1. inoffizielle Osnabrucker¨ Kick Off 2 Weltmeisterschaft 2002

Die Kick Off 2 Dokumente Infos zum besten Fußballspiel der Welt

Zusammengetragen von: Wolfram Heyer eMail: [email protected]

1 Inhaltsverzeichnis

1 Dino Dini und Steve Screech, die M¨anner hinter dem Spiel 3

2 Das Interview mit Steve Screech 5

3 Eine Sammlung mit Hilfen 8 3.1 Playing Tips ...... 8 3.1.1 Chipping The Ball (Defensively) ...... 8 3.1.2 Dribbling ...... 8 3.1.3 Passing ...... 8 3.1.4 Defending ...... 8 3.1.5 After Touch ...... 8 3.1.6 Free Kicks ...... 9 3.1.7 Penalties ...... 9 3.1.8 Headers ...... 9 3.1.9 Chipping The Ball (Attack) ...... 9 3.1.10 Taking On The Keeper ...... 10 3.1.11 Tactics ...... 10 3.1.12 Conclusion ...... 10 3.2 More Tips...... 10 3.2.1 Strut Your Lob (Ooh!) ...... 10 3.2.2 Apply The Aftertouch ...... 10 3.2.3 Free Kick Advice ...... 11 3.2.4 Making The Save ...... 11 3.3 General Tips ...... 11 3.4 Yet More Tips...... 11 3.4.1 Getting Started ...... 11 3.4.2 Set-Piece free kicks ...... 11 3.4.3 In A Corner Situation ...... 11 3.4.4 The Normal Pitch ...... 12 3.4.5 Goal-Scoring ...... 12

4 Der Kick Off 2 Tore-Kurs 13 4.1 Section A: One On One Situations ...... 13 4.2 Section B: Passing And Crossing ...... 14 4.3 Section C: Long Shots ...... 14 4.4 Section D: Free Kick Situations ...... 14

5 Das Kick Off 2“ Handbuch 16 ” 6 Das Kick Off 2 - The Final Whistle“ Handbuch 33 ”

2 1 Dino Dini und Steve Screech, die M¨anner hinter dem Spiel

Alle Inhalte dieses Kapitels sind der Homepage der The Kick Off Association“ (KOA) entnommen. ”

Abbildung 1: Dino Dini, Steve Screech

• Dino Dini (all programming) currently living in Bristol (England) eMail: [email protected]

’Well, I tried to better Kick Off 2 with GOAL!. Although many people have said to me that GOAL! is better, I think that Kick Off 2 remains the more popular. But Kick Off 2 was not perfect, it had flaws (aside from some bugs). The problem is that it gets hard sometimes to deal with flaws, because although they may appear to bethings that should be changed, when you change them it effects something else. In the end the best product is the one the appeals to the most people. Maybe Kick Off 2 achieved this, but it is hard to tell.’

• Steve Screech (graphics, tactics, teams) currently living in London (England) eMail: [email protected]

“The thing about Kick Off is that it is for the people. It was, and still most definately is, a very unique two player experience. It is just a shame that because the way gaming has gone, gfx and no gameplay, that games like this are left behind and no longer considered by manufacturers.“

3 It is a fact: Dino Dini has made the best footballgames ever. And with the help of Steve Screech, they have made the BEST game of all ’Kick Off 2’. The games that Dino produced are the following:

• Kick Off, ANCO (, Commodore 64, ATARI ST)

• Kick Off 2, ANCO (Amiga, Commodore 64, ATARI ST)

• Player Manager, ANCO (Amiga, ST)

• GOAL!, Virgin Interactive (Amiga, PC) (without Steve)

• Dino Dini’s soccer, Virgin Interactive (Megadrive, Genesis) (without Steve)

We (KOA) find Kick Off 2 the best of all these games.

After Kick Off 2 Dino leaves ANCO. He went to the United States. The last years was Dino Dini missing, his website was down, we couldn’t contact him by phone, and nobody knowed where he lived. But in July 2001 Dino Dini has visited our forum on this site. It was the first sign of life of Dino Dini in a year. Dino Dini is now also a KOA member! The search is for Dino Dini has ended.

Steve Screech is now working on a successor of the popular game. It’s called Ultimate Kickoff and the release date is november 2001. The Kick Off Association helps Steve Screech with the development of the new Kick Off game.

Abbildung 2: Ultimate Kick Off (PC, 2002)

4 2 Das Interview mit Steve Screech

• Well Steve.. This is an electronic long distance interview. Do you prefer it to the ones where you actually faced the person who asked the questions?

• I prefer the face to face type as you can get your replies over in a more human and definite way.

• Can you tell us a bit about your computer background?

• Well I first got my hands on a computer (ZX Spectrum) when I stayed at my uncle’s place one time, it only had a breakout game on it by i thought it was superb. I then bugged my parents for a Spectrum all of my own and eventually coaxed a second hand speccy from them. I used to type in listings from magazines etc and via this i taught myself Basic. I had a couple of Basic games released while I was working in the sales dept of an electrical power supply manufacturer called Brandenburg. I then was approached by Anco to join them by somebody I had already sold a game to and the rest is history. I quit my job and started at Anco 2nd Feb 1987. From there I progressed from occasional programmer and not so occasional artist to what i am now which is the hub of every Anco product.

• Kick Off 2 established a new era in the history of computer games, and was instantly loved by thousands of gamers. How do you feel when you meet fan clubs and web sites about it, even 11 years later?

• I feel glad that these people have discovered what i knew about the game, that it is the most unique football game (series) ever devised, everybody who plays the game has a different style of play as all the skills are reaction and creative rather than multiple button presses etc. I always wanted to be part of a great footy game, that is what I always wanted to do as soon as I got into computers and to have been a fairly major part of what was and still is the greatest soccer title to have graced the pixelated screen makes me very proud.

• What exactly were your duties in the making of the Kick Off games?

• Creating all the sprites in 16x16 with only 7 colors. I created all but the first pitch gfx too, I designed the tactics, and created the teams. I play tested and advised and was the media link for the KO series.

• Kick Off 2 had a number of bugs. Did you miss those when you were testing it, or were you and Dino unable/unwilling to correct them?

• Some of the wackiest bugs I just didn’t find. The corner at the wrong end bug I found on a few occasions but was unable to reproduce and thus Dino couldn’t fix. That was the story with a few of the bugs in fact, like the players that had been sent off, returning for the second half. It wasn’t that we Dino was unwilling to fix them (I think) it was that he simply couldn’t find them.

• Is it true that the two of you did not get along very well?

• This is true but it wasn’t true most of the time we worked together. He had bizarre ways of working and would sleep during the day and work at night and I had to try and fit in with this. I would be constantly over at his house where he used to work from. He was never a warm person to work with and he was fairly moody but as he has Italian blood flowing through his veins that should not be surprising. We certainly didn’t get along at the end Dino’s time at Anco though as I don’t think he liked the fact that I was the public face of KO and I can understand this. What I didn’t like was that I never got a mention in his interviews and I felt I had contributed more than i was ever given credit for.

5 • The gamers community waited for a game that was never released: A Kick Off 2 & Player Manager combination.

• Well the original Kick Off was to be a football game combined with a management game. This fell by the wayside when the boss at Anco realized what a strong title KO was. I’m not sure as to why we didn’t go from final whistle to PM2, I suspect that the deadlines imposed by the Anco chief may have been a little tight.

• Do you support any particular team?

• Yes, Crystal Palace.

• The whole Ultimate Kick Off project sounds like a fairy tale. Can you tell us a bit about this unusual cooperation?

• Well, one day I was flicking around on the net when I came across the kickoff2u web site, it looked pretty well done and i just signed the guest book and replied to a forum comment. The following day i checked on the site again and found a few more things to comment on and then the flood gates opened. I realized then that it was not just myself who was bitten so badly by the KO2 bug but there were people everywhere. Being in the position I am I thought that I’d see what interest there was in trying to recreate the game on the PC rather than emulate it. Thus the project was conceived, and from then on it has been a partnership with the KOA that has grown and grown.

