Increasing Access to Eyeglasses in Low- and Middle-Income Countries PRODUCT NARRATIVE: EYEGLASSES MARCH 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was delivered by the Clinton Health Access Initiative under the AT2030 programme in support of the ATscale Strategy. The AT2030 programme is funded by UK aid from the UK government and led by the Global Disability Innovation (GDI) Hub. The authors wish to acknowledge and thank vision sector experts, practitioners and users, and the partners from the AT2030 programme and Founding Partners of ATscale, the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, for their contributions. The ATscale Founding Partners are: China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Clinton Health Access Initiative, GDI Hub, Government of Kenya, International Disability Alliance, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy for Financing the Health Millennium Development Goals and for Malaria, UK Department for International Development, UNICEF, United States Agency for International Development, World Health Organization. The views and opinions expressed within this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or position of ATscale Founding Partners, partners of the AT2030 programme, or funders. Please use the following form ( to register any comments or questions about the content of this document. Please direct any questions about ATscale, the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, to
[email protected] or visit To learn more about the AT2030 Programme, please visit a II PRODUCT NARRATIVE: EYEGLASSES TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronyms iii Executive Summary 1 Introduction 3 1. Assistive Technology and Market Shaping 3 2.