and by* invading l^SD. His 1X001100110118 of sensa­ save time ment to invade sfftg bars. Norsemen and Danes. tions of “ good trips” arid “ bum­ . Viewers, however, had a very The Matzner T o Let' and mers” w» iv. fascinating and Kiley, anyactor for 25 years frightening. rewarding -wo hours. 'For Safe' classifications give and the original “ Man of La you a line-up of the whole Mancha” on Broadway, pust in Art lovers and adventure-nov­ Held of apartment and home some profitable time recently el fans must have been held by NBC plans a Special one-hour offerings. a portion slew in g some of the playing guests tar roles in program oi "Meet tile Press" priceless art treasures of the “ Ounsmoke,” "Bonanza," and Thursday night on tile military Chinese emperors which were s a v e m o n e y “The Name of the Game." an t activity in Cambodia. Newsmen soon will resume.his Don Qui- trundled Urouncf .China for will question a military spokes­ Matzner Suburban News­ man fof theJVi.Yon-administ i a- , papers classified makes it tion during the 'first pari 'if thor IN INTIMATE EXPERIENCE ON FILM possible to choose and route program and during ihc second THE BEATLES your / preferred locations, half, a not her'pa not wilt q u e s t i o n I compare rentals and prices. Sen. Frank Chureli and moiiie, Outs wasteful travel. LET IT BE senator aiiout the consiiiution- C O -F E A T U R b Rt. 23, Wayne, N.J. aiity ot t i n - i;;yol\ea ent IF IT'S TUESDAY THIS MllStNBE BELGIUM s a v e w o r k 256-7093

WWi this complete market- T o r S i w A at-your-fingertips you unt ROUTE 46 WEST OF UNION BLVD. fi*t your phone calls and OPP. TOTOWA DRIVE IN addresses in advance. SHELL THE BEATLES EVERY DAY hundreds of "LET IT BE" apartments and houses TURRNPIKE "corn# on the market" for TECHNICOLOR •ale or rent in the Classified columns of The SERVICE CENTER (o» 2111 HAMB. TPK. & BLACK OAK RI0GE RD. Auto Repairs — Ail Work Guaranteed I “ COUPON e x c l u s iv e | e n g a g e m e n t I Vi IVNKK OK ‘V C V I ) h :\ IY ! *500' Extra I 3 V\\ \ H l)S i PLAID STAMPS I | WITH I ■ LUBE - FILTER I " AND OIL CHANGE ■ WITH THIS COUPON I I To theta who may want to rmt their apartment ei room there it no fatter way than through a Matzner RON COOK Classified cd. Just call ut rt Proprietor 6 9 4 - M O O CALL 8 3 9 -9 8 8 8 WAYNE TODAY JUNES. 1970 Pag* 10 CAMPUS CL ANt)Y CAPP





FRECKLES ACROSS garm ent 1 P e r u v ia n ^41 Adult female ’* A re YOU OWlOtR.OF capital^ sw in e I |CMC> OF WISH SHC HApN*r A i THIS 0OAT? jr - 5 A r a b ia n g u ll 42 B u ll MAPE THIS A COMMERCIAL ^ — ------9 M o u n tain stream in in C rete V irgin ia 12 F lo w e r 44 O oze 13 P a in fu l 46 Destinies 14 Implement 49 Sportsm an’s lu re for washing ...— ...... —..... ----- 53 A r a b nam e floors 54 Suggestions 7 Sea eagle • (comb, form) 15 B u rn ish in g NO, l‘M DOING IT KRAUSE WHAT ARE VOU, SOME 56 Medical (ab.) ”34 Pack, as 17 H a w a iia n 8 Rio *------, " I WANT TO DO IT • freight on -KIND OF M V S Tlf ?! foodstuff . 57 G o b y aircraft B razilian 58 Shield a ship 18 M o ve riv e r * bearing 33 G e n u s of ' < ~ T ~ \ (J “M ir fu rtively 9 Custom s 59 C utting tool ' stonecrops * 19 E xtrem e officials 35 S panish 7 3 ) •A. ^ fears ( var.) 10 Entrance way . 60 N ative of provin ce 21 C h u rch part 11 Egyptian Latvia 40 C lassify 23 H a w a iia n sacred bull ( X . j j p 61 “Lo n e —— 43 Asian. bird s 16 O n e w h o «, jState” kingdom 24 Heart (anal.) glides on ice 45 M exican coins 27 S m all 20 W a y to be DOWN 4

i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

k2 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20 ■ 21 22 23 ■ LANCELOT 24 25 26 29 30 31 ■ 27 i T ■ 34 35 P/»1AVB0 AV^ PRlVIN<5 WILL > / 9UT, LANCS --L O O K AT IT THI6- WAV', 32 33 1/VNPffCVff IP I PRACTICE ) f THINK O F ALL t h e MONEV' WE'KE ■ MORE . J------/ SAVING* O N G A S 36 &• 37 38 40 4, M l r H ■ _ ■ 42 43 1 45 ■ 14 .46 47 48 49 50 51 52 f e | ■ 53 54"' 55 1 p * i 7 " i § f 9 56 57 58 r. ..■y-V*- ’ HOW COME MOTHERS CAN HAVE A LOT OF CHILDREN, - 1 <• JJ • • 59 60 61 l£ 1970 fc, NL\ Im , * £ * 3 ■eafc&j/L / (V ^ nJ Y3 BUT CHILDREN CAN ONLY HAVE ONE MOTHER ?*


1— h « o l « 1— Female 1— F e ieie Help Wonted Employment H»k> Wonted Help Wanted AIRLINE Beauty Advisors Needed RESERVATIONS CLERK Part or Full Tin# 1— Female NO EXPERIENCED NECESSARY No experience necessary. Must have Start $>10. per wk. J 2 Openings own transportation. Call ItArs. Hor­ Help Wanted Acme Agency, 152 Market St., Paterson. vath between 6 p.m. & it:30 p.m. 696-5932. ______;______^ ACCOUNTING ACC$S^REC. CLERK $115 ALL YOUR OWN1 Lite typ. & some A R exp will Enjoy working on own initiative in BOOKKEEPER qualify. local office ! Much diversity in phone, Experienced only. Wayne Accounting typing & dictaphone. Be responsible, Firm. Full or part time. Permanent. important spark and right hand to 696-8400 S A L FRIDAY $110 sales group. Good benefits. $433 - Lots of phone contact. Take charge- start. Call M rs. Healy, 696-2123, CLERK of matters. Do correspondence. Sneliing & Sneltlng Enrtpt. Agcy., 1341 BOOKKEEPER Hamburg Tpke., Wayne. $85 Fine oppt'y for full charge Book­ CLERK TYPIST keeper. W ill work with Accountants A' fine position with above-average starting This is a good spot to learn and AMERICAN GIRL SERVICE Local co., 35 tv . week. Pleasant at­ really move up. Now is the time ! j mosphere. pay and benefits. ■ F E E P A ID SALARY $135 SECRETARY $120 TEMPORARY CFF4CE This is an excellent, rewarding job for-a bright, Work on the exec ledel. Nice job for one with skills & common sense. Nice I PERSONNEL intelligent high school graduate with 2' years benefits. Congenial atmosphere. w NATIONAL FEES PAID BY COMPANIES SEARCH accounting / bookkeeping experience, familiar OPEN MON. TILL R PM 1341 Hamburg Tpke. ASSOCIATES with accounting procedures. (Industrial ac­ Wayne 694-3434 (EMPLOYMENT SERVICE) counting experience helpful, but not essentia].) Wayne* This position offers an above-average starting CLERKS • TYPISTS ARTHUR 2282 Hamburg Tpke. salary Vith periodic increases, /plus benefits PERSONNEL SERVICE % ,J STENOS • SECRETARIES 2*4 Bloomfield Ave. Caldwell i ^839-1900 that include 1 0 •/ , paid holidays; 36*4 hr. week; 226-4555 j • KEYPUNCHERS paid vacations; complete F A M IL Y or individual • FIGURE CLERKS ADMINISTRATIVE BOOKKEEPER health/hospitalization insurance coverage. ALL FEE PAID { I Come in and meet Mildred Kees, Full chafge *t6 trial balance. Busy RECEPTIONIST $125 25 years Personnel experience modern office' with ^excellent salary Here you will love our friendly, cooperative Interesting-, advertising co., Fairfield, Wayne-Palerson area. 8i full fringe benefits. Multi Corp., seeks personality gal for front desk. experience require^' Call 838-1780, atmosphere, as well as our park-like, beautiful Steno & typ. & ability tp wear many ask for M r. Ross. ■ hats. WE NEED YOU NOW! setting. Come see ,us — N O W ! or, phone for Never a.. Pee Top Pay SWITCHBOARD (2) $100 j CLEANING WOMAN— One day a week, convenient appointment to Mrs. Klein, 694-4100. Nice ofc. needs switchbd. oper. w/ , prefer* Frida y, $1.50 hour, own trans­ Asst. b kkp rs.v...... :...... to $130 lire typ. Exc. bnfts. Fairfield. portation, 335-0715. Bkkprs. F/C V to $135 .... - -V-...... CLEANING WOMAN — Experienced, Billing clerics > ...... to $120 S E C R E T A R Y $130 1 own transportation, references. AAA-1 co. Wayne looks for expd. secy. Payroll clerks ...... to $115 e m w a v Call 69*4184 C h m stno for 1 girl ofc. Must be relia­ Clericals, various ...... ' ...... to $100 j CLEANING WOMAN — One day a ble & work w congenial people. Good G irl FrP s ...... $115-$1«0 CORPORATION facilities, great boss. Chem techs, trnee 8> exp — open week, Thursday or Friday, $1.50 hour, own transportation. 3354)715. Keypunch, trnee 8> exp ...... to $115 FAIRFIELD RD. WAYNE BKKPR. TRAINEE . $85-190 Secy-Recept ...... $90-$120 Good co. wiU train person interested Secy Jr. & exec ...... $954160 in learning A /R & other phases Approx Va mil# WEST of Rt 23 B Fairfield R*. . . . Or Typists, many all areas .... to $110 u Approx V* mile NORTH o* Rt 46 *. Passaic Ave. okkpg. If expd. start higher. Good MANY FEES PAID OR, NEGOTIABLE to progress at your own gace. Follow signs to plant M TWO BRIDGES AREA KEY PERSONNEL MARK PERSONNEL CLERICAL An Equal Opportunity Employer 227-4100 S E R V IC E ^ I Packanack Wayne Shopping Center^*'! Near Wiilowbrook Shopping Center Holy would you like to wort 387 Passaic Ave. Fairfield, NJ. (f2nd -fir.) 1474 Rle. 23 Wayne Open Wed. till 7 P.M. 694-8450 I at your convenience, dose to home, for top rates? V ------EMPLOYMENT / ANNOUNCEMENTS Work a few days a weak

P A R T T t M E Earn cash 'for tltot summer vaca­ tion. S A R A H C O V E N T R Y has the KEYPUNCH^ lob for you. Call 684-5280’ tor name off representative near you.______♦ P E R S O N N E L TRAINEE — Unique OPERATOR ’ position for mature. Individual with interest In interview, client contacts and personnel. -Formal training pro­ MINIM. 6 MOS. EXPERIENCE gram . Salary 4- comrfi. Some college and business exp. Potential earning WtLL ALSO TRAIN ON 87-9,000. Call M rs. Burns for an app't 8t personal interview, 684-6617. ENCODING MACHINE PERSONNEL ASS'T/SEC'Y — Caldwell .Unusual opportunity if yon. are a' bright alert, high — $125 wk. — learn interviewing & testing. Good skills. Front office,gal. school graduate, with 6 months experience on 026/029 Good benefits. Fee paid. Call M rs. keypunch and 056/0&9 verifier. Excellent chance to. Bums, 152 Market Street, Paterson, 6846617, for appointment.______advance as you leans encoding machine. Placement 'Counsellor This position offers an above-average starting salary with periodic increases, pins benefits that include $ 6 -$ 8 M l(M/2 paid holidays; 36-% hr. w e d ; paid vacations; Excellent agency seeking brite ambi­ tious woman looking for lucrative complete F A M IL Y or individual health/hogpkalixation future. Call Mrs. Burns at 684-6617 insurance coverage. for appointment. ______RECEPTIONIST Here you will love our friendly, cooperative atmos­ FRONT DESK t- phere, as well as our park-like, beautiful setting. Come EXEC. SUITES see u s-^N O W ! or, phone for convenient appointment PUSH-BUTTON PHONE/WILL TRAIN Light typing preferred to Mrs. Klein 694-4100. $90-$10Q' Company pays fee Acme Agency, 152 Market St„ Paterson C t e E M W A Y RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST CORPORATION Lite steno desired but not necessary. Fairfield Ed. W a y n e Call 278-9700 Approx. V i mile WEST of It. 23 & Fairfield -AM. O r R N 'S Sc L P N 'S All shifts. Hospitalization and many Approx. % mile North of 44 & Pawaic Avo. fringe benefits. Medicare approved Follow signs to plant In TW O BRIDGES area. Nursing Home. Call Director of. . A n Equal Opportunity Employer Nursing, M RS. W E N R IC K , 6943300. y . LINCOLN PARK NURSING HOME R N O R L P N 7-3 S H IF T W E E K E N D S PASSAIC-CLIFTON NURSING HOME 773-0450 7 RN O R LPN y 11-7* Shift HOUSEWIVES Pompto*; Lakes Nursing Home 835-3871 Convenient morning & evening part time hours RN Apply Monday, Wednesday & Friday between Pun time 7-3. COLUMBIA NURSING HOME Te m p o r a r y 7— Male Hplri 10 AM - 4 PM • 773-7070 I STENOS . CLERKS qfcYPISTS Don't want to tie yourself. dSwn this ACCOUNTANTS — PUBLIC S A L E S H E L P ! summer? Then register witff us now JR S. S 8-Sl’ M F U L L T IM E 1 and work when you want. Be free 40 - hour week. Paid holidays and j to enioy a vacation.. w .U b H u b b y . S FM '-SR S. S11-S14M SRS. S14-S16M A&P vacation, sick pay, group life and , ^ o rk for fun ! College students in- % A! L F E C S PAI(^ medical insurance, employee d i s- vited. Jackson Ave. P eq uannock count, retirement program. A p p ly in Acme Agencv, 152 Market-ST/, Paterson -person — GRANT CITY, Rt. 23 & WALKER A D V A N C E D O r call 525-6000, ext. 228 Jackson Ave., Pompton Plains. An equal opportunity employer.______PERSONNEL SERVICE 7 N. Broad St., Ridgewood 652 4660 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY SECRETARY FEE PAID 150 Ellison St. * ,Pv- CLERKS — NO TYPING F/C BOOKKEEPER / $130 WANT 573-7071 BEGINNERS WELCOME E x p In all phases of bkkpg. Knowl­ Oro'R't Mar.. Hore.'Wf* edge of -DP payroll preparation Help­ Ddn't m ss- this great opp'ty to land, T O BE W A N TE D ? this superior spot to top exec. S?>vrs.v exp...... TO LABOR MARKET ful, not req'd. Exc. oppty. to de­ We have Co. who need and want pv 694-2121, Sneliing & Spelling Empl. or \/;sit: PidMurtion Plan A Contrc’ AAff StO-StS MANY PEE PAID Agcy., 1341 Hamburg Tpke., Wayne. PERSONNEL OF CALDWELL Acme Agency, 152 Market St., Paterson. 285 Bloomfield Ave. 2243024 chemical FULL E PART TIME— Bunny type. C A L D W E L L Open 9-6 Prof Fnn., 3 dec:on LADY DUNHILL .chemical deare° Barmaids A Waitresses. No experi­ SECRETARY FEE PAID ence necessary. $30-440 & more a fwmpufer^46er., Honeywell *a COLLEGE STUDENTS A TEACHERS Large well khown co. is moving their PERSONNEL AGENCY Looking for Summer fob? Call night, plus room. Spend summer in fc dUc.' ■*.. .. . business to a new plush building in 565 Rte. 23 CerLar Grove, N .J. Corvire R*o., end VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELLOR, Greenwood Lake, N.Y. West Caldwell in July. If you are 227-4436 (914) 417-3303 :239 8700 Side sales looking for a great boss, co. bene­ CF»err:«-t. deferopr* bknrd. DtOd. GENERAL OFFICE WORK fits 8> have good skills, this fob can I Oyt>\r COLLEGE GIRLS be yours. No exp. necessary. (Jail 1 W A ITR E S S - Fxper’eoc^d or inexoeri- j Bkkor, Paterson n r Kitchen, Aides, tray and dining ser­ + TR A IN EE Carla NuccI, 778-8888. * enced, tell or part time,? must be 21. ALL FFE PAID. vice. Hours 10:30 to 1 p.m ., 3:30 to SCE PERSONNEL ] Call 838-9853 between 11;30 a.m and 7 p.m . a IN CREDIT DEPT. . 663 Main Ave. (Rm. 6) Passaic 10 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE 839-4500 • 371-2 hr. week j WAITRESS - Days 9 AM to 5 PM. Al L TRAI^'FF POSITIONS COSMETICS SALES # Paid hospitalization, SECRETARY ! vacation & holidays-^ I No Sundays, o>ood l=ps. W O F k F D R EXFCS. OF LOCAL CO'S. Part time. Steno & typing. Wayne U Call 2549851 Star* J48M 5 rw»ninqs Don't lust sit In the sun. Get out fn i » • Good starting sa!aryvs Apply or call M r. Roppatfe at: office. Call 3441220; after £ p.m., CO. PAYS AGENCY FEE it, selling wonderful 6949182. W A ITR E S S Acme Agency, 159 Market St., Pa*-e*eC’3 Matzner Suburban time, P'zzeria Tr l SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST — Wayne 694-565A AIRLINES .Newspapers — 8120 wk. Front office position for RESERVATIONS Cl ERK attractive gal interested in diversi­ j W OM AN to help keep congenial new A V ON 1M1 Rt. 23 W jyne home in order. 3 days per week. 2 BRAND NE‘« OPENINGS fied duties. Plush new office. Call 694-7714 TRAVfl BENEFITS Cosmetics and Toiletries. Earn big 696-3000 M rs. Burns, at Place Mart Person­ SI 10-SI25 P E R W E E K ‘ commissions on your own time. Call nel, 152 M attel St., Paterson, 684 WOMAN ! Acme Aoency. 15? Market S*., Pa*°rsO' now— 472-2475 HOSPITAL 6617, for appointment. Lite factory work. Full time, 8- APP' IANCF . LPN SECRETARY $125 FEE PAID 4:30 p.m. Pleasant werk-nn condi­ CUSTOMER SERVICE tions, Insurance & Hospitalization. SAI ESMEN Outstanding nat'l co. has Immtd. • Full time & part time ail shifts. PARSIPPANY Apply in person*— — Earn top commission, special sa*es opening. Vital spot 1 Diplomacy and Pleasant working conditions, excell­ Leading Co in their brand new office commission. Paid holidays and vaca- exc. phone manner a must -f good ent salary** 1 yr exper will do. Apply Director of Nursing Service LU WANE PRODUCTS tionf sick pay, aroup life and medi­ typing and I He steno. Interesting and cal insurance, employee discount, re­ diversified. Superior -benefits. $520. * CHILTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 90-96 Newark Pompton Tpke. POMPTON PLAINS FANNING PERSONNEL Wayne, N .J. tirement proqram. Aocly in person— Call M rs. ^ieaiy, 4942121, Sneliing A GRANT CITY, Rt. 23 and Jackson Sneliing Empl. Agcy., 1341 Hamburg V 835-3700 142 Washington St., Paterson, 345:2400 Ar Equal Opportunity Employer Opp City Hall Eves 'til 7 Ave., Pompton Plains. An equal op­ Tpke., Wayne. •______2— Male Helo Wanted portunity employer. DESSERT W OMAN SECRETARY $140 FEE PAID ASSISTANT SUPER for. large Sprden HOUSEKEEPING - * W A Y N E apartment complex in\ Wavne, I N .J. T o work In Restaurant evenings, 1 — M A L E H E L P .... ( Apartment accompanies\ position. Ail 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . $1.75 per hour. DEPARTMENT Prestige Co for key executive. Hours Acctg. supvrsi •------t5 $13,000 ! utilities furnished. Exr^ljent salary. Call 6949600 _ are 9-5 p^m., great bnfts. to $10,000 FULL TIM E 5 DAYS INCLUDING Acctnt. J r., O-few'rs. exp. Call M r. Leohe a t» 69^2869 or 694 . open DENTAL ASSISTANT - In Wayfl WEEKENDS Auditor Sr. . J 5895 . . open full time, no. evenings. Write Box. v* APPLY IN PERSON FANNING PERSONNEL Bio-statistician ... ' to $150 113, c/o Matzner Publications, 1661 142 Washington St., Paterson, 345.2400 Cred coll, corresp . BOOKKEEPERS HOWARD JOHNSON S . open Rte. 23, Wayne, N J !______Opp City Hall. Eves 'til 7*' hem Full charge to trial balance. Busy Phu chem res.- ...... ___ . open modern office with excellent sal­ MOTOR -LODGE ...... open SECRETARY TO TH E PRESIDENT Med. writers ...... ary & full fringe benefits. MuHi Rte. 23 A Ratzer Rd. ‘ . to $ D ICTAPHONE of exciting growing company. New Programmers, exp ...... 12,000 Corp., experience required. Call Wayne, N J . to $14,000 Fairfield firm is looking" for top- office..Montclair area. $120. Bonus. Systems ana Is ...... 838-1780, ask for M r. Ross.______Computer op., Honeywell . to $155 notch dictaphone secretary. Fam­ Cail: Dynn Roberta, 335-6100. S.H.S. . . $110 iliarity with technical terms HOUSEWIVES Personnel, Rt. 46, Parsippany.: E A M Computer ...... would be a plus. Salary to $12$. Shoe sales ...... $145^ Earn $14$40 per evening. Show Welders, trnee 8 exp to $3.75' BUDGET beautiful Bee Line fashions on party SPANISH TEACHER - 'Part time Pri­ NATIONAL vate School in Wayne area. Call day plan. U p to 1300' in fall samples P ARTIAL LlfTlNG, MOST FEE PAID I SEARCH or eve. 6947760. COST SUPERVISOR **A ASSOCIATES without cost. Car necessary. Call for interview. Work at staff level, but prior heavy T E A C H E R . — Certified to teach SPAN­ 6945486 278-8611 ’ 8341594 exposure in mfr plant a must. Su­ (EMPLOYMENT SERVICE) ISH. Part time, private school in pervisor to firm in any Northern 2282 Hamburg Tpke. LEGAL SECRETARY Wayne area. Call day er eve. MARK PERSONNEL N .J. location. Salary to $16M. 69477ft) Experienced. Salary commensurate SERVICE Send resume to: W ayne with experience. Packanack Wayne Shopping Center NATIONAL TEMPORARY (2nd f>.) 1474 Rt. 23 j Wayne 839-1900 « Call 696-5700 SEARCH NO FEE! INTERESTING LONG OR 694-8450 *SA ASSOCIATES MATURE WOMAN to care for infant SHORT TERM ASSIGNMENTS in m y home, 3 afternoons weekly. AVAILABLE.c (EMPLOYMENT SERVICE) EXEC. SEC. Own transportation, Caldwell area. ACCOUNTANTS Call 2245228. 2282 Hamburg Tpke. Immaculate grooming + good sec­ Stop in or call today. M O T H E R 'S H E L P E R — 1416 yrs. old P R IV A T E l PUBLIC AVAIL. Wayne retarial skills may qualify you for Recent coll, grad or nite shbdent position in world of finance. Must ter summer. Packanack Lake area. MANPOWER, INC. have mature attitude A professional Call 6947327 JUNE 1970 GRADS 839-1900 1238 WILLOWBROOK MALL manner for eftent contact. Good bene­ MOTHER'S HELPER «r HOUSEKEEPER IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY RTES. 23 & 46, WAYNE fits + ’ bonus./ $542. Call Mrs. Healy, Own transportation or sleep-in. Call APPLY IMMEDIATELY 6942121, SneFling A Sneliing Em pl. for particulars, ‘6944390. 785-1324 S8-)11M A L L FEES P A ID Agcy., 1341 Hamburg T pke., Wayne. NURSES AIDES — 11 TO 7 Acme Agency, 152 Market St., Paterson: BUTCHER Pompton Lakes Nursing Home TYPISTS p TYPISTS F U L L T IM E FACTORY HELP '______83fr3l71______APPLY IN PERSON TRAINEES OR EXPERIENCED A C C T J I I -H 4 M General assembly In new modern ACCURATE TYPING MORE START AS CHIEF ACC'T PEQUANNOCK building In Totnwt. Hours I -4:30. O F F IC E G IR L ESSENTIAL THAN SPEED Blue Cross, Blue Shield, profit shar­ (Beginner) . Tralrf under 8i to replace controller FOODTOWN ing. Apply: W IL L T R A IN JUNE 1970 GRADS who w ill be promoted to exec. V P — APPLY IMMEDIATELY tremendous opportunity. 156 Newark-Pompton Tpk. a l p s M a n o r n u r s i n g h o m e Pequannock, N .J. Chem-Spray Filing Corp. 1120 Alps Rd. Wayne, N.J. $I0-$120 Many Fee Paid PASSAIC CO. FIRMS PAYS FEE Acme Agency, 152 Market St., Paterson. Acme Agency, 152 Market St.. Paterson. I Taft Rd. Tolowe 6942100 W AYNE TO D A Y JUNE 3, 1970 Pag* 14 c Aec, 5 Makt t, Paterson. St., arket M 152 Agency, e Acm —Hl Wne Male Wanted Help 2— . ­ R A C 8. S R E P L E H A R E T N E P R A C See our ad under help wanted mate mate wanted help 094 0999. under .female. ad or our See *8-*10 |Jr. A c c t t c c A |Jr. Ledger [General Acc'T : Senior WS fr os Fr ­ m ra F House for S EW R C R E T N E P eet o. rd o nt students nite or grads coH. Recent mnMtt ■ ■ \ Civil Eng Eng Civil Erftj Plant n & leain. 728-1549. Alterations. & ing Eng Eng Plant ^Pqu'P Test ST EGNE S ENGINEER & TS IS M E H C Eng Chemical hms * Chemist Biologist icro M 360/20 IBM er m Program i 360/40?'- IBM 1108 er L'niv Programm er m Program Estimator Eng Systems Eng Project Acc't Bacteriologist/ 30 360 M IB er Programm Eng Industrial Acct Semi-Senior Super Acc't R ITO D U A Budget Cost Super Super Cost Budget PAI . ID • A P T N E M E G E L L O C ~ ~ .J. N Grove, Cedar' 23 Rte. 565 hmss nier. E E F L L A Engineers. A Chemists Numerous positions available for for available positions Numerous LL L IL H N U D CAL A RESEARCH H C R A E S E R A L A IC T Y L A N A 90 S D A R G 1970 E N U J ed pro t wr a Wie/eotr n tip and Writer/Reporter as work to person needs s uubn dtr as Editor Suburban as APPLY I ATELY Y L E T IA D E M IM Y L P P >A make personal contacts. W ill move into, capacity capacity into, move ill W contacts. personal make ek 4 hours. 42 week, E M P L O Y M E N T S E R V IC E " " E IC V R E S T N E M Y O L P M E _ * , M ST R. JR T IS M E H C ''C o m # out and look this opportunity over — you'll bo glad glad bo you'll — over opportunity this look and out # m o ''C 3 f patntM o dac!*PU — aalbe overtime! available advance!* — to PLUS oppaftvnitiM of Machines are ase4 — and you w ill be trained to “ feed" the the feed" “ to trained be ill w you and — ase4 are Machines PLENTY — that only Nat more! yon pay Plastics can Raritan 2 / E T E L P M O C E H T " trade. the for plastic skeet of rolls makes Plastics Rariton plastic & store them, regrind (by machine) scrap m aterial and and aterial m scrap machine) of rolls (by full regrind remove them, machines, store & operate plastic materials, with machines excellent worjfc reference, be strong, agile, healthy — have have — healthy agile, strong, be reference, worjfc excellent a maeil o ie sd y h vros xrdn machines. extruding various the by used size to aterial m raw Requirements fftr these well-poying jobs is thot you must have have must you thot is jobs well-poying these fftr Requirements carry out oral & written instructions and write enough to fill fill to enough to write able be and must instructions you but You written & shift. graduate, oral complete, school a out high for feet carry a be your on not work need to enough stamina hourly rates, we advance you to better pay as quickly as you you as quickly as storting pay high better you to giving you to advance addition we In rates, records. hourly iob simple our con learn a better job — and pay you overtime as you learn! learn! you as overtime us! you with pay FAR and go can — man job good better A a learn con far appoiwtwiont at athor times to to times athor at appoiwtwiont far you did — soo as between t - l J and and J l - t between as soo — did you a oeig fr [ for openings has t t ft P.M.-II al . rn Gadr o appointment for Glander Frank r. M Call DTRA DEPARTMENT EDITORIAL a i u c n M r ^ 9 239-8700 l e n n o s r e p ID A P S E E F L L A Mai Publc i s n tio lica b u P r e n iz a M f o 3 t HF OPPQHTHMTIES! SHIFT ft EXPERIENCED? .. 1 .. 7 A.M. 7 • P.M. 11 P.M. RARITAN PLASTICS CORP. PLASTICS RARITAN 512,000• t otfs Jnto o Ri BB BM B A BOB Rti. of Junction Soothfast At O EXPERIENCE? NO RARITAN PLASTICS W ill TRAIN TRAIN ill W PLASTICS RARITAN '*14401 O T A ELPYN JOB WELL-PAYING A TO TOO EL BV AVERAGE! ABOVE WELL BENEFITS 4 PAY STARTING •SI 6.50C 52^,000 B1640C *17^100 *15,000 515.000 } *13,500 *13481 *13400 510,000 *10401 *12401 *16400 51240C 7,500* 510.000 SILOOC $14,'00C 510.000 7,000 696-3000 t Rrtn , Oakland ., M Raritan 1 ETN NWEE FAST! NOWHERE 6ETTIN0 soon ce gny' 5 Mre St, Paterson. t., S Market 152 Agency,' Acme ce gny 12 akt t, Paterson. St., Market 152 Agency, Acme Paterson. t.4 S Market 152 Agency. Acme ce gny 12 akt t, Paterson. St., Market 152 Agency, Acme ay o e£ at req£h to Easy structural. grads or all levels of exper, ok. For For ok. exper, of levels all or grads Athletic — Waterfront, for day camp. camp. day for Waterfront, — Athletic S9-S12 C O N S O LE O P E R S . . S R E P O LE O S N O C , TS R E B O R AAR. contact ser­ please own Must employment. summer 57,400 Start 59-515M June grads, Recent men. several req. eet ol gas r le students nlte or grads coll, Recent ece o clee tdn. 838-9858. student. coliege or Teacher EMS ANALYSI S11-S16M * IS S S Y ER L M A M N A A R G O PR S M TE S Y S good 'furnish For & automobile references. viceable + Eng. Fields , Construction firm ty. Project, C Bergen of segment Large Immediate openings for full full for openings Immediate STUDENTS E G E L L O C EER IN G EN IL IV C t MGMNT. AL L IA T . N 'T C E T C A O P E S . T N N E M P G X E M . H- L L E C R X CA E CO. as capable. Sis - day day - Sis capable. as PART TIM E. 5 D A Y S S Y A D 5 E. TIM PART MS ADJSE S JUSTER D A S IM A L C TONS FEE PAI ID A P E E F S N ITIO S O P L L A SI G ESSIN C O R P A T A D eunok NJ. J N Pequannock, a NEE POSII S N ITIO S O P E E IN A R T L L A UNE 17 GRADS D A R G 1970 E N JU O PAYS AGENCY FEE E E F Y C N E G A S Y A P CO. 156 Newark-Pompton ,'Tp k. k. ,'Tp Newark-Pompton 156 PEQUANNOCK MMEDI Y L E T IA D E M IM Y L P P A VI ENGINEER IL IV C & S E W A G E DISPOSAL DISPOSAL E G A W E S & . L r. M FOODTOWN N PERS N SO R E P IN Y L P P A EI CLERK DELI R O L L E S N U O C B R ID G E & ROAD ROAD & E G ID R B 1-5 ME E IM T T R A P Mon.-Fri., or call call or Mon.-Fri., 694-4110 8 over A 18 K O p C Forte, Forte, 696-3005 more ID A P S E E F L L A