• How hard is it to create a game with the fans constantly second guessing you? Can democracy be practiced in the game industry?

• Well to be honest it has made it much much easier for me to produce the game, it has made me persevere with ideas that i may well have left out, and it has made me tune and tweak the game more than i would have regularly had time for. It has also helped that I have kept the project outside of my regular job. The democracy has worked just fine even if I haven’t initially agreed with certain aspects. There have been times though when I’ve said enough is enough and made a decision myself against others wishes.

• What are the features of Ultimate Kick Off? How is it similar and how is it different than Kick Off 2?

• UKO should feel like kick off but have the extra polish and features that we just couldn’t do with KO2, either because of machine overheads or because of time constraints of because we simply hadn’t thought of it. It is similar in the control principles and style but it is different in polish and features.

• Have you found a publisher for Ultimate Kick Off?

• I think so yes.

• Is it true that you’re considering creating sequels to it, such as Ultimate Player Manager? Will they also be made in association with the KOA?

• Yes it is true but I’m not sure if I will be able to get them published, however even if this is not the case then I will write a version just for the KOA. As for KOA involvement, I think that it would be inconceivable that i wouldn’t seek their advice for future UKO projects.

• Is there a market for these games today? Can today’s gamers distinguish quality among hundreds of mediocre releases with super graphics and sound, or will Ultimate Kick Off be aimed exclusively at the old Amiga & Atari ST users?

6 • UKO as i believe it, will be aimed at the older footy market, I feel there is a market there for the game but whether that market is realized is another matter. Who knows what will happen, the market is so fickle.

• Will Ultimate Kick Off be released on other platforms as well? Are you considering an Amiga version?

• There will be other platforms, there will be releases on the PS1 and PS2 and I think there may well be releases on Gameboy Advance and possibly Game Cube.

• Why, in your opinion, aren’t today’s football games as playable as they used to be?

• The button and graphic culture of today’s games just does not allow the creative level of gameplay that you could achieve when you were pushed to the limits with earlier 8/16 bit titles. These days if the graphics look good they mask the lack of gameplay, in those days that couldn’t happen so easily so the gameplay was given a higher priority.

• What’s your favorite game between the ones you created, other than the Kick Off games?

• Player Manager 2000 for the P.C was a good title, it didn’t sell well but it was a good title. The tactical side of the game and effects of gelling a team rather than just buying the most expensive players was a great blend (in my opinion) and it is my favorite management game.

• What can you tell us about the Kick Off 2 tournament you’re planning? Do you think it can become an annual event?

• I would hope it would become an annual event but that will depend on the strength of this years tournament I guess. At the moment I have 34 competitors which is 2 more than I would ideally have wanted but nonetheless it is certainly a good amount of competitors. I’m looking forward to it immensely. It is being held in Dartford, Kent, England on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th Nov. It will be a very tough competition to win and I’ll be glad to just get through the opening group stage.

• What are your current & future plans?

• My current plans are to get Player Manager 2002 out on the P.C and also get our Online PlayAs- Manager title fully off the ground (www.PlayAsManager.com) also to finish off the 2002 PS2 and PS1 titles and to finish the UKO project...phew. Next I plan to produce a Gaelic Football game and then UPM.

7 3 Eine Sammlung mit Hilfen

Alle Inhalte dieses Kapitels sind dem Dirty Little Helper“ (DLH) aus dem Internet entnommen. ” 3.1 Playing Tips 3.1.1 Chipping The Ball (Defensively) Chipping the ball can help immensly when defending or attacking. Run with the ball up or down the pitch now push the joystick in the opposite direction & press fire. The ball should fly into the other half. Example, you are attacking up field and your opponent has the ball in your half (down pitch). As soon as you gain possesion run up pitch and hit fire and down, the ball will now be chipped far into your opponents half. You can chip the ball in any direction just remember to push the joystick in the opposite direction that you face and press fire.

3.1.2 Dribbling You must first learn to dribble, how do you expect to score when you can‘t get possesion of the ball? There is no simple way to learn how to dribble, you have to practice. Try running with the ball then turning in the opposite direction, take the ball to the left or right wing and run diagonally with the ball, try running in circles with the ball, run left or right then immediatly run up or down etc, etc. Basically be inventive.

3.1.3 Passing Chipping is a good way to pass as the ball is so high in the air, you have time to run towards it before it lands. Blasting the ball upfield is only recommended if you can time your runs to perfection. Pass in the box and try to make the keeper come off his line then shoot. To pass hold down fire just before you make contact with the ball, your player will hold the ball then move him towards the direction of the player you want to pass to and let go. Try holding the ball just before you reach the box, if you get fouled then you are given a free kick! Try holding the ball inside the box and if you get fouled then you get a penalty! Hold the ball in the box, when the keeper comes out, let go of fire! Holding the ball for penalties and free kicks is recommende if you are playing someone that is crap and likely to foul alot.

3.1.4 Defending Never try to slide tackle in the box unless your timing is brilliant. The best way to defend is to try and dribble the ball away from your opponent then chip it away from your goal or if you‘re feeling confident make a run into your opponents half. Dribbling tha ball away from opponents is better than using a sliding tackle, if you use a slide tackle then you are on the floor, whereas when you are good at dribbling, you can take the ball off your opponent and leave him standing or chewing grass!

3.1.5 After Touch After touch is probaly what makes Kick Off 2 so good. By using after touch you can chip and bend the ball. Position the ball to the extreme of either side of your foot. Run straight at goal and when you are in the box just before you reach the dot hit fire and either left or right. For example, put the ball towards the far right of your foot. Run at goal and hit fire and right, the ball will swerve far right, if you hit fire and left, the ball will swerve far left. Decide where to place the ball depending upon where the keeper is standing.

8 Another way to score goals by using after touch is to swerve the ball while you run from left to right or vica versa. Run towards the edge of your opponents goal line, make sure you don‘t take the ball out of play, position the ball at the extreme of your left or right foot then press diagonally towards the direction of goal and hit fire. Example. Run up pitch towards your opponents goal, You are on the left wing. Before the goal line, run towards the goal (right) and osition the ball to the far left of your foot. Hit fire and right diagonally up about an inch away from goal. The ball should swerve towards the goal. Probably the hardest thing to master is the diagonal curl. Run diagonally towards goal. When you are in the box hit fire and diagonally towards the goal. Example : You are attacking down pitch. Run diagonally towards goal from the left. When you are in the box, hit fire and diagonally down towards the goal, you may notice that the ball curls slightly. Always try to aim for the top corner. You will find that the ball may ricochet in off the post.

3.1.6 Free Kicks You have a free kick up pitch towards your opponents goal, about 30 yds away, and dead centre on goal. Tap the button for a second, let go of fire, then push the joystick from diagonally far left to diagonally far right. Let go just after you make contact. The ball should bend viciously and dip. Pushing diagonally dips the ball. The longer you hold down fire, the more powerful your shot will be. Free kicks are probably the hardest to master so be patient. The only way to practice free kicks is to play in 2 player mode and set the 2nd players joystick on auto fire. If you haven‘t got an auto fire joystick then buy one or get a mate to foul you!

3.1.7 Penalties When the arrow is dead centre hit the button hard for a split second, as soon as you hit the button let go. There is no easy way to save penaltiesthat bullshit about replaying a penalty before it‘s taken doesn‘t work, there is no way to predict where your opponent will place the ball but it‘s best to try and dive short left or right (diagonally down and left or right if your opponent is shooting down pitch), or just stay in the centre and hit fire and up or down (depends where opponent is attacking).

3.1.8 Headers You can only head the ball after it has been chipped. To chip the ball a short distance run one way and push the joystick in the opposite direction very fast. Example. You are attcking upfield. Run upfield, when you are 1.5 inches away from the goal push down very quickly. Continue running upfiled. When the ball bounces over the keeper, try to head the ball into goal. It‘s useful to chip the ball a short distance left or right when you are near goal as you can get a player to run onto your cross and hopefully smash the ball into the net. Run left then push right very fast, the ball will be chipped left, now try to get a plyer to head the ball.

