




Reprint from

THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS - A HISTORY Published by the Association of American State 1988, p.48-69

1989 Reprinted from THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS - A HI~IX)RY 1 1988

Directors of the State Geological and Natural Histo~, Survey of Connecticut (-established in 1903) William North Rice, Superintendent, 1903-1916 A HISTORY OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL Herbert Ernest Gregory, Superintendent, 1916-1921 Henry Hollister Robinson, Superintendent, 1921-1925 AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Wilton Everett Britton, Superintendent, 1925-1939 Edward Leffinwell Troxell, Director, 1939-1954 John Becker Lucke, Director, 1954-1960 Joe Webb Peoples, Director, 1960-1974 BY ROBERT J. ALTAMURA Hugo Frederick Thomas, State , 1974- Connecticut Geological & Natural History Survey 165 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106 Early Official Geological Surveys of the State of Science. The early volumes of James Gates Percival ( of Connecticut with ) 1835-1842 FOUNDATIONS OF THE SURVEY Charles Upham Sbepard (Mineralogical survey of Connecticut) 1835-1837 Silliman’s Journal, as it was then There was a growing interest in known, contained a number of papers on in the early part of the 19th Connecticut and geology, century, not only in Connecticut, but many by Silliman himself. elsewhere. By that time, , Silliman’s students carried their the founder of modern geology, had knowledge to other parts of the country. presented his epoch-making Theory of In 1824, Denison Olmsted went to head the to the Royal Society of the North Carolina Survey. Edward Edinburgh in 1785. Europeans, who had Hitchcock went to in studied the natural sciences for some and conducted the geo- time, continued to pursue the subject of logical survey of that state beginning in geology. Here in the United States, 1830, which ~nspired and stimulated foreign literature stimulated interest in other states to get surveys under way. natural science, including geology and Amos Eaton went to Williams College in , and people were becoming Massachusetts and later to Rensselaer increasingly aware of the natural world. Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, In 1802, the President of Yale where he worked on a geological survey College in New Haven, Connecticut, in eastern New York, and James Gates hired Benjamin Silliman, who just had Percival stayed in Connecticut to lead completed his training in law, to head a the state’s first systematic geological department and offer courses in science. survey. Before he began teaching, Silliman In the United States, the period from attended lectures in at a 1830-80 has been referred to as the "Era NOTE FOR THE READER medical school in Philadelphia and had of the State Surveys" (Merrill, 1924}. This history of the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut is a studied natural science in Europe. By William W. Mather, who taught at reprint of an article that was prepared for a volume containing the history of each of the 1806, Silliman had published a sketch of Wesleyan University in Middletown, fifty state geological surveys. Space limitations for this volume necessitated that this the mineralogy of New Haven and in Connecticut from 1833-34, was one of history of the Connecticut Survey be somewhat abbreviated, and greater detail is provided on geologic topics than on natural history (biology) topics. 1818 he founded The American Journal four state geologists who mapped New

1This paper was written for inclusion in The Stale Geological Surveys - A History. a 500-page volume including papers on the histoties of state geological surveys of the fifly states. ~’his project ~,as edited by Arthur A. Socolow and published by the Association of American State Geologisis (AAS G) in 1988. The Connecticut chapter is reproduced here with the permission of the AASG as a Connecticut Geological & Natural History Survey reprint~ 49 5O

York State from 1836-42, and in 1841 Drinkwater Cope of the Academy of preparation for analysis that a gas was Edward Hitchcock completed the Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. Also being emitted. Several years later, geological survey of Massachusetts: at this time, geological instruction and helium was isolated as a stable decay The first systematic study of the investigations were under way by John product of uranium. In 1904, Ernest geology of Connecticut was made when a Rutherford of McGill University pre- Johnston and William North Rice at survey of the state was authorized by the Wesleyan. Rice had received a Ph.D. sented ideas on how progressive accumu- Legislature on June 15, 18~35. James lation of daughter products might be from Yale in 1867. This was the first Gates Percival was placed in charge of used to measure geologic time. Those the geology and Charles Upham Ph.D. in geology given by an American university. The title of his dissertation ideas were put to use by Bertram B. Shepard, the mineralogy. A passage Boltwood of Yale, who, in 1906, from the Annual Message of 1835 from was The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species. Rice, a graduate of Wesleyan following a suggestion made by Governor Henry Edwards may provide Rutherford, looked at analyses of urani- in 1865, returned to become professor of insight into the thinking of the times, um minerals, including Hillebrand’s geology and in 1903 became the first which led to the birth of that first uraninite analyses, and made the first geological survey of the state. Superintendent of the State Geological and Natural History Survey of radiometric age determinations. Radio- metric age dating indicated that the The mineralogical treasures which have been Connecticut. Rice was also an ordained developed within a few years and which are expanse of geologic time was much constantly coming to light in different parts minister. Charles Upham Shepard greatdr than geologists previously of our country, give us reason to believe, that taught and conducted numerous thought. we have not as yet availed ourselves to the investigations at Washington College Around the turn of the century, extent that we might of this source of wealth, (later to become Trinity College) in and suggests the expediency of a move Hartford during this time. Key William H. Hobbs of the USGS con- systematic examination than has hitherto ducted pioneering lineament studies in taken place.. ~ (from Shepard, 1837). contributions to Connecticut geology and Connecticut, a field that today receives a mineralogy appeared in The American Shepard’s A Report of the Geological significant amount of attention. Survey of Connecticut was published in Journal of Science. During the 19th century, people in 1837, but it wasn’t until 1842 that Figure 1.