Hillgrove Colts Club

Club Champions since 2008-09

Dougie’s Mate 2015/16

2015/16 - Hillgrove Committee

President – Tony Jones

Vice President – Nick Sewell

Secretary – Kris Croft

Treasurer – Matt Schaefer

Junior Co-Ordinator – Ian Reeves

Registrar/Recorder – Brian Parsons

Public Officer – Kris Croft

Chairman of Selectors – Ian Reeves

Hillgrove Colts Cricket Club: Proudly Sponsored By

2015/16 - President’s Report

Congratulations to everyone in the club. Another Club Championship can only be achieved with significant contributions from all players in every team!

Four finalists from four teams, three minor premierships and two premierships pretty well sums up our success on the field this season.

A return to the top step for second grade, defending 112 in the grand-final was just reward for an excellent season. An inaugural win for the third grade Brumbies, defending 102 in the grand-final, after a few seasons building this team, was also well deserved. Another grand-final for first grade, after going straight through after securing the minor premiership, unfortunately beaten in the final game but not without a fight and a never say die attitude. Finally a semi-final for the third grade Colts, who were disappointed not to go further, but with a significant change in personnel should be pleased with making it to the finals in a pretty tough competition.

As I said it takes contributions from everyone in the club to achieve the type of successes that we have achieved on the field many seasons. I must, however, thank certain individuals for their efforts. Thanks to the captains, Kingy, Sewelly, Sharmo and TB, for getting their ‘troops’ organised each and every week. Often compromises must be reached in order to field four strong teams across all grades and these guys were the ones who had to adjust to these, sometimes late, changes. To all committee members I, and the entire club, must thank you for all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. So thanks, VP Sewelly, Treasurer Schaef, Secretary Kris, Registrar BP, Chairman of Selectors/Junior Coordinator Reevesy, Social Committee Armo and Baills, committee members Cuz and Crofty. We are all part of a club that is the envy of many other clubs due to its level of organisation and ‘smooth running’. This can only be achieved because of the time and effort put in by all of those people mentioned above. I truly believe that this is a significant key to our success.

I must particularly mention two committee members who worked tirelessly each and every week throughout the season. Reevesy may have stepped down as president but then stepped up as junior coordinator, keeping our juniors running smoothly, and also acting as chairman of selectors. This is a huge week-in week-out, often thankless, task. Not only did we not have to forfeit any games but we managed to consistently field strong teams each and every week. Thanks to those players who encouraged others to come and play when we were short, also. BP must be thanked for all his administration work. We never have to worry about losing competition points for some slip-up because BP is always onto it, making sure players are all registered, MyCricket is up to date, scores are in on time etc.

We are the family club and like a family we stick together. There may be the odd difference of opinion, from time to time, however, when the ‘chips are down’ we are there for our ‘family’. We are very welcoming to new members to ‘our family’ and it was great to add new players to our teams this year. I was so impressed with how teams, led by their captains, welcomed, included and supported our new players, particularly our juniors who were stepping up into the senior grades for the first time.

I wish to offer congratulations to Matt Schaeffer for his induction as our newest life member. It recognises his long term dedication and commitment to Hillgrove Colts Cricket team as an outstanding player and committee member. You would be hard pressed to find a more committed ‘team man’ and I know he is honoured to be recognised for his efforts, and to join his father as a ‘lifer’.

Thank you also to our sponsors, Armidale Bowling Club, Grand Hotel, Armidale Pet Shop, Hillgrove Mines and Sportspower. This year we did not ask players to pay umpire fees, funded by our raffle nights at the Grand. I particularly thank those players who helped out by selling raffle tickets on a Friday night.

I feel proud and honoured to be associated with Hillgrove Colts Cricket Club and I hope we can continue to build on our strengths over the coming seasons. With this I believe success on the field will also continue to come our way.

Tony Jones “Soo the ‘Grove” Latest Life Member

Matt Schaefer

Mts Cts ROs Sts GFs GFWon

228 93 10 - 16 8 Results by Season

Season Mts Inn NO Runs HS Avg SR 100 50 Overs Maid RunsA Wkts Avg Best 10W 5WI Cts Sts ROs

1996/97 1 1 - 4 4 4.00 - - - 2 - 8 - - 0-8 - - - - -

1997/98 1 6 3 25 10* 8.33 - - - 62 - 299 19 15.74 4-48 - - - - -

1998/99 - 5 - 35 0 7.00 - - - 111 - 454 23 19.74 ------

1999/00 6 6 - 53 33 8.83 - - - 34.4 1 142 4 35.50 2-6 - - 5 - 1

2000/01 13 13 1 124 32 10.33 - - - 67 11 229 12 19.08 4-44 - - 7 - 1

2001/02 15 16 3 476 99* 36.62 - - 5 89.1 12 338 16 21.12 3-26 - - 9 - -

2002/03 17 17 2 262 36 17.47 - - - 145.3 32 384 33 11.64 5-11 - 2 6 - -

2003/04 14 16 2 311 67 22.21 - - 2 33 3 122 9 13.56 4-19 - - 4 - 1

2004/05 13 13 1 452 111 37.67 - 1 3 36.3 14 69 14 4.93 4-7 - - 9 - -

2005/06 11 11 - 456 91 41.45 104.26 - 3 56 15 151 9 16.78 2-16 - - 4 - -

2006/07 18 18 2 619 76 38.69 - - 7 66.3 12 203 22 9.23 4-8 - - 4 - -

2007/08 13 10 1 358 104* 39.78 - 1 3 39.4 7 108 6 18.00 5-11 - 1 2 - 2

2008/09 13 15 - 244 43 16.27 94.44 - - 101 17 311 17 18.29 3-20 - - 4 - -

2009/10 15 17 2 555 155* 37.00 - 1 1 128.1 25 386 28 13.79 5-26 - 1 8 - 1

2010/11 14 11 1 273 61 27.30 - - 1 63 8 199 6 33.17 2-12 - - 5 - -

2011/12 12 12 2 354 107* 35.40 - 1 2 49 10 170 6 28.33 4-71 - - 6 - -

2012/13 16 15 1 301 70 21.50 - - 1 65 5 261 20 13.05 3-14 - - 7 - 2

2013/14 13 12 - 284 61 23.67 - - 2 57.5 6 193 18 10.72 4-29 - - 5 - 1

2014/15 12 12 - 361 88 30.08 - - 3 40.4 2 151 6 25.17 2-21 - - 3 - -

2015/16 11 12 - 155 34 12.92 - - - 79.1 15 261 15 17.40 4-8 - - 4 - 1

Hillgrove Life Members

Herbie Edgar

Tom Dye

K. K. Morgan

H. Munday

R. K. Martin

Peter Schaefer

Tony Butler

David Dye

Joe Sewell

Mark Jackson

Alan Gray

Harry Browne

Jack Sewell

Brad King

Andrew Curry

John Croft

Nick Sewell

Kris Croft

Brian Parsons

Hillgrove Colts History

Hillgrove Colts Cricket Club Perpetual Trophies

Peter Hickey Memorial Trophy

The Peter Hickey Memorial Trophy for the player most likely to succeed, is in memory of the late Peter Hickey who played 1st grade for the club for approximately 10 years during the late 1970’s to the late 1980’s. He was an exceptionally talented bowler, and had been on a world tour with the Northern NSW Emu’s Cricket club in 1974. The trophy was donated by his family after his untimely death in 1991.

