TV Ontmftrta Finattrial
TV finattrial ontmftrta INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers’ Convention Section State and City Section VOL. 102 SATURDAY, MAY 27 1916 NO. 2657 Week ending M ay 20. Clearings at— C t o t i M e . In c . or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1916. 1915. Dec. 1914. | 1913. Terms of Subscription— Payable in Advance S 1 $ % S $ For Ono Year ........... ............................................................................ Chicago_________ 386,272.56C 308.201.115 +25.£ 309.949,523 296,125,099 For Six Months......... ............................................................................ 6 00 Cincinnati______ 33,463,20( 24.946.85C + 34.1 27,418,000 24,350,750 European Subscription (including postage)......................................... Id 00 < Ilevcland______ 40.825.95S 27,786,301 + 46.C 21,753,989 23,770,641 European Subscription six months (including postage)...................... 7 50 Detroit_________ 45,480,602 30,249,532 + 50.£ 27,972,623 26,286,256 Annual Subscription in Loudon (including postage)..........................£2 14s. M ilw aukee_____ 19,74G.32C 14,756.450 + 33.8 14,653,981 13,812,199 Six Months Subscription in London (including postage).................... *1 118. Indianapolis____ 10,878,857 8,124,10£ + 34.0 7,756,306 7,915,708 Canadian Subscription (including postage).........................................$11 50 Colum bus______ 8,545,10C 7,011,20C + 21.9 6,411,600 5,725,000 T oledo__________ 9,560,602 5,890,121 + 62.£ 6,002,248 5,245,728 Subscription includes following Supplements— P e o ria __________ 2.950.00C 2,622,00C + 12.5 3,451,520 3,318,874 Grand Rapids___ 4,505,231 3,483,832 + 29.3 3,327,448 3,425,504 B ank and quotation (monthly) I Ra il w a y and I ndustrial (3 times yearly) Evansville______ ailway arnings Electric R ailway (3 times yearly) 1,826,533 1,134,095 + 61.C 1,171,955 1,303,013 H E (monthly) D a y to n ________ 3,175,149 State and City (seini-auuualiy) Bankers’ convention (yearly) 2,032.75C +56.2 2,129,416 2,230,828 Springfield, 111.
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