Combating COVID-19 with Charisma:

Evidence on Speeches and Physical Distancing in the United States

Ulrich Thy Jensen†, Dominic Rohner*°, Olivier Bornet‡, Daniel Carron‡, Phillip Garner‡,

Dimitra Loupi‡, and John Antonakis*

† School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, United States & Crown Prince Frederik

Center for Public , Aarhus University, Denmark

‡ Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland

* Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne), University of Lausanne & E4S

° Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)


Combating COVID-19 with Charisma:

Evidence on Governor Speeches and Physical Distancing in the United States

We show that governor charisma can affect individual behavior to help mitigate COVID-related outcomes. We provide evidence in the field using deep neural ratings of charisma of US governor speeches over time to explain physical distancing based on anonymized data from smart phones. The effect of charisma in the field was generally robust, had increased physical distancing, and was not bounded by state-level political ideology of the citizens; however,

Republican governors high on average charisma and with a charismatic speech impacted distancing more relative to Democrat governors high on average charisma. Complementing the field data, we also show in an incentivized laboratory experiment that individuals who are conservative are more likely to believe that their co-citizens will physically distance; these beliefs in turn drive their preference to physically distance. The experimental evidence show that liberals are unaffected by charisma, as a result of their preference to physically distance regardless. These findings are important because they show that a learnable skill—or at least one that can be honed—can give leaders an additional weapon to complement policy interventions for pandemics, especially with certain populations who may need a “nudge,” and hence save lives.

Keywords: COVID-19; Charisma; Leadership Communication, Governor, Physical Distancing,

Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention (NPI)


Governor: “steersman, pilot” (origin: Ancient Greek: κυβερνήτης; kubernḗtēs)

In times of turmoil or grave threat, the quality of a leader—whether a skipper of a boat, a pilot of an airplane, or a head of a state—is propelled to the fore. The importance of leadership among US governors and the federal government in facing the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely conveyed in the media. From CNN and Forbes to the Guardian and the Washington Post, news outlets have stressed why political leaders’ communication is key for successfully managing the current pandemic.1

Whereas journalistic accounts have some value and insights, they draw on anecdotal evidence. However, from a policy point of view, do leaders’ qualities really matter, especially at the governor level, where discretion in policy implementation is large? This question could not be of greater significance and urgency, given the pandemic’s colossal human, economic and social costs (see Bonardi et al., 2020) and the fact that stay-at-home orders do not seem to be, overall, as effective as hard measures like shutting down business (e.g., Brauner et al., 2009).

If more effective governor communication could—even to a small extent—impact citizens’ physical distancing2 and compliance with sanitary best-practices, the societal gain of a

1 See e.g.; with-the-need-for-drastic-measures-in-covid-19-updates/#103a1365bcc5; trump-blusters; same-as-ever-with-one-big-difference-people-like-him/2020/03/28. 2 We use the term “physical” instead of the more common, but incorrect, “social” distancing; the former directly suggests spatial separation between individuals. has other connotations (with respect to status, and relationship closeness, which are independent of spatial distance).

3 governor speech would be enormous. This question is also of general importance beyond the current COVID-19 pandemic: Knowing if and how communication matters in a large-scale viral, economic, and societal crisis will provide crucial policy lessons for future crises (e.g., see

Tortola & Pansardi, 2019). An important aspect of the leader’s qualities is their ability to signal information clearly in a way that can help solve coordination problems, reduce selfish actions, and preserve the public good (Bastardoz & van Vugt, 2019). A “soft” and non-legal means of influence that has strong effects especially in ambiguous situations, and should matter now in the current milieu, is leader charisma (Antonakis, 2021).

In this article, we offer an empirical contribution by investigating whether US governor charisma can help combat COVID-19. To do so, we draw on a deep learning algorithm to code charismatic content of 350 US governor speeches during the pandemic and estimate how governor charisma explains variation in compliance with physical distancing guidelines after the speech. To explore the mechanisms at work in more depth, the second part of the article is dedicated to a lab experiment studying the causal impact of treatments in which we manipulate governor charisma and observe participants’ incentivized choices related to beliefs about physical distancing as well as their own choice to distance.

In our contribution, we provide a strong test of whether charisma matters, particularly in an ecologically valid field context with real world outcomes. The field context provides us with an unusual level of control and standardization (Bamberger & Pratt, 2010). For instance, the gubernatorial context allows us to partial out many confounds at the state level, how the pandemic unfolds with respect to time, and provides a common platform on which we observe the transmission of charisma to citizens (via governor briefings). Importantly, we are also able to unobtrusively and objectively observe the geographical mobility of citizens. Showing that

4 charisma in governor communication significantly slows down geographical mobility and thereby prevent a substantial number of deaths from COVID-19 has major implications for policy. We also conduct an incentivized lab experiment to examine the extent to which exposure to a charismatic appeal for physical distancing alters the incentivized beliefs and intended behaviors of participants. To that end, we also examine whether conservatism of citizens matters.

In this age, it seems clear that large cleavages exist between what liberals and conservatives value with respect to pandemic policy levers. Finding soft ways to influence citizens is thus a policy imperative.

Why charisma should matter

Charisma can be defined as “value-based, symbolic, and emotional-laden signaling” behaviors (Antonakis et al., 2016, p. 304). It is posited to help engender commitment to a message, arouse emotions among followers, and stimulate actions that benefit collectives

(Shamir et al., 1993). To garner this social influence, charismatic leaders use communication techniques to create a vivid image of their message, to highlight the saliency of social missions, and to increase the psychological identification with followers; in this way they can affect individual commitment and motivation as well as help coordination of follower actions

(Antonakis et al., 2016). More specifically, research has distilled a set of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, also known as “charismatic leadership tactics”, leaders can use to engender charisma (Den Hartog & Verburg, 1997; Freese et al., 2003) and increase individuals’ identification with the leader message. Importantly, these techniques encapsulate communication behaviors that can be measured objectively without the typical observer bias that plagues questionnaire measures; measures which solicit variation in observer perceptions (and can be

5 affected by a host of omitted variables). The latter, if modeled as the independent variable, cannot ensure consistent estimation of model parameters because of endogeneity bias (Fischer et al., 2020). Moreover, charisma can be manipulated in lab and field settings and its economic effect is equivalent to that of high-powered bonuses (e.g., Antonakis et al., 2021; Meslec et al.,


Whereas early work stressed charisma as an innate quality of “larger-than-life” leaders

(Weber, 1947), contemporary research focuses on charismatic communication behaviors as a learnable skill. Indeed, using random assignment to a training intervention in a Swiss context,

Antonakis, Fenley, and Liechti (2011) found that individuals in the experimental group were rated as more charismatic, more competent and as possessing more prototypical leader qualities three months later by their subordinates and coworkers (see also Frese et al., 2003). These findings are critical not only because they show that charisma is not some mystical quality, but because they illuminate the anatomy of the concept of charisma and offer guidance on how to manipulate it, measure it, and master it.

Specifically, leaders can enact charismatic communication behaviors by framing the message in a vivid manner, providing substantive moral arguments to identify strategic imperatives, and mirroring collective sentiments to promote identification with the leader

(Jacquart & Antonakis, 2015). Charismatic leaders do so by harnessing the power of various rhetorical techniques. For instance, leaders can create a visual using metaphors, stories, and anecdotes. These trigger imagery by connecting symbolic meaning or relatable anecdotes to follower’s realities. Leaders can also create an intrigue; a puzzle to be solved by the listener through rhetorical questions. Contrasts help draw the audience in by creating a dramatic effect; pitting right against wrong, the protagonist against the antagonist. Finally, leaders can frame the

6 message through repetitions or lists to portray a pattern and sense of completeness to the message.

Leaders can also give substance to their core message by appealing to moral conviction, and to the sentiment of the collective (e.g., their hopes, fears, and aspirations). Such appeals infuse values and virtues into the message, emphasizing what is right to do, the moral responsibility of the individual, and the collective identity of the group. Finally, leaders can also direct followers’ action by setting ambitious goals and instilling hope that these goals can be achieved.

Although nonverbal aspects are important too, they play a much lesser role in inducing the charismatic effect (Tur et al., 2021). If governors are able to increase physical distancing simply through their use of charisma, then boosting governor’s charisma—through training and development of these specific techniques, or using speech writers to help them (cf. Jacquart &

Antonakis, 2015)—represent a very real lever for combating COVID-19.

In line with these ideas, recent experimental studies show that charismatic leaders can stimulate individual performance—even to an extent that matches the effects of economic incentives (Antonakis et al., 2021; Meslec et al., 2020)—see also Fest, Kvaløy, Nieken, &

Schöttner (2021). A recent study by Boulu-Reshef and colleagues (2020) adds more credence to this position, demonstrating that leadership communication can alleviate free-rider problems.

Together these results from existing studies complement our expectations outlined here in supporting that the “soft power” leaders hold in their strategic and balanced use of charismatic communication can help coordinate collective action and safeguard the public good—in the case of COVID-19: public health. On this basis, we propose:


Hypothesis 1: Governor charisma increases compliance with public health guidelines

through increased physical distancing (stay-at-home behavior).

Whereas hypothesis 1 captures the expectation of a main effect of charisma on physical distancing, it ignores the potential complexities individual level mechanisms can play. In fact, the population of each US state is potentially quite heterogeneous in their reactivity to charismatic communication, especially with the urban–rural political divide. Thus, people may react to governor requests not only as a function of the governor’s level of charisma but also by their individual preferences or demographics, as well as their beliefs about what others may do.

The latter point is particularly important because some individuals (e.g., conservatives) may not be willing to incur a cost related to their own behavior if they know others may not incur the cost as well; in line with the literature on “conditional cooperation” (e.g., see Frey & Meier, 2004).