The Royal Hotel Trophy - Clubman of the year

The royal hotel trophy for clubman of the year would’ve been donated by Joe Barbato the owner and publican of the Royal hotel. They were our club sponsors for approximately 10yrs in the late 80’s early 90’s. Joe himself never actually played cricket for Hillgrove, however his son Peter played in the lower grades for the grove.

Tom Dye Memorial Trophy - Player of the Year The Tom Dye Memorial Trophy for the Player of the Year is in memory of the late Tom Dye who was one of the club’s early players during the 50’s. Tom was a wicketkeeper and up until his passing he was a patron and a very keen supporter of Hillgrove Colts Cricket Club.

The Harry Browne - Spirit of Cricket Award

Donated by life member Harry Browne. Harry was an exceptional batsman, coach and role model for many of the young players of Hillgrove Colts Cricket Club. Harry donated this trophy for not necessarily the best player in the club, but for a player that plays hard and fair in the true spirit of the game.


Hillgrove Cricket Ground 2005

Mark Jackson on his way to 3/67 vs ExServices 17-Nov-1990

2015/16 - First Grade

Not such a great finish to the year but everyone gave 100% to the end which made me very proud It was fantastic to see so many young guys putting their best foot forward and having a crack at the top level. It was great to welcome to the HCCC Adam (Elvis) Thurlow (Dubbo) and his partner Jess who attended every social event and the bowling club after each match for drinks and Michael Cursons, who finally cut loose on Grand Final night with a couple of ales among other things. Son of Wok, Thomas (Schooner) Browne made his 1st grade debut and found himself playing most of the games once he completed his HSC The emergence of players like Andrew (Peter Spidey) Parker, Sean Skinner, Richard (In Hard Dick) Heagney and the return of Cuz, Nick Sewell and Byrne for a few celebrity matches ensured that we had a solid season. Runner up in both the 1 day final and the 2 day final was disappointing but hopefully a learning curve for the youngsters involved. You need to lose a Grand Final to truly appreciate winning one, so here's hoping to a bigger and better season in 2016-17 Lastly good luck to Michael Dawson who is off to try his hand in the big time in the Brisbane competition I wish him all the best and hope that he shows them his true ability. Thanks to everyone for the season Soo the Grove Match Draw/Results

Team1 Team2 Round Date Grade Ground Type Winner

Hillgrove 1st 10/73 10/178 Easts 1st 10/199 0/59 GF 19-Mar-2016 1st's SportsG 2inn Easts 1st Win by 11 wkts

Hillgrove 1st 10/245 Easts 1st 10/191 12 27-Feb-2016 1st's Lambert 2inn Hillgrove 1st Win 1st Innings by 54 runs

Hillgrove 1st 10/207 City 1st (Churches 6/209 11 13-Feb-2016 1st's SportsG 2inn City 1st (Churches) Win 1st Innings by 2 runs

Hillgrove 1st 10/137 Ex-Services 1st 10/124 10 30-Jan-2016 1st's Lambert 2inn Hillgrove 1st Win 1st Innings by 13 runs

Easts 1st 7/173 Hillgrove 1st 10/119 1 Day 26-Jan-2016 1st's SportsG 1inn Easts 1st Win by 54 runs

Hillgrove 1st Easts 1st 9 23-Jan-2016 1st's SportsG 1inn Match Drawn

City 1st (Churches 10/114 Hillgrove 1st 10/102 8 16-Jan-2016 1st's SportsG 1inn City 1st (Churches) Win by 12 runs

Hillgrove 1st 8/216 Ex-Services 1st 10/178 7 12-Dec-2015 1st's SportsG 1inn Hillgrove 1st Win by 38 runs

Hillgrove 1st 10/198 Easts 1st 5/201 6 05-Dec-2015 1st's Lambert 1inn Easts 1st Win by 6 wkts

City 1st (Churches 7/235 Hillgrove 1st 7/235 5 28-Nov-2015 1st's Lambert 1inn Hillgrove 1st Win by 4 wkts

Ex-Services 1st 3/274 Hillgrove 1st 7/282 4 21-Nov-2015 1st's Lambert 1inn Hillgrove 1st Win by 4 wkts

Hillgrove 1st 3/143 Easts 1st 10/107 3 07-Nov-2015 1st's SportsG 2inn Hillgrove 1st Win 1st Innings by 36 runs

Hillgrove 1st 10/183 City 1st (Churches 10/164 2 24-Oct-2015 1st's Lambert 2inn Hillgrove 1st Win 1st Innings by 19 runs

Hillgrove 1st 7/373 Ex-Services 1st 10/205 1 10-Oct-2015 1st's SportsG 2inn Hillgrove 1st Win 1st Innings by 168 runs

First Grade 2015/16 Back Row: Scott Brennan, Matt Baillie, Adam Thurlow, Tom Browne, Michael Cursons Front Row: Matt Schaefer, Brad King ©,Michael Dawson, Lochlan Elks, Richard Heagney, Josh Croft

2015/16 – Second Grade

Well we have finally done it, we have won a One Day Competition in March YIPPEE.

Also congratulation to 3rd Grade Brumbies on your grand final win, a truly gutsy effort and commiserations to first grade as Saturday just wasn’t your day, but full credit to you for your fight right to the very end.

2nd Grade was a revolving door of players this year especially in the early part of the season with several young players making their debut in 2nd grade and there was a time the average age of the players on the ground was 20 and that is with Cuz and Frosty playing as well.

These young fellas held their own in second grade and got us out of trouble more than one occasion. The game in Guyra we were 8 for 102 when Andrew Parker and Henry Sindel come together at the crease and put on an 87 run partnership for the 9th with some good and cheeky batting but still a pleasure to watch.

We also gained a couple TAS kids from last year’s grand final side (I think they like the way we play cricket that’s what I heard anyway) who were Max Alcorn and Liam Howard. Unfortunately Liam could only play a couple of games with us but his enthusiasm towards the game was infectious and a pleasure to have in the side. Max spent all season with us and if he wasn’t fielding at mid-off or bowling little darts or batting you could find him sitting on the back of the ute kissing and cuddling Mel any chance he could get.

Players that made their debut this season for 2nd grade.

Sean Skinner, Jack Carey, Andrew (slug) Frost, Henry Sindel, Tom Lashie, Scott Cowan, Scott Baker, Lachlan Jones and Jonathan Parker.

Throughout the season we played some good consistent cricket to record 10 wins, 5 washouts, 1 loss to Easts GRRRRRRR and 2 byes were we played our best cricket and we were awarded the minor premiership. The closest game we had this year was against Ex-services. We were all out for 102 and bowled them out for 99.

We went into the Major semi-final against the Barbarians without playing them once through the season proper so they were an unknown package. Things were on the up from the start with the captain winning the toss and the only call to make was have a bat. We were bowled out for 149 with Tom Armitage scoring 32 and Cuz scoring 31 with 2 big sixes. Then it was our turn to bowl and all we needed was the opening bowlers Andrew (Cuz) Curry 10 overs 8/41 and Michael (Fathead) Frost 10 overs 2/22.

