Art Stained Glass. 'Goo Hmd My Right

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Art Stained Glass. 'Goo Hmd My Right


•MCBIiIJANEOVB. a id is a mighty instrument in its hands j organ. Where fifty years ago Catho- j tine has three convent«, four hospices FREE SCHOOLS, and ably used. 'GOO HMD MY RIGHT. lies were afraid to lift up their heads. I THE CAPUCHIN MISSIONS, and one college. It numbers 7^ mem- "In every street in Rime, for in- j they are now the freest of the free i bers. In South America the order ire, sAim stance, there are at short distances I Where they were then despised, there j possesses missions in Ecuador, Braz l, public primary schools for the educa- Cath Pre of Hol and—Tbe J the? are now honored. The HIT J. W + ARCHITECT, - Founded by a Catholic Pri 3St What This Religious Order Has Chile, Uruaguay and Columbia. Ia 98Fifth Avenue, Hamilton Batldlng tion of the lower and middle classes in riiitfi f An Elereeti c I bad a vocation, and no man theie states tbe number of missiona- in the Year 1597. the neighborhood Rome, with a pop- could have been more faithful to his Accomplished to Evangelize the ries it about 90, with 34 churchea and ulation of 158 GST souls, has 372 pri j Priest an What call. The Vicar of our Lord recogniz i T. D- EVAISIS. People. chapels 25 school« and two orphan- > ARCHITBCT, mary schools, with 482 teachers and ed it, raised him to the Prelacy. and THE CHURCH THE FRIEND OF EDUCATION. A ccon ages. gi4_81R Lewis Hulldin*, corner Smith 14.099 children attending them. Has blessed him. God blessed him and Wd Hint Avenue, Pittaburgh, Pa In Australia, where tbe first Catho- Eiinburg so many public schools for I bis work, and a faithful people bless f5«ph— ITS MANY AND GREAT MISSIONARY WORKS. lic misaionaries arrived in 1818, the Tbe accusation so persistently re- Jhe instruction of those classes? 1 j NOTABLE i NN1 SKSARY. his name today. If we seek for the Capuchins exercised the holy ministry peated by our enemies, and so readily doubt it. Berlin, with a population j secret of his success we shall find it in for the last seventeen vsars in Armi Among the religious orders of tbe | m, J. LOHMAN, ! credited by the Protestant public, that about double that of R ime has only his fidelity to his principle, "God en dale, New South Wales, and for some f ABCHTTKCT. — !— Fifi y years ago the Catholics of Hoi- j devoted to missions- tbe Church is the friend of ignorance 264 schools. Rome also has her uni- mijn recht"—"God and my right!' years in tbe Caroline Islands, Polyne- - aniM Hetton«l Bso» at MeKeeepon BalM- land had been little more than lifted ary labors the order of Capuchins, flfu Ate- and Clair St MoKeeiport Ps. I and opposed to education, is made to versity, with an average attentance of sia. ! back up the old, long standing calum- 600 students, and the Papal States, from the tomb to which persecution The German Catholic Congress since the second half of the sixteenth ! mcimi\* ALL ITS BRANCHES. | ny that she bates, because she dreads, with a population of 2,500,000 ( n had condemned them. In their risen The condition of political affairs in century, is by no means the least. It CHURCH NEWS. state, they felt that it was a great G ormany has lout a special attractivs COLLECTING.... the light, that ignorance is essential 1846) contain seven universities. Prus- had j ist weathered the severe storms | Cardinal Sinfelice, of Naples, is to her life and the secret of her pow- sia with a population of 14 000,000 grace to be let live and breathe their ness to the proceedings at this year's that assailed it soon after its founda- j still unwell, and his condition gives iiri lAI.Tr PROM IT and KXPEHIKKCKD. | er, writes the R-.v. Father Young, of (nearly six times as grea ) has but native air, and thus they were satisfied Congress of German Catholics. In tion and threatened its t xistence; it had rise to some apprehension. HOPKINS & CO., LTD., I the Paullst Fathers, in bis book, seven universities. with vary little. There was need of many tpatters recent cttijial changes scarcely taken root afresh, and bad re ] Tbe new Alsxian Brothers' hospital so neoue and some means of inspiring are regarded as a symptom of a change ceivedthe perm snion of Pope Gregory! 444 fifth Avenue t)|>P Cathedral. I "Catholic and Protestant Countries "These are amusing statistical facts is to be tbe finest and heat structure i t oem with courage, and Providence, of attitude in the highest quarters to XIII , in 1537 to spread without bin j j Compared.'' —and instructive ,as well as amusing for hospital purposes in Chicago. Toe which watched over them in their long wards the Centre party. There can be drance, when it was moved by that If this accusation had tbe least —when we remember tbe boasting and extreme dimensions of tbe four story I and severe trials, did not fail them. no doubt that Germany is passing spirit which led the seraphic father S>. AND FROM EUROPE * I foundation in truth then, of all places | glorying carried on a few years back, building are 238x320 feet. f God, wa can now see, had ready for through an important phase in the j Francis himself among tbe Saracens; BT All. STKAMBU1P I in the world, the city of Rome ought and even to this day, about the Prus- The death, which has j iat occurred j the work the venerable priest whom struggle between democracy and cen- it formed in silent cells numerous zeal- Moss' >»"t t ) allpert * of K'JMiJ to furnish the clearest exemplification sian educational system for the people, at Demarara, is announced of t te RsV nod Cttiiadn Dutchmen honor so much to-day, the tralized power. Some politicians, ous missionaries. Missionary work be- of tbi« alleged benighting policy. i and the establishment of govemment- Ignatius Scoles, a much respected Rev. J. A. Smite. In 1845, In the whether through self-interest or from came and remained one of its princi- J, J. McCORMICK, Agent, 5 I Schools ought always to have been very 1 al schools and enforcing by police re member of tbe Jesuit Order, who was town of Boilleduc, he started the first better motives, would gladly see the j pal occupations. tit Sifiithflald St., Pittsburgh. rara in that centre and stronghold of i gulation the school attendance of the possessed of considerable scientific and Catholic newspaper, and called it the imperial authority become more dicta- i the religion that lives and thrives by classes. The Capuchin order began its labors artistic accomplishments. "Tij V' (Time»). It has thus been in ignorance. One would take it for torial, whilst o'.hers struggle vigorous- | as early as tbe period of tbe Reforma- Archbishop Kedwood, of New Zea- ' The statistical fact that Rome has existence more than 50 years, and the MICOLAb (FLANUULU, -!- | granted that anything like a free ly against such a policy. The mem- I tion. Tbe ne w order spread with won- land, accompanied by Mgr. Peter Boy- ! above a hundred schools more than golden jubilee has just been fittingly «EtiOO PAINTER. ! school there was nevtr heard of. And, bars of the Centre on the whole use derful rapidity, and sent numbers of er, Bishop-elect of Sonoma, are ex- Berlin, for a population little more celebrated. A brief review of the l|U>*rj 8». Allegheny Cur, Pa j if anybody should ever have attempt- their ii floence to broaden the bounds zealous preachers into countries where pected in the E ist in a few days. They than half that of Berlin, puts to flight | action of the Tij 1 will, we are sure, be QHGBCHBB A SPECIALTY : ed to undermine the Papal throne and of freedom, and various papers have tbe Catholic faith was threatened by are on their way to Rome, where Mgr. | a world of humbugs about systems of of mu jh interest to our readers. j tbe very foundation of the Catholic been accordingly throwing out hints to the new heresy. What the priests of Boyer will be consecrated. national education carried on by gov tbe effect that they are in d sfavor in ilPHSTUfBHEB,« Church itself by daring to open such a Father Smite began the Tijd with the Society of Jesus were in those The Rev. A. Orban S 8 , the libra- ernments and their moral effects on much | official circles. These insinuations I school, of course he must have been scanty resources snd in face of i times f or the higher classes the Capu rian of the Catholic Uaiversity sine« society." only heighten the interest with which [ seized at once, thrown into the dun- opposition. That Protestants should chin Fathers were for the middle and ths opening of that institution, has Now just here 1 must call attention the action of the Centre is regarded by | geons of the Inquisition, and after I have opposed him was to be expected, lower ones In all Kurope, but prin- been transferred to the Sa'pician to the singular value of the evidence tbe public, and the discussions at the ART STAINED GLASS. i Having been properly tortured, left to nor should we be over surprised that cipally in German/ and France, the House of Philosophy outside Paris ate of this Scotch Calvinist who was no Congress, in which its representatives Colored & Enamel©»! I \N indow rot and die. some Catholics should have done tbe I Capuchins largely shared in the merit where he will teach the sziences friend of tbe education of the "lower took part, have there'ore drawn to same. They feared he might disturb I of having preserved the faith. Despite adverse criticism the Cath- GLASS. | GLA! Now, it happens that there was j ist classes," and was bitterly opposed to getber large gatherings and been keen- tbem, and even deprive them of the With the beginning of the seven olic University at Washington seems i such a man, Giuseppe Calasanz o bv the "State tailing up the trade of ly watched. WM. MARCUS. liberty which they bad begun to enjoy. i teenth century tbe order extended its to be moving along successfully in Telephone 1934. 109 MARKET ST. | name, and strange to say, by profes teaching, monopolizing tae business But be bad taken for bis principles. I ministry also to the countries beyond i the groat work it has planned. The sion a Catholic priest, and it was in and enforcing by law and regulation The delegates from various parts of God en mijn recht—"God and my ! Europe, thus entering upon missiona- | new $60,000 dormitory for lay stb- the year 1597 when he did this very tbe consumption of a certain q lantity Germany were very numerous. Special 'THE L. BROSSE ART GLASS WORKS. right," he had God and justice on his i ry labor in the true sense Their en ' dents will be opened in October. 918 A fc>«t> Penn »v«. Pit «'.urgh. • « , deed; not only once, but evsr so maay in every family out of the government I trains were run for the occasion, and side and he faced all difficulties boldly. brought contingents representative of deavors were rewarded by extraordina- Tbe birthday of Father Mathew will ECCl.KMA«T10Al. A HT ÖUA3» times. The fact is, he is the founder shops." (pp. 402 3 ) npuedand Memoria Wln*o«.e »wjaltf li-esco When be bad worked one year at Boil- every class Undoubtedly they could i ry results and achieved their highest j be observed in a magnificent manner of the first free school system. What But how can 1 say that be was no hawn »!«> interior l*»oura urs at oharohes ano leduc he transferred bis office to not complain of tbe reception given |i efli acy towards the middle of the j at Lawrence, Maaa., on October 10.h. NSid«nces d d Rome do to this man? O-ily this friend of the education of the ' lower Amsterdam, the capital, not heeding them by the Catholics of Dortmund. eighteenth century, when the order Several societies have signified their She canonized him ss a saint and nam- classes" when be has just lavished iHTVTimvi MERCHANT tbe new alarm which this move excit- Tbe hospitality of the good citizens numbered, in 62 province* 26,000 j intention to j iin in the great parade, ed him as the only patron of all schools such high praise upon what Rome has TAILOR, ed. The circulition every day increas was most bountiful, and as many as members, with 523 missionary estab- 1 among them the societies of Lowell. umilimi* for the common people, and especial so successfully done far away and ed, and little by little be bound tbe eighteen hundred private quarters were lishments. Of tbe latter 225 were < Mgr. Schroeder is meeting with M FEDERAL STREET, Room 2, ly of all free schools. And every ahead of Protestant Prussia? Listen Catholics together, instructed tbem on provided for the visitors. On Sunday | situated in Europe, 44 in Asia, 26 in I! gratifying success in his tfforta to ea- gseoml Floor. ALLEGHENY, PA. priest in the whole world to-day cele to this: their rights and how to make the best evening, the 23rd ult., by way of Africa, and 228 in America. i tablish a chair of German literature m Meers JAS J Bl brstes at the altar tbe festival of this "It is very much owing to the zial | use of them, and thus in a short time greeting, merry peals were rung on the Tbe hostility displayed by the gov- at the Catholic University. The An- Catholic saint of free schools. and assiduity of the priesthood in diff as he made tbem feel that, although a bells of the town, and at eight o'clock 1 ernments, and the anti-Christian spirit cient Order has just handed over their M. M'ITE & CO., But if this St. Quiseppe Oalasanzio ing instruction in,the useful branches 11 INKHS AN1> SHH'PKHS OV minority, they were a power in tbe a meeting t) welcome the delegates ! which culminated in the French Revo I $50,000 for the chair of Celtic litera- brought free schools under a system, of knowledge that the revival and country From the jubilee number | was held in the large hall of the Fred- lution, greatly damaged all religious I tore. .„a^a then such schools must have txisted spread of Catholicism have been so IESI • PAN • HANDLE • COAL, we leatn much which shows how faith- enbaum. The proceedings were of the orders, and amongst them the Capu- Rt. Rev. Bernard J *. Qasu^ before? Most certainly. Rome had considerable amoog the people of the fully the newspaper served Church and most friendly and pleasant character, chins and their missions. When, af- ; Bishop of Rochester, N. V., is con OFFICE ANI> HBTAH. YAKD always been solicitous to provide for Continent. . . • The Catholic clergy Fatherland. L~>t us take a look at its and marked by that cordiality which ter the fall of Napoleon I . the Capu- sidering plans for the enlargement of THIRD AVE. AND TRY ST., the education of children, and here is adroitly (1) seized on education, and action in the case of Pius IX , the the Germans know so well how to in- chin order had somewhat recovared, it ! the Cathedral of that city. It ia TSL«PUONK i-ii r^ U I K.. 11 PA, good evidence of it—evidence standing not, as we supposa in Protectant coun Dutch Hierarchy, and the Catholic fuse into their intercourse with one again devoted itself with renewed en- twenty-three years since the Cathedral for over four hundred years before I tries, to keep the people in darkness | schools another. ergy to tbe missions. Father Eugene was built and it is still incomplete | tbe saint was born. I and in ignorance and to inculcate er de Rumelly founded a seminary at DR, P. J. O'CONNOR, Tbe opening of the Congress may be The Bishop expects to have it finished Opposite Cathedral. In 1179 Pope Alexander 111. at the I ror and superstition. but to be at the In 1866 Pius IX made an appeal Lyons for tbe purpose of educating said to have taken place on Monday within tbe next two years. UKNTIBT ; third Council of Lateran, had the fol- head of the great social influence of! to his children all over tbe world. young missionaries for the east. Af- DR. F. 1). MURTO. 433 fens Arene» morning, 24th ult., when Mass of tbe Archbishop Begin, of Q tehee dio- Ptrrsarnoa PA lowing decree passed: "Since the useful knowledge, and with the ion Amongst newspapers the Tijd was one ter bis election by tbe order to the < Holy Ghost was celebrated at 8 o'clock cese, coadjutor to Cardinal Taaoher- Church of God, like a tender mother, viotion" (O wily R'man priest hood!) of the first to plead for the Holy Fath- j o£B e of General, he founded a second i DENTIST in the Propsteikirche to invoke the eau, has just issued to his clergy acir- R. A. FOLEY, j is bound to provi le for the poor, both "that this kuo whdge—reading, writ er. And with what result? It col- missionary establishmeat in blessings of God on the proceedings. Rome, I cular regarding the anti Masonic Con- ! in those things that appertain to the lected for the Father of tbe Faithful • FIFTH AVENUE, Varner Building, ing, arithmetic, and all such rcq lire There was a crowded attendance. Tbe i which he placed under tbe protection gress, to meet this month in Auttria in that very year 192 500 fl trios. This - PITTSBI m;M, PA. | aid of the body, and in those which ments—is no more thinking, or an ed business cf the Congress began two of St. Fidelia, the protomartvr of the | He expresses his hearty approval of was followed in 1867 by 117,000, and | belong to the advancement of tbe soul; ucation leading to thinking, and to hours later with a general gathering of order and of tbe Propaganda. Th's the objects of the conference in 1868 when the needs of tbe Hcly J. w. SYKES, M. D. lest the opportunity should be want- shaking off the trammels of Popish su the delegates (which was not open to | latter seminary was intended for tbe The amount received from St. An-'¿a ing to those poor children who cannot Father became greater tbe Tijd sent CHRONIC D18EA8K8 ONLY perstition, than playing the fiddle, or the public) in tbe large hall of tbe jI entire Order. A number of the alum- j thony's Bread in France since Janu 604 PEN* AVKM K, PITTSBURGH, PAI be aided by their parents, let a com- painting or any other require aoent to i him 185 000 florins. And it must be Fredenbaum. The whole of the re- ni of this institution were raised, for | ary, 1895, was the astonishing sum of I 40 Tear»' Experience. Bend for Oiroslsr. i plete benefice be fouided in every which mind is applied," ( p. 405 | remembered that the number of Cath- mainder of the day was occupied with their eminent attainments to high of- 12,000,000. This fact proves con- | ; cathcdral church and assigned to a olics in Holland is comparatively oijt>sii>h B uitaieg, So it appears that R ime is not to be committee or general meeting*, all of fices in the Church. Thus, during the clusively the wonderful return to da- | 4 06 Diamond St. teacher, whose duty it shall be to teach praised after all for taking the lead in small. But Pius IX wanted some- | which aimed at practical objects. Be- pontificate of Pope Gregory XVI. votion to St. Anthony which has tak | Tins. McCaffrev, 3509 Butler St I the clerks and poor scholars of tbe educating the common people, but to thing more precious than money, he ! sides the assemOiages d rectiy, as it I alone, eight missionary bishops were CB place within tbe last few years. wtntp Hv wanted men. And who led the way? •tat« anil titfturi T« same churuh gratuitously, by which be reviled for tbe cunning of its priest- j were, forming part of the Congress jI taken from the Capuchin order On September 22 1 and 2:i 1 next the «tratet tun.« means the support of tbe teacher may hood in spreading knowledge among Holland. And why? Because the there were a great number of special j In our times, since the accession of eighth congress of German Catholics j I be assured and the way of instruction them as the sure*t means of binding Tij 1 bad burned into the hearts of her reunions, such as those of the J urists, tbe present general, Father Bernard of will be held in Detroit, which otty wilt J. O'NEIL EXPRESS, i opened to learners. Let this practice them more closely with "the trammels sons a love for the Church and the the Catholic Mercantile and the Teach- jI Andermatt, in 1884, the missionary also witness the general convention of a «lias end Boring fnrnUore and piano» a specialty! be restored in other churches and mon of its Popish superstition!' Tnat is i Vicar of our Lord stronger than death, the Catholic German Central Verein, niruu(

  • asa sted in his til orts by trsl Bund of German Catholic Vonng j one exact a price for getting permis- largest not simply comparatively, but Men s Societies at the same time. H 8 and as a chimpion of Calvinism—the The first general public meeting was j Father Massaia, who, after laboring MERCHANT TAILOR! Kg i absolutely. They fought as we should Oor at Peon A sense and Blrtn Hue»' Pttutmrgb j sion to teach." stoutest form of Protestantism—he is held in the large hall of the Freden I for thirty five years in the arduous The Yery Rev. Father Hertzog, Pro- Pious prelates and priests have al opposed to this powerful means, devis have expected, as heroes. And when, I baum on Monday evening, and was a missions of Gall as, in Africa, was cre- | curator-General of Sr. Sulpice, and DT irUDVDfi uaeritters Sanitary Piemoere ril'ifll)ijlVO, ilu rmnres of the lateet da ways shown themselves to be of one ed by the Roman priests, of keeping notwithstanding their efforts, Rome most imposing demonstration. There ated Cardinal. During the first years j postulatcr of the cause of the Vener- «•as Peaipe of all If tads J h. McSaAS« a Oo 1» •I Uberir street Telephone IS j mmd ever since with this Pope Alex I up and securing from the Protestant- ! was taken, tbe Tijd organized one of | was a great crush to secure entrance, of his visitation of the missions, and i able Joan of Arc, having begged the ander. What is the result as witness j ism—be is opposed to this powerful I tbe finest assemblies of Catholics j and the accommodation, though all through the reports which he publish- Holy Father to .dispense in this can* 8TEEL CEILINGS. ' ed to day? Free education, in Rome aid to its Popish superstition. That ji which ever met in Amsterdam. that could be desired, was severely ed concerning them, he gave them a I with the process relative to the gener- I OEIJLMEITAL, DOBTPHOOP, rntBPMOF. I itself, from the great Roman Universi- is what he meant by saying that the Bishops, priests, and people from every taxed but despite tbe crush perfect new impetus. Hence between the I al repute for sanctity, the dispensa- oor Has la entirely new, hlgblr ornamental, i ty down through its colleges and sem | statistical facts, apparently witnessing part of th* country came to publicly order and good humor prevailed years 1884 and .1889 as many as 183 I tion has been granted by his Holinesa. and can be pat on over old planter I inaries to the last one of its numerous the glory of Rome, were 1 'instructive protest against the in vision of Rome. throughout the proceeding«. The members devoted themselves to the It is intended for the moment thai B. KK1QHI.KV * CO.. i schools forms one of the most strik as well as amusing " The long and And this has bad its effect. For, speeches were both eloquent and vigor- missions in varions countries. i Very Rev. Father Martinelli shonli Loocrr BTKBBT, HBAB CeasTHUT, when a bigoted Government refused, ous, and the action of tbe Oeatre Telephone S50. Plttebnrgh. Pa ing, and, to all but its calumniators, short of it is the Catholic Church must The statistics of the order show that j combine his old function of Prior Gen- in the discussion of the Budget, to i party was most effectively vindicated, | the most pleasing features of the capi- be revile! and downed in any case. at present it has missions in all five | eral of the Augustinian Order wit« tal of the Christian world. The Uni- In their own countries where, Protes- i pass the stipend for an ambassador to i The meetings were kept up with little parts of the world. i the new one of Apostolic Delegata to ALTARS. intermission oa Tuesday and Wednes- F*wi,0«iilrwiioiiil«. Baptiaiual versity and all the other institutions in tants have tbe fl oor, she is reviled and the Holy See, the king himself retain In Europe, the Capuchins have the United States. The Procuratc.' At half-past two on this latter Fonta. Oonimunitm-Haila i Rome are free. Of what other city in falsely, for keeping the people in ig ( ed his representative to Pius IX ad- charge of the difficult missions in the General of the Order, Rev. Father day. amidst many indications of re Ifnlplta, Veatment PrtfnwM. | the world can the same be said? A norance; and lo! the travelled Protes j miring in his Catholic sub) wts their Balkan peninsula, in some islands on Rodriguez, hai accordingly been nam- ¿•rlae-liieus, etc., etc., fW dayj ncmg, , the foundation of a Franciscan Manufactured by j comparatively small number of pupile tant philoapher, finding Rome leading jI fidelity to their spiritual head. the west and south coast of Greece, ed his representative in Rome. Til ROUSSEAU CHURCH FURNITURE CO, in tbe psrish schools pay a small sum j tbe most enlightened countries in the j j and in two almost inaccessible valleys The various societies of German Some will remember the terrible monastery was laid in the Kaiserstraise. 