3.1.9 Chipping The Ball (Attack) Whenever you get kick off you have a golden opportunity to score. First I will describe how to chip from the half way line and score. You are scoring upfield. Run up the pitch with the ball, make sure the ball is dead centre of both of your feet. When you reach the end of the semi-circle of the half way line push the joystick down & press fire the ball should fly over towards your opponents goal. It takes a lot of practice but it‘s worth it. You may get kick off & within seconds you could be 1-0 up! If your opponent scores you can equalize immediately!

9 It is also possible to score by chipping the ball diagonally. Run close to the wing about 1/2 inch past the half way line, start running diagonally towards the goal and push in the opposite direction that you face and press fire. Example, you are attacking down pitch. Run as close to the left wing as possible, turn diagonally just past the half way line push diagonally to the opposite direction you face (top left) and hit fire, the ball will be chipped diagonally towards the goal. After you have mastered both these methods of chipping the ball, try to chip the ball from a shorter distance, chip the ball in the same way but don‘t push the joystick and hit fire with as much force. To do a curled chip, place the ball on the extreme left or right of your foot then push diagonally left or right in the opposite direction and hit fire. Example, you want to do a curled chip when the ball is on the far left of your foot. You are running down field. Push down diagonally towards the left and hit fire. The ball will fly high in the air, curling right.

3.1.10 Taking On The Keeper When you are brilliant at dribbling, run diagonally towards your opponents goal and when the keeper comes off his line shoot diagonally or curl diagonally. Another way to do this is to let the ball run, when the keeper runs out off his line run and blast the ball towards goal. This method of attack requires timing more than anything else.

3.1.11 Tactics Select 4-2-4. If this isn‘t working out after 2 minutes (you aren‘t having much attacking play) then switch to 4-4-2. 4-3-3 isn‘t very usefull and I only advise 5-3-2 is you are getting hammered (not that it will help much!). If your opponent scores or you get kick off, switch to 4-2-4 and try to chip from the half way line.

3.1.12 Conclusion Kick Off 2 is difficult to master, I have made this player‘s guide after nearly 18 months of experience! Always develop skills in practice mode with after touch on at international level. Practice for 10 mins then play in a match. Remember to be inventive.

3.2 More Tips...... 3.2.1 Strut Your Lob (Ooh!) The Long Ball is the best method of defeating the computer oppenent. Run straight up the pitch after you’ve kicked off until your centre-forward is on the rim of the circle. Then pull back on the joystick and press fire to perform a hard lob (yum yum). Eight times out of ten you’ll score a goal!! If the computer or another human opponent tries the same trick, then you must foul his striker before he makes it to the perfect goal-scoring position. the computer always plays a superb passing game, os never try to beat it using any roundabout methods unless, of course, you’re trying to run rings around the goalie.

3.2.2 Apply The Aftertouch This isn’t an option, it’s essential. Aftertouch is the icing on the cake as far as Kick Off 2 is concerned. Apply aftertouch as soon as you’ve kicked the ball. That way, you’ll get more effect. Running in at a diagonal path then applying aftertouch inside the near-post is lethal. Experts may like to apply aftertouch to long passes.

10 3.2.3 Free Kick Advice Few Kick Off 2 players seem able to handle Free Kicks, but they’re very simple to master:

• Step 1. Hold the firebutton down for about one second.

• Step 2. On releasing the firebutton, hold the joystick to the left or right.

• Step 3. Once the ball has been kicked, push the joystick back the opposite way. You can also try this just before you kick the ball. If you can manage it, give the ball some dip.

3.2.4 Making The Save When the opposition is lining up their penalty shot, move your joystick left and right to follow the arrow. Hopefully your goalie will go in the right direction when the shot is finally made.

3.3 General Tips If you’re in an impossible shooting position it’s best to pass, rather than try to be a hero. For a REALLY tough game, play against the computer on International Level whilst on a soggy pitch and without aftertouch. Difficult huh? Use all available tactics. Players who don’t bother with tactics are missing out on a big part of the game. Practice makes perfect!

3.4 Yet More Tips...... 3.4.1 Getting Started If you’ve never played , the 25% and 50% play modes in KICK OFF 2 are invaluable training aids. At quarter speed you get all the time in the world to concentrate on taking free kicks and work out the finer point of Aftertouch. At half speed, you can play a little bit more and so practise evading defenders and so on. The more you practise, the better you will be. Newcomers are best advised to play a “long ball game“. Welly it up the field at full power as much as you can - the computer works out the fine angle of the shot for you, allowing you to move the ball about the pitch easily. There’s more to be had from running with the ball and making intricate passes, but that’s a much more advanced skill.

3.4.2 Set-Piece free kicks Set-piece free kicks are worthless unless you know what you are doing. An inexperienced player is likely to end up fumbling for the ball, and the result is often a disaster. Try this simple technique for sending the ball round the defensive wall and into the net. Before the shot, give a quick tap of the fire button, then hold the joystick to the left or right (depending on which way round the wall the ball has to go). Then at the exact moment that you make contact with the ball, yank the joystick over to the other side. It won’t go in the net every time, but it will give the ’keeper something to worry about.

3.4.3 In A Corner Situation In a corner situation, try to keep the ball away from the goal-line. Unless you play with strong winds, the keeper plucks it out of the air on many occasions. Some tactics place a man on the penalty spot, and if you can get the ball to him, an Aftertouch shot from there is almost unbeatable. The low grass-cutter shots are the fastest, and if well placed can be dangerous, but there’s a greater risk of it being intercepted by a vigilant defender.

11 3.4.4 The Normal Pitch The normal pitch is best for most players, but circumstances often demand that you play on a less agreeable surface. The worst of the lot is the soggy pitch. It stops the ball bouncing, which means you have to kick- and-run a lot more - and that makes tired players. At the other end of the scale, the Plastic pitch is a real nightmare to defend on as the ball often bounces uncontrollably. Have a few practise sessions on them all so you are familiar with the ups and downs of each.

3.4.5 Goal-Scoring Goal-scrogin is a fine art, although you only need a couple of decent techniques to hammer them home on a regular basis. The most popular technique is simply run straight up the middle of the pitch and shoot with strong Aftertouch as you come into the penalty area. Providing you time it right, this technique has a fairly decent success rate. A slightly more complicated version, which has you running into the goal diagonally and shooting (with Aftertouch) from just outside the six yard box is even more deadly. The use of Aftertouch is vital, and you need to get it exactly right - the faster you apply the touch after shooting, the more the ball bends. If you are really accurate, you can bend the ball in from halfway down the pitch!

12 4 Der Kick Off 2 Tore-Kurs

Die Inhalte dieses Kapitels stammen aus einem Kick Off 2 - Hints“-Package auf BackToTheRoots“, ” ” einem Amiga-Archiv im Internet. Zum Text gibt es eine Diskette, auf der die Torszenen gespeichert sind.

By Alkis Polyrakis 2001 Kick Off 2 World Champion

This is a collection of 21 Kick Off 2 goals of varying difficulty level. They are by no means the only goals possible in the game, however one who can master these will soon be able to score in any way. There are 10 Replay files in the disk. Each file contains one or more goals. When I say for instance Goal 5.2, I’m referring to the second goal of file Replay5.