Of course, there are other intricacies involved with respect to how COVID-19 is viewed as a function of political ideology, particularly with respect science denialism, and how personal liberties may conflict with what is best for the public good, as well as public health policy (e.g.,

Baccini & Brodeur, 2021; Calvillo, Roos, Garcia, Smelter, & Rutchick, 2020; Hamilton &

Safford, 2021; Samore, Fessler, Sparks, & Holbrook, 2021; Wang, Devine, & Molina-Sieiro,


Furthermore, individuals who are better informed on the evolution of the pandemic—or more apt to adopt scientific guidelines—may, for example, require less convincing for adopting physical distancing and other anti-COVID-19 measures (cf. Bayram & Shields, 2021; Calvillo et al., 2020). For such a subgroup of the population, charisma may not make much of a difference, because they may adopt physical distancing anyways, even after a non-charismatic speech. In

8 contrast, for COVID-19-sceptics—often immune to “sterile” science talk and hard facts— charismatic communication may help a great deal for convincing them to engage in physical distancing; perhaps the message only passes if communicated by someone whose ideology overlaps with the receiver of the message (cf. Koetke, Schumann, & Porter, 2021). To explore the potential heterogeneous response along individuals’ political ideological orientation, and in absence of theory to guide us on how charisma affects preferences as a function of ideology in the COVID-context, we also investigate the following research question:

Research question 1: Is the effect of governor charisma on compliance with public health guidelines through increased physical distancing moderated by political ideology?

We can examine several issues here, including: does charisma have a stronger or weaker effect for individuals holding conservative ideological beliefs? Does charisma work better as a function of governor political allegiance? Is sender-receiver political congruence required for the charismatic message to be acted on?

Overview of Studies

We conducted two studies to test our hypothesis and to explore our research question. In

Study 1, we test the impact of governor charisma on residents’ stay-at-home behavior using 350 coded COVID-19 press briefing speeches by all 50 US governors combined with population mobility patterns from anonymized smartphone data. Because Study 1 yields an aggregate analysis, it is impossible to zoom in on individual choices to explore the role of population heterogeneity in US states and the potential sensitivity of individuals to charismatic communication. Moreover, even though we account for governor fixed effects, it may be possible that omitted variables in our specification bias the estimates. Also, even if the estimated

9 effect is accurate, the fact that the field data is anonymized at the state-level may hide substantial heterogeneity in citizens’ responses. Thus, we take a more fine-grained approach in Study 2 using a laboratory experiment among 661 US adults in which we manipulate governor charisma in an incentivized vignette experiment to control and investigate all parameters of decision- making related to individual physical distancing.

All study materials, including data, code and questionnaires, as well as transparency reports (Aczel et al., 2020) can be accessed here: [LINK BLINDED FOR PEER REVIEW].

Hypotheses related to Study 2 were preregistered with the Open Science Framework prior to data collection, and can be accessed here: and here:

Study 1


Procedure. For Study 1, we sampled seven COVID-19 press briefing speeches for each of the 50 United States governors (n = 350) to measure charisma in their public health messages.

Given the large cluster size (G = 50), having balanced data (n = 7) this sample is sufficient to ensure consistent estimation and inference (Cameron & Miller, 2015; see also Antonakis et al.,

2021) as well as adequate power to detect a medium effect (Scherbaum & Ferreter, 2009). The speeches cover a timeframe of approximately 2 months, March through April 2020, and were selected at random within weeks. This period reflects the beginning and first months of the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States, including the timeframe in which most states introduced some version of shelter-in-place executive orders to mandate physical distancing. We

10 combine the data on US governors’ speeches with publicly available information on governor and state characteristics, as well as population mobility data from smartphones to estimate changes in stay-at-home behavior over time as a function of governor charisma.


Charisma. For each of the 350 speeches, we identified a high-quality video recording and trimmed the file to only include the governor’s speech and concluding remarks. Speeches were then transcribed by humans and coded sentence by sentence for charismatic leadership tactics using a deep learning machine algorithm. Prior validation efforts showed that our algorithm performed very well in predicting charismatic leadership tactics coded by humans on a large number of speeches. Appendix A discusses our validation efforts in more detail and provides a technical note on our algorithm. This algorithm has also performed well in measuring the charisma in Tweets (see Study 2 in Tur et al., 2021). We also used it in Study 2 (see section on

“Manipulation Check”), where we offer additional evidence to its validity. In addition to the charisma scores, each speech was coded for total number of sentences to account for speech length.

We also had two humans code the speeches for whether the governor asked residents to physically distance or not. Coders were first trained on two batches of 50 speeches to ensure consistency and we estimated their reliability (Landis & Koch, 1977). On the first batch, independent pre-agreement was 72.00% (expected chance agreement = 51.04%), kappa = .43, SE

= .12, z =3.47, p = .0003. Although initial agreement was very good, the coders reconciled their ratings until reaching full agreement (with the last author intervening for tie breakers). Using updated coding rules, coders independently coded the second batch of speeches reaching substantial agreement 84.00% (expected chance agreement = 55.76%), kappa = .64, SE = .14, z


=4.69, p < .0001; again, remaining discrepancies were reconciled. Then each coder coded the remaining speeches. In 265 (75.71%) cases, the governors explicitly asked residents to physical distance, suggesting that our sample represents a highly salient outlet for governors to encourage physical distancing in their state and that the speeches have as an obvious overall goal to get citizens to physically distance.

Physical distancing. Physical distancing is measured using a social mobility dataset made freely available for COVID-research by SafeGraph (see Appendix B). We sourced data from the so-called “shelter-in-place dashboard”, which captures the percentage of people staying at home all day on a daily basis for all US states. “Home” location is defined as the most common nighttime location to a precision of approximately 100 square meters. This measure of

“stay at home behavior” thus does not discriminate between how far or for how long one leaves home, but classifies all events of leaving home similarly. The data is built from anonymized population movement of 45 million smartphone devices and is representative of the US population. We create two measures of physical distancing based on the date of each speech, both introducing a time lag to ensure correct temporal sequencing. First, we create a 1-day lag to capture the percentage of people staying at home in a given state on the day immediately following a governor’s speech. Second, we create a measure of the 1-week lag following each speech by averaging the percentage of people staying at home all day in a given state over the seven days following a governor’s speech.

Control variables. We draw on a series of publicly available datasets and information to measure governor and state controls. For governors, we used public bios to code for gender, age, education, tenure, and party. Issuance and effective date of state shelter-in-place orders were sourced from news articles. We use this information to create an indicator for whether a state

12 adopted a shelter-in-place (SIP) order or not, as well as a time-varying continuous variable denoting the number of days an order had been in place at the time of a given speech.

To capture the severity of the COVID crisis over time in each state, we rely on case numbers and deaths from the “COVID-19 Data Repository” by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (Dong et al., 2020). We aggregated data to the state level and matched case numbers and deaths based on the date of each speech. We control for other time fixed effects as well in two ways: First, we include number of days that have elapsed since the first governor speech was given (i.e., 2/28/2020), which controls for learning effects on the part of the governor (i.e., with time, they may get better at giving speeches) and other trends (e.g., the population becomes more vigilant). Second, we control for month fixed-effects.

Finally, we collected data on a host of state characteristics, including percentage of obese people from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, GDP from the Bureau of Economic

Analysis, population, population density, percentage blacks, Hispanics, people 65 years or older, people under the poverty line, all from the 2019 U.S. Census’ American Community Survey.

Finally, we collected information on number of natural disasters in a given state over the past decade from FEMA’s “Disaster Declarations Summary” to capture state-level preparedness for disasters.

To examine whether ideological orientation moderates the charisma effect, we include two measures: (1) the Republican vote share in the 2020 presidential election at the state level and (2) the proportion of individuals who identify as conservative or liberal, using Gallup tracking data for 2018. The two variables are very highly correlated at polar opposites, r(50) =


-.9041. Thus, for parsimony and given we estimate a series of interactions (4-way), we created a new variable “conservative,” by subtracting the liberal score from the conservative score.

A list with links to all publicly available datasets used for this study can be found in

Appendix B. Tables C1 and C2 in Appendix C provide an overview of all study variables for the panel regressions.

Estimation. We first use Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis with standard errors clustered at the state (governor) level, resulting in a total of 50 clusters. We estimate the following model specification, with the key coefficient of interest being 훾1:

퐷𝑖푠푡푎푛푐𝑖푛푔푖+푡,푗 = 훾1퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎_푆푝푒푒푐ℎ푖,푗 + 휀푖+푡,푗 Eq. 1

For the dependent variable, we have 퐷𝑖푠푡푎푛푐𝑖푛푔푖+푡,푗, which varies at the level of a given state (and governor) j and a given period i+t, with i being a given speech, and t being the number of days after the speech (i.e., 1 or 7 days). The main explanatory variable 퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎_푆푝푒푒푐ℎ푖,푗 varies at the level of speech i and governor j. The specification includes an error term 휀푖+푡,푗 which varies at the level of period i+t and state j. We gradually build up the model from OLS

(columns 1 and 6 in Table 1a) to use the fixed-effects estimator:

퐷𝑖푠푡푎푛푐𝑖푛푔푖+푡,푗 = 훾1퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎_푆푝푒푒푐ℎ푖,푗 + 퐹퐸푗 + 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔푖+푡,푗 + 휀푖+푡,푗 Eq. 2

퐹퐸푗 designates the governor-specific constant term (fixed effect) in Table 1a, columns 2 and 7.

Thereafter we replace 퐹퐸푗 with a vector of cluster means, 풂, of all level 1 variables (i.e., that vary within cluster and use the random-effects GLS estimator (see Antonakis, Bastardoz, &

Rönkkö 2021; McNeish & Kelley, 2018), Table 1a columns 3, 4, 5,8, 9, & 10) and introduce a vector 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔푖+푡,푗 to the model, as well as a cluster-specific error term, 푢푗:


퐷𝑖푠푡푎푛푐𝑖푛푔푖+푡,푗 = 훾1퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎_푆푝푒푒푐ℎ푖,푗 + 풂푗 + 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔푖+푡,푗 + 휀푖+푡,푗 + 푢푗 Eq. 3

The controls include governor characteristics (e.g., gender, age, education, party and tenure), state characteristics (e.g., GDP, population number and demographics, density and poverty). Note because some variables, at least in part, and endogenously determined, to avoid a

“bad control” problem, we include them in only some of the models (cf. Table 1a, columns 4, 5 and 9, 10). Hence, we can assess whether the estimated coefficients substantially change with respect to the models without these controls (Table 1a, columns 3 and 8, respectively).

