Starters Mains £3.90 BREAD & OLIVES CURRIED GOAT (k) (g) £11.00 Marinated olives tossed with olive oil, lemon, black Delicious curried goat with scallion, and carrots, pepper and chilli. Served with crusty bread. served with white rice or rice’n’peas. £4.60 STAMP’N’GO JERK CHICKEN LEG (g) £8.50 Delicious fried Saltfish served with red , Slow cooked jerked chicken leg in our home-made scallion, , thyme and lemon. gravy, served with , steamed vegetables B A E and rice’n’peas. (v) £4.30 R O U S PEPPER POT SOUP & C O O K H Add an extra piece of chicken. £3.00 Cabbage, carrots, onion,Starters chow chow, , potato, Mains Starters BREADhot pepper & OLIVES soup. Served with crusty bread. £3.90 Mains BREAD & OLIVES £3.90 CURRIED GOAT (k) (g) (k) (g) £11.00£10.00 CURRIED GOAT (k)(k) (g) Mains £11.00 BROWN CHICKEN Starters Marinated olives tossed with olive oil, lemon, black CURRIED GOAT £11.00 £3.90 MarinatedBREAD & OLIVESolives tossed with oliveolive oil, lemon,lemon, blackblack (k) (g) Delicious curried goat with scallion, onions and carrots, pepper and chilli. Served Mainswith crusty bread. DeliciousCURRIED curried GOAT goatgoat0117 with scallion, 330 onions 5298 andand carrots,carrots, £11.00 Browned and stewed skinless soft and tender chicken Starters Marinated olives tossed with olive oil, lemon, black £3.90 pepper and chilli. Served with crusty bread. BREAD & OLIVES pepper and chilli. Served with crusty bread. CURRIEDMUSSELS GOAT(g) (k) (g) £11.00£6.00 servedDelicious with curried white goatrice orwith rice’n’peas. scallion, onions and carrots, served with white rice or rice’n’peas. Marinated olives tossed with olive oil, lemon, black pepper and chilli. Served with crusty bread. served with white rice or rice’n’peas. thighs in a rich gravy, served with green and DeliciousSteamed withcurried lemon, goat scotch with scallion, bonnet, onions coconut, and garlic carrots, and £4.60 served with white rice or rice’n’peas. pepper and chilli. Served with crusty bread. £4.60 STAMP’N’GO rice’n’peas. (g) STAMP’N’GO £4.60 served with white rice or rice’n’peas. (g) £8.50 JERK CHICKEN LEG £8.50 £4.60 Deliciouscream. Served fried withSaltfish crusty fritters bread. served with red onion, JERK CHICKEN LEG (g) £8.50 DeliciousSTAMP’N’GO fried SaltfishSaltfish frittersfritters served served with with red red onion, onion, (g) Slow cooked jerked chicken leg in our home-made scallion, scotch bonnet, thyme and lemon. SlowJERKCaribbean cooked CHICKEN jerked LEG croft chicken legCaribbcroft inin ourour home-madehome-madecaribbeancroft £8.50 STAMP’N’GO £4.60 scallion,Delicious scotch fried Saltfishbonnet, fritters thyme served and lemon. with red onion, gravy, served with fried plantain, steamed vegetables JERK CHICKEN LEG (g) £8.50 gravy,Slow cooked served jerkedwith friedfried chicken plantain,plantain, leg in steamedsteamed our home-made vegetablesvegetables PEPPERED APPLETON COCONUT STEAK (g) £12.50 Delicious fried Saltfish fritters served with red onion, scallion, scotch bonnet, thyme and lemon. JERK KING PRAWNS (g) £7.00 gravy, served with BfriedA plantain, steamed vegetablesS E and rice’n’peas. SlowPEPPER cooked POT jerked SOUP B chickenA(v)R leg in our home-madeS E £4.30 and rice’n’peas. R & H O U Marinated, seared then slow cooked steak with onions scallion, scotch bonnet, thyme and lemon. PEPPERSOUP OF POT THE SOUP DAY (v) £4.30£4.50 & C O O K H O U and rice’n’peas. C O O K Add an extra piece of chicken. £3.00 gravy,Cabbage,Butterflied served carrots, jerk with prawns Bonion,friedA R withplantain, chow a chilli chow, steamed and yam, garlic vegetables potato,U Sdip.E Add an extra piece of chicken. £3.00 Cabbage,AskPEPPER your POTserver carrots, SOUP for onion, details. (v) chow Served chow, with yam, hardo potato, bread. £4.30 & C O O K H O Add an extra piece of chicken. £3.00 and peppers in a coconut and rum gravy, served with B A E andhot pepperrice’n’peas. soup. Served with crusty bread. Add an extra piece of chicken. £3.00 PEPPER POT SOUP (v) £4.30 hotCabbage, pepper carrots, soup. Servedonion,R chowwith& crusty chow, bread. yam,O Upotato,S (k) (g) £10.00 C O O K H Add an extra piece of chicken. £3.00 BROWN STEW CHICKEN (k) (g) £10.00 BROWNsteamed STEWvegetables CHICKEN and sweet