20 8ANDDMKV ST.. AIU-KIH-hj to aid their support. When next my world in teaching the people, tells us of 8 witzerland. The missionaries num Catholic student«, which BOW numb« commotio,nn imn Kr. iglanig.auud on thtue. occasion , ' 4 tertUy (Thurs- 4th Floor. The largeet Matnfactory to she is to be reviled because she does J ber 104 In these missions there are twenty eight, have j iat held their an* Western Pennsylvania I reader hears that the Roman Catholic of the es tablishment of the Catholic | ^ & geQecal m eetiDg snd ban- Church, her Popes and her priests are not keep them in ignorance. Hierarchy. There was a like but much I 111 churches and chapelt, 48 school», nnai gathering at Al* 1« Chapella. I%| quet. was attended by nini hundred m«B<| all foes to education, let him stand up •———— | more violent outburst of Protestant j five colleges, and three orphanages. bere. A vigorout addreaa was OHARLES EOI—E. on bis feet and tell tbe speaker his as- The Rev. Frederick W. Wayrich, feeling in Holland when Pius IX es• The Power of Woman The missions extend over one Arch —DRUGGIST,— j sertion is false, that B ime herself is bishopric, one Bishopric, and four Pre- e red by Biahop Scimitz, Coaster o|| one of the leading men of tbe Re tablished the Hierarchy there. This We cannot determine what the 0OOÖ Penn Avanua I the founder of the free school system. | time the Tij 1 played the part of paci- j fectures Apostolic. Cologne. Tue next annual a«rtto|f demptorists in New York city, preach jueenly power of women should be will be held at Tubingam. TBLBPBOHB, K E 896. ficator, throwing oil on the troubled In Asia the mitaionary labors of Preemption« oarefullr eumpounded Now let us bear a little Protestant ed recently to a large congregation in I until we) are agreeasreed what their ordinary Patrick C. Keely. more than fifqrs waters. This was needed, for theie the order havs attained the best re | testimony about R ime, and look at a 8 i, Mary's church, San Francisco. He We cannot consider years a resident of Brooklyn, a d*? was a moment when revolution seem- power should be. suits. At present 150 missionaries few figures. L\ing in his "Notes of has come to California for rest and to how education may fit them for any signer, architect and builder of Oat*,,; JOHN A. O'HABA, ed inevitable We have in the num- i are engaged there ia a territory which ! a Traveler," thus discourses of the benefit his health Father Wayrich widely extending duty until we are olic churches, conventa and catbo$ Carpenter ind BUILDER, ber referred to the details of tbe fight j comprises 35 000 Catholics of the Lat- j state of education in Rome: has been rector of St. Alphontus' agreed what is their true constant drals, whose fame ex'enda to otl OSes and ahop Cor. Cbentnot & Korbea HU. which Catholics made for Catholic in Bite amid 126,432,676 heathens Beeiden. « «7 Gibbon Street "In Catholic Germany, France, Ita- church, New Y ork, for the past thir duty. And there never was a time countries, died recently at hUi schools. It was the Tijd that brought and schismatics. The misaions em- TILIPHOM• 1170, Plttaburflh. ly, and even Spain, tbe education of teen years. As a missionary priest he when wilder words were spoken, or dence, 257 Clermoat avenue. MIS^ tbe teaching of the Bishops into every brace 66 mission houses, 112 churches lhe common people in reading, writ- is known throughout a wide territory. more vain imagination permitted, re- Keeley was the designer and build«3 MONEY! MONEY! home and united the Catholics into I and chapels, and several colleges and ing, arithmetic, music, manners and Be became a Rademptorist at the age specting this question—(pite^vital^ to ^^ - - of over 600 churches in this country. HONIT TO LOAN in enma la salt on hoaaehold one compact mass, and that mass, WUlai«. pianos, etc . without remoral easy par morals" (*bich last two elements of of 16 year* was ordained in 1858, and Rsv R chard Henebry, of EaglanoJ BaaW;alsooB good eollataral seoarltr Short loans moving as one man, won the liberty all social happiness two Dioceses, one V icanate sa teal eeuts BTUKTI.VCONHUKNTIAI. | free education ought to be prin .ed in now. at 62, be is still vigorous and womanly to the manly nature, ceae, who has accepted the chair of CeltiOJ which the Dutch Catholics enjoy to- the I—. Apoatolieand four Prefectures Apoa- J. Q. H. SMITH, I capitals), ' is at least as generally dif- full of zeal to carry on his life work. in the Catholic U tivaraity, will M™ day, than which there is none greater their different capacities of intellect or Ho ill fourth Avenue, opposite post oBaa fused and as faithfully promoted by a tolic. , , en'er upon his duties during the nei Booms Nt. 106 and 20», second floor on the earth. The debt of Hcl and to of virtue, seen never to have been vet In Africa the order bas charge or the clerical body as in 8jotland. It is Many of the clergy and laity of measured with entire consent. We school term. By the advica of the Tijd may not be measured by these three missions, with 97 miaaionariea. University faculty he will tak« *.L„ by their own advance, and not by Buffalo snd elsewhere will learn with hear of the mission and of the rights There are 29 000 Catholics amoog a IP" PILES. | or by other facts. Its greatest merit, be to study the ancient manuaoript»ÌH j keeping back the advance of the peo- deep sorrow of the death of Rev. John of woman, as if these could ever population of ten mill.ens, mostly bea Da-I and that which calls at once for ad- and the Leipsig, snd otb« important A CURE GUARANTEED ple, that the Popish priesthood seek to J. dalligan at Smethport, P separate from the mission Wrtta (or book (sent free} on tbe evmptoms miration and thanksgiving, is the thena. , , menta contained in German .Si pOss, flseure. datola and ulceration of tbe keep ahead of the intellectual progress ceaied had been ill nearly a year and Bit rights of man. j spirit of loyalty to God and to In North America, the order haa Dr. Benebry Will, howev«. •fiiñs; wa cora every case; also catarrh. of the community in Catholic lands, ¡ his 49 J» year. :h it NMpss of the lunas, stomach, liver and bow- WM Q I Church which it initiated, two fl juriahing provinces in the Unit- nominal charge of hia depart»«»^ ». Da. DODOS 418 Pann avenue, PUtaburgh, and they might perhaps, retort on our Kev. Walter H. Hill, 8 J , who baa cherished, and which, we may say, it VBe Sacrad I ed Statea. Tnat of St. Joseph cosa- October, and hia expens« at Li k t. O. Box 188» Presbyterian clergy, and ask if they The secretaryship of the Inquisition brought to perfection. Where Catho- been one of the pastors of the too are at the head of the intellectual Rome, vacant through the death of church. on Nineteenth .treet, ! prises three bo.pjce._and on. college. will be defrayed from ItafWW mi Hkf. > WArraaaox lics feared the publication of one news HeartL_ ~ ^ with 47 priests, 20 clerics, and 33 lay movement of tbe age? E ducation it, Cardinal Monaco La Valetta, hat been Anei*nt Order of B .barman«, j ' WATTERS0N & REID, piper for the whole country fifty years ] Chicago, lor several years, has been brothers. The provin jo of St. Angna- in reslity not only not repressed, but entrusted to Cardinal Parocehi, Vicar- -A L. — _ ¿taa : > an f «MlltnMI ATTOKHBYS m LAW, ago. now every county has ita own assigned to the Sî. lirais University, is encouraged by the Popish church, General of Bis Holiness. Bank Building, Fifth avenue. 2 THV: PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10 1896

    way. This must be overcome with a uruuui picciToiui. ness, you should spurn me as the lowest known it sxciusiv« steadfastness of purpose." miscreant that lives." ugion, pari- The 163 poorhoaiei of Ireland were IT KAMA MYITIS. dering to wealth li position, REAL ESTATEJAVIRtS UHL "You read me well, Cecil, and since "Not so, Harry, 1 would indeed be un- and genei »ring tin built about 1844, when the population [TIMN TOH TBI CATHOLIC.] you are on a serious strain, I will tell uses. " reasonable ami uncharitable did I enter- "Y ii are rigni I earn y wish that WII eight million—now it is four Brflgl of Btuui, Miry, ITH mindful you earnestly that I have decided to tain such a thought Sit down, I pray FIDELITY Tkittfcy Boo for us upon the oroes bath died, you mid meet a Catlid clergyman, million six hundred thousand. They 224 TOCBtH AVKNua, abandon the profession." you. and let us consider the matter so- In jr< ur pre inditi em. That Hi within the gnrden—blttir hour— "What!" exclaimed hi* friend. "Aban- t.h the bur- •re now fortunately three-fourths («IIT IiOOH TO Til• I*** O, berly." den ( if trou sin you. ind tlx aii At krnir concern kid eidiy grieved iod don artf the deuce you say, have you empty, bat the stiffs of officers elect- PITTSBVaull. p4 «¡•ML "It Is of no use' no good can come of it. unce -taint) li futi taken leave of your senses, after the long There is only one way of retrieving mv ed to manage and control such enor- Title DeiMIM of one Sellar aa< iinM. -- I am certa Id ex p. lerert eltte ral e of • per mi leTuiJíL'SS Obtain (or a* of thy dur Bon tki blowing study y >u made of It, the sacrifices which honor, and I shall take it'" unto 1 benef mous numbers his not been propor OE »»iim«n» fr*si tfce !n anl lul^JT•¿¡¡¡•¡¡Sf To wild from our Mali bid leeds wi iniy vou have incurred, after the glowing Are you mad, have yon lost your rea- "Do> you o WI tionitely reduced. Chairtnan—CHAH. K FKItDTOrn hive sown, fancies you have dreamed and disclosed son, man?" cried Cecil, wrestling from w >uld have me in the Trust Co., Vice Cbalrman -1). W. C. KIDWbi ¿ O wkit puci of m'nd « ere our», to know to me of the heights of fame you intend his friend's hand a revolver which he #1 wereremembered I n tky pnyir before Becretary - A. N. VOBGTLY to reach. Now, my dear boy, what's the had quickly drawn. "No thing is furth In Paris people rise early in the Taller- WN B CLKMBRT * the throne! matter?" er fr m Bollcitor JNO. A. WlJJSOn. "I believe 1 have. I'm cra/.y porse, tion. I woui it have i 'ou conve morning, in London late. 341—343 Fourth Avenue htwetto, then, for M with Blm who lovsd u», "1 ion't really know, only that for the let me go away anil forget that have Cat hoi ic prie it that v ou might Through thee wi hope • heavenly crown to pa to some Interest Paid on Oeposits. Bone iwwt ebode where only ingels visit the summer and then decide for you?" "Thank God for that " cried Cecil, fer knew not wh Him to priin in meerending peace. >k for cm i KENNELLY'S Ç "While I do not for a moment doubt vently. "Being now aware of the train as my case re 1 have f« INTEREST ,m Wl have bat thee, O kind ind gentle Mother, your judgment as a critic, still I do not laid by your father, whom you say you there were c un gua 2 Safe Deposit Vaults. Allowed on Time Depoeite. from th» i J . think that any amount of praise will in- acquainted with this Virginia affair, and Í Urt tky spirit hover o'er on Ufi's decay, spirit whom itldri ss, I NEW YORK í 15th of each month, payable Jan.! and jjfi land n*onward through the narrow gateway, duce me to relinquish my purpose." having a'so a slight knowledge of Miss see my way n ore ç Capital, 1X00,000. : : : llto the spacioni mansion* of day. "It is no fulsome praise that 1 shall Overton. I cannot wonder that you fell told me the fi if i a £ GROCERY : Surploi t Profit«, 1300,000.00. bestow, I promise you. I shall be as so easily into the snare. She is attract- "I»o you st believe it folly to bow f And when from o*r eyes the light of life is sternly critical as you wish. Now will ive, fascinating in her ways, and was no V GERMANIA SAVINGS fading, fore a Suprcnm e intelligence, unseen, £ i« loing a land-cftlce buatneea the«« Ç you grant this favor to an old chum ' " doubt favorably impressed by your ap- ever pi sent?" " darkening shadows fill our souls with dull days. It takee pricej inch as BANK I doom, Harold was touched by his friend's pearance, position and wealth: hence in "The idea is catchy, fanciful a the following, and goods high In Kitend to us tky arm, O blssssd Lady, warmth of feeling and at last gav ner heart of hearts she resolved that she fraught quality to bring bngineaa these Oor DtaaoaS Wood Su PITTIICTBaa.rA a par with much that is good if it wi days • German National Bank. In that bright end blissful mansion give as tial promise. would win you. Ah, my dear boy, wo only posisible ; but in my present state X .NSOo 9SOMA Ohio Bt.Ht .. AlleghenyAllMhan* , PPi*. nom. "Now, let us see them A sketch of are none of us proof against woman's 1 ib fancy English Breakfast Tea Ohio A. K. BUCCOP Prteidnt mind it is too much tu a»k of me Mv L A MKYUAN VtoJ^SS" the historic Harper's Ferry, the name wiles, still less are you whose nature is earliest impressions were agnostic 1 Ib extra Oolonj Tea The Largest Surplus of any Bank in stili 1 lb Young Hyson Tea A K. NIEMANN Sec. wvdT>2: itself is catchy, then those grand old so susceptible ami open to impressions. that you my dearest friend, have peni ï40 !V BEO. W. GUTHBE Nevertheless, this love affair, as she 1 lb choice Mixed Tea Allegheny City. "flNLY A mountains, the river struggling along its trated the mysterious veil and in you 1 lb fancy ttncolored Japan Tea.. rugged bed—excellent: well worth fin might term it, has not gone so far but heart lelieve in the existence of a 5Ç DIUCTOIS. [lieti 1 lb fine Imperial Tea 40 ¿ Letter* of Credit tarnished while yon wait. JOSIPH ABBI.. a k ^ M islnng I should think, with your skill that you may recede providing that, now this fact alone, were it possible, w 1 Ib choice (fanpowder Tea J. F. tUviiorri, A fi»ri»iVV.i at colors, you could make a grand land awakening from your foolish dream, you lbs good Kice Good in all part* of Europe We always MOUNTAIN T ASS, be al) sutlicient to shake i_ii y principi y take care of onr customer« W-hN-ib, P. scape out of this. The others are goo< still cherish the old time love for your unbelief." lbs Wine Cracker* 5 lb* Ginger Snaps Accounts of Churches, Societies, Firms very good; but what have we here' mountain lass " "Kven that is something gained, Har i did not know that you had tried your "1 do. Cecil, I do!" cried Harold. 1 sack choice Family Floor yj and Individuals Solicited. ry. Now let us mature c ur plain9 fOI 12 lb* Boiled Oat« ro°ni "-" « • — •» ««V*, hand at portraits. Great Ciejar' what "And you are willing to suffer the con- the future. What is your d ! BT EDWARD C. KANE. Ecision ' 10 lbs pure Leaf Lard face. I say, Hal, who is she? Ah, I s sequences to brave your father's auger in sfial eave this plae at 1 Ib Mustard deed Î Author of "Jessica." the name, Bess! Why, w hat ha: renouncing your devotion to Miss Over- "Good!" exclaimed I akiug h ii 1 Ib Whole Pepper '.*.'.'.7.7 ANCHOR SAYINGS BANK REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT happened to you, old fellow, not il ton " friend's hand and bestowing no gentle 3 do*, boxes Parlor Matches' ... •ui IS* Fifth A?«, PITTSBURQM, PA. hope? take a glass of brandy -feeling ' Nothing that 1 must suffer will be pressure. ''I had wished that you would 6 dozen Mason Jar Bubbera I» a bnaineea that moet owner* mlM»- (OONTlNtJlD ) better''' great in comparison to what 1 have al form such a resolution, but was scarce- •eating Wax, per lb 051 IITEIKST ALLOWED OR Till DEPOSITI derstand. Why not employ aa exnent ready caused Bess to endure bv my neg 1 do*, large size Jelly Glauses We claim to know how afti^SS! "Yes, thanks." ly sanguine enough to hope for it." 5 Ib pall New Apple Butter veer*' experience. It alii pi, "What has upset you so, Hal? 1 had no lect." "This is the only course 1 can see at A M BBOWR, President for tu. ' idea that you were affected with that de "Nobly spoken' you are your own true present. I must leave without even ac- FREE. JOHN KKLLY, Vice-Preeldent, (Written for the Catholic.) HOBT. J. BTONKY, Cashier cidedly feminine weakness of fainting self again. Hal, and after reflection will quainting my father of my intention, for With any or the above Teas r convince you that this is the only course give yon i lb Cut Loaf Sngar-or .J? *"*S'?~f m Brown. Job* Kelly. A V. D. Wat "Nor am I. It is nothing, 1 assure my mind is in l o trim at present to en- Tt Wm J BLACK & GL0NINGER, to take. Others might have counseled dure a stormy interview with him. " lt>e best Granulated Sugar with Schmidt ilenrr Smith. BoM J. StonerMocreeken, Jr , Jöu W you, Cecil, I never felt better; but put Ih Ç Soon H CHAPTER VI. away those unfortunate attempts at art far different, they might have ignored ' Right: Come with mo, Harry, we each dollar'« worth free of charge. I this poor mountain child; but, believe! Goods delivered (any qnantity i free to £ ACCOUNTS SO LICIT BD 95 Fourth Avenue. and talk of something else." have mo e than an hour at our disposal all part« of the two cltlee an repent of the mistake and af- "Why in thunder are you standing on Cecil, still ga/.ing at the beautiful face self as cosy as you can " SEPTEMBER PRICE LIST SENT FREE ceremony. Hal, you were always wont to before him and shrewdly suspecting that ter that what would remain " "1 gladly accept your offer, t 1 am FARMERS- DEPOSIT RATIOHAL Barki come and go here as freely as you wish- this same picture possessed a story worth "A life of misery, 1 am certain. Still, another man already." TO AMY ADDRESS. I ed." hearing. how can I regain my honor with Bess, "say rather you are your O A'Il true To those living out of town we pay 2 NO. 66 FOURTH AVENUE, "I know it, old fellow, no offense was "Well, if you must know the truth, it to whom I am truly betrothed. She is self, Hal. he who played the part freight on all $10 < rders or over, within C Dtbei -1)0 mile* of Pittsburgh i Intended, I merely spoke on entering be- is a portrait of a young girl whom I met innocence itself, as pure as the crystal has vanished from the scene n ever mor PITTSBURGH, cause yon were not in sight and I fear- by chance In Virginia." stream that runs near her wretched to return." CAPITAL .. ed that you might still be resting." Humph, is that all? met her by chance abode. Will she believe in me now • While I am with you at least am $ 500,000 at a swell reception and asked her to pose nay. I dare not entertain ,the thought " certain of it. Your presence and con- J. E. KENNELLY, SURPLUS. '"Not much, been up since five o'clock. 2,000,000 Went down and took a dip, then had as a subject'' Nothing very romantic in "It will be difficult, I admit, but do versation make a better man of me " something to eat. By the way, have you that, is there " not despair Act your part nobly, hum- "iNonsense, I am hut a poor instru- 311 Market Street, Pittsburgh, breakfasted" "How provoking'y curious you are ble yourself, if necessary, before her. ment in the hands of a greater, holier Tel 3B7 Opp Gnsfcy 's En trance "Yes, thank you." . Cecil. You are determined to drag tin If she loves you still she must in time power " "Got your sketches': Oh yes, I see truth out of me." trust you. Place your confidence in (iod "Be that as it may, your coming last Boxes Rented $5 and Upward. tbem. Now sit down and make your- "Not at all. Harry, but have we not ind have courage," night was surely a chance most fortun- self a* comfortable as these limited quar- always shared our confidence " "I wOuld that 1 had some diety in ate, as was my visit this morning." "The Most Thoroughly Equipped Ü. CALLIHT, Prist. ters will permit. Fill your pipe anu we "Yes." whom I could rely, Cecil; but for want "It was but the ¡ill wise Providence of W. J. Beans, Vies-Prest. JOHN W. TATLOS, RS^LSI wiil be ready for comparing notes in a "Then out with it. lad, if It will mak f a better, you yourself must supply the (iod,'* replied Cecil in a solemn tone House in PittsburghM you feel better, otherwise bury it deep need.'' TI was no hesitancy upon Harold's jiffy —FOB- Cecil Blye. whose unceremonious ap- in your heart." Nay, do not blaspheme, Harold, there part now. Once having fornici 1 tlie CITY SAVINGS BANKI "I am churlish to refuse your kind is a God, a merciful, loving Father, who ilution t turn aside from the < pearance on the preceding evening had PRINTING, Drought Harold's love-making to a sud- ness. knowing you as I do, I am certain is ever waiting, listening for the cry of ho was pursuinuing and seek agaiagaí n hi: SIXTH AVKNDE AND 8MITHFIKLL BTREFT, PITTSBURGH PA den close, had been for many years one that nothing but the purest motives in the afflicted children of earth, and only mountain lass, even with the bitter Capital and Surplus . DESIGNING, „ ' ' ' ' of his favorite chums. Their meeting duce you to desire to learn my secret too willing to lend His omnipotent aid." knowledge that his path was besot with Transacts still I wish that I had not brought tie You speak well, Cecil, but do you istaeles on every »Hie, still he would General Banking Bnrfnsss. Accounts Solicited. Collections was by chince at an artists' club in New ENGRAVING, Interest allowed on Time Deposits LaU and (et a oopy of rnlss. a Bpsrtalty York City, and, as often happens, their portrait 1 had forgotten that it was in your heart believe what y< u say ?" How it. come what (uay. strangely diverse temperarne a tu attract- among the others." Can it be that you mistrust me in During their journey to New V ork his LITHOGRAPHING, ed each other, and there was a strong Cecil made no comment, feeling cer- this':" frien I sought to rouse Harold firon i the AND BINDING, tain that the story would be forthcom- Pardon me, I intended no offence. leep melancholy which had settU Istsrsst uiwini allows« as TIB. Ospotlts from ihs 1st sn< 16th at bond of friendship formed at the first id upon Using All Known Processes for Production. Janas ry 1 and J sir 1 sash nonti, aal taraMisa meeting. Sine« that time, their tastes ing o >w. The portrait of Bess lay upon Yon were not always a believer." him. Easily 1 hanging from a serious running in the same direction, the friend- his knee in full view and Harold gazed "To my sorrow, no Like yourself I mood to one most jovial, he ca lied up OUB 8TAHDABD OF WOBK groped in the darkest paths of infidelity, Ship had strengthened in its growth at it with varied emotions before he reminiscences of the past endeitvorin g Is the Highest Point Attainable. PITTSBURGH BANK FOR SAVINGS, Harold, warm in his admiration of the jo- spoke. jrring the false pretenses of Protest to awaken brightest thought-«; even the MeoA FOURTLrti 1 iiTHu AVINUa& •• — • , PITTSBURGH, PA. ~iri, brustjip, yet withal sterling qualities • You were wrong in conjecturing that antism in which I was born, convinced fellow passengers on the train fell vic- OUB 8TOCK OK ASSETS OVER she is a society girl, and that I met her that its teachings led only to disunion •it his chum, and Cecil appreciating the i tims to his wit. and before they reached aio A. Blair prssiisat. o» more noble traits of Harold 's character in our set. She is a simple child of na- in thought and belief in the search for their destination, Haroli had forgotten Stationery, Blank Books, Office ture, and it was near to natures' heart light which is unattainab e by the ef -__„, . . »•OBOI SUIPPAaì) Sseretsry aodTrsassrsr' FISI RI HI INI, At times manifest. Although not blest half his trouble. 