--James Gates Percival--student of Shortly after its formation in 1879, Benjamin Silliman and author of the first the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Connecticut also turned their attention Percival published his Report on the geological map of Connecticut, which was to biology. For example, around the time Geology of the State of Connecticut, published in 1842. began work in Connecticut. William of Percival and Shepard, Eli Ives of Yale, Morris Davis, who was a professor at which was a comprehensive geological a professor of botany and medicine, investigation. By 1841, Percival (fig. 1) Harvard and also worked for the USGS, published three papers on plants in studied and mapped the Mesozoic rocks had surveyed the entire state in E-W the value of Percival’s observations, in Silliman’s Journal. Ives later made a list of Connecticut. Davis accomplished part traverses at 2-mile intervals, which preparing the 1985 Geological that included the names of more than a means that he touched every square mile Map of Connecticut, John Rodgers of of this work by leading the Harvard thousand plants growing near New of the state. By the time Percival Yale used Percival’s map to help resolve College summer geology school to the Haven (Troxell, unpub, ms.). Troxell also accomplished this task, the Legislature conflicts. Meriden area for geological mapping. re~orts that Amos Eaton and John and new governor William Ellsworth From 1842 to 1903, the State Later, Davis worked with S. Ward Loper, Pierce Brace pursued similar interests. became impatient for a final report. initiated no new geological investiga- a farmer who later became curator of the Brace later studied plant life in the Requests for further appropriations were tions. However, studies were conducted geology museum at Wesleyan. Loper Litchfield, Connecticut, region, and his helped confirm Davis’ structural models denied, and Percival was forced to report by various university and federal herbarium was donated to Williams for block faulting in the Connecticut his work in "a hasty outline" of 495 geologists. In the last half of the 19th College. pages with a map (the first state century, instruction and investigations valley b~ locating specific fossil fish and About 1856, professor Daniel Cady geological map, scale 1:250,000). in geology were conducted primarily at fossil plant marker horizons. Eaton and other members of the Percival’s report on the geology of three Connecticut universities. At Yale, One of Davis’ geological assistants was William North Rice (fig. 2). Another Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Connecticut delineates all the major Benjamin Silliman, James Dwight produced a catalog of the higher plants types with particular attention to Dana, his son Edward S. Dana, and was Lewis Gardner Westgate, also a found in the vicinity of New Haven, detail. His observations are descriptive George Brush, made early contributions graduate of Wesleyan, who did listing about 1,230 species (Troxell, with little interpretative bias. Geologic to the geology and mineralogy of the considerable mapping in the crystalline unpub, ms.). In 1885, James W. Bishop boundaries key to some of the modern state. At the Peabody Museum ~)f Yale, rocks near Middletown. presented a catalog of plants for all of interpretations as shown on the most Othniel C. Marsh made colle~ions of In 1891, W. F. Hillebrand, a chemist Connecticut which included contribu- recent state map were delineated on dinosaur bones from the western United with the USGS, studied uraninite tions from many naturalists throughout Percival’s 1842 map. As an example of States, competing with Edward (essentially UO2) from Portland, Connecticut, and noticed during the the state. 51 52

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Connecticut Survey, Gregory wrote a letter, dated December 30, 1927, in which he states that his deep and continuing interests made him feel that the time he gave to the Survey’s organization, along with its adminis- tration and ~cientific studies, was profitably spent. He further states, ’~My reason for urging the establishment of the SurveY was the belief that such an organization would fill a useful place in the educational system of the state." Education may have been Gregory’s primary incentive. Practical Organization Th~ Connecticut Survey consisted of a board of commissioners, who were made up of the presidents of the state’s principal colleges. These institutions were the Connecticut Agricultural College (later to become the University of Connectlcut) in Storrs, Trinity College in Hartford, Wesleyan University in Middletown, and Yale University in New Haven. Later Connecticut College Figure 2,--William North Rice (first Superintendent of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History in New London was represented on the Figure 3.--William North Rice--First Survey) (left) and William Morris Davis of the U.S. Geological Survey (right) ~teast" in the field. Commission. The Governor was an ex (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University.) Superintendent of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey and Professor of officio member of the board. A Geology at Wesleyan. (Wesleyan University Superintendent, who was a and In 1903, the Connecticut Botanical by the terms of the Act, appointed Archives.) not necessarily a college president, was Society was founded, and a goal was to William North Rice (fig. 3), Professor of appointed by the Commission to direct catalog all the higher plants growing Geology at Wesleyan, to be the work of the Survey. naturally in the state. That same year Superintendent of the Survey. be useful in the educational work carried on The organization of the Survey was the State Geological and Natural The first Biennial Report of the in the various schools of the state. These intended to be simple and, following this History Survey of Connecticut (also Commissioners states that equal three aims, the purely scientific, the reasoning, the Commissioners decided economic, and the educational, we have referred to as the Connecticut Geological attention be paid "both to the rocky endeavored constantly to keep in mind in all that no promises of position or support and Natural History Survey) was framework of the state and to its plans which have been made. would be implied beyond the current founded. vegetable and animal life--both to the It may have been Professor Herbert biennial term. The exception to this rule Geology of the state and to its Botany was the Superintendent, who was FORMATION OF THE Ernest Gregory of Yale and also of the and Zoology." The report also states that appointed by the Commission to serve CONNECTICUT GEOLOGICAL U.S, Geological Survey who eventually the Survey has three distinct aims. until removed for valid reason. The AND NATURAL HISTORY brought the elements together to form These are: Survey’s office was based at the SURVEY the Survey. Troxel! (unpub. ms.) implies First the advancement of our knowledge of that Gregory, who took many trips back institution where the Superintendent was employed. The Act establishing the State the geology, botany, and zoology of the state and forth to Hartford, was the main as a matter of pure science; second, the Geological and Natural History Survey organizer. Gregory met frequently with The initial biennial appropriation acquisition and publication of s~ch for the Connecticut Survey was $3,000. was approved by the Legislature on June knowledge of the resources and products of other , with administrative 3, 1903. The Commissioners, under the state as will serve its industrial and officers, and with politicians whose final "Scientific men" employed to investigate specific sul~jects and to prepare reports whose direction the Survey was placed economic interest; third, the presentation of consent needed to be won. the results of investigation in such form as to were paid a sum when their report was 53 54