potato wedges. hot pepper soup. Served with crusty bread. £5.90 (k) (g) £12.00 Cabbage, carrots, onion, chow chow, yam, potato, JERK KING PRAWNS (g) £7.00 RED MULLET TRINI SLOWBROWN ROASTED STEW CHICKEN JERK0117 BELLY (k) (g)330 OF PORK 5298 £10.00 Browned and stewed skinless soft and tender chicken MUSSELS (g) 0117 330 5298 £6.00 Browned and stewedStoke skinless soft di and tenderFire chicken hot pepper soup. Served with crusty bread. (g) £6.00 Spicy jerk seasoned belly of pork served with thighs in a rich gravy, served with green banana and MUSSELSButterflied jerk prawns with a chilli and garlic dip. BROWNFried fillets STEW with CHICKENpickled0117 peppers (k) (g)330 served 5298 in our famous £10.00 thighsBrowned in a and rich stewed gravy, servedskinless with soft green and tender banana chicken and (k) MUSSELS (g) £6.00 Steamed with lemon, scotch bonnet, coconut, garlic and riceDishes ‘n’ peas, cooked Croft-slaw to order and saladon our coal grill, all served with CHICKEN CURRY PASTA £9.50 Steamed with lemon, 0117scotch bonnet,330 5298coconut, garlic and Brownedhome-made and fried stewed dough skinless bread soft with and a shreddedtender chicken red rice’n’peas.thighs in a rich gravy, served with green banana and rice’n’peas. MUSSELS (g) £6.00 cream.Steamed Served with lemon,with crusty scotch bread. bonnet, coconut, garlic and cream. Served with crusty bread. Soft chicken in a delicate vegetable and curry sauce RED MULLET TRINI £5.90 thighscabbage, in a carrot rich gravy, and croft lemon served salad. withCaribbcroft green banana andcaribbeancroft rice’n’peas.freshCaribbean salad, Croft-slaw croft andCaribbcroft rice’n’peas. caribbeancroft Steamed with lemon, scotch bonnet, coconut, garlic and Friedcream. fillets Served with with pickled crusty peppersbread. served in our famous CROFT £11.00 PEPPEREDtossed with APPLETONpasta. COCONUT STEAK (g) £12.50 rice’n’peas.Caribbean croft(g) Caribbcroft caribbeancroft PEPPERED APPLETON COCONUT STEAK (g) £12.50 cream. Served with crusty bread. (g) £7.00 JERK KING PRAWNS £7.00 Topped with onion, peppers, carrot and sweet gravy. JERKhome-madeCaribbean KING PRAWNSfried croftdough breadCaribbcroft with a shredded redcaribbeancroft Marinated,PEPPERED seared APPLETON then slowCOCONUT cooked STEAK steak with (g) onions £12.50 Marinated, seared then slow cooked steak with onions ButterfliedJERK KING jerk PRAWNS prawns (g)with a chilli and garlic dip. £7.00 ButterfliedJERK CHICKEN jerk prawns WINGS with (g) a chilli and garlic dip. £4.50 Served with rice(k) (g) n peas and Croft-slaw. £11.00 and peppers in a coconut and rum gravy, served with cabbage, carrot and lemon salad. PEPPERED APPLETON COCONUT STEAK (g) £12.50 andMarinated,JERK peppers PORK seared in a coconut then slow and cooked rum gravy, steak served with onions with ACKEE’N’SALTFISH (k) (g) £12.00 JERK KING PRAWNS (g) £7.00 Butterflied jerk prawns with a chilli and garlic dip. Hot, meaty and juicy chicken wings in our sweet and andSeasoned peppers juicy in jerka coconut pork steaks and rum gravy, served with steamed vegetables and sweet potato wedges. Marinated,RED MULLET seared TRINI then slow cooked steak with onions £5.90 steamed vegetables and sweet potato wedges. ’s national dish served with steamed rice, Butterflied jerk prawns with a chilli and garlic dip. REDJERK MULLET CHICKEN TRINI WINGS (g) £5.90 and peppers in a coconut and rum gravy, served with BROWNsteamed STEWvegetables CHICKENStoke and sweet (k) (g) potatodi Firewedges. £11.00 Friedspicy filletssauce with with pickled aStoke cooling peppers cucumber, di served mintFire in andour famousbasil (cooked seperate from other dishes) FriedRED MULLET fillets with TRINI pickled peppers served in our famous £5.90 vegetables, green banana,(k) callaloo and fried plantain. £9.50 Hot, meaty and juicy chicken wings in our sweet and steamedDishes cookedvegetables Stoketo and order sweet on potato diour coal wedges.Fire grill, all served with CHICKENDishesBrowned cooked and CURRY stewed toPASTA orderskinless (k) on soft our and coal tender grill, chicken all served £9.50with CHICKEN CURRY PASTA Fried fillets with pickled peppers served in our famous Disheshome-mademayo... Go cooked hot! fried doughto order bread on