With respect to the models estimated to examine the research question, we build on the models in columns 5 and 10 in Table 1a, which we report in Table 1b. We first introduce the variable “conservative,” (Table 1b, columns 1 and 5). Then we interacted this variable with charisma (Table 1b columns 2 and 6); note, we include the interaction too with the charisma cluster mean (i.e., average charisma), as well as the three-way interaction as a precaution against the possibility that the data structure is such that the unobserved fixed effect interacts with the level 1 or 2 regressors (see Bai, 2009). As a further precaution, in Table 1b columns 2 and 6 we introduce the quadratic effects of the variables constituting the interaction in the event that they partly or wholly drive the observed effects (Cortina, 1993). Finally, we include a second interacted variable, political party of the governor, and estimate the full model (Table 1b, columns 4 and 8).


Figure 1a shows the distribution of the average charisma scores for our 350 observations—seven speeches for each of the 50 governors (mean = 45.8; SD = 31.1). We depict both the raw score and the predicted score conditioned on a series of control variables including,

15 number of sentences and words used (which determine upper boundary of score), political affiliation (Republican vs. Democrat), sex (male vs. female), inauguration date, education level

(4 levels), attendance of Ivy League school, parent politician (to capture family legacy or learning effects), history of tragedy in the family (in case a personal tragedy affects governor discourse), and governor age. Alone, the number of sentences were strongly predictive of scores,

F(1, 48) = 711.18, p < .001, r-square = .94; the rest of the controls also added to the variance explained, F(10, 38) = 1.94, p = .07, r-square change = .02.

Interestingly, both sets of distribution are significantly positively skewed (p < .01). These results suggest that charisma is not “on the radar” of governors; that is, if they were aware of its utility, the data would be negatively distributed (i.e., the curve would be to the right of the mean). This result suggests that there is potentially little endogeneity in the charisma score by way of selection which increases the confidence in our interpretation of the effect. We also note that governor charisma shows some stability (Interclass correlation, ICC1 = 0.51, 95 % CI =

0.38-0.63) and is measured very reliably (Reliability of mean, ICC2 = 0.88).

[Figure 1a Here]

Table 1a shows the main baseline results on how charisma is associated with physical distancing in the days following the speech. Column 1 depicts the raw relationship: A change in

10 units of governor charismatic content in a particular speech is associated with an increase in physical distancing of 1.10 percentage points.

[Table 1a, Table 1b Here]

The result continues to hold once we filter out all time-invariant governor and US state characteristics (including a governor’s average charisma) with governor-specific constant terms


(fixed effects) in column 2. The estimated coefficient is of a similar order of magnitude and remains highly statistically significant. Hence, the identification strategy in this column relies on exploiting deviations from usual charisma levels. If, for example, a given governor usually comes across as rather dull but on a given occasion stages a grand charismatic performance, this positive charisma outlier is exploited for identifying how charisma affects physical distancing of the constituents on the following day.

Column 3 presents a similar specification, but instead of all time-invariant governor and state characteristics it controls for average charisma of a given governor (see Mundlak, 1978); given the cluster mean centering of charisma means that the average charisma captures the

“between” effect (Antonakis, et al., 2021). This method has the advantage of accounting for the fixed-effect of charisma (the stock) and not only charisma shocks (the flows). It also allows for the addition of the mean cluster values of key sanitary controls in columns 4 and 5, in addition to augmenting the specification with a further set of controls to ensure the estimator is consistent, that is, akin to a fixed-effects estimator (McNeish & Kelley, 2018). Finally, columns 6-10 replicate the first five columns, but focus on the effect on the week average—that is, days 1 through 7—after the given speech. Overall, the estimated coefficient of the impact of a charisma content of a given speech is in all columns statistically significant at the 1 percent level with a coefficient that is relatively stable and practically important. The above results largely support

Hypothesis 1.

Turning to the research question, and looking at average marginal effects (i.e., 휕푦/휕푥), it is interesting to observe that Republican vote share is negatively related to physical distancing across all specifications. Although those states where most voted for Republicans are less likely to distance it is encouraging to note that the within and between average marginal effects of

17 charisma are always significantly related to the outcome. To examine potential moderating effects, the highest level of interaction that was significant for both the 1-day and 7-day distancing measure is that of the three-way interaction: Republican*Charisma*Average

Charisma. We plot this result for the 7-day average outcome as a function of Governor party allegiance and at +1 and -1 SD from the mean for the other two covariates. Given the significance of the interaction, the four slopes are different from each other.

[Figure 1b here]

As the figure shows, the overall effect for Charisma and Average Charisma is positive.

The steepest slope is that of Republican Governors at a high-level of charisma ( = 14.32, SE =

2.78, z = 5.14, p < .001). The rest of the slopes are all significant at p < .001 with coefficients of

9.86 (Democrat, low charisma), 9.15 (Republican, low charisma), and 9.13 (Democrat, high charisma). Interestingly, the slope for Republican Governors at a high-level of charisma is significantly higher than that of Democrat Governors at a high-level of charisma, 2(1) = 4.69, p

= 0.03 (we got a similar result for the 1-day average outcome, 2(1) = 6.63, p = 0.01). Thus, there appears to be a moderating effect for Governor partisanship.

However, the variable conservative did not play a consistent and significant moderating role in the two specifications. This result is probably not attributable to multicollinearity between conservatism and Governor partisanship, given that these variables are not that highly correlated at the state level, r(50) = 0.45, p = .001).

Brief discussion

The above results have important practical implications. To see the significance of charisma per se, we refer the reader back to the first coefficient reported in Table 1a; 0.11. This

18 result implies that a one-point higher charisma in a speech score reduces mobility by 0.11 percentage points. The charisma measure features a mean of 45.8 and standard deviation of 31.1.

Hence, a one standard deviation higher charisma (31 points) leads to roughly 3.3 percentage points higher physical distancing on the next day (which corresponds to 10% of the baseline level of physical distancing—this variable has a mean of 33.7 and a standard deviation of 8.3).

From Wilson’s (2020) coefficients of Table 5, one can compute the elasticity of COVID-19 fatalities with respect to mobility, which is around 0.61, cumulatively over a 10-week period.

This means that a 10% increase in physical distancing would result in a 6.1% decrease in

COVID-19 fatalities. This estimate is epidemiologically important as illustrated by the order of magnitude of total fatalities from COVID-19.

Focusing on the time frame covered in our study (02/28/2020–04/23/2020), and adding three weeks from the day of the last observed speech as this represents the typical, average reported length from manifestation of symptoms to death (i.e., 05/14/2020), a one standard deviation higher charisma in governors could have saved 5,350 lives in the United States (6% of

89,179; Dong et al., 2020) of that period. At this time, John Hopkins University estimates of a total of 651,856 COVID-19 deaths on September 8th, 2021. Thus, extrapolating the effect of charisma and assuming the estimated effect is stable and of similar magnitude over the entire duration of the pandemic up to today, suggests more than 39,100 lives could have been saved had governors been more charismatic in their speeches. Even if the effect of charisma was halved it could still reduce deaths by an important amount (i.e., even for the coefficient of column 5 with the full array of controls, the numbers of lives saved would be more than 2,675 during the time frame of the study, and over 19,550 over the course of the pandemic).


Of note is that the “back of the envelope” calculation we performed above only looks at the within effect; taking into account the between-governor differences shows that the total between effect (i.e., the sum of the within and contextual effect, see McNeish & Kelley, 2018;

Antonakis et al., 2021) is very large. Using the estimate of the between effect (Avg. charisma) from column 5 in Table 1a suggests a governor having an average level of charisma that is one- point higher reduces mobility by 0.19 percentage points, which is about twice as much as the within effect.

Interesting too, we found that the effect of charisma (i.e., the average level of charisma of the governor and the charisma level of a particular speech) is moderated by governor partisanship. However, we should recognize that this result perhaps hides some intricacies that we cannot properly evaluate. Perhaps the persona of the governor plays an important role here, independent of party allegiance and whether the majority of the state is conservative or previously voted Republican in the last presidential election. Indeed, the correlations between being conservative or liberal and whether the governor is Republican 0.45 and -0.43 respectively, suggesting that there is variation of the degree of conservatism in states and that, regardless of the party allegiance of the governor, individuals care more about the specific ideology of governors (Lelkes, 2021). Yet, perhaps there is still a confounding factor at play because some citizens may not cooperate with a governor’s request given that the citizens are not aligned with the party the governor represents, or perhaps citizens may not appreciate the governor for other reasons. Thus, it is not possible for us to measure and hold constants factors that may matter in decision of citizens to physically distance .

Thus, to better understand the dynamics of conservatism on willingness to physically distance, it is crucial to expose individuals to speeches wherein the identity of the governor is

20 unknown. This design is needed so that we can better understand the pure causal effect of charisma on distancing, independent of governor characteristics.

[Figure 1b here]

Study 2


Procedure. Study 2 tests the causal impact of anonymous governors’ communication with higher or lower charisma on incentivized choices related to physical distancing using a three-group between-subjects randomized vignette experiment. A priori power calculations for a one-way ANOVA F-test with three groups, an expected effect size of ~0.23 (R2-change = 0.05), error rate of 0.05, and power of 0.80 yields a minimum sample size of 190. We decided to triple this number to err on the side of caution and to ensure we would have sufficient power for heterogenous analyses along participants’ ideological orientation. On December 12th, 2020, we recruited 740 adults residing in the United States via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk3. 685 of these participants completed the survey. 661 individuals make up our final sample as some participants provided incomplete responses. Appendix D details the flow of the survey as well as attrition numbers.


3 Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (Mturk) is an online labor market platform commonly used by social science researchers to recruit individuals to complete surveys by providing a monetary compensation. We compensated respondents a flat fee of $0.75 which was calculated based on an anticipated average completion time of 6 minutes and the current federal minimum wage of $7.25.


Speech vignettes. We manipulate governor charisma by strategically presenting excerpts from real—but anonymized—COVID-19 press briefing speeches that use many or few charismatic leadership tactics. Using information from actual leadership communications ensures high contextual realism of the communication scenarios, and aligns with recommendation to make vignettes as realistic as possible (Lonati et al., 2017). We identified prototypical examples of high and low charisma speeches, and pulled excerpts from ’s March 28, 2020

COVID-19 press briefing and Kim Reynolds’ March 20, 2020 COVID-19 press briefing. Note the mean governor speech was 45.80. Cuomo, with a mean of 106.35 across his speeches, had the second highest mean charisma score among the governors; Reynolds had one of the lowest scores (i.e., 23.06).