. 2 2 1 4 7 3 3 l es paid fees ll A information, information, Openings 3 I 811-S16M b $1601b time 32— Mole Help Wenfed 2— Help Wonted Male Wonted Help 2— Wenfed Help Mole 32— ■ c Aec, 5 Mre S. Peterson. St., Market 152 Agency, e Acm ce gny 12 akt t, Paterson. St., Market 152 Agency, Acme Paterson. St., Market 152 Agehcy, Acme NEER \ ^ * 12-S15M * ^ \ R E E IN G N E ENGINEER ENGINEER c Aec, 5 Mre S. Paterson. St., Market 152 Agency, e Acm NDUSRI ENG. $I0-$13M . G N E L IA STR U D IN Hns Drive Hanes 6 ONAL C. E E P Y C N E G A $ Y A P CO. L A N IO T A N Tf Ro. Taft 5 building in ^ e to w a Hours ' 8 • 8 4:30. ' Hours modern , new a w to in e ^ in assembly building General le rs, le hed poi shar­ profit Shield, Apply— Blue ing. Crqss, Blue ties include all plant facilities, build- build- facilities, plant all include ties iin, od pay. good ditions, ie it Gft? rgesv grow­ Progressive Grftty? ing Nitty Like CS IC N O R T C E L E o * to l bnft. xeln wrig con­ working Excellent benefits. All Spelling Em pl. Agcy., 1341 Hamburg Hamburg 1341 Agcy., 56,250. pl. Em work benefits. and Spelling Ail exp. up. business way or counting acquisitions. Also responsibility for for responsibility machinery A Also equipment acquisitions. Responsibili­ processing . firm progres­ Co. for needed Passaic man sive Aggressive i grout For - ail round work in toiletries plant. plant. toiletries in work round ail - For pe, Wayne. Tpke., rs. M ing, power, ventilation; air-cond., air-cond., crew. maintenance- ventilation; power, ing, with E t or E M for future stantial auatrn o pouto back* production or sub­ offers firm manufacturing Co. Passaic est. Well pk , Wayne. ., ke Tp fing. Salary excellent, fringe benefits. benefits. fringe excellent, Salary fing. Snelling Em pl. A g cy., 1341 Hamburg Hamburg 1341 cy., g A pl. Em Snelling Fo r Housekeeping Dept, full (me. (me. full Dept, Housekeeping r Fo dent with some work experience to to experience work some with dent This job leads to chief IE retiring in in retiring IE chief to leads 1971. job This for needed IE enthusiastic Aggressive ut e be o o opn 8 buf­ 8, mopping do to able be Must really grow. Benefits & 86,760. Call Call 86,760. & Benefits grow. really outstanding solid growth oppty In In oppty growth solid outstanding oa c hs od pt o nt stu­ nite rs. M for spot good has co Local e: 2-00 Et 154 Ext. 628-9000, Tel: - are you If week. per concern growing rapidly a are We IE dept, of growing blue chip firm . . firm chip blue growing of dept, IE 228-4220. opportunities, r. W advancement unique good /growth, excellent sur­ offer & tions detection electrical _ the. in oe n cl o sn rsm to resume send or call in, come posi­ opening Our field. veillance NE F Y R O T C FA L A ER EN G hm5ry iln Corp. Filling Chem-5pray m cli di anr ravta. laundry 4 i ld liid c dm r t F eeis satn slr t *150 to salary starting & benefits C H IL T O N M E M O R IA L H O S P I’ Af. Af. I’ P S O H L IA R O M E M N O T IL H C NG CORP. P R O C G IN G A K C A P H C R A E S E R Cc PAYS AGENCY FEE E E F Y C N E G A S Y A P Cfcw . eUE LANE S. ER N CLEA DeLUXE h qa Opruiy mployer Em Opportunity Equal Ah n qa Opruiy mployer Em Opportunity Equal An H NEERI AIDES G IN R E E IN G N E rvr lcne required license Drivers 0,000 CORPORATION AFTCH, NC. IN , H FETEC SA go P L E H Y R O T C A F TECHNICIAN^ 60 aly Road Valley 1600 R. T N A T N U O C C A . JR NO CAMP UNION g n i r u t c a f u n a m O PAYS AGENCY* FEE E E F * Y C N E G A S Y A P CO. John Jensen, A P P L Y j t M R . K R A f “2 “2 f A R K . R M t j Y L P P A INSTALLERS R LAN T\ ENGINEER T\ LAN R ELECTRICAL Jansen, RFI N.. 07006 .J. N , D L IE F IR A F . I EE. CHE E H C . E C . E E . IE . E M ANDYMAN “Inside & outside outside & “Inside 0 NDUSTRI RD. L IA R T S U D IN 10

TE STUDENT OK K O T N E D U T S E IT N ye N.J. N ayne, W a opy t ue or ac­ your use to oppty. has E AN SEM U O H al 696-1990 Call T TO CHI F IE H C O T 'T. S S A R APPLY AT: T A Y L P P A OR SPITAL O H DRIVER maintenance ERIT E N I-TO R VE Pompton Plains Plains Pompton -Q L T-BQW . eiz ae 201- area Meditz, A. ! E R U T U F ______AND HELP ,835-3700 694-2700 696-2121, Snelling & & Snelling 696-2121, 696-2121, Snelling ft ft Snelling 696-2121,

______co. seeking seeking Wayne as Fee Pays ftS-SUM Totowa Call Call

r c Aec, 5 Makt t, Paterson. St., arket M 152 Agency, e Acm Paterson. St., Ma^cct 15? Agency, e Acm 8 Henderson D r. .. West Caldwell, N .J. .J. N Caldwell, West .. r. D Henderson 8 c Aec, 5 Mre St Paterson. t„ S Market 152 Agency, e Acm NTENANCE C N A N E T IN A M ON CONT L O TR N O C N IO T U L L O P R E T A W N R A E L CAL ENG. G N E L A IC N A H C E M \ xeln Wrig Conditions Working Excellent edge of air-conditioning air-conditioning of edge grad. *5,980. Call M rs. rs. M Call interest *5,980. your grad. use to career a Want *100-*145 pl. Em Snelling chal­ & offers Shelling 696-2121, co. Local scierce? . in be o ed ceais n a nw- « know!- a and schematics read to able CAL ENGI EER IN G N E L A IC N A H C E M knowl­ a have and (blueprints raad to helpful. Wayne. Tpke., Hamburg 1341 Agcy-. lenging' *13-815M I aon eprec. Ms b able 'air-conditioning. of be /Must edge experience. around AII techni­ lab avail. . r J positions & trainee cians lab versified ahn cnrl xeine' s be ust experience.'M control machine Passaic M'facturer Growing Rapidly Rapidly Growing M'facturer Passaic o xeine edd Nmru di­ Numerous needed. experience No Desire aft around Electrician . with with . Electrician around aft Desire h mn e r loig o cn an 140 n aay n bonuses and salary in *10400 earn can for looking are we man The / n qa Opruiy mployer Em Opportunity Equal An . TY Y IT N U T R O P P O T N E M E G A N A M L L A C R .O N O S R E P IN Y L P P A AEL CORP PAVELLE CAREER EXECUTIVE ADVERTISING G O O D H O U R L Y R ATE ATE R Y L R U O H D O O G the first year. Must have car. We W ill train you to be a top flight flight top a be to you train ill W We car. Advertising have are sell Must We to Executive , you. year. Advertising experience for first sales position the the some just with Lave Salesmen we fO' opportunity, career looking solid a may ad eeis . Benefits Raid ompany C pc fr h fset rwn can f esaes n e Jersey. New in Newspapers of chain growing fastest the for Space 5 EL ROAD R L IE N A D 15 BI TY Y IT IL IB S N O P S E R T C E J O R P ED EUE : O T RESUME SEND < ft you are ambitious, make a neat appearance and are looking for for looking are and appearance neat a make ambitious, are you ft iin npcin equipment. inspection cision Must have thorough knowledge of layout of precision chassis, panel, panel, ill W chassis, prints. precision of Customer layout from of work knowledge cabinet thorough & have Must GN N IG S E D T C U D O R P W E N ELECTRICIAN PAYS AGENCY- E E F - Y C N E G A S Y A P . O C HS C H E M . OR B IO . OK OK . IO B OR . M E H C HS ATR CCOE INDUSTRIE! CYCLONE EASTERN v CENT D A R G T N E EC R - MECHANIC TRAINEES LAB oppty. A T NEE E IN A TR LAB 201-226-9200 RCSON L MECHANIC N A H C E M T U O Y LA N PRECISIO 9 GH STARTI TS S IT F E N E B L L A — E T A R G IN T R A T S H IG H to ambitious H.S. H.S. ambitious to FO R IN SPECTIO N W O R K ~ K R O W N SPECTIO IN R FO otc Dv Srs, 227-6000 Struss, Dave Contact 'a n d flowers? If you are; Step Step are; you If flowers? d n 'a Miss Bette Noorigian Noorigian Bette Miss 61 t. 2, an, . J N Wayne, 23, Rte.' 1661 (n f adel Area) Caldwell if a W (In " .Are you interested in plants plants in interested you .Are Telephone: hp a a eclet op­ excellent an has Shop A od aay r offered. ara salary good and benefits working Top conditions. attractive Modem, Duties experi­ will o includeN Department. ist some buy­ p l a nar t r a ning and g e creating m e train. n wiN t floral s wo . and, required, ence Flor­ the manage to parson lae cad: Please portunity open for a capable capable a for open portunity n Fe Paid Fee any M StoPiShop LRS MANAGER FLORIST T N E M E C N A V D A R O F E C N A H C o as Foe Pays Co HE METAL SHEET T & HOP. NC. C IN . P O SH & P STO 0-9-20 Et 38 Ext. 201-791-5200, Personnel Department Department Personnel would C / O Wayne Today Today Wayne O / C Jansen, Equal Opportunity Employer M be c Aec, 5 Mre S. Paterson. St., Market 152 Agency, e Acm Tf R. , Rd. Taft 5 1 Bak a Rde d Wayne Rd. Ridge Oak Black 414 ______etd Cl 471-2266. Call cepted. ne eesr. olg suet ac­ student College necessary. ence o Cihl Rdr aee o simi­ vacation. or paid Labeler ization, Rider Chisholm For as Mrt nrae, ul ie lobs time 471-2266. full time, increases, Merit days. Must be available from 2:00 2:00 from available be Must ceue *4 a hu. o experi­ No flexiMa hour. hours, an 15 *345 schedule, Subsidiary. Alcoa a mcie Poi saig hospital­ sharing, Profit machine. lar Lakes Pompton Ave., Ringwood 505 Students Nite Grads Coll. School High available. College students. Call any any Call * Satur­ A students. College Evenings available. hours. 15 mum buses, diesel & gas. Must have own own A have trucks Must on gas. Apply & tools. experienced diesel buses, time, Full E IV T U Grad C E X E College O T D A E L S N ITIO S O P We are expanding and need full time time full need and expanding are We aM o, t e, 39 hu, .mini­ hour, *3.90 men, ft Co., NatM search. w e offer steady employment, employment, steady offer e w search. ln n ohr benefits.1 re­ other pension for and sharing, animals plan profit lab hospitalization, raise We help. RAfr A TR T N E M E G A N A M hmSry iln Corp. Filling Chem-Spray a eerh nt Inc. Inst. Research m Cam PART TI K R O W R E M M U S E IM T T R A P . E A R N S10S15M W IT H IN 5. YR S i i S YR 5. IN H IT W S10S15M N R A E For app't call 694-0703 694-0703 call app't For 0 TRANSPORTATI ORP. R CO N IO T A T R O P S N A R T 101 nor Newspaper Indoor PT WI N 2 S R A E Y 2 IN H IT W SPOTS o :0 . Wednesdays. . P.M 2:00 to F For More Information Information More For AT TIME PART ME EVENI S G IN N E V E E IM T T R A be N PERS i N SO R E P IN Y L P P A F p r ibis Newspaper Newspaper ibis r p F IC N A H C E M 9-00 et 41) (ext. 696-3000 IC N A H C E M agt s o pre­ of use taught adig . Handling MEN •35-4455 RFI Nj| , D L IE F IR A F i m