withour acoal shredded grill, redall served with RED MULLET TRINI £5.90 home-madespicy sauce with fried a doughcooling bread cucumber, with a mint shredded and basil red thighs in a rich gravy, served(k) with green banana and Soft chicken in a delicate vegetable and curry sauce Stoke di Fire freshcabbage,Dishes salad, cooked carrot Croft-slaw and to lemon order and salad. on rice’n’peas.our coal grill, all served with SoftfreshCHICKEN chicken salad, CURRY in Croft-slaw a delicate PASTA vegetable and rice’n’peas. and curry sauce £9.50 Fried fillets with pickled peppers served in our famous cabbage,home-made carrot fried and dough lemon bread salad. with a shredded red fresh salad, Croft-slaw and rice’n’peas. JERK CHICKEN FILLET (k) (g) £11.00 tossed with pasta. Dishesmayo... Go cooked hot! to order on our coal grill, all served with CHICKENfresh salad, CURRY Croft-slaw PASTA (k) and rice’n’peas. £9.50 tossedrice’n’peas.Soft chicken with pasta. in a delicate vegetable and curry sauce SEA BASS (g) £14.00 home-made fried dough bread with a shredded red cabbage, carrot and lemon salad. GRILLED AUBERGINE ROLL (v) £4.80 tossedMarinated with moist pasta. jerk chicken breast fillets. fresh3 wings salad, £4.50 Croft-slaw 5 wingsand rice’n’peas. £6.00 7 wings £7.50 Soft chicken in a delicate (g)vegetable and curry sauce £4.50 (k) (g) Whole sea bass lightly seasoned with soused onion, cabbage, carrot and lemon salad. (g) £4.50 JERK CHICKEN(k) (g) FILLETWINGS (k) (g) £11.00 JERK PORK £11.00 (k) (g) £12.00 JERK CHICKEN WINGS tossedJERKMarinated PORK with slices pasta. of aubergine, chargrilled and filled with ACKEE’N’SALTFISHPEPPERED APPLETON (k) (g) COCONUT STEAK (g) £12.00£12.50 ACKEE’N’SALTFISH (g) £4.50 Hot, meaty and(k) (g)juicy chicken wings in our sweet and Seasoned juicy jerk pork steaks scallion, peppers and carrots, served on a bed of white Hot,JERK meaty CHICKEN and juicy WINGS chicken wings in our sweet and SeasonedMarinatedJERK PORK juicymoist jerk jerk pork chicken steaks breast fillets. £11.00 Marinated, seared then(k) (g)slow cooked steak £12.00 Jamaica’s national dish served with steamed rice, GRILLED AUBERGINE ROLL (v) £4.80 spicycurried sauce chickpeas with a withcooling a sweet cucumber, chilli vinegar mint and dressing. basil Jamaica’s(cookedACKEE’N’SALTFISH seperate national(g) from dish otherserved dishes) with steamed rice, £13.00 JERK CHICKEN WINGS (g) £4.50 JERKspicyHot, meaty saucePORK and with (k) (g) juicy a cooling chicken cucumber, wings in mintour sweet and basil and £11.00 (cookedSeasoned seperate juicy jerk from pork other steaks dishes) withRED onionsFISH and peppers in a coconut and rum gravy, vegetables,rice with fried green festival. banana, callaloo and fried plantain. Marinated slices of aubergine, chargrilled and filled with ACKEE’N’SALTFISHmayo... Go hot! (k) (g) £12.00 vegetables,Jamaica’s national green banana,dish served callaloo with andsteamed fried rice,plantain. Hot, meaty and juicy chicken wings in our sweet and Seasonedmayo...spicy sauce Go juicy hot! with jerk a cooling pork steaks cucumber, mint and basil RED(cooked FISH seperate (g) from other dishes) £13.00 servedvegetables,Whole redwith fish steamedgreen topped banana, vegetables with callaloo saltfish and cabbage.and sweet fried plantain. curried chickpeas with a sweet chilli vinegar dressing. Jamaica’s national dish served with steamed rice, (k) (g) spicy sauce with a cooling cucumber, mint and basil (cookedmayo... Go seperate hot! from other dishes) Whole red fish (v)topped (g) (k)with (g) saltfish cabbage. £11.00 JERK CHICKEN FILLET £11.00 (g) £14.00 vegetables,JERKSUPER CHICKEN SALAD green FILLET banana, callaloo and fried plantain. £4.50/£8.50 SEApotato BASS wedges. (g) £14.00 SEA BASS (v) (k) (g) GRILLED AUBERGINE ROLL(k) (g) (v) £4.80 Marinated moist jerk chicken breast fillets. OKRA AND CHICKPEA CURRY £9.00 mayo... Go hot! GRILLED AUBERGINE ROLL (v) £4.80 MarinatedJERKDressed CHICKEN leaves moist with FILLETjerk , chicken avocado, breast fillets. watermelon, £11.00 (g) (v) (g) £14.00 Whole sea bass lightly seasoned with soused onion, SUPER SALAD (v) (g) £4.50/£8.50 Marinated slices of aubergine, chargrilled and filled with WholeSEAMARINATED BASS sea bass AUBERGINE