Grand final day isn’t unfamiliar territory to 2nd grade, but winning was becoming a distant memory and the Barbarians had a good win over TAS in the preliminary final to earn a spot against us. Guess what the captain won the toss again and we batted with Max Laurie scoring 22 and Cuz and myself scoring 21, we were bowled out for 112. After the Westpac helicopter left and dried the wicket out we took to the field and opened the bowling with Cuz and Fathead again and we got off to a nervous start with some dropped catches and missfields but we come together as a team and after 24 overs we had the Barbarians 7/59 with Cuz 4/34 and Fathead 3/25. After drinks we got the remaining 3 with Andrew Parker getting 1 and Sean Skinner getting the other 2, eventually bowling them out for 80.

It has come to my attention that Cuz is a finals players as there was times throughout the year were his spot was in jeopardy because his figures for the season were 48 overs 4 maidens 7/213 with an average of 30.4 Then come to the final series Cuz bowled 22 overs 6 maidens 12/75 with an average 6.25. Well done Cuz on an amazing bowling effort.

Individual Performances

David Waters moved to the top of the order this year scoring 233 runs with a high score of 44 against TAS

Sam Sewell 67 against TAS and scoring 382 for the year Tom Armitage joined us just before Christmas and scored a valuable 32 in the major semi

Andrew Byrne had a lean year by his standards removed from opening by the association scored 89 for 2nd grade and 59 in one innings for 1st grade

Max Laurie scored 22 in the grand final and would have been an easy fifty if he missed the fielders

Max (Javad Meandad) Alcorn scored his best total in 1st grade with 32. Bowled well all year taking 20 wickets with best figures of 3/12 off 3.2 overs

Andrew Curry could tell you his stats just ask him. 92 runs for the season and few wickets

Michael Frost took 28 wickets for the season off 97 overs with the best figure of 6/25 against Easts

Andrew Parker scored 47 runs for the season with 35 coming in 1 innings against Guyra and took 15 wickets for the season with the best figures of 4/31 off 10.2 overs

Nick Sewell scored 460 runs for the season with a high score of 77 against City

Sean Skinner on debut bowled 1/17 off 9 overs against TAS 3/18 off 5 overs against Ex Services and 3/6 off 2 overs against Guyra and his best figures were 5/31 off 8.3 overs against Easts

Phil McElroy 8/40 off 12 overs against City and then dropped the following week

Mitch Moore 109 against TAS

Debut Performances

Lachlan Jones 2/23 off 6 overs against City

Jonathan Parker 2/25 off 4 overs against City

Scott Baker 2/5 off 1.5 overs against TAS

A big thank you to everyone that has had a game with us in 2nd grade this year it has been a pleasure. Also to all the wives, girlfriends, mums who put up with so much on a Saturday afternoon thankyou as your patience is really appreciated. Also to Ross Sewell for being more organised than some of the players getting to the game on time and it would be appreciated if you could let Cuz know where you are when you’re not at the cricket so he doesn’t go looking for any Austag games in town.

Thank you to Ian Reeves for getting teams on the ground each and every week.

We are back

Nick Sewell “Soo the ‘Grove”

Second Grade 2015/16 Back Row: David Waters, Tom Armitage, Adam Partridge, Max Laurie, Sean Skinner, Andrew Curry, Max Alcorn Front Row: Andrew Parker, Andrew Byrne, Nick Sewell ©, Michael Frost, Sam Sewell

2015/16 Third Grade - Colts

Saw this year as a development year (again), with younger players such as Lochie Jones, Josh Stace and Tom Lashlie who joined late in the season, and new players such as Drewe Ferguson, and Mark Flynn, adding to the core group of last year – myself, Jonesy, Pete, Pardo, Stace, and Stewie. We made it to the semis and an eventual fourth place result (although didn’t help the cause by losing the last 5 games of the season!). An encouraging season overall, with both young and old(er) players stepping up at various games to carry us forward. Some highlights include:  Round 1 - Tom Lashlie opening the bowling with 2/14  Round 2 – Cameo appearance by Richard Heagney, scoring 119 not out  Round 3 – Josh Stace with 30 not out and 2/39  Round 4 – wash out  Round 5 – first rule of round 5 – don’t talk about round 5  Round 6 – wash out  Round 7 – against TAS Blues Mike Stace come up the batting order and score an effective 40 runs  Round 8 - Lochie Jones’s 4/42 against Brumbies  Round 9 – Stewie and Pete Townsend put on a 120 run partnership against Guyra  Round 10 – Stewie and Drew – 110 opening partnership  Round 11 - defending 80 odd against Ex-Servies at Harris Park. Josh Stace bowling for the conditions and picking up 3 for 8 for the win.  Cameo appearance by Sean Skinner in Round 12 with 4/16 off 8 overs. Drew also scored 49 in this game.  Round 13 – the most enjoyable loss I’ve ever experienced against Guyra / Ollera. In this game Flynny scored 55  Round 14 – Stewie scored 50 against Barbarians  Rounds 15 onward – see round 5 Player profiles Stewie – started the season slowly with the bat, but came home strong finish with 282 runs, and still managed to disappear on a cruise. Even got to bowl for a couple overs – don’t know what the captain was thinking there (must have been round 5). Drewe – (no nickname yet) first full season with us and found a comfortable position at the top of the order. Great team player, go to guy – no task was too hard or too much. Great assistance on the field, esp when it came to bouncing around ideas for tactics. Pete – (still no nickname) – probably had a better season with the ball than the bat – scored 169 runs by the end of season, but his bowling was where he shone this year, contributing at various times throughout the season. Josh Stace (Jnr) – very loud, wouldn’t stop talking, but listened well and seemed to pick up some tricks – rookie season in senior cricket, performed well and can only get better. Highlight was in round 3 with 30 not out and bowling 2/39. Will come into his own over the next couple years. Mike Stace (Snr) – very lucky for home life, that he beat Josh’s runs tally by 1 run! Great all-round team player, batting, assisting with umpiring, scoring, rugby stats, bowling. Very effective bowling throughout the year (all two of them) 0/1 off 0.2 – top score of 40. Parto – plenty of opportunities with bat and ball. Hit the winning runs in round 12 against TAS White, with a supposéd ‘ramp shot’. Threw in the new bowl on a few occasions and was unlucky to not have more success. Jonesey (Snr) – Mr President – as usual, solid behind the stumps, high score of 30, bowling stats a bit lousy and not up to par – missed a few games. Self-sacrificing when it came to batting opportunities – putting the development of the team and its juniors first, choosing to bat down the order to give the younger members a go (besides, he wouldn’t let the score book out of his sight). Flynny – came in late to the side, and performed extremely well as backup wicket keeper, when Mr President was unavailable. Out- Jonesy by 1. Good partnership with Sharmo against Guyra / Ollera, scoring a well compiled 55. Great pickup for the year. Tom Lashlie – another junior who was too loud for the oldies (lol) – great addition to the side with his off-spin, often given the opportunity to open the bowling and performed well. Only played 6 games with us, but made such an impact it seemed like more. Good fielder. Hope to have him for a full season next year. Lochie (Jonesey Jnr) – performed well as an opening bowler. More of a first change bowler, but performed well in this space. Finished with 15 wickets for the season, with the best at 4/42. Took direction well and will play better next season with this experience under his belt.