We thus, we culled excerpts of a speech (a) of Andrew Cuomo, which was charismatic,

(b) originating from less charismatic parts of the same Cuomo speech, and (c) emanating from a very uncharismatic speech by governor Kim Reynolds. Having a Cuomo control speech, coupled with another control speech thus ensures there is no “Cuomo effect” present beyond the use of charisma (note: at the time we selected the speeches we were unaware of the sex allegations regarding Cuomo; given the recent investigation and assuming he is guilty, we obviously do not condone his actions and had we know ex ante we would not have selected him). On this basis, we compiled excerpts to create three equal-length speeches. The speeches are depicted in

Appendix E. Importantly, the speeches are of similar length: 143, 142, and 143 words, respectively. This point is vital because charisma and speech length are strongly correlated in our observational speech dataset. Moreover, we ensure that no identifying information would be in the speeches so that they remained anonymous to the participants.


Manipulation checks. To ensure that our three vignettes indeed manipulate charisma, we performed three a priori checks on our vignettes. First, we applied our computer algorithm to each of the speeches. Our treatment condition created from Cuomo’s March 28 speech yields a total of 11.73 charismatic leadership tactics, with the two control conditions yielding scores of

4.68 (based on Cuomo’s March 28 speech) and 2.99 (based on Reynolds’ March 15 speech).

Second, we used a very experienced trained human coder, unaware of the purpose of the study and its conditions to code the speeches for the absolute presence of a charismatic leadership tactic. The coder gave the following initial respective total scores per speech: 15, 2, 0.

The correlation at the speech level (9 tactics * 3 speeches) between the coder and the computer algorithm was r(27) = .71, p < .001. The concordance correlation coefficient was .73, showing substantial agreement (Lin, 1989). The codings were also discussed with the last author of the study to verify their validity resulting in the following respective scores: 14, 2, and 0. The correlation increased to r(27) = .81, p < .001 and the concordance correlation coefficient to .80, indicating very substantial agreement (Lin, 1989). Table 2 shows coding of the Cuomo charismatic condition to illustrate the communication tactics used to engender charisma and to showcase how we quantified leader charisma based on the press briefings. Beyond validating the manipulation, these results provide strong validity for the use of the algorithm to rate the speeches for Study 1.

[Table 2 here]

Third, we performed an external manipulation check on an independent sample of 223 individuals recruited via MTurk on November 2nd, 2020. Appendix F outlines the details of the manipulation check, including data collection and measurement. In line with our expectation, individuals exposed to the high-charisma Cuomo condition found the speech more inspiring and

23 charismatic compared to individuals exposed to either of the low charisma conditions. This is important as it shows that the objective difference in charisma between the vignettes also was conveyed in the minds of human subjects. Although the vignettes thus convey high or low charisma, we anonymize the message by refraining from telling the respondents who the governor is. This masking makes the conditions more subtle and removes any person-specific effects of the messenger.


Physical distancing. Following exposure to one of the conditions, we measured individual physical distancing two ways. First, we asked respondents about their preference for physical distancing. We asked respondents to note how willing they would be to (1) avoid crowded places like restaurants, bars or sporting events, and (2) not attend family events on a scale from 0 (not at all willing) to 10 (completely willing). Second, we used a “coordination game” approach to elicit respondents’ belief about how likely other people on average would be to conduct the same two mitigation behaviors using the same scales. For each mitigation behavior, we told respondents they could earn up to $0.25 based on the accuracy of their estimate for a total bonus incentive of $0.50. This incentive is 66.67% of the flat fee for completing the survey and represents a high-powered incentive. For our main analyses, we aggregate respondents’ two estimates to a general mean estimate of physical distancing. A similar pattern of results emerges when the two measures are analyzed separately, but we report the index as it is broader and more reliable.

Covariates. Because asking respondents to estimate mean responses of a group is a cognitively demanding task, we gave participants a variant of the Cognitive Reflection Test

(Jordan et al., 2020; Toplak et al., 2011), which we label “Intelligence Score”. This measure

24 correlates with intelligence, working memory capacity, and also predicts heuristic decision making. Because a participant’s estimate of the mean of the group should, theoretically, be predicted by this Intelligence Score, we create a variable called “Over rater” (=1 if rating above the mean of group, else = 0), which we interact with the Intelligence Score (Edwards, 1995).

Thus, the smarter the individual, the closer to the mean the individual will be as a function of the

Intelligence score regardless whether they are an over or under rater. Results (Table 3b) show the expected pattern (i.e., a significant and negative interaction effect). Results for the key variables were very stable, though less significant when not modeling the congruence measure (from

Intelligence scores and over-under rater) given that estimator has more error—that is, is less efficient and hence increases the standard errors of estimation.

We incorporated several other covariates, including participants’ gender (1=man, else

=0), their age as a continuous variable, their political ideological orientation (from more liberal to more conservative either in 7 or 3 groups), and their state-level geolocation. 휒2-tests indicate that assignment to experimental group (whether with the three treatments or using the two treatments with the non-charismatic treatments group), does not predict these covariates (lowest p value = .44). These results bolster our confidence that the randomization was successful in creating ex ante identical groups.

Attention checks. We also included three attention checks at the end of the survey. One question asked respondents to recall whether the governor asked residents to physically distance whereas the other two were factual recalls of minimum time for hand washing and minimum distance to others as prescribed by a CDC video. Conditioning the sample on correct recall of all three checks generally reproduce the main pattern of results, with one exception (the coefficient for the interaction term between the treatment dummy and conservative orientation in model 6,


Table 3a is insignificant, but the estimate is not significantly different from that of the full sample size, 휒2(1) = 0.03, p = .86. However, given the reduced sample size, and the fact we do not include over-under rate and IQ suggests this estimator is underpowered). We did include

Model 6 in Table 3a to show how estimates differ when excluding these two controls and the key parameters did not change from that of Model 5. Tables G1 and G2 in Appendix G provide an overview of all study variables for the lab experiment and a correlation matrix.

Estimation. To examine the effect of beliefs on physical distancing, we used an instrumental-variable procedure. This procedure aims at purging possible endogeneity bias by harnessing the exogeneity of the manipulated variables, which—to the extent that the model does not violate the assumptions of the estimator—make for suitable instruments (Sajons, 2020).

Specifically, we estimated, for participant i:

퐷𝑖푠푡푎푛푐𝑖푛푔 = 훿0 + 훿1퐵푒푙𝑖푒푓 + 훿2푁표퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎 + 훿3퐶표푛푠푒푟푣푎푡𝑖푣푒

+ 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔 + 푣 Eq. 4

퐵푒푙𝑖푒푓 = 훽0 + 훽1푁표퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎 + 훽2퐶표푛푠푒푟푣푎푡𝑖푣푒 + 훽3푁표퐶ℎ푎푟𝑖푠푚푎

∗ 퐶표푛푠푒푟푣푎푡𝑖푣푒 + 푪풐풏풕풓풐풍풔 + 푒 Eq. 5

Given that we incentivized individuals to predict the average ratings of other participants, and to reduce the error variance and hence improve the efficiency of the estimator, we controlled for their cognitive ability as mentioned (smarter people should do better) and being an over or under rater (i.e., using a dummy variable to indicate if they were over, 1, or under, 0 rater). We interacted this dummy variable with intelligence to capture the fact that as one is smarter, one gets closer to the mean (and avoided using differences scores, which are confounded, Edwards,

1995), as well as with conservatism and the treatments. Finally, we controlled for geographic

26 effect by including state-level dummy variables, and well as individual level controls like respondents’ age, and respondents’ sex. v and e are error terms.


Whereas Study 1 provides a big picture with aggregate real-world data, it is unable to investigate in depth the individual level mechanisms at play. In fact, the population of each US state is potentially quite heterogeneous in their reactivity to charismatic communication. People may react to governor requests not only as a function of the governor’s level of charisma but also by their individual preferences such as political ideological orientation as well as their beliefs about what others may do. This study offers evidence on the effect of charisma on two variables

(a) our main variable corresponds to predicting how respondents think others would react to the speech (here, we incentivized participants to be accurate), and (b) as a supplementary variable, we also ask to what extent participants themselves would physically distance following exposure to the speech.

Note that the latter measure may or may not reflect participants’ true preferences (i.e., individuals may claim they would follow distancing guidelines regardless, because it is socially desirable to report this position). Thus, this second measure needs to be interpreted with caution, and for the purpose of this experiment we are mostly interested in the first measure, which captures their true belief of what they think others would do following exposure to the speech.

Irrespective of how they report being affected following the treatment, we can ensure that we capture at least in part how charisma affects their beliefs about what others do, which could feed into what they do. We also examine below the relationship between beliefs and participants’ intended action; the use of the instrumental variable estimator should be able to remove possible

27 respondent bias provided all assumptions are met (Sajons, 2020). We interpret marginal effects for charisma as a function of conservatism, which is our primary interest.

[Table 3a Here]

Table 3a indicates that being exposed to the charismatic treatment affects beliefs about distancing by conservatives. We present different estimators to show the robustness and stability of the results. A Wald test performed on the specification of Table 3a, Model 2 suggests that we can collapse the two non-charismatic conditions: F(3, 600) = 0.37, p =.77. We graph the marginal effects of charisma in Figures 2 and 3 (for the full sample and those who did not fail any of three attention checks). Compared to the most charismatic speech—the treatment of the two less charismatic speeches results in a significantly lower belief that others will follow physical distancing for ideologically/politically conservative respondents; however, there is no effect for liberals. Put differently, political conservatives are more easily convinced that others will comply with physical distancing after charismatic speeches. Liberals are unaffected by charismatic communication. For example, results from model 5 (see Figure 3a) show that there are significant differences between the treatments for individuals who are conservative (p =

.039); however, not for moderates (p = .41) or liberals (p = .54).