o $9^00 to j *7,500 to *6,500 to m Totowa m a


4 2 Mal< Help Wealed 2—Male Help WMtfM 2— M o i e Helo Wanted i — Male or Female Help Wonted 1970 3. JUNE Y A D TO AYNE W 15*Page WAREHOUSEMEN Good / pay plus benefits. Permanent Position, EXPERIENCED 'X part t im e i V Apply * LINOTYPE OPERATORS WANTED ’ f* ^ ' 10-15 Hour* For W o * ANDREW COREMIN FURNITURE PART-TIME — FULL-TIME 620 Rt. 23 - Pompton Plains DISTRICT ADVISORS 4.28 per hr. for straight matter 3— Mole or Female Help Wanted *35 to *50 Per Week also interesting position for experienced CREATIVE PERSON Depending on A r«o to direct newly formed non - profit ad operator. housing _ program in upper Passaic County.* Oegree 4/or related experi­ The Circulation Dept, of this Newspaper ence required. Phone 697-4555. - Call Mr. Boyle after 7:00 p.m. EXPERIENCED SLIPCOVER CUTTER is accepting applications from Men and CALL FABRIC BARN 838-4618 & ? 6 -3 0 0 1 Women interested in advising'our Car­ HOSPITAL rier-Salesmen. LAB TECHNICIAN Full time. A .S.C.P. registered pre­ 6— Lots 4 Acreage 7— Real Estate for Sale You must own a serviceable automobile, ferred. Must have hospital experience. Salary excellent, fringe benefits. HASKELL — Terrific buy, 60 x BLOOMINGDALE furnish good references and bo avail­ APPLY - MR. KRANTZ 95, city w ater ...... S 2.250 Immac. 3 bedroom ranch, i ' a baths, CHILTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL L AKE M O HA W K — Beautiful ig. 4paneled re\. room. Excel!, loca- Pompton Plains * lakefront lot $16,900 tioni. Brand new. w w carpet. * Many able on Wednesday afternoons by 3:30 835-3700 POMPTON PLAINS — 2 execu­ extras. Assumabie\53-u°o mortgage for An Equal Opportunity . Employer . tive Sites SI 4,000 4 $15,500 $17,000. Full price N'S35,000. and also Sunday mornings. Sales experi­ WEST MILFORD — Ridge Rd., LIGHT 'FACTORY" WORK — Perman­ 838-7848 , - % nearly 2 acre plot $1 i ,000 ent. fringe- benefits. Hol-Tite Pro­ BLOOMINGDALE WEST MILFORD — Macopin Rd., ence not necessary. Advancement in ducts, fnc., 12 Dwight PI., Fairfield, Many possibilities. Presently*.,■u$ed as lot cleared', oellar dug, barber shop 4 apt. Wduld be perfect 227-3526, 110 x 256 . $ 7.500 earnings depends on ability, initiative R IN G WOOD — Stonetown Road, for beauty shop. - Also/ can be used as 2. family home. In/ excellent con­ OFFICE CLEANERS driveway in, variance 4' perc dition. Separate entrances, garage, and performance. test ta k e n ...... $11,500 Male or female or couple. Part time large lot. Asking S2&.900. Fantastic evening hrs. flexible. Cali after 6 Opportunity. p.m. Totowa area. 525-8625. RIVERDALE REALTY CTREICHb R REAl\ ESTATE1 For further information PRICING 4 INVENTORY CONTROL" 55 Rte. 23 (southbound) Riverdale LICENSED BROKER 838*4700 CLERK. Full Time. Write: JOB, AN ABLE BROKER 835-0090 RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE., BUTLER. c/o Matzner Publications. 50 Essex KlNNELON 4 SURROUNDING AREA." BULLOCK ENTERPRISES ' Green Plaza, West Orange. N .J. osk for Mr. ling. v? to 4 acre lots. Larger acreage Real Estate 4 Ins.'— Auto ava.i'.ye. Furniture — Notary Public, 744 1229 ** Henry D:—Ricker C L IF T O N — Spacious 3 bedrfh Cape, REAL ESTATE SALES living rm , dining rm , modern kitchen, 696 - 3005 ' 838-0400 rec rm, w w carpet, $33,000. Fall MALE/FEMALE occupancy. 27+4157. *' i Postal Workers, Teachers, Municipal Employees, etc., K lN N E L O N - Level treed lot. !asi TRAINEES CONSIDERED one in custom home area. Approx. "" HASKELL CAPE " given preference. 3* acre. $13,000. 'Call 696-6C40. Better than new^ 7 rooms featuring 4 You must have talent! drive and bedrooms, living room, dining room office managei* potential for ex­ S K Y L IN E LAKES— 50 x lOO ft. wooded 4 kitchen. Fenced- in yard, all city panding firm. Career, opportun­ lot overlooking lake on main drive. utilities, walk to N .Y . bus. Many ity. Liberal draw available. Call Call 835-3472 or 212-748-0066. extras included. Owner must sell. PIZZA PIE MAN S CHEF - Goad for appointment. $ f » y . hour* A working conditions. S P A R TA - Lake Seneca, over 3 acres Asking $24,500. •35-9873 after 4 p.nf. SALES in lovely area' Only $7,900. STREICHER REAL ESTATE LICENSED BROKER 83fl-4>00 Established firm seeking College Swan Realty Co. VERNON Lake Panorama, 140 x RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE., BUTLER. PLANT MANAGEMENT ' grads with at least 2 yrs Indus­ L IC E N S E D B R O K E R 2M-S700 210. Build-ng lot. Only $5,900. M A C H IN E S S1J-S16M trial or Business Machine sales B U T L E R — Convenient to Route 23. HOMES P R O D U C TIO N S U P V R . $10-$13M ex per. Co paid benefits. Approximately 100 x 185 building lot N EW $19,500. 3 bedrooms, wooded PRODUCTION S13-S14M Salary to $i2M Fee Paid with barn. Only $10,900. MACHINE SUPVR. S1M15M SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS i lots, occupancy 30 days, wall to wall * AS S E M B L Y S U P V R . $10-$1 2M NATIONAL With charter work available. No ex­ ! PACELLA REALTY CO. carpeting, appliance^, storms 4 W E L D IN G S U P V R . . S10-S11M SEARCH perience necessary, we will train. 1 B R O K E R *839-4200 screens, heat, tile bath-, aluminum ASSOCIATES 101 TRANSPORTATION CORP. siding, panelled wail. Larger models ALL POSITIONS FEE PAID ; MONTV ILLE — . Approximately 1 acre Acme Agency, 152 Market St., Paterson. 505 Ring wood Ave., Pompton Lakes available. Well 4 septic system- ex­ (EMPLOYMENT SERVICE! 835-4455 on thickly treed hilly lof on a quiet tra. Sussex County. Mortgages avail­ I road. $9)500. Call 696+124. able. Call builder. 875-31601 7 days or PORTER ~ 2282 -Hamburg Tplce. l eves. *• 4— Situations Wanted : TW O OR 4 A C R E S on State Road n*ar Excellent working * conditions -V. W ayne State Game lands. Price: 9 acres I LITTLE FALLS — Older home. 100' x Salary & benefits. Male or Female j $1,800. - 4 acres $3,500. Write Box ?43* lot. Living room, dining room, 9 839-1900 26, Thompson, Penna 18465. j kitchen, 4 bedrooms. $25,900. VA I F H A terms to qualified buyers. ^akeview Convalescent Center ALL D A Y •<; DAY SUMMER * SESSIONS 130 Terhune Or. Wayne J 1 acre plot $ 5.000 I CROSSWAY REALTY. Brokers. LEADER DAY NURSERY SCHOOL. j Vernon Area, extra /g Piot $ 7.500 _ 256-8100 Equal opportunity employer WAYNE. State accredited. Qualified | 1 acre plots, low down payment $ 6,000 feathers. Planned program. Hot ea. 1 NEW 4 BEDROOMS PORTERS | Safes Positions Lunches.- 8eaut'fu( surrounding*. - 14 acres w pond, beautiful setting S30.000 I Home, custom built, nearing comple­ F u l l & p a r t t i m e We have several companies seek­ 696-5617 or 271-1465 235 acres, beautiful terrain. 9 tion. 2 story, dining room, tile bath Many company, benefits. Retired “Per­ ing experienced salesmen & sales rm home and bam buildings. 4 2 lavs., bdsement, family room & sons welcome to apply. j trainees. College background help B A B Y S IT T IN G weekdays in m y home Ideal summer resort and rec. laundry, garage, powder room, oak person. G R A N T C IT Y l Rte. 23 8. full. Wide salary range, depend­ for working mother, 1 or 2 Children. center, or camp site. Lg st*eam doors, walk-in closets, 16' master sons welcome, to apj^ly. Apply in ing on exper. SJart at $8,000 + W est Milford. 728-1370. running thru prop. bedroom, on * a acre wooded, exciu- Jackson Ave. Pompton Plains. An ; car & expenses '4 commission. B A B Y S IT T IN G desired in m y home for &ood financing $235,000 ' sive area, private park, water. equal opportunity employer. Send resume Fee Pa < 1 or more children. (Reasonable). ELIZABETH GENfc. REALTOR $37,500. Mortgage available. Call Wayne area. 696-8389. j 769-4194 or \ 697-4710 i builder, 875-3160, 7 days or eves.' | ^ OAKLAND RANCH- BABYSITTING IN MY HOME By~ 'W A N A Q U E |P§~Approx.Vbj|| acres wijh NATIONAL Outstanding value at $28,500 featur­ PROGRAMMERS SEARCH day. week or month. Linco'n Park income property. \ $71,500 ASSOCIATES area^* 694-4740. ! BLOOMINGDALE — Approx. 2 acres, ing 3 bedrooms, dining area. *u'l Several immediate Fee Paid CARPENTER a HELPER - Witling"to* I residential. $18,000 , heated basement, garadc. .deal .oca-' openings for those with 6 months Trade Quality Work a Material tor tion, rear screened porch; Can for to 3 yrs experience, IB M 360-20- (EMPLOYMENT SERVICE) j K lN N E L O N — 42 acres, 1 acre final _Cash. 694-223$ sub-division approved. $264,000 j appointment. *' 30+0. Salary $9-$12M. 1 y r. ex­ STREICHER REAL ESTATE experience. Univac 1108-9. $14M. 2282 Hamburg Tpice. CIVIL ENGINEER - Experienced ""in STREICHER.ER. REALR ESTATE j LICENSED BROKEOKER 838-4700 LICENSED BROKER 8?8-4?r<) designing-drafting — works evenings RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE.. BUTLER * Wayne 4 or weekends. 839-4908.', RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE.. BUTLER. NATIONAL OAKLAND BI-LEVEL " SEARCH E L E C T R IC IA N , Licensed 4 Bonded, all I WLST MILFORD 839-1900 , 265 x 212 $ 3,800 ! Conveniently located to Route 202, ASSOCIATES types of elecfrirai work, 100 amp., we .found this lovely 7 room home 200 volt service. Reasonable. 835-2818. ’ 1 acre $ 7.800 ' '*.29 acres $10,000 for you Kept in immaculate condi­ (EMPLOYMENT SERVICE) E X P E R IE N C E D N u~rYe s "Xidte aihd" . 1*2 acres — Kitchen Lake $14,500 tion, features includinq H W heat. Babysitting. Responsible woman. Call 2282 Hamburg Tpke- SHIPPING j 5 8 10 acres — exclusive area $38,900 ! /ijjt baths + rpore. Ceil for appoint- Warehogse exp. 4 energy is ^.needed ____’ 427-1360* _ i ment to see at $37,900. Wayne for this* active spot. H.S. g rid can H A N D IC A P P E D — seeks Bookkeeping 1 ' L. S W A TO S , b r o k e r , S T R E IC H E R REAL ESTATE begin at $5,200+. Oppty. for O /T at home. Bkpg thru trial balance, 728-8122 : t (CENSED BROKER 838-4700 839-1900 4 advancement. Call Mrs. Jensen, :ncome statement, balance sheet. ■ RTE. 23 4 . BOONTON AVE.. BUTLER 696-2121, Snelling 4 'Shelling Empi. 839-0429 W ES T M IL F O R D ChO(ce buU£00 level 334-1335 Of 334 /689. oq wooded tot in good residential area. PACKANACK WOODS — 4 bedroom. REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR ! Only $4,500. /CAROINALE REALTY'. . 2’-*» bath Colonial- Bi-Level.: Panelled MA'DS AVAILABLE NOW B R O K ER . 728-3322. , family ^room wSh fireplace.* 2 - car experienced^ in routing, pick JL. pack. | Also college girls for jum m er. Exp'd, i garage.' Excellent condition. $52,000. Cosmetic piar.f. v | excel, refs., Wayne P R IV A T E T U TO R IN G * in m y home, in i GRAVE PLOTS — Cresthaven Memo-. an9 $38,900; Bungalows, S24.500 and Pompton Plains. Grades 1 to 6. ' rial Park (Clifton) 4 graves, 8 p 26,900; others to $69,000. Phone Ail Ask for M r. Schurman SHOP MAN Call 839-4631 j terments. $600. Call 227-49&. Peacock, Broker, 69+2020. Experienced in plumbing 4 heating PA C K A N A CK ” L A X E ’4~'oedroom/ I 2 T E A C H E R S expd. in painting 4 car­ supplies. Call George Van Varlck for Rancher F'repiace. large recreation pentry looking for summer work. JOHN KAPAS appointment, 772-6707.______11— Real Estate tor Sale room, enclosed porch overlooking Call 839-3664 or 478-2425. lake. 2 baths. In ^excellent condition. S HORT ORDER MAN QUALIFIED expd. feather will tutor Easy terms. $43,500. 69+3548.______reading 4 prim ary math, will also j ALWAYS THE BEST BUYS Full or part time. Pompton Area. PACKANACK WOODS — 105 Overlook give art lessons (B A deg. in a rt). Real Estate, Inc. Qall for app’t 835-9866.______AT PACKANACK LAKE Ave., Wayne. * bedroom, oath Call 839-1913 Bi-Level (8 ipacious rooms 4 fire* 838-8600 TRAINEE WORKING MOTHERS $34,900 + Colonial, 3 bedrms. dining rm, place). Large landscaped 4 wooded Packaging nftichinery mechanic. M/ili mind your cniid in my home. living rm , kitchen, bath 4 Vt, plot. Just completely renovated 4 re­ Pequarmock area. 694-4321 Recent vocation high school grad. 3-car garage. Large lot. decorated inside. Asking $52,000. CaJI $34,900 to $37,900 — Cape Cods, 3 to 6 ______69+8621 or 69+9593. - ______Call 696-1990 bedrooms. A Choice group for j PO M P TO N L A K E S $27,500 RETAIL SALESMAN OR APPLY AT: your selection. 1 S - BEDROOMS ' Real Estate $54,908 — New Bi-Level, 4 bed r ms, liv­ Are featured In this terrific valued PAR T TIM E VERI-TONE ing rm , dining rm , kitchen, Cape Cod home. Living room, dining RESEARCH PACKAGING CORP. family rm, T'x baths, 2 - car area, lovely kitchen, l l 3 baths. Nice­ Fo r auto accessories, bicycles, sport­ 26 Hanes Drive Wayne garage. ly landscaped. Cali to see. * 5— Appraisals STREICHER REAL ESTATE ing goods and appiianoes. Thursday $62,500 — A Luxury. Ranch with 3 bed­ and Friday evenings from 6-9 and L IC E N S E D B R O K E R •’,38-4700 VJ». rm s, living rm, dining rm,. RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE., BUTLER. Saturday from 9 4 Permanent. kitchen, 2 baths, rec rm, 2-car* Apply 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Savings 4 Loan garage, beautifully landscaped RINGWOOO RANCH" Operations Man $13,000 • APPRAISALS with expansion possibilities. with 4 bedrooms, Texas size lot of Cost Accountant WESTERN AUTO All types. Fast, courteous service. ED J. FENGYA, REALTOR, 60 Lake almost 2 acres with pond. Full base­ 2-3 years' experience T o $12,000 ment, garage. A real beauty 4 a 194 Wanaque Ave. Pompton Lakes Please call M r. Stretcher, 838-4700. D r. West at the Plaza, 61+4305. Jean Junior Accountant $8,000 Steinbacher, Sales M gr., eves 69+2755. steal at low $32,900. Call for ail ALL FEE PAID the details 4 appointment. ^ SALES ~ DUNHtLL PERSONNEL REAL ESTATE Appraisal Service. John STREICHER REAL ESTATE * ALL TRAINEE POSITIONS Weiss 4 Co., Realtors. Appraisers, D IS C R IM IN A TIO N - based on race LICENSED BROKER 836 4700 565 Rte. 23 Cqdar Grove, N.J. ADVANCE TO SALES MGR. SPOT 1207 Pat.-Hamburg Tpke., Wayne. creed, color or national origin in the RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE., BUTLER CO. CAR + EXPENSE ACCT. - 239-8700 694-3300. salt or rental or* houses or apart­ Stlirt S7M Com m . + bonus ments is IL L E G A L . This newspaper ~ 2 RANCHES L E FT AT $21,50* Acme Agencv, 1S2 Market St., Paterson. VEGETABLE MAN and Grocery man assumes that its advertisers intend Brand new, 3 bedrooms, full bas^ (2 ). Union store, benefits. R O Y A L to obey the LA W . For information ment, H .'W heat, large lot. DonY ECONOMY MARKETS, TE 8-97*9. Read Matzner s contact the New Jersey Oivision on pass up~thls opportunity. Call for da- . SERVICE MAN Civil Rights, 1100 Raymond Bouto­ ~ WAREHOUSE HELP tails. F p r a ir conditioning worfc. Prefer ex­ ward, Newark, New Jersey, 07102. A il benefits, permanent position. S lit STREICHER REAL ESTATE perience in commercial end indus­ Tel. 201-648-2121. ppr week. MARDROWEAR, Fairfield, Classfied Ads. LICENSED BROKER 838-4700 trial equipment. Call George Van RTE. 23 4 BOONTON AVE., BUTLER. Varlck for appointment, 772+707. N .J. 227-3440. WAYNE TODAY JUNE 3, 1970 Page 16 i ce o. $43,500. tot. acre is ° * down stairway. T ru ly a home out of of out home a ly ru T stairway. down * V , 4 bedrm. Cape, -1'% paths, Rv, -rm ., ., -rm Rv, paths, -1'% Cape, bedrm. 4 , R E K O R B D ^ N E C I L 7 Bun­ — E K A L D O O W N E E R G R E P P U CENSED BROKER V §38-4700 V R E K O R B D E S N E IC L E N Y A W R E K O R B D E S N E IC L 2 & ON AV^- BUTLER R E L T U B -, ^ V A N TO N O O B & 23 . E T R An A .8 .L .E . Broker Broker . .E .L .8 A An U S & BOONT , . R E L T U B ., E V A N TO N O O B & S . E T R W E N Y A W . R E L T U B ., E V A N TO N O BO & 23 . E T R 0 Re 23 Rte. 400 ■ * ■ ’ E N Y A W UIES EVC AGENCY C N E G A SERVICE BUSINESS ' living room, dining room, kitchen, kitchen, room, dining room, living ' R E K O R B E N Y A W ue s eros r trg) Fin­ attic storage). in or s. rm bedrooms pine as knotty * (use finished 2 , eihfl bdom execu­ bedroom 5 Delightful — E N Y A W W A Y N E — New "M-Level. 3 bedrooms, bedrooms, 3 "M-Level. New — E N Y A W W A Y N E - 4 bedroom Colonial Split, Split, Colonial bedroom 4 - E N Y A W W A Y N E — 3 bedroom Cape, expansion expansion Cape, bedroom 3 — E N Y A W W , E N Y A W erin ooil 4 bed­ 4 Colonial. Georgian — E N Y A W pm 694)443. p.m. ■ barbeque. brick & patio with lot 'treed ac, l bik 3 bed­ 3 brick. all Ranch, — E N Y A W oversized garage, porch. Vlfrtl-to-wall Vlfrtl-to-wall porch. garage, oversized CENSED BROKER R E K O R B D E S N E IC L 2 & ON AVE. BUTLER E L T U B ., E V A N TO N O O B & 23 . E T R two two 7-5. . Excell. heat. water 274-05$. many hot patio, Gas Garage, extras. room rec. ished bedrooms, & room, rec P P E R G R E E N W O O D L A K E — lovely lovely — E K A L D O O W N E E R G R E P P carpeting, storage attic attic storage carpeting, elled ree l room, ^basement, garage. garage. ^basement, room, l ree famit large elled the for Terrific B E S T B U Y — priced In low 140's. This This 140's. low In priced — Y U B T S E B Needs well & ywork to be done. Sale Sale done. be to ywork & well Needs A. r mdr Cp Cod, Cape modern . rm 4 M IAC. M featuring level ooe on all rooms 7 s fr s O'Donohue. rs. M for Ask rc- 650 Cl §94-1735. Call $6,500. price- uig _eros 2 ah, ul base­ $28,990. full baths, 2 3_bedrooms, turing fda lvl lk. \ Situ* lake. ($35;500. lovely Only afed.at Beautiful. House Penoed-in# yard for toddlers. Lovely Lovely toddlers. for yard Penoed-in# rooms, n ice,“fO t rc ro, work­ room, rec. ft. “'flO bed­ kitchen, 3 features, in home 5-year-old This ao, ros bt o 6 tots. 6 on bath & rooms 3 galow, Cond. $33,990. Fo r appointment call call appointment r Fo $33,990. Cond. ment. Many extras. Call today. Only Only today. Call extras. 7 Many Large Fea­ ment. lot. condition. {umbo excellent Ranch, on room home e Prim ae oduiy Ol $31,900. Only condmunity. lake RA & RC RANCH C N A R BRICK & E AM FR beautifully a on set obths eat- reorirt, & shop dining room, living rooms, Sal* for Estate Real — Central air conditioning and vacuum vacuum and conditioning air Central price. full S32JOO at it miss Don't conveniences. All front* lailake iig m, ice wt dishwasher, with kitchen , rm dining ’158 Sales Steinbacher, Jean call er.ds home Luxurious garage. car 2 baths, 200' x 100* carpeting, — -w w system, bdom, fl, 1 bts f K fb baths, 21* full, 1 bedrooms, 3 r 6425 o 696-9593. or 694-2755 gr. M occu­ Immediate area. Preakness in 6964478. $46,000. tot. ished rec rm , 2-car garage. On over over On garage. 2-car , rm rec ished This home .offers large living room, room, living large .offers home This , A Y G N E F . J D E $45,900. *'• 2*6 room, pancy. ily din­ fam room, kitchen, living room, bedrooms, 4 ing — E N Y A yet close to shopping. Living rm , , rm Living shopping. street, to dead-end close Secluded . L yet E V E I-L B tile bath. Hot water heat. Priced Priced heat. and water bedrooms Hot 2 bath. kitchen, tile modern - k & w & Eves. 694-4305. , R O T L A E R eat - in kitchen, family family kitchen, in - eat R E H T O Y N . A E M L B A IL A V $27,900. A S G t i IN T IS L right .possible on this nicely kept raised raised kept nicely this on .possible tive home. 3 full baths, large living living large baths, full 3 home. tive 684-7060. Wayne, Tpke., Hamourg 200 fireplace, sewing room, customized customized room, sewing fireplace, ♦42,500 firm . Cal! 6941882 or 694 694 or Lo­ 6941882 appointment. baths. Cal! for half 6050 2 . firm «old. ♦42,500 bath, on full cated 1 heat, 2-car room with fireplace, -dining room, room, -dining fireplace, with room $63.500.':M A S TE R S R E A L T Y ASSOC., ASSOC., Y T L A E R S R cen­ TE S A $63.500.':M carpeting, wall to wail closets, 0—6686 o cl onr 0— 201— — owner call 694-2062. land- or 696-8666 201— patio. bride acre 40 x Vi 18 lot, scaped-Jreed air-conditioning. tral & weekends call Jean Steinbacher, Steinbacher, Jean . J call D E weekends Choice $36,500. & patio. garage, property. room, car residential 1 dining room, kitchen, living possibilities, p', y" l ekas fe 6 after weekdays ll a ly:"C n o screened App't, garage, attached basement., en­ , rm rec panelled- , rm ng din ma! 2-2 back also tered patch, deck, screened fireplace, E X C L U S IV E B R O K E R , W A Y N E ,.f L J . . J L ,.f E N Y A W , R E K O R B E IV S U L C X E oq largo plot. Immediate occupancy. occupancy. Immediate plot. largo oq ae ih xaso atc fi base­ foil attic, expansion with Cape 6949593. Eves. or 6944305. 6942755 , R O Mkjr. T L A Sales E R , A Y G N E F oc. ge,lt 1 x 5. $29,990. 156. x 115 lot , e rg a L porch. only.* Principals patio. porch, closed x 360 tot wooded beautiful w-bar, aae fnse bsmn, oc, M porch, basement, finished garage, I N TIO P M U S S A E G A G T R O M E N Y A W pe sr. ai 6949344. Cali snrs. Upper rooms, 2 % baths, fam ily room, fire- fire- room, ily fam baths, % 2 rooms, 694-6756. Call $49,900. 2-car tion. oversized baths, 2 kitchen, in pi ace, fully carpeted. Only 1 year old old year 1 Only carpeted. fully pi ace, transporta­ sidewalks, A sewers, shopping schools, Road, near acre. eat- plus room, dining room, living rooms, gg. 5,0. al 6943548. Call $54,900. tgage. d Ms s> ofrd t $27,900. at s*>e offered Must ed. ay iacn, we wil od or­ m hold ill w owner financing, Easy a ir conditioning, 2 zone H /W heat, heat, /W H zone 2 conditioning, ir a . gro, euiul landscap­ beautifully garaoe, t.' n e m carpeting in large eat in kitchen, kitchen, in eat large Central in features. carpeting ranch bedroom ^ 3 E N Y A living room, formal dining room. room. dining 696-6553. formal only, room, Principals living -005. . REALTOR R O T L A E R , R O L Y A T H. K N A R F M prx, t w h. sig $44,900. Asking ht. w. ht. approx., ah, ag eti kthn for­ kitchen, eat-in large baths, CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H IC E H T S STREICHER CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H IC E R T S / 2 v CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H IC E R T S . FERRAY REALTY Y T L A E R Y A R R E F . H C. c baths. H/W heat, fireplace, fireplace, heat, H/W baths. garage, watts, garage C 44 o 6430 ✓ . 6941320 or 44146 R A — 4 bedroom Split Level. Level. Split bedroom 4 — E T A L U C A M IM a l szd ice, pan­ kitchen, sized ily fam — $ Rooms. Ranch. Full Full Ranch. Rooms. $ — W l l e n n o e 4 x 28 x 45 New H C N A R E N Y A W TOTOWA TOTOWA al §53-7622 Call SPLIT LEVEL LEVEL SPLIT x x basement partly finished finished partly basement eta apr, plas­ carport, extra & hot water, gas fixed fixed gas water, hot WAYNE ■W Homestead E T A T $ E \ L A E R W NCH H C AN R ______O O BOR & * PI E K A L S E IN P [ opo Plains Pompton 2 full baths, baths, full room with ______co. ______838-4700 » Road. Road. pull pull §38-4700 aMMJ M M ia 696-4747 With With 838-4700 CENSED BROKER R E K O R B D E S N E IC L suite office 8. store Rented 8i — rooms R E L large T U B ily, fam 2 — D N A L K A O l-’ a V near Area, Preakness — E N Y A W E N Y A W hide­ Lakefront — D R O F IL M T S E W P R O F E S S IO N A L B U IL D IN G on Route Route on R G E L IN T D U B IL U B ., £ L V A A N ~ IO N S TQ S N E O F O O B R P 8i 23 * TE R I N V A W Salt for Estate Real 7— -81 O E R O M OR $-18-18 Estate Real 7D— C L IF T O N — Beauty Shop — Italian Italian — Shop Beauty — N O T IF L C CENSED BROKER R E K O R B D E S N E IC L 2 & OONT , R E L T U B ., E V A N TO N O BO & 23 . E T R L IQ U O R L IC E N S E F O R SALE.* SALE.* R O F E S N E IC L R O U IQ L D E L E D O M E R Y L E T E L P M O C DALVSH S V L A ID R B CENSED BROKER R E K O R B D E S N E IC L L L E K S A H USI SS Ap- -~ p A S ES IN S BU T E M R U O G A T A E M CENSED BROKER 838-4700 R E K O R B D E S N E IC L D IN E R w / liquor license or package R package E L T U B or ., E license V A ' N liquor / TO w N O O B R E & IN D 23 . E T R N O R T H E R N N E W J E R S E Y — Steak Steak — R E L T U Y B E S R E J ., E V A W E N N TO N O O N B R E H T R & O N 23 . E T R WNSHP H S N TW K C O N N A U Q E P 4,0. or pt al 525-1567. call aptt r Fo $48,500. R E A L E S T A T E BU S IN ES S — Prime Prime — S ES IN S BU E T A T S E L A E R R O T L A E R with e xtra 4 rvLpt 100 x 150. Price Price 150. x 100 rvLpt 4 xtra e with u. JAGER, , R O T L A E R , R E G A -J N R U 6 0 C bus. A Real lawyer. Doctor, All-purpose 23. • ill w Owner offices. 4 Ask­ for zone. suitable business in tot building rec. finished baths, consider rent with option. Call owner owner eves. Call or option. ill Playboy W days . 7 with & 875-3160 firm $40,000 rent ski area. consider Near Live protects. parking. bache­ J Ample offices, panelled 6 plot, acre $22,900. mortgage. hoM $47,900. ing porches, 2 bedrooms, 2 paradise. 21%away level, split bedrm. 3 Rd., ley quiet location, convenient to schools schools to convenient location, quiet inter-com. apartment, One kitchenette highway. lor onJ front 150* Estate. Call $14,950. see. Must 728-9183/ round. year O F F E R 1 Spacious Bi-Level, 8 large large 8 Bi-Level, Spacious 1 R E F F O ton, ton, rooms. Near schools, etc. C A L L A . . 6944)609. A , L R L O T A L C A E R etc. , B schools, M O C L O H Near rooms. 125' x 295', city silvers & water, water, & silvers city 295', x 125' al, kth i rc. CHARD D R A H IC R de­ / D Mail price. Si frontage. sketch road tails, have Must way (option. Cad for aH details. details. aH for Cad offer. (option. way .. o 79 Ahna tto, Clif­ Station, Athenia , 789, R O T L A Box E R P.O. , A T T O IC R we t s tp Owner Selling due to illness. 473-9790 or or 473-9790 illness. to conditioner. due 773-4306. air new Selling decor, Provincial arge g r la al fe .0 . 835-6189 . p.m .10 after Call on 9 plus acres in Morris County. County. Morris Situated in apt. acres plus plus BAR Terms 9 & T N on A R U A T defails, tunity. tc & qimn. ems vial. . available. s Term Equipment. & stock liquor store, excellent location. Call Call location. excellent 694-0903. store, liquor prox. $400,000 gross gross $400,000 prox. owner who wants to retire. Business, Business, retire. to wants who owner ra tre akn area. parking dining targe " bar, C " & premises, Class area above lakes. quarters & slopes ski from on ideally Rare opportunity. H urry & call for for call & urry H opportunity. Rare ies & es fr ae.$,0. / $3,000. sale.. for lease & License the fabulous. N J . ski 8. lake areas, areas, lake 8. ski to . J Gateway N fabulous. Lounge. the Cocktail & House s be Eclet es. os in Tops lease. Excellent bee. a as 839-3717. bar & package goods license. Living Living license. goods package & bar equipment. Carriage trade clientele. clientele. busy trade as Carriage and -ok) equipment. years 2 don't — just here snop knocking is Opportunity are equipment and license goodwill, L—Lsig Rmt a te m R Listings /L,— tp ih i ad ah n n hs one. this on in cash and in right Stop or 728-8151, Broker, 659,500. , of N N A cC M price low- L L the E N in prime included in Business Goods Package n Sse Cut. Pie t sell to boom­ Priced fn County.* Located Sussex ing optional. acreage ail-modern an — by you pass it tot excellent brings location location. Excellent return. Will train. train. Will return. 227-3065. Excellent . p.m location. 7 License, after . C Qall ! — w o n E G D O L T N O R F E K A L Reasonable. P .O . Box 61, Pequannock^ Pequannock^ 61, Box . .O P Reasonable. e Jersey. New O, R E K O R B CO., Y T L A E R A L L E C A P G E O R G E F . V A N -O E R E E A - € 0. 0. € - A E E R E -O N A V . F E G R O E G ioigae ra ies "D " D " License area Bioomingdate Use MP Classified Use MP CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H IC E R T S BusinessOpps. Bf CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H lC fe TB S DR BEAUTY ODERN M CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H IC E R T S CHER REAL ESTATE E T A T S E L A E R R E H IC E R T S Hi Icm Property -Income lust ness Wanted teportnnHtes . .SR G N STRO J. H. 3 Brokers 23 87013. . J al 3-00 r 3-28 / 337-7228 or 835-3050 Call S ATES IA C SSO A eieta bidn lot* building Residential — N A E K A M — + R R U H — restaurant & bar situated situated bar & restaurant vial. atsi oppor­ Fantastic available. LISTINGS WANTED 838-5330-1 SE Y T N U O C EX SS U S D R O F IL M T S E W o For For E P P main other Resolfe, sd a rt o rent. for rot car Used S 839-4200 Call atsi high­ Fantastic — p o h ES R C A

