Hazlet Man Dies in Airplane Crash
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Wegther Distribution it <A tt» coast, bWwr Inland. F«lr to- 2f.90d" * Blibt, tow la the 4*. Tuesday, partly cloudy, dunce of Mattered shower*. See Weather, page 2. DIAL SH 1-0010 Iinud dally, Monaur thtoutb frlltr. **MBt Olu« B VOL. 85,.NO. 218 Ptld it IU4 B*ak *M M AWtttaoiU. MtJtiPK OEttcu. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 24-Hour Ultitiiatum Is Issued Haiti, Dominican Armed Clash Threatened SANTO DOMINGO, Domin- means within our power," week ago when leaflets warned dren's guards were slain but Bosch denounced Duvalier's Andres Freites Barrera, in a ican Republic (AP)—An armed Bosch said. Duvalier that an attempt would "the children were not hurt. regime in a radio-television protest to Haiti, demanded clash between the two neigh-. Leaves Canceled be made to overthrow him May The attack triggered weekend broadcast, declaring that in- immediate withdrawal of the police forces which are vio- ton-of the Caribbean island of The Dominican armed forces 15—the constitutional date for violence In which 15 persons vasion of the embassy was "equivalent to an Invasion of lating the Dominican diplomatic Hispaniola' threatened today. secretary, Maj. Gen. Victor El- the end of his first term as were reported killed and at President. least 68 Haitians, including for- our country." mission." The Dominican Republic ac- vis Vinas Roman, announced that all troops leaves have been mer army officers and their The Dominican president ac- Freites also demanded guar- cused Haiti of invading its Suspicious that opposition to canceled. But he said there him centered i nthe regular families, took haven in Latin cused the Haitian government antees for the safety of mem- embassy, and Haiti broke dip- was no military movement to- army, Duvalier last week fired American embassies. of plotting against his life. He bers of the mission and those lomatic relations between the ward the Haitian border. 64 officers, the bulk of' the Informed sources said Hai- (aid the invasion of the em- who have taken diplomatic two countries. The Organization of American army's leadership. The dic- tian soldiers broke into the bassy "was a slap in the face asylum there. President Juan Bosch gave States (OAS) ordered a five- tator has built up a personal Dominican Embassy Friday and to the Dominican Republic, an It was not clear how the Haitian dictator Francois Du- nation fact-finding team to fly militia and presidential guards started a search for refugees affront which we are not dis- Dominican Republic could press valier 24 hours to withdraw to both countries to investigate that outnumbered the army and but were Ordered out by the posed to pass over." its demands now that Haiti .troops surrounding the Domin- thh crisis next door to Cuba. are better armed. charge d'affaires. Bosch said the refugees in has severed relations and may ican Embassy in Port au Prince. The OAS appealed to both gov- Three Guards Slain Armed guards and road- the embassy are "living hours not consider itself bound by- The embassy is sheltering 22 ernments to keep the peace. On Friday, occupants of a blocks blocked approaches to of indescribable terror because diplomatic protocol. "The right foes of Duvalier. The dispute with the Domin- speeding car opened fire on the Dominican ambassador's every minute of the day and of political asylum generally is considered inviolate in Latin "Unless the outrages against icans flared as a result of Du- Duvalier's two children, Jan residence yesterday. Telephone night, they are expecting an at- America, and Haiti normally the Dominican Republic in valier's attempt to crush rising Claude, 12, and Simone, 14, as lines were cut off, and taxi tack which will cost them their would be expected to provide Haiti end within 24 hours, we opposition to his regime. they were being driven home drivers refused to take pas- lives." (See HAITI, Page 2) Fraocots Duvaller will put an end to them by all Tension began mounting a from school. Three of the chil- sengers to Hie vicinity. Dominican Foreign Minister Juan Bosch Moscow Passenger Critically Hurt Greets Castro Hazlet Man Dies MOSCOW (AP)-Soviet Premier Khrushchev led 40,000 Russians through a Red Square welcome to Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas- tro Sunday, but the elaborate show failed to whip up the fren- zied enthusiasm Westerners had expected. In Airplane Crash The bearded Cuban leader pro- MADISON TOWNSHIP (AP)- claimed that, except for the So- A Hazlet man, apparently on a viet Union, his revolutionary re- short pleasure flight with a Iriend gime could not exist. He heaped in a rented airplane, was killed praise'on Soviet