[Figures 2 and 3 Here]

These results clearly highlight that charisma indeed fuels beliefs among political conservatives—who are often COVID-19-sceptics—that others would likely physically distance after hearing a charismatic speech; however, liberals who on average have a higher propensity to support anti-COVID-19 public health measures anyway (Gollwitzer et al. 2020) do not immediately react to charisma. Our results hold regardless of the specification used. Moreover, this result is not fueled by differential in-group prediction; that is, when setting the reference

28 mean to conservatives, moderates, or liberals, the main pattern of results holds. Thus, what expectations conservatives have are valid for all three groups.

Interesting too, controlling for sex, age, and fixed effects of education level (seven categories of educational attainment) of participants and state fixed effects, shows there is a negative relation (coef. = -.04, SE = .02, t = 2.18, p = .03) between the short Intelligence score measure we gave participants and their conservatism. The standardized partial coefficient is not very strong, -.09 (or between -.11 to -.12 disattenuated for unreliability, assuming .80 reliability in criterion and outcome), but present nonetheless (whether we used the long or short conservatism measure); these results follow those of previous large-scale studies (Stankov,


[Table 3b Here]

Finally, Table 3b examines the impact of beliefs on actual (self-declared, non- incentivized) distancing. We see these results as more suggestive, because the actual distancing variable is not incentivized and may just reflect “cheap talk.” Still the instrumental-variable procedure may remove this bias, though we can never be certain given that the estimator is only consistent if the instruments are the true ones for the endogenous regressor and the mechanism only works via the endogenous regressor (which is untestable).

First, it is interesting to see that participants reported that they were more likely to physically distance (mean response = 8.24, SE = .08) than they estimated others would (mean response = 6.79, SE = .07), t = 15.30, p < .0001. Second, we study whether—in a reduced form specification—the charismatic treatment directly predicts self-declared actual distancing (see

Table 3b). The treatments had no effect; only conservatism did, whether it was coded on a 7- point (from 1 extremely liberal to 7 extremely conservative) or 3-point scale (from -1 liberal to 0

29 moderate, to 1 conservative). More conservative individuals reported they would be less likely to physically distance.

[Table 4 Here]

However, third and most interesting, results in Table 4 suggest that beliefs predict one’s physical distancing. We estimated this specification even though these latter findings linking incentivized beliefs to self-declared actual distancing should be interpret with caution.

Theoretically, distancing is affected by one’s preferences—a portion of which is captured by conservatism and the individual difference measures, which are fixed (i.e., pre-determined).

However, whether one distances, may be driven too by one’s beliefs, which are malleable, and appear to react to charisma. Because there may be unmodeled variation in beliefs that determine distancing too, there is potential endogeneity problem in a model regressing distancing on beliefs. As we showed above, beliefs are affected by charisma, which is exogenous (i.e., manipulated).

Given the endogeneity problem and the fact that self-reported distancing is elicited in a non-costly manner, we are faced with a hard methodological issue to tackle. To estimate the effect of beliefs on distancing, and given that beliefs held is an endogenous variable in Table 4, we use, as mentioned, an instrumental variable regression to aim for estimating the causal effect.

Whatever estimator we used, we found beliefs to be strongly related to distancing. For instance, the results from Models 3a and 3b showed that beliefs have a strong effect on distancing, (coef. =

.34, SE = .06, z = 5.42, p < .0001); the overidentification test was insignificant, χ2(5) = 3.512, p

= .62, suggesting that the exclusion restriction held (assuming the specification is correct). The instruments were very strong in the first stage, Sanderson-Windmeijer multivariate F(6, 603) =

137.92, p < .0001. Note, the indirect effect of the interaction of being non-charismatic and

30 conservatism on distancing via beliefs, that is, the nonlinear combination of estimators of

δ1(β1 + β2 ∗ conservative), where the value of conservative is either -1 (liberal), 0 (moderate), or 1 (conservative), shows that only conservatives are affected by the manipulations via beliefs, coef. -.15, SE = .07, z = 2.03, p = .04.

To reiterate, the instrumental variable results of Table 4 need to be interpreted with caution, because the exclusion restriction rests on the assumption that the interaction of being non-charismatic and conservatism affects physical distancing outcomes only through the beliefs, and that it does not have a direct effect. Whereas this identifying assumption may be hard to defend in the absence of controls, in our setting we control for a battery of individual characteristics. This means that the time-invariant (and in the short-run arguably hard-wired) preferences and attitudes are filtered out, and that the remaining variation in physical distancing may to a substantial extent be affected by (in the short-run more malleable) beliefs.

Note too, there is no difference in the coefficients between the reduced form model and the instrumental variable model with respect to the interaction effect. However, the reduced form model is very noisy (inefficient), which would be expected in our modeling procedure, given that intelligence and being an overrater are powerful predictors of beliefs and substantially reduce the error variance in the “beliefs equations”; however, these variables are not relevant to the entire population under study per se in the distancing equation. Moreover, the reduced form model estimates the intention to treat (ITT), whereas the instrumental-variable model estimates the local average treatment effect (LATE)—where the portion of the population (the conservatives) that were affected by the treatment play a key role. These LATE estimates are relevant in the context of our study because we cannot model the efficiency of this estimator in the reduced form.

Brief Discussion


The results of the experimental study show that conservative leaning individuals are more likely to believe that charisma will have an effect on others to physically distance, and that this belief appears to drive whether they themselves would physically distance when asked to. Liberals seem to be unaffected. Although distancing was not observed these results are interesting and somewhat corroborate the finding from the field data insofar as conservative individuals are concerned. Of course, the laboratory setting is hypothetical but insofar as beliefs are concerned, this measure was elicited in a costly manner. Still the results are interesting per se, though more research is required to make definitive conclusions about how charisma can be harnessed to solve coordination problems with respect to public health crises.

General Discussion and Conclusion

In this study, we show that charismatic communication could save a substantial number of human lives in the fight against a pandemic. Using population mobility data, the results from our field study indicate that more charisma as measured objectively in US governors’ COVID-19 speeches is associated with an immediate reduction in geographical mobility, a strong predictor of community spread of SARS-CoV-2. Results from our lab experiment provide individual-level evidence on the same relation, suggesting that conservatives may be particularly receptive to charismatic communication.

Our results align with experimental evidence on the effectiveness of charismatic communication from organizational studies (e.g., Antonakis et al., 2021; Meslec et al., 2020) to suggest that the stylistic expression of leader communication holds great potential to yield a “soft power” for coordinating individual behavior and facilitating public goods or increasing individual effort. Our results also extend existing empirical studies on charisma in several ways.


First, we assess the large-scale implications of geographical mobility at the state-level.

The effect of charisma is not confined to coordinating behaviors among actors who are members of well-defined entities (like an organization), but also serve as a means for coordinating the actions of entirely fragmented groups, like the population of a state, towards the facilitation of a public good—here, public health. Second, our results showcase the potency of charisma for political leadership, an area that traditionally is either dominated by questionnaire research, which is severely limited (Fischer, Hambrick, Sajons, & Van Quaquebeke, 2020) or by single, historical or narrative accounts of individual leaders, rather than rigorous empirical evidence geared towards causal identification.

Third and finally, we add nuance to theories on charismatic leadership by shedding light on the complexities of individual responsiveness to charismatic signals. In our case, political ideological orientation seemed to represent a crucial factor for subjects’ receptivity to charisma.

However, the saliency of various individual-level characteristics for eliciting an emotional response to charismatic appeals likely depends on the empirical context, the message conveyed, and the messenger. An important quest for future research is therefore to explore the nuances of charismatic expression and their potential heterogeneous implications for individual and group behavior.


Readers should be mindful of certain limitations in our findings. First, although Study 1 draws on a balanced panel of governor speeches, and hence is able to eliminate many potential confounders through governor and time fixed effects, we cannot rule out potential endogeneity from unobserved, time-variant factors such as idiosyncratic state-specific events that coincided

33 with governors’ press briefings and tracking of state mobility patterns. Yet, such threats are probably unlikely given that these events needed to not only affect the geographical mobility within states (e.g., extreme weather), but also affect governors’ charismatic delivery of COVID-

19 briefings. We also are limited in our ability to explain how charisma affects physical distancing at the state level. For instance, one could imagine that media coverage or attention to individual speeches would affect the transmission of charisma to collective behavior via individual motivation of belief regarding what they think others will do; the latter would suggest that charisma may foster a common identity and make salient how costly action can solve coordination problems in blunting COVID-19’s effect (cf. Antonakis et al., 2021). Uncovering the mechanisms by which charisma affect group behavior provides for an interesting area of future research.

Our analysis at the state level for Study 1 provides another limitation in the sense that it makes us unable to uncover the complexities and heterogeneity in individual responses to governor charisma. State-level effects of governor charisma on geographical mobility can be a function of a host of different mechanisms, none of which we are able to definitively disentangle in Study 1. However, in controlling for state share of Republican vote, proportion of conservatives in the state, and the political party of the governor, we did see some patterns in this regard, that charisma appears to have the strongest effect in Republican led states. However, politics and possible “reactance” (cf. Ma, Dixon, & Hmielowski, 2019) of citizens to positions that may contradict their beliefs might confound the results (and this effect may be exacerbated by governors having a different ideology than some citizens). Thus, in our second study, we measured key individual demographic characteristics such as individuals’ political ideological orientations without them knowing the political allegiance of the governor’s speech. Conducting

34 both studies allow us to examine the average impact of charisma on actual mobility (physical distancing), while exploring the importance of individual characteristics. In contrast to Study 1, the observed behavioral response in the experiment is hypothetical, though we incentivize it (and hence it is consequential for participants). Stated decisions to physical distance and the belief about how likely other Americans are to distance are ultimately based on individuals’ perceptions and preferences. Future research should try to adopt another kind of design, like a natural experiment design, where some exogenous shock could be used to estimate the causal effect on real behavior (Sieweke & Santoni, 2020).


Whereas most non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) to fight COVID-19 have a series of socio-economic costs (e.g., lockdowns threaten jobs, school closures may lead to human capital depletion and raising inequalities), stepping up the quality of leader communication essentially comes for free, to the extent that those communicating are naturally charismatic. Our main results are even more salient in light of recent findings showing that “soft” requests (e.g., stay at home orders) might not be as effective as compelling businesses to shut (e.g., Brauner et al., 2020). Moreover, charisma is not a celestial gift, but can actually be learnt (cf. Antonakis et al., 2011), and providing charisma training for governors, or other top-level politicians, thus represents an easy and cost-effective way to increase the appeal and compliance with public health messages.