highway minutes minutes highway interests. Make Make interests. st e B room, $a/e Lahd

gross \

wanted. wanted. includes includes loaded loaded

Dept., Dept., 838-4700 RES­ 838-4700 838-4790 835-0322 to

E N Y A W SHED STUDI n e In M O O R IO D U T S D E H IS N R U F W A N A Q U E — A vail. June 1st. 2nd fl. fl. 2nd 1st. June vail. A — E U Q A N A W v V ; D R O F IL M T S E W ON LAKES E K A L N TO P M O P 4 - 8 i O A K L A N D — Modern furnished room room furnished Modern — D N A L K A O i9 Hamburg Tpke. 4 Rivards ie Rivards 4 Tpke. Hamburg i9 L A R G E F U R N IS H E D R O O M — Double Double — M O O R D E H IS N R U F E G R A L 0—Frihd Rooms Furnished 10A— 0 pi Unfurnished Apti. 10— K C A N A K C A P O A K L A N D — Modem Motel rooms and and rooms Motel Modem — D N A L K A O orence . th. h it m S ). % e c • n e r lo F 10B— Houses For Rent For Houses 10B— rf $6 pr o 337-4242. mo. per $165 pref. bdm fr. home. forn. bedrm. 1 — D N A L K A O 6943900 Rnh n aon by oen n by - bay and ocean y b lagoon, on Ranch - family one Modem — A M A E N Y A W mo. $300 S L L A F E L T IT -L C A G IN S R E K O R B E H T CK BEACH — 3 ero , bedroom 3 — H C A E B K IC W D A H C S E A S ID E H E IG H T S Near ocean. ocean. Near S T H IG E H E ID S A E S MECUFF LAKE E K A L F F U C E IM F 0—Sme/ . Summer/ 10C— S E A S ID E H N I6 H T S - Vacation Bun- Bun- Vacation - S T H I6 N H E ID S A E S m ents Located in 5-room home Large Large home 5-room in Located ents m POCON O M O U N T A IN S . Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. . S IN A T N U O M O POCON E C O N O M IC A L set-up: 3 small rooms, rooms, small 3 set-up: L A IC M O N O C E e. lae af rjc ofc, 694-1900. office, project calf Please fee. ditioning, spacious rooms and closets,^ closets,^ and rooms spacious ditioning, included everything conditioned, ir A In new 2 fam. Lg. 2 odrm . apt. No No apt. . odrm 2 a.m.-7 10 Lg. 839-1870, fam. 2 new In lot. large on garage attached 2-car rn ad er nrne. et In­ Heat entrances. rear con­ and air tral. en C front Conveni­ fcfcillties. area. all to residential ent Finest apt. rage, for R E F IN E D B U S IN ES SM A N . . N A SM ES IN S U B ga­ D E IN F E Refrigerator, R for home. rage, dean quiet, 760 Hamburg Take, Pompton Lakes Lakes Pompton Take, Hamburg 760 req. Ref. prof. children no 8. pets $42,000. at Equip­ Priced quality p To income. Exctllant y r. Immediate occupancy. No rental rental No occupancy. Immediate r. y cluded. cluded. electricity. except 5 rooms rooms 5 eeecs Cl 744-9714. Call References. bed, lea box, T V available. available. V T box, lea bed, rvt hm. al ewe 8-10 between Call home. private leig 694-9250. sleeping. places, fam ily room plus large rec- rec- large plus room ily fam places, rates daily and Weakly efficiencies. onns 68 vs 337-7228. ' eves. 6-8 mornings, meit ocpny Cl 696-3548. Call fire­ 2 occupancy. baths, Immediate 3 bedrooms, 4 Ranch, aac og Mtt 337-5877. Motet. Lodge Ramapc 139-2700 , AKE M L O H K C O T S E K LA y' Sp. 10 e we. 525-6562. week. June, per $170 Avail Sept. r month. 'o ly or u J Week beaches. home. home. base­ finished with house room 7 Coupte req. sec. mo. 1 basis. /Monthly Realtor Realtor es wt oto. eeecs $300 References, option. month. with tease atr pm 279-3650. p.m. 5 after i I a L et garage. A ment W A Y N E — Furnished house/ available available house/ Furnished — E N Y A W sleeping balcony, bath bath balcony, sleeping c/o Matzner Suburban. Newspapers Newspapers Suburban. Matzner c/o Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bedrooms, 2 kitchen, room, Living les -, a atr :0 m. ;m p 5:30 after CaH 7-8, Sleeps In­ 4~ Sleeps* hot rooms. compact, ,3V£ and showers, small door galow, aH Conveniences, sleeps 4. *70 wk. wk. *70 4. sleeps Conveniences, aH k. w $85 comfortably. bungalow room 4 6945877. beacto Lake. near Stillwater 61 ot 2, an, -07470. . J N Wayne, 23, Route 1661 ULY 1t Y C N A P U C C O 1st Y L JU 3 I W R A E N 23 E T U O R OUCH H C U TO L A N O S R E P E H T ' cuain rfrne to: references occupation, Large lawn and yard, beautifully beautifully yard, and with base­ lawn oen foil Large patio, room, porch, living fireplace, ifdien, K Vcto Rentals. Vacation . P L E A S E W R IT E : statins family, family, statins : E IT R W E S A E L P ment and garage. Hot. air heat. heat. air Hot. landscaped. garage. and ment ON IO T A E R C E R D N U O R R A E Y CHALET SWISS HE BEDROOM THREE O RIEDEL . T R U H T R A L S W A T O S . BROKER BROKER . S O T A W S L BAT SHOP ‘BEAUTY o. . Giuliana M. Jos. : : w pr—Ities pport— 20 ls utilities plus $200 GARDEN APTS. MULTI E L IP T L U -M R O T L A E R 5 $205 — 3Va rm s. luxury garden garden luxury s. rm 3Va — E T A T S E L A E R N A V ue 4hAgs 24th. 24th-August June REAL ESTATE T A T S E L A E R 1 rooms, 2 bedrooms; 2 'year 'year 2 bedrooms; 2 rooms, i — dnn ro — $250. — room dining •— op Apartments op % BEAUTIFUL I Rentals te il!" a F the t A " MODERN s m i ,728-8122 m. s yr, $220 r., y 1st mo. a 525-5488 835-0223 x o b a 839-2753 +' CaH STI S G IN T IS L 'Wayne 'Wayne 1^ L A K E - Executive Executive - E K A L NC. , . C IN 7 #

l x j p . WI1H l wkdys. L 255-6555 o ROOK O O BR W Cool , 835-520C $1,600 2 nd nd iq

l motor w ith aH accessories. Wilt sell sell Wilt 835-5294. accessories. aH Call ith cheap.' w motor | l FI 4 t J HP P H JO It. 14 — T A O B S S A L G R E IB F | 4 O R S S R O 4 B R A N C H M A N A G E R - N Y S E listed listed E S Y N - R E G A N A M H C N A R B Wayne to moving child with E L P U O C R FI OMS atd In wanted S ROOM E IV F OR R U O F I 2 1, Modern — S T H IG E H E ID S A E S 10-H-Wanted to Share to 10-H-Wanted needed rooms 5 r \ f E S room U O H % 3 SR6ALL or Desires/j — N A M E L T N E G ON N TO P M O P ocaan. to Mock : i -V S T t i e w H E ID S A E S Y O U N G C O U P L E - getting married married getting - E L P U O C G N U O Y 10G— 0—Sme/ ■ Summer/ 10C— C A B IN C R U IS E R - 20 Barbour Lap- Lap- Barbour 20 - R E IS U R C IN B A C O T D E D E E N TE A M M O O R H IS CHR im rcnl taserd rm Mid­ from transferred recently .firm IS F T . F IB E R G L A S S B O A T . Evinrude Evinrude . T A O B S S A L G R E IB F . T F IS £ A Boots — I I T W O A D U L T S N E E D . 4 O R S ROOMS ROOMS S R O 4 . D E E N -. V S T L U D A O W T GLA SSP A R 16 ft. motor boat, fully fully boat, motor ft. 16 R A SSP GLA 2, 2. o 4 a k 793-2779, 763-2082 wk. a $40 to S28. '27, 99 ASS — R A SB S LA G 1969 WE S EN OW aluminum ft. 15 N A M M 0 R G fcoy UJ, ' sWift 9', bUtJt, factory , E N A L P O R D Y H . Juhq-July occupancy with a year's year's a with occupancy . Juhq-July 5 Whrwid maho­ ind hirlw 151'W T A O B D E E P S .P. H 20 -rJbhnson R fO D M D R A O B T U O 575 CUfton Ave. Ave. CUfton 575 nd CMFWY SHRDL D R H S Y W F M C un,dA tI A S R U ftTIQ A et ekn 34 ero hm to home bedroom 3-4 seeking west M W N t A - r 1 1 need living accommodations for about about for accommodations living need al Wrt Bx 1, aze Sub­ Matzner 112, Box rite W fall. 1 month starting June 14 until their their until 14 June starting month 1 ra Nwppr, 61 ot 23, Route 07470. . the 1661 J N in Newspapers, ayne, W college-bound urban I for area students; 2 Record Lakeland in reef by two women. VHaW thorne- Oakland Oakland thorne- VHaW women. . two p.m by -9 7 between 2794)974 Cal! evenings. 8348644 pc i poesoa bidn. 875 building. professional ip space :0 n. 279-3731. . jn p 4:30 vicinity of of vicinity adults, 3 of consists ily Fam lease. 20- June opts. . rm 3 8. 2 V Modern. June 21* needs 3 o r 4 room apt. In In 6942686 apt. r room o 835-4993 4 r o area. 3 needs Wayne 21* June Call rent. Reasonable vicinity. Suburban or Paterson apt., Levin, r. M Phone ready. Is house Haleden couple, no children. . children. p.m 4 no after 427-0569 couple, Haleden Broker, ealty, apo/R am onth.-'R m per to S58 ocean. 763-2082. near or 793-2779 wfc. opts., par m # r area. 4 adults. References. Call after after Call References. adults. 4 area. A P A R T M E N T IN P O M P TO N L A K E S . . S E K A L N TO P M O P IN T N E M T R A P A rent. Reasonable suite. office room 2 ; has " A Little fill of Everything". Everything". of fill Little A " has ; Equipment . ls. 20 N mtr Cl 839-1957. Call motor. No $200. glass. 206. . T X E 628-9000, . IN V E .L . D Open afternoons. Closed Mori. A Tu et. et. Tu A Mori. Closed afternoons. Open iin ARMY r- MUST SELL. I (In . L L E S T S U M - r Y M R A dition, fiber­ painted,-'bottom ly ew N strake. bu. l mhgn. r go con­ good ery V mahogany. All about. rewo Lk) 8578 o 728- or 845-7881 - Lake) $750. 3607. Greenwood equipped. 75 H P Johnson A Gator Gator A Johnson P H 75 equipped. oo. sd Go cniin' $550. condition.' Good Used. motor. rie. 2543716. trailer. ay Otor moo, 5 Mer­ P H 45 otor, m Outboard gany. M ercury engine, perfect condition. condition. HP, 100 perfect gauge, engine, A top ercury M full Fiberglass, Paddles and cushions. $185. Cali Cali $185. cushions. and Paddles . uy mtr as si. 6942879. skis. also motor, cury* mornings— the - In new; Call tike $75. tank; gas gallon 6 1967. NCOME E M O C IN R E D N U D A R U O E E S sd weS $7. 992-9277. $275. weekSv 6 used $75. shape, good hydro, step Bee ' il 8 11 fill e v t i' Tues.-Sat. r F Clifton. ~ . jn p 4:30 to Jg:3Q_ sat. thru N HUNTERS' . E M O C L E 'W S R E T N U H IN A G Old' Chine Shop. 1876 Main -Ave. -Ave. Main 1876 Shop. Chine Old' dale, N .J . 838-8181, 11:30 -p.rn.-8 p.m . . p.m -p.rn.-8 11:30 838-8181, . .J N dale, 1 OP— Office Rentals Office 1 OP— us tr Sn, o 8863 ay time. any 838-6732 jor Sun., thru ­ Tues. R A B D N A S SER W O BR , S R E L A E D 9 UNI >PATERSON O S R E T A P > . E V A N IO N U 499 Tues. consignment, on L L E -S Y U B AR- , CMFWYP P Y W F M C ,s o -m R BA T il Hamburg Turnpike, Blooming- Blooming- Turnpike, Hamburg il T . y - V ! 427-1396 ! V - .y QUES A ALMOST QUES E U IQ T N A T S O M L A A S E U IQ T N A rs A gasae Tosns of Thousands glassware. A brass desks. a tbe ih ih r o pedes­ low for or glass high Round $40. with bed table brass oak Threequarter tm a nw o, prices. low, new at items tals. Camel back trunks. Stained Stained trunks. back Camel tals. D L O 1610 Rte. 23 (northbound). Butter Butter (northbound). 23 Rte. 1610 Y A D Y R E V E F O L L U F N R A B A DVALE AREA A E R A E L A V ID M E U Q A N A W A N T IQ U E A U N IQ U E S H O P P E E P P O H S E U IQ N U A E U IQ T N A QUE BARN SPECI S L IA C E P S N R A B E U IQ T N A aain Rentals Vacation QUES 1 BOUTI S E U IQ T U O B 1 S E U IQ T N A Merchandise j PROPERTY Y T R E P O R P j * T IM E R S ' A N T IQ U E S SHOP SHOP S E U IQ T N A ' S R E IM T NG G IN H T O L C D E S U O S L A 7 t Ibad run­ Inboard ft. 17 T F A R C ROOMS -Wanted To Rent To -Wanted l consider' ill W CALL 525-8426 L L A C : 17 ft. completely stripped. stripped. completely ft. 17 S E K A L Ok) hand tools. Copper, Copper, tools. hand Ok) T H G U O B ‘1st , Y L U J Y B W Beats Cali room j 838-8292 ' ALS L IA C E P S 875-3160 835-4946 y n e or surrounding surrounding or e n y 835-4646 772-1996 835-8184 3 4028839 6947436 needed for North North for needed 4 300 sq. ft of of ft sq. 300 4 dividers. School School dividers. a 171

fjill." Ute U " . l l i lflj W . d l o s 2 ^ ', ',

SHAR E E SHAR deep lfo, J N Clifton,

...... canoe. area. Call Call V , , V p.m. U 5 " 5 U r 3 3


}~ltia Fun n u F & •} ~‘lBt)ina [ - CHAU R E T S A '-M A N T IQ U E S - O L D B O U G H T & S O LD . . LD O S & T H G U O B D L O - S E U IQ T N A F A R F E L O N I A N T R A D E R S : Antiques Antiques : S R E D A R T I N N A O L E F R A F NG,S|E 4 b. rs seed grass lbs. 4 , SA|JE, G IN R P S A A A 2—Cis Stomps & Coins 12A— 2B Merchandise 12 B— "One — P O H S E IN H C A M E T E L P M O C & Machinery 12AA— A A -H .T .H . G R A N '100 lb., $29.95; 35 )b., )b., 35 $29.95; lb., '100 N A R G . .H .T -H A A \CJ A L U M IN U M L A D D E R , 20 ft. (double), (double), ft. 20 , R E D D A L M U IN M U L A . Jock's Hardware, 1071 Ringwooa Ave.. Ave.. Ringwooa 1071 Hardware, Jock's . H. , Sae nwlwr 4 Snowblower, Stage 3 ., .P H 7 — F M A - » * A N D N E W C U S TO M M A D E V E L - - L E V E D A M M TO S U C W E N D N A * » B IC Y C L E S — 2 Seators. Boys', g irls', irls', g Boys', Seators. 2 — S E L C Y IC B ok of Works A A R T G R O U P IN G O F O R IG IN A L S b y y b S L A IN IG R O F O G IN P U O R G T R A TE, p.. wn sofa twin pc.>. 3 , E IT U S M O O R D E B T E S M O O R D E B r Wloe Cninet accepted. Consignment Welcome. ers M O O R D E B 1 Rue 1 Pompton 21 Route V13 a Friue Bl.-rc Brows­ Brlc.a-Brac. & Furniture has C L O S E D S U N D A Y S . - M rs . L o r m an, r an, o m L . rs M - . S Y A D N U S D E S O L C 835-0429 61 Glenwild Ave., Btoomingdale. Btoomingdale. Ave., Glenwild 61 HRS. B Y C H A N C E O R A P P O IN T . . T IN O P P A R O E C N A H C Y B HRS. B L O O M F IE L D A V E ., V E R O N A N J - - J N A N O R E V ., E V A D L IE F M O O L B 09-6885 09-6885 -s leeper ; 6 y r. crib with mattress; mattress; with crib r. y 6 ; leeper -s 3 ui f. hebro, $6.97. Wheelbarrow, ft. cubic 3 . 3 J package 115. Ta b., $31.95-$ 16 125 w . B 'W A Y . . Y A 'W B . w 125 $31.95-$ 16 b., Ta 115. Haskell. press, toot grinder A many extras. extras. 6941782. many call A information grinder For toot press, 6482 6845389 6846842, , N O S R E T A P H R S. W E E K D A Y S - 6 P J M P.M . . P.M M J P 6 - S Y A D K E E W S. R H 2; ewo ccti tbe, $10. tables, cocktail Redwood $20; ol evc ad arny Fe de­ Free warranty. and service foil 839-0269. Cell $10. bed, Mahogany in t, ono, J. 334-0320 . .J N Boonton, $299.95, St., sion model, 1970 trims., speed D O Y O U H A V E O L D THINGS?** THINGS?** D L O E V A H U O Y O D VATE COLLECTOR PAYS CAS SH A C S Y A P R O T C E L L ivi­ O D C 487 E T A IV , R D P E E F N TO N O O B livery NS. OY YS TO A S L L O D . S IN A R T D L O R O F - A G IT A T O R S - B E L T S - R E E R - S T L E ES B G N A R - - S S R R O E T Y A R IT D G A - - S ER H S A W GERATOR HANDLES GASKET TS E K S A G S E L D N A H R O T A R E IG R F V E T L IV IN G R OOM S E T w Spanish Spanish w T E S OOM R G IN IV L T E V 2; erg, 2; ielc st $10., set, Fireplace '6941298 $20; etc. Refrig., $20; R £N*S OR TV T R LO ES O G C N A R A C R — $ R E Y £OND*RS R D IR A - S ER SH A W fe 5 . 6847194. . p.m corner 5 after with sectional p.m. 4 after Call 26-inch. 6947561. Call tire. 8-53-14 ble bed, $40; Antique dining table table dining Antique $40; bed, ble FTON N O T IF L C chest. 2 twin twin with 2 chest. cocktail table; colonist floor lam p; p; lam floor colonist table; cocktail SHWAS RS REFRI S R O T A R E IG R F E R S ER SH A W H IS D pON LAKES S E K A L N O Jp M O P ranged 8. hung free. 791-3231 or 794 794 or 791-3231 r­ A free. Wednesdays. others. Closed. hung any 0321. m 8. & ranged Chagall, Picasso, ihs 6949424. nights (dark wood) 1 yr. old. Night table, table, Night old. yr. 1 wood) (dark ACK' N A HOBBY SHOP P O H S Y B B O H A IN O C 'S K C JA /Main St., St., /Main V * V R FO L . L S A E C T O U . Q S L IA T R E S T E A T M A L IC T A M HOTPOI T IN O P T O H & G A T Y A M LVER. NG ALL NUMIS­ M U N FOR L L A ID A P G IN Y U B S E IC R P . R E V IL T S S E H IG H 5 HALEDON AVE. HALEDON N O D E L A H ., E V A N O D E L A H 454 E N & IN O C N O LED A H Appliances - New Appliances- GREEN TASSEL TASSEL GREEN Z—AwtHws w H t w A — Z I Works of A rt. Rare Old Books, Books, Old Rare rt. A of Works LY AT CO. O C PARTS LLEY A V •1 Route IS. S in d K , 2M-73M 2M-73M , K d in S IS. Route •1 ApplianceParts . 9 AA- PM.. P.M AJA.-9 9 . N U S A T. A S QUE DOLLS REPAI D E IR A P E R S L L O D E U IQ T N A SOL TRADED D E D A R T , LD O S , T H G U O B 1273 Liberty Ave., Hillside Hillside Ave., Liberty 1273 QUES S E U IQ T N A N E H W K C A B AT DISTRIBUTOR PARTS — S T N E M E L E E G N A R — T H E M U L B E M T Y BUSH BUSH Y T M E B L U M E H T 5 HAMBURG TURNPI E IK P N R U T G R U B M A H 754 OL OYS TO LD O „ ros $0. as 6942988, Days $300. irrors, m ehncl Banks Mechanical " W e W ill Pey" Pey" ill W e W " NG F R FO G IN K O O L x E G R A H C ANTIQUES SPRING SALE ' NS S IN O C al 835-1912 Call deal. Tools Furniture, on three floors. floors. three on Furniture, 7-58 - - 473-2508 ALO BUY U B LSO A E W 684-6544 12 N AVE. E V A IN A 1162 M LY IL A D N E P O STAMP S E T — Contemporary Contemporary — T E S usx NJ. 875-5979 . J N Sussex, •38-1348 9241590 9241590 —3 Lathe, m iller, drill drill iller, m Lathe, 6940592 beds, A A P N A c. ooil dou­ Colonial pcs. AMPS S P M TA S * - / e lr u < Buy Alsr We triple dresser dresser triple table. 7 . CARD R A C f N U \ 239-8243 473-2617 §5-2157 CaH CaH