lightly seasoned with soused onion, £8.50 Chickpeas fried with okra, onion, garlic and , JERKMarinatedGRILLED CHICKEN AUBERGINE slices FILLETof aubergine, ROLL (k) (g) (v) chargrilled and filled with £11.00£4.80 MARINATEDMarinated moist AUBERGINE jerk chicken (v) breast(g) fillets. £9.00 CHICKENWhole sea CURRY bass lightly PASTA seasoned (k) with soused onion, £9.50 scallion, peppers and carrots, served on a bed of white Dressed leaves with tomato, avocado, watermelon, SEAcurriedbeetroot, BASS chickpeas pomegranate (g) with a and sweet red chilli onion vinegar with lime dressing. and £14.00 scallion,REDOlive FISH oil, peppers black (g) pepper, and carrots, rosemary served and on garlic-infused a bed of white £13.00 GRILLED AUBERGINE ROLL (v) £4.80 Marinatedcurried chickpeas moistslices jerkof with aubergine, chicken a sweet breast chargrilledchilli fillets.vinegar and dressing. filled with REDOlive FISH oil, black (g) pepper, rosemary and garlic-infused £13.00 Softscallion, chicken peppers in a delicate and carrots, vegetable served and on currya bed sauce of white riceserved with with fried callallo festival. and rice’n’peas. beetroot, pomegranate and red onion with lime and Wholeblack pepper. sea bass lightly seasoned with soused onion, riceWholeaubergines with red fried fish with festival. topped a chilli withokra, saltfish bean and cabbage. tomato sauce. Marinated slices of aubergine, chargrilled and filled with curried chickpeas with a sweet chilli vinegar dressing. WholeauberginesRED FISH red (g) fishwith topped a chilli withokra, saltfish bean and cabbage. tomato sauce. £13.00 tossedrice with with fried pasta. festival. black pepper. scallion, peppers(v) and(g) carrots, served on a bed of white£4.50/£8.50 curried chickpeas with a sweet chilli vinegar dressing. (g) (v) (g) £4.50/£8.50£13.00 SUPERWholeAdd flash-fried redSALAD fish toppedshrimps, with red saltfish mullet cabbage.or pulled jerk chicken. £2.20 (v) (k) (g) £9.00 REDSUPER FISH SALAD rice with fried festival. OKRA AND CHICKPEA CURRY (v) (k) (g) £9.00 OKRA AND (k) (g) CHICKPEA CURRY £11.50 Add flash-fried (v)shrimps, (g) red mullet or pulled jerk chicken.£4.50/£8.50 £2.20 Dressed leaves with tomato, avocado, watermelon, MARINATED AUBERGINE (v) (g) £8.50 OXTAIL WholeDressedSUPER red SALAD leaves fish topped with tomato, with saltfish avocado, cabbage. watermelon, MARINATEDSALMON (k) (g) AUBERGINE (v) (g) £11.00£8.50 ACKEE’N’SALTFISH (k) (g) (k) (g) (v) (k) (g) £10.00£12.00£9.00 Chickpeas fried with okra, onion, garlic and spices, beetroot, pomegranate and red onion with lime and ChickpeasOliveOKRASALMON oil, AND black fried CHICKPEA pepper, with okra, rosemary CURRY onion, garlicand garlic-infused and spices, Slow cooked braised oxtail cooked with butter beans. SUPER SALAD (v) (g) £4.50/£8.50 beetroot,Dressed leaves pomegranate with tomato, and redavocado, onion watermelon,with lime and OliveBonelessMARINATED oil, blacksalmon AUBERGINE pepper, steak marinated rosemary (v) (g) andin lemon, garlic-infused soy sauce, £8.50 Jamaica’sChickpeas national fried with dish okra, served onion, with garlic steamed and spices, rice, served with callallo and rice’n’peas. SHARING PLATTER £13.00 OKRAblackSHARING pepper. AND PLATTER CHICKPEA CURRY (v) (k) (g) £13.00£9.00 servedauberginesBoneless with salmon withcallallo a steak chilli and marinated okra,rice’n’peas. bean inand lemon, tomato soy sauce. sauce, Dressed leaves with tomato, avocado, watermelon, MARINATEDblackbeetroot, pepper. pomegranate AUBERGINE and (v) red (g) onion with lime and £8.50 auberginesginger,Olive oil, chilli black with and pepper, agarlic. chilli okra,rosemary bean and and garlic-infused tomato sauce. vegetables, green banana, callaloo and fried plantain. Served with rice or rice’n’peas. Can’t make up unno mind? Pick three of the above and ChickpeasAdd flash-fried fried shrimps, with okra, red onion, mullet garlic or pulled and spices, jerk chicken. £2.20 served with callallo and rice’n’peas. beetroot, pomegranate and red onion with lime and OliveAddblack flash-fried oil,pepper. black pepper,shrimps, rosemary red mullet and or pulledgarlic-infused jerk chicken. £2.20 auberginesCan’t make upwith unno a chilli mind? okra, Pick bean three and of