economic and Sunday night when the craft military aid. crashed into a wooded area of Is Restrained this Middlesex County communi- Castro, wearing a fur hat ty- •gainst the chilly winds, was rel- The second passenger in the atively restrained in manner. light, two-seater plane, was criti- Khrushchev opened the proceed cally Injured. ings from the reviewing stand WRECKED BUILDING —Burned out store gashed of the H. B. Sherrrun * Sons, Inc., The dead man was Austin atop Lenin's tomb and set the fuel and grain tales company in Long Branch seen after the Saturday night fir* Burnes, about 40, of 28 Maple Dr., tone. Hailet, whose .body was re- He donned steel-rimmed specta- which destroyed it. Several fully loaded fuel oil tanker trucks in th« building were covered from (he twisted wreck- cles and slowly and dryly read pulled to safety. Firemen feared a much worse lost at the outlet because of build- age of the plane. Police said the a welcoming speech which-one ing's close proximity to four service stations. ; ' , aircraft was a Super Cub. more time—saW the Soviet Union Near Crash Scene , - was lined up shoulder-to-shoulder Tiie wreckage was discovered with Cuba against the United by search parties about two hours States. • ;•, r after police found the second pas- Castro, who towered*over Ms senger,' John Thomson, wandering host, read a Spanish translation May Mobilize CD dazed on Route 516 near Mats- while Khrushchev spoke. wan, about a mile from tflie scene The crowds, convoyed to the of the crash. •quare m army trucks, applauded Probe New Suspicious City Blaze Thomson, 31, of II Therese Ave., mostly on signal from Khru- Keyport, staggered to the road shchev. ' LONG BRANCH — Councilman which CD personnel are em- a storm or other sudden occur- despite cuts that bid his face Khrushchev claimed that Soviet Lucy Wilson proposed last night ployed. She said, in part: rence which requires assignment open to the bone, a cerebral con- support for Cuba during test au- the city civilian defense organiza- "The situation is grave. Fami- of special patrols to bar against cussion and fractured jaw. tumn's crisis had avoided a clash tion be mobilized to help end the lies are concerned for their per- pilfering, looting, and other "He was mumbling something with the United States that could growing series of suspicious fires. sonal safety and for their prop- crimes. , . Instead of thieves, to- about a car accident," said Sgt. have touched off World War III. Mrs. Wilson said she would erty. day we must protect against fire- WiHJam C. Burlew of the town- Saying that the Soviet Union discuss her plan tomorrow night "The entire city is experiencing bugs. ship police. "He apparently was would slick by Cuba, he added, at a special council meeting the anxiety we in the Fifth Ward "Subject to the will of the full too shocked to know what hap- "it is not Cuba that threatens the called by Mayor Thomas L. Me- lived through a couple of years council, I propose we ask the CD pened to him. I don't know how WRECKAGE SCENE —Thit is all that is left of airplane which crashed yesterday United States but the United a Council to assign police and fire Cllntock to deal with other as- 8<> a* one' building after (moth- he managed to get as far as he in Madison Township killing a Hazlet man and critically injuring a passenger. Dead States mat wishes to take away pecu of tne fjre problem. er, after condemnation in the reserves, and wardens, to watch did." the freedom the Cuban people won duty on a block by block basis is Austin Burnes, 28 Maple Dr., Hazlet. In critical condition in Perth Amboy Hospi- Over the weekend, the latest riverfront program, was set afire . On Critical List lor themselves." at night. from sun down until sun up until unexplained blaze destroyed a At Perth Amboy General Hospi- tal is John Thomson, II Therese Ave., Keyport. this crisis passes. storage building of the H. B. Sher- 'Little Dlffence' tal, where Thomson was on the man and Sons fuel and grain sales "There is little difference, I be- "I have full confidence in our critical list, police found chips of 2 Teachers company on Clinton PI., near the ''eve, between the present emer- police department. The men are reen paint on his clothing. The New York and Long Branch Rail- gency and one which results from (See FIRE, Page 2) authorities connected this to a re- road line. Damage was put at port that a green-colored aircraft Lull in Laos Fighting Are Honored was overdue in the area and oth- $100,000. VIENTIANE, Laos, (AP) >- er reports that a plane might have dej Jarres but made no new Khrushchev at the weekend. Har« NEW BRUNSWICK - Two The worst fire in the string The lull in the Laotian fighting gone down earlier in the evening.