Notable mentions – Stuart Pullar – turned up half way through the season, keen and ready to play. Only played 6 games for us, but did well with bat and ball. Scott Baker – played 7 games, terrorised batsmen with good paced bowling. 9 wickets for the season. Steve Clark – played 3 games, pulled his hammy twice! Cameos from Sean Skinner, Dave Waters, Aiden Morrisey, Alex Brown, Gary Seach, Phil McElroy, Andrew Hall, Richard Heagney, Donovan Chalmers, Alex Patton. All in all, great season with a terrific bunch of guys. It’s great to play on a team where camaraderie was strong and it’s a pleasure to Captain. Thanks for your support. Sharmo “Soo the ‘Grove”

Back Row: Drewe Ferguson, Michael Sharman, Peter Townsend, Anthony Stewart, Michael Stace, Tony Jones, Scott Baker Front Row: Stuart Pullar, Lachlan Jones, Josh Stace, Tom Lashlie Absent: Adam Partridge, Mark Flynn

2015/16 - Third Grade Brumbies

What a year. At the beginning we were unsure of where we would end up. Losing some key players from our last season, Reevsey to the movies and Sean, growing an extra leg in the off season deserving his promotion to the 2nds and Jack showing signs he might have to go also, we were faced with a bit of a new look side. This in turn allowed us to put the pressure on a few more retired cricketers and a chance to relive their youth. Having used no less then 19 players for the season we finally got down to a regular 11 which proved to be a winning combination. Every one of the 19 players used made contributions along the way, which held us in good shape. Dan Grimsley looked like he was ready to tear them apart but succumbed to a hand injury. Mick Brennan made a cavalier appearance and probably produced his best bowling figures ever. Suffered for a week after though. Tom Lashlie showed how handy he could be and then went and opened the bowling for the Colts. A very promising prospect. Henry Sindel certainly left his mark on the game also as did Aiden Morrisey when he was asked to fill in. Norm Gaywood stepped in and helped out and Reevsey made a couple of guest appearances when there was nothing on at the movies. Not very often you get to play with both parents and a son, but this year Allison Cowan made it possible by filling in for us on a couple of occasions. Apparently Jono reckons she threw like a girl but she accepted that. What was now left was the 11 that went through and brought home the big one. Convincing Stew Maxwell and Jono Watson to fill in for us every week was a plus, Andrew Carey bought a new bat so he could fill in on every weekend, and so Jack could use it if he got out in time. Allan and Scott Cowan, Greg Johnson, Jerome Simpson, Macca and myself were all from the previous season. Then we had young gun Jono Parker. He turned up first game as an unknown. I asked if he would open the bowling and he made that position his own for the rest of the season. As do most young players, he has a bit to learn but he is a good listener and very keen to learn. He was a great asset for us. So, for our season. It came down to every one having a role, learning what is was and then putting it to good use. Even the ladies recognised their role with afternoon tea. Fantastic job. Don’t think I have ever been associated with a more supportive, happy team during my playing time. If you weren’t prepared to take a sledging from your own team mates it just wasn’t the place to be. In saying that, I never witnessed a harsh word, only praise and support for each other all season. Enjoyment was the slogan and we stood by it. Even Captain Cranky held it together, mostly. Never were the opposition sledged in an offensive manner. I extend a huge thankyou to all player’s wives, partners and families of this team for the way you have conducted yourselves and represented HCCC this season. Well done everyone. I also believe this is the year that the Hillgrove Hakka may have been born. I would like to congratulate all the Hillgrove Executive, all its members and supporters for another fantastic year of cricket. The 3 musketeers of Tony Jones, Reevsey and BP stood tall for us again. Congratulations to all individual trophy winners. I am sure that every one of you will admit that it is a great privilege but would never be possible without the support of a team or club around you. Have a great night and ‘SOO the GROVE’ Tony Butler

Hillgrove Brumbies 2015/16

Back Row: Jonathan Watson, Jerome Simpson, Jack Carey, Greg Johnson, Andrew Carey, Aiden Morrisey Front Row: Stewart Maxwell, Alan Cowan, Tony Butler ©, Scott Cowan, Jonathan Parker, Phill McElroy

2015/16 Junior Report

This season Hillgrove entered teams in all age groups and even though none of the teams made the finals I believe it has been a very successful season. It may feel nice to take home a trophy, however, I believe it is nicer to be part of a team, develop new skills and possibly form lifetime friendships and memories. With any luck we may also be able to add some premierships next season!

I would like to congratulate and thank our coaches for a great season, encouraging every single player to achieve their best and enjoy this great game with their team mates. U9’s – Anthony Hawkins U10 – Nathan Porter U12 – Daniel Grimsley U14 – Jonathon Watson U16 – Michael Stace

Thanks also to the parents who have assisted in some way throughout the season, from scoring to umpiring, to just being there to see your child achieve.

It is difficult to run a sporting club without the support of sponsorship. We are very grateful to the support of The Armidale City Bowling Club, Grand Hotel, Hillgrove Mines, Local Search and Armidale Pet Shop for their financial assistance throughout the year.

Well done to all players that will receive trophies today, and to those who were successful in winning Association awards: Jack Carey – Under 16 Batting Aggregate Judah Flint – Under 12 Hayden Schumacher – Under 12 player of the Lismore Carnival Sam Johnson – Under 12 Rep Player of the Year

Special mention also to Henry Sindel who not only represented Armidale, but also Northern Inland and was then named Vice-Captain of the Northern Razorbacks, who went onto win the NSW State Challenge in Dubbo against the top 100 U14 players in the state.

One of the strengths of our club has always been our junior base. Hillgrove has been up until recently the only club that catered for players from Under 9s through to senior cricket. As a result of this we have always encouraged our juniors to play senior cricket, third grade in particular, once they turn fifteen. This year we had several of our Under 16s players take up this challenge – Lachlan Jones, Joshua Stace, Alex Patten, Aiden Morrissey, Jonathon Parker, Henry Sindel and Jack Carey. For three of these players it was an opportunity for them to play with their fathers. As is usually the case, this only ever lasts for one year, as the younger players usually progress to higher grades, while their dads continue to play out their careers in thirds.

Until next season, Ian Reeves Junior Convenor

2015/16 Junior Teams

Hillgrove Colts Under 9s Hillgrove Colts Under 10s Back (L-R): Cameron Frost, Simon Grimsley, Chase Hawkins Back (L-R): Guy Hardin, Max Rogers, Brendan Pearson, Charlie Front (L-R): Jack Waters, Agoi Marial, Emily Simpson, Brendan Bailey, Aidan Taylor, Andrew Brennan Bishop Front (L-R): Sebastian Brotherson, Samuel Porter, Owen Rice, Tariq Absent: Sabahan Momen Rahim, Monty Schmude, Alex Watson Coach: Anthony Hawkins Coach Nathan Porter

Hillgrove Colts Under 12s Hillgrove Colts Under 14s Back (L-R): George Bull, Liam Harrington, Hasan Momen, Jake Boney, Back Row: Hayden Schumacher, Brooke McElroy, Harry Watson, Sam William Jackson, Amy Evans, Angus Towie, Vanessa Simpson, Abigail Johnson, Oliver Schmude, Braith Kliendienst Grimsley, Treiden Evans, Middle Row: Maurice Kelly, Ryan Simpson, Nicholas Jackson Front (L-R): Cooper Heagney, Harry Grimsley, Judah Flint, Margaret Front: Ben Heagney, Darcy McElroy Conroy (laying down) Absent: Kareena Dawson, Archer Croft. Coach: Daniel Grimsley Coach: Jonathan Watson

Jack Carey 207no

Hillgrove Colts Under 16s Back Row: Lachlan Foster, Jack Carey, Jonathan Parker, Bryce Morrissey, Aiden Morrissey Front Row: Daniel Stace, Harrison Lord, Joshua Stace, Lachlan Jones, Lachlan Montgomery , Alex Patten Absent: James Bell, Henry Sindel, Kaige McLauchlin, Xavier Walsh Our Future Coach: Michael Stace

2015/16 Representative Report

This season had some mixed emotions within the Armidale first XI. Early in the season, after struggling for numbers, we managed to get a team together that by the end of the season, was playing some impressive cricket. Against Walcha in our first game, we managed to defend 220 thanks to Uppy who took 6 for 10. That was after Hillgrove’s Adam Thurlow sent shivers through their camp after splitting an opening batsmen’s beak.