0Mn with any great portion of this world's that I found her, among the picturesque rts of our poor unguided intellect." Cecil was surprised that evening when Supplies, Architects and rs.jns.tsd* "" "««»«• •»« dsposlllag farolshsd •pon »»»llsstloB St tas lask or stlM tf Blue Ridge hills." ' Tell me how you found the truth." wealth, Cecil had c me of a good old they were sitting together in his studio, Draughtsmen s Mater- family whose reduced circumstances had "Phew!" exclaimed Cecil, again ex- "Willingly; and I would that yon to hear his friend recur to the subject of amining the picture, "impossible, that also might possess the saving grace obliged him to work very hard to ac- religion. ials, and Fancy Wl e DON'T CARE to come before |uire the education which wouldfit hi m refinement of feature, i he delicate lines which was granted me. It was in the "To morrow will be Sunday, I sup- ?or the profession of his choice. He had of mouth and chin, the very expression little village of X . in France pose you attend service. Cecil?" Goods, the people with the stereotyped «'BEST tiMen many dark days in his eventful ca- of the eyes tell a different tale; but pro- which I chanced to visit in my wander "Certainly, we Catholics are obliged on Earth" proposition. We wish t* ir. but his happy disposition never ceed." ings abroad. I reached the place at to hear Mass 011 Sunday and holydays." state briefly that we are making and night, and not being familiar with the Is the Largest in the City. ided to a thought of despondency. His Harold, as though speaiinginadream, "W ill you object to my company '.' I selling a wheel that's RIGHT, and AL ish blue eyes, a face almost.boyish in related his meeting with Bess, his love locality, I knocked at the door of the never witnessed the ceremony ami ii will ure's house, unconscious that 1 was be- though the price is •100 00 ts freshness, to which a blonde mus- for her and all the circumstances of the help to while away the hour if nothing we pat f/tache gave a shade of manliness, his light ing guided by an unseen power. brief though eventful courtship. His else." HONEST VALUE in it. Don't ovof fcurly locks had caused him to be con- friend listened with growing interest, "From what I had learned of the "I shall lie delighted to have you come. Jos. Eichbaum & Go, look this point. sidered a handsome chap, and his easy never interrupting, only the hasty puffs priests of the Catholic Church I was cer- The Cathedral is only a pleasant walk flow of conversation made nim a welcome at his pipe which tent great wreaths of tain that I would be hospitably received: would lik from here, and the services are always 242 FIFTH AVENUE, to send you Catalogue, it's to be had for the asking. guest wherever "' street, Ph a- i ' "Yes, I set up my easel and put a few with which he was well acquainted. His could not'but wish that Harold Van Ars- duct, London E C p L , l San Francisco, Cal.; 18 Holburn Vi.- "I can scarcely recall It is probably harming manner attracted me and 1 dale, now that his resolution was taken, ce dela I pictures around yesterday afternoon. Of month or so." FlPTfiDicc. -r 1 j ^ Hadelame, Paris agerly accepted his invitation to spend might be strengthened and confirmed in rAUlUn tS —Toledo, O.; Thomnqnnviiinom s » r. a V- : course the pipes, tobacco, etc. had to "Ami the last that the poor child heard ' ' P °nville, Ct. and Toronto Junction, Ont I- grace tike mantel, for I dislike t ) work in fortnight with him. Well, I don't his purpose by all the holy means from you was the letter you wrote from know exactly how it,happened, 1 believe of grace which religion affords. He ||. a place devoid of ornament. As to the New York:"' 1 H canvas on the easel, I took an hour or so was myself who first introduced rs could not hope for a sudden dawn of "Yes." ligion one night when we sat smoking pr. at it this morning afwr bieakfast." light over the darkness of his friend's & CLINTON. _ "You are a wonder at working I "Pardbn me. Harold, if I appear se- our pipes; and the masterly way in unbelief; still ' God is wonderful in His vere. The surgeon's probing ofttimes hieh he answered every question that works." he thought, "and who can tell ¿ never could understin 1 how you man causes excruciating pain and torture to I aged to accomplish so much in so sttort brought forward more than half con- what to-morrow may bring forth." FINE WALL PAPERS the patient; but in the after relief, the vinced me. Then at my request he loan- • time. ' ' suffering Is forgotten. You say that [TO BE CONTINUED ] AWD INTERIOR DBOORATION! "'Necessity i» the mother of inven- ed me a few books, and the upshot of it your father summoned- you home, what all was that before the fortnight \v as ended HAVE REMOVED TO tion,'an old saying, Hal, but e -eeding- was his reason ?" n apropos." I was received into the Church by the "I should have told you that. His good cure himself." THE FINOW CANAL •J: "Now for the sketches, Cece. Mind only object was to bring about a meet- No- 335 Sixth Avenue, Oppositt Trinity Church. Ml I want to see every t»ne. ' ' ing bet ween myself and Miss Overton." "Is it then true that you are a Bo The Oldest and Most Important u manist, Cecil': I thought that only the E, y° «hall- To begin with, here is "With a view to matrimony:- ' of Prussian Waterways. [View of Lake George at sunset. What lower classes belonged to that faith, that Allegheny Steam Dyeing, Cleaning "Yes." men of gifted minds would quickly dis- [»you think of it?" asked Cecil, draw- "And you fell into the trap set for you The Pinow canal, the moat import- AND LMJNDRY WORKS, j. w. FLOWEfiS, Up a cosy chair by bis friend's side almost unconsciously " cover its deceits." ant of tbe ProHiin waterways, his re producing a truly magnificent land- 358 to 369 Beaver Avenue Allegheny City. "Great Jove, so I did"' exclaimed Har "I cannot blame you, Harry, most of cently hid its 150th anniversary. In Come in and See • Carpenter, • Builder |mw. us labor under the same wroug impres- HICIIVIXO OFFICES. old, springing from his seat and pacing the •ummer of 17t>4 tie first barge, Har Hand's latest production In AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. I Harold was as usual unsparing in his the floor in terrible agitation. sion. It is true that the Church is large- 44H imltbfield street. Pittsburgh Ipraise of the work. Indeed it would ly made up of the lower class, for she is loaded with one hundred ton* of ult, DINNER BE L.'ULa IT on street, South Hide ESTIMATES GIVEN ... "Calm yourself. Harold, my dear fel- Jobbing Promptly Attended Tt «ave been difficult for a more critical the Church of the masses; still the great- made the trip from Berlin through the Onr fall stork is now In, and it Is the finest ¿w Federal street. Allegheny ' 25 CARSON ST., low," said his friend, going to his side 35ft Beaver avenue, Residence, •"e to discover a flaw in the picture. One and speaking in the most soothing tones. est intellects in all ages have bowed to canal from the lakei of the Havel to FREE EXPOSITION vONatcbex st. œâ WI a.ter the other the artist's sketches and her teachings and discovered her deceits, 71» Wood street, Wtlkinaburg S. S„ Pittsburgh, Pi. "No, it is too late: my honor and my the Oder river and down it to Stettin. Of DINXIH BITS, CUT GLASS, LAMPS, BBIC A- iialf finished paintings were brought out, as you call them, to be the conceits of the BRAC, etc , that yon ever witnessed. L d G t8 each eliciting warm words of admira- good name are lost' What will she think Tbe canal, aa originally built, had ed ta l??th»the r £? 'Nothing Cleaned or Dy- 1 of me'' of me who most solemnly plight- Supreme Author of all wisdom," Brery article In tbe honse is warranted as .i T .. ?8Uonable shade«, and pressed CULLEN, BROOV« CO NEXT TO ROST tion, "It is strange that I never looked at only ten locka, bat aoon after ita open represented-we have no seconds. Prices are so that It retain Its origin.) shape and s«T TKLK K K 2» • jrnri. ed my word that I would returu and lower and goods are better than yon can pos- and Laoe re- * "Your touch and coloring are exijuis-l make her my wife. What can you think the subject in that light. Like yourself, 1 ing it became evident that in ita lower H„I EL ?*. Curtains cleaned lie, Cecil," said Harold, when he had sibly find elsewhere. Come and see for your- finished and done up In the best manner. EAST END MANTLE & TILE CO. of me - No, I don't deserve your kind- have been disgusted with Protest- part the water was not of sufficient self. Ladies' Dresses Cleaned or lingered long over the last one. "You antism, but especially because I have Dyed by the depth, and three more locka were add French Dry Process without being taken 3BOW ROOM (deserve to reap a rich harvest from 235 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. apart 29 South Highland Ave Itole." ed in 1767. The total amoant spent and'Sh^n *very ?escriP«on cleaned Piano I hope so," replied his frsend, with on thia canal in the firat one handred and 1 able C overs cleaned. 124-126 Sheridan In. ;-gr Orders by Hall or Telephone will re « K . PITTSB0BGH, PA Aeomic grimace. "If all my purchasers yeara of ita exiatence waa somewhat Érere half as favorable as you, I might ceive prompt attention. Qoods called for Opet •renin«. leaa than #400,000. In the early 40a p and delivered to all parts of the twoVltl« fcave a chance of a goodly competence; Allegheny re.ephone- Manchester, 75. Pitta but one can never tell how the critical the traffic upon the canal had atsum JUSTT burgh Telephone, 'i84 teste of my patrons will run." ed anch proportions that it could only CH VKI.KH PFKIKKII. "You were successful last year." McSHANE BELL FOURDiT, be accommodated by working the locks B VI.TI Htm:, ll). * thanks to you and y >ur friends day and night. Upon ita one hund- 0P£N£D Î^IÂTÂÎorrhr^fi^hools1,', ' BELLS p honored the sale by their presence. " redth anniversary in 184G, therefore. AU® IIIIDis A*!» BKl.Uk Best. Rest Test ^mwwmmmmif Price and terms free. JVanje Ulis psfi^ fton't mention that, old fellow, I as King Fraderick William appropriated »you it tu the true merit of the art ^r^YOU'tiiiw YOU'LL ALWAYm S ^ riANB M KN1..HT m produced the effect, not any influ the aum of 1750,000 for the improve- OT OK NEW CHAMBEK WM. TICTOIT. H of mine." ment of the canal by the introduction G- BE PLEASED WITH There ire two kinds of sirsaparllli: The best —and the SETTS AT »5. SO, re*. The trouble Is they look alike. And when the rest of two acta of locka parallel to the old 3 M'KNIGHT & VICTORY, I $9.00; dress like the beet who's to tell them apart? Well, "the tree onea. Thia plan waa never folly exe- TUAT ARE 1®B Fourth A vanua, is known by its fruit" That's an old test and 1 safe one. cuted, but the entire canal was iPtCIAL WITH PLUMBERS, STEAM AND 6AS And the toller the tree the deeper tbe root. That's another deepened and the locka enlarged about h may be, I wont dispute your au- HANDSOME AND RICH GOLD test Whit'i the root—the record of these simaparilla«? The twenty yeara ago. Even in the prea- FITTERS. Wty, Hal; but come, open vour port- ent age of railroads and ateamahipa Tz cor. pirre » VTLII AVES. ^ in C* ane, sheet lead, hydrant hose. Cooking stow •dmitting Ayer's Sarsaparilla as tbe best—shut its doors against large and important canala of recent SUPPLY LIMITED.. gas or oil. Jobbing promptly attended to. tt for our profession is one of tbe Q HURJ3H gifts which the generous Giver the rest That was greater honor than the medal,to b e the only conatruction. bestow: hence it must not be depre- Saraaparilla admitted as an exhibit at the World's Fair. If you > PLurniture ted. Its value rests with the pones- get the best sarsaparilla of your drujrgjst. here's an te» decrease or multiply it as he want to Washington, Pa , Fair and Exposition AHD infallible rule: Ask for the best and you'll get Ayer's. Chas. Reizenstein i §CHOCLj0mCE "Really you have taken to sermonir- Ask Excursions via Pennsylvania Lines. E H.ST AT OXFORD TIES. I believe, Cece. Pray, drop it at for Ayer'i ind you 'U get the best MUSkECOM ALL ènee for it sounds so ludicrous from 8ept. 16th, 17th, and IStfa, low round trip 150-156 FEDERAL STREET PF.lCf C ON A STYLES. lips." tickets to Washington, Fa . will be sold from Pittsburgh, via Pennsylvania Lines, for the ALLEGHENY, PA. "But I am seriously in earnest, Hal. Fair and Exposition; ret irn coupons valid J.C.BKAGDON »«^»otomir., have a disposition which tends to- dipt. 19 .h, Inclusive. H. J. KING, l^VAi, In*. TS ana m «tb AT« 39 FIFTH AVENUE. la undervaluing your own powers, CATALOGUES A 8PICLALTT. miog discouraged by the obstacles trifling difficulties which lie iy the tHfi PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ft, 189«.

    Our Little Ones. be j sat, tell him I am sorry, and that RELIC OF ANCIENT PARIS. shelves of the library. After eome I will not remember him in any such time had passsd ths committee-man re- FIRE INSURANCE. IMSUM WIT* TSSB way, but I will think of the thouaands A Tower of St. Martin's In the marked to the Catholic gentleman that INSURE of good and loving things be has done Fields Revealed In Opening a he was surprised to find how few of wms THS OLD BBL.lABl.Si for me." Street. ARTISANS' INSURANCE CN., those books were called for by Catho- Thtoi Aweoua ana Wao« Btraat. I am aure you will be glad to know In opening the new Hue Heaumur, | lies. CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, that hia prayer waa answered. Davie which is to connect the cosmopoliian —— — 2*8 Fourth AT« (lit Boor) Trtdesmci Building. LOSSES ADJUSTER Til PAH PMVPTLY. awoke from bis long sleep with a look west centreof Paris with the less known An Advertiser's Dream. (Formerly at «4 Fourth Ave.,) UIKBCTOHH. of quiet astonishment in bis eyes, to east centre—the hive of wholesale A certain merchant, it doesn't make think that be was lying in bed, and business—the workmen's pickaxe has any d tfarence what his name is or PITTSIUmi, PA. mother and Jennie were beside sitting brought to light a perfect and marvel- what his address is, is a man who be-Organised 1870.... .Qnplt,! $100.000 him, and that Gaorge waa atanding I lout example of Romanesque architec- lie ves thoroughly in advertising, and i. 0 HSII.LT. President, Kennedy, J. I. DoaiSi, ever by the window. He did not re- ture, corresponding to the early Nor- Francis X. Barr, H. H. Bialth Til TURNED LESSON. like a pop gun thefi s t word that is the result ia he has the biggest busi- RowAao KSLLT, Jr . Vice 1 member any of the days that had pass- man—the hidden aide of a tower of Atraan B. Buaor, B^-j & T&E^?" ' A. I. Baaa, President, BT F»»SC«S BIHLET HAVKKDil.. said to him? I never do." ness in his town. So much, indeed, JomoB, Vice-President, ed between. He did not remember at St. Martin'« in the Field«. A. V. D. Wattbkson Solicitor 8CIXIT4B «1 thought I knew It!" the Mid; "No," said Aunt Mary; "you laugh that he work« so much on week days Caas. r. HMITB. Secretary, first the fall from the scaffolding. He Like its London nameaake, this HOAKU OF UIKBCTORH. " «(thought I bad learned It qalte!" —a laugh which makes him feel more that when he goes to church on Sun- . James D. CaUery, •Hthe gentle teacher «hook her head, waa by no mean« out of danger, the church is situated in the heart of the va DANIEL M'CAFFREY~~ angry than he did before, and you aay day, aa he always does, he generally 1 ,r w - : *lth • grave yet loving light doctor said, yet there was a thread, JSiSft hV /' '' H Reach, ^ lha eyee that (ell on the upturned (ace, something to increase his rage. Is capital, and it* name is suggestive of goes to sleep aa toon as the preacher Alfred B. Bishop, Rdwin Bindley, (ha gave the book just a thread of hope that he might the middle ages in the mystic beauty geta well started into hi« sermon. A V ^ w. Schmidt, ¡j; HHfc the mark »till *et In the self-same place. that really being any better than he?' rally. And so the days which follow B m atterson, John McCaffrey, LEADING HAY DEALER, But these questions George did not of their dawn. This architectural dis- Not long ago a visiting clergyman H. M. Blgelow, w. i. Barns ed were quite aa full of anxiety and „ _ „ V J. Welz el. 288 and 240 Filth AT«., mthoaght I knew it!" «be «aid; liketo answer . covery belonging to a type so rare in filled the pulpit, and our friend, being > gpj a heavy tear (ell down, care as those in which he had been un- Paris, a city devastated by sieges and I*. O. BoafiM. Telephone, Pgh., 64«. tamed away with banding head, On this particular morning, after conacioua. unaccustomed to uim, slept rather un- ' Yet aot (or reproof or (rown. having stopped the blood from the revolution«, leads us back beyond the easily, starting up every now and then •ot lor the lesson to learn again, But Davie steadily gained, and there I foundations of French life. The royal Or the play hour lust :— wound, he sauntered away to see two as the minister grew emphatic and al- H ^ aomet n I ng else that gave the pain. of his friend« who worked in the paper came a bright morning in midsummer road to Paris, viz , the few acres most shouted the words of truth at smmmmm- mmmmmmm factory near at hand. There he mount- when George was permitted to take round Notre Dame, to St. Denis, the the congregation. When the sermon flhe could not bava put In words; care of him alone, while his mother at- cradle of Christianity in France, runs ' III her teacher understood ed their work table and answered the was about two-thirds over the preach- A* 8od understands the chirp ol the bird* questions which they eagerly put to tended to some household dutiea, and on the trace« of an old Koman road. er called out: la the dept* of an autumn wood; Jennie] awept the, dining-room ani set In the beginning of the middle age« it I —REMOVAL— itim as to how he happened to get "Brethren, why stand ye here all a quiet touch on the reddening ch eek the table. It was George's opportuni- passed throughfields an d market gard- p. Mr a* quite enough; hurt. the day idle?" Ik need to question, no need to speak. ty. He had longed for it, but he did ens that supplied Parisians with vege- "Because they don't advertise," "Oil! it is bivie's work; he's a great not know how to use it. How should tables down to the fourteenth centu- Then the gentle voice was heard; | sung out the half awakened merchant, boy. If he had had an open j tck knife he begin? While be considered, Da- ry. ^JACOB A. KEATING, Of«* I will try you again 1" i and the way hia wife grabbed at bim And A* laaaon was mastered every word! in his hand it would have been all vie began for bim. ^ -BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER- ' W at it not worth the pain ? the same; it would have beenflang a t Along theae few furlongi of road, and shook him into a sense of his Wss it not kinder the task to turn, me when he got mad. I hope when he "It did leave a scar, didn't it?" he churcbei arose as thickly set as at I situation almost broke up the meeting. ri Than to let It pass, said, mournfully. "0,tiaorgt! Ire - £ Has removed to 506 WYLIE AVENUE, 3 doors fro« Stk «*. grows up he will never take a notion Rome, dedicated to the familiar pa ———— a C ¿g a lost lost leaf that she did not learn ? member all about it; it came to me trons, St. Nicholas, St. Martin, St. ^ . ^ohc Prayer Books, Bibles, Rosaries, Crucifixes Sane to carry a pistol, for if he does he will Strong natures, as welt as weak ones, I, it not often so. jutt a few days ago. Wasn't it awful? Lawrence and Ste. Genevieve, and n tuary 0,!s Tapers, Candle«, Incense, Charcoal, P ctures and shoot the first fellow who laughs at have their peculiar temptations. As that wa only learn In part, George, the hardest part of it baa been here and there monasteries long since general religious goods. Missals, Rituals, Liturgical, Th^oloff ¿¿A the Master's teeting time may show him, or who laughs when he is within a usual thing, they are too confident that It was not quite - by heart"' to think that maybe I should die and swept away and surviving only in the 05 Q ,SC llane0US his hearing, of the sufficiency of their own re- tht'raS? « ' l^ u Publications ol 3 Then He glvee, in tils wise and patient grace, leave that scar for you to remember me names of atreets. The churchea have the Catholic Book Exchange (Paulist Fathers) Missions sup- Chat le son again; sources, and too much inclined to look ^ plir.d with goods from all dealers and manufacturers Thuich "Why, George," said one one of the by." been rebuilt or restored beyond recog- j jflth the mark still set In the self-same place. with a feeling akin to contempt on ^ Registers, Account Books and Monthly Collection Books. boys, "that will make an ugly scar." nition, and are over-topped by five ' Don't," said George, who had not timid and hesitating souls. Often- Only star bJ Hlss'de "I dare aay it will. I will carry it story houses. The primitive chapel of 8 USC f attorne s Till toe page Is really known; the least idea that he should cry any times they are inclined to use force ^ , f ' ° >' . aldermen, justices, real It may be we (ailed, because we tried all my life to remember him by." St. Martin, mentioned by Gregory of ^ estate agents, notaries, real estate owners, architects and build- more about this thing, yet who felt I where force is not of the slightest To warn it all alone: "It is a pity that he is such a little Tours, was destroyed by the Normans, lad now that He wonld not as loee the teara starting in bis eyes. "0, avail. Opposition makes them resent- tiger; I wouldn't etand it if I were who invaded Paris before they invaded I r en ions for One lesson c f love don't, Divie! forget those horrid hate- ful, and even delay makes then fret- ^ P J'f?"™' i° P ® > PAINTS and Department of {Par Be knows the loss), can we refuse? you," aaid the other boy. "You are England. It was rebuilt during the ful things aaid to you. You can't ful. The grace which they most need ^ Fanrv tlr " «lank Books, Commercial and a good deal older than he; why don't outburst of religious feeling that fol- *Z Ff°Cy S4a',0°ery- and telephone orders promptly attend- Set O! how could we dream think how many nice things I had to is a never failing patience. That «a knew It all so wall; you make him behave himself?" remember of you—hundreda and bun lowed the millenium of 1,000 A. D. ed to The Reverend Clergy are invited to call and make use Boatllrg eo fluently, as we dream, In this way poor Davie was diacuss- ^ of rooms which have been furnished for their special use. What wa could not even spall! dreds of tbem." The history of religious archicteo- And 01 how oould we grieve once more ed by the three, George telling story "No," said Divie mournfully; "I ture in this corner of Paris is deeply That Patient Ona after atory about his brother, led on Who ha* turned so many a task beforet have always been throwing »ticks and interesting. The famous Abbes de ^ Grand National PrUe of jfe by the eympathy which the two pro-stones and hurting things. Don't you Cluny, one of whom became Pope, re- That waiting Ona, who now fessed, into making Davie the one al- 16,600 francs at Paris 1 Jacob A. Keating, I U lotting us try again; remember how 1 lamed the cat, and built St. Martin's and also St. Nicho- Watching as with the patient brow wayato blame , and himself the injur- killed a bird once, and then made that las' about 1130. About 1700, when ZI O" Hj That bore the wreath of pain; ed, long suffering elder brother. The scar on your faoe? That is the worst land here became valuable, the monka QUINA t Thoroughly teaching what Ha could teach, 506 WYLIE AVE., 3 doors from Fifth Av«. TELE. 217. ^ One upon lino; boys did not know Davie very well, of all. 0, George! if 1 had died what «old their lands. Houses were built Thoroughly doing Hii work in each! and George had alwaya been good na- a way to be remembered. Taink of against the churches, and that gem of tural with them, eo of course they * LAROCHE 1 Timmmm- mmmrnirc Than lot oar heart* be "still," the lots of things that people could the twelfth cmtury, the ruin of St. m, „ _ . , , , Hooch oar task Is turned to day; were on hie eide, and readyto sympa - have told of me like that." Martin's Tower, was forgotten. The ©, let Him teach us what Ha will thize with him for having such a wick- la Bis own gracious way; George -winced visibly, for these north and east sides, alone known TBI, sitting only at Jesus' (aot, ed little brother. The longer George were some of the things be had told hitherto, are comparatively modern, As wo learn each lina, talked the more of a martyr he consid- and are uninteresting. Ma The hardest la found all clear and sweat. the boys in the paper factory that I Hi c M'CANN & CO. ered himeelf; be racked his brain for day. The west side, now brought to view, illuatrations of Davie's ill temper, and —DEALERS IN- BID THE. "I tell you what it ia," be said, swal- reminds one of the little porch at Can- waa in the midat of a very harrowing lowing bard to try ani «peak without s terbury. It ia pure Romanesque style. Cvo boon to happy »11 the day story when Joe Winters appeartd and now its hoars are over; tremble in his voice, "you and I have The windows are supported by oolumns, Paris : 22 Rue Drouot Butter, Eggs and Cheese, Down by the meadow I have played, breathleaa with running, and panted both bad a lesson, Divie. If you bad the capitals of which are finely pre- New York : Ano ob amongst the clovor out: E. FOUGERA A CO., 49 and 81 And now 'tis time to go to rest, died I could never have forgiven my. served. At the foot of the tower is 401 to 40S 20-30 N. William St. Retail Stores, Within my bod so ooiy. "la George Campbell here? I say self for having teased you for getting the