4.1 Section A: One On One Situations • Goal 1.1 The easiest goal possible in Kick Off 2. Just walk straight ahead and trap the ball close to the penalty spot. Wait for the keeper to go out and when he is close, release the fire button. Difficulty: 1/10

• Goal 1.2 The 90 degrees angle goal. Walk towards the goal, legthwise the post, and when you reach appro- ximately the penalty area, turn parallel to the goal and shoot straight as soon as you’re passed the goalkeeper. Difficulty: 2/10

• Goal 7.2 Walk into the box diagonally and when the keeper goes out, turn and shoot. Difficulty: 2/10

• Goal 1.3 Take advantage of the goalkeeper’s poor ability at defending the goal’s corners. Make sure the ball stays as low as possible, if it’s a high shot he will save it. Difficulty: 5/10

• Goal 1.4 Walk towards the goal and shoot with an aftertouch. For better results, make sure the player loses contact with the ball for a fraction of a second before shooting. Difficulty: 5/10

• Goal 2.1 Shoot a low aftertouch shot from the goal line. Try to shoot the ball close to the post, either the near or the far one. Difficulty: 7/10

• Goal 4.1 The walk of shame. Walk the ball with your player inside the net. The easiest way of doing it is to pass the ball to a player at the center of the box and then walk around the goalkeeper. Difficulty: 10/10

13 4.2 Section B: Passing And Crossing • Goal 2.2 Make a simple low pass inside the box and shoot, preferably straight and low. Difficulty: 6/10 • Goal 7.3 Walk across the goal line and do a low reverse-aftertouch cross inside the box, shoot and score. Difficulty: 7/10 • Goal 3.1 Walk across the goal line, cross the ball parallel to the goal and score with a header. Difficulty: 8/10 • Goal 3.2 Cross the ball diagonally from the corner of the box to the goal, and score with a header. Difficulty: 8/10 • Goal 3.3 Walk towards the goal outside the box, cross the ball straight ahead and score with a header. Change direction while on the air for better results. Difficulty: 8/10 • Goal 7.1 Do a long ball straight inside the box and score with a header or a shot by changing direction. Difficulty: 7/10 • Goal 8.1 Do a long ball diagonally inside the box and score with a header or a shot by changing direction. Difficulty: 8/10

4.3 Section C: Long Shots • Goal 5.1 Straight long distance shot, from the centre’s circle. Difficulty: 9/10 • Goal 5.2 Straight mid-range shot. Difficulty: 8/10 • Goal 5.3 Just outside the box, shoot with just enough reverse aftertouch for the ball to leave the ground. Difficulty: 10/10 • Goal 6.1 Diagonal long distance shot. Difficulty: 9/10

4.4 Section D: Free Kick Situations • Goal 10.2 You may think penalties are easy, but if you really want them to be succesful, try shooting as close to the middle as possible, not exactly at the middle though. Difficulty: 5/10

14 • Goal 10.1 There are several ways of scoring with foul kicks, but only one standard: Keep the fire button pressed for barely as long as you need for the ball to pass merely above the wall, when your player starts running turn your joystick to one direction, and then twice as long to the opposite direction. Difficulty: Depending on the distance, if you’re very close to the box it’s as easy as 3/10, if you’re far away and sideways then 9/10.

• Goal 9.1 A good way of scoring with corner kicks is Goal 2.1, but it’s kind of easy to defend against. So this is my favorite one: Switch to 5-3-2. Keep the joystick centered and the fire button pressed for a second or less, then when you release the button turn your joystick to the OPPOSITE direction of the goal (if you’re attacking up pitch, turn your joystick down and vice versa) and tap the button continuously. If you do it right, the ball will arrive to one of your attackers and you’ll score every time. Most people’s mistake is that they turn towards the goal’s direction instead of the opposite, missing the ball everytime. Difficulty: 8/10

15 5 Das Kick Off 2“ Handbuch ” Game Manual: KICK OFF 2 + WORLD CUP DATA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the full manual typed by teddystacker,from originals supplied by Wizard and King.Proof reading ,as usual by Wacy Jacky.

DEDICATED TO THE ENGLAND FOOTBALL TEAM 01-07-90. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


1.0 INTRODUCTION KICK OFF 2 retains the pace and accuracy of the universally acclaimed KICK OFF.A soccer simulation with a full size multi directional scrolling pitch and the players,markings,goals etc,in correct proportions.Both teams play the game strictly according to tactics.Players move into position to receive passes and gain possession.The ball,as in real game ,travels ahead of the player thus making a tackle a matter of skill rather than of choice.

KICK OFF 2 like real soccer,requires skills in ball control for passing,dribbling,shooting etc.Accuracy in shooting, the ability to swerve or bend the ball to score, when taking free kicks need a lot of practice.The practice option all you to practice the ball skills and set pieces,without being harassed (frank spencer) by the opposition.Take your time and practice the skills to perfection.If two players are to team up,it is an ideal opportunity to practice ONE - TWO up and down the pitch.

Each player on the pitch has a unique combination of attributes and skills suitable for the skill level at which the game is being played.A International is superior to 4th div. player in all departments.

A host of playing options are provided.One of the most useful options is the provision to set the skill levels of both teams independently.A novice with INT. Squad can give a professional with 4th Division Squad a run for his money.

There is a league and a cup tournament with sudden death penalty shoot outs, in case of a draw.The teams in the league are on the whole evenly matched but with different styles of play and the player skills to match,that style.There is a option to load your own team from "Player Manager" along with your own tactics , to play against another "Player Manager" team in a single game or enter league and cup tournament.

The special events selection in the main menu,allows data disks to be loaded.

16 Kick Off 2 also provides the facility to change strip colours ,on expanded ST’s ( 1 MB or above ) there are additional sound effects.

The "Action Reply" facility allows you to see the goals at normal pace or in "Slow Motion" and compile your own "Golden Goals" disk.

There are 24 referees and have their own distinctive temperaments.You will soon know which referee turns a "blind eye" and which one has a pack of red cards,to distribute.On the other hand,like human beings,they have good days and bad days.You never know,you may catch Sean Willis on a good day but Gary Penn - unlikely!!

2.0 MAIN MENU There are 9 main menu options.

2.1 SINGLE GAME - A single game can be between a player and the computer or between two players.Two players can team up against the computer or against two other players.A host of options are available to alter the match conditions and various permutations of the options to provide an enormous variety of gameplay.

2.2 THE LEAGUE - There is a League of 8 teams lasting 14 weeks.The league championship requires consistent excellence.8 players can play in the league which can be saved to disk ,and continued later.

2.3 THE CUP - The cup tournament is played on a knock out basis.If there is no result,extra time is played.If there is still no result,a penalty shoot out decides the winner.

2.4 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY - This option allows you to play a single match using International sides with their distinct styles of play.

2.5 PRACTICE - Practice mode allows one or two players to practice ball skills and learn ball controls without being harassed ( Frank Spencer ) by the opposition.

2.6 OPTIONS - The OPTION menu sets the conditions for a SINGLE GAME or INT. FRIENDLY.The options must be selected before playing the game

2.7 SPECIAL EVENTS - This option is used for loading data disks to be published at a later date.

2.8 ACTION REPLAY - This option is used to edit a file of action

17 replay of goals to create a "Golden Goals" disc etc.

2.9 KIT DESIGN - This option enables design of custom kit for a single game only.

3.0 THE OPTIONS The options in this menu,once set,remain unchanged until changed.The DEFAULT condition is printed in BOLD.

3.1 DURATION : 2 X 3 , 2 X 5 , 2 X 10 and 2 x 2. The league and cup matches 2 x 5 min.

3.2 PITCH : A choice of 4 playing surfaces, Normal - Normal bounce and travel. Soggy - Ball bounce and travel reduced.Players stamina reduced. Wet - Increased ball travel and speed. Artificial - High ball bounce.Increased ball speed and travel.Reduced players stamina.

3.3 WIND : A choice of 4 - Off,light,medium and strong.

3.4 REPLACE TACTICS : Each team can use a total of 4 tactics in a game.These tactics can be replaced by 4 other tactics on the game disc or the data disc containing tactics designed by the "Player Manager".See (14.0) for more information.

3.5 EXTRA TIME AND PENALTIES : Yes or NO - If the answer is yes,extra time proportional to the full time match duration is played, if the result is a draw after full time.The extra time is in two halves and the teams change ends at the half time.If the result is still a draw then a sudden death penalty shoot out decides the result. The option is set to NO in the league matches and YES for cup tournament.

3.6 SKILL LEVEL : Choice of 5 skill levels - International , 1st ,2nd ,3rd and 4th divisions.The attributes and skills of the players correspond to the division.In a single match,identical squads are presented for both teams,thus ensuring that the result depends on the skill of the players only.The skill level of both teams can be set independently.This facility allows even a novice with a International squad to give an experienced player with 4th division squad a run for his money. There is another special level namely PLAYER MANAGER.This option allows a Player Manager team to be loaded along with the current tactics,to play against another player or computer at any of the 5 skill levels or play against another Player Manager team.See 5.0 for instructions.