The most promising thing for me though, is that we played our best cricket against Tamworth when it counted.

We booked a spot in the Semi Final after defeating Tamworth 2nd XI by chasing down 219 with only 3 wickets down. (Matt Baillie 59no & Scott Brennan 29no). A few young Grovers stepped up to the plate in this game. With Sean Skinner and Jack Carey taking 1/51 and 2/29 respectively, they didn't look out of place.

The Semi Final was then against Tamworth 1's and it was a nail biter that unfortunately didn't go our way. We were only defending 220, which as it turned out, was almost enough. Adam Thurlow once again took a few crucial wickets (2/12) including one first ball of the innings. Scott Brennan held up an end for his 10 overs (1/33), doing the perfect spinners job. After having Tamworth on the ropes at 9-201, a last wicket stand which included some big hitting, took a grand final spot out of our hands. All in all, despite the Semi Final loss, Armidale cricket is looking very promising for the future. Tamworth has something to think about next summer! Matt Baillie Soo the Grove.

Complete Player Summary All statistics contain available final matches. Errors should be reported by email to [email protected]

Name Mts Inn NO HS 50 100 4s 6s Dks Avg Runs Overs Maid RunsA BBowl 5I Avg Econ SR Wkt Ct St RO

Max Alcorn 16 8 - 32 - - 3 - 1 8.62 69 62.2 6 292 3-12 - 14.60 4.68 18.70 20 4 - -

Will Archer 1 1 - 23 - - 1 - - 23.00 23 13.5 1 56 3-56 - 18.67 4.05 27.67 3 1 - -

Tom Armitage 15 13 1 32 - - 10 1 4 9.50 114 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 3 - -

Adam Baillie 3 - - 0 ------9 - 56 1-24 - 28.00 6.22 27.00 2 - - -

Matt Baillie 13 13 1 84* 3 - 27 - - 28.33 340 34.5 8 90 2-11 - 18.00 2.58 41.80 5 2 - 1

Scott Baker 9 3 - 8 - - 1 - 2 2.67 8 57.5 5 270 4-32 - 19.29 4.67 24.79 14 4 - -

Mick Brennan 1 1 - 5 - - - - - 5.00 5 8 4 11 2-11 - 5.50 1.38 24.00 2 - - -

Scott Brennan 15 15 3 65 2 - 33 1 2 23.50 282 159 23 495 4-35 - 23.57 3.11 45.43 21 6 - 2

Alex Brown 1 1 - 30 - - 3 - - 30.00 30 8 3 15 2-15 - 7.50 1.88 24.00 2 - - -

Thomas Browne 13 10 2 10 - - 2 - 2 5.00 40 8.3 - 34 2-3 - 11.33 4.00 17.00 3 1 - -

Warwick Browne 1 1 - 35 - - 5 - - 35.00 35 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - - - -

Tony Butler 16 8 2 52 2 - 21 5 - 29.33 176 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 22 6 1

Andrew Byrne 15 10 3 59 1 - 21 1 2 21.14 148 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 11 3 3

Andrew Carey 14 12 1 125 2 2 72 5 - 47.55 523 20.4 1 115 4-44 - 16.43 5.56 17.71 7 3 - -

Jack Carey 18 12 3 107* 1 1 35 - 2 30.00 270 76 4 404 4-45 - 23.76 5.32 26.82 17 9 - 2

Donovan Chalmers 3 1 - 47 - - 6 - - 47.00 47 12 - 66 1-20 - 66.00 5.50 72.00 1 2 - -

Steve Clarke 3 - - 0 ------8.2 - 40 1-22 - 40.00 4.80 50.00 1 - - 1

Allan Cowan 14 13 1 29* - - 14 - 1 15.17 182 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 1 - -

Allison Cowan 1 1 - 0 - - - - 1 0.00 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - - - -

Scott Cowan 17 16 - 55 1 - 21 1 4 14.00 224 2 - 6 1-3 - 3.00 3.00 6.00 2 6 - -

Josh Croft 6 5 - 29 - - 6 - - 20.40 102 1 - 3 0-3 - 0.00 3.00 - - 3 - -

Andrew Curry 12 6 1 31 - - 9 3 - 18.20 91 69 10 277 8-41 1 14.58 4.01 21.79 19 1 - -

Michael Cursons 5 5 2 75* 1 - 10 2 - 36.00 108 3 - 4 1-4 - 4.00 1.33 18.00 1 4 - 1

Michael Dawson 12 12 - 177 1 1 55 1 - 41.42 497 41 4 129 3-28 - 18.43 3.15 35.14 7 12 2 1

Lochlan Elks 12 10 - 30 - - 15 2 1 17.70 177 73 8 346 3-41 - 31.45 4.74 39.82 11 5 - -

Drewe Ferguson 15 12 2 49 - - 25 1 4 16.90 169 11 1 83 1-18 - 41.50 7.55 33.00 2 6 - 1

Mark Flynn 11 6 - 55 1 - 7 1 1 15.67 94 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 2 1 -

Andrew Frost 2 - - 0 ------0.00 0.00 - - 2 - -

Michael Frost 14 6 2 31 - - 3 2 2 9.50 38 98.1 17 339 6-25 2 12.11 3.45 21.04 28 - - 1

Norm Gaywood 2 2 - 4 - - 1 - - 3.00 6 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - - - -

Daniel Grimsley 4 4 1 13 - - 1 - 1 10.00 30 14 - 92 2-16 - 30.67 6.57 28.00 3 3 - -

Andrew Hall 1 1 1 12* - - 2 - - - 12 3.5 - 12 1-12 - 12.00 3.13 23.00 1 - - -

Richard Heagney 14 12 4 119* - 1 48 2 2 40.62 325 5 - 30 1-24 - 30.00 6.00 30.00 1 1 - 1

Liam Howard 2 1 1 49* - - 8 - - - 49 17 2 59 2-16 - 19.67 3.47 34.00 3 3 - -

Greg Johnson 12 11 3 70 2 - 32 1 - 33.88 271 74 7 242 6-26 1 13.44 3.27 24.67 18 4 - 1 Name Mts Inn NO HS 50 100 4s 6s Dks Avg Runs Overs Maid RunsA BBowl 5I Avg Econ SR Wkt Ct St RO