beginning of an old and forgotten FOURTH AVE MARKET ST. And soundly sleep the long right through, George Campbell, your folke want you winding staircass. The apse of St DntUl the sun gleams rosy. angry, and then having aaid that I to come home just as faat as you can. would remember you by this little scar, Martin des Champs is held to be the TELEPHONE 1539, PITTSBURGH. Good night, dsar little silver stars, Davie has tumbled from the ecaffjld- Come to my window pooping, which doesn't amount to anythiog any- most perfect and best preserved rem- BEST 600DS AT LOWEST PRICES And (hod your pretty light above. ing of the big barn and killed himself! how. It wasn't true, Davie; I wouldn't nant of the twelfth century in Paris. And watch whilst I am sleeping. or—well, he ain't dead; but he liea have remembered you that way." The only other monuments of this * COVER Good night, good-night, yon pretty flowers, I love you all so dearly; there etlil; can't atir, nor apeak, and "I don't see how you could have grand period in Paris are St. Germain YOUR FLOORS- Sow doeo your eyes and gently sloop, they have sent for two doctors, and helped it," aaid Davie mournfully; des Pres (a few portiona, the rest be- Do it well whiic yon are dolng t'atil the son shines clearly. everybody thinks he is goingto die. " ing an eyesore), St. Julien le Pauvre it, tut see to it that it coeta "but I am truly and surely going to be yon tbe leaat powible sum. I said my prayers at mother's knee, Poor George Campbell 1 To have different after this. If you see me and the chaptl on the top of Montmar- To ask the Shepherd's hooping ; aeen the look on his face when he beard tre. The new discovery is therefore 'RUG-S. Ha has so many little lambs getting angry as if I was going to To tond whilst thay are sleeping. thia dreakful piece of newe you would tnrow things, I wish you would tie up important, and it ia to be hoped will Balance of tbe Bovard, Lipp- Tot sural y 1 may go to rast not have imiginid that he could have not be hidden by new buildings. hart & Co 's stock, wbich we Without • (oar or sorrow, my hands, or hold them, or some- boogbt from tbe reeeiver at 40 ROMAN COLLARS AND RABATS, I know that He will watch o'er all, had so hard an opinion of his little thing." . e cents on the dollar—muat be Till sunlight gleams to morrow. brother as be had been tryingto sho w rold to make room fer new OLERIOAL 8HIRT8, "We will both be different," said The Importance of Catholic Li- goods— tbe lot conaleta of for the laat half hour. He jumped In Sanitary Wool and Maslin. George. "It won't doto pla n such braries. A Double Lesson. fro n the table and made a dash for the things as we have to remember. We The subject of Catholic libraries is Best Makes of Gloves, Hosiery and Underwetf. "There!" said Davie Campbell, fling- door before Joe bad finished his pant- will begin now and plan to have nice certainly a very important one. There RUGS. ing t large, «harp pointed stick right ing sentences, but pauaed with the pleaaant things, so that when—that are two sepirate and distinct objscts All must go at balf price—no SPECIALTIES: FISH AND FEATHERS, whve hit brother atood, "take that 1 door in bia handto aay : to be accomplished. One is the .furn- reserving any lota your choice I don't care if it doea hurt yon. I hate when"—but bis voice trembled and at half price. ' 0, boy a! it isn't half of it true— ishing of outsiders with the means of ' Watch our window« joi, George Campblell P broke; he had been too near parting what I've been tolling you; I have been «ritb Davie foreverto pu t in words the ascertaining the true teaching of the I for lall aurprlees. STROUS & S£PP£N, The stick waa aimed even more iare- BUCCP8BOK8 TO STROUS * JENNY, worse than Davie every time: If I thought that some time the parting Church, and the other is the supplying Balance of Carpet atock. In ly than Davie in his blind rage imag- finding Ingrain, Tapestry, ( hadn't laughed at him, and teased muat surely come. our own people, especially the young, Hody drua.eU, A »minuter and WHOLE9ALE GROCER ined. It struck his brother side face, him, and made fun of him, he never with suitable general reading in place Wilton, to b« closed ont this But I fancy that they must have PERFECTION AND PURITAN FLOUR. •pafriag an ugly wound, from which would have got angry with me. 0, of the flash literature—the un-Catho- week at almost any price. kept their words and begun over again, Telephone MS. 94t LIBERTY STREET. ths blood flowed freely. boy a! if he diea it will kill me." Then lic and oftentimes anti-Catholic novela, for this happened several years ago. ¡THE PITTSBURGH CARPET CO., "Ah, h»!" said George, as he turned he ran. hiatories and books of general liter* George and Divie are young men now, LIMITED, to ths pump, and began to bathe the What houra they were while the lit- ture wbich are ao abundant in these and yesterday I heard tbem called • US7 Fifth Ave CM No. 89. wound, "look what yon have done tle brother lay on his bed, moaning days. "model brothers." They really seem S P1TT8BCKGB, PA. # bow. What will mother say to yon, ateadily 'but unconacioua, ao the doc- For this reason it is important that S.J. EINSTEIN to be planning to have only pleassnt yoang man? And as for me, that will tors declared, and they abook their thingsto remembe r of each other when every town library should have a few -WHOLESALE DEALER IN-N make a soar, and I will wear it all my heada gravely in answerto questions , the time comes for one of themto g o of the leading controversial works and FALL OPENING Altar Wines, Cordials, and absolutely pare Hungarian Black- Ufa to remember yon by. Yon will and would not give any ray of hope those explaining the doctrines of the like that, won't yon? Yon will jnat away. berry Jaice (or medicinal purposes. Goods delivered to aflji that he might by and by open his eyes e Catholic Church, ao that any Catholic Of New Suitings, Trouserings, «Joy having people aak me where and know them. Truthto tell , they who for any reason, wishes to aacer- and LightWeight Overcoatings, parts of the city. Phom 348, E. E. I got that soar, and me having to tell thought he waa goingto die , and that FATHER TOM SHERMAN. tain what Catholics believe and teach, that my beloved brother did it on pur- very aoon. Bat doctors are aometimea on any particular doctrine, or all of HENRY SMITH & SONS, DUBOIS MAindi pose, became he hated me. Oh, ho 1 His Worldly Sacrifices for Con- mistaken, and theae were. Davie did the doctrines of the Church, can readi- MERCHANT TAILORS, EE. HERST & co.. "Zd of Stair«. yon an a jewel, yon are," and George not die; he lay day by day moaning science' Sake. ly be satisfied by applying to hia pub- 98 (new 900) Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh. LEADING DEALERS IN «« Campbell laughed, and dodged just in with pain, not knowing any of the dear Few men have had promise of a more lic library. time to eeoape a atone frtm his angry jy clergymen's Garments and Cassocks a f •• friends who bent over him; staring brilliant future than bad young Sher- As a [general thing, we think there specialty. POULTRY, BUTTER, ETC. brother's hand; then went off down the at George with wild unnatural eyes, as man when he joined the famous com- would be no difficulty in inducing the street, leaving Dane in a perfect rage. pany of ecclesiaatica whose influence Have the largaat family trade In the two cltiea. if he were eome comical object, instead library committee to order snch Cath- WHOLESALE and RETAIL. . . He waa three years younger than hia of the brother who hovered about extends over the entire civilized world. olic books of an apprtvad and standard DILWORTH'S COFFEE brother and waa eaid by the neighbors him, longing, oh! eo eagerly for just He was educated at the Univeraity of character as might be recommended. to have a great deal worse disposition one glance of recognition. St Louis and at Georgetown Univer- Such works, for instance, a« Cardinal than George, but 1 never felt sure ot§ There came a day when the doctors aity, graduating from the latter insti- Gibbbons' "Faith of Our Fathera," JAMES J. FLANNERY, ^ «hat. However, it is quite true that aaid it wae poaeible—jaat barely possi- tution at the age of sixteen. General and "Oar Christian Heritage;" Mil- instead of being master of hia temper ble—that Davie migbt awaken from Sherman had designed his son for the ner's "End of Controversy:" "The law. Thomas Ewing was sent to he let it master him. He had also a the long eleep into which he had fall- Catholic Christian Inatructed;" Chatu- FUNERAL - DIRECTOR - AND - EMBALM«^ wretched habit of throwing anything en, and know hia friends. How still Yale, where be earned the degree of eaubriand's "Genins of Christianity;" ho Bight happen to have in hia hand they kept the house, and how ailently Doctor of Lawa. Then be returned to Balmea' "European Civilization," "Fa- 541 and 543 Grant Street, c.«»«^ when the angryfit aeizs d him, letting the mother sat hour after hour by his St Louia, in which city worldly success ther Faber's Works;" Spalding's "Evi- it strike wherever it might In thia hung ready for hia handto pluck . Oa . 1610 and 1612 Second Avenue, — bedaide, relieved only by the little eia- dence of Catholicity," and hie "Histo- City Telephone 1172—Branch Hazelwood 5. way ha had narrowly escaped doing ae- ter, who came on tiptoeto tak e her his return he helpedto organiz e St ry of the Reformation;" "3t. Peter, rious mischief, and he had promised place, that abe might go out and drink Mary'e Literary Society in the Sc. Louis His Name and Office," and that pro- FINEST CARRIAGES IN THS CITY. himself hundreds of times that he a cup oftea to hel p har bear the ner- University, and was one of the rising foundly learned and able classic, would never, never throw things again, vous strain. Even then ehe only went young men of the town, sought for by Archbishop Kenrick'e "Primacy of sad yet, as soon as he gnw angry, so into the next room, separated from the bar, pulpit *nd society in gene- the Apostolic See;" Gatquent'a "Henry I. WILLISON & SON, ral, when one day be suddenly turned settled waa the habit upon him, that Davie's by a curtain, and came back VIII. and the English Monasteriee;" (rannt IRNON * WILUMB.) the stick or stone was aptto fly whe n shs had got half-way across ths his back upon it all and entered the Kivingtons "The Primitive Church through the air. As for George, I room beoause ahe thought she heard a Company of Jeeua. It is said that and the See of Bt Peter." Allie's St. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER8, Ltrary, Boarding and Bates Stable, STaad M Oedar avaaae, Allegfceaj, Pn. think he was quite aa easily angered aa sound behind those curtains. There strong influences were broughtto bea r Peter, etc., is an exhanativa diacus Amt •arrtagea, baggies, fte.,tor hire. his brother, but his habit waato laug h waa no sound; Jennie waa sitting upon himto dissuad e him from this sion of the teetimony of Scripture, and la a matchless mistar* of dlffsreal growths or sneer, or eay the moet taunting quietly at her poet, a wise little nuree; step, but he waa trueto hi s resolve and Rivington's Primitive Church, etc., ia producing a drink that Is poeslUvsly uaequal- fixed in bia determination to give up ed by aay competing branda. words imaginable, with a sort of supe- she held up a warning hand, ready to an equally exhaustive showing of the Before It la roasted, It la cleaned by a mill- rior looking smile on his faoe the motion anybody back into silence who his lifeto th e Church. The Jesuits early Fathers of the Chnrch on the ing process aa thoroughly aa U washed with FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMBI^f while. On the whole, I am not aure sent himto Stonyburst , England, for pur« water. _ might be tiptoeing toward them. She subject of the primacy of the See of It la theo roasted to perfection with ÍTTTB- that George appeared any better in the hia novitiate. His ordination took N MAIN OFFICI AND MORTUARY ROOMS, ^__ had imagined it was Gsorge, for be Peter. Did space allow the list might LL BAB andta agai n subjected to a cleansing MO. IO OHIO BTREKT, oppoaite St. Peter's Chareh, »IiliMllaiUI. place some years ago, but his final process, which frees It from «tones and the sight of Him who can read hearts than poor fellow, hovered near, looking al be extended, but these are mentioned Carriages tarnished tor Weddlngt and Receptions. All drirsr» In ttrsry. vows were not registered until Satur- chaff and dost liberated by roasting. did his brother Davie. most aa pale and worn as the boy with as specimens of what wonld be useful. Its fall strength and flavor is preserved by TlLVfOH, ALX'T tw. — day, Aug. 15. a glase eompoead entirely of clean and whole- They were not the worat boys in the his head on the pillow. Of course library" committees want a some mataríais—all e articles of food. Ha IM world, by any meana; they did not Terrible daye these had been to some assurance that the books order- drugs, animal matter, gums or gluooee form UNDERTAKER quarrel all the time. For days togeth- George. He was not sure that he ever The great agency that will assimi- ed will be really wanted—that they any part thereof. Thia glue aarvee also to otairtfy the liquid Coffee, improves Its oolor. relep er they would succeed in being friend- prayed in hia life before, but during late the d tferent nationalities in this will be taken out and read. We have and givss It the smooth and pleasantflavor o f Sr77B. A EMB the days hs prayed with terrible earn- country and make us a homogeneous heard of one case where an enlighten- Java. . D. J. BOYLE. Carriages tor Waddings, ly, and in having good times, but it Pot up In one pound packages bearing oar must be oenfeesed that George had dis- eetneea, that Davie might not go away people is the Catholic Church. Be- ed committee-man suggestedto a n in- name and trade mark, the Corras O a*. TelSfhSM I. I. I covered certain directions in which his with thoae laat words of his ringing in cause the Catholic Church is not the telligent Catholic in a certain town, Ask yo or grocer for it, and take ao sub- mntti coin young brother oould be easily tossed, his ears: "If be could only know me continent wide religion in Csnada the where they have a fine public library, stitute. and that he delightedto teas e him. long enough for me to ask himto for - d ffere&it nationalities there are but that he should furnish them with a Special attentíos gl' warring factiona. Because Catho- list of such Catholic books as he en to boarding Mft "Davie is such a spitfire," he used give mel" said poor Georgeto himself , licity permeatea every nationality in thought would be deeirable. Such a DILWORTH BROS, VahlolM of «Q to sayto hi s Aunt Mary, when ehe ar- while thetoara rolle d down his cheeks. the United States, it will be the bond list was furnished and most of the PBOPRITOB8, (or kin. witt him about the ein of such a "Then I think I would be almost will- Baywood Stables md that will unite us in a great nation. books purchaaed and put upon the habit "Why does ha wantto g o off ingto hav e him die. 0, Godi let me PITTBBUROH, F»A. \ THV: PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 189«

    DEGK&B1HG CUSTOM, use of the Sacraments he will finally THE PITTSBURGH An English-Speaking Pope. the Catholic hierarchies is nowhere so Why this famishing of drink at oonquer the habits of sin. He passes to the other, and passing through NEW CHURCH FORTERREHAUTE, Under this heading Mr. J. Oligord exuberant as in the lands which have I celebrated cities on its way, was in Christenings and weddings, often- away bnt is not forgotten. His name CATHOLIC. Milage, the well known Paris corres- been peopled racially by us. Religious j itself a ligious triumph. If M. Plans Completed and Work Win times, too, in the bouse of the dead? | is writ in the book of eternal life, his pondent of the Daily Chronicle die war has given place to a splendid com Thiers wi alive now, he would not Soon Be Begun on St. Bene- ¡PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY It is t. most shameful custom. Can reward final and assured. cusses in tln e Paris Mas ne the qies petition between men of good will in say "Las occasions ne »out plus dans diet's. - tion whetfa belief, to be as good and do as much — AT this perpetual fume and reek of alco- r a native of these islands les nu'etu The scene in Paris kt Architect Adolphus Druiding of 163 will in the good as possible. A joyous and 320 FOURTH AVENUE. «arse of time atcend the the Gare Orleans at the time of the Randolph street has completed the hol be worthy of Christians who are 0000 ADVTOE- Divine inspiration of this kind which Papal Throne. He says: The ques- departure of the pilgrims deserves to plans for a handsome churoh soon to TKHMS IS AT>VAS<"K. signed with the baptism of Christ and President Dolan. of the Miners' is found nowhere else may easily tion before us now approaches. Mr. take its place among the grand dram- be erec :ed by the Franciacan Fathers ' 1 copy, by mail, per year 81 50 have been admitted to the Table of Sheridan Parcell's sensational «.Uf'Lirea , blossom into a Vicar of Christ and R copy, for six months 75 | Union, proposes a drastic remedy to atic effects preserved by the National in Terre Haute, Ind. The conwr- of Cardinal Manning" is so honey- successor of St. Peter who shall be the Single copy 5 , the Lord? There is no motive of | meet the difficulty under which the Pilgrimage < f Notre Dame du Saint. stone will be laid with great ceremonv combed with ind scretions that my dove from our ark to God's Universe. All Money Orders. Drafts, Checks or good fellowship in it. What is it that miners suffer. The lack of cohesion The railway station wore the aspect of in a short time, and the edifice will tw Communications shruld be addressed to own personal reminiscences of the | a great moving hospital where the ut- dedicated to St. Benedict. The makee one priests and onr churches so among the miners, it seems, has been The Church In Australasia. grand old Churchman need not be j most order prevailed amid apparent structu-e will be the handaomeat in CATHOLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY. poor; that keeps so many homes in a the principal reason why the union kept back. On the cccasion of the ! The Rev. J. A. Dewe, preaching disorder. The great army of sufferer* Terre Haute, several wealthy members PlTTSBl'KUH, PA. recently in the mission church of the j state of wretchedness that sends the price could not be maintained in this official visit of Cardinal Franchi, Pre- who were about to take the kingdom of St. Benedict's congregation haviu Father» of Charity, Longhboro, (Lei-| children to achool in hunger and r»g- district. The unorganized men, admit! fect of the Propaganda to England in cestershire), gave an interesting ac- of Heaven by violence, and by their subscribed large sums for its erection. THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1896. 1878, his Eminence spent a few hours gedness, that fills the atreets with ed to the conventions that fixed the count of the progress of the Church sufferings and supplications bring The church will be 120 feet Ion* with me on his way back to Rome. from it answers to their prayers in the and 106 feet wide. Surrounding qnarrels, blasphemies, even bloodshed; scale with the operators, promising to Naturally our conversation turned on in Australia and New Zealand. The CfLTiVAT* the voice in the schools. shape of miracles, numbered about a ! be a fine cupota 160 feet high, ia that enables onr enemies to thro w the | maintain its provisions, it is charged, hia impreasionsof English Catholicism. reverend preacher said: The sun rises I in the east and seta in the west, not thousand. They represented almost ev which will be a fine peal of belle to Teach the children to articulate well. ! prison statistics in onr faces, and have backslid at times, and submitted As a proof of his keen judgment, 1 only in a material, but also in an in- ery kind and stage in human infirmity. I call the worshipers to service. On the Iadistinct utterances ahonld not be j to cut rates when made. The conse- may incidentally remark that although ; worse than all, that kills so many tellectual and moral sense. From the | Little Sisters of the Assumption were ; summit of the cupola will be a atatae tolerated. quences have been they have had fair- nearly fourteen years beforehand he to be seen moving about in their midst, of St. Michael, archangel, JwhileCin a ' souls and sends them to.their Judge's indicated as the certain successor of east there first dawned upon us the ly regular work, while the union men arranging, consoling and strengthen- | niche above the main entrance will be ! presence, with the devil's brand upon | Manning the present occupant of the bright and glorious sun of Christian A wise thinker has »aid, that the j were oftentimes idle. Now, president ity, and from the kingdoms of the ing. There were about sixty of these a statue of the patron saint of the 'them; what is it but madness for in- {archiépiscopal See of Westminister, devoted nurses. There was, as usual, church. The structure will be la HHOB why people are comparatively Dolan advises the union to go to work then Bishop Herbert Vaughan of Sal- east in the Southern Cross is appear j toxicating drink. Banish it from ing on the visible horizon of the his- tear-shedding on the part of those who romaneeque style, with cut stone ignorant, ia because they are averse to ford. I then gathered what was after- j yonr homes. Everyone of uv from j at the ve-y lowest price i (Tared; it mat- tory of the Church a bright and glori- were staying, but, abeve the transient | foundation and walls of pressed brick (Ming told anything. wards proved to me, in scraps of j ters not what that price may be, he ous vision, the youthful Church of feeling of the moment, this motley ! with re1 atone trimminga. ! first to last, is here concerned, for this friendly conversation with Cardinal I says, meet it. All lovers of their fel- Australasia, with the waters of bap and indescribable crowd was animated Besides the high altar there will be | calamity affects the whole con munity. Manning, that an English speaking Leva in the married state means ob. tism still glistening upon her brow and by a degree of faith and hope worthy ; four side altare, an unusal arrange- If you would bind infirm nature and low men and who believe in a living Pope might not be an immediate but ligation* Love in the romantic sense r enthusiasm, that god-like quality, the primitive ages of the Cnurch. ment in a church of its size. The | wage, as Christian and civil, will hope would be an eventual spiritual ruler strengthen wavering purpose, keep aglow within her breast. It may not, There were ten trains waiting to bear j interior will be richly frescoed and will comes and goes, bnt doty, obligation i | that through this crucible relief may of Catholic Christendom. ''England," liqaor out of your homes. perhaps, be altogether unknown to the whole body of pilgrims southward; be hard wood. Fifty granite • exclaimed Manning with that strange abide forever. True leve has its roots I ultimately come to the impoverished some of those present, that during my and these were to be joined on the way | columns will be brought from Maine, pathos which his voice so often as in the rich «oil of dnty. | miner. In this advice, presi- recent voyage round the world I s;ay- by others. After the usual time spent i and these will be appropriately carved! ALAS! POOB i I sumed, "is a Christian nation: Cath j dent Dolan, beyond the fact of wishing ed for some hn^thof time in Austral- at I. iurdes, second, in supernatural The structure is to cost $100,COO. olicism was the first religion oi ia and New Zealand. Daring that Bow very earnest and enthusiastic . If the Italian Government looked to remedy an evil which be believes results, to none of the national pil- I Englishmen ; and everything around a* time I made it a special point to ren- ia our Catholicity. Busy, making j much after the interests of iU citizens grimages that have taken place during The German Chair, ties in Incomplete organization, will go shows forth that it will be the last. der myself acquainted, as far as I pos- at home as it does abroad, it would be the lt»t twenty-five years, we have Since the movement to found a money six days in the week and growl farther and do better. This advice, This is why the Vicar of Cariât will sibly could, with the general status the remnant of the sick pilgrims back able to