Emulator - Emulator Issues #617 WWE Day of Reckoning 1 and 2 freezes/stops after now loading screen after CHARACTER INTROS 02/20/2009 06:15 PM - xxcamperzone

Status: Fixed % Done: 0% Priority: Normal Assignee: Category: Target version: Operating system: N/A Relates to No performance: Issue type: Bug Easy: No Milestone: Relates to No maintainability: Regression: No Regression start: Relates to usability: No Fixed in: Description What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. start the game, the US version 2. Go to exibition mode , and single player 3. select characters and press start to enter the INTRO scenes

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The expected outcome is for it to play. I see nothing but the same loading screen instead, dolphin freeze's or stops...!?!?

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Dolphin SVN R 2312, not the IL one. My system is E5200/ 8400gs/2 gb ram/ Windows 7 beta 32 bit

Please provide any additional information below.

I hope this issue can be patched for fixed, thank you to the dolphin dev's for making so many games work. Related issues: Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #1465: WWE Day of reckoning hangs af... Duplicate Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #3357: WWE Day of Reckoning Freeze A... Duplicate Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #3534: day of reckoning 1 and 2 crash Duplicate

History #1 - 02/21/2009 01:21 AM - magumagu9 It would be useful to check whether this works with the JIT disabled.

#2 - 02/21/2009 02:44 PM - xxcamperzone i cut off jit and its goes really slow , i mean really slow. But the game does boot up still.

#3 - 03/07/2009 09:02 PM - braulio20 The problem still happens, no way to play without freezing "loading screen" and its so annoying, any help around here? Games like Wrestlemania X8 and XIX run fine,but last titles like DOR 1 and 2....FAIL!

So please, check in future revisions of the emu!


09/26/2021 1/6 #4 - 04/21/2009 10:10 AM - glass-spider I've tried every option, but WWE Day of Reckoning doesn't work. It's sad, cause we can see ingame graphics, intros, we even can start the season mode, but when it comes to the match, dolphin freezes. Somebody please, help wrestling/dolphin fans. Thanks for the emulator. It's great, but it will be greater when Dor1 and 2 become playable :)

#5 - 05/09/2009 10:22 PM - glass-spider Still doesn't work. Tested with rev 3155

#6 - 05/11/2009 09:25 PM - glass-spider 3194 -doesn't work :(

#7 - 05/24/2009 04:19 PM - glass-spider 3279 - same :(

#8 - 06/10/2009 12:47 AM - glass-spider Tested with 3398. Doesn't work. Still freezes in loading after character's entrances.

#9 - 08/14/2009 03:00 PM - glass-spider SVN build 3972 - doesn't work.

#10 - 09/26/2009 12:08 AM - glass-spider Ok. I've found that DOR1 was ingame with Dolphin Final 1.03 Beta, and here's the result.Unfortunately FPS is very low. So, Howthe hell this game was playable with first version and non of revisions can run it. I'm waiting for SvR 2010. I don't think anyone will make these two great games (DOR 1 & 2) playable.

#11 - 09/28/2009 11:00 AM - glass-spider Ok. I've tried revisions 5, 24, 28, 100, 500,700. The game hangs in the same place (after characters entrances). So I think there's no such revision that can run the game and the change that broke the game was made in the beginning. But anyway there's no dev. who own the game and there's no devs among people who want to play it.

All we need is one dev who make one single revision without this error. Hallo! Anybody hear me =)

#12 - 09/28/2009 04:47 PM - lpfaint99 issue 1465 has been merged into this issue.

#13 - 04/01/2010 07:49 PM - glass-spider Over 5000 revisions and still doesn't work.

#14 - 08/19/2010 10:17 PM - glass-spider

09/26/2021 2/6 Over 6000 revisions and still nothing. Does anybody read this issues?

#15 - 08/19/2010 11:52 PM - skidau Try enabling the MMU. I have a few GameCube games which work with the Interpreter but not the JIT. Hopefully the fixes for those games will help this game.

#16 - 10/18/2010 11:42 AM - skidau issue 3357 has been merged into this issue.

#17 - 11/02/2010 03:24 AM - MyUtili still not working!!!!!