tomato the above sauce. and , chilli and garlic. (k) (g) served with callallo and rice’n’peas. (k) (g) £11.50 OXTAIL £11.50 shareAdd flash-fried di love. (Jerk shrimps, chicken redwings mullet portion or of pulled3) jerk chicken. £2.20 OXTAILSALMON (k) (g) £10.00 black pepper. aubergines with a chilli okra, bean and tomato sauce. SALMONSTEAKshare di (g) love. (k) (g) £10.00£14.50 SEA BASS (k) (g) £11.50£14.00 Slow cooked braised oxtail cooked with butter beans. SHARING PLATTER £13.00 SlowBonelessOXTAIL cooked salmon braised steak oxtail marinated cooked in with lemon, butter soy beans. sauce, Add flash-fried shrimps, red mullet or pulled jerk chicken. £2.20 SHARING PLATTER £13.00 Boneless10ozSALMON Sirloin salmon (k) steak, (g) steak seasoned marinated and cooked in lemon, to yoursoy sauce, liking. £10.00 WholeSlowLAMB cooked CHOPsea bass braised(g) lightly oxtail seasoned cooked with with soused butter onion, beans. £15.00 Served with rice or rice’n’peas. OXTAILCan’t make (k) (g) up unno mind? Pick three of the above and £11.50 Servedginger, withchilli riceand or garlic. rice’n’peas. SALMONCan’tSHARING make (k)PLATTER up (g) unno mind? Pick three of the above and £10.00£13.00 ginger,Boneless chilli salmon and garlic.steak marinated in lemon, soy sauce, scallion, peppers and carrots, served on a bed of white Slowshare cooked di love. braised oxtail cooked with butter beans. ServedLamb chop with seasonedrice or rice’n’peas. with rosemary, garlic and lemon, SHARING PLATTER £13.00 BonelessshareCan’t makedi love. salmon up unno steak mind? marinated Pick three in lemon, of the soy above sauce, and Addginger, chilli chilli & lemon and garlic. shrimps to any of the above dishes. £4.95 rice with fried festival. Served with rice or rice’n’peas. cooked to your(g) liking. £15.00 Can’t make up unno mind? Pick three of the above and ginger,share di chilli love. andTakeaway garlic. Menu LAMB CHOP (g) £15.00 LAMB CHOP Extras Lamb chop seasoned with rosemary, garlic and lemon, share di love. Monday - Thursday 12pm-8pm LambLAMB chop CHOP seasoned (g) with rosemary, garlic and lemon, £15.00 OKRA AND CHICKPEA CURRY (v) (k) (g) £10.00 cooked to your liking. Fried festival Thyme crusted LAMB CHOP (g) £15.00 cookedLambOUR chop to your RECIPESseasoned liking. with rosemary, ARE garlic and lemon, ChickpeasSTEAK (g) fried with okra, onion, garlic and spices, £13.50 Extras Extras (sweet dumplings) £1.50 roast potatoes £2.00 Lamb chop seasoned with rosemary, garlic and lemon, cooked to your liking. served10oz Sirloin with callallosteak, seasonedand rice’n’peas.Extras and cooked to your liking. Fried festival Thyme crusted Fried festival(g) Thyme crusted £13.50 cookedOUR to yourRECIPES liking. ARE OUR(g) RECIPES ARE £13.50 STEAK (sweet dumplings) (g) £1.50 roast potatoes(g) £2.00 Starters Extras STEAK They’reunique! all family recipes (sweetFried festival dumplings) £1.50 roastThyme potatoes crusted £2.00 Grilled corn on the cob £2.00 Rice’n’peas £2.00 SOUP OF THE DAY CORN ON THE COB Extras OUR RECIPES ARE STEAK (g) £13.50 10oz Sirloin steak, seasoned and cooked to your liking. 10oz Sirloin steak, seasoned and cooked to your liking. (sweetOXTAIL dumplings) (k) (g) £1.50 roast potatoes £2.00£11.50 (g) (g) Fried festival ThymeThey’repassedunique! crusted downall family to our recipes chef (g) (g) Grilled corn on the cob £2.00 Rice’n’peas £2.00 JERK CHICKEN(g) WINGS They’reSWEETunique! POTATOall family WEDGES recipes£13.50 10oz Sirloin steak, seasoned and cooked to your liking. GrilledAdd chilli corn & on lemon the cob shrimps £2.00 to anyRice’n’peas of the above dishes. £2.00£4.95 Plantain (g) £1.50 Mac’n’cheese £2.50 OUR RECIPES ARE STEAK (sweet dumplings) £1.50 roast potatoes £2.00 Slow cooked braised oxtail cooked with butter beans. STAMP’N’GO They’reMAC’N’CHEESEunique! all family recipes passed down to our chef GrilledAdd chilli corn & on lemon the cob shrimps (g) £2.00 to any Rice’n’peas of the above (g) dishes. £2.00£4.95 Plantain (g) £1.50 Mac’n’cheese £2.50 10oz Sirloin steak, seasoned and cookedpassed to down your toliking. our chef Add chilli & lemon shrimps to anyfrom of the granny, above dishes.Ms Cat, £4.95 PlantainServed with (g) rice or rice’n’peas. £1.50 Mac’n’cheese £2.50 (g) £2.00 from granny,(g) Ms Cat, £2.00 Chilli buttered spinach (g) £2.00 White basmati rice (g) £2.00 They’reunique! all family recipes passedFRIED FESTIVAL down to our chef GrilledAdd chilli corn & on lemon the cob shrimps to anyRice’n’peas of the above dishes. £4.95 Plantain (g) £1.50 Mac’n’cheese £2.50 (g) £2.00 (g) £2.00 from granny, Ms Cat, so you won’t taste these Chilli buttered spinach (g) £2.00 White basmati rice (g) £2.00 Chilli buttered spinach White basmati rice passed down to our chef from granny, Ms Cat, £4.95 MS(g) CAT’S £1.50 so you won’t taste these£2.50 (g) (g) Add chilli & lemon shrimps to anyso RICE’N’PEASof youthe above won’t dishes.taste these Plantain MS CAT’S Mac’n’cheese Chilli buttered spinach (g) £2.00 White basmati rice (g) £2.00 Sweet potato wedges (g) £2.50 Boiled green banana (g) £2.00 from granny, Ms Cat, MainsMS CAT’S so you won’t taste these mouth-watering dishes Sweet potato wedges (g) £2.50 Boiled green banana (g) £2.00 JERK CHICKEN LEG mouth-wateringSTEAMED VEGETABLES dishes Chilli buttered spinach (g) £2.00 White basmati rice (g) £2.00 Check our specials board, or ask MS CAT’S Check ouranywhere specials else board, on or ask Sweet potato wedges (g) £2.50 Boiled green banana (g) £2.00 Croft-slaw £1.50 Steamed vegetables (g) £2.50 so you won’t taste these CURRIED GOAT anywheremouth-watering else on dishes Check ouranywhere specials else board, on or ask Croft-slaw your £1.50 waiterSteamed for today’s vegetables specials. (g) £2.50 MS CAT’S Sweet potato wedges (g) your £2.50 waiterBoiled for green today’s banana specials. (g) £2.00 your waiter for today’s specials. mouth-watering dishes anywhere else on the planet* Croft-slaw £1.50 Steamed vegetables (g) £2.50 Chips £2.00 OXTAIL Check ourthe specials planet* board, or ask your waiterthe forplanet* today’s specials. ChipsSpecials £2.00 Chips £2.00 SpecialsFamilyRecipes £1.50 *Unless she invites you round for(g) dinner!£2.50 Croft-slaw Steamed vegetables Specials anywhere else on the planet* £2.00 ACKEE’N’SALTFISHFamilyRecipes your waiter*Unless for she today’s invites you round specials. for dinner! SpecialsFamilyRecipes *Unless she invites you round for dinner! Chips *Unless she invites you round for dinner! (v) Vegetarian (k) Kids version available for £6.00 (g) Gluten free For tables of 10 or more people, a 10% service charge will be automatically added to your bill. the planet* FamilyRecipes Chips(v) Vegetarian (k) Kids version £2.00 available for £6.00 (g) Gluten free For tables of 10 or more people, a 10% service charge will be automatically added to your bill. PEPPEREDSpecials STEAK (v) Vegetarian (k) Kids version available for £6.00 (g) Gluten free For tables of 10 or more people, a 10% service charge will be automatically added to your bill. FamilyRecipes *Unless she invites you round for dinner! (v) Vegetarian (k) Kids version available for £6.00 (g) Gluten free For tables of 10 or more people, a 10% service charge will be automatically added to your bill. (v) Vegetarian (k) Kids version available for £6.00 (g) Gluten free For tables of 10 or more people, a 10% service charge will be automatically added to your bill. Lauras Just Cocktails (MT)Cocktails Lauras Just Desserts £8.50 MANGO BREAD’N’BUTTER PUDDING £4.50 CARIBBEAN CROFT (MT) £8.50 MANGO BREAD’N’BUTTER PUDDING £4.50 (MT) (MT) £8.50 ServedMANGO with BREAD’N’BUTTER cream or custard PUDDING £4.50 CARIBBEANWray & Nephew CROFT white rum, Appleton Signature rum, £9.50 Served with creamcream or custardcustard Wray & & Nephew Nephew white white rum, Appletonrum, Appleton Signature Signaturerum, Appleton rum, white rum, Served with cream or custard vodka,Appleton grapefruit, white orange, rum, vodka,cranberry, grapefruit, fresh lime and orange, grenadine. cranberry, Appleton white rum, vodka, grapefruit, orange, cranberry, CHOCOLATE PUDDING WITHWITH BLACKCURRANTBLACKBERRY ICE CREAM £4.50£4.50 fresh lime and grenadine. CHOCOLATE PUDDING WITH BLACKBERRY ICE CREAM £4.50 KOKOfresh lime COLADA and grenadine. £8.00 ICE CREAM Appleton Signature rum, Koko Kanu, Coco Lopez and pineapple juice. PASSION FRUIT CRÈME BRȖLÉE (g) £4.50 KOKO COLADA £7.00 PASSION FRUIT CRÈME BRȖLÉE (g) £4.50 £7.00 PASSIONBANANA FRUITCAKE WITHCRÈME HOMEMADE