Stari Grad Hvar Supetar
Activa tion ID: EMSN-041 Glide N um ber: N /A P roduct N .: 06TILE6000, v2, English Legend Croa tia Land Use - Land C ov er TILE6000 - Croatia 1110, C ontinuous U rba n Fa bric 2110, Non-irriga ted a ra ble la nd 3210, N a tura l gra ssla nd 1120, Discontinuous urba n fa bric 2210, V ineya rds 3220, Moors a nd hea thla nd Multiple Natural Hazard Risk Assessment 1211, Com m ercia l P ublic a nd P riva te Services 2220, Fruit trees a nd berry pla nta tions 3230, Sclerophyllous vegeta tion Land Use and Land Cover Map - Overview 1212, Industry a nd U tilities 2230, O live groves 3240, Tra nsitiona l woodla nd/shrub 1221, Ma in roa ds a nd a ssocia ted la nd 2310, P a stures 3310, Bea ches dunes a nd sa nd pla nes P roduction da te: 30/10/2017 1230, P ort a rea s 2410, Annua l crops a ssocia ted with perm a nent crops 3320, Ba re rock 1240, Airports 2420, C om plex cultiva tion pa tterns 3330, Spa rsely vegeta ted a rea s 1310, Minera l extra ction sites La nd principa lly occupied by a griculture 4110, Inla nd m a rshes Cartographic Information with significa nt a rea s of na tura l vegeta tion 1320, D um p sites 5120, W a ter bodies 3110, Broa d-lea ved forest 1330, C onstruction sites 5230, Sea a nd ocea n 6000 5000 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 3120, C oniferous forest 1:50.000 1340, Aba ndoned la nd 3130, Mixed forest 1410, Green urba n a rea s 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 1420, Sports a nd leisure fa cilities Km Po pu lated p laces Ph ysio graph y 3000 Grid: W GS 84 / U TM zone 33N m a p coordina te system Town Spot heights 4000 Tick m a rks:
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