accepted. The Commission, in addition, ERA OF COLLEGE PRESIDENTS Clays and Industries of Connecticut together the report and map, synthesized would allocate funds for travel expenses, AS COMMISSIONERS: 1903-45 by Gerald Francis Loughlin was much information about the glacial services of stenographers and other published in 1905. Joseph Barrell and geology of the state and developed many During the first 42 years of the assistants, and to purchase materials as Loughlin wrote The of of his ideas about glacial processes. Geological and Natural History Survey, needed. Only the Superintendent was Connecticut (1910), and Barrell prepared In addition, the Survey’s List of scientific research in the geological and Central Connecticut in the Geologic Past Publications for this period includes paid a regular salary, an~ this was biological sciences was undertaken and provided in quarterly installments. In (1915) (fig. 4). reports on fossil fishes and other reports written at a remarkable pace and the early years, the Superintendent’s Aside from Rice and Gregory’s Mesozoic life, a physical history of quality. annual salary was $400. manual of geology, which rapidly went Connecticut’s shoreline, the mineralogy Once under way, the Survey quickly Generally the Survey encouraged out of print, one of the most widely read of the state, an investigation on the work on the geology and biology of the undertook several studies in the fields of geologic reports was published in 1929-- of Connecticut, and various geology, botany, and zoology. state through the support and/or Bulletin No. 47, The Glacial Geology of other studies of both regional and local publication of work conducted by Connecticut by Richard Foster Flint. nature. Publication university faculty and graduate This comprehensive and popular bulle- Natural History Each report was published as a students. Where need was determined to tin includes many landscape photo- separate bulletin in paper cover. When exist, selected studies were strongly graphs plus the first glacial geologic map One of the first botanical works urged and researchers sought for those several bulletins were completed, bound of the state, which is in color at undertaken by the Connecticut Survey volumes were then prepared. The projects. Appropriations were applied to 1:125,000 scale. Flint, in putting was ~n annotated list of the state’s distribution and exchange of publica- projects where the need was judged to be tions was conducted by the State greatest and where there was the likelihood of the greatest success. Librarian, a function now provided by STRUCTUR~ SECTIONS of CENTRAL CONNECTICUT the Natural Resources Center. Pub- Geology lications received from other geological The first geological work undertaken surveys ’rand from various learned included a manual on the geology of the societies and scientific institutions" were state. Since the publication of Percival’s deposited in the State Library. Report on the Geology of the State of From the beginning, the Survey had Connecticut in 1842, a good deal of to deal with inadequate means for publishing. At the time the Connecticut geological work was done partly by the Survey was founded, the general law of U.S. Geological Survey, and partly by the State limited the editions of printed those working at universities. The matter to 1,375 copies. The Survey results of these studies were scattered in immediately saw the need to acquire various publications. Rice (1904) agreement for larger printing runs of recognizing this wrote, 3,000 to 8,000 copies. At the recom- In this condition they are almost inaccessible to the great number of teachers in our high mendation of the Survey, the General schools and other intelligent people in the Assembly adopted a resolution state, who are not geologists by profession, authorizing the printing of the necessary but who desire to know something of the number of copies. geological structure and history of the state. Every 2 years, Biennial Reports Superintendent Rice and Professor dutifully cited work undertaken, Gregory (second Superintendent of the accomplished, and proposed for the Connecticut Survey) undertook the future. Superintendent Rice suggested responsibility for the Manual of the that these reports include proposed Geology of Connecticut which was future work, so that members of the published as Bulletin No. 6 in 1906. In General Assembly would be "better additional work, Professors Gregory and prepared to reach wise conclusions in Henry Hollister Robinson (also of Yale regard to the continuation of appropri- and third Superintendent of the Survey) ation for the Survey." The Legislature prepared the second state geological Figure 4.l-Structural sections across central Connecticut showing the Mesozoic age Hartford basin (Newark appropriated funds on a biennial basis. map, which was in color and at the scale Supergroup). These and other sections appeared in Survey Bulletin No, 23, Central Connecticut in the of 1:250,000. An investigation called The Geologic Past by Joseph Barrell ( 1915 ). 55 vascular flora. The Commissioners scopic life of the fresh waters of the state. believed that having such a list was in The study satisfied all the scientific, the interest of pure science. One of the educational, and economic aims of the criteria for the report was to give Survey. Considered economically impor- attention to the economic relation of tant, the study explored the possibility of plants "valued for their beauty or for contamination of reservoirs by their useful products, and to those which ~’injurious or disagreeable organisms." are troublesome weeds, or which possess The investigation was undertaken ’by poisonous or other injurious properties." Professor Henry William Conn of Such a work already was begun by the Wesleyan and published as Bulletin No. Connecticut Botanical Society, which 2, A Preliminary Report on the Protozoa responded "most cordially" to a of the Fresh Waters of Connecticut. It suggestion that the Survey act as the marked the first scientific investigation vehicle to publish the work (Rice, 1904). published by the Survey. Subsequently, this list was published as Other zoological work during this Bulletin No. 14, Catologue of the period included initiation of an entire Flowering Plants and Ferns of series (9 fascicles) on insects, publication Connecticut, Growing Without Cultiva- of reports on shrimp- and sowbugllike tion by C.B. Graves, E.H. Eames, C.H. invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, Bissel, L. Andrews, E.B. Harger, and and mammals. C.A. Weatherby (see fig. 5) in 1910 and Of the zoological work, perhaps the added to in 1926 as Bulletin No. 48, publication The Birds of Connecticut by Additions to the Flora of Connecticut. Sage and Bishop is significant enough to Concurrently, reports on certain be singled out. The information included groups of fungi in Connecticut were in this long-awaited document was undertaken by Professor E. A. White of carefully collected. Sage and Bishop, the Connecticut Agricultural College using a method common for and G. P. Clinton of the Connecticut ornithologists of that time, shot the Agricultural Experiment Station. specimens to make a ’~bird in hand" Cllnton’s report on smuts had economic identification. importance, because among them are In addition, the series of guides to many plant diseases caused by fungi the insects of the state, which has that destroy agricultural crops. continued to the present, has been During this era, botanical reports particularly responsive to people’s needs. also were published concerning fresh~ For example, after World War I, a study water algae, bryophytes (mosses and of inosquitoes was done with attention to liverworts), and lichens. diseases that might be transmitted by In the field of vertebrate zoology, the returning soldiers. Survey’s first undertaking was a list of The Survey’s List of Publication~ Figure 5.