3.7 LEAGUE OPTIONS - The skill level at which the league is played can be selected.Choice of 3rd division , 1st division or

18 international level.

3.8 GAME SPEED : The speed of the game can be changed.At reduced speed,it is possible to play a very tactical game and see how your tactics actually work and the response of your opponents.There are 3 options : NORMAL,MEDIUM and SLOW.

3.9 AFTER TOUCH : YES or NO - If the answer is yes ,the ball direction can be altered for a short duration after shooting.Ideal for bending the ball etc.

3.10 SELECT REFEREE : YES or NO - You may select any of the 24 referees.The referees play a very important part in the game.

4.10 THE PLAYERS Each player on the pitch has a unique mixture of attributes and skills. The attributes are PACE - STAMINA - AGGRESSION - RESILIENCE The skills are PASSING - SHOOTING - TACKLING THE unique mixture determines the performance of the player.For instance,a player of great pace but with poor stamina will not perform well , as the match nears the end and should be substituted if there is extra time in a cup match.Similarly a player with high aggression will go for a ball and if he has a good tackling skills will succeed in getting the possession but with low tackling skill is likely to foul the opposition and may even collect a red card if seen by the referee.

5.0 SELECTING SKILL LEVEL There are 5 skill levels plus a special level. INTERNATIONAL 1st DIVISION 2nd DIVISION 3rd DIVISION 4th DIVISION PLAYER MANAGER To set the skill level,select OPTIONS in the main menu and then select SKILL LEVEL in the option menu. One player or Two players against the computer - TEAM A Two players against each other: player 1 - TEAM A: player 2 - TEAM B

The skill level of each team can be set independently thus enabling a novice to play on equal terms with an expert.A novice using a squad of international players with their great pace and shooting accuracy can give a tough game to an expert with 4th division squad.

The Player Manager level allows you to load a team trained in Player Manager to play against another Player Manager team or a computer team

19 of chosen skill level.

When Player Manager level is selected,you will be asked to insert your P.M. data disk in the drive.The whole squad along with current tactics will be loaded.The current tactics can however be replaced with new tactics.

6.0 SELECTING NUMBER OF PLAYERS 1 to 4 players can play using a joystick adaptor.

TEAM SELECTION screen (see 8.0) provides the opportunity to select number of players and hoe they are to play, i.e. against the computer,against each other etc...

7.0 GAME OPTIONS All the four options are selected via the Main menu.

CAUTION: Before selecting the GAME OPTIONS,select the required conditions from the OPTION menu (SEE 3.0).

7.1 SINGLE GAME Two players can play against the computer or against each other.One player game is against the computer.Also two players can play against two other players. On selecting this menu option,you will be asked the number of players:1,2,3 or 4.

SELECT TEAM screens give you the opportunity to select both teams.The winner of the toss decides whether to play UP or DOWN pitch.The name of the referee is also displayed.

7.11 TACTICS Select the tactics for the start of the match using the keyboard.The tactics can be changed any time during the match when the ball is out of play.

Keys 1,2,3 & 4 are assigned to Team A and 1,2,3 & 4 on the NUMERIC KEYPAD are assigned to the Team B.Press the key and the players will move to the new tactical positions,once the ball comes into play again.

7.12 SUBSTITUTIONS Two substitutions are allowed in a match.Please see 19.0 for more information.

7.2 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY This option allows you to play a single game between ant two chosen international teams.On selecting this option ,a list of all the countries is presented.Highlight TEAM A and the first country.Press the F.B. to confirm the choice.Repeat the process for TEAM B.

20 7.3 THE LEAGUE The League consists of 8 teams and lasts 14 weeks.There are 3 skill levels,Third,First and international at which the league can be played.Use the OPTIONS menu to set the skill level.The default skill level is the 1st division.When the league option is selected in the Main menu,the league table with the appropriate numbers of teams is displayed.The following options are available:

7.31 CHANGE TEAM NAMES - Move joystick up to highlight a team name.Press F.B. and the cursor will flash at the end of the team name.Use keyboard to edit the name.Move the J/S to highlight another team if required.

7.32 SELECTING TEAM TO PLAY - When the table first appears,the letter C appears against all the teams to say that all the teams are Computer controlled.To change the team to J/S i.e. play that team in the league.Move J/S to highlight the team and press F1

7.33 LOADING PLAYER MANAGER TEAMS. Player Manager teams together with their current tactics can be loaded in the league.To load a team,move joystick to highlight the team you wish to replace with the P.M. team and press F3.Insert your Player Manager Data Disk in the drive and press F.B. Repeat the process to load other teams.

7.34 LOADING PLAYER MANAGER DESIGNED TACTICS : The tactics designed in Player Manager can be loaded for each team in the league.Move the J/S to highlight the team for which you wish to load new tactics and press F5.Insert P.M. data disk and press the F.B.The teams current tactics directory and the directory of all the available tactics will be displayed.Highlight the tactics you wish to replace in the current directory and press the F.B. Move the J/S to highlight the required tactics in the data disk directory and then press F.B. Repeat the process if you wish to replace other tactics. Select DONE when finished.

Repeat the process for other teams.

7.35 LOAD This option allows you to load a previously saved league and continue the game.When the option is exercised,none of the options above can be used.Insert your data disk with previously saved league in the drive and press F.B. Select the league you wish to play and press the F.B.

7.36 ( I have not missed this - it applies to 8 bit machines only !!)

7.37 CONTINUE: Select this option to play the league game.The two teams to play the next match will be highlighted.If both teams had J for control,the computer will allocate J1 and J2 to the teams.

21 The options at the bottom of the screen will now display SAVE,PLAY - MATCH and QUIT.

7.38 SAVE: Select this option to save your current league.A good quality FORMATTED disk is required to save the league. Insert the disk in the drive and press the F.B.Type the name,under which,you wish to save the league or use the displayed file name,by highlighting it.

7.39 QUIT: The league is abandoned without saving and the program returns to the MAIN menu.

7.40 PLAY MATCH: The squad selection screens, for each team are displayed next.The game now follows the procedure as detailed for SINGLE GAME. The league table is updated after each match. CAUTION - It is upto players to ensure that there is no duplication of team names.Name duplication may cause the program to crash.You are advised to save the league at regular intervals.

7.41 THE CUP: The Cup tournament is for 8 teams and is on a knock out basis.In case of a draw,there is extra time.If there is still no result,sudden death penalty shoot out feature is used to decide the result. (see 15.0 for rules)


8.1 PLAY OPTIONS PLAYING AS A TEAM - The player controls the player nearest to the ball. PLAYING IN POSITION - The player assumes the identity i.e. the skills and attributes of one player on the pitch and controls this player right through the match.If the selected player is injured,the player assumes the identity of the substitute.

YOU CAN NOT PLAY AS A KEEPER. 1 to 4 players using a special joystick adaptor.

TEAM MODE - Two players can team up to play against the computer or other two players.Both players can only play in position. 3 Players - Third player (J/S 3) plays in TEAM MODE with player 1. 4 Players - Fourth player(J/S 4) plays in TEAM MODE with player 2.

1 Player only - Player 1 controls Team A using J/S 1.He has a choice of either playing as a team or playing in position.

2 Players - Two players can play in TEAM MODE against the computer or against each other.In the latter case they may play in position or as

22 a team.

A squad of 16 players with skills and attributes pertaining to the selected skill level are displayed for team A first.The names of the players and their field positions are shown.

The computer has already selected the shirt numbers of the players and the substitutes 12 and 14 .These are not necessarily the best selections.If you wish to change the selection,move J/S up or down to highlight a player name and left or right to highlight the shirt number.


TEAM A 8.21 PLAY AS TEAM: Select J.S.1 icon and press F.B. Select DONE and press F.B.