*> * , > i l r i : s

12B— Mereftdndis* 12B— Merchandise 12B— Merchandise 1970 3. E N JU Y A D TO E YN A W 17 Page

BRIDES Save on your wedding gown. Beautiful samples for sale. By appointment. Sundays also. 744-9909. Stop! o Stop! e JavelH CASH .10% CASH A SAVE 50%-75% , For Used Fwnlture# Appliances. An tlques. Etc. Piece Or. fn tire House C EVERY DAY A SALE DAY ! I NEW — SAMPLES — CLOSEOUTS $ REFUND y I MARKET Maple Dinette Sets • Vinyl Recline^ Maple Hutches a Col. Sofas & Chairs on every purchase AUCTION HOUSE Beds (3/3 A 4/6) a Maple L. Rm. fables a Boston Rockers » 339 Market Street Bedding (3/3 & 4/6) Sofa Beds a Maple Student Desk* PATERSON WAYNE’S NEWEST LA 3-8942 Studio Couches a W h ite Bedrm. pieces Bujnkbed Outfits a Steel Bed Frames ENTERTAINMENT ELECTRONIC CERAMIC SUPPLIES — CER AMI- CHROME DISTRIBUTOR. Open >11 Colonial Lamps a Numerous other items SERVICE CENTER . summer* 6 days. DOWAN'S CERA­ MICS, 0 Van Ouyne Ave., Riverdale. a Colonial Oak — OUR SPECIALTY! I Can 835-1042. / a Lay-Away Courtesy Extended COLOR/BLACK A WHITE TV — C E R A M IC S U P P L Y D IS T R IB U T O R «or Ceramichrome. Dealerships Available. • Free Delivery within 15 miles RADIO — STEREO TAPE A ROWAN'S' CERAMICS. • Van Duyna Ave., Riverdale. Call 135-1842.______CASSETTE CARTRIDGES A. PLAYERS CLE A N INGEST carpet cleaner you TUBES A PARTS ever used, so easy too. Get Blue - Lustre. Rent electric shampooer SI. 1 MACOPIN SALES *• Allwood Hardware, 104 Market Street, Allwood, U J . ______707 Macopin Rd., West Milford, N- J. TRI-SHIHJ) ELECTRONICS C OLOR TV, Olympic 18“ table model, 2 years old, good condition. Sacrifice D A IIY 1 0 -6 P.M. 697-4221 FBI 10-9 P.M. 152 Boonton Rd Wayne, N .J.. 07470 , $100. Call 992-0329. ______Open Mon.-Sat. E LEC. DRYER; Book Rack; Bamboo Chair; Dressing Tbl. & Mirror; Slide 9:00-9:00 494-7060 Projector A Screen; Books; Misc After 4 p.m . A all day weekends DISTRESSED NAPS SELLS NEW & USED call 335-4474. . V FREIGHT CLAIMED I I2C— Musical MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE 128— Merchandise Rockers, Sofas, Vacuums, Beds, •nstruments Tabies. Chests, Dressers, Bunk STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL M W A R E H O U S E Beds, Recliners, etc. Browsers HAMMOND SPINET ORGAN welcome. Specialists in Kirby ART EXHIBIT 4 SALE Ideal for rock group vacuums, service A sales. Sat., June 6th FREEBEE S595 with bench A dealivery C L O S E -O U T * 121 Hamburg Turnpike Van Riper Hooper House Roobie's Music City 514 Rte. 46 ADORABLE CATS— from S monlhs (Corner 1st St., Bloomingddle) Berdan Ave., Wayne Wayne 256*17^7 old. Some altered. A ll colors. Alsc ’ 2 mile from Bioomingdaie Firehouse 1 to 4 P-m. 50% DISCOUNT OpenJ ri 10 daily long-haired .cats. 427-1394. Mon., Tues^ Wed. A Sat. 10-6 D O N A TIO N : 81. Children 75c Thurs. A F ri. 10-9, Sun. 10-4. SPONSORED BY: B A R N E Y a 2 y r. old part beagle While theW last choose from rich­ HAM MONDN OC C-3 OR GAN 838-5454 1 WAYNE FEDERATION would like a home. Loves chil­ ly grained Stereo Consoles. Com­ WITH >2?ILE\lESLIE S P E A K E R OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN dren, very even-tempered. A house ponents, I track Stereo Tape SI.895. ROBBIES' MUSIC dog. Trained. Brownish-beige col- Decks, o n - Combinations of all— C E N T E R 514 Rte. 56, W A Y N E SWIMMING POOL SALE or. Free to good home. 694-8752. U p to 16 speakers A 120 watt NEW UNDEPWOOD OFFICE TYPE­ 256-1717 W R IT E R stilt in factory carton. j Will sell Coleco Regency 15 ft. round BEAUTIFUL Calico & Tabby kit­ output. M r. Wayne, 488-5955. S A C R IF IC E . price.. 452-1408.____ j pools at SI 19.50, also 18 ft. round at tens. 8 wks. old. Litter trained. j si 49.75. These are all new 1970 mer- , 1 N O R G E A ir Conditioner, like new, Free to good home. 1694-2685. chandise. Pdmpton Toy A Sport Cen- ELECTRIC STAIR GLIOER 25,000 B T U — 1 R CA Whirlpool air JUNE SPECIALS | ter, 685 Route 23, Pompton Plains Perfect Condition. * cond. 9,000 B T U . 1 Forced A ir Nat. B E A U T IF U L little kittens looking ; (n e x t to Country Furniture). Now 338-4709 Gas Furnace, 113,000 B T U . Call after S P IN E TS as low as $525. Con­ fo r’ a good home. Call after 2 Y open 9-9, Sat. 9-5, 10-5 Sun. p.m. 731-0972. ENCYCLOPEDIA 7:30 p.m. 835-6094. soles and Grands at big savings. . Such famous makes as 5 0 H M E R , For sale, reasonable. T A P E R E C O R D E R - 4-600 ft. reels BLO N D & black striped male kit­ P A N T Y HOSE KNABE, MASON A HAMLIN, 342-4233 tape. Valued S85. Asking S60. Cali ten. 7 wks. old. Fully trained. O ne’ size fits all. 1st quality. Beige, EVERETT. STECK A CABLE EVERGREENS,, cut/rooted, 10,$1. 797-7051. After 4 p.m . ’ 835-5417 . Coffee. Off-white, and Black. Satis­ N ELSO N pianos. Term s arranged. Grown, 4/81; Tulip, Dogwood, Peach. faction guaranteed, SI 2 per doz. CALICO CATS (2),^young - like^> 50C to 83; Rose of, Sharon, 10c to 81. T E N T -T R IP L E Side room; sleeps 10: Sample pr. SI.25 FASHION MODE, the outdoors. Free to a residen­ Hedges mimosa, free phlox A creep­ vinyl coated nylon floor. Light weight. 864 Greenwich Lane. Union, N. J. CAMPBELL TEMLET tial home. 271-1819. ing- myrtle. ^427-8473 after 4 p.m. Like new. 992-9449. COCKER SPANIEL,,*- AKC - with P O O L — 18 ft. Ultra-Medallion and PIANO C O . papers. Buff color. Very gentle. accessories. Excellent condition. $100. Call 525-3824. W 126 Rte. 4, Paramus 843-1261 Good family dog. 694-3484. FURNITURE Near "K'* Tile, W. of G.S. Parkway DUO — 2 year old male. Part P O O L T A B L E S - Wholesale prices. TOP SOIL O P E N DAILY 10-9, SAT. TILL (• Retriever, part Beagle. Good with FO R SALE % in slate top. all sizes, factory in­ children. Must give pet to good M U S T S E L L 7 pc. Hying room stallation. Save 35%. 525-9155. set. Bought *2 yrs. ago for $3,500, PIANO — Haynes Upright electric with home because of allergic child. POOL /T ABLES — All Vale~bedsV ~di- will sacrifice for $700. Includes maturing cabinet and 90 r o ll! ’of .83842554. rect^ractory, avail. 4 ft., 7 ft., 8 ft., CLEAN FILL couch, chair, ottoman, club chair, music. Needs vacuum hoses. $150. 9 ft. Call any time. Area* (201) 374- f e m a l e PART COLLIE, 3 mos. 2. end tables A large area rug. 7284523 old. Black, white A brown. Free 1171 or 347-6843.___ Successor to Ketay Farms Excellent condition. Call 694-4447. PIANO. ORGAN A GUITAR h r good home. 494-2502. R AILROAD. TIES FOR SALE John J. Baum, Inc. f N EW and U S E D Special methods for the very young FEMALES G A R A G E S A L E — June 5th, 4th A VINCENT MADONNA, 239-8204 and adult beginners. Popular, Semi- TONY 'i— Shepherd Boxer 7 mos, 7th., 1 to 4 p.m. Air-cond., Dinette 835-1051 Classic and Classic. 239-1^29. CO-CO — Sheltie cross 1 yr. . set, sump pump, Colonial sofa, tires, POOCHIE — Beagle Basset 14 mos. picnic table and many other .items. S P IN E T P IA N O - Wanted, reepon- DAISY — Collie Shepherd 1 yr. 6 Birch St., Lincoln Park. REDUCED j T V 23 ,»n. 3 way, black white O lym ­ sible party to take over a Spinet H A R R IE T — Shepherd cross 6 mos. pic. Liquor bar with formica top piano. Easy terms available. Can be G A R A G E SALE — Furniture, toys, Better quality dacron,cotton voile, CRICKET— Shepherd Labrador 2x4. Magnus organ, Bradford cab­ seen’ locally. Write Credit Manager, Samsonite card table A* chairs, ap­ regular $1.39 yd., now 98c. cross, 4 mos. inet. Like new, original price $175/- P.O. Box 35. Cortland. Ohio 44410. pliances, etc. 84 Balsam Rd., Pines Printed jersey — easy to sew, regu­ K E L L IE — T e rrie r a ’oss 1 yr. 525-7762. __ Lake, 839-3860. June 4th A 7th, 10- lar S2.J9 yd., now $1.98. F L U F F —r Female Collie* IV? yrs. UPRIGHT PIANO - $44 6 p.m. Bonded lace — 25% off. MALES Large selection of embroidered USED OFFICE R O B B IES M u s i c C»TY. 514 Rte. 46. T IG E R — Poodle cross 10 wks. G U N S S O U G H T , sold, ext_nanged. All Wayne, N. J . 256-1717 Gunsmlthing done on eternises. * "eyelet for graduation, etc.. DAMIAN — Manchester Terrier FURNITURE WANTED ORGANIST, preferably with cross 4 mos. G U N SHOP 2244. Springfield Ave., Union. .686-39M Hundreds of yards of drapery Eves A weekends — 497-3229 .Hammond for Established Rock BLACK IE — Cocker cross 10 mos. fabrics for, your summer cottage * Band. 696-5815. L A S S IE — Collie cross 1 yr. H A IR S P R A Y C L O S E O U T - 15c per DESKS FILES now half price. can, m inim um 100 doz. Sample doz­ SCOTT — Labrador Retriever Fiberglass drapery — solids and C H A IR S TABLES 11 mos. t en, 84 post-paid. Cosmetic Closeouts, prints. 50c a yd. 13— Wanted To Buy KING — Tories Beagle l yr. brand names to 83% oft. F R E E L IS T. Reconditioned A Refinished P O O C H IE — Shelter Collie cross DELTA SALES, 41 B'way. Passaic FAM OU.S N A M E slipcover and BUYERS OP ALL TYPES OF 5 mos. N.J. EDELSTEIN OFFICE drapery fabrics for your own 779-5111 FURNITURE HOUSE TiMMIE — Labrador Retriever use or custom made to your or­ 2 yrs. SCRAP METAL HOTPOIHT DISHWASHER, undercoun­ der i^n t o slipcovers, draperies, OSCER — Altered Dachshund A T T H E ter model, S60. Garrard turntables, bedspreads, etc. , 10 mos. 815 up. Camper conversion kit for LAmbert 3-6153 RODCHESTER — Dachshund 10 mos Econoline Ford (sleeps 2 adults 2 Let us cover your porch and patjo BEST PRICES 7 200 Montgomery Sf Paterson, N j PRINCE — Irish Setter 2 yrs. children), 8140. 694-8184. cushions for a fresh new look. Selections for Chep cross A Irish HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - King VORNADO air conditioner. 20.000 Setter cross, also kittens. COMMERCIAL IRON size beds, double beds, end tables, B.T.U., $146. FEDDERS - 85 B.T.U., 772-2780 839-2540 VISIT THE golf bag, T V table, chest of drawers, - 875. 824-3896. AND METAL CO., INC. FREE, black kittens mixed with server, buffet, coffee table, aluminum WANTED: Color T V sets; ALSO Siamese. F>ee >c good home. kitchen table, kitchen chairs, mason FABRIC BARN Black A white portables, any age TOTQWA SECTION. PATERSON Call weeknighfs and alt d a y jars, wood storm windows A screens, Glenwild Ave., Bioomingdaie or condition 9 to 10 a.m ., 6 to 9 weekends. 839-0139. hide-a-bed. Very reasonable. 694-7631. H O U R S: 10 A .M . - 6 P.M . Daily f p.m . call 743-0380, ' COINS AND STAMPS KITCHEN CABINETS, natural birch, Open Mon. - Eve. Closed Sun. F R E E — 3 male black A white BOUGHT. SOLD, TRADED 21 ft. with stainless steel Tappan Plenty or'easy parking at the door. WASHER A DRYER — RCA Whjrl- kittens. Housebroken A lovable. Highest Prices paid for silver ooins. counter top stove, wall oven A sink, 838-4618 p o o I. Excellent running condition. Free to good home. Call 728-8414. 926-1590 $200. Tw o den -couches, 815 each. $175 tor both. Call 345-5540. HELP UNWED „ MOTHER t Kitchen set, .$25. 494-3250. W E BOOR Studio Stereo Automatic GOOD PIANO WANTED. STEINWAY Take one of her kittens. REFRIGERATORS — Washers, Dry­ i record Tplayer with 2 speakers. Exc. * OR OTHER. GRAND OR SM A LL 838-0884 LAWN MOWER — 22" Montgomery ers, Dishwashers, Ranges, o 'e r 100. Cond. 335-1491.______,______^ ____ j S IZ E. M A 2-1313. K IT T E N S — 6 weeks old. Males Ward — 3Vi HP P.B.S. engine. Very Some scratched, dented, returns, A females, lively and cute. ! good running condition. With new floor models. Factory purchased A W E P A Y CASH to good used JUNK WANTED 427-4419 bag. 825. Car carrier-zipper cover guaranteed, some as low as' price. regrigerators Call I Top Prices Paid for Oitf Scrap, RAFFERTY REFRIGERATORS, 13 Iron, Brass, Copper,.lead, etc. F R E E K I T T E N S . - 3-5 wks. old. Free to fits most cars. 88,000. 694-4771 eve­ MOTT'S REFRIGERATOR SERVICE Park Avenue. Paterson (opposite Post | PICK-UP. LA 5-5092 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. a good home. Call 696-4639 after nings. 523-2473 Office). • 4 p.m.______•______I L IO N E L T R A IN S bought, solrf t r«- ROYAL TYPEWRITER - Electric Y A R D S A LE K IT T E N S - Lovely light apricot, MATTRESSES FROM $19.95 pa- m ,, Merlon Sod Lawns side Roee’-ne M otel, Rte. 23, Butter, PROFESSIONAL -GROOMING; a u E d . t n -s tm , e r m i m , « H » Evergreen L Shade Trees P1CK-JJP Sr D E L IV E R Y M ay 12th. Answers Id Botchy. H E A R T B R O K E N I C A L L 138-2143 CARPETS INSTALLED Railroad T ie Walla L . Steps Males Your Apoointment Now Wall-to-wall, new dr used. Moving? COLONIAL CONTEACTOM^__ _ TROPE XOT ICS Will pick up and re-instdtL Far Sheetrocfctng. JpadU tad- S S ? " GROOMING SALON ’roe EstfimitBS 337-5426 "e<* .patch wartu Corpylrr. I Vi Aluminum windows, doors. *mor». LAWN MOWING — CLEAN Up 38? Rts. 46, Parslppany Edging, Shrubbery; Trimmed, Etc. SneW plowing. Call 427-3222.______. Oil! 11 AM T# tO PM Instructions KUSTOM CARPET 835-0117 o r 1354208 227-3342 1 C O M PLE TE RED ROOSTER COMPUTE w. HOME IMPROVEMENTS: Complete LANDSCAPE SERVICE* •EAGLES — AKC, male A females, 14— Musical RARLY AMERICAN ANO -MQD€RN Spring clean-up; .Monthly maintenance rale. Shade trees, shrubs, sodding, Show Champion tins, 5 weeks. Call FLOOR .COVERING • Garages G Porches • 6S4-62TS______- y. t a t n i c ^ s p s Eons • Alteratioifli • Panelling Williamsburg patios A walks. J8S* SERVICE # Aluminum Skiing • Masonry S419, pick Geedmaw. *- - . Bow W ow Boutique DRUM STUDENTS FREE ESTIM ATE 835-1319 # T ilin g RESIDENTIAL 8 INDUSTRIAL 220 Turnpike. . Peouannock JH Professional Instructions for Begin* NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION ners A Advanced Students in Modern LANDSCAPING CHOCOLATE ' E E O W N GELDING — . Drum m ing. Home lessons available. L HAZEKAMP Shrub designs A layouts Quarter horse type, 15.1 hands, needs 839-0446 or 696-6912. • n u t o w a l l c M r e n m i w m Top sod and top soli spreading experienced horseman o w n e r, $251 up, repaired, shampooed SPECIAL. 839-4475 DENNIS T. BYRNE A rm . 694-0518. GAEDEN STATE ACADEMY OP MUSIC This Month Only, 2 average size ______227-1121 We teach el! instruments and /o- DO~ YOU NEED an Electrician, car- rooms cleaned, $35 Also Upholstery ROSSI Residential Lawn Maintenance COUNTRY LIVING cal. Private instruction. 525-7332 Cleaning 759-0227. penter or Plum ber? One call does it all. Home Improvements am our and Landscaping. Monthly or week­ Board your dog in .Private Home? ly- rates. Call 772-3497. personal care given. Call after 6:30 LOUIS SPADA specialty. Clifton, 773-5872; Wayne# PM or ail day Saturday & Sunday now teaching VIOLIN In CEILINGS 694-1867. ______1______227-0970. ______E S S EX A R E A Call 239-6501. FREDRICKS CONTRACTS!— CO. 'Car- LAMPS A SHADES CEILINGS — All types of Acoustical- centers, Builders. Custom Kitchens, D OG TRAINING POPULAR PIANO or ROCK ORGAN or Suspended Ceilings installed. baths, attics end basement. Alum, SEE our FACTORY showroom sell In private home or small rjrouo. lessons, in your home o r ihine. 274 835-1094 storms and Butters. All types of ns. Hons or Dt us re-styie your Housebreaking. Obedience. Guard & 4611 or 274-5961 after 3. modeling. Interior end exterior paint­ Protection, Master is trained with ing. 696-7032. Voflcan Lamp & Shade dog with each lesson. Call after 6:30 PROFESSIONAL Music Instruction now DIRT, Fill, SAND l CRAVE1 GENERAL- ALTERATIONS 4, all types S SCecond St„ Clifton. PR 7-8237 PM or a ll day Sat. A Sun. 227-0970. available at your home. All Instru­ of residential repairs. Call weekdays ments. Call 525-0414... D I R T F IL L , S A N D 8. B A N K R U N FRENCH- »OODLE PUPS G R A V E L 70c to $1 a yd. loaded at after 3 pan., a ll day weekends, ______496-5614______MASONS Adorable Males and Females ready SAP OR I TO M U S IC S TU D IO pit. Decorative rocks 8i boulders for to go to Show or Pvt. Homes in. a 711 Ring Wood Ave., Pompton Lakes rock gardens, etc. Open 9 - 5 dally —'GOOD PLANNING MEANS ASSETS" except Sundays. Separate arrange­ ALL TYPES OF MASONRY WORK. few week' Champion Parent* ACCORDION GUITAR, PIANO For SOMMERVILLE CONSTRUCTION Sidewalks, patios, bride steps, fire­ appointment call 835-71673.__ ■ ments for delivery. See Bill Statter Call 366-2465 at Union A ve., Btoomingdale, or call 6 9 * 4 2 3 * places. Blue stone and slate . patios. T E A C H IN G Saxophone, Clarinet. $tu-' E D J . F E N G Y A , 696-9593. , ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, Free estimates. 772-5614. o- eves, 697-3473 dent at Mannes College of Music. * KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, Yo ur home or mine. Call 279-8143. GERMAN SHEPHERO PUPPIES — MASONRY, FAMILY‘S ROOMS GOOD BLOODLINE, NO PAPERS, PRESSMAKING . REFERENCES AVAILABLE 550 E A C H . 835-4252. 16 A— Special GUTTERS GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — .. f DRESSMAKING CLEANED REPAIRED 81 R E P L A C E D EXTREMELY REASONABLE. f t C.B. N AKC, CHAMPION SIRED. REASON­ Instructions 835-5300 546-2315 A B L E . 839-4724. GENERAL CONTRACTORS HOME ALTERATIONS — Reasonable: GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES— AKC~ QUALIFIED MATH TUTOR Bathrooms, kitchens, basements, A SPECIALIZING IN MASONRY registered. 7 weeks old. Black & DRIVEWAYS A CURBS Any H.S. math Call 694-4557 porches. I do m y own work. WORK black tan females. 696-7032. A S P H A L T D R IV E W A Y S , Belgium block, Free Estimates. 239-4047 BRICK WORK • STEPS GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTERS sidewalks and patios, carpenter work. IRON RAILINGS Sl.W FT. IN­ A K C Reg. Hunting Stock. 68— Driving PATIOS • RETAINING WALLS i Barneilo Corp., 7314115.. STALLED. STEEL STEPS, PLAT­ Priced to Sell. Call 2564)470 FIREPLACES * SIDEWALKS Instruction* DRIVEWAYS NEED REPAIRS? FORMS A CELLAR DOORS. Cali H OR SES B O A R D E D — Box stall in CALL EDSALL CONTRACTORS 773-0324, 772-3430. 2__ CONCRETE FLOORS private barn. Traits, Pompton Plains. AND BE SURE MASONRY 835-8099. ' ______ABACUS DRIVING SCHOOL A ll types masonry work. Free esti­ Complete Training Door to Ocxr mates. Call after 5, 779.5047, 835-2441 338-8347 IS T H IS A N Y T IM E T o own a huge DIAL 697-3PH * A N Y TIM E 4 IPPOLITTO BROS. M Shepherd? You bet your life It Isl All ages. 835-0268 ELECTROLYSIS CONSTRUCTION CO. GLENWOOD CO. CARPENTRY SPECIALIST! LABRADOR PUPPIES — 8 wks, male ELECTROLOGIST - 17 Years' Experi­ Patios, Sidewalks, Retaining W alls, ALTERATIONS. ROOFING. SIDING Repair Work. 8, female. Pay for shots. 694-1534 Special Services ence. National & International Back­ tie Rock HIM RO-. Clifton after 7 p.m .______Free Estimates „ 696-4481 ground. 731 Valley Road, Wayne. New FREE ESTIMATES MINIATURE Dachshund, papers, 6 Jersey. 496-4420. By App't Only. months old, 875. Needs good home, PR 7-7157 Tony MASON owner hospitalized, good with chil­ 17— Entertainment Brick steps,, walks, ..stone and brick dren: Call 783-4906. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING G R . 3-1531 Sal planters. Flagstone patios, etc. J. Servidio 742-7090 PONY HUNTERS - 13 Hands Bay For Hire ALBANO ELECTRIC - AH types Of Gelding and n Hands Blarfc Geld­ electrical work. Automatic garage SCALA CONSTRUCTION CO. ing: Experienced rider. Cali 838-1981. M a g i c i a n , c l o w n - specializing m openers completely Installed. 694-4190. Specializing In Remodeling. New H. & H. MILLER Children's Parties. Available Evenings POODLES — Small Standards (Canish DO YOU NEED A FULL SERVICE Roofs, Aluminum Siding, Additions, and weekends A R T TH O R 838-35N* M o yen, A K C Reg. Males & Females, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR? A"' 1 Dormers, Garages. For Free E*tt- MASON CONTRACTOR- black or brown, ready for release, types M>f electrical wiring done. For ■ t metes. 345-0076 after 5 p.m. 5 weeks old, 8)50 each. Call days free estimates call Free Webster, Bridc Work-Fireplaces-Patio* SHEET ROCKING# taping 8. finishing. 472-3665, eves A weekends 398-4906. 694-1867 or 773-5872. ! 2Q-—insurance New celling* over old plaster. NO JOB TOO SMALL P O O D L E S — Black Miniature, (1) ELECTRICIAN# licensed end Bonded. MU 8-5170 between 5 A 8 p.m. male, (2)* females, A K C , Reasonable. Consultants All types of electrical work, too amp. 838-7644 838-4412 Cali 759-6406. 220 volt service. Reasonable 835-2818. MASONRY BUSINESSMAN: Small & large. We POODLE PUPS - MINIATURE, AKC KOHAN ELECTRtfc, License arid- Sidewalks, Retaining. W alls, Patios, can give you an IRS approved Ptfc REG. 9 WEEKS OLD, 575-590. CALL Bonded • 100 Amp. • 200 Volt Steps, Repairs, 694 -6 2 91 .______sion A ,o r Profit Sharing plan for Service. Residential, Commercial, In­ 256-4867 your business, taking full advantage dustrial Installations. 694-2032. SIDING P OODLE PUPS — 7 Toys, champion background, A K C reg.. very reason­ of the tax benefits. M A S O N R Y — Patios, Steps, 4 Concrete YE TURNER AGENCY, 694-2400 able. Call 728-9112. retaining walls, etc. 15 years experi­ LICENSED ELECTRICIAN ence. All work guaranteed. Call 427- POODLES A SCHNAUZERS IALISTS LICENSED ELECTRICIAN 7270 for prompt service. For show, breeding or pets. Champ. -Int/oductory •,Z20 Service with Breaker, Panels 20A- ES— ALL BRANDS PAUL NIELSEN — Mason. All types Ped., also Stud Service. 827-6788. • Extra Outlets • Repairs A of work: brick fronts, foundations, Service Fixtures *- INUM PRODUCTS 1 POODLE PUPS •^Quality Work • Reasonable patios, stairs. Free estimates. Tiny Toys — Reasonable. 227-5356 SINGLE? WIDOWED? DIVORCED? FREE ESTIMATES ______TYPES CARPENTRY 785-1712 or 853-7853 Find Happiness ? Meet someone new • 130 V O L T Electric installed; lov TOM MADE DOORS SIDEWALKS - Brick, Block, Patios, POODLE^. STUD SERVICE by our For FREE Confident a! Interview free estimate quality woj ' Stops, Fireplaces, Retaining Walls, Champion Sired Toy Males from The call: 992-6664. KITCHEN CABINETS House of Sassafras. Silver, Black’ FREE ESTIAAATES. 271-1851 after INTRODUCTIONS’ 5 p.m. and White. Call 337-4908. EXCAVATING POODLE, puppy, black, male. 8 weeks UNLIMITED TEAM OF ’TALIAN Masons & Car­ old, A KC registered, 575. Cali R. DiBONA penters. Specializing in any kind of 33 RFtge Rd. N. Arlington. 998 7902. BACKHOE EXCAVATING 239-0149. brick, cement & wood work. Can CAR BON AR A CONSTRUCTION CO. beautiitify your home. 673-6313 or 673- POODLES, miniature,, black, AKC, 511 10th St/, Carlstadt, N .J. CONSTRUCTION CO. reg. ma>es & females, show "puppy "> ’ 939-5351 692-1288 864-5752 auaJi’ y ; 688-9151. GLENWOOD CO. MOVING & TRUCKING POODLE PUPPIES, Toys, silver, gray, Backhoe Work A K C . Ch. Pedigrees, 585 up. Guaran- White & Yellow Stone Delivered ANDY KNEBL teed. - 483-1376. ______ICE DELIVERY . / . . 696-4681 ______' GENERAL TRUCKING P OODLE — Pick of Litter, Apricot, 21— Services f 478-6591 male. A K C registered, 575. FLOOR SERVICE ICE DELIVERED BLOCKS — CUBES — CRUSHED GEORGE'S MOVING AIR CONDITIONING LOW FLAT RATES. SHORT TRIPS REGISTERED BEAGLE top gun dog 839-6149, E V E R Y D A Y D E L IV E R Y INSURANCE - Call 625-1228 13". female, wilt . guarantee $150.00. DENNIS LASNICK W H Y LOSE use of your windows? FLOOR WAXING. REE. I, COMM. Call 838-2801 after 6' p.m. Sunday. W E WILL REMOVE old appliances Room- sized A ir - conditioners c u t W IN DOW C L E A N IN G . - 274-824. INTERIOR DECORATING through the wall. Also 110-220 volt from your house; washer, r frig., SCHNAUZERS PROFESSIONALLY FLOOR WAXING, wiring. Wayne, 694-1867; Clifton, 773- stoves, etc.; service charge $10 ea* GROOMED IN YOUR HQME Home or office. Average $4, NEW IN THE WAYNE AREA — Com­ 5872. 2 for $15. 2*2-6178 or 289-2193 f V t t . . OR M 'N E C A L L 694-5789 CPU 694-8151 plete Decorating Consultations In the SCHNAUZERS, ^Miniature, AKC reg. WINDOW, Wail or Central- Units in­ privacy of your own- home. By ap­ ODD JOBS Shots and Docked. stalled; also ail mafor appliances. pointment only. Find out what you FURNITURE STRIPPING an do with what you have. Call Call 227-4966' Reasonable rates. 838-6790. CLEAN ATTICS A CELLARS, ALSO 696-8159 between 9 a.m. and noon, FURNITURE STRIPPING - Paints LIGHT TRUCKING. CALL 423-1184 SHELTERS (miniature collies), AKC and varnishes removed while you .OR 697-4378. registered Raised with children. Call ALUMINUM SIDING welt. HOUCK'S. 409 Ramapo Valley 748-2633, JUNK DEALERS DAVE'S CLEAN-UP SERVICE — Dali* Rd., Oakland. Meiy-Sat. 317-4500. A L U M IN U M S ID IN G left over (w hite), verles, light trucking, grass cutting, WE ABE AKC. Beagle puppies want­ enough to do- one small house; wilt etc. Call for app't aff. 7 pJan. w kdys; ing pads of opr Own. Call 228-1653. install. Call Dick Petti, Carpenter, HOME IMPROVEMENTS ATHENIA METAL ’f Sat. 8a Sun. aft.* 8 a.m . 8384)601. * YORKSHIRE TERR1RR MALE, 5 mos. 694-2235 • AKC. D f SHSHUND AKC. 1 yr. female A A A -1 Custom Corpentry, Additions, WASTE CO. GENE'S C L E A N O U T SERVICE - at­ Ch. stock. M U 6-4498. I.AKF, SHORE _ Garages RnlWieo, Basements, Cus­ B U Y IN G Scrap Copper, Brass, Lead* tics, (forages, homes, estates. Raasoift ALUMINUM SPECIALIST tom Built Gan. Home imp.. Raas. Plum bers Scrap, B all other now- able. F re t E s t. 778-398# aft w noon. ferrous metals. LIGHT TRUCKING 4 HAULING ALUM. SIDING — GUTTERS A Rates. 4945414 OELIVERED TO OUR DOOR PICK-UP DELIVERY SERVICE t A C r iO N CONTRACTOR - Roofing, LEADERS. STORM DOORS A Odd Jobs. Clarence LaForge, '694.1735 W IN DOW S Gutters and Leaders, Bathroom re­ 310 COLFAX AVE., CLIFTON C l-C - E J STABLE — Local'in: Tom's PROPERTY. CELLARS, OARAGE*" Lake RcL, Wayne. Horses boafded, FREE ESTIMATES modeling, Rec rooms. Exterior and interior pointing. Call after 5 p.m. O R 3-0677 CLEANED, Removal at All Trash 8> ♦ riding innrocfltefNv given* horses for Wayne Area, 684-1961 Grass Guttings. Call Joe, 835-4502. ^ale. Paddock & RRl» tf-90 838-4524. JOS, DAMATO PAPBRSTOCK W. Milford Area, 729-2560 ALL NOME IMPROVEMENTS - Addi­ ■ apswer, c^LflW flD.17( % ■ 69-83 Florida Ayp. Pataoan tions A Alteration. AUsonry A Ex­ PAINTING & DECORATING WORSES B6ARW D - ■ Bax Stalls B RAMAR EXTERIORS, INC. cavation. For Est: "5. Fritl, 654-1794. 271-2293. Newspaper, .40 .par TOP lbs. Straight, Trailer* tar sale. Saddles Aluminum Siding and Seamless Gut- We also buy an grades of waaiw t H ones Lessons. Given. 535-8655 ters Installed. Deal Direct with Con­ A & C SPACKLERS paper. Mon. thru FrL' 7 a.m. to 1 n tractor. Call 030-3445 after 7 p.m. for 15 years experience. No lob too p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. .to I b j b . AIRLESS SPRAY Free Estimates. 1 v small. Reasonable rates. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS Oh 05-401)7, 494-87.14 YOUR OUTSIDE PAINT, JOB. IN ­ LANDSCAPE CONSUtTINGi TERIOR PAINTING AND WALL. Announcements Am iAftCE REPAIR ADDITIONS, Alterations, Add-A-Leval, PAPERING. KitOwns and bathroom ramodaUng. LANDSCAPE CONSUft^TEIf ^ ’ ? F R E E E S T IM A T E S Pal DiCar lo. 742-7343 v u e a w j Good landscaping nguiraa \ FULLY INSURED |- 15A— Personals Washing Machine and Dryars BATRA o SU COMPLETED with planning and thought; i ROY PITCHER, JR .. Repair 224dm PlumBIng. Carpentry A Ceramic Tile J A i Enterprlaaa *35-2)61 w o r k . C a ll-,4544447. John Sweezy, 696-5216 or 696-7304 OOM-T BK LATE 256-0283. John tokalsk!. c a l l w m ME. UPSERVICI i t ASPHALT n.6oi4 ' • , -/feJuM ai- CARPENTER — (Maaral Centractor. Use MP Classified . - BSEMK 6>ltff Gutters, Leaders, Gounfar Tope. SPIRITUAL SEAD8UM A ADVISOR. COLD COLOR ASPHALT F L O O R CO. Inlerlar t exterior. Now Is the time Finished Basements, Attics, Dormerv Available for social gatherings, palm FOR HOME AND' INDUSTRY • to gat your Exterior painting dona. Phone 27*4582. For Bbst Results & card readings* 279-1641. ' 92 Piaget Ave., CIHton, 772-3437. Felly Insured. Reasonable prloaa. 21— Services 21- -S e rv ic V 28— Autos for Solo 28— Autos for Sole 3,1970 JUNE TODAY WAYNE fftgd 61 PAIN tUI o sT d e c o r a t i n o BUICK — 1936 4 door sedan, black. CHEVROLET 1966, 4 dr hardtop, V-8, T V SERVICE Runs good, garage kept, $600 firm. auto'c, power steering, excellent Call after 6:30; 279-4469. dbroughout. Only $1395 PHILIPP Bob lesko PORTABLE -IV SETS BOUGHT, 334-2800 : SOLD 6 REPAIRED. BUICK 1964 Skylark Convertible, auto'c, Guaranteed Cars BILL VALENTINE : ** , ' C A L L 494-4012 power steering & brakes, V-4 en­ C H E V Y 1966 Bel A ir Wagon, 283 stick, SPECIAL RATES gine, navy blue w/black lop, bucket excellent condition, new tires, $1,100. WHOLESALE TO PUBLIC seats, $950. Cali 694-6798. After 5 p.m ., 438-2309. ______iMMEGi>TK SERVICE «*. HER SERVICE 1962 GMC 4 wheel drive BUICK 1966 Riviera Gran Sport, air C HEVROLET 1967 Impala, 2 dr hdtp, {•TOP* QUALIFY PAINTING DAVt'S TREE SERVICE - Wayne. cond., PS /PB /PW , tinted glass. Ad­ auto'c, vinyl top, 1 owner A gar­ Station Wagon*, excellent aged, $1,595. ' Call 227-4421. ‘ MlTERtOR B EXTERIOR Tree* felled & removed or V cut justable steering wheel, 4 new tires, running condition . . $675 down you cut up at leisure. 32,000 miles, exceJt cond, $1,895. Call C H E V R O L E T 1968 Bel 'A ir, 4 dr Sedan, SPARER HANGING Trees pruned. Free estimate. 696-4077. 827-3540. We REPAIR A SERVICE .vjy-8, auto'c, power steering, excellent FOREIGN CARS,— Est. 1W4 FREE ESTIMATES' throughout. O n I y $1,795. PHILIPP, ,«UUY INSURED ' D O N A L D A . E R B B IIK K 1967 Le Sabre Custom “ 400", Removal of dead and hazardous trees. 4 dr hdtp, PS/PB, air cond, very 334-2800. 608 LESKO Insured 334-3431 low mileage, like new. 279-5860. 696-7057 CHEVY —' 1968, Sport van deluxe, A U T O S A LE S BUICK — 1958, 2 door hardtop, runs V-4, auto'c trans., screens, extra •4 Main St., Bloomingdaie, 0. J. HARRY A .ED'S TREE SERVICE Phone # 138-9739 EXTERIOR PAIN TIN© Trees cut and removed. Branches, good, reasonable. Call 835-5945 after " seats, etc. Never used commercially. 427-0214 after 5:30 p.m. /Most homos under .flOO, without trim . clipped. F u lly insured. 3 p.m . end weekends. Interior Paintings Cabinet refinishing. 337-4612, 3 D 5 R I - Free Estimates. 838-1669. : SAW TREE SERVICE . MOUSES PAINTED — year*- Expert- R E M O V A L T O P P IN G AP •nee. Three teachers. Free estimates.' PR U N N 1N G . 835-1971 1 J- . ■ - -■ - . 337-7052 TREES REMOVED. Patios Edl|f. Gut­ * Exterior Palatini ters A Cellars .leaned. Robbish Re- REZZA MOTORS GARFIELD RAPER HANGING moved. - W- $• Homiak. 835-1648. Samtaft'mlVinyl Free, estimates ~ m s m ____ Tilt INSTALLATION I j7 HALLMAN, Interior ” enr Exterior ' pointing. 'Quality work at reasonable CERAMIC TILE prices. Call 239 9098. . BATHROOMS • KITCHENS -DAY MARBLE WORK • ALTERATIONS J. E, DOYLE, INC J. S O K A LS K I. C A L L 256-0283 I PAINTING TYPING SERVICE INSIDE'’ OR OUT— FREE - < ESTIMATES— AM. WORK T V P IN G of all kinds done in our GUARANTEED— FULLY INSURED office on electric typewriters by pro­ I fessional typists. Fast service. Nr 744*0791 fob too large o r too small. 652-4660. MATJICW4 BROS - Exterior A inter- TYPEWRITERS REP AWED 1 tor painting, gutters repaired, Fuliy insured. 838-4046. TYPEWRITERS. REPAIRED, also will recondition yours with a 60-day guar­ antee. Expert, work done by fac­ PAINTING & tory-trained mechanics, moonlighting. DECORATING IBM, UNDERWOOD* REMINGTON, I ONE FAMILY HOUSE SPECIALISTS. LOW RATES. 445-8940. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON EVERY $200 and up WINDOW CLEANING . BRAND HEW ’70 PLYMOUTH, CHRYSLER, TWO FAMILY HOUSE I WINDOW CLEANING POSTER, VALIANT, BARRACUDA, 8YAYTOS WA60H $300 and up Prompt service. LEADERS and GUTTERS * ‘Call after 6 p.m . 694-5087 OVER 65 MRS IM STOCK! ALL MODELS & COLORS! 23— Auto Parts I