--Charles Burr Graves, Una F. Weatherby, and Charles Alfred Weatherby pose in front of a large Connecticut’s birds. "Their migration, grew rapidlyl and by 1945, more than 68 oak tree in Ledyard, Connecticut. C. Weatherby and Graves collaborated with others in the publication of their food, and other matters bearing on bulletins had been published. Bulletin 14, Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Connecticut, Growing Without Cultivation in their economic relations" were of 1910. interest to the Survey. John S. Sage, a Early U.S. Geological Survey Cooperatives banker and early member of the was compiled at a scale of 1:125,000. The Legislature relying on the Survey to American Ornithologists’ Union and Dr. In the 1890’s, prior to the founding of popular topographical atlas of the state provide map information. L. B. Bishop of New Haven were the the Connecticut Geological and Natural (a book made from the 1:62,500 scale 15- The Biennial Report for 1927-28 investigators, and in 1913, they History Survey, the State of Connecticut minute quadrangle sheets) was out of (Bulletin No. 45) states that the Survey published The Birds of Connecticut as cooperated with the relatively newly print by 1908, and the State Legislature had proposed new topographical surveys Bulletin No. 20. formed USGS to create a 15-mlnute ruled that the Survey was responsible for funding by the State Legislature as Planned in the first Biennial Report series of topographic of the state. for supplying bound copies of the atlas. the obsolescence of the 1890’s map series was a systematic study of the micro- In 1893, the first state topographic map This was an early example of the State had been recognized for some time. A revised 1:125,000 scale map was needed 57 58 for the glacial geology by Flint, who This era of the Connecticut Survey the professional specialists or William Niering documenting the f’mally had to use the 1893 map. The experienced two world wars. From 1917- researchers; the State Librarian; and an results of vegetation studies of selected proposal for new mapping was submitted 18, the Survey assisted the Council on editor, a new position at the time. habitats in the state. This series has been expanded to include a greater biennium after biennium without National Defense through the National Natural History receiving favorable action. New surveys Research Council by taking the respon- diversity of habitats such as trap rock were indeed needed, but it wasn’t until sibility of providing reliable information During the era of scientists as ridges. the late 1940’s that new 7.5-minute regarding earth materials for rohd Commissioners, publications in natural Geology topographic mapping at a scale of making and fortification construction history included 5 fascicles (primarily on 1:31,680 (later changed to 1:24,000) along the Atlantic seaboard. During flies) in the series Guide to the Insects of Around 1948, it became apparent began under a USGS cooperative World War II, work was directed along Connecticut; a bulletin on The Flora of that a long-range, statewide program for agreement. three lines: forest study, search for Windham County: A Check List; mapping geology was needed. At the During the Survey’s early years strategic minerals (primarily mica and bulletins on the fresh water and salt urging of Commissioner Goodwin, the scientific investigation proceeded in some beryl), and areal geology and field water fishes pf the state, and the first Connecticut Survey and the Yale many directions. In 1911, the State work in southern Connecticut. General publication with color photographic University Department of Geology Geological and Natural History Su.rvey Survey work was hampered by very plates--Connecticut’s Venomous Snakes. sponsored a conference in New Haven on entered into a cooperative agreement limited appropriations during the In addition, Spiders of Connecticut May 8, 1948. All who were "apt to have a with the USGS to study the water Depression and World War II. by Benjamin J. Kastin was published in real interest in the geology of resources of Connecticut under the Following World War II, a change 1948 (see fig. 6) and a revised edition Connecticut were invited to review the direction of George Otis Smith, Director was made to switch the appointment of published in 1981. This 1,020 page geology of the state; to clarify ideas on of the USGS and William North Rice, Commissioners of the Survey from monograph is considered one of the most outstanding problems and discuss how to Superintendent of the State Survey. college presidents to scientists who were authoritative references on spiders of attack them; and to lay the groundwork Professor Gregory was placed in charge on the faculties of the respective eastern North America. The Climate of for a program which would result in a of the USGS effort. The agreement, colleges. The Survey’s character Connecticut, (Bulletin No. 99) written by revised modern bulletin of the geology of made and entered on May 31, 1911, is changed, and its activities evolved to Joseph J. Brumbach and published in the state." This was an important reported to be the first cooperative move forward into a new era. 1965, shows the diversity of publications meeting, which provided new direction in natural history. for geologic mapping in the state. The agreement between the USGS and a ERA OF SCIENTISTS AS In 1962, William Niering and resolutions developed at the meeting had state geological survey. The project was COMMISSIONERS: 1945-71 successful and produced a number of Commissioner Richard Goodwin of far-reaching effects in future geological USGS Water-Supply Papers that focused During this period, the Commission Connecticut College, conducted and work. on ground water and included the was composed of members selected from published pioneering studies on natural The meeting had 54 registered occurrence of water in crystalline rocks the science faculties by their college areas which stimulated public interest. delegates and passed the following and the study of coastal ground water. presidents, together with the Superin- Later, in 1965, a new series, The resolutions: that geological mapping of Some fundamental ideas concerning tendent, and Governor, who served ex Vegetation of Connecticut Natural Areas, the state on 7.5-minute quadrangles salt water intrusion came from the officio. published reports by Frank E. Egler and should be conducted; that publishing coastal ground-water work by John S. Troxell (unpub. ms.), Superinten- Brown of the USGS, who was assisted by dent of the Survey from 1939-54, wrote Harold T. Stearns, a former student of that the spirit and attitude of the Survey Rice, and Wilber G. Foye at Wesleyan. changed with the transition from college Another type of cooperation occurred presidents to scientists as Commis- in 1911-12 when T. Nelson Dale of the sioners--a move that inspired and USGS was assisted by Gregory in invigorated. One example of the change Figure 6.--Latrodectus rnactans (Fabricius) writing a chapter for a book on is that individual members of the [black widow spider]. This figure is part of a plate from Benjamin J. Kastin’s Spiders in Connecticut. Gregory wrote about the Commission frequently visited investi- of Connecticut (Connecticut Geological and geology of the state and Dale focused on gators in the field, not merely to check Natural History Survey Bulletin No. 70) the more utilitarian aspects of quarry on progress, but to lend assistance in published in 1948 and revised in 1981. rock, operations, and products. The solving difficult problems. report was published as USGS Bulletin Troxell lists the personnel of the No. 484 in 1911. Dale prepared a report Survey at that time (circa 1953) as: the on the commercial granites of New Commissioners; the Director (the title England some years later. Superintendent had been changed to Director--apparently by Troxelrs usage); 59 these maps and reports was important publication (Lull cites Krynine’s ideas Geologic Quadrangle Map (GQ) series. were taking place in geologic science and the necessary publication funds on Mesozoic climate as an impetus for For the most part, two maps were that would profoundly affect the later should be sought; and that southwestern the revision). prepared for each quadrangle--one quadrangle mapping and especially the Connecticut should have new topo- The 50th anniversary of the delineating the bedrock geology and the state bedrock and surficial map com- graphic maps prepared. Earller maps of Connecticut Geological and Natural other the surficial geology. In some pilations. In bedrock geology, the southwestern Connecticut, which were History Survey (1953) occurred during cases, both bedrock and surficial geology development of the theory of plate made during World War I!