keep them within its borders. chair of German literature at the Cath- lag if the priest is over one-half hour J if adopted, will have the salutary ef j some day •emerge"' from our race in and condition of the Church in those in Paris, The Pilgrimage was brought As it is, they are forced to emigrate to language and in blood" On another countries. Before, however, girding | ollc University by the people of that nylng holy Maes on the Sunday. j feet of giving wo;k, more or less, as to a close at the Church of Notre race in this country was started, some save themselves from starvation, occasion be deplored the death of the myself to this task I will mention one Dame des Victoires. On this sul ject the demand may be, tor all miners, Swiss Cardinal Mermillod, who might little incident connected with the of the German papers have heen da- HALK the tnms lavished on useless Ignorant writers love to expatiate on a religious writer says: i There should, therefore be no idle men. have been a neutral stop gap in case Church in South America. We were j manding as a previous condition, that ' Although oar baulevarJicrs have works, and more useless cftioials in this the misgovernment of the Papacy, and I The circumstances, unhappily as they of a sudden snd unprovided vacancy fortunate enough to arrive in Monte | Bishop Keane be retired from the rec- not the sense to perceive it, it is the I tors hip of the institution. Joseph A country, would make up the annual allege many evils. It is an may be for the higher price, fit the case of the Holy See. Of living Eiglish- Video just in time for the festival of Lourdes miracles that govern the sit- ; Schoenherger, in his paper, the Catho deficit and leave a surplus. The finan absolute fact, defying contradiction, speaking Cardinals it would be pre Corpus Christi. It was observed as a to hand, and it is well they are not uation of Europe." ! lie Telegraph, begs to inform ita con rial Uls lie in national extravagance. that the Italians under the Popes ware j mature to commit the Archbishop« of public holiday, the public marts of i sacrificed. For the fail and winter Westminister, Sydney, or Baltimore to ! business were closed, an i at the Pon- I temporaries that their demand smacks a peaceful, happy people. They were The Abyssinian Prisoner« | seasons it i3 far preferable that all havej any preconceived views. The great | tifical high Mass the Cathedral, a mag- I too much of arrogance, that it implies THE functions of the choir to be rhe Pope's magnanimous and insured a comfortable living. False ! a means of procuring a livelihood, in- electors of the next or any other Con- nificent structure, built of the most j an inault to the Holy Father, that It patriotic intervention on behalf of the profitable should appeal to one's in- agitators, iitiiels, revolutionists, hold- clave belor g to the class of statesmen | costly materials, was filled with a involves a grave question of principle, sufficient as it may be. The future Italian prisoners in Abyssinia has most soul. When the ear is tkkled ing out delusive hopes, stirred them up who never give themselves away in dense crowd of men as well as women. j that it would move the right man from j may remedy matters. The present, proved partially successful. News In the afternoon a procession was held the right place, that it would confer a and the fancy stimulated the choir to mutiny and rebellion. It is now mere conjecture. comes from Rome that Mgr. Macaire, I certainly, on the confession of Mr. Da- j in the cqaare and streets of the city, i distinguished favor on the very per- May be musical bnt it is not Christian. over a generation since the revolution- the Papal Envoy, has reported to the | lan shows no relief. Again this ad- There are several great reasons ; which for this purpose was gorgeously j son whom they are seeking to in j are, Vatican- the refusal of Emperor ists have had full power, and what do leading up to the inevitable.conclusion decorated with triumph*! arches of j and whose efforts they are doing their STRON« youth says, "I will be relig- j vice will have the effect of keeping our Menelik to liberate all prisoners until we se«? A bankrupt, discredited that the Uaiveral Catholic Church will lanterns, flowers and candles. The best to thwart; that it arrogates to | coal trade intact threatened as it is by a flaal peace be concluded with Italy, ions when I grow older; the business at no distant day entrust the "Fisher- | general piety that prevailed was most j themselves the right to judge in a mat- Government, an impoverished, help- other and competing markets. The but that he will let free ail those who •an awaits the hour when he is free man's King" to a Cardinal of English, edifying and as a further illustration i ter which is within the competency of less, starving people. They are taxed Irish, or American blooi-linegge, are natives of the former States of the from care; and old age contents itself constant troubles among the home of it I was given to understand that j Bishops alone, that it makes them the oat of existence. They are compelled by The first need only be set forth to be Church as the Pope's subjects. This j coal districts have had a disastrous part I the system of canonical penances there | unhappy supporters of a doomed with the thought, "now I am too understood by those who care to give is another humiliation for King Hum- the hundreds of thousands to leave i was still in vogue, even women, for cause, and ends by assuring them that: j in driving away trade. Severe and bert and the Qairinal. As it is also feeble," and that now it was too late. their hemes, and a country that con- it even a passing notice The British their sacramental penance, journeying Draconian as the president's advice is, reported that the Negus has declined | "The Qerman Chair will be founded, Empire, with her colonies, contributes twelve miles on foot in order to hear tains within itself all the elements of a to eL'.er into negotiations with the : malcontents and grumblers not con CATHOLICS do not go to church to | there is much force and strerglb in it. no less than lt>T Arcnbishops and I Mass in a certain particular chapel. living for its inhabitants, if it was not military envoy despatched for the pur- tributing, notwithstanding. The P >pe meet their fellow men and pray with I Its adoption and insestance will lead I Bishops to the Catholic hierarchy. In Rio Janeiro, where they were com- The United States give another 100 pose, on the ground of his insufficient ! wants it, the Bishops want it, the cursed by a standing army and robbed ¡upward and ia the end a great good pleting what will be the finest church tbem They go to make a higher ap- rank, the release of the remainder of : University wants it, the Irish want it, archiépiscopal and episcopal Sees To in South America, the same evidences pointment and to keep it; to meet their | by the rapacity of i'.s infidel Govern may come. the unhappy prisoners see us relegated | the Americans want it. It must and these may be added an ever-growing list of piety are also extant. In these Lord and Saviour whom they believe ! ®ent. Italy has paid dear for ite to a distant future. Ttie account \ will be established." of prelates in every corner of the paces, however, we only remained a v recently brought home by M Lecntieff, • to be really present on the altar as : change. globe who become Anglicised not only ! short time. It is rather of the Church in the Russian traveller, of the hardships j Catholics and Oxford University. A SBAME. by their fluency in our tongue, but in j Australia and New /.»land that I (Meet and Victim. to which the captives have been sub- As a result of the favorable con- 80 OALLBJ) ATHLETI08, the moulding of their minds aad ; would more particularly speak. I The Chicago New World recently jected will only intensify the blow. It | «¡deration given by the Pope to the A friend drops us a note in which aspirations. ! was often in communication with Car- r$B«r mystery of so many men's advertised a public picnic, to be given is a decisive check to Italy in the de- ! petition presented to him in the spring he says, "1 see that THK CATHOLIC re- dinal Moran and Archbishop Carr, in I on a Sunday by an alleged Catholic The English influence in the great termined efforts that she is making to last year for permission for Catholic success ia that under difficulty and dis- monastic and missionary orders like fact during the six days journey from turns to its mutton and once more hits extricate herself from the desperate j laymen to attend the universities, the appointment they never yield, bit press organization. The advertisement read the Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits, Australia to New Zealand I was their the football game. Is the CATHOLIC position to which she was reduced by | duke of Norfolk has purchased a site forward. They are never false to I there would be games, dancing, con. Kedemptorists, P and Manchester colleges, the Racquet to enter. THE CATHOLIC heartily lays. He is on the street corners j was a palpable desecration of the Lord s working in such varied spheres as the er duties is no loss than 90, that a Fas tsi a I koste doeeri is a trite I Courts standing upon it at the present j time. This college will be in addition the social club, and even invades | favors athIetics and believes they have day. The public picnic to which every- Italian Church < London), Uruguay, a congregation of 800 woa pbraae which, though it may be rath- their place in education. Bat they and the Cameroons, ia Father Bannin, think of giving less than 7G dols. at er hackneyed, is none the less pointed | to, and quite distinct from, the hall i sanctity and repoae of your home. j one is invited, and urged to come, who j under the auspices of the Jesuit Order should be regarded as a means not an an Englishman. The Mother-General Easter and Christmas by way onevef of-r | and pertinent betimes. Its apposite- 1« has the profound air of ' 'I know it : has money to spend, is, at Us best, ferings, while in some localities gold ness is suggested by a paragraph in which is about to be started by Father end. Our youth should practice ath- of the educational nans of the Sacred ¡fell." He swells with his mass of in- even on the week day, a concession to Heart is Mrs. D gby Batte whese sway nuggets are dropped into the collec- the repor; of a body of aggressive re- Clarke in St. Giles, Oxford. The hall formation and hursts with his wealth letic? not to become athletes, but to I human weakness. Morals would be extends over convents not only in the tion are all vidences of rnateri ligionist« calling themselves The i marks the first instance of a return on i the part of the religious orders to their fflrf figures. 'How one longs for an fit themselves for useful citizenship. better conserved if the dubious public British Empire and the United S.atee al progress, the which can bear for its Flintshire Protestant and Anti Papal but in every continental nation. At corresponding cause the piety and lov- Schools This organization has four former connection with Oxford, and oasis from thia sandy desert of words Athletics should not be made a trade | gathering, open to all, was dispensed or a profession, or decline to brutality all the central houses of the great ing faith of the people. Moreover, schools under its supervision, bat evi- the proposed new college will hold a Slat choke and blind. Patience, ah, with. Bat when the devotional hours orders in Rome and elsewhere the how often do we not find that Divine dently they do not give it enough to J corresponding position in regard to the which sacrifice all the good. In the Ujgptience! In vain is its virtue of of the Sunday are invaded and turned guiding spirits are the English mem- Providence distributes his spiritual occupy its attention, so it has extend- | action of Catholics ic general in rela- Pptoctice when Sir Oracle belches from college where the game and its de- j away from the Church's intent, used oers. It is not too much to say that a races and favors where supernatural ed its scope and taken "the wider tion to the university. It is stated gifts have been already most lavishly | Ike depths of hia luminous profundity. mands interfere with the demands of for hilarious pleasure, there is harm the whole human net-work of the question of the spread of Catholicism | that before the commencement of the the curriculum, then the game ceases Catholic Church is ¿becoming slowly I bestowed? And, indeel, the wonder in Wales" within its purview, and held ; Michaelmas term the Catholic Bishops done. Not only harm to the parti- ful variety of climate aad temperature to be a means to the high end of modelled according to the English "a special conference thereon." The I intend issuing a j >int letter of instruc- How many people think for them- cipants, whese minds are distracted, pattern. When the Jesuits and to be foand out there, the balmy and report goes on to say: "It was deep- tion with reference to the recently college training. THE CATHOLIC has selves? Take the majority, all the I and the solemn observance of the Sun- other were expelled from France they invigorating air laden with the choic- ly impressed with the necessity of sup I granted permission. One of the pro- .way through, and form an eetimate of no hesitancy in condemning the day weakened, bat the harm of scan made for England. What is called est scents of tropical vegetation, the planting this section of the work by visos is the appointment of a chaplain material prosperity, the rich vein of other measures more directly calculat- jShrir thinking qaalitiea by thoae around practice of aome colleges which have j dal to those not of the Church. the Anglomania in dress, love of for each university. The one for Ox- athletic sports and an allround disdain gold and silver ore, the vast cities of ed to arrest the inroads of Roman ford has not yet been chosen, bat a •on. The conclusion ia that in arriv *«ams travelling from town to town. To tarn the Sunday into a day of of French ways of looking at things, 4««,#00 and 500,000, in size, beauty Catholi eism in the near future." 0>«r ! residence in Beamont street, Oxford, |ftg at their convictions, they are school- j Tho™ young men cannot fail but be public festivity, as this advertisement may be traced not only to the acquir- and harmonious proportion rivalling friends the enemy are evidently begin- | has been taken for him, and in all It ia not what they know of witne*ie3 to bad habita, if not fall into ed admiration of political exiles of our own, are all instruments towards ning to realize the situation, that the showed, was to rob the day of its probability be will commence his duties Melvee and through atudy, but by 1them- Unless higher ethica in athlet- every shade, but to the Franco-Eag the spiritual growth of the colony: Welsh people are gradually returning j next term—Liverpool Catholic Times. divine character. It demonstrated to cathedrals, colleges and convents are ! tfrideo the. faith of their Celtic ancestors, i somebody elae aaya. And when ic" »'»•«ted upon, than ia now recog- lish Jesuit Colleges of Canterbury, a great section of our fellow citizens, Mold, St. Heliere, and elsewhere, The springing up everywhere. Again, if ] ththose faite h of St. D^vid and St. Wine Ik somebody elae ia mentioned, if nizetl. lhe-v will have to be repudiated Indian Seminary In Ceylon for whose opinion we should have fitfulness of European politics in we took into the history of the worid The near futare into which Among the projects recently brought || want to retain your peace of mind j u "«»educational and even immoral; we shall find it was generally by means aome respect, that it was a matter of general and, notably, certain fiscal Flintshire Protestants prrject before the Holy Father by Cardinal of the colonies that new impetus is ealm temperament, immediately brutalizing rather than intellectual- alterations in France which effect re their minds will in all probability wit- Ledochowski, Prefect of the S indifference and that it was not cared given to the intellectual and even ness» a great Catholic revival among a Sacred in ligioue corporations, are gradually but I Congregation Propaganda Fide Mock yonr lipe. All argument ia £' what use the holy day was put to. moral development of the world. It race ao tenacious of their distinctive was sarely driving the colossal invest °one to erect a seminary in Colombo. id. I is now, as it was ia the times of the nationality and the historical tradi SEVTB DESPAIR. j Even if the day was lawfully spent a ments of Catholic capital into British This seminary would be intended for and American securities. I suppose Greek and Roman sway, when the tions intimately identified with the his » SWISDLL&3. proper appreciation of the land and young natives of India and Ceylon Never deapair ia the motto of the youngest, the best blood of the na- tory of the Catholic Church in Cam its institutions might be fairly ap- it ia no secret that with the exception who might desire to enter the ecclesias- 'Some of our exchangea are caution- world'a devotee. Try and try again. of what may be called the h and-to tion, rashes across the seas, builds ap bria Sacra. tical state. His Holiness at once ÌH Catholics against swindlers posing pealed to, to respect and fall in with mouth requirements of the Vatican, new kingdoms and empires, and, con- Be np and doing. Faint heart sever signified his hearty approval methods and customs which represent the Peter's Pence, and Consolidated tinuing the old civilization, imparts to of the • frieata and sisters going around won. So run the maxima pounded The Pope s Liberality. pre ject, and the Prefect of the the principles, the working out of fund of the Popedom might be found it a new life and impetus. The early Pro pa- ••acting money of them for falae j into people that they may succeed, ganda was greatly rejoiced, not a hundred miles from the Bank of history of a colony is an heroic his- The Holy Father himaelf dependa To give Mes. They seem to be very auc which made the country what it ia, the idea a practical start, earn dollara, accumulate pelf, stand England, or ' 'placed" in good freehold tory, a time in which great characters for subsistence on the charity of hia he im- and gave it the advantages which have ul, from all accounta. Pity ia high among their fellows, be conspicu- property by a celebrated firm of Lon- are abundant, and in the rapid strides children. It ia true that the Italian mediately put himself down for a made it so attractive. For this strong Government includes in its financial thousand francs as a personal w- id on their victime. It will be ous in the community. Some there don solicitors. The aggregate of Catholicity has made under the coa- budget each year a certain sum for tribution, and he sat about negotiating 1 upon investigation, nine time« reason our actions should be regulated moneys of this kind is immeasurable, Southern Cross we behold how the Di- are who grow weary, fall by the way- the Sovereign Pontiff. But this sum for the firat and moat neceeeary part and kept in line with the conscientious and the faithful have evidently made vine Providence has made use of Ëi of tea, they are in excellent ahape aide, and rarely in the mad rush comes his Holiness never touches, and of ef the large funds needed. Another colonial enthusiasm, colonial vigor and judgment of the country. That judg- up their minds that their great treasure be swindled. If they attended a helping hand. They struggle, halt, store shall never again be quite colonial freshness in building np the course, could not touch, consistently Cardinal who takes a lively interest in ment is fcr the observance of the Sun- with his dignity. The vast expenses ngulariy and paid attention to limp, paaa away and are forgotten. swamped by the surging needs of a fast growing Church in Australia, the prt ject is Cardinal Vincenzo Vanu- day as good for morals, and ao for the of hia court and household are there- telli. He, too, has given a ty announcements, and took Should the Chrietian not do as much "Giunta Liquidatrice." There is subscrip- community: and meant by the Creator _ nothing sordid in supposing that if fore defrayed by the efferings of tion of a thousand francs. their Catholic paper and read for himseli? Nay, more, is not his filially-devoted Catholics throughout for the benefit of the inner and inde- , the Catholic worid advisedly makes its ?ally their eye and wisdom teeth end the true end, the only end to be the world. The Pope receives largely, monetary stronghold upon the nice 1 Strikes Settled. be out sufficiently, to enable atructible element in our nature. Any "A Colossal Procession.' but his expenditure also is great, and accomplished which ia of weight? little "taut" little island it may some Hi» Grace the Moet Rev. Dr. Waleh, thing that directly or indirectly tende This term has jast been applied by it takes careful management to keep day look around for a Pope amongst and the Right R. v. Dr. McSherry, judge between a fraud and the I That is the gaining the salvation of a religious organ to the line of trains things rightly balanced. His Boli- to turn the Sunday to other uaea ia a the anointed sons of our race. have succeeded in terminating two Nprssentative of their church, j hi« immortal part. He ia a ainful man. bearing the national pilgrims to nes» practices strict economy. Bat crime againat the community. Thia ia j strikes in the building trade, one in Lourdts. To continue the figurative with the indigent he is lavish even to fi takes a bunco ateerer to Then let him repent, not the repent- Dublin and the other in Dandallr. what waa done by thia picnic on the I pass over certain international con- language, the steam engines were prodigality, Oa the occasion of the fta greeny. Again, theae fleeced j ance of emotion, but the repentance of The Dublin strike which was a pro- Sunday. siderations which would take me too thurifers, and the procession .in its feast of his patron saint, a week ago, longed one did great injury to busi- •n, ae a rule, they who have principle; and this means the amend - far out of my present depth. The passage passed over the bodies of about he gave out eighteen thousand francs ness and inflicted much suffering aoentfor their parish church, and ment of life. If he faila in his at Italy of the Qairinal may be anything two hundred mayors who had pat their to the poor of Rome, and yet even A dispatch from Home, received at especially on the families of laborers. always hard up when the collection tempt, he has ever the welcome hand to morrow. The chief of Catholicism veto on religious processions in their sums like thia which are given on the St. John s college, in Fordham, an- However at a meeting of representa- may be a wanderer amongst his chil- respective towns snd communes. occasion of the more notable festivals, goes around. They are self pos to lift him up, put him on his feet, nounced the appointment of the Rev. tives of the Master's and the Men's dren. There are specks upon the Strains of the "Magnificat'' and of the ! do no; mark the full extent of thè enough when their own priest Thomas A. Campbell as president of Associations, held under the presi- direct him aright and give him horizon which are the forecasts, of an "Ave Maria Stella" floated through Holy Father's munificence. It must the institution to succeed the Rev. dency of his Grace the Archbishop, i around, aad are quick with their strength. Infirm of purpose, he atum- alliance between Democracy and the carriage windows ever town and be remembered that from one week's Thomas Gannon. an amicable arrangement was arrived bat with the frand they are off integral Christianity. The compara- J plain, while at certain points in the end to the other his Grand Aimoaer is blea for the thouaand time. The at. It is much to be regretted that gnard, hie duplicity ia more than a tively yoang and shrewd American, j journey Bishops met the pilgrims and constantly busy distributing to the thonaand and one time is his to repent. the parties concerned did not adopt Winter has set in in some sections Cardinal Gibbons, ii heart and soul gave them their bieaaing. In short, multitudes of all classes who come to for their iasiaeerity. this method of settling the matters in Never despair. With grace and the of Iowa. Snow and ice prevail. with the labor party. The fertility of thia procession, from one end of France the Pope for relief. dispute previously. l'UE prrrsbiKGH catholic, Thursday, September io. 18w.