As our individual-level experiment data showed, it is important to consider how the extent and the use of charisma in communication may best be varied by audience. In the context of the current pandemic, when speaking to an audience of progressive and well-informed

35 constituents, who easily follow scientific recommendations, leader charisma may be irrelevant to them. In contrast, when faced with an audience of ideologically conservative citizens who may be skeptical towards elites and scientists in general, the tools of charismatic communication may be a great help to transmit public health recommendations. Our results are very promising in this sense as they indicate that charisma works best among those who need it the most at least in the current epidemiological crisis. This news is encouraging to scientists and practitioners alike, because we expect charismatic communication not only to matter for promoting physical distancing, but equally for other fronts at which the COVID-19 pandemic is fought, such as the social acceptability of the approved COVID-19 vaccines (Blanchard-Rohner et al., 2020).

That said, we acknowledge that we examined the effects during the onset on the pandemic. The eventual scope and duration of the pandemic’s toll on everyday life, the transmissibility of the virus, the changing behavior or citizens, public health messages and policies, bound what effects we observed. Still, the fact that we detected a strong effect during a particular point in time measured in many different states having different policies, suggests that the effect of charisma is robust; indeed, history suggests that the effect of charisma traverses space and time,

To conclude, in times of threat and crisis—whether COVID-19 or beyond—leaders are propelled to the fore. Leaders can reassure, guide actions, instill hope and belief, and coordinate the efforts of the many towards a common goal. Whether the enemy is visible, invisible, or thought to be invincible, history has shown that words matter. Although it might seem benign or perhaps even trivial to the untrained observer, the effects of charisma are evident to see as witnessed in governors’ ability to coordinate the actions of millions to safeguard and promote the public health of a nation. The challenge today is to get citizens vaccinated, and we think that how

36 messages by those in power are crafted matter. Obviously, words and speeches cannot solve all problems. But they usually are the root of coordinated individuals’ actions. As famously noted by former U.S. President, Barack Obama, on February 2016:

Don’t tell me words don’t matter. I have a dream; just words? We hold these truths to be

self-evident, that all men are created equal; just words? We have nothing to fear but fear

itself; just words? Just speeches?


Figure 1a: Distribution of governor average charisma scores


Figure 1b: Moderation of Governor party on charisma


Figure 2a: Effect of charisma on beliefs—full sample

Figure 2b: Effect of charisma on beliefs—with passed attention checks


Figure 3a: Effect of charisma (uncharismatic treatments combined) on beliefs (ideology collapsed in three groups)—full sample

Figure 3b: Effect of charisma (uncharismatic treatments combined) on beliefs (ideology collapsed in three groups)—with passed attention checks


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) VARIABLES Physical distancing 1 day after announcement Physical distancing 7-day average after announcement

Charisma .11*** .05*** .05*** .04*** .06** .11*** .06*** .06*** .05*** .07*** (6.81) (3.83) (3.83) (3.58) (2.43) (6.64) (4.35) (4.35) (3.92) (3.00) Avg. charisma .06*** .05*** .19*** .06*** .06*** .20*** (2.92) (2.83) (4.32) (2.83) (2.75) (4.42) Days since 2/28/2020 .50*** .50*** .51*** .52*** .48*** .48*** .52*** .54*** (18.02) (17.89) (15.30) (15.70) (16.62) (16.44) (13.67) (14.09) No. cases .02** .02** .02* .01 (2.26) (1.98) (1.73) (1.34) No. casualties -.22** -.18* -.17 -.12 (2.04) (1.73) (1.45) (1.03) No. days SIP in place -.13** -.19*** -.22*** -.29*** (2.17) (3.38) (3.22) (4.41) No. of sentences -.01 -.01 (.77) (1.17) Governor FE No Yes Control cluster means for ij variables No Yes Control cluster means for ij variables Month fixed effects No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Additional controls No No No No Yes No No No No Yes R-squared .17 .85 .85 .86 .86 .19 .80 .80 .82 .82

Note: The observation is a given speech i of a given governor j. The sample covers for all 50 US governors 7 speeches on COVID-19; n = 350. Significance level depicted by ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10. Standard errors clustered at the governor level. t-statistics in parentheses. R-squares for panel estimators are for the within level. The variable Charisma is centered for models 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.

Table 1a: Predicting physical distancing from charisma of governor speeches


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Physical distancing 1 day after announcement Physical distancing 7-day average after announcement Charisma (Ch) .06** .08* .08* .08* .07*** .12*** .13*** .13*** (2.41) (1.82) (1.73) (1.92) (2.98) (2.87) (3.30) (3.37) Average charisma (AvCh) .13*** .12*** .22*** .18*** .14*** .13*** .22*** .19*** (3.51) (3.15) (3.77) (2.91) (3.60) (3.25) (3.74) (3.02) Conservative (Con) .03 .01 .05 .09 .03 .01 .04 .06 (.60) (.13) (.76) (.93) (.59) (.20) (.55) (.59) Republican vote 2020 -.17*** -.17*** -.12* -.15** -.19*** -.19*** -.13* -.17** (3.12) (3.00) (1.89) (2.40) (3.32) (3.15) (1.89) (2.49) Republican party (R) -.71* -.70* -.74* -2.62 -.73* -.72* -.89** -3.41* (1.89) (1.84) (1.83) (1.40) (1.76) (1.72) (2.06) (1.75) daysgone .52*** .53*** .53*** .54*** .54*** .55*** .54*** .54*** (15.59) (16.30) (16.02) (15.70) (14.01) (14.47) (14.08) (13.72) Ch*Con -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00*** -.00*** -.00 (1.25) (1.24) (.24) (2.78) (2.84) (1.03) Ch*AvCh .00 .00 .00 .00 -.00 -.00 (.39) (.38) (.30) (.07) (.20) (.35) Con*AvCh .00 -.00 -.00 .00 -.00 .00 (.79) (.23) (.29) (.67) (.29) (.11) Ch*Con*AvCh -.00 -.00 -.00 .00 .00 -.00 (.73) (.73) (.85) (.16) (.10) (.26) R*Ch -.29** -.22** (2.23) (2.05) R*Con .02 .07 (.22) (.74) R*Ch*Con .01 .01 (1.58) (1.38) R*AvCh .05 .07 (1.10) (1.46) R*Ch*AvCh .01** .01** (2.30) (2.06)


R*Con*AvCh -.00 -.00 (.54) (1.11) R*Ch*Con*AvCh -.00* -.00 (1.86) (1.61) Con*Con -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 (1.40) (1.45) (1.02) (.94) Ch*Ch .00 .00 -.00** -.00** (.11) (.05) (2.43) (2.50) AvCh*AvCh -.00** -.00 -.00* -.00 (2.04) (1.14) (1.70) (.99) No. cases .02* .01* .01* .01* .01 .01 .01 .01 (1.96) (1.76) (1.76) (1.68) (1.33) (1.04) (1.05) (1.00) No. casualties -.17* -.15 -.15 -.14 -.12 -.09 -.09 -.08 (1.71) (1.57) (1.57) (1.51) (1.02) (.83) (.84) (.78) No. days SIP in place -.19*** -.19*** -.20*** -.20*** -.29*** -.30*** -.29*** -.29*** (3.35) (3.40) (3.43) (3.35) (4.36) (4.39) (4.32) (4.16) No. of sentences -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 (.77) (.79) (.78) (.85) (1.17) (1.19) (1.13) (1.19) Constant 33.91*** 32.72*** 33.79*** 36.83*** 3.55*** 29.62*** 29.90*** 32.06*** (3.79) (3.65) (4.22) (4.27) (3.56) (3.41) (3.57) (3.56)

Governor FE Control cluster means for ij variables Control cluster means for ij variables Month fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Additional controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes R-squared .86 .87 .87 .87 .82 .84 .84 .84

Table 1b: Predicting physical distancing from charisma of governor speeches and political ideology

Note: The observation is a given speech i of a given governor j. The sample covers for all 50 US governors 7 speeches on COVID-19; n = 350. Significance level depicted by ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10. Standard errors clustered at the governor level. t-statistics in parentheses. R-squares for panel estimators are for the within level. The variable Charisma is centered for all models.


Table 2. Coded Charismatic Leadership Tactics in Treatment Vignette

Charismatic Leadership Tactic (CLT)

No. Sentence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 This is not a sprint, my friends, this is a marathon. 1 1

2 You have to gauge yourself.

3 And even though it’s so disruptive, and so abrupt, and so shocking, it’s also long- 1 term.

4 Stay six feet away from people.

5 Don’t be reactive, be proactive. 1

6 There’s economic anxiety, people are out of work.

7 What does this mean? 1 1a

8 Unemployment insurance? 1

9 Will it cover the bills? 1

10 This fear of the unknown, this misinformation

11 You put it all together, it is very disorienting, to say the least. 1

12 If you are feeling disoriented, it’s not you, it’s everyone, and it’s everywhere, and it’s 1 1 1 with good cause.

13 Also, we have to plan forward on testing.

14 We’ve mobilized, we’ve scrambled, but this is still not where it needs to be.

15 We need many more tests.

16 The social distancing is important.

17 You don’t win on defense, you win on offense. 1 1

18 Don’t get complacent.

Total 2 3 0 4 3 0 2 0 0

Notes. Table based on Antonakis 2017, p. 74. CLT1 = metaphor, CLT2 = rhetorical question, CLT3 = story, CLT4 = contrast, CLT5 = list, CLT6 = moral conviction, CLT7 = sentiment of the collective, CLT8 = ambitious goal, and CLT9 = goal can be achieved. a List begins and runs over into sentences 8 and 9.