~by private this period. To celebrate, the American are shown on the same map. During this tectonics brought new significance to the contractors, were inaccurate and below Association of State Geologists (AASG) era of scientists as Commissioners, more structure and of the high standards of the USGS. held a special meeting at Trinity College than 100 7.5-minute geologic quad- Connecticut, as it lies in the center of the Because of his strong interest in in Hartford. This was also to honor Dr. rangle maps were published and Appalachian orogen. The state bedrock Connecticut geology and in the proposed Troxell, who had been President of the mapping was started on many others. map, published in 1985, used a plate mapping program, Professor John AASG. The meeting was marked by a By 1968, both Rodgers and Flint had tectonics conceptual model. Rodgers of Yale was regularly invited to number of geological field trips state compilations at the scale of In surficial geology, work in New attend the meetings of the Survey, throughout the state. Also, a biological 1:125,000 under way. These compila- England that was led in part by USGS although he was not a Commissioner at symposium was held at Connecticut tions used a 1:125,000 scale topographic geologists resulted in a new conceptual that time. In the early 1960’s, Rodgers College in New London in recognition of base map. This base map had been model for regional deglaciation. The new was made a Commissioner. Another the anniversary. prepared by the USGS as a result of model, termed ~’stagnation zone retreat," interested party was Robert Gates of the Publication formats other than the efforts by Director Peoples, who differed significantly from Flint’s model University of Wisconsin, who, along State Survey Bulletin were ddveloped to successfully gained appropriations for its of"regional stagnation." Flint’s compila- with his students, began mapping allow for more varied types of reports preparation from the State Legislature. tion work of the state surficial map was geology in western Connecticut as early and maps. The new formats included a The bas~ map has been used to present a halted by his death in 1976. Subsequent as 1948. Report of Investigation series, which variety of information (e.g. regional work by USGS personnel on a new state Delays, unfortunately, forced a covered less comprehensive studies than geology and ground-water availability) surficial compilation is based on the new landmark piece of work in sedimen- Bulletins; Guidebooks; a series on the published under the Natural Resources model of glacial retreat. tology to be published later than it might Vegetation of Connecticut Natural Atlas Series. In 1988, there are ten maps During this period of increased have been. , Stratigraphy, and Areas; and a Miscellaneous Series. in this series. activity, Joe Webb Peoples was Director Origin of the Triassic Sedimentary Rocks Shortly after the Connecticut Survey In addition to the bedrock and surfi- of the Survey (1960-74). He conducted of Connecticut by Paul D. Krynine was marked its 50th year, systematic cial maps, other geological products pre- annual summer field conferences in printed by the Survey in 1950, nearly 14 geologic mapping on 7.5-minute quad- pared during this time were aeromag- Middletown to allow geologists to meet years after the study had been completed rangles was initiated with the help of the netic maps (1:24,000; 1:125,000 scales), a to discuss common issues and future as a dissertation for a Ph.D. at Yale. This USGS. Robert Gates was the author of gravity map (1:125,000), along with an plans, and to resolve correlation paper remains a classic in the field of the first quadrangle geologic map, which aeroradioactivlty map (1:250,000), and problems (especially at quadrangle sedimentary petrography, in paleo- carried forward the thrust of the Yale one of the first examples of side-looking boundaries). At the conferences, reports climatology, and in redbed studies. The meeting of 1948. This work, The Bedrock airborne radar imagery (1:500,000). and compilations were presented infor- work shows careful assembly of data Geology of the Litchfield Quadrangle was Some of these products were developed mally. These events, which were well- (often from diverse sources), drawn published in 1951 under the Miscellane- using advances in geophysical tech- established by the mid-1960’s, are fondly together in an exciting, forceful style, ous Series. Five years later, a prelimi- nology developed during World War II. remembered by those who participated and directed toward support of his nary state geologic map (1:253,440 scale) In 1959, reorganization of State in both the technical conference and the argument on a controversial issue, the and text were prepared by Rodgers, agencies placed the Survey within the evening comradery that followed at origin of redbeds. Gates, and others, which helped to focus newly organized Department of Director Peoples’ home overlooking the At this time, the Connecticut Survey the statewide quadrangle mapping. Also Agriculture and Natural Resources. The in Middle Haddam. also published posthumously a report by in 1956, under a cooperative agreement, administrative structure of the Survey In time, the summer conferences Wilber G. Foye of Wesleyan, The the USGS began systematic geologic remained essentially the same, but now were attended by other interested Geology of Eastern Connecticut. This, quadrangle mapping. came under the authority of a new people, including planners, water like Krynine’s paper, had been delayed. The Connecticut Geological and department. A representative from the resource managers, scientists and In addition, the catalog of minerals of Natural History Survey at first Department of Agriculture and Natural topographic mappers. As a result, Connecticut was updated, and Richard published quadrangle maps with reports Resources would frequently attend the participants recognized the need for Swarm Lull of the Yale Peabody under the Miscellaneous Series, and Survey Commissioners’ meetings. interdisciplinary cooperation in the Museum revised his classic work, later under a new specialized series--the During the 1960’s and 1970’s, when earth sciences, and in 1969 with the help Triassic Life of the Connecticut Valley Quadrangle Report (QR). Maps were geologic quadrangle mapping was of Harold Bannerman, a consultant for nearly 36 years after its initial published by the USGS under the particularly active, important changes the Survey who was retired from the 61 62