Lachlan Jones 13 4 2 2 - - - - - 1.50 3 78 6 361 4-42 - 21.24 4.63 27.53 17 3 - -

Tony Jones 12 8 5 30 - - 9 1 - 31.67 95 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 10 1 2

Brad King 13 12 - 84 2 - 34 9 1 23.25 279 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 2 - -

Harrison King 1 1 - 41 - - 3 1 - 41.00 41 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - - - -

Tom Lashlie 13 7 - 12 - - 3 - 3 6.00 42 63.4 4 301 4-38 - 25.08 4.73 31.83 12 4 - 2

Ben Laurie 9 4 - 5 - - - - - 3.50 14 51.5 6 229 3-40 - 22.90 4.42 31.10 10 2 - -

Max Laurie 9 6 1 22 - - 3 - 1 8.40 42 8 - 37 1-37 - 37.00 4.62 48.00 1 1 - -

Craig Lord 2 1 - 6 - - - - - 6.00 6 5 - 13 0-13 - 0.00 2.60 - - - - -

Michael Lord 2 1 1 22* - - 3 - - - 22 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - - - -

Stewart Maxwell 11 7 4 25 - - 4 - 1 16.00 48 52.2 5 198 3-27 - 18.00 3.78 28.55 11 1 - -

Phil McElroy 8 2 1 13* - - 1 - 1 13.00 13 49 6 186 8-40 1 11.62 3.80 18.38 16 4 - -

Kaige McLauchlin 1 - - 0 ------0.00 0.00 - - - - -

Mitch Moore 5 3 1 109* - 1 12 11 - 65.50 131 16 - 118 1-38 - 59.00 7.38 48.00 2 2 - -

Aiden Morrissey 8 3 1 1 - - - - 1 0.50 1 34.4 7 117 2-7 - 13.00 3.38 23.11 9 - - -

Andrew Parker 15 10 3 35 - - 5 - 4 6.71 47 79.2 7 283 4-31 - 18.87 3.57 31.73 15 6 - -

Jonathan Parker 16 6 1 23 - - 6 - 1 7.80 39 85 6 387 3-18 - 16.83 4.55 22.17 23 5 - -

Adam Partridge 17 9 1 27 - - 6 - 1 9.50 76 31.4 5 158 1-14 - 52.67 4.99 63.33 3 2 - -

Alex Patten 3 1 - 0 - - - - 1 0.00 - 1 - 10 0-10 - 0.00 10.00 - - - - 1

Stuart Pullar 7 5 2 10 - - 2 - 1 8.00 24 19 - 100 2-8 - 25.00 5.26 28.50 4 2 - -

Ian Reeves 7 6 1 22 - - 7 - 1 14.20 71 - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 4 - 1

Matt Schaefer 11 12 - 34 - - 23 2 1 12.92 155 79.1 15 261 4-8 - 17.40 3.30 31.67 15 4 - 1

Gary Seach 2 2 - 17 - - 4 - - 12.00 24 10 5 20 2-14 - 10.00 2.00 30.00 2 2 - -

Nick Sewell 16 14 1 77 3 - 54 2 1 35.38 460 15 - 58 2-16 - 11.60 3.87 18.00 5 7 - -

Sam Sewell 15 13 3 67 4 - 45 4 1 38.20 382 2 - 11 0-11 - 0.00 5.50 - - 8 - -

Mick Sharman 16 14 5 63 3 - 33 - - 38.22 344 93.3 9 407 5-18 2 13.13 4.35 18.10 31 2 - -

Jerome Simpson 17 16 1 79 2 - 47 8 2 25.07 376 51 6 196 3-17 - 13.07 3.84 20.40 15 12 - 3

Henry Sindel 8 5 1 37 - - 8 - 2 17.50 70 40 4 143 4-13 - 13.00 3.58 21.82 11 2 - 1

Sean Skinner 19 7 2 20 - - 7 1 1 8.20 41 97.2 14 407 5-31 1 13.57 4.18 19.47 30 6 - 1

Josh Stace 15 12 3 31 - - 11 1 1 12.67 114 47.4 5 250 3-8 - 27.78 5.24 31.78 9 3 - -

Michael Stace 15 11 1 40 - - 9 - - 11.50 115 0.2 - 1 0-1 - 0.00 3.00 - - 2 - -

Anthony Stewart 13 13 - 63 3 - 42 - 2 21.69 282 2 - 15 1-5 - 15.00 7.50 12.00 1 5 - 1

Adam Thurlow 14 11 7 49* - - 9 2 2 22.00 88 127 27 428 5-29 1 22.53 3.37 40.11 19 1 - 1

Peter Townsend 15 14 1 52 1 - 31 1 1 15.54 202 33 - 148 2-36 - 24.67 4.48 33.00 6 3 - -

David Waters 18 15 1 44 - - 28 - 2 16.64 233 8 - 52 4-52 - 13.00 6.50 12.00 4 5 - 2

Jonathon Watson 13 13 5 56* 1 - 22 - - 26.75 214 2 - 24 0-8 - 0.00 12.00 - - 8 - - Statistics Available & Updated Periodically @ http://hillgrovecricket.nsw.cricket.com.au/content.aspx?file=4023|39040r HCCC Honour Board available at http://hillgrovecricket.nsw.cricket.com.au and go to MyCricket>Organisation>HonourBoard

1st Grade Run Aggregates 1st Grade Wicket Takers

Name Mts Inn NO Ct St 50s 100s HS Avg Runs Name Mts Overs Maids Runs Wd NB 5I BBowl Econ Avg Wkts

M Dawson 12 12 - 12 2 1 1 177 41.42 497 S Brennan 14 159 23 495 15 9 - 4-35 3.11 23.57 21

M Baillie 13 13 1 2 - 3 - 84* 28.33 340 A Thurlow 13 127 27 428 16 3 1 5-29 3.37 22.53 19

B King 13 12 - 2 - 2 - 84 23.25 279 MSchaefer 11 79.1 15 261 12 - - 4-8 3.30 17.40 15

S Brennan 14 14 3 6 - 2 - 65 24.64 271 L Elks 12 73 8 346 44 51 - 3-41 4.74 31.45 11

L Elks 12 10 - 5 - - - 30 17.70 177 Ben Laurie 7 39.5 6 185 15 6 - 3-40 4.64 23.12 8

MSchaefer 11 12 - 4 - - - 34 12.92 155 M Dawson 12 41 4 129 9 1 - 3-28 3.15 18.43 7

RHeagney 11 9 1 1 - - - 47 17.00 136 M Baillie 13 34.5 8 90 19 - - 2-11 2.58 18.00 5

MCursons 5 5 2 4 - 1 - 75* 36.00 108 A Parker 5 29 4 106 6 1 - 2-17 3.66 21.20 5

Josh Croft 6 5 - 3 - - - 29 20.40 102 W Archer 1 13.5 1 56 - - - 3-56 4.05 18.67 3

A Thurlow 13 11 7 1 - - - 49* 22.00 88 T Browne 11 6.4 - 25 - - - 2-3 3.75 12.50 2