VOLKSWAGEN PARTS. AND ACCES- UNDERCOATING with 10 YEARS exper ien ce SOR IES. Speed equipment, tpols, en­ Fret- . Fully Hvj'ed gines A Duqe Buggy Bodies. Every­ EVERY PURCHASE! thing for Volkswagen*. F H P a r.ts FREE I 256-E02 2 company,' 835-9393, 88 Cannonball Ave., Pompton Lakes. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE P tU M M N O 8 H E ATIN G ON ANY THING YOU CAN PUSH, I Automotive FULL OR SHOVE ONTO OUR LOT BARRY WOOD — PLUMBING AND 3 5 0 (A.pUr.bl. ta Hl(>. Eft.U Sticker Price) ^ H E A T I N G . No job too big or too -small. Reasonable. 279-0978 or SH 2- 8359. 25— Autos Wogted I ALL JUNK CARS Toweo away FREE. [ A/CONDITIONID NIW FOR ALL YOUR Some Bought. CALL J el»« Romer. I a /CONDITIONED NSW j I ^CONDITIONED NIW | PLUMBjNG A HEATING SUPP* 'E? 835-4002. 24 Hour S e rv ic e , . , ' - r ■ WE ALSO n o OUSTER 16 BAR’CUDA ’TO B E L V ’DERE j CUT. & THREAD PIPE BOB T o w a r d s Tows Away vour Junk'i and Wrecks FREE. Sornt 2-OR, COUP* 2-DR. COUP! 2-OR. COUPE R 5 S SUPPLY Bought Call ANYTIME 835-4*86 26 R O U T E 46 HOUR SERVICE : *2278* ♦ *»' H E BR O O K , n .j ' u TOP DOLLARS B *2559* I *2519 227-2020 Foi your used cars and late mode1 233 Enj., lockup IjE^A 1 OPEN Mon 10 FrL Nile Till 9 P.M wrecks. Call 9 A M to b P M 525-6889; | Podded Dp * A Y T 1?' I 225 Eng., lockup Lights,. £ ? *"»■> *°ekup lighh, after 5, 742-1554. I 2-Spwd WipKt J* Wq“\ , J Std. Trans., 2-Speed W lp- £?• JSp«.d 1 flu. PtdF N.w C®r I Wipw, A Woiher., H„ P. NYMAN — PLUMBING A HEATING | ers 8t Washor*. Flu* Deal- tfcal.r N .w Cat Cond. NO JOBS TOO SMALL l S id . A, B.*'- I New Car Cond. It A Dm !., fadd.d Daih | Mirror, tm.rp.oey Flo«h«, I Dost., Padded Dash 4 696-6512 27— House A. Camp * VI*or*, O ut,id. Mir- I Ira k . Warm no U jM , | I Visors, Outside Mirror, * « « Arif*, o n ,,. Trailers | Vinyl In*-, .*** I Seat Belts, Extras. Extras. PIANO TUNER! I Extras. COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE CADILLAC MOTOR HOMS Tuning, Repairs. G. Random Self-Contained,Id, wlmwtin 2 air condition­ 297-1195 ers, m any extray^$3JX)0ttraV-^S3,fl ______6944184. R AYEWOOD TRAILER SAteS RENTA! SERVICE S ervice-R entals— Storage Snasta, 'vorsair, Continental, Trailers, AIR COND. Truck-Cam pers, Mobile Homes, Route A*" .edkllVll 7 0 PLYMOUTH ^ rv n r UNITED RENT-ALL 23, Colesville, 7 m ites-Sguth ot Port HO PLYMOUTH * doo* OWN c„. 1438 RING WOOD AVE. HASKEll Jervis and at Camp Grounds, Cleve Road, Mount Salem, Sussex, N. J. ■__L..e LiahtS, __ a > r We rent almost everything for 201-875-4961 or 875-5796.______B i N . the homeowner and contractor. I 1— CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT " ------TENTTRAfLER 2— GARDEN ANO YARD C A M P E R R A N G E R " — Sleeps, 4, > 2 5 8 1 1*3391 1 Good cond. 901-37*826$, after 6 p*m. F ifS ’Sft EQUIPMENT' 3— AL L T Y P E * O F J O O U t r a v e l t r a i l e r a n d m o b i l e 4— PAINTING EQUIPMENT if*. O * ^ 5 — POLISHERS AND SHAMPOOHOME insurance Specialist*. Call for EQUIPMENT information 9-6 Monday thru Friday 6642480 6— MOVING AND LOADING EQUIPMENT T R A IL E R SHOW , S A F A R I Sales ft 7— PARTY AND GUEST NEEDS Rentals, Rte. 17, Mahwah, N . J IS | A/CONDITIONID NIW Cal! us for the Items you need A CONDITIONID NSW A/CONDITIONED NEW dlf. models on dls. Noon to 6, F ri­ ' 835-1750 days till 9, Closed Monday & Sunday. 7 0 FURY ■’l l CHRYSLER 70 CHRYSLER 529-2507 M il. STATION WON. NtWFORT 4-DR. T.w . A Country Wgn. ROOFING & SIDING T R A IL E R H IT C H - Reese, original cost $150, w ill sell for $75; used 3 *4146* A-1 Roofing, gutters, leaders. Johns times, sold trailer. 839-1020. *2983 *3471* Manville Products. AH type carperv 313 Eng., Auto. Trans., W A N T E D 2 bedroom Mobile Home. Set try repairs. Painting Reasonable. 225 Eng., Backup lights, 383 Eng., Auto. Trans., P.S., P.B., Backup lights. up on renfSd or permanent lot. Call No !o trto o Big or too Small* I Std. Trans., 2-Speed Wip­ | P.S., Backup lights. Pad­ Padded Dash A Visors, J ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS 1 . 697-3593. ers It Washers, Plus Deal­ ded cDosh I* Visors ' 7 2-Spesd _ V/ipors A Wash- 1 Cail 274-9010, a .m .; 838-1196, p.m er New Car Cahd. & Speed Wiper A Washers, ■ er. Plus Dealer New Car Dost., Padded Dash 8* I Plus Dealer New Car Cond.' A Dost., Outside j RAMAR EXTERIORS, INC. 28— Autos far Sale" I Visors, Outside Mirror, |‘ Cond. A Dest., Outside Mitt or. Seat- Belts, 2- Complete Reroofing & Rip-off Serv­ Seat Nits, 2-Saater. I Mirror, Wheel Covers* Seoter. ice. Wood roofs * installed. Deal' di­ BUICK 1963 Le Sabre Station Wagon, rect with contractor. Call 838-3443 9 pass, 8 cyl, snow tires, roof rack, after 7 p.m. for Free Estimates. very good condition. Moving to Call*, fornia June 17th; $800. Ca\\ 6941280. It. J . W A R D R O B E Roofing & Siding BRAND NEW!! Co, Roofing B Siding installed and BUICK — 1947 RIVIERA, FO O N O C AIR- PtaJ power MB , s n Elactre 6*PNIC $1,895 '67*PONTIAC Hewpert S Station family! tiro Custom Skylark Sporty! RAH. vteeriny. power oppp 6 CX I $795 COXY '65 AIR m u ON TO G N \ ' S Y E 1 L M C Q efot re Cpie Coupe, Caprice Green Seafrost. 6- ONTA . 52295 . . TIAC N PO '68- P. M A Coupe, n a e M white i n i Heavenly BUM. Grand Prt*,' White White Prt*,' Grand BUM. Heavenly p Mapryi Ip vinyl (Oat, (Oat, vinyl 6 CEEL . $2277 . . CHEVELLE '69 Sr Bu Mlb 4d. matching 4-dr., Malibu Blue AStro ne f atr wrat! oe hi Come it! see and warranty! factory of ance » act, uo tas, /w Bal­ P/Sw trans., auto, a-cyt., m»„ 6 CERLT $2277 CHEVROLET .'68 io. aac o fcoy warranty! factory of Balance tiros. V-9, auto, trans., P/S, RAH,t w/w RAH,t P/S, trans., auto, V-9, lc vnl of mthn hit., matching roof, vinyl Black I Get ite ecppemy little Greet , H A R . r H way © Guaranteed Guaranteed © r. aac o Fcoy rat! S $3195 AS W arranty! W Factory of Balance ers. Steering, V inyl Roof. R A H , W /W Tire s, Wheel Cov- Cov- Wheel s, Tire Power /W W V-*, , H A R hsmisslon, Roof. Tm inyl V Automatic Steering, with Equipped ucin f Routes of Junction w POLICY! T. MU - t U , r i — l U M ., .T H SPECIALS! 3 0 North &23202 S, , S I P , /S P O ^ m v h LEXINGTONCHEVROLET FIRST!’ * Set. IW » , fy«MB9i na 9 na fy«MB9i • ■» * m * » ■ • "KEEPING YOU "KEEPINGKEEPS WEST 1 R A H . Step Step . H A R 7°° V Wngen, ONLY W O N -Jj *:

up r\ [ j ' ' [ j

2 C H E V E L L E 1966 Malibu, 1966 Malibu, E L L E V E H C MP 8; . PS.RBH- H B .-R P.S r., d A ‘85; A L P A IM Y V E H C auto­ dr, 2 Corvair, 1966 T E L O R V E H C 95 ue Sot ’A1 condi­ A-1 ’ Sport, Super 1985 Y V E H C C H E V R O L E T 1987 Caprice, 4 d r hdtp, hdtp, r d 4 Caprice, 1987 T E L O R V E H C " C H E V Y 1968 tmpdta, white, 4 d r hdtp, hdtp, r d 4 white, tmpdta, 1968 Y V E H C C H E V Y 1968 Impala 2 dr hardlep *-r *-r hardlep dr 2 Impala 1968 Y V E H C ail wagoni, Station impala 1967 Y V E H C C H E V E L L E 1988 MalibU, auto'c, 2 dr dr 2 auto'c, MalibU, 1988 E L L E V E H C H E V R O L E T 1985 IM P A L A , 4 DR- DR- 4 , A L A P IM 1985 T E L O R V E H 8— Autos fcr Sate fcr Autos 8— ai, ai, hl wls Ol $1995. Only walls. while radio, 334-2900. steering. matic, P IP power IL H P $1895 auto-c, V-$, Only wagon, tion with air. Asking S900. Call Call S900. Asking air. with tion 334-2900. , P IP IL H P NG, $1295 Y L N O , G IN R E E T S R E W O P .W. nw ie; 90 68f-/709. $900. tires; Snow W.“W . LI '334-2909. P IP IL H P H A R D TO P , V-9, A If T O 'M A T I C . . C I T A 'M O T If A V-9, , P TO D R A H loaded, w/m any extras including air air including extras any w/m loaded, V G , auto'c, P/S, R / H , rearv window window rearv , H / R P/S, auto'c, , G V 334-2900. conditioning. S R A C D E S U erse. 729-9506. defroster. 91 Sain g agm W Station 1981, T E L O R V E H C pdwer, excellent condition^ pew tires, tires, pew condition^ excellent pdwer, '67 '67 onr $,9. al 8P-343T Call $1,890. owner, I conditioned, 33,008 miles, make otter. otter. make miles, 33,008 conditioned, al 738-3994. Call i.c y i., standard shift, R ^ H . Great Great . H ^ R shift, standard i., y i.c 6 P I . $1395 . . C TIA N PO '68 hdtp, yellow w/black interior, all all $1,65©. interior, condition, w/black Excellent tires. yellow new hdtp, Peacock M ao Tempest Wagon, Wagon, Tempest ao M Peacock warranty.* Turquoise, factory V / ance W Artesian car owner SS, impata a! 3-75 , , 835-6755. Cal! Black bucket seats.. T ru ly fine fine ly ru T seats.. bucket Black aw ht BtAr 4.1 Bet-Air White Saaw r o business that for od cnmia car! ical econom Good CHEVROLET '63 Rod inferior, auto, trap trap auto, inferior, Rod OR. GOLD,*"$1295 D L O G . P O T O R A H . R O 2 uoai, ai A Hae. $225. Heater. A Radio Automatic, CHEVROLET PHI PP 334-2800 P IP IL H P * C *2577 1982. N O G A W T E L O R V E H t fHET m Ctm 97 MPALA A L A P IM 1987 Y V E H C a 748-9815. CaU Only * r ‘ * . P A E H C 2 991-4*32 992-2003 M 472-5500 00 s ' Vs $1995.' P H IL IP P , , P IP IL H P $1995.' rg fils bal­ fjiiles, orlg. $1977 . 6 ______pass Station Station pass • - $695

______. ada. _ a Hardtan. r. O » aaMr Tr C l f B < _ m ra .T rd M a ia S •at .M r , A C y L . . L y C A , r .M •at Cruiser, Auto. Auto. Cruiser, n, it % 1 $ % Vista gn., w P.S.. . ta u A , A V nk l v . e flu .S.. Onrk P afic, m ao. -, . V-B, Wagon. xir, uo ''' A — A A ' ' ' Auto- Sxyiark, tnad Tas, h J m m • Trans., Standard, Auto., P^S. P^S. Auto., 37 ABR TK. WAN $35-5050 AYNE W TPKE., HAMBURG 2317 6 DODGE ‘60 cu K U N fc i . samara r enew, Btacx Btacx enew, r samara . i fc N U K cu jjp&r** 6 FORD *68 ir. A Fact. Brahes. Rawer Steering, LTD Cuty qie 1 Pass­ 10 Squire. Country D T L . G A W Glue, Wood G rain Sides, R A H , , H A R Dark Sides, Brakes, rain Disc G Wood Power Glue, P.5. enger. Power Glass, M $ n atom, yi in v *68 cRUICK Of ak ! S A R T X E Y N A M Rack ROOf T NS CHEVROLET S IN ATK R IV IE R A . Olive GSM , V inyl -Root, -Root, inyl V , GSM Olive . A R IE IV R ali 5qte ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - 5'qutte x n lria fa F u ll paw cr. Tinted Glass, F a ct. A ir. ir. A ct. a F Stan! Glass, Be Tinted cr. Must paw ll u F D A R T 1 D r. HafGMp. HafGMp. r. D 1 T R A D *65 DODGE am. RAH. ra w iy let. Vinyl w Greae . H A R .. m ra T - « =■" 5 9 4 2 * " ■ = LS UO SALES AUTO AL’S RT. 23 835-141$^ POMPTON PLAINS POMPTON 835-141$^ 23 RT. *4 CEY II .CHEVY „*44

8 IMPALA *89 " YOU ETR T O FIDENCE" CON ITH W ENTER U O Y i X E H -"W 6 CHEVY ‘65 on real good cars good real on 6 BUICK ‘64 lsiid Sectim Classified dets I Our In Advertise *63 FQRO 5OD > OLDS >5 2295 9 2 *2 lo r r lo *1995 Yov’H Be fo o tin g for; g tin o Yov’H fo Be E V A S *995 5 9 6 > ^ -XL... . W W ‘ C A O J C O S S et Results Best Opp- ADnl' Saoch) AAcDonold'* - p p (O * C y L , Auto. Auto. , L y C ______J ^ W/W, C wm I i 1 *66CHEVELLE 1 Conditioned. Conditioned. s'r $2195 9 1 2 $ Es.'sr- ditionad. ditionad. . iu u sg try m cm a. r T w C ir A Fa*. Electra, Electra, a t. , - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , v-o ., n g w Sta. StaaR., R A H . . H A R StaaR., *1195 9 1 1 * - I S M .T .. A IM ., ., IM A .. .T M »aa710r. , CO OAV V A O O C , . r 0 1 u»pala,7 Tar u lu a a ra a T , H A R *60 OLDS' *98* *60 OLDS' 6 MSAG $1295 *66 MUSTANG oto, i ls, at Ai . ir A Fact. Gloss, White d e Tim Provincial ". N A Control, D E S Y R U X U L “ Black VHiyi Root, Full Powor, Cruise Cruise Powor, Full Root, VHiyi Black ci W*e Vnl af 6 L, Auto­ , yL C 6 Raaf, Vinyl WH*te, rctic A Economical. Economical. m atic, atic, m *64 PONTIAC L E M A N S , St». W fn ., V-B, A u l.-, P.S., P.S., l.-, u A V-B, ., fn W St». , S N A M E L B. Lae! e wSdl I and,. n la In w/Saddlc Ten Leaded! ., .B P G R A N D S P O R T. V P , Auto., vinyl vinyl Auto., , P V T. R O P S D N A R G Raaf, P.S.. Pawar OMc M M , AM* AM* , M M OMc Pawar P.S.. Raaf, BUICK '68 *65 VOLKSWAGEN M Rdo PW. AMI M A . T C A F . P.W Radio, PM H 5 9 3 2 * t p •49PONTIAC *66 CHEVY *66 CHEVY 4 BUICK *67 ^ M A ^ ^ . r D *67 FORD h w k *1295 *1095 E V A S E V A S , w/w, * | | | | T C O Q 1 $ X ■ _ ^ 5 9 8 ^ sparry. But But sparry.

i ~ m % tm t M r , ___

28— Autos for Solo 128~-Autos for Sale 1970 3, JUNE Y A D TO AYNE W 21 Page C H I V Y — 1W5 Impels, 2 door hard­ I CUTLASS IMS Supreme, 50,000 mile top, 409, 340 hp„ 4 speed. Good con­ ] Warranty, power steering 8i brakes, dition. Call 772-1308 after 5 p'.m. air conditioned^ Call 256-6900 week- j davs. 525-2226 weekends. CHRYSLER 1964 Imperial Convertible, air conditioned , needs transmis­ TRANSFERRED — MUST SELL I RYERSON'S sion work, $700. Call 696-4059 ' CHEVELLE — 1967 2 dr., V-8, stan- ' C O M E T 1961,-2 door, 6 cylinder, auto­ dard shift, $950, or 1962 CORVAlR matic, R /H , good mechanical con­ M ON ZA conv., . 4 on the- floor, A SERVICE dition, $150. Call 696-3761. Beauty ! $450. 696-8279. I C O M E T 1961, 2 d r Sport, good conoi- CHRYSLER 1*67 — P.S., P.B. ] tion, best offer. Call after 4:30 p.m ., A ir Conditioned. IS OUR BYWORD 696-8432. ; THUNDERBIRD — Full power. CENTER j C O R V A lR 1962 Station Wagon, auto- A ir Conditioned. 226-9859. I matic trans, needs paint & battery, BRING AUTOMOTIVE. SPECIALISTS } best offer. 427-784? after 6 p.m. j DODGE 1960 IN EXCELLENT | C O R V A lR 1965 Morjza, 2 dr, 4 speed A CONDITION, $250. CALL . 79 iewark Pompton Tpke. I traps, buckets, excellent condition, 839-4848 Y O l l R r I must see. $750 or best offer. Cali DODGE 1963 — 6 cylinder. ] ______694-4784 White. Best offer. Riverdale C ORVAlR 1965~ MOfiZA^ 4 S P E E D, Call 696-7436 WINTER R, H. EXCELLENT CONDITION. D O D G E 7965 C O R O N E T, 4 D R , A U T O ­ 8 3 5-9 713 C A L L 835-1898 MATIC EXCELLENT CONDITION. WORN CAR 838-0493 I O O O G E 1965 Coronet; V-8. automat.c 35 YEARS { trans, powar steering, R N, good IITNOW! I condition, o n e r extras, $750. Cali I after 5 P.M . 694-6684

! FAIRLANE — 1967 ..Ford GT CON­ V E R T IB L E , needs some work, $1,500. VERIFIED CAR CARE KNOW-HOW 835-0830 UNDER A U CAR MANUFACTURERS GUARANTEES I FIREBIRD — 1967, 400 convertible, stick, p/s, p/disc brakes, air, posi- tfaction, clean, low mileage. 838-2325 I after, 8 p.m . FORD 1963 STATION WAGON. POWER STEERING, V-8. CALL- 838-7668 FORD 1965 GALAXlfe "500", 4 DR SEDAN, AUTOMATIC, 6 CYLINDER. $550. C A L L 839-1022. FO R O MUSTANG - 1969 Mpch I. P s, trend motors p/disc brakes, "351", V-8, auto'c trans. 525-0925. I a u t h o r i z e d F O R D '67 L T D , P.S., P.B., auto., dark VOLKSWAGEN green, vfp yl’■ roof, tinted : glass, air cond., 37y000 miles, best offer. DEALS 748-8276 ' ______I FORD 1968 FAIRLANE JFHVIWO YOU* HUM, j 835-8285 A F T E R 3 P.M . • SA1.ES • SERVICE | FO R O 1&5 Galaxfe. 4 dr., V-8, auto- PARTS • USED CARS matic, power steering, excellent con- I dition. Only $1195 P H IL IP P 334-2SflO_ I AD Models On Display i FORD 1963 Station Wagon, automatic, ’m t 'j o A M w m P.S., P.B. THUNDERBIRD 1961, full RT. 44 ROCKAWAY I power, air conditioned. 226-9859. FORD TORINO GT — 1968. R & H, 628-0100 p b, p 's , bucket seats, console, 289 I auto'c. 797-3768. i I I AT CLEA*-m -OUT PRICES I d u s t e r m spomooupe AIR CONDITIONING plus 225 cid eng., white watt fires, wheel covers, padded dash and visors, vinyl ’67 Chevy $1695.00 *68 Chevy ..... $2195 interior,? backup lighfiy other extras! Many colors to choose from. Price includes freight, dealer's impala, 2 Dr. Sport H. Top., Green With Black Vinyl Root cover. A- caprice, 2 Dr. Hardtop, V f, Auto­ pregt. charges und^dk fed. taxes Trans., P. Strg., Radio, WSW, Excep­ I matic, P S., Gold w Blk. Vinyl Top, tional Cond., Cleon. Bucket Seats, Console, Original 25,- SPECIAL! SPECIAL! v SPECIAL! $ ’66 Mercury ooo Miie Car. warranty Transferrabie. '70 NEWPORT '70 NEW YORKER '70 PLYMOUTH 10 Pass. Colony Park Station wgn., I i-DR. HOYP, BROUGHAM i- uh power, seats, winnows, Air CUSTOM 4-DR. 2-DR. HDTP. Cpnd., A.T., P. Strg., P. Rear Win­ dow, White With Red Interior, Lo Mi., ■61 Chevy ...... $195 Priced For Quick Sale, Loaded with * 3 5 9 5 * 4 3 9 5 * 3 2 4 9 optional Accessories. Truly a Fine Nomad sta. wgn.. Automatic, P.S., I Auto. Trees., P.S* Fee Bucket Seats A Console, P.SM Bucket Seats with Cantor Foi Used t'ar. Just the Answer to That Small V-8, Runs.Great! Prcied Right. Down Arm . Auto. Trans., P.S.J Low Price. A ir Cond., n u t Glass, Radio, P.B., P. Windows, W.W., Vinyl F.B., P.Wind., P.Seats*.383 Eng.,I White W«Rs, Wheel Covers, Reef, Fac. Air Cond., Radio ' Speed Con., Road W h e e I s j I Vinyl Roof, Many Extras. Stereo Tope, Extras. Ffberglas. Tires. SCHUMACHER 56 SUBURBAN TRAOED USED CAP SPECIALS1 CHEVROLET I MAIN ST. 256-1065 LITTLE FALLS '70 DOOGC ___ .> .i...... $2995 '70 DODGE ...... $2895 CH ALLEN G ER 2-DR. HD TP . L S p w l. Racket Seen » SUPER B E E . Auto. Trans., P.S., P.B., Vinyl Roof, I Ceaseta. w e e Ovel Tires. Peel Trectiea. RAM. : Raad Wheels, Posi. Tract. RBH. '69 ROADRUNNER _____. . . $2295 '69 PONTIAC ...... $2595 e-Speea. Backet Seels. Wide Oval Tires. RBM. G TO 2-DR. HDTP. Auto. Trews., P.S., P.B., Bucket '68 DODGE ...... 1 $1995 Mats B Console, Vinyl Roof, Wide Oval Tires. I CORONET R T B O R . H D TP . Ann. Trees.. P.S.. Bucket FORD ...... SAVE Seen * console. Wide oval Tires. RAH. , — PAIR LA N E SQUIRE. 6-Pass. Wgn., Auto. Trons., '6 8 FORD ...... $2Y95 P.B., RAH, Roof Rack. G ALAKIE MB 2-OR. MOTP. Auto. Trade. P.S.. P.B., Vinyl Reef, Vinyl In t. Fee. Air C o n .. Tint. Gloss, '6 8 B U C K ...... $2695 BAN. LASABRE 4-DR. HOTP. Auto. Trans., P.S., P.B., Vinyl I '68 PLYMOUTH ...... $8195 Reef. Fac. A ir Cand., RAH. F U R Y III 4-Qflt. HDTP. Auto. Trans., P.S.. P.B.. Vinyl '68 CHRYSLER ...... $2595 Roof. F a c Air Cand., Tint Glass, Bafc F a c Warr., H E WORT 2-DR. HDTP. Auto. Trans., P.S., P.B., Fac. ROM. A ir Cand., Vinyl Roof, Bal. Fac. Warr, I •67 PLYMOUTHWAGON . . . $1795 '68 CHRYSLER ...... $2395 FU R Y .-PASS. WAGON. Auto. Tran s. P.S., P.B., Pec. NEW PORT CONV. Auto. Trans., P.S., P.B., F a c Air I Air Cand. Tint, ones, Bel. Fee. Warranty. Cand., Tln l. Glass. BaL Fa c Warranty. '68 PLYMOUTH ...... $1695 '68 CHEVROLET ./. C ...... $2195 ! FU R Y II M « . SON. V-d. Avle. Trane. P .S . Bel. P M . IMP A LA 4-DR. H D TF . Auto.’ Trans., P.S., P.B., F a c 1 I warn RAH. A ir, Vinyl Reef. RAH. '68 B U K K ...... $2395 '68 CHEVROLET...... $2395 SKYLARK AOR. -SDN. v -». Auto. Treee.. P .S . P .B . IM PALA CUSTOM CPE. V-8, Auto. Trans., P.S^ P.B., F a c A ir. Vinyl Reef. 'RBH. Fee. Air Cond., Vinyl Roof, RAN. '68 O IO S *...... • $2495 '68 PLYMOUTH WAGON .... $2595 I PUNY HI M W . WON. MM. Yroes. P.S., P.B., Root .CUTLASS S 2-OR. HD TP . Auto. Trans^ P.S.. P.B., Fee. A ir C— Vinyl Reef, RBM. Rack, Fee. A ir Cand.. T im . Oleic. RAH. '66 PLYMOUTH W AGON ...... $1295 '6 6 OLDSMOBILE ...... $1395 •CLVSO SRC II 6-PAS*. W AGON. Auto. Trans^ F.S., *88* 4-DR. Auto. Trons., P.S., P .B .,' F a c Air Cond., I p .b ., F a c A ir Candra RAH. FASTEST m I G R O W I N G * * A T W m . 5 DEALER.. I 7^ T0T0WA& CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH /?€?? 112 ROUTE 46 TOTOW A • 7 8 5 -1 6 2 0 I "Th ree Time Factory Saies-Contest Winner" 645 WASHiHGTON AVE.. BELLEVILLE e 751 0400 Op*. Daily till 1:10 P M ______W A Y N E T O D A Y JU N E 3, 1970 P w 22 f onr. 445-89$ country. of i f f / PRD If f TO I D /P0R ~ he, eeb, xel cn. $995. cond. excell. reverb., wheel, ' to, tnad 31 nie ar con­ air engine, 351 standard, tion, . I GRA mile­ low owner, single 1964, IE X A L A G i2 P Le" M ANS 1970. $3295, Sport Pontiac, Pontiac, Sport $3295, 1970. ANS M Le" ANG 16 FsbH£ , 9, 4 390, T, FastbaHe£G 1967 G N TA pas­ S U M 9 Park Colony 1965 Y R U C R E M M P A L A 1968 Custom Coupe, green, green, Coupe, Custom 1968 A L P A M \ lacks. ______. radio. Call days $4-6225, after 6 p.m . . p.m 6 after $4-6225, days Call .radio. O R D 1949 Falriane, excellent condl- condl- excellent Falriane, 1949 D R O automatic, air conditioned, conditioned, air automatic, ditioned, less than 12,000 miles. Call Call miles. 12,000 than less ditioned, o. 215 PHI PP, 334-2800. , P IP IL H P $2,195. top. l W V Loaded, g, efc scn cr Ms see. Must car. second perfect age, 496-2908. 256-6063. vinyl top, y-8 , 400 engine, 4 barrel, barrel, 4 engine, 400 , y-8 top, vinyl 345-1928. spd, re d ,. black interior, wide ovals, ovals, wide interior, black ,. d re spd, power cond.. air options, many ui on er et 835-0)78. seat. rear down puli and Call $1,095. steering, cond, power excell brakes, Wagon, senger M F AM brakes, disc power steering, 8— -Aatos -Aatos 8— D RX ’ — PRIX ND o mlae Taserd out Transferred mileage. Low A ir, ir, A LTD LTD ic, /, Traction P/S, Discs, 694-2569 838-3991 RE WAGON — N O G A W E IR U Q S for for • 1963, tilt steering steering tilt 1963, ______Sale ______black black __ 28— Autos for Sale 18 A ntes fee Sole 26 ■ Antes fo r Sale r ■fo 26 Antes Sole fee ntes A 18 Sale for Autos 28— O L D S 1965 F-85, y-8 , power steering steering power , y-8 F-85, 1965 S D L O PS/ auto'C, "442", 1948 E IL OD S M LD O LE 16 Ctas urm, 4 Supreme, Cutlass 1964 E IL B O M S D L O O L D S M O B fL E 1966 Torohado, excellent excellent Torohado, 1966 E fL B O M S D L O O L D S M O B IL E 1^66 Cutlass Supreme] Supreme] Cutlass 1^66 E IL B O M S D L O O L D S M O B IL E 1967 Cutlass Supreme, Supreme, Cutlass 1967 E IL B O M S D L O 92 LE Spr 8 NT Ex­ x E T N $8, Super E IL B O M S D L O 1962 DS M, tr ie Cneml. pl- Ipull- Convermile. Fire, star 1M4, S LD O ht, V8 atmtc pwr steer­ power automatic, =V-8, hdtp, r d ,p.m. 6 after #6-1374 Call . firm and brakes, factory a ir, good cond. cond. Eves. good 8354794 ir, a 8354700, factory Call $700. $1,975 brakes, deck, and tape , M F / M A air, , PB odto,,ar odtoe. ny $1795. Only conditioned. air condition,;, cellent condition, origins' paint. P/S. P/S. 7444178.“ paint. evenings, origins' condition, cellent n, ny 155 PHI PP, 334-2800. , P IP IL H P $1,595. only ing, dr hdtp, black black hdtp, dr P H ILIP P ,\ 334-2800. ,\ P ILIP H P power sudd nw ie, 55 Cat* $545. * tires, snow studded , B / P d r hdtp, excellent \throughout. Only Only 334-2800.1 \throughout. , P IP tL excellent H P $1795. hdtp, r d brand nbw. Only $1$5. P H IL IP P , , P IP IL H P $1$5. Only nbw. 334-2800. brand power, Excellent condition, $850. Call Call $850. condition, Excellent power, 7444137. iteerm g, w 'w, radio, like like radio, 'w, w g, iteerm vinyl top, aufo'c, aufo'c, top, 2 ?

