Message Reference, Volume 2 About This Guide

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Message Reference, Volume 2 About This Guide ® ® IBM DB2 Universal Database MessageReference,Volume2 Ve r s i o n 7 GC09-2979-00 ® ® IBM DB2 Universal Database MessageReference,Volume2 Ve r s i o n 7 GC09-2979-00 Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Appendix C. Notices” on page 555. This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality or by calling 1-800-879-2755 in the United States or 1-800-IBM-4YOU in Canada. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993, 2000. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents About This Guide ..........v SQL3400 - SQL3499 .........348 Who Should Use This Guide .......v SQL3500 - SQL3599 .........351 How This Guide Is Structured ......v SQL3600 - SQL3699 .........359 Organization ...........v SQL3700 - SQL3799 .........361 Conventions ...........v SQL3800 - SQL3899 .........363 SQL3900 - SQL3999 .........364 Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages . 1 SQL4000 - SQL4099 .........370 Information Available Online.......1 SQL4100 - SQL4199 .........373 Other DB2 Messages ........3 SQL4300 - SQL4399 .........382 Other Message Sources........3 SQL4400 - SQL4499 .........384 SQL4900 - SQL4999 .........386 Chapter 2. SQL Messages .......5 SQL5000 - SQL5099 .........394 SQL0000 - SQL0099 ..........5 SQL5100 - SQL5199 .........400 SQL0100 - SQL0199 .........15 SQL6000 - SQL6099 .........406 SQL0200 - SQL0299 .........32 SQL6100 - SQL6199 .........423 SQL0300 - SQL0399 .........51 SQL6500 - SQL6599 .........425 SQL0400 - SQL0499 .........64 SQL7000 - SQL7099 .........434 SQL0500 - SQL0599 .........90 SQL8000 - SQL8099 .........437 SQL0600 - SQL0699 .........110 SQL8100 - SQL8199 .........441 SQL0700 - SQL0799 .........123 SQL9300 - SQL9399 .........442 SQL0800 - SQL0899 .........128 SQL10000 - SQL10099 ........443 SQL0900 - SQL0999 .........136 SQL20000 - SQL20099 ........447 SQL1000 - SQL1099 .........154 SQL20100 - SQL20199 ........469 SQL1100-SQL1199.........175 SQL20200 - SQL20299 ........472 SQL1200 - SQL1299 .........188 SQL29000 - SQL29100 ........473 SQL1300 - SQL1399 .........208 SQL30000 - SQL30099 ........476 SQL1400 - SQL1499 .........222 SQL30100 - SQL30199 ........489 SQL1500 - SQL1599 .........234 SQL1600 - SQL1699 .........239 Chapter 3. SQLSTATE Messages ....491 SQL1700 - SQL1799 .........246 Class Code 00 Unqualified Successful SQL1800 - SQL1899 .........252 Completion ............492 SQL1900 - SQL1999 .........257 Class Code 01 Warning ........492 SQL2000 - SQL2099 .........257 Class Code 02 No Data ........495 SQL2100 - SQL2199 .........268 Class Code 07 Dynamic SQL Error ....496 SQL2200 - SQL2299 .........269 Class Code 08 Connection Exception . 496 SQL2300 - SQL2399 .........272 Class Code 09 Triggered Action Exception 496 SQL2400 - SQL2499 .........275 Class Code 0A Feature Not Supported . 497 SQL2500 - SQL2599 .........278 Class Code 0D Invalid Target Type SQL2600 - SQL2699 .........290 Specification ...........497 SQL2700 - SQL2799 .........292 Class Code 0F Invalid Token ......497 SQL2800 - SQL2899 .........300 Class Code 0K Invalid RESIGNAL statement 497 SQL3000 - SQL3099 .........303 Class Code 20 Case Not Found for Case SQL3100 - SQL3199 .........318 Statement ............497 SQL3200 - SQL3299 .........334 Class Code 21 Cardinality Violation....498 SQL3300 - SQL3399 .........342 Class Code 22 Data Exception......498 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2000 iii Class Code 23 Constraint Violation ....499 Class Code 58 System Error ......521 Class Code 24 Invalid Cursor State ....500 Class Code 25 Invalid Transaction State . 500 Appendix A. Communications Errors . 523 Class Code 26 Invalid SQL Statement TCP/IP .............523 Identifier.............501 APPC..............527 Class Code 28 Invalid Authorization NETBIOS ............529 Specification ...........501 IPX/SPX .............531 Class Code 2D Invalid Transaction Termination ............501 Appendix B. Using the DB2 Library . 537 Class Code 2E Invalid Connection Name . 501 DB2 PDF Files and Printed Books ....537 Class Code 34 Invalid Cursor Name . 502 DB2 Information .........537 Class Code 38 External Function Exception 502 Printing the PDF Books .......546 Class Code 39 External Function Call Ordering the Printed Books .....547 Exception ............503 DB2 Online Documentation ......548 Class Code 3B Invalid SAVEPOINT ....503 Accessing Online Help .......548 Class Code 40 Transaction Rollback ....504 Viewing Information Online .....550 Class Code 42 Syntax Error or Access Rule Using DB2 Wizards ........552 Violation .............504 Setting Up a Document Server ....553 Class Code 44 WITH CHECK OPTION Searching Information Online .....554 Violation .............515 Class Code 46 Java DDL .......515 Appendix C. Notices ........555 Class Code 51 Invalid Application State . 