    cbubcb calendar OUR AGENTS The sentiment in favor of amending The Great Pittsburgh Exposition RECENT DEATHS. SSPTEMBBB. will visit tbe following towns during the United States constitution so as to All the friends and well wishers of lì Of tbe Octave s ; the next two weeks for the purpose of He lengthen the president's term and the P.ttsburgh Exposition were mora Et>WARD BYRNE i«*t*eoUi «ft»r Pentecoèi soliciting subscribers and making col- make him ineligible for a second term than gratifiad at the re nit of the Edwtrd Byrne, a respected citizen Üati n oi the Holy Croi lection«: grows as each recurring presidential opening on Wednesday evening, Sep- I of Allegheny Townshipnship, dietd August & B. «OeUreof tbe Nativity. * d. Mr. B. Hannegar, Br&ddoek. Home campaign brings with it the seeming in- tember 9 .h. Tbe great buildings, 28th, in the 39 :h year of nis age. SÜUr "V ** ct As ongahela city, Charleroi, Belle Ver- sequent lack of employment. There lamps and hundreds of the big arc dent in lifting a threshing machine m^T* (j jttgmata of 8t. Francis non and Brownsville. may. however, be weighty reason to be 1'ghts, presented a brilliant spectacle Deceased leaves a wife and tw) chil- !at, Jòeeph of Cupertino, C. d Mr. Geo. A Kerr, East End, Bloom- urged against making any change in in which the superb scheme of decora ig, 19, St. Januarius and Companion« dren to mourn his untimely loss. The field, Lawrenceville and lower part of this direction whkh the writer hereof tion, more complete than ever at- funeril was from Chest Springs. H gh the new goods | the city. does not appreciate. tempted, was set off to the greatest Mass of ri quiem was offered up by his JOBTY hours- devotion. The Forty Hours' Devotion in honor advantage. Never before in the pastor, Father McCrarn. interment in ^Militlr- of the Forty Hour«, in honor | of the Most Blessed Sacrament were history of the Exposition have ex keep coming at a seemingly terriffic rate- we wonder where we'll Cm Holf Sacrament, la the Dloceae j Free Scholarships at the Holy the cemeterv at that place. fB^kgrgb. will be bell an follow«: Ghost College. opened at St. Mary's church at ti hibitors made so fine showing cn open- »«PTBMBiK. o'clock last Friday morning with a ing night. It was practically a com- put them all -Silk, Dress Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Curtains— a&Alpbowu«', MurriiwvUle. The entrance examinations at the ELMER J M r.EAl'V Solemn High Mass, of which Rev. plete exhibition. tt at Joeepb'«, Boottdale. above named institution took place is The Divine Saviour who loved and j every department rapidly tilling up-some already full. • 2 Patrick's, Oalll'isin. Father Zwickert was celebrant, Rev. The great crovd enjoyed to the the college hall on last Friday, the 4th blessed the "little ones" took to Him- ¡•ft Joseph'«, North -Oakland («ngitoh.) Father Stenger, deacon, and J oho I utmost splendid band concerts given 52 Leo * Convent, Allegheny inst. Besides the usual examinations self, to bloom forevermire in the! SflL Alpboniu» . Wexford, Greiner, a^student of the Josephinum by tbe Chicago Marine Band under | for new students, there was also close Paradise of His love, cn Monday, the a St Wary'«, 4Ktb street. Pittsburgh, Seminary, Columbus, 0 , sab-deacon. | the direction of Thomas P. Brooke. aft. Joseph'», New Brighton, competition for the four free scholar- 31st ult , Elmer J. infant son of Hugh j k s going to take ig stocks tc do not be allowed to exclude the less a St Arnes', Thompson s Kun. The closing ceremonies took place on This was the first appetrence of the ships offered this year by the faculty, F. and Mary C. M.Grady, of Lacock the business that we -e mapped out Sb» John Baptist'« Convent, Pittsburgh i Sunday evening and were witnessed by new band in Pittsburgh, and its play- costly ones from public notice—sev- 2n the B it O. H K will sell ¡¡•with love of country, and there • the B & 0 R. R. tinguish, so appropriate, attractive routd trip tickets Homer: ec from Pit *- -it's th great extent and elegance ; tageous to the pocketbooks of ever) • • 1 - L Father Mathews' Day. iBlbt Impressed upon their minds a Branch 54, of S'aarpsbnrg, held a and timely is tbe entire showing. A I burgh, Johnstown, iberland and all inler- )f our au umn 189t> collect one who wishes to invest in sucl of the dignity and glory of | Father Mathews' day, will be appro- Smoker and Banquet, Friday evening, mediate ticket s tat for all trains Sentem- lock throug Mechanical Hall demon j ber U • .JS •fetotic and pertinent addresses will grett political issues of the campaign Assesment for September is a single, to do all the work of the farmer ex an interest in her >roper gow ling. j tu- nnt kam n I Bimetallisét i m at sa 11 î am m vsoi . MonometallismMnnnmalulliom . TwT«on I No. 14. Everybody ought to know abou is delivered The national anthems cept making out the bills for the com- We would poiti out to yon the «01 be rendered by the school, of our most brainy and forceful young Branch 71 of the C. M. B. A. and pleted product. Scores of new in this offering of 50 inch Cheviots a lines between 50 ents a id <1 50 ggtaioly a more beautiful and appro- Catholic lawyers will participate in the i 147 of the L. C. B.# A. will give a ventions for use on the farm were I House Cleaning Sale! 35c, or a suit pattern oi six yard: priate festival could not be prepared argument | concert on Wednesday evening, shown. and ask you caluiyV and -lidly for two dollars—the black is regu hi the children, one more impressive, s | October 7th, at new Turner hall, Tbe great Pittsburgh retail bouses The end of the teaoon always leaven a ® whether we have not oo unds Public Hall Apostolate. odd lota from the different depart- © lar cheviot wale—the blue is wide * wire lasting in beneficial e ffect in I South Side, Pittsburgh. One of the have expended thousands of dollars in !fe for strong argument The great work of tbe Public Hall meets They are not if much use to tu S wale - both blue and black the sarnr MMBory. i features of the evening will be tbe adorning their booths. In fact the I cío we will close them out at prices that gj price— no other colors a Apcstolate in this Diocese will be re singing of Plantation the brilliancy of tbe Main Building on | ä will be low enough to tempt the closest* We i io not kr )w what other stores Flag Presentation. I buyers. g sumed with the advent of the fall sea ; 20th century jubilee singers. I opening night reminded one distinct- have, but do know we have a We were glad enough to get even Thusdav evening last the basexent son. The initiatory mission will open ® I 00 to #3 00 Flounoirgs, now, 58c S The branches of the C. M. B. A. of ly of Columbia avenue in tbe Manu ® silks wortn Î5c, fl C-0, f 1 ¿5 and fl 50; ® magnif cent col action and ask you these two to sell at that money, and lill of St. Brigid's church, Enoch on Sunday, the 13.h, at Waynes- Buffalo, are starting an Advisory factures Building during the brilliant t jour choice of the lot, 55c. Just the § • thl to see, and to neasure them with all those who come to see seem to rtast, this city, was the scene of the burg, Greene county. The exercises Board, the same as .has been es- days of tbe World's Fair. for Shirt Waists. 10, $1 7;i ami 1. 00 Shirt Waists, 50c your ii dement value with value, be too—note not only the width but Mblic »warding by the rector, Rev. will be held at the court he use, and tablished in Pittsburgh. . It would seem as if tbe soap and bik- f ea< h. I John C. Bigham, of a superb silk, will continue throughout the week Branch 16G will be started in Phila- ing powder man, the cocoa and tea | 8 78c and S tt> Shirt Waists at iftc ea<-h a ours against any , and let your decis the excellence of the material. Rev. Fathers Woolful and Or ffin of See what we offer In Napkins at tl 00, • anoessional American fl*g to the j delphia the coming week. j merchants, tbe makers of condiments of f J f, 50 and $] CO; wo th twice tbe § ion be according to the merits there this diocese, will be in charge. Mis- f Ioug Ladies' 8odality B. V. M . as i all descriptions, were impatient to feed 2 money. 9 in shown. As successful contestant (by odds of sions will be given throughout Greene, Z Navy and Black Sailor Hats at lOel Among the many lines of I.. O. B. A -Coat il A . entirely in giving furtheran e to pro Western University V «pens September 14, 1896. Convey purify íuid i. I and Bhowing an increase of £1.267,- jects of practical charity. The reli- MEDICAL COLLECE — Mess will neet all trains east and wee'. 000, or 3 4 per cent, as ompsred of Pennsylvania. gious Order which has the good for- §§? it Bsatty's station until September I with the amounts in the middle of last j 1897. tune to possess him cannot but gain SESSION OF 1896 Wk 30th. year, and an increase of £9 535,000, | by his term of office. 1I&- Im Are to Be * Hoods or 32 6 per cent, as compared with PITTSBURGH, PA. Clothiers, Tailors, ••njritulated the amount in June 1896. I iff when your clothing neeJcd any Tni litle son of Mr. Join Ohimmel. Hatters, Furnishers, Sarsaparilla «LTZ fa»r ooor*«« o i lecture» 1» j i clw». DfcUctic toe*«*** I .sort tif attention vou sent them t<> 18 Diamond street, Allegheny, but 7 $3 Cleveland Excursion, 1 n(. e or .Mk« Th« Ubomb H u>e 1 do no cheap w >rk. but do the 161-163 Federal St„ Allegheny. vears of age, had his eye straightened $5 Detroit Excursion, be,i-t work as.,cheap a- 1 possibly ' Litt Via Pennsylvania Lines, Saturday, Sept. IS ¡¡¡I 1 clean, presA, alter and repair ol Hood's PHls by Dr. Sadler, 804 Penn avenue, last from Pittsburgh. Tbelastot the summer ex- | [lutisi 3(13 FA1TJ MKS l.'B *dT»nt»ge« POíMMed W W>»* '<>• » II ing IMOKSOS Tin Tah.ok week. It can be understood how slight cureions. Met urn coupon» of the Cleveland j BD—SEVKiU : oBtabìlsbfìd tlflX MJKN OK tickets valid Monday, Sept. 14th, inclusive; I w payable -4» I •""pSÔr. T. M. UCl*S»*A BX^rr ot th. «S P.»» At,nue. Ktutuf«». iOlit N.i, 65 Fifth avenue, tNTKli lonsiliie es lag letaod «a ta !vnndy!* r a lar y w WOlUt'l the pain of the operation is, when he I Detroit ticket» valid re urning Wedneeday, Iklf nml e*penM» nulaM abo aid be a «Jäiessek 11' •lltwortt «m»*. Pittato rea floor. Telephone 1ÎÎ5H. gfftt, DM. K stumped ¿DAJJ 0*«r«t»rT B0»r« ot Trai poruMUien' lief <;r September l«tta. tnc:n»lve Lots Of time tor e. Kite 089 seif-ni nor w. i. ai Kr » w«e*lj »nil i sULiEped CT eiope- took no anesthetic and made no com . SatuíEBl. Star Bni Imi, Cbieago- ehee. Kncu m trip up tbe Lake*. .When you want to lie ><*en in » ph- Th« .Nation" plaint. I tu the very best, go to tí abbs. V THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER i«,

    IRISH M1WS. AN OLO CHURCH CUSTOM. Russian Matters. ROSE TO BE_A CARDINAL. BIT. P. McCarUn, Baol, died Aug. We are in the habit of looking upon EDUC ATION AI l«t Hi tod reached the age of 71 EDUOATION AI What Pious Catholics of Long the exteneion of the Russian railway | Cardinal Donnst When a Young 1841 • ^ I year*. He WM born in the pariah of is»« a^. Ago Did to Put An Bnd to the across Siberia and eouthward into Priest Prepared for Burial. Kilooo OB May 4, 1825. Wickedness of the Wreckers Gentral Asia as if it were a purely From a London publication bearing t A Mr. Francis McGlade of Millifont, in tha British Isles—Survival military work; but it will prove a ^. John's. Colleger the names 0f eminent phyeicians we ST. VINCENT'S COLLEGE Derryvolgie »venae, Beifaat, died re- of the Guild They Founded. factor also in civilization and in the | take the following cently. He wi* connected with Belfast It is pleasant to chronicle the fact diversion of the emigration from "We have no right to say that a FORDHAM, NEW YORK CITY. Theological Seminary, city daring forty years that the British Government has ap- Russia to her own fertile possessions pereon is dead when the principle of Rev. Oorneline Boyle, Ballynafeigh, JESUIT FATHERS BEATTY P. O.. WESTMORELAND COUNTY, pA proved a recommendation that a com in Asia instead of to this country. Up 1 fe has ceased to manifest its activity B sift at, died recently. Tne remain» memorative medal should be bestowed to the firet of July the new Siberian | in a human body , we can only say that :o: Tbl» »tltutlon was founded In the year by the late trehabbot Bonifae. — - wen removed to Letterkenny where on all the clergy and laity of Ushant railway, tho etiil incomplete, had a pereon appears to be dead, and S H . ami In.-orrorated wlth power-, to coi fer .te*re», by an «et 0f the I^LZS**« the interment took place. and Molene in Brittanv, France, who transported 145,644 emigrants from appearances are often delusive. the >tb of Aprir ^To It 1* eondueted by the Henedtctine Fatbers oa It i* now propoeed to give Ireland a The College 1« «e tulle» east of Pittai urgb and retdered easy of access by tha p • dieplayed true Christian charity and Russia. There hae been a regular "Franz Hartmann, M. D " department of agriculture and indue- Illa Rallroad |»ssrfsu|passingj througiusuu^uh Ita »so landIBUil*» . ItIta* IceatloIVVBUMnU a »1t -th ble foot of tha Chestnut Hi,»« a->ounding generosity in connection blockade, and much hardship, if not "Our belief is bssed upon scientific olcturesaojre> iaea and hralthfuhealthful th1 lie bull,lln»butldln«»s «r.are. larm> am.,„.i ....,,„„«.<. well heatid"b»"'«• *• ^»OS t triee to conaiit of a member and coun- with the loee of the steamship Drum real suffering, in consequence. In nail lighted by electric lights * ™—. demonstration, which shows that even l bs play grounds comprise 3« a.-res including « acres of oak forest. A nitnUnsi ___ cil representing thoee respective inter- mond Castle off the Isle of Ushant on Tcheljabinsb, for example, before the the stoppage of the beating of the nasium has ;u»t been completed, which offers ample opportunity for physical 1 eeta. the night of June 16th. The master end of May, 13 000 persons were con- heart and breathing for a considerable rainy weather ' •• ^ a The parishioner« of Ballybrack, Mo- ' here are three distinct courses of study- the Ec lesiastical, the Classic^ and th.r of the Royal Mint in London has ac gregated, and the number was daily time, with all other appearances of mercial-besides an elementary School for beginners. In all theee special attentta« U villa, recently contributed a genercus cordingly deeigned a medal die from increasing Yet there was not even a death, excepting putrefaction, do not to Kellgious Instruction paia eum of money at the Masses on Sun- which several hundred medals will be shed to shelter this colony of emi- The student" are divided, according to their ages, into three classes each of *ku make it certain that a person is dead, Its own study-ball an.i dormitory, and 1s under the control of two professors day to liquidate the debt of the church struck iff. The Abbe Le Jeune, cure grants. A commission was immedi- and that the suspended activity of life Applicants from other institutions are requlrad to produce certificates as to thair in Omagh, Tyrone. of Molene, whose mame will be blessed ately formed in St. Petersburg to deal m»y not return after his body has moral character. " »ooa The many friende of Father John through life by the survivors and the with the emigration queetion, and bsen interred. TF It MS PA YA BLE IN ADVANCE. Pnroell of 8andy Mount will learn with the I orders were sent by telegraph to check Kntrance Kee . . kinsfolks of the people loet at "EDV. P. VOLLI m M. D , Tuition. Board, Holding and Washing per Session of 5 months . pleasure that he ie making very satis- has | the flow, Points of assembly have wreck of the Drummond Castle, Medical Department, U S. Army, Tuition in C'hetnlstry and Natural Philosophy per Session . . t!2 factory progrees to complete recovery been fixed in localities where the com- Tuition in Drawing, per Session been invited to go to England and re "Tne appearance of decomposition Tuition In Music, per Session ....'.. from a vary severe attack of rheumatic missariat for the army and barracks ceive several sets of vestiments and is the only proof that the vital energy Graduation Fee ®<* fever. ecclesiastical ornaments contributed can furnish succor to the colonists, has departed. For further information, or Catalogue, apply to ®® H ri las t Within the past month, a large for the litUe church at Molene wherein reecue them from famine, and provide REV. VINCENT HUBER, O. S. B, Director. number of tourists visited Drogheda, shelter from the weather A report "Oa that occaaion Cardinal Djnnet, the good prieet celebrated a Requiem Archbiahop of Bordeaux, made his including membere of the Ancient Mass for the eouls of the passengers to the i ff jet that emigration had been Order of Foresters. They viewed the and whoee j atopped altogether got into circulation celebrated apeech, declaring that he on the Drummond Castle, was the means of preventing two pre ruins of the ancient fortifications and mortal remains are in the caurcbyard | in consequence of these measures. TERMS Dm surrounding district. mature bunals. Next, he instanced TH£ UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME7 that overlooks the light home of There is a certain percentage, not the case of a young clergyman who, in !S33 0 oo TIm sanitary authority of Kilkenny CHAItTKKKD 1844. Ushant. large, of colonists who return toth e middle of his sermon, before a ! Per Annum. have had under consideration the In connection with this matter, it Russia for divers causes, Sjaae die- large cathedral congregation, dropped neoeeeity for a water supply for the may be of general interest to note the like the cold, others are homceick. | down in the pulpit. A doctor who city, which ie stated to be badly in historical fact that in the early days But the chief cause of discontent is was present pronounced the preacher BMd of water for fl aching and in a leei of Christianity in the British Isles and the rye bread in Siberia, which is not dead, and signed the usual order for | urgent way for drinking purposes. on the coet of France, it was exceed- to their taste. "With us, in Russia, ' burial for the following day. The body Deeiree for unity in more waye than ingly hard for the clergy to restrain say the peasants, ' our w.ves bake the was tranaported to the deceased's one come from Limerick. Tha Prot the fishermen from plundering vessels bread so that yon can hear (literally chamber the Bishop arrived and re- estant Bishop of Kilialoe, Dr. Wynne, and seamen cast ashore by storms. translated) ite breath all over the vil- cited the De Profundis \ the under- has spoken favorably of the Pope's The Danes and descendents therefrom lage; but the Siberian bread has no taker took the usuai measure for the Bncyclioal, and expresses a hope that were eepecially given not only t) rob- odor, and does not tempt one to eat coffin, and mourning friends came to in future, «'hating each other for the bing the vessels cast ashore and mal- it." The humor of this complaint can bid adieu. But the young clergyman love of God" may be impoesible. treating the crews thereof, but tnen only be appreciated by those who are had heard and recognized all that was There has lately passed away a vener- found delight in ehowing false beacons familiar with the smell of the sour, taking place around him. By a su able religteuse in the person of Rev. on headlands to compass the distrac- black rye bread whose "breath can be preme effort he sprang as it were back Brother John Bernard Barsv, a native tion of ehips. In time the evil doings heard all over the village!" to life, snd appeared next day in the of County Limerick, He labored of the wreckers waxed so bold in pulpit. 'And that young prieet, gen many yeare in the great work of Cath- Cornwall, that it is recorded that the tlemen,' added the speaker, "rose to olic education in England, and was for A Scene in Rome children of the wreckers were mie- be a Cardinal, and it is he who now has • time director of the schools in In nothing doee the kindlinen of taught by their wicked parents to say the honor of addreesing you.'i Armagh. before going to bed on etormy nights the Romana ahow itself more than in At Ciohane cemetery, near D.ngle, the treatment of the dumb beasts who "The celebrated French surgeon, "Heaven eend a wreck ashore afore Foncert, never dissected a body till he a few days ago four ciffias were found morning." Stephen Langton, the servo them It is very rare to see in to have bean disinterred and the bodies the streete of Rome those reckless and had first made an incision between the noble Archbishop of Canterbury, who ribs on the left side, so ai to be able ST. XAVIER'S ACADEMY taken out of them and laid on the demanded and obtained from tyrannical brutal exhibitions of violence and SDUCTED Bl TSS grass. Tha police had them reinter- cruelty to animals that are but too to touch the heart with his finger, and King John, the Magna Charter, or thus test if death were real." SISTERS OF MERCY, red, but have not yet been able to great charter of liberties, the fore- often seen in England and America. The French eystem of vivisection is BRATTY, Westmoreland County. PA diaoover tha perpetrator» or the motive runner of oar Declaration of Indepen- Some Recent Achievements. of tha outrage. here, thank God I unknown. This peo- dence ard United States Constitution, The nineteenth century will go out St. Xavler's Academy, located on one O' FULL COUKSKH IN The earl of Limerick died recently. ple is passionate, bat not cruel in ite Westmoreland's moat picturesque height« Classics, Letters, feience. Law. Civil. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Thorough in the third year of his incumbency of in a bltze of glory, so far as discovery offer» peculiar advantages to young ladle Preparatory and Commercial Courses Rooms Kree to all Students who have < ompleted the Tha present title originated in the nsture. The Church, too, takes ani- the See of St. Augustine, reeolved to and invention are concerned. The who wUb to receive a solid and reflned ado studies required for admission Into the Junior or Senior Year, of any of the Collegiata Bsaon Olenworth, in 1790. It ie an mals under its protection, and on the cation Courses A limited nun ber of Candidates for the Ecclesiastical state will be received at put an end to the wickedness of the most fixed of the old theories in re- friah title. He wa« born on Jan. 17, day dedicated to Saint Antonio a cele Conveyances meet all the dally trains fro» special rates. St Edward s Ball for boys under the age of 18 years, is unlqae In complete- wreckers, and to that end on a certain gard to human life and its possibilties Bast and Waat. ness of its equipments. The 106th Term will open September 8th, lsVB Catalogues sent Free 1840, and succeeded his father Janu- bration takes place which is character- on application to Trinity Sunday, he organized in Lon | are being upset Professor Elmer For further particulars apply to ary 5, 1866. The land in poeseeeion don a corporation of "Godly disposed istic, and to my mind, full of human, VARY KfcV, A MOKK1S8Y, C. 8 C.. President. Gates of Washington is demonstrating Notru Dame Indiana. of this family (Perry) in County Clare men who for the effectual suppression ity and good feeling, and calculated to I through bis own child his theory that THE DIRECTRESS OP TIE ICIDEI1 00vers an area of 1,550 acres; in the of evil dieposed men bringing ebips to produce a good effect on the people. brain cel»s may be enlarged and : irrrirrrrrrrirrBTnr county of L merick, 4,035 acres. destruction by the showing forth of This is the annual blessing of animals developed to any capacity according to URSULINE ACADEMY, Tha hotels and lodges at Kilkee are falee beacons, do bind themselves to- which takes place on the 17th of Jan- the fancv of the developer. Professor wigaaiDDLi s rant's. near Pans. fail, and tha place looks pretty lively gether in the love of our Lord Christ, uary ; all the horses, mulee and donkeys •Gates' Hi months old son has been Boarding and Day School Conducted along the sands and bay, with pereons in the name of the Masters and in Rome are taken to the church of I subjected by easy stages to d fferences nf all sums and conditions. The light Fellows of Trinity Guild to succor from Sin Antohio to receive a benediction of heat and cold such thst be will By the Ursuline Nuns. iailway«ef Kilkee hat done little for The doors are thrown wide open, snd Complete course of EnfrMsh and Frenoh; prtrat. TT//A the dsngers of the eea, all who are be never flincb in any temperature, torrid lesions ID maslo. Instrumental and rocal; Frenoh this charming watering place, and Bet upon the coasts of Kngland ; to the church and altars are splendid with or frigid. He can endure cold as well German drawing, painting and eloantloo. Seboo Tuetisy ttoptomber IS! f PITTSBURGH, PA. numbere of ezcureionists and visitors feed them when ahungered and athirst, candlee, and the crowd pours in and as an Eskimo. Ua can also already Cor terms applr to the dlraetraat are daily complaining of the d fficulties to bound up their wounda, and to build ont to see the pictures and make the distinguish colors with the delicate eye g A High Class Commercial and Short Hand School. they experience in getting on by rail and light proper beacona for the sign of the croee. Tne priest stands of an artist or a woman. In the same 748,239 depositors in the postal W Fit Special Information, address the Principal, ( HAS. J. SMITH. •ftor leaving the eteamer at Ktlrueh. at the door, and with a broom dipped city the two children of Mr. William guidance of mariners." savings system, which is one to every TITEVENING SESSIONS. . Bishop O'Callaghan laid the founda- For several hundred yeare this guild in holy water, sprinkles the animals as Dinwiddie have a muscular training seven of the population. The total \-i9JUL5LSJL SUUL£2JLJULSULSLiLSLSLSLSL2JLSLS.SLSLfl fl g gfl aeaaPBOuQO O 0 0«" ¡Won atone of a new parieh church at fiouriehed and dotted the coasts with they pass in proceeeion before him. I that enables the little girl, 34 years amount of their deposits last year was in thane, near Clmnmire, recently. land marks and beacons. Its funds All the horses in Rome are there, from old, to jump 10 feet from eff an eleva- $407 9:13,205, which was an increase ^ bequest was made for the erection provided decent Christian burial for the common hack to the high bred tion. The same eystem of training of $23,723,810 from the previous f church by the late parieh prieet, all persons drowned and cast ashore in eteed of the prince; some adorned with made it possible for them to sit alone, year. Tne number of deposits made on Barry, and hia aucceeaor, Father Kigland. It bnilt chapels on head- glittering trappings, some covered creep and walk months earlier last year was 903,198, representing a -Namara, began the work. The lande and piaccd therein bells which with scarlet cloth and tinsel with roses than other children do. value of $123.245.120, and what is ,«h«rch will be built of native lime and at each ear, and tnlts and plumes of especially significant is that intereet, XrA./yV were rung when fogs poseeeeed the Dr. Vacher, an eminent French sandstone, and will be capable of ac- gay feather« nodding at their heads. amounting to $8,300,520 was left un- seas. In the evil days of Henry VIII., statistician, haa diecovered that human tommodsung about a thousand people. The donkeys come too, who often bray drswn, and placed to the credit of de Edward VI., and Kl'ztteth, when the life haa lengthened aix years during ^Tha Lis hope of Cork, Cloyne and back their thanke to the priest. But poaitora during the year. hands of the spoilers ravaged G ad's thia wonderful nineteenth century and see, there is a rustle in the crowd— Roerwili soon proceed to Italy to at- temples, the fuads of the Maetere and that thoae who eacape the perile of Whist is called the stamp -deposits tend tha sacred oeremonies in the Fellows of Trinity House were stolen, who comes now? It isGaetano, coach- childhood now live to the average ago system has been very successfully neighborhood of Turin in connection and the beacons went to decay, but for man of Prince Piombino, and prince of of 73. He aleo declares emphatically introduced among the schools, and the «villi the beatification of the bleeeed eome reason the bueineaa of lighting coachmen, mounted on an open car, that mankind normally live to be 100 aggregate amount depoeited by the Thaddene McCarthy, a distinguished the coaeta resumed in the reign of an^ driving his magnificent team of and if anybody doee not atay here hia childten last year was over $800,000. predeoeeeor of the Biehope in theee Elizibeth, wae committed to Trinity fourteen hors«s with an easy skill 100 yeara out in good health and pre- Under this system school children are Oe< up the best quarters for college ... in the city .L.