8.22 PLAY IN POSITION: Select J.S.1 icon and press F.B. Move J/S to highlight the player whose identity you wish to assume and press F.B. Select DONE.

8.23 CANCEL PLAY IN POSITION OR CHANGE THE PLAYER: Highlight the player selected and press F.B.



TEAM A : Player 1 select J.S.1 and press F.B. PLAY IN POSITION - As in 8.22 PLAY AS A TEAM - Select Done and press F.B.

TEAM B: Player 2 SELECT J.S.2 and press F.B. then as Team A TEAM MODE TEAM A - Players 1 & 2 select J.S.1 & J.S.2 respectively and the players identities.Select DONE


TEAM A: Player 1 select J.S.1 AND PLAYER 3 SELECT J.S.3 Follow the procedure for TEAM MODE.

TEAM B: Player 2 select J.S.2. Select DONE to play as team or a player and DONE to play in position.


TEAM A: As for 3 players. TEAM B: Player 2 select J.S.2. and player 4 select J.S.4. Follow the procedure for TEAM MODE.

23 8.6 SELECTING START TACTICS: The names of the 4 tactics in current use are displayed.Use the keyboard as detailed in 7.11 to select the tactics at Kick Off.


9.1 MOVEMENT - The player moves in all 8 joystick directions.

9.2 HEADERS - If the ball is in the air,pressing F.B. will make the controlled player jump.Move the J/S in the direction in which you wish to head the ball,when the player is in the air.

9.3 BLOCKING TACKLE - The purpose of this tackle is to gain possession of the ball from the opponent.The tackle must be from the front or overtaking the opponent and getting possession of the ball as it travels in front of the player.Tackling the player from behind is a FOUL.

9.4 SLIDING TACKLE - This tackle can be done from any direction. A sliding tackle on an opponent without the ball is a FOUL.If the ball is on the ground,press F.B. TO DO A SLIDING TACKLE.You must touch the ball before touching the opponent to avoid being penalised.A sliding tackle from behind is a FOUL.

9.5 SCISSOR KICK - Reverse the direction of the joystick when the ball is in the air,for a scissor kick.

10.0 BALL CONTROL Kick Off 2 controls have been specially designed for ease of use.In a fast moving game and under pressure,there is no time top remember complicated joystick movements,the action has to be instinctive.The controls are simple and can be learnt and practiced to perfection in PRACTICE in the main menu.The ball control becomes even more deadly if AFTER TOUCH is used.

10.1 DRIBBLE BALL: The ball travels in front of the player.The distance it travels depends on the speed of the player at the time of contact.

10.2 SHOOT BALL : Press F.B. AFTER touching the ball,will shoot the ball in the direction the player is facing.

10.3 STOP BALL : Press F.B. BEFORE touching the ball will stop the ball and give the player total control.

10.4 PASS BALL: You must STOP the ball before you can pass.Keep the F.B. pressed and move the J/S in the direction you wish to pass and release the F.B. Releasing the F.B. when the J/S is centred will take you back into DRIBBLE action.The player will turn in the joystick direction and start dribbling the ball in that direction.He will shoot

24 if the F.B. is pressed.

10.5 CHIP BALL: If the ball is on the ground,reversing the direction of the J/S will chip the ball.

10.6 AFTER TOUCH:This option can be activated in the OPTION menu.It allows the player to alter the direction of the ball by a small amount after shooting the ball.The direction must be changed immediately after shooting the ball,as the control is only effective for a very short time.After touch can be used to devastating effect with practice.Move the joystick in the direction you wish the ball to go (foward positions of the joystick only) immediately after shooting the ball.

11.0 KEEPER CONTROL The keeper is computer controlled except in the following cases,

11.1 DEFENDING A PENALTY: The control is transferred to the main player.The keeper stands in the centre and starts to move as soon as the F.B. is pressed.The longer the F.B. is kept pressed,the bigger the movement.

A - Jump up JOYSRICK POSITIONS B - Dive top left corner C - Dive top right corner A D - Dive left mid bar height B C E - Catch ball D E F F - Dive right mid bar height G H G - Dive left ground J H - Dive right ground J - Stoop

11.2 TAKING GOAL KICKS: The keeper automatically takes the goal kick unless the player wishes to do so.If the player does not exercise this option quickly,the computer will take control.Move the joystick in the required position before the keeper kicks or throws the ball .Press the F.B. to quickly boot the ball up field to catch the opposition out of position or to stop the keeper wasting time.

A - Hard ahead B - Hard left C - Hard left D - Medium left E - Medium ahead F - Medium right G - Soft left H - Soft right J - Soft ahead


JOYSTICK ONLY Players 3 & 4 require a special joystick adaptor.

11.4 QUIT MATCH OR PRACTICE You can quit a single game or INT. Friendly or practice mode.A league game or cup match cannot be terminated.

25 Hit the ESC Key for the above.


12.1 CORNER KICKS 12.11 SELECTING TYPE OF CORNER KICK There is a choice of 9 corner kicks.A selection panel appears showing the goal post and corner flag.The selection panel is actually the face of the ball that the player will kick.

Kicking the ball at the bottom lifts the ball to top bar height. Kicking the ball in the middle takes the ball at mid goal post height. Kicking the ball at top of the ball keeps the ball low at ankle height.

Kicking the ball away from the goal curls the ball towards the goal. Kicking the ball straight keeps the ball straight. Kicking the ball towards the goal curls the ball away from the goal.

Once the ball has been kicked , normal ball controls apply. Look at the scanner to see the positions of your players and select the suitable corner kick ,then press the F.B.

12.12 STRENGTH OF CORNER KICKS The duration for which the F.B. is kept pressed to select the type of corner kick,determines the strength of the kick.A short tap will do a short kick i.e. pass to a player near the corner flag.A hard kick will take the ball to the player across or out of play.

12.2 PENALTIES The angle and the height of the shot are controlled,enabling the penalty taker to put the ball anywhere in the net.

The pointer on a bar moves rapidly from left to right indicating the horizontal direction of the ball if hit at that point.Press F.B. to start the run.The longer the F.B. is pressed,the higher the ball will rise.It is therefore possible to hit the top corners of the net or keep the ball on the ground or overshoot the ball.A short tap will keep the ball on the ground. During the penalties,the keeper control is passed to the main player.See KEEPER CONTROL instructions.

12.3 FREE KICKS Set piece Free Kick is played if there is a foul by a defending player within a narrow sector in front of the defended goal mouth.

12.31 TAKING FREE KICK The ball is placed where the foul occurred.A few yards away on each side of the ball stands a player from the team taking the Free Kick.If two players are in team mode,the main player takes the Free Kick and the other controlled player stands on the side nearest to the goal.

26 Press F.B. to start the run.The duration for which the F.B. is kept pressed determines the height of the ball.The longer the button is kept pressed,the higher the ball will rise.The strength of the kick is randomly computer controlled.

There are two distinct joystick controls:BEFORE touching the ball and AFTER touching the ball.


A Jump Over The Ball Dip The Ball A B Slight Left Bias Dip and Swerve Ball B C C Slight Right Bias Dip and Swerve Ball D E F D More Left Bias Swerve Ball G H E Straight Kick No Action J F More Right Bias Swerve Ball G Pass Ball To Left Player H Pass Ball To Right Player

Only the player taking the Free Kick has Swerve control of the ball. With practice ,he can dip the ball into the opposition net or bend the ball round the opposition wall.The controls give infinite control on the kick,and with practice,a match winner.If the ball is passed to another,normal ball controls are resumed. If the main player jumps over the ball,in the absence of a controlled player,one of the players next to the ball will take the kick.

12.32 DEFENDING FREE KICK A wall of players,if formed 10 yds (approx) from the ball in direct path of the ball.

12.4 THROW IN The computer automatically throws the ball to the nearest player in position to receive the ball.The control can be however be assumed by the player.There is a option to do a directed SHORT or LONG throw.Move the joystick in the five forward positions and press the F.B. for a short throw.If the F.B. is not pressed soon,the computer will automatically take a throw.The three backward positions are used for the LONG throws.