#18 - 11/02/2010 06:46 AM - copy.editor.creativecontents I was able to play both DOR 1 and 2 without the entrance freeze and with fullspeed. The fix was quite easy, really.

I just compiled a 64bit build of r6330, then I pulled my Gamecube out of the closet and loaded a legitimate copy of the game. Ran flawlessly. HAH!

The current dumps of Day of Reckoning 1 and 2 floating around the net are bad dumps, mofos. Stop whining about pirated isos not working on the emu.

#19 - 11/05/2010 06:53 PM - Slateboard Well, perhaps you could rip it then?

#20 - 11/18/2010 02:48 AM - skidau The game freezes the same way in DIOS MIOS. This means the problem is in the Disc Streaming/DSP/ARAM code of Dolphin.

#22 - 11/21/2010 04:17 AM - skidau issue 3534 has been merged into this issue.

#23 - 11/21/2010 05:11 AM - kaynetheassasin well my copy of the game is ripped straight off my copy of the disc via the phantasy star back up trick. so no im using a good iso the game simply doesnt play for some reason on dolphin. and i hope someone with more know how can fix it.

#24 - 11/29/2010 07:33 AM - aanja88 tried it again with r6495 - still no progress ....

#25 - 12/27/2010 11:08 AM - asad.mughal.2010 doesn't work even in r6656

#26 - 01/15/2011 02:30 AM - asad.mughal.2010 still not playable in r6850

#27 - 01/26/2011 11:54 PM - aanja88 goes ingame, can move around the arena, but when a grapple move is executed, the emu crashes ( sometimes with back patch error ) .... tested until r6926

09/26/2021 3/6 #28 - 02/01/2011 10:49 AM - glass-spider Same with me. Grapple move makes crush.

#29 - 02/01/2011 09:07 PM - aanja88 yeah its still not working with r7035 .... hope this gets fixed in one of the following revisions .... cos now i get this error :

BackPatch not supported for operand size 1

Error encountered accessing emulated address 02f6f713 Culprit instruction: movzx eax, byte ptr ds:[rbx+rcx] at 0xe143e74 i did read earlier that back patch error had been fixed in an earlier rev ...

#30 - 05/07/2011 09:17 AM - wavelikesea RE : WWE DAY OF RECKONING 2 problem image for the problem with the latest dolphins : http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2707/unbenannter.png

If you see this old version (Dolphin_Final_1.03_Beta.zip) and performs a comparison between this version and the modern versions of dolphin then builds a new version that can run this game in Full . . . and if you agree with this , the game will work download Dolphin_Final_1.03_Beta.zip from this link : http://megaupload.com/?d=IS4P1FIF and it will work but very very slow and the characters are in black color . . so be patient until you get to the match and when you try to do a grapple move the game will not crash and Dolphin_Final_1.03_Beta is the only version that does not crash the game but with the latest versions such as r7472 every menu in the game works and when you are ready to play in the match After the bell rang, try to do a grapple move or a strike the game crashs so please Sad if you can fix it , please tell me . by the way I've tested your build, amazing fast,, for 32 bit , thank you so much

#31 - 05/07/2011 04:46 PM - DimitriPilot3 Things that might help (as in, provide more information about the problem):

Dumping the (copyrighted) DSP files from your GC/Wii, and using LLE sound emulation on the latest revision Trying JIT, JITIL and the Interpreter, as well as disabling Dual Core and Idle Skipping (have they all been tested before?) Going into the game properties and ticking (not filling) the boxes near "Enable MMU", "Enable BAT", and "MMU Speed Hack" Compiling a Dolphin build yourself (preferably Debug/DebugFast instead of Release), running it and post a backtrace of the crash (which may or

09/26/2021 4/6 may not help)

Is that "backpatch" thing really a not-yet-implemented thing...? Or is the error shown as a result of something else?