-. Beta. The remaine of the great Biehop House Guild, and from that day to thia which provokee the plandite of the aerving all hia facultiee it ia hia own fur nished with cards ruled otT in raat in Italian soil at the ecene of the crowd. Up he comes, the people open- squares the size of a stamp, and when PUQUESHE COI LEGE Has added 1 Instructors to its Faculty. the building, care and maintenance of fault. It will be well, therefore, for « Gives the Be*t and Most Modern course intended oeremonies fixed for the all the light-houaee, light-ships, bea- ing before him, and, triumphantly re- tboee spiritless individuals who be- they have a penny they are encouraged Psnn Ave a 8th St., Pittsburgh, Pa in Bookkeeping and Shorthand. Anyone eeoond week in September. cons and buoys in Great Britain have ceiving his benediction, passes on gal- gin out of sheer laziness to call them- to buy a postage-stamp instead of expecting t teach should attend Du- spending it for candy. The stamp is So Beat CU itific and Literar ourses. Next term begins Tha County Monaghan National been and are now committed to the lantly and sweepe around into the selves old at 50 or 60 to brace up and Sep! . Send place 1 upon the card, and when the L>gUf Teachers' Association baa pasted reeo Maetere and Fellowa of Trinity Houae. grand piazza of Sia. Maria Maggiore, go on, and swim, run, dance, work, card is full it is delivered to the lutione dealing »rith the recent admoni It ia remarkable that a Church inatitu- followed by the eyes of all And here, laugh and sing, like the young people neareet post master, who gives the U tkmofthe hierarchy to the Catholic tion founded by pious Catholica of the too, are the great black horses of the they are. I T3 1 »> Park Inatltnte. child credit in a passbook for the MOUNT.ST. MARY'S COLLEGE. ¡•sober« throughout the country. The olden timee, after auataining rude Cardinals, with their heavy trappings X . X. 204 Bortb ATSBII«, AUsghssy, A French marine engineer has de- amount of money repreeented. These Prepares young men and women for busl- tointions assure the Biehopi that the shocks and aaaaulte from iconoclaate and scarlet creets, lumbering up in EMMITSBURG, MD. vised a steamship which there is reaeon cards are supplied in bulk to the | neas by the moat modern methods of Instrne- •here regard the religioue teaching theirjuxuriant coaches, all glittering This Institution continue« to give thai j tlon Superior course In short hand and type- should live and retain- ite name and to believe can travel 60 miles an hour teachers of the public schooia, who ipa children as a duty incumbent perform its functions when all other with golden carving, to receive the thorough Classical, Helentlflc and Commercial ; writing ' >pens for the automn September 1. with ease. He rolls the vessel over are required to inatruct their pupiia Education for which It has long been cele pay and evening sessions Managed by Levi them, ud repudiate those who blessing ofJSt. Antonio. All honor to bra ted Ohur„h institutions once directly con- the water by means of six huge, hollow daily in practical leaaona of economy ] Sudden. C. K Coffin and W D Rowan, that their reeponeibilitiee were nected with the civil government of thee, good saint, .who oleeseth in thy weels, three on one side. It ie to be Small boys enter the J unior Department i Catalogue to any address Telephone 510, hlned to eecular instruction. large charity, not man alone, but that and the bent fits of thr.ft. Thia ia where they receive that special care and at Allegheny. England have been relegated to the hoped, however, thst when theee aaid to have an excellent tfleet not tentaon which their age demanda /Tha Kienderry Co-operative 8ociety Church or prosti.uted to the ignoble humble race who do his work and bear steamers become the vogue the com- Situated in a healthy the footol Baa entered upon a systematic scheme his burdens, and murmur not under only among the children, but upon the Blue Kidge Mountains, and far awaj purposes of hereditary law givers de- panies still run a few old fashioned from the distractions and dangers of a city for conveying cattle from the extensive his tyrannical inflictions—that inartic- their parenta also, both by tha force Academy of Our Lady of Merc;, scended from the men who parted slow ones for the pleasure of those of example and by making known the this College offers peculiar advantages t< grs zng diatricta in northeaat King's ulate race who suffers in patient silence students FIFTH AVE., PITTSBURGH, FA. Chriet's whole garment, and spread the who like to promade decks and eit in advantages and facilities offered by c.unty and County Klldare to Dublin "the stings and arrowa of outrageoua Por Catalogue, addreaa Pandor's box of eviie that have t ffl cted the moonlight and watch the wavee. the savings system. BEV. KDW. ALLKN, DD.. A refined school for Yoang by toad, in oonacquence of the Mid- fortune!" Thy effigy ahali be hung the worldly minded from that time un- Professor D. A. Reardon of Boeton President. Ladies and Misses. land Great Wee tern railway company upon my atable wall*, aa it ia in every til to-day when mankind is yearning has invented a wonderful apparatus having declined to agree to the reduc- atabla in Rome. Read the Bible, KINDERGARTEN for unity—"that all may be one." for electrically carrying light waves ed freight charges that the eociety in- It is a good custom to read a directly to the brain and sight centera ROCK HILL COLLEGE, For little Boys and Girls. flated upon. From 83 to 100 head of chapter in the Bible every day, of the blind, enabling them to aee. If ACADEMY CLASS eattla are being oonveyed daily by Doing Wrong. Do It Now. Conducted by the Brothers of the it can be perfected, thia will be one of especially of the Now Testament. It The lines of suffering on almost Do not keep the alabaster boxei of Christian Schools, For limited number of Boy« road to the city markets. the greateet inventions of the agea. will tske bnt a very few minutes, Tha annual report of the land com- i vary human countenance have been yjur love and tendernees sealed up un- though it is well, sometimes, when not under twelve. Mr. McNeil of N'aw York city ia the ELLICOTT CITY, HOWARD COUNTY, MD, j tieaion for tha year ending March, deepened, if not traoed there, by un- til your friends are dead. Fill their in a hurry, to pause and.meditate for a inventor of a method of obtaining X Apply to Directress. faithfulness to conscience, by depart- livea with aweetneaa. Speak approv- 1895, shows that during that period raya and seeing one'e bones and few moments on striking passages. A Sele ct Boarding School for ure from duty. To do wrong ia the ing, cheering words while their hearts 4.055 judicial rents were fixed, show- internal proteases by mesns of an One thus learns to appreciate and to Young Men and Boys. One I ST. MARY'8 ACADEMY tag a groee reduction of £81,174, oaurear t way to bring Buffering; no wrong can ba thrilled and made happier by love the Scriptures. It not only in deed i var failed to bring it. Thoae ordinary electrical incandescent lamp. of the leading Catholic Colleges S&9 par cant The total number of them; the kind thinga you mean to Soon everybody can have an X ray creases one's knowledge, but strength FOR YOUHB LADU». Pbtge upon which rente have now etna which are followed by no palpable aay when they are gone aay before ens one's faith and is a stimulant to of the South. A representa- j Chatham Street, Pittsburgh, Pet, pain are yet terribly avenged, even in machine at home and entertain his •fend since 1881 is 303,247, leav- they go. The flowers yon mean to friends by showing them their own zeal and devotion. The word of Gad tive Maryland school. n»«a vi S Cabs or rum Bwihii Mbbct, thia life. They abridge our capacity is a feast to the soul. ne-opens Monday, August 31st. ibout 200,000 caaee in which the aend for their ccffina, aend to brighten bones. Scientific, Classical, Com- j Music, Painting, China-Decorating, Type- $B have not received the benefits of happineaa, impair our reliah for in- and aweeten their homee before they "All Scripture, inspired of God," writing, Mtenography. Ac., Ac. nocent pie aa are, and increaae our mercial Courses, and a Prepar r or terms apply to i Land Acta. The total of old leave them. If my frienda have Postal Savings Banks. says the apoetle, "is profitable to eenaibility to Buffering. They apoil ua alabaater boxea laid away, full of teach, to reprove, to correct, to in- atory Course for small boys. Jerae £6 313 222, which hae been The poital-eavings system has been DIRECTRESS, of the armour of a pure conscience, fragrant perfumes of sympathy and struct in justice, that the man of Gcd Students are received as I to £4 993,514, or a totU re- a succeaa everywhere it has been tried. Cohviht or Mkkcy, and of trust in God, without which we affsction, which they mean to break may be perfect, furnished to every of 20 9 per cent. Japan, which is always looking for boarders or day scholars Webs:«»r Av«. are naked amid hosts of foes, and are good work." We should be glad to over my dead body, I would rather whatever is good in government, was For further particulars address Awarded Diploma of Honor, World's Coto»- A successful bnsineee man eaye that vulnerable by all tha changes of life. they bring them out in my weary and know that every one who reads theee blan KxpoelUon, for Class-work, Needle-work, the Isst country to adopt it, and has and Drawing, owes much of hie prosperity to a Thua, to do wrong ia to inflict the aur- lines wonld resolve to adopt the troubled hours and open them, that I found it to be a most useful method BRO. MAURICE, President. • taught him by hia employer, eat injury on our o»n peace. No practice of reading at least one chapter may be refreshed and cheered by them of raising revenue ¡and encouraging man'e principle was, "Do it now." enemy can do ua equal harm with what in the Bible every day. MT. DE CHANTAL, while I need them. I would rather economy among the laboring classes. taad of putting things off with the we do ourselves whenever and how- NEAH WHEELIJiG, W. VA. have a plain ccffin without flowers, a In 1893 there were 989,092 depoeitora of attending to them "sometime"' ever wa violate any moral or religioua The death of Cardinal LaValletie The Western University Dnd r the care of the Bis te re of the Visito» funeral without a eulogy, than a life out of a possible 41,000,000 of tion H. V. M made it a rule to "do it now." obligation. has reduced the number of members without sweetness of love and tender- population. In 1895 this number had or in the Sacred College to sixty-one, of FULL KNGLI8H, MATHKMATICAL ness and sympathy. Let us learn to increased to 1,139,331. The value of Corpus Chrieti day waa made meni- whom thirty-eight are Italians and PENNSYLVANIA, AND CLAH8ICAL COCH8E. The Rev. Father Pittasa of Buffalo, anoint our friends beforehand for their deposits in 1893 waa $24 586,586, and le at Karlsruhe, io Baden, by twenty-three foreigners. Id t rgh U the old Musical Department Esfecialiy Notti. haa been appointed chairman of the burial. Poetmortem kindness doee not in 1895 $26,646,102, which is a re- ? iS"V ,' «t, largest, and beet 8aorad Hoet being borne in public executive committee of tha Polish cheer the burdened spirit. Flowers markable sum for a people whoee equipped Institution of learning la the State Location unsurpassed for beauty aad beati*. through tha city streets for It ia a remarkable fact that many of between Philadelphia and Lake Brie. Iu Ten aeree of pleasure grounda. Catholic», who will hóld a national re- on the coffin caat no fragrance back- wages are only from 10 to 15 cent« a Collegiate, Engineering and Professional Iret time s noe the Reformation. the world s greatest men have been Board ezcelleat. union ia that oily September 22. wanVovar tha weary way. day. In Great Britain there are 5,- courses are unrivalled. Write for Catalogue For catalogne and referencee, addrees oat small of stature. to W J. HOLLAND. D. D.. patrona In ali the prinelpal cities, or Chancellor. THE DIKKCTBJBSGL THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1896.

    WIT AND HUMOR. The present moment is a great crisis mftmi FIELDS OF CORH. DOES GOD EXIST? WARSHIP SENT TO TURKEY. Cardinal Ligue has been writing en- |g| of de»T morn, The tombstone is about the only in Irish affairs, and the responsibility couraging letters to various branchee SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS. If may KONH a CO., Htasun Dyers and E^r*ero«t>' the field« of corn' A Simple But Powerful Lesson Naval Men Say the Sultan Will thing that can stand upright, and at for meeting it rests upon the Irish "CgdadBM* tn tb* laml of the Irish Teachers' Association, Scourers, aad General Renovators of ^ 'mi nn*~ of beauty i tun.l, From the Great Archbishop Be Made to Pay Indemnity to the same time lie on its face. people themselves. Some of their thankings still go on, and volunteers TextUe fabric«, ladles' end gentlemen's soiled ralee from hill to kill Fenelon. ' This Government. representatives in Parliament are or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored • ud luwli fill, "Oa, it wis a lovjly funeral!'' ex- for unity determination to carry out to color. Cnrtalns of every description ears tn the cool, sweet morn Fenelon, the great and good Arch- The President has ordered the naval claimed the morbid Risie. "Six ready to sacrifice the last hope of their the religious part of their work. fully attended to M. MAY BON8 A OO., ¡rough fields of cum. bishop of Cambray, whose name is academy training ship Bancroft to go to coaches and a rehearsal all covered country to their own petty ambitions M HUtta Are, Pittsburgh, Ft. and animosities. ——jm that »hade a hiding spring honored even by the irreligious, was Constantinople. As she only carries with flowers!' Armagh will be well represente! at auaas. i. j. mltomji, ——— * i the national convention to be held in HQ2 column» i*ty and »log, walking one evening with a child con- four guns she can pass into the Bos- Wife—It's the little things that > iaisrtt'-f oMaaars »wing alway Toe growing of tobacco in Ireland Dublin in September. Delegates will BURNS & GILTINAN, Ztatreymbal» i'la»h and play. fided to his fatherly care. phorus, as the interdiction of the worry. is about to be tried by Mr. George be sent from all branches of the 5 aMB tb* braeiy voice» call, The heavens glittered with a thous- Turkish government applies only to Husband—Especially when there FUNERAL DIRECTORS, tf-J' 111 billow» rise and fall, Hackett of Birr, who bas acquired the national federation. and stars. The horizon was still gild- vessels having more than six guns. are six of them. «wall* and jay i* born factory at Cashel. Mr. Hackett has through field* of corn I ed by the last raye of the setting sun. It is believed in naval circles that - - 6iniral Llitry ml Salts Staklis, "Well," said the monkey to the had extensive experience in this busi- All nature was at rest, beautiful and the orders sending the Bincroft to An Irishman of genius and great b*7. say and set oh ant strbstt , m, of corn > he summer brings _ . .. , ... ¡J ri— » , I organgrinde6 6 r as he sat on the top of ness, and also in the manufacturing erudition passed away Aug. 7i¡h, in Telephone » PITTBBUBfiH. P< Wr!2ung blade», the blackbird'* wing«, sublime. The child asking what hour Constantinople conetitute the first step ,. ,_ . , f _ the organorgan , ' I m simply carried away process. 22tf4ed locust's atrident tune it was, be drew out hie wat^h. London, England, in the pereon of ^EttTW'i mocking rune, in the administration program to com- witish the » music." William Richard O'Byrne, "The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ^BSoiiDk'* exulting «train, "What a beautiful watch, Mon- pel Turkey to respect the peremptory À TEH'S BaHBAI'ÀHI .la cures •kin diseases SaHkoo prophy*ylng rain "Why do you sign your name J. by eradi »y Bx dati* iIM « #15« is a vary singular thing, my dear I * »e lxpr«M daily P¡J¡¿ to bring the yellow gleam,! for the burning of the college at Ma- Main U Ipbta Bxprvi S.U0 ». ™Stlarrcs • t* sonaraurg . the reaper's dream ; Killing an Argument.—Johnson— Pbl'itd« • • • 4 *0 P M. Louis," said Fenelon calmly, ••that rash. It is believed that this will be Kasten: xprec dal IT .... Ϋ •• «tili as through the Syrian gold Doan't understand why a silber dollar ! I Paal I ii |y>, T 8.10 " watch made iteelf." # •m tu odati un. sell day* 5 26 A M. Ijjfl" in day* of old, enforced before the close of the pres # IRON CITY HEATING CO., fcüxpreea wirk boant jist as good as a gole dollar, « » ...t.. this Habbat h morn Made itself!'' repeated the child, * »T1AM ANO HC F WAT E! H 11 KATING, aod Ventili d Private BiiUdtlnca. Hole aeso lladeJ % Mail ftttndaya 01 Bf^ Through field* of corn ! ent year, even if it be necessary to de- «Infi! .,.,-. 8.40 " looking at his master with a smile. hey? Let me 'lucidate. Now, a'pose I tor iba Bl< id 8team and 11 tit Water Heater. kinds of Pipe titling furnubed # Kl pre*» «teek~d*r« ¡0,45 " tach all the battleships and big cruis- 610 612 DUQUESNE WAV, PITTSBURGH, PS ar« M d» I ivr « Yes, entirely alone. A traveler I I borrowed a gole dollar of yo' one end 8 arg V ts lal hat only S.4& " ers from Admiral Bance's fliet for rn Arc ilion, * t*>k day. 3.S0 * is A TRIUMPH OF ART. found it in some deeert and it is quite I day, an' paid yo' back wid fifty cents, j t urn •> week-dnya . ..4M " that purpose. wha. would yo' say? tlm Act a erk-days ft.15 certain that it made iteelf." Urs Act lundava only IIS '3*0 Library At Washington— lirottiit ek-oei 11.20 That is impossible," young Louis | WITH THE FARMER. Jackson—G illy! I'd say I nebber For A t!i 111 s» la i Ml a» art. Hiver Brtdfe. eli reti Building and Its Contents. ^OOOOOOOOOO-OO O la 10. end 6.10e m, dally. answered. ' Monseigneur is 1 tughing Fall eowing of clover should be expected any ob it back I : Aftor Mveo yean of uninterrupted berty, 5.26. 5.10. 6.60, 11. 10, R.50, 7.30, Tjji. at me." practiced where spring seeding failed "1 arise for information," demand WHAT WE: do 46.8.36 » 30 10.16. 10.46 11.10 e m. ygk, tin national library is almost 1 » 3 JO i IX, H :». 4.00 < 15. i.tL I JS, No, my child, I am not laughing otherwise the crop rotation will be ed a backwoods memoer the other day 1616. 6.26. a.3S 6 46. »1,00, « 30, li 40, 7.05, IM, l^fcsd. K .ly next year the key» of CHANDELIERS GOODS 20 10.30, il w, pa. 1)3» night Sundays, thrown out of J >int, the supply of during a diacussion on the money ques- 'IO. ».40, 10.00 a ai 1J 36. 1 00. 2 M. 4 90 6.30. Sliding will be turned over to the at you. What is there impossib e in •'UmHTS. LAVAT •0. 9 30 10 30 p. ni what I have said?" hay and pasture cut short next year | tion. id pat them In pino For Wilklrai iar», i 26. 4 Ml ò 50. KM « I», s io. 7 30 gisdsn of Congress and the structure 6. 0 20, 1(1. 5.10 46 11 10 a m, U 15 J2.46. But, Monseigneur, a watch could and Boil fertility may be lost through "You look like you need it," came m 3 00 3 30 « 00 4.15. 4 S.', 4 35, 6 00. 5.16, then become the storehouse of the ESTIMATES GIVEN -CONTRACTS AND REPAIRS. t.. «1*1. 0.20. 6.40, 7.25 S SO. 0.30, Í0 30. never make iteelf?" leav ng the ground bare. If the work a voice from the gallery. mm books that form the national 11.30 p IB. 31 30 niaSt Gandaya, 6.16, 8.01, 8 à NOS is well done at the proper time a good WELDON <& KELLY. 305Wood St. a et 11 35 io - 30, » «I 6 H0, 7.30, 9 m. And why?" He—How do you like Foppington, or Braddc •S. 6.25, 6 40 5.50, S.18. G.15, 8.60, Í.30, Bp«, The cost of the building and -O-O-O-O-O-O-OOOO-O-OO" T.4&. S Ol, 1 8J4>, »10 10.15. 10 4» Il kl. es. 13 li, Because so much precision is t- catch of clover and grass seed may be Miss Borrow? Ulaeorations has been upward of ¡1 »6 1.00 1 I SO. I ID 4.00, 4 16. 4 35. 4 M. «lé, ed in the arrangement of the the usand secured. 6.1*1. 5.16, ' 20 S 40. 1.35 8 a 9 W, 91000,000 and this rather large sum Miss Borrow—Not at all. He can't I50t m. 20 nurht Bandayi 5 15 SUD, S Si, little wheels which cause its motion Burn the stubble to deetroy all rub- pronounce his r's and 1 do detest be- tu uu a st I] oo s ao • .;«), 5.30. " ». »90. î so means to be begrudged, for HENRY LOHREY. p m and make the hands keep time, that it b sh that would interfere with the per ing addressed as Miss Bowwow. For Wall, ¡ % to m sin. KM, Sift it.15, is, k so, £1 interior of this structure is to feet preparation of the seed bed. 7.20. 7.46. S. 8.8». K.», 10 14 10 to.» a m., requires great intelligence to organ zj Mr. Bpriggins (gently)—My dear, a Pork Packer and Dealer in Celebrated Boneless Boiled Hams and Provisions, 13 *J I Hi. ISO 'J 3U, 3 00 ,H»' 4.00 4 1V 4.M, 4 St, Iptrinsn art what the gorgeous build Harrow repeatedly, with a disk or i. 00. &.16, 5.25 •', IS 6.00 rt.30 t: 40, J.a, s JO, »30, 10». it, and even then very few men really 11 30 p m 13 30 nteht HumUx, 5.15, S.40, 10 00 Bp of the Acropolis were to Greek Boston man was shot at by a burglar, 472-482 EAST STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. aucceed in s,nte of all their pains. spading harrow, until the soil is thor- em 13 35 1.00. > V. 4 t.«. , M. H 10 MB. SS. yt. The interior of the library is | and his life was ssved by a button S00TH-WE8T PEfl &A1LWA1. That such a thing could make iteelf is oughly loosened to the depth of two TKI.KPHONK A. Silt) for Unlonkfwn 4.a. 8.35is.ISaod 4.IS p m week- JlflTltrri with 300 paintings—panels which the bullet struck. Says. absolutely impossible. I shall never or three inches. Pure Kettle Rendered Lard for sale by all dealers. •OIOSOAHHLA DI Villi 01. ipl «tilings—and 300 pieces of sculp Mrs. Spriggins—Well, what of it? OB AKI> AfTSR 11.01 s oq, Sa v isto, 1886, believe it. You have \ been deceived, Pulverize the soil vary finely with a j Vor West BrownsTllle end Dnlootown 10 os a m Ea all form the brain and hands of Mr. Spriggins (meekly)—N ithmg, Monseigneur." fine tooth harrow. fur Bell* Vernon end West Brownsville T.a snd 1—1rt" artists. At the very thres only the button mus'. have been on. 10.00a m, 1 06 and 4p m. On Bonds;, It 55* m *nS Fenelon embraced the child and As soon as the soil becomes thor- 1.01 p m For Belle Vernon only, t.W p m laid the eye is struck with at least 100 j Mistress (greatly scandalised)—Is it Sanders. pointing out to him the starlit heavens oughly moistened sow the clover seed, j For Wrti KlUmoeth Or*Tosbars. *sd aanonaakeia tan compositions by Vedder, Shir- possible, Huldab, yoa are making City, 6.00, ".10, 8.36, 10 00 a m. 1.05,4 35. t S, 4t5 *nd above their heads, he asked: "What harrow it in lightly and heavily roll 11 .St p m veek-dsys. Sunday, 8 55* m,lSl,4 N and fc«, Benson, Birse. Fearce, Alex and bread without having washed your Giosen by the S40pm. IH*rnrs only, 11.40 * m, west-days. will you say then, my dear Louis, of the ground. The timothy or other West Elizabeth ana Drarosburg only 3.15 and ga Bald, Maynard and Walker. Here, hands? 6.55 p m. week-days. those who pretend that ail the won- grata seed may be sown at the same j WEST PKKKSYLYAB1A DIVIEI0I, ig* gre twenty more by Simmons and New Kitchen Girl—Lor', what's the drous heavens have not only made time or later. Of course the soil must 1» trFBCT ( 55 p m Jri.r SOth, ISM. HeEmn, and within the same glance d.tference, mum—it's brown bread! from KKDKHAL tITUBBT BTATIOB, AU^keny themselves, but preserve themselvet be rich to obtain a permanently good j CIMr:— Mto be seen some very pretty bits of rurt>prmsd*ie week^*;s, BW. IX w 00. 11,15, UJS in an unbroken order, and that there stand. Rich Fitncse—Oo, this bouquet is *m. Ill 105. «.06 5.10,530. 646, SJt. Ilo. 1Q.3A, by Warner, Mac Monnies, Government *nd 11.30pm Sundays. 7,15* m. 11.30,7.16 aatf SJS is no God?" The fall is the season when lime too costly! You must take it ba:k to p m. H«ftiny and other American sculptors. | the lieutenant. Tot Butler, week-days." 00. 8.00. 11.S5 e m, 3,00 end "Are there truly men so foolish and I can be moet profitably used, and in 6.30 pm Sunday*, 7 35 * m, 12^0 *nd 7.15 p m. Vadder is seen in five semicircular Valet—Oh, that's all right, miss. The Wir Departmenf t proposes to test the bicycle for army use, and »or Kreeport. week-days, 7 00. 