VARIABLES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Male .08 .07 .13 .08 .07 .14 (.86) (.77) (.96) (.83) (.77) (.99) Age .01* .01* .02*** .01* .01* .02*** (1.93) (1.76) (3.85) (1.89) (1.90) (3.99) Intelligence score .04 .04 -.16** .02 .02 -.15* (.39) (.41) (2.00) (.23) (.23) (1.96) Over rater 2.83*** 2.84*** 2.83*** 3.08*** (9.91) (8.02) (8.02) (11.70) Intelligence score*Over rater -.20* -.21* -.19* -.19* (1.84) (1.85) (1.74) (1.73) Ideologically conservative (IC)a -.04 .05 .08 .05 (.80) (.77) (1.16) (.83) IC*Over rater .06 .06 .06 (1.07) (1.20) (1.12) Cuomo non-charismatic (NC) .23 .24 (.74) (.63) Reynolds non-charismatic (R) .46 .79** (1.48) (2.12) CNC* IC -.12* -.06 (1.93) (.59) R* IC -.13** -.22** (2.31) (2.46) CNC*Over rater .04 (.18) R*Over rater -.09 (.39) Non-charismaticb .34 -.15 -.04 (1.21) (.83) (.26) Non-charismatic*IC -.12** (2.38) Non-charismatic*Over rater -.02 -.03 (.11) (.13) Conservativec .09 .14 (.74) (1.02) Non-charismatic*Conservative -.29*** -.29* (2.61) (1.75) Conservative*Over rater .19* (1.76) State fixed effects Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. R-squared .64 .65 .04 .65 .65 .03 Note: Dependent variable: Incentivized beliefs on physical distancing. Heteroscedastic robust t-statistics in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10; n = 661; baseline treatment condition for all models is Cuomo charismatic; a, b, c See notes in Table 1b. The Wald test for the joint difference of the bolded coefficients between Models 3 and 4: 휒2(3) = 6.59, p = .25, and Models 5 and 6: 휒2(3) = .61, p = .90. Table 3a: Main results from the experiment: Effect on belief


VARIABLES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Male -.30* -.29* -.30* -.31* -.40** (1.85) (1.77) (1.85) (1.92) (2.53) Age .03*** .03*** .03*** .03*** .03*** (4.40) (4.42) (4.38) (4.09) (4.08) Intelligence score -.03 -.05 -.03 -.03 -.00 (.31) (.45) (.30) (.29) (.04) Cuomo non-charismatic .04 (.09) Reynolds -.22 (.62) Ideologically conservative (IC)a -.37*** -.39*** -.39*** (7.80) (5.19) (5.20) Cuomo non-charismatic*IC .02 (.20) Reynolds non-charismatic*IC .03 (.25) Non-charismaticb -.09 -.03 .03 (.28) (.17) (.17) Non-charismatic*IC .02 (.25) Conservativec -.67*** -.65*** (3.95) (4.00) Non-charismatic*Conservative -.13 -.13 (.62) (.64) State fixed effects Incl.*** Incl.*** Incl.*** R-squared .18 .19 .18 .18 .12

Note: Dependent variable: Physical distancing. Heteroscedastic robust t-statistics in parentheses ***p < .01, **p < .05, *p < .10; n = 661; baseline treatment condition for all models is Cuomo charismatic; ascores range from 1 (extremely liberal) through the midpoint 4 (moderate; middle of the road) to 7 (extremely conservative); bfor parsimony, the two non-charismatic conditions pooled together; cfor parsimony, scores of liberals pooled together as those of conservatives and thus they range from -1 (liberal) through the midpoint (0) to 1 (conservative). The significance levels for state fixed effects refers to the significance of the joint Wald test. The Wald test for the joint difference of the bolded coefficients between Models 4 and 5 is 휒2(3) = 1.39, p = .71.

Table 3b: Supplementary results from the experiment: Effect on (self-reported, non- incentivized) physical distancing


(1) (2a) (2b) (3a) (3b) (4) DV: DV: DV: DV: DV: DV: VARIABLES distancing belief distancing belief distancing distancing

Male -.36** .07 -.37** .07 -.37** -.31** (2.22) (.76) (2.35) (.80) (2.35) (2.01) Age .02*** .01* .02*** .01** .02*** .03*** (2.89) (1.88) (2.81) (1.99) (2.81) (4.26) Intelligence score .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 -.03 (.14) (.22) (.19) (.25) (.19) (.30) Over rater 3.08*** 3.08*** (11.60) (12.24) Intelligence score*Over rater -.19* -.19* (1.71) (1.83) Conservative -.74*** .09 -.74*** .09 -.74*** -.67*** (7.64) (.73) (7.94) (.73) (7.94) (4.12) Conservative*Over rater .19* .20* (1.75) (1.92) Non-charismatic -.15 -.16 -.03 (.82) (.89) (.18) Non- charismatic*Conservative -.29* -.29*** -.13 (2.59) (2.73) (.64) Non-charismatic*Over rater -.02 -.02 (.13) (.11) Belief .30*** .34*** .34*** (5.15) (5.42) (5.38) State fixed effects Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl.

R-squared .23 .65 .23 .65 .23 .18 Comparison of non-linear and linear combination of estimatorsa: Effect of non-charismatic for: Liberals .04 .09 (.63) (.47) Moderates -.05 -.03 (.87) (.18) Conservatives -.15* -.16 (2.03) (.49)

Note: Heteroscedastic robust t-statistics in parentheses ***p < .01, **p < .05, *p < .10; n = 661; baseline treatment condition for all models is Cuomo charismatic; afor Model 3 it is the indirect effect via beliefs; for Model 4 it is the reduced form effects. The Wald test for the joint difference of the bolded coefficients between Models 3 and 4 is 휒2(3) = 1.71, p = .64. Estimation by OLS (Model 1), 2SLS (Model 2), Maximum Likelihood instrumental variable (Model 3), Maximum Likelihood (Model 4). Note, including the variable “non-charismatic” in the second-stage equation does not alter estimates or significance levels.

Table 4: IV results from the experiment (first and second stage): Effect of belief on physical distancing



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On-line Supplementary Materials

Appendix A. Technical Summary of Deep Charisma Algorithm

1.1 Algorithm. In order to predict whether a given charismatic trait exists within a sentence, we use a machine-learning pipeline having essentially three stages:

1. A word embedding stage converts the text sequence into a sequence of real vectors.

2. An encoder takes the sequence of word embeddings and produces a single encoding

for each sentence.

3. A classifier then produces a probability that each charismatic trait exists in the input


The baseline pipeline was a document classifier of the type described by Pappas &

Popescu-Belis (2017). Our original word embedding was Google’s word2vec1, an implementation of the technique of Mikolov et al. (2013). Embeddings were trained on the training data and used to augment pre-trained ones from Google News. The encoder was several layers of long short-term memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997); the effect of the recurrence was to accumulate information across the length of the sentence such that the state

(the outputs of final recurrent units) after the application of the final word is representative of the sentence. The classifier was then a static layer of sigmoid units.



In an advance on the above, we incorporated an attention layer (Bahdanau et al., 2015) at the output of the encoder, along with bidirectional recurrence. This represented a strong a-priori belief that the charismatic traits are carried by short segments of the sentences. Indeed, plotting the attention could qualitatively identify those short segments, and led to slightly better quantitative results.

Our current approach, building on attention but also the state of the art in NLP, uses a pre-trained BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) implementation as the encoder. We use the Hugging Face library1, which also entails using their tokenisation as the embedding. The final layer of the

BERT model is customized to each class.

In the classifier, which has not changed, each output represents a separate classifier; it is not appropriate to use a softmax as each sentence can represent several classes at once. Training the classes separately or jointly with BERT results in the same accuracy of the predictions, which was not the case when using recurrent neural networks.

1.2 Database. Our data comprised a random sample of TED talks, 240 in all (Tur et al.,

2021). The purpose of gathering the TED talks was to determine whether we could predict the views received by these TED talks on the basis of coded features of the speech (the charismatic leadership tactics, or CLTs). The CLTs were marked up by three human coders; the standardized alpha reliability coefficient for an overall index of charisma by coder and by modelling each score of each coder as an item showed very high reliability of the coders: .81 and .96 at the sentence and speech level respectively (Tur et al., 2021). Moreover, results indicate that beyond appearance and several important control variables at the individual and location level, the more



CLTs a speech had the more views it attracted, providing validity for the CLT scores; in addition, higher CLTs predicted higher ratings of the talk being inspiring and persuasive (Tur et al., 2021).

We divided the TED database randomly into train, validation and test partitions of sentence size 19446, 6311 and 5843 respectively. For each of the nine classes we generate a

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. The area under the curve is meaningful, with 0.5 being random and unity being perfect performance. The average area under the ROC curve over the nine classes was 0.86 for the attention-based recurrent encoder (Garner et al., 2019); this index rose to 0.89 for the BERT solution following the implementation of Carron (2020).


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align and translate. Presented at ICLR 2015. May 2015. arXiv: 1409.0473 [cs.CL]. URL:

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Devlin, J., Chang, M.-W., Lee, K., & Toutanova, K. (2018). BERT: Pre-training of deep

bidirectional transformers for language understanding. Oct. 2018. arXiv: 1810.04805

[cs.CL]. URL:

Garner, P., Bornet, O., Loupi, D., Antonakis, J., & Rohner, D. (2019). Deep learning of

charisma. Software Demonstration: Swiss Text Analytics Conference.

Hochreiter, S., & Schmidhuber J. (1997). Long short-term memory. Neural Computation, 9(8),



Mikolov, T, Sutskever, I., Chen, K., Corrado, G., & Dean. J. (2013). Distributed representations

of words and phrases and their compositionality, Advances in Neural Information

Processing Systems 26. Ed. by C. J. C. Burges et al. Curran Associates, Inc., 2013, pp.

3111–3119. URL: of-words-


Pappas, N., & Popescu-Belis A. (2017). Explicit document modeling through weighted multiple-

instance learning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 58, 591–626.

Tur, B., Harstad J., & Antonakis, J. (2021). Effect of charismatic signaling in social media

settings: Evidence from TED and Twitter. The Leadership Quarterly. Advance online



Appendix B. Publicly Available Datasets Sourced for Panel Analyses

Publisher Description Version Modifications

SafeGraph1 Population movement 09/17/2020 None

by state based on

anonymized records of

45 million


Center for Tracking and count of 09/18/2020 (1) Trim to include 50 US states

Systems Science confirmed Covid-19 only, (2) aggregate number of and Engineering cases and deaths. confirmed cases and number of

(CSSE) at Johns deaths by state.