516 Trademarks ............558 Class Code 54 SQL or Product Limit Exceeded ............516 Index .............561 Class Code 55 Object Not in Prerequisite State ..............518 Contacting IBM ..........563 Class Code 56 Miscellaneous SQL or Product Product Information .........563 Error..............519 Class Code 57 Resource Not Available or Operator Intervention ........519 iv Message Reference, Volume 2 About This Guide The purpose of this book is to list the messages returned by various components of DB2. Who Should Use This Guide The Message Reference is designed to be used by anyone using DB2 and requiring more detailed information about returned messages. How This Guide Is Structured This guide lists all the possible error messages returned by the various components of DB2. Organization This book contains the following sections: v Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages, describes how to access and interpret error messages. v Chapter 2. SQL Messages, describes the messages (SQLCODE values) generated by the database manager when a warning or error condition is detected. v Chapter 3. SQLSTATE Messages, describes the meaning of each SQLSTATE value. v Appendix A. Communications Errors, describes communications error codes associated with sqlcode -30081. Conventions The format for date and time, and the characters used as separators for date and time, are intended for a system configured to use the United States national language format. These may be different on your display, depending on the national language format used by your system. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2000 v vi Message Reference, Volume 2 Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages It is assumed that you are familiar with the functions of the operating system where DB2 is installed. You can use the information contained in the following chapters to identify an error or problem and resolve the problem by using the appropriate recovery action. This information can also be used to understand where messages are generated and logged. Information Available Online The following DB2 messages are accessible from the operating system command line: Prefix Description ASN messages generated by DB2 Replication CCA messages generated by the Client Configuration Assistant CLI messages generated by Call Level Interface DBA messages generated by the Control Center and the Database Administration Utility DBI messages generated by installation and configuration DB2 messages generated by the command line processor DWC messages generated by the Data Warehouse Center FLG messages and reason codes generated by the Information Catalog Manager GSE messages generated by the DB2 Spatial Extender SAT messages generated by DB2 Satellite Edition SPM messages generated by the sync point manager SQJ messages generated by Embedded SQL in Java (SQLJ) SQL messages generated by the database manager when a warning or error condition has been detected. As well, the message text associated with SQLSTATE values is available on-line. Message identifiers consist of a three character message prefix (see above list), followed by a four or five digit message number. The single digit letter at the end which describes the severity of the error message is optional. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2000 1 To access help on these error messages, enter the following at the operating system command prompt: db2 “? XXXnnnnn” where XXX represents the message prefix and where nnnnn represents the message number. Note: The message identifier accepted as a parameter of the db2 command is not case sensitive, and the terminating letter is not required. Therefore, the following commands will produce the same result: v db2 “? SQL0000N” v db2 “? sql0000” v db2 “? SQL0000n” If the message text is too long for your screen, use the following command (on unix-based systems and others which support ’more’): db2 “? XXXnnnnn” | more Help can also invoked in the interactive input mode. To enter the interactive input mode, enter the following at the operating system command prompt: db2 Once in the interactive input mode, you can enter commands at the following command prompt: db2 => To get DB2 message help in this
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