A Byrne 3 2 - 3 - 1 - 59 29.50 59 A Curry 1 5 - 33 2 - - 2-33 6.60 16.50 2

H King 1 1 - - - - - 41 41.00 41 MCursons 5 3 - 4 1 - - 1-4 1.33 4.00 1

T Browne 11 9 2 1 - - - 10 5.71 40 S Skinner 3 13 1 70 7 2 - 1-31 5.38 70.00 1

W Browne 1 1 - - - - - 35 35.00 35 M Moore 2 11 - 80 10 - - 1-80 7.27 80.00 1

M Alcorn 2 1 - - - - - 32 32.00 32 N Sewell 1 0.5 - 3 - - - 0-3 3.60 0.00 0

TArmitage 8 7 - - - - - 18 4.00 28 Josh Croft 6 1 - 3 - - - 0-3 3.00 0.00 0

W Archer 1 1 - 1 - - - 23 23.00 23 RHeagney 11 1 - 6 - - - 0-6 6.00 0.00 0 1st Grade Run Aggregates Cont…………… Ben Laurie 7 3 - 2 - - - 5 3.33 10 Name Mts Inn NO Ct St 50s 100s HS Avg Runs A Curry 1 1 - - - - - 9 9.00 9 S Skinner 3 1 - 3 - - - 1 1.00 1 M Moore 2 1 - - - - - 9 9.00 9 M Laurie 2 1 - - - - - 1 1.00 1

A Parker 5 4 - 1 - - - 6 1.50 6

2nd Grade Run Aggregates 2nd Grade Wicket Takers

Name Mts Inn NO Ct St 50s HS Avg Runs Name Mts Overs Maids Runs Wd NB 5I BBowl Econ Avg Wkts

N Sewell 15 13 1 6 - 3 77 38.33 460 M Frost 13 98.1 17 339 14 1 2 6-25 3.45 12.11 28

S Sewell 15 13 3 8 - 4 67 38.20 382 SSkinner 13 69.2 12 296 36 8 1 5-31 4.27 14.10 21

D Waters 15 14 1 3 - - 44 17.15 223 M Alcorn 14 62.2 6 292 21 6 - 3-12 4.68 14.60 20

M Moore 3 2 1 2 - - 109* 122.00 122 A Curry 11 64 10 244 12 1 1 8-41 3.81 14.35 17

A Byrne 12 8 3 8 3 - 31* 17.80 89 A Parker 10 50.2 3 177 25 10 - 4-31 3.52 17.70 10

TArmitage 7 6 1 3 - - 32 17.20 86 PMcElroy 1 12 2 40 3 - 1 8-40 3.33 5.00 8

A Curry 11 5 1 1 - - 31 20.50 82 S Baker 2 7.5 1 29 2 - - 3-24 3.70 5.80 5

RHeagney 2 2 2 - - - 45* - 70 NSewell 15 14.1 - 55 14 1 - 2-16 3.88 11.00 5

I Reeves 5 4 - 1 - - 22 12.50 50 J Carey 5 21.1 - 125 3 - - 3-38 5.91 31.25 4

L Howard 2 1 1 3 - - 49* - 49 LHoward 2 17 2 59 12 - - 2-16 3.47 19.67 3

H Sindel 3 2 - 1 - - 37 21.00 42 LJones 1 6 1 23 5 - - 2-23 3.83 11.50 2

A Parker 10 6 3 5 - - 35 13.67 41 J Parker 1 4 - 25 4 - - 2-25 6.25 12.50 2

M Laurie 7 5 1 1 - - 22 10.25 41 B Laurie 2 12 - 44 3 - - 2-44 3.67 22.00 2

M Frost 13 6 2 - - - 31 9.50 38 ABaillie 3 9 - 56 11 1 - 1-24 6.22 28.00 2

M Alcorn 14 7 - 4 - - 13 5.29 37 H Sindel 3 15 1 64 6 - - 1-10 4.27 32.00 2

J Carey 5 3 - 4 - - 23 9.67 29 JSimpson 3 3 - 15 - 1 - 1-15 5.00 15.00 1

PTownsend 3 2 - - - - 18 13.50 27 M Laurie 7 8 - 37 - - - 1-37 4.62 37.00 1

J Simpson 3 2 1 1 - - 24 25.00 25 M Moore 3 5 - 38 - - - 1-38 7.60 38.00 1

S Skinner 13 5 2 3 - - 16 6.67 20 T Lashlie 1 2 - 8 1 - - 0-8 4.00 0.00 0

S Brennan 1 1 - - - - 11 11.00 11 S Sewell 15 2 - 11 - - - 0-11 5.50 0.00 0

A Partridge 7 2 - 1 - - 9 4.50 9 C Lord 2 5 - 13 2 - - 0-13 2.60 0.00 0 2nd Grade Run Aggregates Cont………….. S Cowan 1 1 - - - - 8 8.00 8 Name Mts Inn NO Ct St 50s HS Avg Runs T Jones 1 1 1 - - - 7* - 7 C Lord 2 1 - - - - 6 6.00 6

B Laurie 2 1 - - - - 4 4.00 4

3rd Grade Colts Run Aggregates 3rd Grade Colts Wicket Takers

Name Mts Inn NO Ct St 50s 100s HS Avg Runs Name Mts Overs Maids Runs Wd NB 5I 10M BBowl Econ Avg Wkts

MSharman 15 14 5 2 - 3 - 63 38.22 344 MSharman 15 93.3 9 407 10 1 2 - 5-18 4.35 13.13 31

A Stewart 13 13 - 5 - 3 - 63 21.69 282 L Jones 12 72 5 338 11 20 - - 4-42 4.69 22.53 15

PTownsend 12 12 1 3 - 1 - 52 15.91 175 S Baker 7 50 4 241 6 6 - - 4-32 4.82 26.78 9

DFerguson 15 12 2 6 - - - 49 16.90 169 JStace 15 47.4 5 250 11 4 - - 3-8 5.24 27.78 9

RHeagney 1 1 1 - - - 1 119* - 119 T Lashlie 6 34.4 3 154 6 - - - 2-14 4.44 22.00 7

MStace 15 11 1 2 - - - 40 11.50 115 PTownsen 12 33 - 148 16 4 - - 2-36 4.48 24.67 6 d Josh Stace 15 12 3 3 - - - 31 12.67 114 S Skinner 1 8 1 16 - - - - 4-16 2.00 4.00 4 Mark Flynn 11 6 - 2 1 1 - 55 15.67 94 D Waters 1 8 - 52 6 4 - - 4-52 6.50 13.00 4 T Jones 11 7 4 10 1 - - 30 29.33 88 S Pullar 6 19 - 100 1 5 - - 2-8 5.26 25.00 4 APartridge 10 7 1 1 - - - 27 11.17 67 AMorrissey 3 17 5 51 5 - - - 2-26 3.00 17.00 3 DChalmers 1 1 - 2 - - - 47 47.00 47 A Partridge 10 31.4 5 158 2 2 - - 1-14 4.99 52.67 3 T Lashlie 6 3 - 2 - - - 12 11.33 34 Alex Brown 1 8 3 15 - 3 - - 2-15 1.88 7.50 2 Alex Brown 1 1 - - - - - 30 30.00 30 PMcElroy 1 8 1 20 - - - - 2-20 2.50 10.00 2 Gary Seach 2 2 - 2 - - - 17 12.00 24 Gary 2 10 5 20 - - - - 2-14 2.00 10.00 2 S Pullar 6 5 2 2 - - - 10 8.00 24 Seach