BRȖLÉE (g) £4.50£4.50 PASSIONAppletonKOKO COLADA SignatureFRUIT ICED rum, TEA Koko (MT) Kanu, Coco Lopez, £7.50 SkyAppleton Vodka, El Signature Espolon tequila, rum, Bulldog Koko gin,Kanu, Appleton Coco Signature Lopez, rum, BANANARUM TOFFEE CAKE SAUCE WITH HOMEMADE £4.50 Grandpineapple Marnier, juice. passion fruit and topped up with lemonade. WITH HOMEMADE £4.50 pineapple juice. RUMBANANA TOFFEE CAKE SAUCE WITH HOMEMADE £4.50 RUMPLANTAIN TOFFEE RUM SAUCE & COCONUT ICE CREAM £4.50 RUM TOFFEE SAUCE B WRAY’N’TING (MT) £5.50£7.00 B A R U S E ShotPASSION of Overproof FRUIT Wray ICED on the TEA rocks (MT) with fresh lime served £7.00 CHIMICHANGA B R & C O O K H O U E PASSION FRUIT ICED TEA (MT) £7.00 PLANTAIN RUM & COCONUT ICE CREAM £4.50 A R & C O O K H O U S withSkyy a Vodka,can of Ting. El Espolon tequila, Bulldog gin, Appleton PLANTAIN RUM & COCONUT ICE CREAM £4.50 C O O K H Skyy Vodka, El Espolon tequila, Bulldog gin, Appleton CHIMICHANGAPLANTAINHOMEMADE RUM ANGELINA’S & COCONUT CARROT ICE CREAM CAKE £4.50£4.50 Signature rum, Grand Marnier, passion fruit and soda. CHIMICHANGA GUINNESSSignature rum, PUNCH Grand Marnier, passion fruit and soda. £6.25 CHIMICHANGAServed with pouring cream Guinness, Wray & Nephew rum, condensed milk, vanilla, GINGER’N’VANILLA CHEESECAKE £4.50 Caribbean croft Caribbcroft caribbeancroft andWRAY’N’TING . £4.50 GINGER’N’VANILLA CHEESECAKE £4.50 Caribbean croft Caribbcroft caribbeancroft £4.50 ServedGINGER’N’VANILLA with vanilla ice-cream CHEESECAKE £4.50£4.50 Caribbean croft Caribbcroft caribbeancroft ShotWRAY’N’TING of Overproof Wray on the rocks with fresh lime, Served with vanilla ice-cream JAMAICANShot of Overproof MULE Wray on the rocks with fresh lime, £6.00 Served with vanillavanilla ice-creamice cream Appletonserved with Signature a can Rum, of Ting.bitters, fresh lime and ginger beer. served with a can of Ting. ICE CREAM (g) £2.50 ICE CREAM (g) £2.50£3.00 MAI TAI £7.50 Vanilla,ICE CREAM caramel, chocolate or blueberry AppletonGUINNESS white PUNCH rum, Appleton Signature rum, Grand Marnier, bitters, £5.50 Vanilla, caramel, chocolate or blueberryblackcurrant £5.50 Vanilla, caramel, chocolate or blueberry OrgeatGuinness,GUINNESS and fresh Wray PUNCH lime. & Nephew rum, condensed milk, vanilla, Guinness, Wray & Nephew rum, condensed milk, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon. MOJITOnutmeg, cinnamon. £7.50 Appleton white rum, fresh mint, lime and club soda. ’ ’ (Passion fruit, strawberry or raspberry versions also available.) Coffee & Tea ’ ’ JAMAICAN MULE £4.50 ESPRESSO Coffee & Tea £2.20 ’ ’ ESPRESSO £2.20 Rise n Shine JAMAICAN MULE £4.50 Coffee & Tea Rise n Shine Appleton Signature rum, bitters, fresh lime and ginger beer. ESPRESSO £2.20£2.20 ESPRESSO Rise n Shine DAIQ-IRIEAppleton Signature rum, bitters, fresh lime and ginger beer. £7.50 A single shot of coffee. Brunch / Lunch served til 4pm Appleton Signature rum, bitters, fresh lime and ginger beer. AMERICANO £2.20 Brunch / Lunch served til 4pm Classic Daiquri with Appleton White Rum & Lime. AMERICANO £2.20 (Passion fruit or raspberry versions also available.) AMERICANO £2.20£2.20 Not available on Sundays MAI TAI £7.00 FRIED OKRA (v) £7.00 MAI TAI £7.00 An espresso with added hot water. Served with milk or cream. FRIED OKRA (v) £7.00 Appleton white rum, Appleton Signature rum, CAPPUCCINO £2.40 Seasoned beans, mushrooms, fried plantain, fried egg, RASPBERRYAppleton white PASSION rum, Appleton (MT) Signature rum, £7.50 CAPPUCCINO £2.40 Seasoned beans, mushrooms, fried plantain, fried egg, Grand Marnier, bitters, Orgeat apricot brandy and fresh lime. CAPPUCINO £2.50 festival and hardo bread. AppletonGrand Marnier, white rum, bitters, Passoá, Orgeat lime, raspberry apricot and brandy Club Soda and fresh lime. LATTEA double espresso topped with hot frothed milk. £2.40 festival and hardo bread. LATTE £2.40 APEROLMOJITO SPRITZ £7.50£6.50 £2.50 CARIBBEAN BRUNCH £7.00 AperolMOJITO is the perfect aperitif. It’s unique bittersweet taste & bittersweet taste & vibrant orange £6.50 LATTE £7.00 Appleton white rum, fresh mint, lime and club soda. MOCHAA tall glass of hot steamed milk, topped with an espresso. £2.60 SaltfishCARIBBEAN fritters, BRUNCH fried plantain, seasoned