13.0 SUBSTITUTIONS You are allowed to make 2 substitutions during the match.You can not substitute a player who has been given a RED card by the referee.Only ONE substitution at a time can be made.GOAL KEEPERS CANNOT BE SUBSTITUTED.


PL. 12 TEAM A = F4 PL. 14 TEAM A = F5 PL. 12 TEAM B = F9

27 PL. 14 TEAM B = F10

13.2 MAKING A SUBSTITUTION When the ball goes out of play,you will be asked to make a substitution. The name of one of the players will appear on the screen.Use up and down cursor keys to scan through the players on the field.When the name of the player you wish to substitute appears,press the SPACE BAR.

14.0 TACTICS Tactics employed by each side greatly influences the game play and results.The players move into their tactical positions and provided the tactics have been properly designed,the players are in position to receive passes,attack and defend.Kick Off 2 comes with 8 ready made tactics.You also have the option to load tactics designed in the PLAYER MANAGER game.These can be loaded into Kick Off 2 single games as well as league games.The team is however allowed to use only 4 tactics during the match.Selecting the right tactics is therefore quite important.


14.11 SINGLE GAME - There are 8 tactics included in Kick Off 2 of which 4 are pre selected.A team is allowed to take 4 tactics to a match.Use SELECT TACTICS in the OPTION MENU to replace any or all four tactics from KICK OFF 2 or PLAYER MANAGER data disk. Select Team A or Team B and the current list of tactics in use will be shown.Insert the Player Manager data disk or leave the program disk in the drive.Press F.B. to display the tactics library on the disk.Select the tactics you wish to replace hit the F.B. Move the joystick to highlight the new tactics and press the F.B. to load the new tactics.Select DONE

14.12 LEAGUE GAME Each team in the league is allowed 4 tactics.The tactics of each team can be replaced by the library of tactics on the program disc or the Player Manager data disc.Follow the procedure as detailed in 7.34

14.2 CHANGING TACTICS DURING THE GAME You can select the starting tactics to be employed by your team.The tactics can be changed any time during the match as soon as the ball goes out of play. - See 7.11 for instructions.

15.0 SUDDEN DEATH PENALTY SHOOT OUT If after extra time,there is still no result,a penalty shoot out takes place.Each side takes five penalties in turn.The winner is the team which scored the most goals.If the number of goals is equal,each side takes a penalty alternately.After both sides have taken their turn,there is a goal difference,the team with the most goals is declared the winner.The shoot out continues until there is a goal difference.

28 16.0 GENERAL The referees in the game have their own characteristics and competence level.Some are more prone than others, in disciplinary action.They can give yellow and red cards.

The players with lower stamina are prone to get tired and lose pace as well as accuracy.The players are also inclined to time wasting if the winning margin is small.



17.0 KIT DESIGN The kit colours can be changed as follows:

The team kit can be changed for a single or Int. friendly match.Each team has two colours allocated.The combination allows plain or striped shirts.A choice of 16 colours is available. Select the colour box and press F.B. to cycle through the colours.When all 4 colours have been selected,move the joystick to select style and press the F.B. Though all 6 styles are shown,the graphics for the last 4 styles are not available.

SHIRT - Main colour + Second colour or Main Colour only SHORTS - Second colour only

18.0 PRACTICE There is option to Practice SKILLS,PENALTIES.Press ESC to return to the MAIN MENU.

18.1 PRACTICE SKILLS: The option gives the player the chance to learn joystick movements and improve his passing and shooting skills.The skills can be practiced at all skill levels with ONE or TWO players option.The skills are learnt without being harassed (Frank Spencer) by the opposition.In ONE player option,you control the player nearest the ball. In TWO players option,joystick 1 controls player 9 and joystick 2 controls player 10.This option allows you to practice One-TWO up and down the pitch.The joystick controls of KICK OFF 2 are unique and specially designed for instinctive play.See controls and learn to dribble,pass,shoot,chip and head the ball.Utilise GAME SPEED option to perfect techniques.Press ESC / SPACE to quit.

18.2 PRACTICE PENALTIES: You can practice taking and defending penalties either against a computer or another player.Each player takes and defends 5 penalties.This practice is essential for success if there is a pentalty shoot out at the end of a CUP match.See PENALTIES section for full description of how to take a penalty and KEEPER CONTROLS for defending penalties.Press ESC / SPACE to quit.

29 19.0 ACTION REPLY Action Reply shows the goal scored so that a player can enjoy the glorious moments again.These glorious moments can be saved on a Data Disk and savoured at a later stage.It is also possible to compile a GOLDEN SHOTS disc recording exceptional goals.


19.1 : Select ACTION REPLAY in the Main Menu.Select STORE option.You will be asked the following questions:

FILE NAME: 8 characters max. (Default:Replay) MATCH DATE: dd/mm/yy (Default:02/05/90) TEAM A: 8 Characters max. (Default: Anco 1) TEAM B: 8 Characters max. (Default: Computer) PLAYER 1 NAME: 8 Characters max. (Default: Anco) PLAYER 2 NAME: 8 Characters max. (Default: Computer)

The action Replays will be stored under this file name and will contain the above information and the identity of the team scoring the goal.

19.2: The action replay is NOT automatic.To see the replay,press key R for Normal or S for slow motion before the next kick off.If you wish to save the replays on a disc,insert a BLANK FORMATTED data disc in the drive.This disc must only be used for saving Action Replays.

19.3 SAVING REPLAY ON A DATA DISK: Press F1 during the replay,to save the replay on the disc.

19.4 EDITING THE REPLAY: This option allows the editing of the goals to create a GOLDEN GOALS disc.A new FORMATTED disc is required.

This option is a stand alone program requiring extensive use of memory.Once this option is used,the computer must be switched off and reloaded to play a game.

9.41 Select EDIT option in the Action Replay in the Main Menu.Insert the data disc in the drive and select LOAD option.The directory of the disc will be displayed.Select the goal you wish to see and press the fire button.Press the Space Bar to store the goal in memory.Only a few goals can be stored in the memory at a time.Insert Golden Goals disc in the drive and select the SAVE option. Select CLEAR to clear the memory and thus load more Action Replays.Repeat the process for the rest of the goals on the match disc.The Golden Goals disc can be futher edited to produce another GOLDEN GOALS disc.

30 ------

KICK OFF 2 - WORLD CUP ‘90 DATA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOADING: Select SPECIAL EVENTS option on the MAIN MENU and select WORLD CUP option on the sub menu.

CONTROLS: As in Kick Off 2.

SAVE: A blank formatted disc is required.DO NOT USE THE PROGRAM DISK!.

INTRODUCTION: There are 24 teams competing in the World Cup Finals. The teams are organised in 6 groups of 4 teams each.The first part of the Finals is played on a league basis.Each team in the group plays against the other three teams and a win is awarded 2 points and a draw 1 point.Goals FOR and goals AGAINST are also recorded.When all groups have completed the league,the winner and the runner up from each group goes through to the next round of the tournament together with the best four losers.The 16 teams left in the finals now play on a knock out basis to the Quarter Finals,Semi Finals and the Final.

INSTRUCTIONS: The 24 teams of the world cup , with their current grouping A, B, C. D, E and F are displayed.Each group has four countries.You can change the grouping of any team or all the teams if you wish to do so,provided there are FOUR teams in each group,when you finish organising the group. At the bottom of the table there are 4 captions: CONTINUE - Takes you to the next table or game. LOAD - Allows you to load a previously saved World Cup game. SAVE - Saves the current World Cup game on a disc. QUIT - Returns you to the main menu.

Move the joystick to highlight the group code and press the fire button.The group letter will cycle through the letters A to F for each press of the fire button.Move the joystick to change as many groupings as you wish to.Each group must have four countries.When satisfied,move the joystick to captions and select CONTINUE to proceed. The first round of the WORLD CUP is played on a LEAGUE basis.League tables for each group will be displayed.The league will show letter C in the control coloum.This signifies that in the match the team is computer controlled.To change the team to PLAYER control,highlight C. Press the fire button and C will change to J/S.The control toggles between C and J/S. If two players are playing,more than one team can be set for J/S control.When the league is played,the computer will show J/S 1 or J/S 2 for the control.