USGS, the Connecticut Geology- surface of the ground. Because of the Task Force was developed. Bannerman extent and number of tracks, Governor convened the Geology-Soils Task Force John Dempsey announced that the site to bring the appropriate branches of would be set aside as a state park. science together to address how Investigations by scientists from the geoscience information cou~ld best be Peabody Museum (Yale), the Survey, the applied in land- and water-uSe planning. University of Connecticut, and The Task Force included John Baker of Willlmantic State College (now Eastern the Water Resources Division of the Connecticut State University) had USGS, David Hill of the Connecticut established the significance of the area. Agricultural Experiment Station, and Dinosaur State Park today is a very Hugo Thomas of the University of popular educational site for natura! Connecticut. sciences. A major result of the work of the The government agencies responded Task Force was the publication of a quickly to a situation requiring rapid report by Hill and Thomas: Use of decision-making. They delayed and Natural Resource Data in Land and ultimately halted the construction of the Water Planning. The report discusses Highway Department building and how separately mapped resource dedicated the area as an educational parameters (e.g. surficial geology; site. Much of the credit for this was due bedrock geology; slope; drainage; soils; to the skill and determination of depth to ground water,.., or what they Director Peoples (fig. 7). Sidney Quarrier called "single factor maps") could be was completing a master’s degree in used to improve land and water use education at Wesleyan, analysis and decision making. when he was assigned to work at the They presented, as an example, Park. As the Survey’s first full-time plans for a hypothetical solid waste employee, Quarrier helped to initiate a disposal site in a trial map area. The new direction for the agency, and this need for the standardization of map included entering public education, scales and map units was clearly increasing public awareness of the identified. Their suggested land- and geology of the state, and maintaining water-use analysis process began to contact with other State departments. identify which were the most important Tl~e Park was extensively used by pieces of geologic resource information schools in the area, and programs were for modern society. designed as such. By 1970, the Survey Figure 7.--Joe Webb Peoples, Professor of Geolog:~ at Wesleyan University and seventh Director of the Also during the later part of this era, hired current Park manager Richard Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, shows colleagues the extent of the dinosaur footprint the State Survey acquired its first full- Krueger as ~eologist. Krueger ran the track-way near the town of Rocky Hill at the site that is now Dinosaur State Park. Tracks of the dinosaur appear in the foreground. (From left to right: Joe Webb Peoples, Lawrence Frankel of the time geologist. Until that time, work had Park, relieving Quarrier to perform University of Connecticut, Elwyn Simons of the Peabody Museum of Yale University, and Hugo F. Thomas been conducted for the Survey through other Survey work. In 1971, the Parks of the University of Connecticut and current State Geologist.) (Photo by John Howard.) part-time employment and volunteer and Forests division of the State took efforts. The appointment came after an over all Park operations. unusual set of circumstances which The 34th Biennial Report (1969-71} summer conferences and the Geology- The project began developing and increased the responsibilities of the (Bulletin No. 104) outlined a cooperative Soils Task Force. This project, directed producing applied geologic quadrangle Survey and necessitated the creation of agreement with the U.S. Geological by Frederick Pessl of the USGS, came scale products for a one hundred the position. Survey in which the Connecticut valley under the heading of the Connecticut quadrangle area of Connecticut and In 1966, during excavation for the is chosen for an interdisciplinary study Valley Urban Area Project (CVUAP). Massachusetts. Among the innovative ¯ foundation and basement of a Highway to develop new ways to present Members of the Geology-Soils Task products created by this project were Department testing laboratory on a site geoscience data to be used by planners, Force and CVUAP worked closely as a individual maps at the scale of in the central lowlands, a bulldozer engineers, and the general public. The cooperative spirit existed between the 1:125,000, showing textures of uncon- operator recognized dinosaur tracks in concept of the project must, with little various groups of geologists and solidated materials, thickness of fine- rocks several feet below the natural doubt, have been influenced by the hydrologists. grained deposits, slopes, and ground- 63 64

water availability. A surficial materials reported in USGS Professional Paper Commissioners of the Survey were asked The Survey provided much of the map (a derivative from the glacial No. 255. to serve in an advisory capacity. basic information for the thrust of the geological map), a depth to bedrock map Today, the Connecticut Survey DEP’s first Commissioner, Daniel Natural Resources Center. Work in DEP and a standardized quadrangle drainage under the Natural Resources Center Lufldn, was responsible for developing soon became a focus of the Survey’s area map were produced for many 7.5- regularly cooperates with the U.S. the new department and coordinating activities. In 1974, the State Geological minute quadrangles in the pr~ect area. Bureau of Mines (USBM) to prepare The the many separate elements from which and Natural History Survey and the Mineral Industry of Connecticut, which his agency was formed. He was Natural Resources Center were officially is published in the USBM Minerals particularly interested in the Geological merged. The State Survey office at As shown over the Connecticut Yearbook. Recently, as part of its Atlas and Natural History Survey’s record of Wesleyan was moved to the DEP offices Survey’s 85-year existence, economics Series, the Natural Resources Center collecting and publishing natural in Hartford and Survey staff was played an important role in many published a map, Bedrock Mines and science information. He and his staff transferred to the Natural Resources aspects of the scientific investigations. Quarries of Connecticut, which locates recognized that geology, , and Center. The State Geological and Loughlin reported on clays and clay and identifies the more than 600 historic biology had a vital role in environmental Natural History Survey became the industries in Bulletin No. 4 in 1905, a and active mines and quarries. The management. technical resources investigation arm of work still prized by one of the two Center also keeps records of active The State Survey had been involved the Center. At this time, Dr. Peoples remaining clay- operations in the operations and regularly responds to in two projects that were significant at retired and Dr. Thomas, Director of the state. Also, Gregory and Nelson reported inquiries concerning the mining this point, the Connecticut Geology-Soils Center, became the State Geologist. on The Granites of Connecticut, while industry in the state. Task Force and the Connecticut Valley As ~he Natural Resources Center Fred Holmsley Moore, a graduate The era of the scientists as Urban Area Project (CVUAP). Both began to function, several goal~ were student at Yale, investigated Marbles Commissioners is brought to a close by projects used resource information. The developed, and these included managing and of Connecticut, which another change for the State Survey. As CVUAP developed new, more usable comprehensive basic data collection was published as Bulletin No. 56 in part of a State agency reorganization, formats for geological and hydrological programs in earth sciences and biology; 1935. the Survey joined the newly formed information, and the Geology-Soils Task establishing a working reference library Although Connecticut is not thought Department of Environmental Pro- Force developed the methodology to use serving users of resource maps and of as a mining state, it ranked number tection (DEP). resource information for environmental information; developing methods of eight in the country in 1986 for dollar decision-making. The Task Force applying resource information to land- DEPANDTHENATURAL value