Digital Technical Journal, Number 3, September 1986: Networking
Netwo;king Products Digital TechnicalJournal Digital Equipment Corporation Number 3 September I 986 Contents 8 Foreword William R. Johnson, Jr. New Products 10 Digital Network Architecture Overview Anthony G. Lauck, David R. Oran, and Radia J. Perlman 2 5 PerformanceAn alysis andModeling of Digital's Networking Architecture Raj Jain and William R. Hawe 35 The DECnetjSNA Gateway Product-A Case Study in Cross Vendor Networking John P:.. �orency, David Poner, Richard P. Pitkin, and David R. Oran ._ 54 The Extended Local Area Network Architecture and LANBridge 100 William R. Hawe, Mark F. Kempf, and Alan). Kirby 7 3 Terminal Servers on Ethernet Local Area Networks Bruce E. Mann, Colin Strutt, and Mark F. Kempf 88 The DECnet-VAXProduct -A n IntegratedAp proach to Networking Paul R. Beck and James A. Krycka 100 The DECnet-ULTRIXSoftware John Forecast, James L. Jackson, and Jeffrey A. Schriesheim 108 The DECnet-DOS System Peter 0. Mierswa, David). Mitton, and Ma�ha L. Spence 117 The Evolution of Network Management Products Nancy R. La Pelle, Mark). Seger, and Mark W. Sylor 129 The NMCCjDECnet Monitor Design Mark W. Sylor 1 Editor's Introduction The paper by Bill Hawe, Mark Kempf, and AI Kirby reports how studies of potential new broad band products led to the development of the Extended LAN Architecture. The design of the LANBridge 100, the first product incorporating that architecture, is described, along with the trade-offs made to achieve high performance. The speed of communication between terminals and systems depends on how they are connected. Bruce Mann, Colin Strutt, and Mark Kempf explain how they developed the LAT protocol to connect terminals to hosts on an Ethernet.
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