6.90. II16 a m 3.00 404, so wicked as to say that?'' asked Louis proportion to its cost it gives better Jfor proposals (or furnishing bicycles for the purpose. 4.10,6 41 S 3J, lO.JOftnd 11.30 pm. Hund*y, 7 .36* m *nd ••els on canvas, framed in marble | Since my master is engaged to you, he recently askei « » pa, "Yes, dear child, there are those who results on most farms than any other Result: Bids from $50 to $85 each for other machines I our bid of lad mounted on white lead, typifying For Apollo, week-days, 11,a* m, and 4.10 p Son- say it , few in number, thankGod." substance. It should always be used I has been able to get things on credi*. $100 each for Columbus, their invariable price. And the Govern- days. S.HO p m. Mod government and bad government. I - a For rsulton *nd Bi*lrsTllle. week-days. 7.00 a ss, ISS "Bat are there any who believe it?" where a crop or sod is turned under, rent sckctid and 11.31) p m. Pund*y* : 25 e m JIkos's pictures are in the same form, PITTSBURGH MARKETS, ISTTlie Bsoelslor B*ss*«* Bsprwss (Company will "I can scarcely credit there are, as it not only contains within itself an sail for **id check Bwiimn from Hotels and Ue*ldeno- IBestrative of the family. Mas Mon ss. Time i'*rds and lull Icforsutlon saa Se obtalneS considering how entirely they must do important substance util zed by plants, Pittsburgh, Sept. 8, 1896 *t the Ticket ClBces No. 360 Fifth Avenue, corner •iss adorns a number of panels in bas Fourth Avenue and T ry Street, and Union Stattoa. violence to their reason, their hearts, but assists in itf.cting certain chemi- The following are the wholesale prices. In 8 M. PKKVOST, 1. H WOOO, relief representing Oreek heroes U«n*r* M*na«*r Uee'I ' A . their instinct and their good tense be- cal changes in the soil by which plant- fllllng orders a small advance Is made on the l Peae r sent Walker has a series of picturee de fore they can maintain such an food is liberated from the inert sub- prices Quoted: icriptive of lyric poetry; nine panels opinion. If it be evident that a watch stance* which o .her wise could not be GRAINS,—Wheat, So. 1 red. 6 •••»(¿«yvjc: Ro. Iom by Simmons, describe the nine 8, 6S@66}j;c V bush Corn: Ro. * yellow ear, cannot make itself, is it not far more rendered soluble. Lime has a tendency 30W@3lc; Ro. S yellow shelled, 29}£@S0o; Maes; art and science are the subjects evident of a man himself, by whom to go downwards, and hence it is only mixed ear. 26@27c hush. Oats: Ro. 1 illustrated by Cox, and Melcher's white, S6@26>4'c; Ro. 8 white, 25@25>£c; watches are made? Tnere was a first necessary to broadcast it on the sur- So. 3, 83 >4@24c V bnsh. icyclcs "War and Peace" are two original man, for all thinge have their begin face of the soil. It has been acknowl- Flora Fancy spring patents, f3 70; faney conceptions. Four pictures are done edged by scientists and experimenters strlaght winter »ii 5 5 V bbl. Kye. f- >55(3- ning, and their beginning is univers»!- a btii STANDARD OF THE WORLD. raea nrreeuaaa re tssvs aagvS bvMaynard representing, Adventure, CeWiSes aaS Ckicefe .....—• ' ly attested by the history oí the human j that where lime has been used and as HAT.—Timothy, from country wagons, i Discovery, Conquest and Civilization, •10 75aU 00 V ton. The experts who made the choice de- Sette* eaS Cincin**« • race 15 is certain, then, that some sisted by manure and fertilizers the Mill Kaiu. Ro. 1 white middlings, $11 75 If VOU are sbls to paf $100 for l*sl*n***tis snS St. LselS * with a central group suggestive of a bicycle, why be content with cided that Columbian were worth every Stilane* snS CrtslHn*.—... one made the first man. This some soil has given satisfsctory results with (g! I SO; brown middlings,¿10 AV^S.u ">u; bran, j Siitene* s*S CleteleeS Valor, Fortitude, Courage and Achieve- anything but a Columbia? dollar of the $100 asked lor them. one is that Being who made all things, | all kinds of crops, due pro iably to an tb 75. t*esM*sion. fsas'a — for illustration by Djdge. Guthrie CBBH8«.—Ohio, 7X« iaëlansseiis snS St. Levi«—.* gave to his little companion, MhMMSSSs eaS tarisiWs ? autehed with monolithic columns of lot of corn and do heaps of work at a BBBDS. -Timothy seed, |1 75»l 00; clover, I ^ er Dealer or Consumer, should try z it to ns also, and we may profit by it |5 05145 10; blue grass, $1 00301 25. ÎaaeSeM aaS TsieSe • the Corinthian order. The severity of doubtful profit. Grow the sane num- Ita Ckieese LMM • to remark once again on the foolish- TAIXOW —Country, 3Xc: city rendered, teeter Foi eaS Sea Castle-. the walla is relieved by nearly £ 000 ber of pounds in Urger numbers. Bell 3k V R>- AStaaee aaS CteteteeS. — ness of those miserable men who dare •ie% tts. SeaSsf. window«. Stately pavilion * ornament young at lighter weights, and if prop- M API.* StHvr - IKKgySc per gal. to doabt the existence of God.—Sicred Kaos — K®1 c toT country mixed V & Fsuass «mr.eeCsee MtaMMMH the corners, and the building is crown- erly handled always at a profit. •tata« Cane na IM HS», «asl aaS Weet, « Heart Beview. Hbans. Rew York and Mlchlga» beans, AND ad with a great burnished golden dome V5c<- wast front ia supported by four coloe who haB strength and symmetry of per S5 lip P a for New Ceetle IS arot low students read as much in a day as j A Famous Professor on Catho- «Tstal» r® For Kane. Bradford PU ttd architecture is to be found in the Clarton «lit» t1U»•Pra Wi vami *> U ' SB, I read in a week, but at the end of ] lic Young Men'» Societies «-jft-îriSTœ Kràrte. MsadtUle H'»a m. rot hall of the grand stairway and rotunda. sweet and juicy : ' Greenville Moroer ard.. Oro». et9i Clt-r rnj»m, rtli.pam twelve months my knowledge was as Doctor Limbroso, the famous Ital- 4 O depot U It is a three -etory incloeure, with arch i'or Akron J715 a m, » « » "S fresh as the day it was acquired, whilst ian professor of criminal anthropolo P tpon arch and white Italian marble The Pitt. MrÄh Transfer Co*.paar wUl call for Md theirs had faded from tbeif minds.'' gy, author of the theory that crime is chlíí S«"«^ !«,» t.,wl.and r**1dencea apon orda« ttlnmna rising above marble piers. left at B A o TickeIta t ossee, eoroer nni^»»ne »nd Lord Lytton being asked how he found but an act of folly, either due to |1 WHITE LILY LARD, Wood street. •ndJ J Mccormick. S3» SattliSeiS ~ The ceiling is covered with stained time, in the midst of all his political malformation of some parts of the "•Dailr tBioept Sntidey tSsadaj oaiy. ISatar- : (bun, and is seventy-two feet from da? on i J, I Dully, except »»tardar- work, to think out and compose the body or evidenced by such peculiarities tin floor. The ceiling of the entrance IgE The best shortening made, is the: many novels he gave to the world, ex or malformations, has given utterance hall ia white, indented with minute Pittsburgh & Laki Erii Railroad. plained that he "contrived to do so to an opinion which ought to make eoffsrs, or panels, in gold. The ro product of Clean, Sweet Leaf: CliKVBLAND »HOBT LINK. much by never doing too much at a some people think. Although a fatal- Schedule In Effect No». 24. 1»®». twda and dome may be conaidered L Ft ( KNTHAIi T1MK. time. A* a general rule," he said, ist he has been frightened at the gr >w E Lard. We guarantee it pure.: the culmination of the building's art. »apart i Arnes; "I have devoted to study not more ing immorality and corruption of the •tS ess * • Ik ta The spaas beneath the dome, which is if your dealer don't sell Chic, and Clererd^rijar M J than three hours a day, and when youth of the present day, and be has F Ir sist on getting OUR GOODS, Toanaslown and Olerei d Matti. t•u s »M pa!aat * '191 »10 p eea s usd as a reading-room, is octagonal, furnish the name of ONE 1juke ( .banlaneoa Fast Uae » • Si am!» S OtÇpa Parliament was sitting, not always found nothing better to reaommend as j OUR FOREIGN them, drop us a line and we will Basalo and Erte Sspre*; • 1 .«i pm "M H SM 100 feet ia diameter and 125 feet high. Cleveland and Ckloatto Bi thst. But then, during those hours I a preventative than the young men's SARDS WHO DOES • t ai assltu UI The walls are adorned with 8ienna Beffalo and Brie Sspraa U have given my whole attention to w lat societies invented by Catholics. Cleveland Jlf«,'. ' .si•ut» paitU aa marbles, yellow, maroon, aline and Buffalo aad Cletelaad ai « u aat «as about" ••Although by principle," be writes, Kew Castle and Oil Çttr "f • . «t »< I»aa!» a« !t Tk Maa«s SSsA golri, and many fine grained arches Baater rail* Aeconunooatton . It »«»at ««Saas • 'I am far from bowing before the cas- Bearer Falls Aooomodatton _ ttd Balustrades. The main entebla- Domestic Woolens Beater Falls Aooommodatton . 11 «s pa «u IS sas • i»pat«lkpsk Ex-Mayor Thomas F. G Jroy of Njw sock of the priest, I must confess that Baater Falls Aocom mod »lion.. . t k *pa MOSO sai tan ia highly ornamented with friezes. For Fall and Winter wear, Bearer Feller Aoeom*>od»lto» ,|t|S sak York City, is in Ireland studying the to bring up youth in honesty and in Beater »aller Acoia'^atlon^ 7? • Waat* 1 Sia Above thia is the great dome. Mcksmsort and Belle Vernon municipal wsys of Dublin In connection terest there is nothing more efficacious . • k M aap S IS SM The entire budding has been con- are now open and well MclCeosport *nd Na» H.tea 'tu 2k aa til M sak with the Greater New York idea. Mr. than to bring together young men on MolÄrt and Belle v«oo- |> I SS *a!* « r _ structed without regard to expense, ¡DUNLEVY & BRO.,1 Gilroy is one of the commissioners ap- Sundays and holidays and to provide worth inspection. Äiggt -:» i tsslîâs ttd ia built to last. It is the embodi- the McKeeeport *nd «Usakeik..j'-y " TSMW pointed to adopt measures for them with honest amusements, while Mat of American art in its present city lör«w accomplishment of one great giving moral teaching, as done in the _ m asea. 1Ss»'Sa>a. Mage, and unlees deetroyed by violence the % PORK PACKERS, 3 % C * " tr*IM tor ManrtalS and charter tor the metropolis or societies of Catholic young men." rt * a a. g W f Will stand as it is to day for many # •"• •"Sfe •'Ä « « » - trat- ea S.nSays United States. ttntnries. _ r 1 '•• The population of Ireland, acoord- nisk. trau- «tf T*»«*- ^ 603 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa ^ pirwïaod ateepttt« «ars o* all tart>**a min*. Dr Bartsell's church at Rondont ing to the latest figures of the Regist- The Vary Rev. E. J. O'Dea will be mr VSZ-ii ""ïi »MM will be consecrated by Archbishop rar-Genersl, is now but 4 560 302 405 WOOD STREET. Sà M- BlA'.n Mfc JÍIB |;W—aerated Bishop of Netq-tally, SiUU44U4UU4lUU4U4-U4U4iUU4U4AU4UUAIS Oorrigan on Sept. 6. Bishop Shanley having been decreased during the past Louis H Krmtllo formerly utter (or A. Waeh., Ia St. James Cathedral, Van Pitcairn. will preach on the occasion. quarter by 11,145 Wash., Sspt. 8. I HF PITTSBURGH » ATHOLIC. TlfTJUSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Wf

    Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report CURRENT NEWS. Li Hung Chang had a remarkable The Kaiser an 1 the Cztr witnessed ^ %%«%%VWVWW «V %%%%%"WW % % % % y Ltborday was not very generally experience while at Niagara, He great military maneuvers on Monday, observed in Pennsylvania. poked a big dynamo with his cane and the 7ih, at Görlitz received a severe shock which might f The women's league have started a f crusade against the social evil in Al- I have ended fatally {A Few i ^WAM'SÌ legheny The Italian Government has sent è * Eastern mortgage holders are de Signor Martino on a specUl mission I ^vv^ î f ÍPIAN0S manding pay men's a gold of their o Brazil to demand satisfaction for t — * western borrowers. tcjary to Italians during recent dis # SALE i>F..„ EUREM à Here that must he sold. # Russia has closed its doors to the I turbances in Brazil. t ABSOLUTELY PUBE FIN I SHOES. Armenian refugees. Death in a fiery crash Killing J Cases are a little shopworn I # opp»H'tualtîés The Democracy carried Arkansas I walls at a fire in Benton Harbor, Mich., S —otherwise they re perfect Ï j ili Hues of 1 AT OLD ST. AUGUSTINE'S. Church Reunion. Monday last in the state election, by on the evening of the fifth, bur ed Have You • instruments. Kich and full # # LADIES' and GENT'S.. Of all the recent utterance 1 of a majority of 75,000. fifteen firemen under hot brick». Eleven Jin tone, perfect in construc J I I Protestant Bishops on Reunion the Major William McK nley, in a formal j men perished in agony. Written our Mail Order # 4 The Grand Centennial of This S tion. S FINK FOOTWEAR. (» Bishop of Argyll's speech at his synod, j letter, accepted the Republican nomi The Government commission ap Department for samples oi Historic Church in Phlladol £ A good one now for à j held in Oban, Eagland, is by far the nation for President. pointed to investigate seal fisheries in Ì 2.000 PAIRS «lies' Shop» u*i Ox '[ phxa fonU,,.. y „. 9 The rebellion in the Philippine Is- i northern waters reports that herds t St le most sympathetic, up to a certain ,..|l95.,.. j 5 " : ; : i:! W:th all the pomp and splendor of j point, we have yet seen. He told his lands, Spain's Western Pacific pos- have diminished to an insigrificsnt ' and fe.sejj the B jmtn Ostbolic rite* the centennial . uearers that there was not only much sessions, has' been renewed. fraction of their former proportions New Fai J MELL0R & H0£NE, j! SELLING AT SI SO. anniversary of St Augustine's church, | to admire in the ' OLur h of Rome," The local press of the ti.b report the Tne Commercial and Financial Faurth street, below Vine, was cele- out also much that they should en- death of a wonan at West Penn hos- Chronicle's statement of the gross 4 77 FIFTH «VENUE é 1:111-, Ii!t• \ ,-.• • fthfK'SI, et " ' brated Sunday, 6th. It was the be à | deavor to imitate. He commended pital, result of starvation. earning« of 233 railroads for the first j Suitings? 4%•%%%%%%%•%. %%%* r.Hl«fii..t>, ginning of a solemn tridnum in honor Ì I the order and dignity of our ritual and General Weyler threatens the Cubans half of this year shows an increase of j * AN» MAN S TAN SN0C IN \ r tundredi tyie o the one-hundredth birthday of this I the d.scipline maintained by our with military penalties if they refuse 5 01 per cent, over the same period of ' * THE HOUSE FOR S3 00 \ church, which is one of the oldest in a ;cleeiastial authorities; he praised the I to take p »per money in trade. last year. Prayerbooks, that city, and whose long existence New-St 1896 Weaves, l> devotion and charity of our religious Two labor days in succession at a More than half of the cigar leaf has been connected with many stirring j Orders, the careful training of our i time when labor needs more work than tobacco crop grown in the United 25c to $3 50. Rosaries, ¿BINGHAM & CO mi: events of the city's history. j priests, our zeal for .Christian educa- holidays are more than enough. States has been safely housed, and np j è SO« MARKET STREET à Tne church has been undergoing ex tion, and the heroic self sacrifice The great trade C ingress is into date returns show it to be of the high- I Special All Wool Mixtures-— Scapulars, &c., tensive repairs to the interior daring | of our missionaries Coming from session this week at Edenburg, Scot- est uniform quality and larges'. yield j| four styles — the past few weeks. The new feature such a quarter, this is indeed a re-l land. Many questions before it. per acre ever harvested. AT LOW PRICES nam* '^mrauùMnMeÉÉkl which attracted most comment among markable tribute to that Church from Tae United States Cour°. in this At the beginning of the current , Blue, Brown, those of the parishioners who were which the Bishop, nevertheless, feels ; district is kept busy issuing natura'izs- week the total known amount of gold ' K 11 IN ER'S 'iUkua...... «11.frmi. familiar wi.b old St. Augustine's himself obliged to differ on the vital : tion papers. Over 250 in one day. on European steamers sa ling for Now ! Navy and Garnet history was the inscription in gold iPfjj i point of Papal ¿supremacy. This he The State Pardon Board unanimous York, already engaged for imports ! in hit and miss combination, ( \TIlol.K BOOK STORK. letters above the altar: "The Lord : considers an insurmountable obstacle to ' ly recommend the pardon o' John tion, or already arrived, wa< stated at j Seeth." It was the first time that Si. | with black and dash of yellow | Reunion, because there has bean no B&rdsley. The Governor has not yet $11,350,000 by the New Yjjk Nans j throughout-a semi rough ef- 150 FIFTH AVENUE. '1 - " í Augustine's congregation had seen I abatement of the Papai claims in the acted. Bureau. that significant legend there s nee the effective iS EFI recent Encyclical. Prince Lobanoff Rostovaky, Rt ssian I tect extremely fateful morning of May 8, 1844. On | minister of foreign affairs, died snd- • im ties wide, that day the "Know Nothing" mob Franco-Russian Treaty. | denly while traveling in Austria wi h ill'"-' burned down the old church, and when The czar's forthcoming interview | the Czar of Russia 35c jyard . the ruined side walls crashed in, the with M. Faure in Paris will probably y The Cambria Iron Works at J )hns- ^ Another shipment Fancy French bac'i wall still stood and upon in gold witness the formal ratification of the | town, have closed in some depart- GRAFF & CO. letters was the inscription above recently negotiated Franco Russian oients, throwing out of work 2,000 F annels -neat, artistic patterns mentioned. treaty. The present relationship or ! employes, i and colorings—well suited for STOVES The ceremonies were unusually ; alliance is simply an understanding It is now positively announced that I Shirt Waists— WîSiÊâi grand and impressive. At the Canon There never has been any embodiment the Sultan has sanctioned the scheme t mm I of the Mass the church was suddenly | of its terms in a treaty. Uadar the of the powers for the settlement of the 35c to 55c yard. flooded with rich, warm light from French constitution the president can Cretan question. —^ hundreds of electroliers and candle not conclude a treaty with a foreign Twelve truant officers have been ap- 50 Pieces Swansdown Flannels FURNACES| sticks from the altar and all parts of THE GOOD LUCK GAS RANGE r ; power without the consent of parlia pointed for this city, to look ail day Beautiful designs, for house ~ i eqnai the • ive. The long candlesticks on ment, and before the Franco Russian for boys playing hook. They go on 6ti8 ÌJBKRTY ST.. I Broil, heat water and cook on top of rango the altar were of translucent glass gowns and dressing sacques— a!! with same flame It has closed top entente becomes a treaty the whole duty Sept. 28 PlTTSKfliGH. PA J iiiul all poisonous funie« are carried op from sconce to tip, and small ele jtric 25c the usual letail price—we matter must go before the senate and The indications are that the cotton 4 mRNTELS ANO TILING ^ lights were arranged at intervals inside ! chamber. There has been an honor that will be marketed during the month I do the unusual and sell these along their entire length, shedding a ! able and prudent reserve in France of Septem aer will be in excess of all Thank God ! choice Flannels brilliant glow over the chancel. among French politicians as to the former records for that month. I suffered 4 vf BALDWIN & GRAHAM. f> Most Bev. Archbishop Ryan cele- ; character of the agreement. But it lo Utke Pastor K 15 Cents a yard 60S WOOD STREET. There are 21,000 clergy me a of the It being re'dtmm NEUBERT & SOI brated the Pontifical Miss. Bishop seems that an early date will bring a then 1 hail no mi. l'i Anglican community at work in Eng- for All-Wool Country Flannels Tnomas M. A. Burke, of Albanv, i publication of the terms. remedy and risco«Men U ' * - ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. TRUSSES PATENT STEEL PICKET FENGt preached the sermon, which dealt with land and Wales, and the average salary O. HKIU.SO. Supporters. Kïast'.c Slot-kings. • For Skirtings — choice styles, HANDSOME, INDKHTKUCT1HLB, is effi ially given at £167 per man. »tuable llook on Menima Dis- the '«History of S.. Augustine b September Fashions. Cnutchos. Lady attendant in soft, superior quality— CHBAPBR THAN WOOD church." The speaker reviewed the The September number of Fashions is The civil-service commission has is- ihINmii- - phtl-jnts *lw¿~t thè moti— i barge .if female department. FRETEis I E I i im par. J by lievi )<] E. 521 Wood St , 2nd floor, church's century of work from its | an unusually brilliant issue of this model sue! an order to Federal office-holders, Corni», oi Fort Wavue." luti sture- is;«, ima is now 20 Cents a yard. j magazine for American women. It is andarander bii s direction by tbe PITTSBURGH. PA. Abdication during the energetic ad- warning all employes against seeking lavish!}' illustrated and replete with in- KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. ministration of Fathers K?ssiter and terest from cover to cover. The Paris or making contributions for campaign Other Skirting Flannels — au- purp ises. 40 S. Franklin Street. Cur down to the present efficient letter, with two beautiful full-page (Ira Bold by Druggists at SI por Bottle. U for SS. VVool and thoroughly shrunken, I iugs, gives a vast deal of information re pastorate of Rev. Nicholas J. Murphy. j garding autumn styles. Home Dress- Good luck, spontaneous or studied, Lar^u Size, >M.7fV. O Bot ticsfor $9 » He dwelt upon the wonderful : making offers expert advice to mothers has generally favored the expansion oi 28c and 35c yard. growth of the church, and spoke in | regarding school wardrobes for young the British colonial empire. The la es w*;™ r» /äsä. Special lot White Embroidered touching terms of the various Bishops, i girls, and in addition there is an illus- evidence of it is furnished by the hou»* iô t Vitfw y J Vitïùa Hfeliff , pa jnltV *tâ ) trated article telling of the styles of hair ! *ii>Kly and et jM'fiK—• I** on pvttiitninit K»*f«?r F 13 n n 6 I—non shrinkable, 6oc and of the eloquence of the present Zanzibar events etica. KocitHW «weif-adirvi««? »t«i«|í«U eft ve?-h««*. Tit»- j dressing in New York, Loudon and Paris. 1 quality, head of the Archdiocese. In conclus | Mrs Bari-'s exquisite love story increases I ion he drew an eloquent picture of the j in interest with every chapter, and the 45 Cents a yard. church's future and said: "The ; attention of Fashions' readers is called When writing for price* give quantity, : auew to the splendid prize of $50 offered Catholia-Qpurch will always be as it is Dumber of gates, double and single, wanted in connection with the plot of the novel. 50 pieces plain navy and plain We also manufacture Heavy Iron Kencteft now, the arrier of the State, because | A summer romance, bicvele hews, sug- scarlet Twilled Flannel — every Creating. 8table Fittings, Fire Shutters, Fiai it is the barrier of the ho ne." j gestions for crippled folk, talks with the ESCAPBS, Cellar Doors and Hailing«, Brass th read wool— and Iron Grills, Wire Door and Window I housekeeper and new ideas for earning PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION Kit Al. 1 AH j a livelihood are among the innumerable Screens and all kinds of Wire Work. Awkcanpr Hazumnr, the principal I attractions of this issue of Fashions. The NOW OPEN. GREAT SUCCESS. 10 Cents a yari of a college for the blind in 0 lessa, j above magazine and also a copy of their TAYLOR & DEAN. i Russia, is making a tour through this j fall catal. gue will be sent you free if you 2,000 > ards tine fleecy Domes- SOW and BOB Markat St., Pittsburgh, Pa I country to examine the methods of I will cut out this article from Tint Cath- i otic and send it together with your ad- tic Flannels— ^teaching used in the schools and co! dress to Bogus & Bern.. ;es for the instruction of the blind, CHICAGO MARINE BUND, Allegheny, Pa 3* Cents per yard. aays that Russia has nearly sev<>n T P. BROOKE, Conductor, and aa many blind among her popu Rev. Sylvester Malone, of 88. Peter GREGOR MEYER, >n as the United States, Write for samples and send and Paul's church, Brooklyn, has just 22-7 celebrated the fifty second anniversary MISS SIBYL SMS, SOPRANO. address for New Fall and Winter OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Pour Dig«.«'ion | of bis or iination. Catalogue - soon out. • —• id« to nerTOBftnei», fretfu'ne*« p««vli


    We have provided a line of Men's Suits at $8.65 for Fall and Winter. 1896-'97, thai, from ev ;ry pp-'in t view, eclipse any previous effort in this direction, True enough, the suits we sold at the same price last season were the wonder of the trade, and justly s but those we offer now at $8.65 are better still. Find the reason in our untiring endeavors to raise the quality or our goods, without a corresponding raise in the price the consumer. Then, too, fortune favored us in no small degree. Several of the most celebrated cloth mills, fearing the conse juences f 'he present political disturbances, threw thousands of rolls of new and choice woolens on the market which we bought foNir lles s than the cost of production. To-day we invite ycu to call and see the vast showing of fine Suits made of these Woolens. None but the mcst skilled cutters and most experienced journeymen tailors were employed to do the work and, as a natural result, every garment is a marvel of the clothing maker's art. The styles are the latest decreed by fashion, and the fit and finish are simply perfect. In short, these Suits at $865, are good enough for the richest and cheap enough fcr the poorest. AI sizes, tqo. Leans Fats, Smalls Stouts—^o that any and every man can be fitted with ease. :: BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS—Strictiy All Wool; BOYS' PANTS-CELEBRATED DOUBLE TWIST f Will outiast two ordinary pairs; warranted All-Wool Cheviots and Cassi- In neat, dark, non dirt showing patterns also fancy Sailors Sl.vl) meres; double seat and knees; strong waistband; $1 and $ 1.2s goods now and Jerseys: regular §2.00 and $13,00 qualities; go at...... 39c

    A M of Medium Weight Underwear Conradi and Friedman's Underwear. Might prevent a cold—a doc- it the best made in Ger- tor's bill. Special for to-mor ?—a new importation of row: 5 cases Men s Cashmere • Men's Heavy Balbrisean Underwear, in brown or blue ; rh dollar values for. 5 Ave.& Smifhfield 5f


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