beans, festival, colour,Appleton served in white a wine glass, rum, mixed fresh with Icemint, & prosecco, lime garnished and club with asoda. slice of orange MOCHA £2.60 Saltfish fritters, fried plantain, seasoned beans, festival, (Passion fruit or raspberry version also available) fried egg, mushrooms and hardo bread. MT(Passion = Mocktail fruit (alcohol or raspberry free) version version available also available) MOCHA £2.60 HOT CHOCOLATE £2.50 fried egg, mushrooms and hardo bread. HOTA tall glassCHOCOLATE of hot chocolate with frothed milk, topped with an espresso. £2.50 Topped with whipped cream. ACKEE’N’SALTFISH £8.00 MTSHOTS’N’SLAMMERS = Mocktail (alcohol free) version available at £5.00 from £2.20 Topped with whipped cream. £8.00 MT = Mocktail (alcohol free) version available at £5.00 HOT CHOCOLATE £2.50 GreenACKEE’N’SALTFISH banana, fried dumpling, seasoned beans, TEQUILAS, SAMBUCAS, SOURS - Ask your server Topped with whipped cream. Green banana, fried dumpling, seasoned beans, CARIBBEAN LIQUER COFFEE £3.80 fried plantain. CARIBBEAN LIQUER COFFEE £3.80 fried plantain. CoffeeCARIBBEAN with a LIQUERshot of Appleton COFFEE Signature rum added for £4.95 Coffee with a shot of Appleton Signature rum added for anCoffee extra with kick. a shot of Appleton Signature rum added for RUN DOWN MACKEREL £8.50 Smoothies an extra kick. an extra kick. Topped with whipped cream. FriedRUN DOWNegg, seasoned MACKEREL beans, fried plantain and £8.50 Smoothies All made with natural yoghurt and fresh fruit Add an extra espresso shot £0.50 Fried egg, seasoned beans, fried plantain and All madeAll made with with natural apple yoghurt juice and and fresh fresh fruit fruit FAIR TRADE FRUIT TEAS £2.20 friedFried dumpling.egg, seasoned beans, fried plantain and All made with natural yoghurt and fresh fruit £2.20 fried dumpling. Redberry,FAIR TRADE ginger, FRUIT camomile, TEAS peppermint or green tea. £2.20 fried dumpling. Redberry, ginger, camomile, peppermint or green tea. RED BUOY Watermelon, fresh lime and raspberry £4.50 Redberry, Ginger ginger, & Lemon, camomile, Camomile, peppermint Peppermint or Green green Tea. tea. Strawberry, raspberry & banana £4.75£4.50 JERK CHICKEN LEG £8.50 REDFRUITY BUOY FLAMINGOWatermelon, fresh lime and raspberry £4.75 ENGLISH TEA £2.00 JERK CHICKEN LEG £8.50 ENGLISH TEA £2.00£2.20 Rice’n’peas. YELLOW BIRD Mango, banana, coconut and vanilla £4.50 ENGLISH TEA £2.00 Rice’n’peas. YELLOW BIRD £4.50 EARL GREY £2.20 YELLOW BIRD Mango, banana, coconut and vanilla £4.75 FILLED TRINIS £6.50 CUTTERS Grapefruit, pineapple and passion fruit £4.50 £6.50 CUTTERS Grapefruit, pineapple and passion fruit AuthenticFILLED TRINIS fried dough served with salad, coleslaw and fries. CUTTERS Grapefruit, pineapple and passion fruit £4.50£4.75 OUR RECIPES ARE Authentic fried dough served with salad, coleslaw and fries. OUR RECIPES ARE Choice of fillings: OCEAN BLUE Blueberry, lemon and banana £4.50 Choice of fillings: OCEAN BLUE Blueberry, lemon and banana They’reunique! all family recipes Smoked run down mackerel, onion and peppers OCEAN BLUE Blueberry, lemon and banana £4.50£4.75 They’reunique! all family recipes They’reunique! all family recipes Ackee’n’saltfishSmoked run down mackerel, onion and peppers Ackee’n’saltfish passed down to our chef Ackee’n’saltfish passed down to our chef Pulled jerk chicken from granny, Ms Cat, Pulled jerk chicken from granny, Ms Cat, Curried chickpea so you won’t taste these Curried chickpea WE HAVE AN EXTENSIVE so you won’t taste these Jerk pork s a WE HAVE AN EXTENSIVE MS CAT’S mouth-watering dishes Jerk pork ’s a SELECTION OF EXCELLENT MS CAT’S mouth-watering dishes it’s a SELECTION OF EXCELLENT anywhere else on it anywhere else on All fillings also available in a crusty baguette £6.50 RUMS AND MORE... the planet* All fillings also available in a crustysour dough baguette £6.50 RUMS AND MORE... the planet* ! ASK TO SEE OUR DRINKS LIST. GLASS OF FRESHLY SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE £2.00 ! ASK TO SEE OUR DRINKS LIST. GLASS OF FRESHLY SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE £2.00 FamilyRecipes *Unless she invites you round for dinner! £2.50 ting FamilyRecipes *Unless she invites you round for dinner! ting