Translation of OCL Invariants into SQL:99 Integrity Constraints Master Thesis Submitted by: Veronica N. Tedjasukmana
[email protected] Information and Media Technologies Matriculation Number: 29039 Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ralf MÖLLER STS - TUHH Prof. Dr. Helmut WEBERPALS Institut für Rechnertechnologie – TUHH M.Sc. Miguel GARCIA STS - TUHH Hamburg, Germany 31 August 2006 Declaration I declare that: this work has been prepared by myself, all literally or content-related quotations from other sources are clearly pointed out, and no other sources or aids than the ones that are declared are used. Hamburg, 31 August 2006 Veronica N. Tedjasukmana i Table of Contents Declaration __________________________________________________________________ i Table of Contents _____________________________________________________________ ii 1 Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 1 1.1 Motivation _____________________________________________________________ 1 1.2 Objective ______________________________________________________________ 2 1.3 Structure of the Work ____________________________________________________ 2 2 Constraint Languages ______________________________________________________ 3 2.1 Defining Constraint in OCL _______________________________________________ 3 2.1.1 Types of Constraints ________________________________________________ 4 2.2 Defining Constraints in Database ___________________________________________ 4 2.3 Comparison of Constraint Language_________________________________________