of nonfuel mineral production per publication, Use of Natural Resource and water-use planning and environ- RESOURCESCENTERYEARS: square mile. The State Survey has given Data in Land and Water Planning, had mental management decisions; and 1971-PRESENT attention to economic geology in provided new direction for methods of providing technical assistance to DEP quadrangle reports and GQs, which During the 1960’s, as a result of environmental management (fig. 8). and local governments in the use of typically discuss or note mines or concern about the environment, a num- Commissioner Lufkin saw the value resources information in their planning quarries of both historic and current ber of state governments reorganized of, and need for, such resource informa- and decision-making. interest, especially on surficial maps. their offices to more efficiently manage tion in his new Department. He The Natural Resources Center In some cases, papers on Connecticut land, water, and air resources. Many arranged to have Hugo Thomas, a expanded its programs and staff to more economic geology published elsewhere states created departments of environ- member of the Geology-Soils Task Force, uniformly address topics in geology, have been outgrowths of work conducted mental conservation and environmental develop a central office within DEP to hydrology, and biology as well as to for the Survey. For example, Crawford protection and the federal government coordinate collection, interpretation and develop applied methodologies for use of Fritts reported on the barite deposits formed the Environmental Protection publication of natural resources infor- resource data for planning and that occur near the town of Cheshire Agency. The State Legislature passed mation. This central office, called the management. A major effort was made within the Mount Carmel quadrangle, the Act creating Connecticut’s Depart- Natural Resources Center, started with to centralize the management of USGS ¯ which he had mapped as part of the ment of Environmental Protection in a staff of several geologists and cooperative programs for topographic quadrangle mapp!ng project. 1971, and in 1972, the new department hydrologists. mapping, water resources, and geology. As part of a strategic minerals began setting up shop. The Natural Resources Center began In the related area of soils mapping, the investigation of the nation during World DEP absorbed about 15 different to function as a repository and clearing Legislature approved a 6-year War II, State and Federal surveys boards and commissions. The State house for information on earth sciences appropriation for DEP to support investigated the occurrence of mica and Geological and Natural History Survey, and biology. Early on, the Center’s staff completion of detailed soils mapping of beryl within some of the granitic which had been part of the former became involved in the DEP’s the state by the U.S. Department of pegrnatites in Connecticut, particularly Department of Agriculture and Natural environmental management activities, Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. within the Middletown Resources, was included in the new DEP. providing technical advice to the DEP Among other things, this provided maps District. Connecticut investigations are Survey Director Peoples became an and to local town governments. for the DEP’s inland wetlands program. employee of the DEP, and the other In biology, a program was initiated to 66 65 information mounted, driving forward Earth Sciences the Center’s data collection program. Statewide low-altitude aerial photo The Natural Resources Center quickly surveys are conducted on a regular 5- brought the value of resource LAND year schedule, and an air photo lending information, concepts, and resource staff library that contains all 5-year flights out of the academic institutions and into WAT E R has been established. the forefront of the decision-making The Natural Resources Center process of a state government manages a USGS cooperative to produce GEOLOGY department. revised 7.5-minute topographic quad- Through the late 1970’s, rangle maps and to routinely update environmental management in regional and state base maps. Recently Connecticut passed from merely using acquired digital 1:24,000 scale quad- resource information, to basing long- rangle data will be used for a statewide term environmental management on "resource system concepts." For geographic information system (GIS}. The Center also has been SOIL example, DEP’s water management cooperating with the U.S. Department of programs changed from the previous Agricul~u~:e’s Soil Conservation Service method of simply using hydrologic to complete detailed statewide soil information as one technical element of mapping. A project has been initiated to water management, to newly designed rectify and digitize detailed soils maps programs managing ground and surface for inclusion in the DEP’s geographic HYDROLOGY water of each drainage basin. This more information system (GIS). comprehensive and integrated approach In the field of geology, several to resource management was based on projects continued during this period sound hydrologic principles and on including management of the understanding of the water resource cooperative geologic mapping program system for each basin. with the USGS. This included the LAND USE Interaction between the Center’s quadrangle mapping that started in the staff and scientists and planners 1950’s and completion of the continued at the federal, state, and local compilations of the state bedrock and levels. The emphasis was on surficial maps. The state bedrock interdisciplinary involvement. This was the theme of the Geology-Soils Task compilation by John Rodgers (fig. 9) was Figure 8.--Separately mapped resource parameters or "single factor maps" for land- and water-use analysis published in 1985 at a scale of 1:125,000. became a theme for the Natural Resources Center. Figure is from Use of Natural Resources Data in Land Force and CVUAP. The Natural and Water Planning by Hill and Thomas, which was published in 1972 as Connecticut Agricultural Both Rodgers’ map and The Face of Resources Center played a leadership Connecticut: People, Geology, and the Experiment Station Bulletin 733. role in coordinating the collection, Land, a general introduction to the dissemination, and use of the resource geology of the state by Michael Bell, information. meaning and use of the resc.urce were prepared for the 77th annual The period since 1974, when the collect information on rare and information. meeting (1985) of the American endangered species. The state low- Geological and Natural History Survey Association of State Geologists in altitude air photo flights were conducted The Center began to provide technical assistance to regulatory and was combined with the Natural Mystic, Connecticut. Compilation for the by the Center on a regular 5-year basis. management units bf DEP on topics such Resources Center, has been especially state bedrock and surficial maps has An important step was to standardize as water resources, waste disposal, productive. Programs of longstanding produced a complete set of 7.5-minute map scales at 1:24,000, 1:50,000 and ecological habitats, and earth materials. interest to the Survey have been bedrock and surficial quadrangle sheets 1:125,000 for all types of mapped These units of DEP became increasingly pursued, and a number of new programs with consistent map units. This resource information. have been initiated. The following Eventually, the Center added a sales aware of their need for trained technical quadrangle scale geologic information is selection gives highlights for this period being entered ia the GIS. In addition, a office. This function formerly was staff. They rapidly began to hire and gives an overview of the Survey’s carried out at the State Library. At this technical staff, some of whom were 10-year program to study the marine initially trainees at the Center. DEP current program. geology of Long Island Sound is under new sales office, anyone could buy maps units began to use more natural way. and publications and get information resources information, and the demand and technical assistance about the for additional coverage and new 67 68

