Hartbeat Autumn 2015 Hartbeat is published twice each year by Hartwell Parish Council. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information in it is accurate, the Publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. All content must be attributable to an author: non- attributable material will not be published. Tony Barker is guest editor for this edition. He can be contacted by email at
[email protected]. The next edition will be produced towards the end of March 2016. Advertising in Hartbeat helps keep your business in people’s minds. Current rates are: Back cover (in colour), £40.00; Full page inside, £30.00; Half page, £17.50; Quarter page, £12.50. There’s a 10% discount for repeat advertisers. Send your copy electronically to:
[email protected] or provide hard copy to the Parish Clerk at 1 Hazel Close, Hartwell. Payment is required when you submit your advert either by BACS transfer directly to the Hartwell Parish Council bank account (details will be provided when you submit your advert) or by cheque to the Parish Clerk. On the cover: Nigel Huckle (on the left) receives the Bisdee Challenge Cup from Terry Boss at the Hartwell Homes and Gardens Produce Show held at the Community Centre on Sunday 13 September. Full report on pages 31 to 33. 1 In this issue: Page Hartwell Parish Council: who and when 4 Editorial 5 Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday 6 Men of Hartwell, Angela Malin writes 7 Our District Councillor, John Budden writes 8 Our County Councillor, Michael Clarke writes 9-10 Our MP, Andrea