M Lord 1 1 1 - - - - 22* - 22 D Ferguson 15 11 1 83 2 - - - 1-18 7.55 41.50 2

A Hall 1 1 1 - - - - 12* - 12 A Hall 1 3.5 - 12 1 - - - 1-12 3.13 12.00 1

Scott Baker 7 3 - 3 - - - 8 2.67 8 A Stewart 13 2 - 15 - - - - 1-5 7.50 15.00 1

L Jones 12 4 2 3 - - - 2 1.50 3 R Heagney 1 4 - 24 - - - - 1-24 6.00 24.00 1

A Morrissey 3 2 - - - - - 1 0.50 1 S Clarke 3 8.2 - 40 8 2 - - 1-22 4.80 40.00 1

Ml Stace 15 0.2 - 1 - - - - 0-1 3.00 0.00 0

Alex Patten 2 1 - 10 - - - - 0-10 10.00 0.00 0

DChalmers 1 8 - 46 5 - - - 0-46 5.75 0.00 0

3rd Grade Brumbies Run Aggregates 3rd Grade Brumbies Wicket Takers

Name Mts Inn NO Ct St 50s 100s HS Avg Runs Mt Over Maid Run W N 5 BBow Eco Wkt Name Avg s s s s d B I l n s A Carey 13 12 1 3 - 2 2 125 47.55 523 J Parker 15 81 6 362 23 1 - 3-18 4.47 17.2 21 JSimpson 14 14 - 11 - 2 - 79 25.07 351 GJohnson 12 74 7 242 5 - 1 6-26 3.27 13.4 18 GJohnson 12 11 3 4 - 2 - 70 33.88 271 JSimpson 14 48 6 181 3 2 - 3-17 3.77 12.9 14 J Carey 12 8 2 4 - 1 1 107* 40.17 241 JCarey 12 54.5 4 279 6 2 - 4-45 5.09 21.4 13 S Cowan 16 15 - 6 - 1 - 55 14.40 216 S Maxwell 11 52.2 5 198 10 7 - 3-27 3.78 18.0 11 J Watson 13 13 5 8 - 1 - 56* 26.75 214 H Sindel 5 25 3 79 1 - - 4-13 3.16 8.7 9 A Cowan 14 13 1 1 - - - 29* 15.17 182 ACarey 13 20.4 1 115 12 3 - 4-44 5.56 16.4 7 T Butler 16 8 2 22 6 2 - 52 29.33 176 AMorrisse 5 17.4 2 66 6 - - 2-7 3.74 11.0 6 SMaxwell 11 7 4 1 - - - 25 16.00 48 y

J Parker 15 6 1 4 - - - 23 7.80 39 P McElroy 6 29 3 126 4 - - 2-14 4.34 21.0 6

DGrimsley 4 4 1 3 - - - 13 10.00 30 T Lashlie 6 27 1 139 5 - - 4-38 5.15 27.8 5

H Sindel 5 3 1 1 - - - 28* 14.00 28 S Skinner 2 7 - 25 1 3 - 2-9 3.57 6.2 4

I Reeves 1 1 1 2 - - - 21* - 21 DGrimsley 4 14 - 92 3 1 - 2-16 6.57 30.6 3

S Skinner 2 1 - - - - - 20 20.00 20 S Cowan 16 2 - 6 4 - - 1-3 3.00 3.0 2

P McElroy 6 2 1 2 - - - 13* 13.00 13 MBrennan 1 8 4 11 - - - 2-11 1.38 5.5 2

DWaters 1 1 - 2 - - - 10 10.00 10 T Browne 2 1.5 - 9 - - - 1-9 4.91 9.0 1

DChalmer T Lashlie 6 3 - 2 - - - 8 2.67 8 1 4 - 20 2 - - 1-20 5.00 20.0 1 s N 2 2 - - - - - 4 3.00 6 J Watson 13 2 - 24 9 - - 0-8 12.0 0.0 0


M 1 1 - - - - - 5 5.00 5 Brennan

The Grove Historical Honours Summary Historical Carrying the Bat Batting Qualify 500runs /50 Dismissals – Bowling All Grades, 28-Nov-1953 to 19-Mar-2016 Qualify 50 Wkts/50 Overs Will change over time as more matches are entered Name Date Opposition Ground Grade Score into database Peter Schaefer 10-Oct-1981 Uralla 1st Uralla 1st's 113* Statistic Name Figures Michael Dawson 22-Oct-2011 St Kilda 2nd Harris Park 2nd's 107* Best Batting Average Michael Dawson 45.24 Byron Whackett 09-Dec-2000 Ex-Serv 1st Harris Park 1st's 63* Highest Score Peter Schaefer 203* 1977/78 Nick Lobban 05-Nov-2005 Easts 3rd Newling (1) 3rd 61* Best Batting Aggregate Peter Schaefer 7488 Gavin Morgan 21-Jan-1978 Ex-Serv 1st Newling Turf 1st's 12* Best Bowling Average Wayne Fuller 9.73 Justin Barnes 16-Jan-1993 UNE 1st Moran Oval 1st's 11* Best Bowling Economy Gavin Gillard 2.63 Historical All-Rounders min: 1000runs 100wkts All Grades, 28-Nov-1953 to 19-Mar-2016 Most Wickets Tony Butler 622 Name Mts Wkts Runs Most Wickets in Innings Andrew Curry 9-41 1999/00 Tony Butler 382 622 4729 Most Catches Tony Butler 232 Brad King 287 316 6557 Hat Trick Matt Schaefer 2002/03 Matt Schaefer 224 275 5647 Hat Trick Andrew Curry 2001/02 Byron Whackett 191 192 3897 Hat Trick Ian Reeves 2007/08 Nick Sewell 220 121 4098 Hat Trick David Waters 2008/09 Andrew Curry 224 405 1214 Hat Trick Adam Croft 2009/10 David Waters 211 252 1890 Hat Trick Matt Schaefer 2013/14 Adam O'Sullivan 154 110 4013 Hat Trick Alex Malcolm 2012/13 Mick Sharman 230 141 2961 Hat Trick John Henderson 1981/82 Alan Gray 142 154 2572 Highest Innings Score Hillgrove 1st 428 1995/96 Scott Brennan 107 120 1450 Lowest Innings Score Hillgrove 3rd Grd 22 2004/05

Ray Mathews 113 113 1055

Scooping the Pool @ 2015/16 ADCA Presentation

 Club Championship (Held since 2008-09)  1st Grade Two Day Minor Premiers  Michael Dawson – 1st Grade Wicket Keeping (10 catches & 2 Stumpings)  2nd Grade Minor & Major Premiers  Nick Sewell - 2nd Grade Batting Aggregate (416 @ 41.6)  3rd Grade Colts Minor Premiers  Michael Sharman - 3rd Grade Best & Fairest  Michael Sharman - 3rd Grade Bowling Aggregate (13 @ 13.13)  3rd Grade Brumbies Minor & Major Premiers  Tony Butler - 3rd Grade Wicket Keeping (22 Catches & 6 Stumpings)  Matt Baillie - APL T20Batting Award (146 runs)  Matt Baillie - APL T20 MVP (146 & 7/58)  Matt Baillie - APL T20 Most Boundaries (20)

Winners are Grinners “Lets go to the StKilda” Soo the Grove!!!!

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