resource data bases. Data sets being resources center for an environmental compiled at 1:24,000 include: USGS protection department. quadrangle bases, surficial and bedrock In 1903, there was only one regular geology, drainage basins, public water employee of the Survey--Superintendent supply sources and distribution systems, Rice--who worked only part-time along waste water discharges and water with the voluntary Commissioners. pollution sources, soils, land use and Eighty-five years later, in 1988, the land cover, zoning, open space lands and Natural Resources Center employs selected biological information. The DEP about 30 people in all fields of natural uses the GIS for environmental planning resources investigations and appli- and management. cations. Publications and Outreach Acknowledgments All in-print maps and other A number of people and sources publications can be bought at the provided information and assistance Center’s sales office. This office serves as during the preparation of this a resources center where the Center’s manuscript. Joe Webb Peoples took a staff is available to assist people in particular interest in the project and understanding and using the informa- provided much information about the tion. Regular educational workshops are Survey, its work with the local run for local town officials to train them universities, and with the U.S. to use the information. Geological Survey. An unpublished manuscript and notes on the Survey’s GEOLOGICALANDNATURAL Figure 9.-~lohn Rodgers, Professor of Geology at Yale University and former Commissioner of the Survey, history by E. L. Troxell was an working on a draft of the state bedrock geological map of Connecticut. The published map was first HISTORYSURVEYAND NATURAL invaluable resource. Sidney Quarrier RESOURCESCENTER presented to the geological community at the annual meeting of the American Association of State provided direction, encouragement, and Geologists in 1985 at Mystic, Connecticut. (Photo by T. Charles Erikson.) 85 Years of Natural Science Service assistance throughout the project. to the State of Connecticut Richard Hyde, Leslie Mehrhoff, Joe Webb Peoples, Sidney Quarrier, John In the field of hydrology, a Biology The Natural Resources Center Rodgers, and Hugo Thomas read the cooperative water resources investiga- serves as a central office for collecting A major part of the biology program manuscript and provided helpful tion program with the USGS Water and distributing information about the is the Natural Diversity Data Base, a comments. Elizabeth Swaim provided Resources Division continues. As a state’s physical and biological resources. computer inventory of the occurrence access to information on William North result, inventories of the state’s surface The Center also develops methods of and distribution of critical biological Rice from the Wesleyan archives. Linda and ground-water inventories have been using resource information for Rancourt worked with patience and skill resources, including both species and environmental management. These completed. The Center continues to to edit the manuscript. operate an integrated ground- and habitats. The Data Base is used to guide activities compare favorably with the biological protection programs and to surface-water quality monitoring three goals set out for the State REFERENCES CITED AND network. A statewide map showing evaluate potential negative impacts to Geological and Natural History Survey SELECTED PUBLICATIONS biota during land-use change or stratified drift aquifers, compiled by in the first Biennial Report (1904)--to Barrell, Joseph, 1915, Central Connecti- Daniel Meade, was published in 1978. In development. Systematic mapping of advance knowledge for pure science; to critical habitat information is being cut in the geologic past: State addition, detailed mapping of drainage serve economic needs, and to educate. prepared for the GIS. Bulletin No. 70, Geological and Natural History basins has been completed delineating The data collection movement of Spiders of Connecticut has been revised Survey of Connecticut Bulletin No. basins with drainage areas greater than Percival and Shepard (1835-42) has 23, 44 pages. and reprinted. grown into something larger and more one square mile. This information has Bell, Michael, 1985, The face of Connec- directly functional to the State than been published on a state map, and Geographic Information System ticut, people, geology, and the land: perhaps could have been imagined by entered in the GIS. The data has allowed (GIS) State Geological and Natural the Survey founders. The State DEP to develop a statewide water History Survey of Connecticut A statewide computer mapping Geological and Natural History Survey quality classification and management Bulletin No. 110, 192 pages. system. system for natural resources and related of 1903 t.o 1974 became part of a natural data is being completed. The interactive Flint, Richard Foster, 1929, The glacial system will permit spatial analysis of geology of Connecticut: State 69

Geological and Natural History Percival. James G.. 1842, Report on the Survey of Connecticut Bulletin No. geology of the state of Connecticut: 47,294 pages. New Haven, 495 pages plus map Hill, David E. and Thomas, Hugo F., (scale, 1:250,000). 1972, Use of natural resource data in Prosser. L. J. and Altamura, R. J., 1987, land and water planning: The mineral industry of Connecticut Connecticut Agricultura~l Experi- [for 1985]: U.S. Bureau of Mines ment Station Bulletin 733, 47 pages. Mineral Yearbook. Volume 2, pages Kastin, Benjamin Julian, 1981, Spiders 119-131 of Connecticut: State Geological and Rice, William North. 1904, First bien- Natural History Survey of nial report of the Commissioners of Connecticut Bulletin No. 70, 1020 the State Geological and Natural pages. History Survey, 1903-1904: State Krynine, Paul I)., 1950, Petrology, stra- Geological and Natural History tigraphy, and origin of the Triassic Survey of Connecticut Bulletin No. sedimentary rocks of Connecticut: 1, 18 pages. State Geological and Natural Rice, William North and Gregory, Her- History Survey of Connecticut bert Ernest. 1906. Manual of the Bulletin No. 73,248 pages. geology of Connecticut: Lull, Richard Swann, 1953, Triassic life Geological and Natural History of the Connecticut valley: State Survey of Connecticut Bulletin No. 6, Geological and Natural History 273 pages. Survey of Connecticut Bulletin No. Rodgers, John, 1985, Bedrock geological 81,336 pages. map of Connecticut: Connecticut Merrill, George P., 1924, The first one Geological and Natural History hundred years of American geology: Survey Natural Resources Atlas Yale University Press, New Haven, Series map, scale 1:125,000, 2 sheets. Conn., 773 pages. Shepard, Charles Upham, 1837, A report Peoples, Joe Webb, 1971, Thirty-fourth on the geological survey of biennial report of the Commissioners Connecticut: New Haven, 188 pages. of the State Geological and Natural Troxell, Edward L., unpublished manu- History Survey, 1969-71: State script and notes. A history of the Geological and Natural History Survey: fifty years of its service and Survey of Connecticut Bulletin No. one hundred fifty years of natural 104, 30 pages. science in Connecticut.