1. – with Pikliz or sautéed garlic

a. Green plantain (double fried) • Ingredients: Green Plantain, Vegetable Oil i. Peel and cut plantain into 5-6 equal pieces ii. Heat up oil in frying pan (medium heat) iii. Add plantain to oil and fry for 3 minutes on both side (based on size) iv. Remove plantains from oil, and press each individually against two flat surfaces. v. Add the flattened plantain to oil a second time for 1 vi. When removed from oil the plantain should be slightly crunchy • **Note – Plantain is serve warm

b. Pikliz – spicy/mild Haitian Cold Slaw • Ingredients: 1 medium Cabbage, 1 – 2 medium size Carrots, 2 Shallots, Habanero pepper, Powder , , Garlic, 1 cup Vinegar, 3 fresh Lime Juice i. Thinly sliced the cabbage, carrots and shallots (this can also be grated) ii. Mix vinegar, lime juice, salt, garlic, clove iii. Mince habanero or mix it with lime juice in processor (use best judgement when using habanero – client needs first) iv. Mixed all ingredients together, add a little salt if needed

2. Chiktay with crackers (Creole Smoked Herring)

• Ingredients: 1-2 pounds of smoked herring, ¼ oil (vegetable or olive), 2-4 shallots, ¼ cup scallions, ¼ cup green/red bell peppers, 1 – 2 tsp minced garlic, ½ . I. Soak smoked herring in water for 1-2 hours based on quality (soak for a minimum of two hrs. or overnight based on quantity) II. Pull herring apart by hand III. Lightly sautéed all ingredients over low heat starting with the garlic and the herring last.

3. Boulet (Haitian Meatball - can substitute for chicken, white fish, or turkey)

• Ingredients: 1lbs ground beef, 2 eggs, 2 medium size cooked potato, ½ cup diced , 2 tsp diced garlic, 1 small shallots diced, a handful of parsley chopped, 1 tsp salt, 1tsp black pepper, ¼ tsp thyme, 1/4tsp rosemary, 1 cup flour, Oil for frying I. Wrist all ingredients in mixing bowl, insure all ingredients are perfectly mixed in II. Create meatballs to desired size by rolling between palm of hands, use flour to prevent from sticking to hand III. Heat oil in a skillet on medium-high heat IV. Fry meatballs for approximately 5 minutes (based on size) DAPHNEE LLC - RECIPE – TASTING FOR HAITI APRIL 21ST, 2017 (MINNEAPOLIS UPTOWN ROTARY)

4. Riz ak Pwa Congo

• Ingredients: 1 cup Jasmine Rice or Basmati Rice, 1/3 cup beans of choice (you can add more beans if desired), 1 green , salt, 2 TBL Olive Oil, 1/2 cup vegetable stock, ½ coconut milk.

I. Boil beans/peas until cook; drain peas and set aside, save the broth

II. Heat up oil in a pot, add green onions then peas. After 1 minute add coconut milk, vegetable stock, and 1 cup of pea broth. Bring mixture to boil, add salt to taste. (substitute vegetable stock with 1 bouillon cube and increase coconut milk to 1 cup)

III. Wash rice then add to boil mixture, allow to simmer till water dries out.

IV. Set heat to low, cover and allow it to fully cook; rice should be soft to touch (Haitians enjoy their rice a bit more grainy (non-sticky).

***Note – typically at home I add a bouillon cube instead of vegetable stock and use 1 cup coconut milk.