euig i cniinn. ny $2395. Only in- steering conditioning. power air auto'C, eluding roof. I yinyl i . P O N TIA C 1968 LeMans, 2 d r hdtp, hdtp, r d 2 LeMans, 1968 C TIA N O P H T U O M Y L P AC 14 GTO — Cn. i 4 Conv. — O T G 1948 C IA T N O P P O N T IA C 19$ G T O — JOdge, orange orange JOdge, — O T G 19$ C IA T N O P P O N T IA C 1968, 2 d r hardtop, olive olive hardtop, r d 2 1968, C IA T N O P P O N T IA C 19$ G T O , , O T G 19$ C IA T N O P P O N TIA C * 1965 BonnevTTTe, 2 d r, all all r, d 2 BonnevTTTe, 1965 * C TIA N O P AC 16 Ctln, 2 Catalina, 1967 C IA T N O P ______uoai, ukt et. ny M IM H Only seats. bucket automatic, LI 334-2100. , P IP IL H P green w "black vinyl top A Interior, Interior, A top vinyl "black w green /ht itro, sed vr good very speed, 4 interior, w/white Coll $1,750, Price trans. auto's aon $1,975. Maroon. rat. $2,595. arranty. W black, leather interior, a ir cond, etc. etc. cond, ir a interior, leather black, 1 785-0295. condition. tires, /w w steering, e,r w o p , H / R Buying new ca r,' best offer. Call Call offer. best r,' ca new Buying et odto. ny l,595. E Only 334-2800. condition. lent ih gen bak iy roof. vinyl black green, light 334-2800. , P IP IL H P TYamontin Harley Davidson, Inc. Inc. Davidson, Harley TYamontin 3 Lxntn v. Clifton, Ave., Lexington 535 i m 7-86 ______278-9826 F u ry , 2 d r. hdtp, V-8 V-8 hdtp, r. d 2 , ry u F 4964229 135-2243 T S U M 4 speed. Factory Factory speed. S E L L . Call Call . L L E S LI . P IP IL H P r d excel.- hdtp, O P E L 1 9$ G T , dark green, 4 speed, speed, 4 green, dark , T G 9$ 1 L E P O Pompton Plains^ Plains^ Pompton O P E L 1964 Wagon, 4 speed stick shift shift stick speed 4 Wagon, 1964 L E P O motor, . .t F 283 1941— , E T T E V R O C O P E L — 19$, yellow, black Interior, Interior, black yellow, 19$, — L E P O D O C 6 E - $64 Slant 6, Platform Platform 6, Slant $64 - E 6 C O D DODGE V A L IA N T 19$, S IG N E T R E D , 2 D R , , R D 2 , D E R T E N IG S 19$, T N IA L A V Landau, 2-dr:, '47, D IR B R E D N U H T RAJdfcLlM PONTIAC C O R V E T T E 1961, 327-350440, 4 speed, speed, 4 327-350440, 1961, E T T E V R O C RAMBLER T R IU M P H 19$ G T 4 , must sell, best best sell, must , 4 T G 19$ H P M IU R T P E E J 28B ■■Trolleys A racks' T & v blade interior, red outside. Caff 696 696 Caff outside. red interior, v blade 0 TRAI KE E IK B IL A R T 100 A K A D O H * ■Motorcycles — 28C H d N D A 70 T R A IL 98 — L I K E N E W . . W E N E K I L — 98 IL A R T 70 A D N d H 28 A— Import s-Sporf s-Sporf s Import 28 A— runs good, great mileage, good tires, tires, good mileage, great good, runs tolly equipped. Must sell, best offer. offer. best sell, Must equipped. tolly $4-3762. CaH $390. 8358812 after after 8358812 hoe nw ie. x cn. 992-245B. cond. Ex. tires. new chrome, side doors, 6 cylinder, stldc, stldc, cylinder, 6 doors, side os, 6 n da wel, tH, Cus­ , Jt/H wheels, dual In. 16 hotst, 797-5779. $175. G O O D T R A N S P O R T A T IO N . . N IO T A T R O P S N A R T D O O G $175. o Cb $5.Cal atr 5, after ll a $650.'C Cab, tom Hurst; 4 sp. Heddons, 2 tops, new new tops, 2 Heddons, sp. 4 Hurst; 496-4115. condition. good radio, radio, time. any 4180 very heater, It radio steering, power CYL, ,0 MI $,5. L L A C $2,150. . S E IL M 6,000 , L Y C Immaculate 8 461-0675. tires. Call $2295, P.S., ., condition, fiberglass P«B top, stone vinyl & w/black yellow tire after system, Call exhaust battery. new trans., I has new seats, top, battery & tires, tires, & battery top, seats, new has 697-7$l. fire­ /'-new conditioned, ir a factory offer, excellent condition, condition, excellent offer, al fe 6>m. $507$ o $40244. or $ 7 0 5 $ . m > 6 afaer Call iku bd, opee o y $1995. ly on 234-5*00. , complete, P IP tL H P body, pick-up blue. Valencia wheels, ire w radio, TI CALL L L A C . N IO IT D N O C T N E L L E C X E _ f CK- ONLY $1195. Y L N O . P -U K IC P -Including 9 15 c R E L B M A R C S cc 125 19$ A D N O H t « •oaof bning youngl intoGet850Family a Sedan startand eaving... TM-B •rmd^he convention•rmd^he ofmaking payments car!onbig a Lawortbe LER R E IL A R T Y T I L I T U V E 14 FL^ETSI E ID S T E ^ L F 1944 LET O EVR H C DRI T A W O N M E H T E IV R -D T S E T t Pwr TOYOTA A T O Y O T Powers att M 3-11 WEEKENDS- . Y L N -O S D N E K E E W 839-1161, RES, R E F F O T S E B , S E IR T W E N RMN UOOIE TD. D LT AUTOMOTIVE BREMEN O N ST K C TO S IN NOW S E L C Y C CK MI TRAI S IL A R T I IN M K IC R E V A M n o . . . t a g MMEDI VERY - Y R E IV L E D E T IA D E M IM f?, 4 , Iff? / TN PICK-UP TON i/i 372 atr :0 . . p.m 6:30 after 8357224 * * * w / w $UM U T$ A 0 NI S E L C Y C I IN M P P U R 1967 A T O Y O T r AD CRUISER LAND VAN VAN Crown Sedan. 4 dr., dr., 4 Sedan. Crown 96 160^CC 1966 A D N O H 1946 Tompost, 2 d r Sedan, Sedan, r d 2 Tompost, 1946 P H IL IP P ,. 334-2800 ,. P IP IL H P CALL 8357590 L L A C : ALTY Y T L IA C E P S C A J 0 TOYOTA 70 1961 Wagon, rebuilt engine, engine, rebuilt Wagon, 1961 91 ON WAG 0 G A W N IO T A T S 1961 0 TOYOTA 70 S CYCLES S E L C Y C TS R O P S 30 n so tires. snow and 694-1095 L L A C -he drive t-wheel a! 487-3884 Cal! 697-2240 L L A C ail y tiroit. ly p radial wheel drive, w/plow, w/plow, drive, wheel b r u c e h t t d Homs of standardequipment :k k 5: 838-7681 835-8249 697-2240 ... p e e k p u 19M 19M — 30 . $310. 17 23 . T I 1167 1967, 6 .. 694-1422. p.m. V x lV Z R /H , , /H R x 939-2500 x # onoil changes. saveAnd on "oittras", too,Tho

AM/FM AM/FM 6VY 6VY A : : TOO,A $1195. 696-60S0 f w I t -

o doesHow 8 -Motorcycles »28C L IL A R T D N A S E L C Y C R O T O M D E T N A W condition, good cc, $ 1 1965, A W A J \ ON. 2 . $ -22 7 $ L L A C . N IO T original 6,080 Inspection, ptfss ill w KES, MK, I­ D N O C D N A /MAKE, Y N A , S E IK B 8352220. miles. Must Must miles. OR SCOOT A T T E M M A L ' - R TE O O C S R TO O M TI N IO IT D N O C T N E L L E C X E rmni Hre Dvdo, nc c In Davidson, Harley Tramontin othm. othm. Open ju y vacatieui ty jaun ; - impeia impeia - CALDWELL ft? CALDWELL Cape, t ejo Irene., erjto. -t, V , e p a C . m e M P.S., P.S., 3 Lxntn e. Clifton. ., ve A Lexington 535 6 Cerlt $1395 . .clean. Chevrolet extra ., '65 m tra A I « * e d a c i heart 91 r r l W O N 1971 R U O Y R E 6 R O 6 Cov r $1095 . . it! ; e ir u orva end C hi '67 5 Cease 9 7 $1 reef. . . vteyl Chavalle '67 $ i U $ RAH, yeong reel, the Per yl vin condition. trans., mint ed Spi I 6 Cerlt $1695 Chevrolet '67 $2195 . . ara Cam #4 S $5. 59^4400. L L A C $150. . Hat 7 Bloomfield473 Ave. r t in ao, auto, Wagon, lian Ita ir A loti AG SELECTION LAKGK 226-6666 I SAVINGS! BIG E N Y A W enRy earl aenneRiy chargeoxtra for, A Bran ie s here) Is time Bargain . RAN OTHERS Y N A M

e P vy, P w 9 te do it for itlhapricabdo SS SS aalF aalF m SD CARS USED op, uo trans., auto, Coupe, ak Pn tor Pine rack. Brat S i l l takes Es* Es* takes l l i S Brat 0 j 0 ( 6P M (o $0t

ae 3 NE ODAY J 3 1970 3. E N JU Y A D TO E YN A W 23 Page Griffith Eyes Win Over Bogs For Shot At Nino

COPENHAGEN (A P I—EraUe two years ago to Benvenuti in in hiA tall body that in 55 fights T o the Dane, Thursday’s fight fatal mistake in bringing Grif; Griffith, the'' former world mid­ New York. no one has been able to floor - expect -d to % attract /»ome ft h here. dleweight boxing titlist, battles At 32, Griffith will put all he him. 10,000 fan;; to an open-air, sub­ “ I saw Griffith train with. fom Bogs of Denmark, the di­ learned in 13 tough years of box­ A leftjabber, he may be the urban soccer stadium—is-a cal­ Tom Bfethea in JYugoslavia W vision’s '■ reigning European ing, including 20 middleweight “ one-armed champ” that some culated risk he runs in the hope fore Bethel's recent attempt at champ, in a 12-round bout here or welterweight world' title hold him lb be. that a victory will remove any Benvenuti’s title in Yugosla­ Thursday night'’. fights, against a Dane who is But the stinging left, and his doubt that he is the man Ben­ via,” Palle 'said. Nino Benvenutl of Italy,,the seven years his Junior and not enormous physical power, en­ venuti must take on next. "Griffith is much better than 1 l, imagined. He has not slowed, i reigning world chpmpion, will by far his equal in speed, tech- . ough to keep him unbeaten, Danish promoter - manarer he punches as hard as ever, and | watch from ringside. The bout nical brilliance and experience. make him European champ and Mogens Paije, who! has skillful­ tor the first time I’m really j is seen as the last chance Grif­ But Bogs, a.former bricklay­ get him the position of No. 1 ly steered Bogs’ career, openly afraid that my man may get in j fith, an American, has to secure er and a handsome fellow packs challenger tor the world title serious tr >uble.” another crack, at the title he lost so much sapngth and stamina in most ratings. admitted he may have made a Howard Slams Sox,YanksCop


Big Frank Howard, the Washington slugger who happens to ’ead the American League in home runs, claims that making contact is hs biggest problem. The same might be true of the' entire American League when 4 ; Sudden San McDowell is on the mound. Investigate Tuesday night neither of th e * veteran AH Star performers had any difficulty. The Death Howard r.nlled his 16th homer o f the season, a rfcrio-run shot Of Sawchuk^ that earned the Senators a 2-2 tie, and b.:fj bloop single trig­ MINOLA” N.Y. i API—Nas­ gered a two-run eighth-inning sau Count! Dist. Atty. William rally that brought Washington a Cahn has oroered a grand jury 4-3 victory over the CKicago investigation into the death o f White Sox. New York Rangers goalie Terry Sawchuk. McDowell, the A L ’s strikeout Cahn oatied for the probe king, had a no-hitter for seven Tuesday as detectives* checked innings but had to settle for a reports that the 40-year-old Saw­ two-hitter :n the opener of a chuk- was hospitalized following doublehead'u- as th e' Cleveland an April 29 brawl with team- Indians swept Milwaukee 4-1, male Ron stpwart. 8-5. Veteran National Hockey" IN LOSING CAUSE— Poncho Gonzales, forecourt, readier for a back­ In other A L contests, Boston League stu died of a blood clot hand Tuesday of New York's Madison Square Garden during match with Australian Rad whipped Minnesota 5-1, New Sunday at New York Hospital, Laver. Laver wed the match and right to compete tn finals of the Champions Classic. York edg.x". Kansas City 3-2, where he had undergone several ' ~ ______- ,______'• ' J , v '______• ’ Baltimore slopped Oakland 61 operations. and C a lifin ia nipped Detroit 3-2 in 10 innings. According to one version. Sawchuk and Stewart got into L aver Overwhelms Gonzales In the National League, At­ ,a fight at a Long peach, N.Y.. lanta beat New York, 4-1, St. bar and later continued at their - Louis belted San Francisco 12-1, rented house in. nearby East San Diego bombed Pittsburgh Atlantic Bench. (pi Tennis Classic At Carden 14-8, Houston topped Montreal V 64, Cinciuati downed Philadel-* SawchuK had told police that Madison Square Garden was the scepe last night as overcame Pane ho Gonzales, phia 7-2 *n a game calk'd by he and iiis teammate "were .6-3, 65, 6-1, in the $260,000 Tennis Championshi p Classic. T o the disappointment o f many tin the rain in the seventh inning and wrestling . . just horsing crowds of 7,903 who had hoped to share another -sentimental and memorable moment with the Los Angeles at Chicago was around,” but other accounts venerable 42-year-okl master, Laver showed I why,, when the big-money match is t o be won, he will called by ram. said the fight was more serious. win It. \ series, which will - be played night’s " second semifinal be The victory moved the 31- July 16 at the Garden. Laver tween two other Australian pro­ year-old Australian to the $50,- fessionals,. and 000 championship, fin a l.o f the' meets the winner - of Friday Roy Emerson. f Mc Laren, Auto Racer, Tbe 35-year-old Rosewall, who m eets-Laver tonight in Baseball Standings S t Louis fti jh e final of the Dies . In Fiery Crash rain-delayed $30,000 Rawlings tournament, beat Tom Okker of GOODWOOD, England > API AMPKICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL l e a g u e the Netherlands, 62, 6-4, 62, 1 The auto racing world today East Division in last night’s opening match. mourned the death of Bruce w L Pet. GB w L P e t GB Laver and Gonzales split the McLaren, one of its top drivers. Baltimore 34 15 .694 —' Chicago 25 20 .556 semifinal check of $25,000, but He died Tuesday at 32 in the New York 27 23 • .540 J 7 V t New York 25 24 310 2 -Laver ' now . is ih position to crash of an experimental ear Washington 23 24 .489 10 S t .Louis 22 24 .478 3 V2 chase the biggest single payoff o f his own design. Detroit 31 24 .467 11 Pittsburgh 24 .27 ’ .471 4 in sport’s history — the McLaren, a ' New Zealander, 'Boston 21 25 .457 ii% Philadelphia 20 28 .417 6>A $35,600 that goes to the series' spun out o f control in the ante Cleveland IS ,27 .400 14 Montreal 16 31 MO f0 champion. "while driving at 180 miles per Went Division West Division Gonzales told his Sen, Rich­ hour on the Goodwood Circuit 31 14 .689 .— .' Cincinnati 37 v!4 .725 ' t i n , . Minnesota ard Jr., before the match that and crashed into an earthen California 31 0 7 ,646 1%' Atlanta 28' 1% .596 7 he was having slight muscle bank. 24 .510 8 Loe Angeles 29 20 .592 7 Oakland „ 25 spasms in his back. I f tbe mas- . His MD8 .sports car broke in 19 28 .404 13 San Franc’co a£ 27 ,471 13 Kansas City ‘ter lacked the decisive first vol­ two and' exploded into flames. 14tt, Houston 22 29 .431 15 Chicago 18 30 ...375- ley and the unretumable serve, McLaren was dragged clear but Milwaukee f 15 17 San D iego’ 23 32 .418 16 32 519 it was chiefly because Laver died in minutes. Baltimore s. Oakland 1 . Houston 4, Montreal 4 dominated the tempo. McLaren decided against per­ Cleveland 4-9, Milwaukee 1-5 Atlanta 4, New York 1 The Aussie held service sonally competing at Indianapo­ CatMamie X Detroit *, M Innings Cincinnati 7, Philadelphia Z S innings, rain Washington 4 , Chicago 3 Las Angies at Chicago, ram — throughput; only onoe was Gon­ lis last month in order to ready New York 3„ Kansas City 3 San D ie g o -14, Pittsburgh t RACING DRIVER KILLED — Beaton 5; Minnesota 1 ■ - St. Louis 13, San Francisco 1 zales within a break point.. the MD8 for his defense of the m i y * i Om n i Today's Camas “He played as well against pretigious Canadian-American Bruce McLaren, one of the Baltimore (Cueller *5-3) at Oakland (Fin- - Lea Angeles (foster ■ id ) et Chicago world’s tap auto racing driv­ f i r » M ) « N (Hettunan. 4-3) 5b me ap. hej .has-in a long time,” Series races. Detroit (LaHdt 4-5) at California (Mas- San Otago (Dobson 3-5) et Pittsburgh Gonzales 4614. “I wasn’t run­ w u death came on the same ers, was kitted Tuesday when atrsmmi 5-4), K (Mesa 3-7). H Cleveland (Hand 4 4 ) at MUwaukaa ta n Francisco (Puente 1-3) at St. Leuts ning down as many balls as I track which ended the career Hi* ear crashed at ISO miles (Ta ylo r 1-3), N . . (Krausaa 34JU N a J ■ .* , a J*? o f Sterling Moss in 1961. Moss per hour, the New Zealand CMcago (Jmtm 4-7) at Washington (Cole­ New York (Soever 7-4) at Atlanta (Jar­ should, but I haven’t had as man M k M vis S S ). N much time to practice hard be­ survived a high-speed collision driver hit a bank In t trial Kansas City (Orage 3-3) at New ^Terfc Philadelphia . (Short 3-5) at Cincinnati run at Goodwood, England. (NMan dm. It ' - ' ' ’ cause o f some physical prob­ -«t Goodwood but hasn’t raced Oaston (Slebert Montreal (Wegener ee) at I teuton <®rlt- since. JAP Wirepheto). , ,(2pF W at Hn 1-4, N _ lems.” * i ; 4 3 ), M • Antique Cgr Race Highlights Anhiversary

Nearly"100 automobiles from out of really think the 25 miles an hour speed of the Ice Center-in Branch Brook ning car and driver In the 'ra ce w ill the past will be jostling each other for limit w ill even be broken along the Park, (before which time the public is probably go Unnoticed in the press due first place in a “Sort of Race" along course." invited to view these priceless relcs). to the spectacular '500 Memorial pity roads from Brandi Brook Park in Th e fact is, according to Harris, Under police escort, the horseless, car­ race at ‘Indy’, over the previous week­ Newark, to Turtle Bade/Zoo in West some of the cars will have trouble get­ riages will proceed up Park Avenue, end, w e aren’t even going to bother Orange, June 13. ting over the top of the hills along the through East Orange to Main Street in finding out who wins this one," Harris The “Sort of Race” is being spon­ route, and may have to be pdshedL West Orange. Those cars that have' related. “We wouldn’t want to take any sored by the 75th Anniversary Commit­ The object of this affair, as with the made it this far WiB then only -have to publicity away from the winner of the tee o f the Essex County (Park System 75 mile bicycle race held last Sunday go to the end o f Main Street, turn right 500.anyway." . ' - - - ^ >*-; - in cooperation with the New Jersey Re­ (June 7), between several parks and coast the rest of the w ay to Turtle The public will be aide to talk to Back Zoo's parking lot. The slbw paced gion of the Antique Automobile |Ciub throughout Essex County, is to com­ owners and drivers and view .the old o f ^America. ~ \ memorate the 75th Anniversary of the race w ill take about 30 minutes, accord­ autos throughout the afternoon at Tur­ “Thp event will probably be one of Essex County Park System—the oldest ing to Harris. tle Back Zoo. Bat, like the pla$$oy the slowest races on record,” ■•dd Wil- countjr-parfc system in the nation. Once the cars have all arrived at - tiarn R. Harris, o f Essex Kells, Chair The run will start at 10:30 a.m. from Turtle Back, there will be a judging, of bunnieb, you won't be allowed to touch man of the 75th Committee- “X •'don’t i he assembly point on the parking lot the . best cars in tfte race. “As thew ln- t h e m ... ' // Rost 174 Takes Home Hoftsmn And Siepe Star In 7-6 Victory Wayne Post 174. — Wayne to the* victory, but needed re­ PAL opened their season with lief help from Rich Novakow- a 7-9 victory over Clifton Post ski in the seventh inning. Bill 347 on Monday night. Star bas- •Arata also aided defensively ketballer Gary. Hoitsma receiv­ with a diving catch of .a line ed the win and also helped out drive with Clifton runners on with the stick, collecting two second and third.. hits in three at bate. Clifton scored first with a Slugging Kim Siepe went single run in the first inning, three for four at the plate and only to have Wayne counter 'scored three tallies. Hoitsma this with one run in their bot­ scattered Seven hits enroute tom half. Clifton put two metre across in the second, but, onbe again. Wayne came through With scores, thiK time with four Owner Will big runs to go ahead 54. Clifton came back to tie the Testify In game ,in the sixth with i two runs* This evened -matters at 6-6. I-Wayne scored thifetr win­ C d s e ning run in th e, bottom half as a Frank Harland single B y MIKE RATHET . drove in Gary Webh. This set NEW YORK (AP) — The the stage for heroice from No- defense in the Curt Flood case ' vakowski and Arata in the sev­ was expected today to put cm enth. - the stand .Cincinnati owner Extra base-hits in the.game Francis Dale, one of- a steady were recorded by J. Conrad, a stream, of baseball officials tes­ double, and Costa, a two-run tifying that the sport canno’t homer. Both players are -from exist without the controversial Clifton. reserve system. c im m Post 347 Wayne Post 174 ■m as H ... AB R H Mark Hughes, - chief counsel Turano,2b,cf 4 X Glover,ss mm J.Conrad,cf,rf 4 0 Koshlap,2b fo r baseball's defendants, esti­ Conklin,3b 0 Arata,2b mated it would be the end of Metti.lf - , 1 Siepe,cf R. Conrad, lb 1 Ferrara,rf the weeke or the first part of S ikorax 3 *1 1 Knepper.rf next week before the defense W iitxf 1 1 0 Panso,lf Costa,ph i i 1 0len,3b ’ had exhausted its list o f wit­ GBta.^b 0 0 0 Edgar,3b nesses. Quinn,ss 3 0 0 W ebb,lb lngrahm ,p.lb 3 0 2 .Hariand,c Quack'ush,pr 0 0 0 Hoitsma,p ; Also scheduled to testify to- Novakoski,p’■ B 6 0 -day;was John Gaherin, chief la­ 7 Totals 21 7 12 121 M2 M l ! bor negotiator for the owners. HI Ml *—7 12 2 OPENING DAY VfCTOR$*-Wayno Post 174 Is soon hero hr » groap photo. OiowonA i i ^ opened their season with a 7-4 victory over GKfton Post 347. s PAL League r , g ■ ■ + ■ • .5-.- . v - ... .

FARM LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE Division A English Boaters Drop Maat Division W L vwiey Ridge Cleaners Kents- Texaco - 9 3 T-flcw l T-Bowi Cleaners • t 8V2 yify W. E. Hutton M atzner Publications 1 »Va •3Va ) Cavdllo A rt Studio Maple SnSdc Bar 7 5 Vair Decker fg World Cup Sm m T-B o w l Drugs 7 ‘ - 5 Ruesa Construction Loren* Transmissions 4 4 V a rk * Oil -Preakness VOHey Sportsmen S 7 ' Divtsien 0 * W Kennys Esso ■ 7 S 7 Semerraro Construction 10 * .- MEXICO CITY (AP>—F oot more games were on tap today in the Woijd Cup See- Norman Scott Real Estate 2Vj m Palex / m Wayne Kiwanis lVa 10V2 Automatic Doorman * V h -cer Championships, which Tuesday saw defending champion England' score a 1-4 vic­ West Division W -L Daniel Motors d kTa llia 's Restaurant 10 2 Atkins Chevrolet S tory oyer Rumania, English Captain Bobby Moore, detained a week ago in Bogota on Dorfrem wagon * 10 2 v Lawn-A-M at *416 Old Bam Millc Bar W i T-Bowi Shopping Center \ theft charges, won praises for his defensive play from Mario Zagalo, coach of the Brizil- Paddock Inn' Tty • Wayne FOR: - 7 - LEAGUE ian team which is expected td be England’s chief challenger for the coveted Juies Rimet Preakness/ Pharmacy Preakness Valley Nursery w Trophy, emblematic of world supremacy in the s^ort. *T - Schulte's Wertst M . Wayne Piaa kVi A ^He Was the! star of the -L Pier Koolstra g a m e ," said Zagalo. . u - SENIOR LEAGUE - - .■ - "J . V' *>' X El Salvador, Italy vs.' Sweden, champion, b.-at underdog Israel Wayne P B A T “Once again he proved h e is Czechoslovakia vs.j Brazil add - . Van Oer May Funeral Home O 2 0 W ayne P A L IM. * • oneofthe finest defensive play­ Morocco- vs. West Germany!. Gabriels * 5 Peru trailed 24 but rallied far Van Ness Msforsl ^ ' f ers in the world today and a In the most exciting match Shier Shoes < 4 man of great personality," mid its triumpr with CuMUae-sooh Am erican Cyenam id SHr Tuesday, Peru defeated" a Lawn Sprinklers of Wayne* 316 Zagalo. strong Bulgarian team 3-2, and Jng the go ahead goal in the Mack Wayne Plastics 2 F H c Shell • t c Today's games: Belgium vs. Uruguay, a two-tjme world 73rd minute: