Ó American Sociological Association 2014 DOI: 10.1177/0094306114562200 http://cs.sagepub.com REVIEW ESSAYS Relationalism Emergent EMILY ERIKSON Yale University
[email protected] There has been talk of relationalism in soci- ology for decades now. These two volumes, Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Onto- Conceptualizing Relational Sociology and logical and Theoretical Issues, edited by Applying Relational Sociology, make an explic- Francxois Depe´lteau and Christopher it play to capture the heart and soul of the Powell. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave discipline and send it on a relationalist tra- Macmillan, 2013. 240pp. $100.00 cloth. jectory. The attempt raises a series of linked ISBN: 9781137379900. questions: how relationalism should be defined, what is a relationalist agenda, and Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, do these volumes advance that agenda? Networks, and Society, edited by Francxois The term relationalism is itself contested, Depe´lteau and Christopher Powell. even by the authors included in these two Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, volumes. I have already taken a stand on 2013. 229pp. $100.00 cloth. ISBN: 97811 this issue, so I should be clear that the way 37379917. I see it, relationalism is a theoretical per- spective based in pragmatism that eschews Cartesian dualism, substantialism, and in drawing in adherents to relationalism. In essentialism while embracing emergence, fact, reading the volume straight through experience, practice, and creativity. It includes felt at times like being sucked into a vortex: some but not all social network analysts, field in the beginning you are circling at some dis- theorists, actor-network researchers, econom- tance around the central point, but gradually ic sociologists, a number of comparative-his- advance to denser pieces focused more pre- torical researchers, and of course card-carry- cisely around key issues.