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Bollettino Imp. (9-12-2008) Boll. Malacol., 44 (9-12): 135-140 (2008) Observations on Cardium duregnei Monterosato, 1891 ex de Boury ms and C. gibbum Locard, 1892 (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) Rafael La Perna* * Dipartimento Abstract di Geologia e Geofisica, Cardium duregnei Monterosato, 1891 ex de Boury ms and C. gibbum Locard, 1892, are considered syn- Università di Bari, onyms of Acanthocardia echinata (Linné, 1758). They seems to be a lagoon ecophenotype, adapted to Via Orabona 4, shallow water, sheltered environments, with low salinity and eutrophic conditions. Morphologically, this 70125 Bari, Italy, [email protected] form is characterized by a sturdy shell, with bipartite radial ribs and poorly developed spines. It is known for sure only from the Gulf of Gascony, but a wider occurrence cannot be excluded. Riassunto Cardium duregnei Monterosato, 1891 ex de Boury ms e C. gibbum Locard, 1892 sono considerati sinonimi di Acanthocardia echinata (Linné, 1758). Essi sembrano rappresentare un particolare ecofenotipo laguna- re, adattato ad ambienti riparati, di bassa profondità, con salinità bassa e condizioni eutrofiche. Questa forma è caratterizzata da conchiglia particolarmente robusta, con costole radiali dimidiate e spine poco sviluppate. Essa è nota con certezza solo per il Golfo di Guascogna, ma non si può escludere una distribu- zione geografica e stratigrafica più ampia. Key words Cardiidae, Acanthocardia, variability, ecophenotypes, Gulf of Gascony, Mediterranean. Introduction et l’Océan, rare dans la Méditerranée; zone littorale. - Edu- le”. Few years later, Locard (1896) reported C. bullatum Several records in the past literature refer to Cardium from the Gulf of Gascony as C. duregnei de Boury ms. duregnei Monterosato, 1891 ex de Boury ms, either as a Bucquoy et al. (1892: 266 pl. 42 fig. 3) treated Cardium Plio-Pleistocene and extant species from the Northeast duregnei de Boury ms as a synonym of C. echinatum and Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It is currently consid- gave the illustration of a specimen from Le Croisic ered a synonym of Acanthocardia echinata (Linné, 1758), (Gulf of Gascony). together with Cardium gibbum Locard, 1892 (La Perna & Acanthocardia echinata duregnei (with Cardium bullatum D’Abramo, in press, with references), though a careful Locard as synonym) was reported by Parenzan (1974: examination of the taxonomic question has been never fig. 230b), with a brief description: “40-50 mm. Forma pi- attempted. This work presents a revision of these two uttosto globosa, più alta che larga, con numero minore di taxa, based on the type material, and proposes their in- coste radiali, più larghe degli interspazi, con solco centrale; terpretation as a particular ecophenotype of A. echinata. superficie molto rugosa”. It is not clear if Parenzan’s record was based on actual material, or simply on liter- Historical review ature data. Fischer-Piette (1977: p. 108) examined the type material Cardium duregnei de Boury ms was described by Monte- of C. bullatum and remarked: “Ces coquilles ne se dis- rosato (1891: p. 2) as follows: “Fossile di M. Pellegrino – tinguent en rien de Cardium echinatum”. He also report- Vivente ad Arcachon, nella Gironde da dove è il tipo. Confuso ed a handwritten annotation by Locard on his own co- col C. echinatum, specie obliqua a spine pungenti dell’A- py of Coquilles marins des côtes de France: “Au lieu de Car- tlantico e col C. mucronatum piuttosto rotondo a papille dium bullatum (non Lk) Cardium Duregnei, nobis”. Ac- grosse ed ottuse del Mediterraneo. Il C. Duregnei è spesso, tually, C. bullatum Locard, 1892 is pre-occupied by C. globoso, ruvido ed ha le coste caratteristicamente dimidiate”. bullatum Lamarck, 1819, currently synonymised with Pa- According to this description, C. duregnei, the type of pyridea soleniforme (Bruguière, 1789) (Hylleberg, 2004). which is from Arcachon, is thick walled, globose, with a As a fossil, after Monterosato (1891), C. duregnei was re- rough surface and bipartite ribs. ported (as Cardium echinatum var. duregnei de Boury ms) Shortly after, Locard (1892: p. 303) described Cardium by Foresti (1895: p. 286) from the Pliocene of the sur- bullatum: “Voisin du C. echinatum; galbe plus gros, plus roundings of Bologna, with the following annotations: renflé, moins allongé; valves plus bombées dans leur ensem- “La forma fortemente globulosa, la grossezza del guscio, le ble; elongate; 18 à 20 côtes, plus large et plus aplaties; test coste più larghe degli interstizi, piatte, con un solco profondo, plus épais, plus rugueux, même coloration. - L. 40 à 50 mm; la superficie rugosa specialmente negli spazi intercostali…”. H. 48 à 52; E. 40 à 45 millimètres. Peu commun, la Manche Choffat & Dollfus (1904: p. 744) reported Cardium echi- 135 natum from Pleistocene deposits at Cabo Espichel, Por- Sacco (1899: p. 38, pl. 9, figs 6-8) described C. echinatum tugal, remarking: “Il s’agit ici d’une légère modification du var. gibba, from