When all the groups have been played,the original table will display the teams which have made the last sixteen.The numbers 1 to 8 will appear against the qualifying teams.The teams with the same number will play against each other.The teams which did not qualify will have a blank.You can modify the numbers including the blank by

31 highlighting the panel and pressing the fire button. This table will appear for the Quarter,semi and finals.At each stage you can alter the qualifying teams.


This Doc is dedicated to The England Football Team - Who have just won a historic victory and are now through to the semi finals of the world cup. - WELL DONE LADS!!!!


32 6 Das Kick Off 2 - The Final Whistle“ Handbuch ”

Possums’ Temporary Emergency Replacement DocDisk Presents -


1.0 SKILL LEVELS ------There are a new group of players at each skill level. The facility to import teams from Player Manager remains available. However there is another option. OTHER SQUAD:This will allow you to import teams from future Data Discs. This option also allows you to load a selected squad saved from the Select Squad screen,thus avoiding the inconveniance of selecting a squad everytime the game is played.

2.0 SQUAD SELECTION ------The squad is selected by allocating a shirt number against a name. Move the joystick left or right to highlight the required shirt number. Move the J/S UP or DOWN to highlight a player.

2.1 : Select the shirt number and then the player you wish to play in that shirt number. Press the Fire Button. 2.2 : You can see the attributes and the skill level of any player in the squad.

Highlight the player name and press the SPACE-BAR. Press SPACE-BAR to return to the squad screen.

3.0 MODE OF PLAY ------1 To 4 players can play the game.

3.1 ONE PLAYER : One player against the computer.Player 1 controls TEAM A. He can play either nearest the ball or in position. He cannot play as the keeper.

3.2 PLAY NEAREST THE BALL : Highlight J/S - Select DONE and press F.B 3.3 PLAY IN POSITION : Highlight J/S. Move J/S up or down to highlight the name of the player you wish to control.Select DONE and press F.B 3.4 TWO PLAYERS : There are two modes available. a) Play against each other. b) Play as a team against the computer.

33 3.5 PLAY AGAINST EACH OTHER : Player 1 controls the team A and Player 2. The players can play nearest to the ball or play in position. 3.6 PLAYER 1 (TEAM A) Play Nearest To The Ball - Highlight J/S 1,Select done and press the F.B Play In Position - Highlight J/S 2,Select done and press the F.B 3.7 PLAYER 2 (TEAM B) Nearest To Ball - Highlight J/S 2,Select done. In Position - Highlight J/S Then Select done. 3.8 PLAY AS A TEAM AGAINST THE COMPUTER Player 1 can play nearest to the ball or in position. Player 2 can play in position on the pitch or as keeper. Player 2 makes the selection first. 3.8A Player 2 - Highlight J/S 2,Move J/S to highlight the player you wish to control on the pith or the keeper and press the F.B. 3.8B Player 1 - As in 3.6

4.0 COMPUTER AGAINST COMPUTER ------This option allows Team A to play against Team B without players control. The option allows a Player Manager to test the ability of his team against the computer without playing in one player mode.In two player mode,a Player Manager can test his team against another Player Manager team.

Select COMPUTER option.If a player manager team is loaded for TEAM A in select level then Team A will play against the computer. If another Player Manager team is loaded from Team B then two Player Manager teams can play against each other.Select DONE and press F.B

SAVE : Once you have selected a squad, you can use SAVE option to save the selected squad on a pre-fprmatted disc.The saved team can be loaded for a game using OTHER SQUAD option ion the Select Skill option. QUIT : This option allows you to return to the Main Menu.

5.0 THREE PLAYERS Players 1 and 3 play in Team Mode as 3.8 5.1 FOUR PLAYERS Players 1 and 3 play in Team Mode against players 2 and 4 also playing in Team Mode.

6.0 THE KEEPER ------In one player mode,or two player mode against each other,the player controls the keeper for a goal kick and while defending a penalty kick. In Two Players mode, if the second player is playing as a keeper,the following rules apply. 6.1 A) The Keeper is confined to the 18yd box. B) While defending the goal,the computer controls the extent and direction of a dive or a jump.The player controlling the keeper initiates the action by pressing the F.B. 6.2 The keeper controls for defending the penalty area remain as in KO2.

34 6.3 GOAL KICKS : The goal remains as in KO2 but the length of the kick now depends on the shooting attributes ofthe keeper.

7.0 SET PIECES ------7.1 CORNER KICKS : The corner kicks are now radically changed giving the player far more control.It is possible to kick the ball with a left or right bias, Curl the ball in or out using "AfterTouch" and control the height of the ball. There are nine settings of shot control. A)There are nine shot power settings. The minimium setting taps the ball to player standing nearest to the player taking the corner kick and the maximum will take the ball past the far post.Move J/S to highlight the strength required and press the F.B. B)Press the F.B again.The duration for which you hold the F/B determines the height of the ball.Releasing the F.B. starts the run up of the player taking the corner kick. C)Before the player reaches the ball,the ball can be given a left or right bias by moving the J/S left or right.The duration for which the J/S is kept left or right determines the amount of bias.If the J/S is not moved the ball will be kicked straight. D)Move J/S to control the ball using AFTERTOUCH which is available for only a short amount of time.

The new controls give the player total control for corner kicks. 7.2 THROW IN : The computer will automatically take a throw unless the F.B is pressed before a throw in is taken.The duration for which the F.B is kept determines the distance for which the ball is thrown.Move J/S to determine the direction of the throw and releasethe F.B Only five forward positions of the joystick can be used.

8.0 BALL CONTROL ------There are two new joystick controls. 8.1 OVERHEAD KICK : Reverse the direction of the joystick when the ball is in the air. 8.2 FLICK BALL : Press the F.B before you touch the ball.The ball is now in control. Keep the F.B pressed.Move the J/S forward and then reverse the direction of the J/S,releasing the F.B at the same time. The ball will be flicked in the air giving you the opportunity to do either a blinding header or a spectacular overhead kick.

9.0 PITCHES ------There are three additional pitches. 1 - ICY - Increases ball pace and travel. 2 - MUDDY - Ball travel reduced drastically bothin the air and on the ground Player stamina is greatly reduced.

35 3 - BUMPY - This is a non-league pitch.On hitting the ground,the ball is likely to fly off in any direction. 9.1 New graphics have been introduced for the normal pitch and the pitch is called WEMBLEY.

10.0 PLAYER ATTRIBUTES ------There is an additional player attribute called FLAIR. Players with a high degree of Flair are likely to play more of an intervidual game than a team game.

11.0 OFFSIDE ------The OFFSIDE - Rule only comes into play for the following player modes. TWO PLAYERS - Against each other. Three and Four player mode. RULES : A player is offside if he receives the ball while there is no opposition player (excluding the Keeper) between him and the goal. You Have the option of having the OFFSIDE on or off.

12.0 TACTICS ------12.1 The tactics implementation has now been completely changed giving a totally newgameplay.The old tactics positioned the players dependingon the position of the ball on the pitch irrespective as to which side had the possesion of the ball.This created weakness in the game stratagy occasionally.Now players movements depend on the ball position and whether the team is attacking or defending. 12.2 Four standard tactics are provided on the disc,other tactics will be available on the WINNING TACTICS data disc. 12.3 P.Manager Designed Tactics - The tactics designed using the P.Manager tactics designer can still be loaded using Select Tactics Option which can be accessed via the OPTIONS MENU.

13.0 IMPORTING PLAYER MANAGER ------The name structure for the players in the Final Whistle has been altered to allow greater flexibility in the player names on future data discs. The new name structure is,however,incompatible with the name structure in KO2 and P.Manager . A P.Manager team loaded in Final Whistle will therefor lose the player names. All their skills and attributes are imported. To keep track of the players,make a note of each players name in the team and his squad number. For example T.J Smith listed as number 15 will appear in the no.15 position but under a different name.