#32 - 05/07/2011 07:03 PM - wavelikesea well . . . i did these before :

Trying JIT, JITIL and the Interpreter, as well as disabling Dual Core and Idle Skipping (have they all been tested before?) Going into the game properties and ticking (not filling) the boxes near "Enable MMU", "Enable BAT", and "MMU Speed Hack" Compiling a Dolphin build yourself (preferably Debug/DebugFast instead of Release), running it and post a backtrace of the crash (which may or may not help) and still crashes , , and iam not a programmer anyway but i am sure if any one can do this and build a new version for example , dolphin version r7530 and write we fix day of reckoning , but i want to ask you why no one care about fixing this problem , , i tried r7511 and still crash After a grapple move

#33 - 07/07/2011 10:14 PM - ChrisKent92 It's still broken. Seriously. Does nobody care about broken games or something?

#34 - 07/07/2011 10:20 PM - tommyhl2.SS Not when the people posting have attitudes like yours. It will get fixed when it's fixed, till then find another way to play the game.

#35 - 07/07/2011 10:37 PM - ChrisKent92 Fixed when it's fixed? Been saying that since 2009, and still nothing.

#36 - 07/07/2011 11:16 PM - Anonymous - Status changed from New to Won't fix

#37 - 07/08/2011 03:33 AM - aanja88 come on people, behave. There are countless other issues that the devs are fixing. i too desperately wanna play dor, but gotta wait until its properly fixed and playable.

#38 - 07/21/2011 05:54 AM - venus_tanjou Problem is... It seems that "wait until it's properly fixed and playable" is an issue since 2009. At least according to one of the posts above.

For wrestling fans, Day of Reckoning 2 is one of the few games which still can offer a good experience. The old Smackdown vs Raw series (now WWE '12) has absolutely no competition and has been a trainwreck for years. We get some new features but they remove countless others, gameplay is always unstable (last game had a terrible problem with easy pins), etc, etc. To this day games like Fire Pro Wrestling Returns (2006 - PS2), King Of Colosseum 2 (2004 - PS2), WWE Here Comes The Pain (2003 - PS2) and Smackdown vs Raw 2006 (2005 - PS2) are still better options for a wrestling fan.

Day Of Reckoning 2 is also one of these few games that still can keep it up to most recent offerings, so you can see where all the complaints come from. Its gameplay is drastically different from the most popular PS2 WWE games and in many ways better. You could even say that its gameplay is kinda unique compared to the other recent WWE games. It is a good game and IMO (and many others too, it seems) deserves to receive a fix from the Dolphin team. I see a lot of complaints about it, it seems that people really want it to be fixed and it is not a bad game. So I don't see why not. Maybe make this a collaboration between the Dolphin team and players/users - people post their experiences with builds and the like while the team tries to find what's wrong. Surely this would be a good way to please everyone and would bring "the people" together for a common goal (a good thing)?

Thanks to the Dolphin team for bringing a good software.

09/26/2021 5/6 #39 - 07/21/2011 07:36 AM - aanja88 Finally someone sensible enough. True, there's no good wrestling games nowadays - heck gameplay wise, i actually find mdickie wrestling games better. Anyways, I'm totally up for trying the builds and posting the progress.

#40 - 07/30/2011 06:16 PM - esposito.fc I dont know if the devs reads the official forum (apparently not), so I post this here. I tried to do some debuggin, but my programming knows are very poor (just like my english). This is what i get after a strike or a grapple attack (The grapple animation works, the attack is broken) http://www.freeimagehosting.net/c1fa2 Its looks like the game starts to make an infinite loop who makes it freeze (but it doesnt freeze, it starts to jump between 80403414 and 80403420) You can skip the last address to stop the loop, but the game doesnt play the animation in the case of a strike (the game doesnt crashes) and if it was a grapple attack, the wrestlers freeze for a second and then crash getting this 2 backpatchs errors. http://www.freeimagehosting.net/522b1.jpg

If the devs or anyone need something else about the game just ask, i will try to help, thats what users should do, not spammin "wehn will this game wurkksss?!??!!11" ;)

#42 - 07/30/2011 06:23 PM - NeoBrainX Sorry guys, but this issue report is totally useless if no user comment actually contains some helpful information.

Restricting comments to project members only.

#43 - 03/14/2012 11:46 PM - skidau - Status changed from Won't fix to Accepted

#44 - 06/09/2012 04:18 PM - delroth - Status changed from Accepted to Fixed

Fixed by ra26223c04cc1888c0b283e968953b65c9c09c089.

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