the Early-Middle Pliocene of the Asti type, qui est intermédiaire entre le type et la variété Dure- hills (Piedmont), remarking that his var. gibba was the gnei de Boury mss., signalée au large du bassin d’Arcachon; same as var. duregnei and Cardium gibbum Defrance, les côtes sont divisées en deux par un sillon assez profond 1817. The latter was described from the Pliocene of dans lequel naissent les épines. Cependant le échantillons du Northern Italy (Defrance, 1817: p. 107): “Les coquilles de Portugal sont moins obliques que les échantillons d’Arcachon cette espèce sont globuleuses, équivalves: chaque valve porte figurés comme exemples dans le Mollusques du Rousillon” vingt grosses côtes lisses; dans le milieu de chacune d’elles, il (but the shell illustrated by Bucquoy et al. 1892 is from se trouve une rainure sur laquelle on voit encore les restes de Le Croisic, not from Arcachon). pointes obtuses qui y étaient attachées. L’espace entre chaque Rafael La Perna Fig. 1. Acanthocardia echinata (Linné, 1758). A-E. Syntypes of Cardium duregnei Monterosato, 1891 ex de Boury ms, Arcachon, Gulf of Gascony (Monterosato coll., Museo Civico di Zoologia di Roma, MZR 14815): A-C. 54.3 mm; D, E. 57.9 mm. F-I. Syntypes of Cardium gibbum Locard, 1892, Royan, Gulf of Gascony (Locard coll., Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris): F, G. 47.8 mm; H, I. 46.2 mm. Size as antero-posterior length. Fig. 1. Acanthocardia echinata (Linné, 1758). A-E. Sintipi di Cardium duregnei Monterosato, 1891 ex de Boury ms, Arcachon, Golfo di Guascogna (coll. Monterosato, Museo Civico di Zoologia di Roma, MZR 14815): A-C. 54,3 mm; D, E. 57,9 mm. F-I. Sintipi di Cardium gibbum Locard, 1892, Royan, Golfo di Guascogna (coll. Locard, Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris): F, G. 47,8 mm; H, I. 46,2 mm. Dimensioni corrispondenti alla 136 lunghezza antero-posteriore. côte est strié transversalement. Longueur, 54 millimètre (2 Poli, 1791) and C. duregnei are “formes atlantiques actuel- pouces); largeur égale. … Elle a les plus grands rapports avec lement disparues de la Méditerranée”. le bucarde qu’on rencontre, à l’état non fossile, dans la In the most recent literature, Cardium duregnei and C. Manche, et dont on voit une figure dans l’Encyclopédie, pl. bullatum are considered synonyms of Acanthocardia echi- 298, fig. 13”. The illustration to which Defrance made nata (Voskuil, 1989; Voskuil & Onverwagt, 1989; Sabelli reference, reproduced by Hylleberg (2004: p. 90, fig. 3), et al., 1990; Hylleberg, 2004; Ter Poorten, 2005; is Cardium echinatum. In the same work, Defrance de- CLEMAM). scribed also Cardium mutabile, probably from the Plioce- ne of Italy, the description of which recalls A. echinata, Discussion A. deshayesii (Payraudeau, 1826) and A. lunulata (Se- guenza, 1879), a disregarded extinct species very close The material of Cardium duregnei in the Monterosato to A. deshayesii (La Perna & D’Abramo, in press). collection (Museo Civico di Zoologia, Rome, MZR Observations on The fossil material refereed to as C. duregnei by Monte- 14815, several complete shells and loose valves) is from rosato was examined by Gignoux (1913: p. 412), with Arcachon, Gulf of Gascony (Figs 1A-E, 3D, E). It is a the following remarks: “M. di Monterosato avait cité le C. rather robust cardiid, with 17-19 radial ribs bearing a Duregnei parmi les espèces atlantiques du Sicilien de Paler- well distinct central sulcus, from which short, subcylin- Cardium duregnei me. Tout récemment il a eu l’obligeance de me communiquer drical or roughly spoon-like spines arise (see the de- les échantillons sur lesquels il basait cette citation et qui scription of the Acanthocardia spines by La Perna & n’ont aucun rapport avec le véritable C. Duregnei.M.di D’Abramo, in press), closely matching C. duregnei as il- Monterosato propose de leur appliquer le nom de C. Brocchii lustrated by Bucquoy et al. (1992). No fossil material of (Mayer). Pour moi, ce sont simplement des formes voisines C. duregnei was found in the Monterosato collection. 1891 ex de Boury ms and Monterosato, des variétés Deshayesi et propexa, étudiées plus loin” Two syntypes of Cardium bullatum from the Locard col- (about Cardium deshayesii Pyraudeau, 1826 and C. pro- lection (Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris) pexum Monterosato, 1891, see La Perna & D’Abramo, in were examined from high resolutions photographs press). In the same work, Gignoux (p. 412), stated that (Figs 1F-I, 3F). They are from Royan, Gulf of Gascony. C. echinatum “type” (i.e. not C. echinatum var. mucronata This material has only small differences from that of C. C. gibbum Locard, 1892 (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) Locard, Fig. 2. Acanthocardia echinata (Linné, 1758). A-D. Flamborough Head, Yorkshire (England), 60 m: A-C. 59.2 mm, D. 42.1 mm (author’s coll.). E. Sant Carles de la Rapita, Tarragona (Spain), 100 m, 57.9 mm (Crocetta coll.). F. Pozzuoli, Gulf of Naples, 30-50 m, 46.1 mm (Crocetta coll.).
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