The Bureau of Indicators of 2019 04/02/2020 (1) Trim to include 50 US states

Economic annual economic only, (2) trim to include 2019

Analysis (BEA) activity and growth statistic only, (3) trim to only

across US states. contain indicator: “Real GDP

(millions of chained 2012


The United States 2019 estimates of 09/17/2020 Trim to include 50 US states

Census Bureau - population, only.

American demographic

Community composition, education,

Survey and poverty by state.

Statista 2019 estimates of 12/2019 None.

population density by




The Federal All federally declared 10/07/2020 (1) Trim to include 50 US states

Emergency disasters since 1953. only, (2) trim to include 2010-

Management 2020 only, (3) remove incident

Agency (FEMA) categories: “biological”,

“terrorist”, “toxic substance”,

“chemical” and “other”, (4)

aggregate number of incidences

by state for 10-year period.


Centers for 2019 prevalence of 09/21/2020 None.

Disease adult self-reported

Prevention and obesity by state.

Control (CDC)

Gallup Tracking 2018 state ideological 02/22/2019 None.




1 SafeGraph, a data company that aggregates anonymized location data from numerous applications in order to provide insights about physical places, via the Placekey Community. To enhance privacy, SafeGraph excludes census block group information if fewer than five devices visited an establishment in a month from a given census block group.


Appendix C. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix for Panel Study Variables (Collapsed at the State Level)

Table C1. Summary Statistics for Panel Study Variables Variable Mean SD Min Max

Physical distancing, 1 day (% stay-at-home)a 33.74 3.37 27.06 41.57

Physical distancing, 1 week (% stay-at-home)a 34.92 3.52 27.86 43.11

Charisma (No. of charismatic leadership tactics)a 45.80 23.77 18.99 111.15

Sentences (#)a 88.82 47.34 36.86 237

Days elapsed (Since 2/28/2020) 27.35 1.47 23.71 31.71

Cases (No. of confirmed COVID-19 cases)a 50.29 70.19 11.12 410.28

Casualties (No. of confirmed COVID-19 deaths)a 2.01 4.19 .025 26.18

SIP (No. of days shelter-in-place order in effect)a 4.63 3.04 0 10.43

Party (0 democrat, 1 republican) 0.52 .505 0 1

Gender (0 male, 1 female) .180 .388 0 1

Age 60.4 8.79 42 76

Tenure 2.96 2.36 0 11

Education (highest completed degree)

High school (0 no, 1 yes) .040 .198 0 1

Bachelor (0 no, 1 yes) .320 .471 0 1

Master/JD/MD (0 no, 1 yes) .580 .499 0 1

PhD (0 no, 1 yes) .060 .240 0 1

Obesity (%) 32.06 3.92 23.8 40.8

GDP (log) 12.28 1.06 10.32 14.84

Population (log) 15.21 1.03 13.27 17.49

Population density (log) 4.55 1.39 .262 7.10

Blacks (%) .107 .095 .007 .380

Hispanics (%) .122 .105 .015 .493

Over 65 (%) .170 .019 .114 .213

Bachelor (% with highest completed degree) .137 .021 .090 .184

Poverty (% under poverty line) 12.14 2.70 7.3 19.6

Natural disasters (No. over 10-year period) 25.46 23.89 4 145

Republican vote share 2020 election (%) 50.52 10.38 31.7 69.9 Conservatives (%) 35.88 6.34 21 50 Liberals (%) 22.12 5.61 12 35 Conservatism 13.76 11.66 -14 38

Notes: N =50. Within governor/state standard deviations (range in parenthesis) based on 350 observations (7 speeches per governor): Physical distancing, 1 day = 7.61 (14.47-45.17), physical distancing, 1 week = 6.87 (13.84-44.47), charisma = 20.40 (39.15-132.68), sentences = 39.09 (72.04-225.82), days elapsed = 13.81 (.634-54.63), cases = 99.36 (359.87-825.38), casualties = 6.12 (24.17-66.38) and number of days SIP in place = 7.04 (5.80-24.77).


Table C2. Correlation Matrix of Panel Study Variables Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 Physical distancing, 1 day (%)

2 Physical distancing, 1 week (%) .997***

3 Charisma .378** .370**

4 Sentences (#) .344* .335* .968***

5 Days elapsed (#) .068 .080 -.094 -.084 6 Cases (#) .555*** .558*** .434** .479*** .068 7 Casualties (#) .512*** .512*** .437** .499*** .044 .978*** 8 Days SIP in place (#) .598*** .595*** .202 .159 .076 .438** .422** 9 Party -.448** -.445** -.271 -.232 .195 -.297* -.298* -.513*** 10 Gender -.096 -.087 -.149 -.189 .209 -.068 -.072 -.049 -.175 11 Age -.007 .018 -.245 -.242 .245 .003 .006 -.081 .035 .026 12 Tenure .171 .174 .055 .089 .044 .267 .268 -.056 .018 -.126 .268 13 Education .240 .249 .099 .152 -.158 .186 .164 .283* -.563*** .085 .126 14 Obesity (%) -.613*** -.592*** -.251 -.207 .152 -.316* -.275 -.349* .310* .108 .067 15 GDP (log) .481*** .483*** .241 .256 -.035 .331* .349* .333* -.193 -.235 -.025 16 Population (log) .381** .386** .195 .205 -.028 .273 .297* .294* -.159 -.205 -.033 17 Population density (log) .488*** .514*** .120 .118 -.034 .465*** .387** .426** -.234 -.143 -.002 18 Blacks (%) -.151 -.141 .005 .022 -.089 .205 .178 -.021 .067 -.169 -.002 19 Hispanic (%) .418** .412** .268 .234 -.065 .126 .122 .177 -.216 .014 -.105 20 Over 65 (%) -.074 -.055 -.308* -.283* -.064 -.012 -.016 .102 -.136 .239 .030 21 Bachelor (%) .614*** .603*** .130 .087 -.050 .264 .213 .299* -.339* -.063 -.030 22 Poverty (%) -.552*** -.543*** .001 .011 -.075 -.047 -.008 -.104 .079 .098 -.106 23 Natural disasters (#) .093 .074 .084 .070 -.082 -.072 -.025 .124 -.102 -.113 -.109 24 Republican vote share (%) -.711*** -.716*** -.126 -.053 .210 -.334* -.288* -.535*** .499*** -.033 .007 -.747*** 25 Conservatism -.741*** -.151 -.125 .228 -.357* -.324* -.493*** 0.448** .055 -.010 Notes: Correlations are based on data aggregated by governor. N= 50. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.


Table C2. Correlation Matrix of Panel Study Variables (Cont.) Variable (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

12 Tenure

13 Education .031

14 Obesity (%) -.251 -.018

15 GDP (log) .033 .078 -.134

16 Population (log) -.004 .051 -.041 .984***

17 Population density (log) .074 .205 -.120 .573*** .567***

18 Blacks (%) -.127 -.014 .421** .341* .391** .442**

19 Hispanic (%) .023 .052 -.399** .421** .395** .097 -.130

20 Over 65 (%) -.135 .290* .025 -.300* -.243 .193 -.100 -.239

21 Bachelor (%) .213 .105 -.769*** .161 .057 .275 -.296* .066 .024

22 Poverty (%) -.193 .013 .630*** .036 .151 -.087 .466*** .062 .099 -.814*** 23 Natural disasters (#) .085 -.130 -.191 .416** .389** -.048 -.138 .453*** -.328* .079 .049 24 Republican vote share (%) -.157 -.220 .644*** -.332* -.264 -.584*** .011 -.348* -.164 -.684*** .438** -.118 25 Conservatism -.207 -.298* .681*** -.267 -.171 -.516*** .242 -.213 -.209 -.752*** .616*** -.080 .902*** Notes: Correlations are based on data aggregated by governor. N= 50. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.


Table C3. Correlation Matrix of Panel Study Variables Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 Physical distancing, 1 day (%)

2 Physical distancing, 1 week (%) .975***

3 Charisma .416*** .438***

4 Sentences (#) .393*** .410*** .956***

5 Days elapsed (#) .835*** .777*** .278*** .271***

6 Cases (#) .522*** .485*** .316*** .349*** .465***

7 Casualties (#) .394*** .367*** .283*** .327*** .332*** .953*** 8 Days SIP in place (#) .646*** .565*** .196*** .182*** .720*** .601*** .496*** Notes: N = 350. ***p < 0.001.


Appendix D. Flow of Survey and Vignette Experiment

Launched Survey & Consent Page: 777

International Subjects screened out1 & Bots: 37

Questions: Demographics and IQ

Non-Completes & Bounce: 20 Introtext2, CDC Animated Covid-19 Prevention Video3, Introtext24

Random Assignment to Vignette: 708

Condition 1: Condition 2: Condition Treatment5 Control 15 3: Control (197) (253) 25 (258)

Questions: Incentivized Physical Distancing Estimates

Non-Completes & Bounce: 15 Questions: Attention Checks

Non-Completes & Bounce: 8 Survey Completed: 685


1 We followed Burleigh et al.’s (2018) protocol for screening out international respondents using a VPN/VPS to mask their geolocation. All respondents were required to spend at least 20 seconds reading the consent page as an intro to the survey. During these 20 seconds, a JavaScript stripped the respondent’s IP address and ran it against known IP addresses using a third-party service (IPHub). Second, the study used a recaptcha verification to screen out bots and automated non-human respondents. Taken together this protocol boosts our confidence in the quality of the data and helps enforce our exclusion criteria.

2 The following introduction text was presented to all subjects: “Public authorities in the United

States issue guidelines for staying safe and help slow the spread of COVID-19. The Center for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is at heart of these efforts and continuously provide up to date guidelines for the American people to follow. Click on the video below to watch current guidelines. Pay close attention to the information provided in the video, because we will ask you questions on it, which can affect your payout. An arrow will appear below the video once you have had sufficient time to watch it.”

3 All subjects were presented with a ~1-minute animated video from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Covid-19 mitigation behaviors. The video titled “COVID-19 Stop the

Spread of Germs” is dated 8/7/2020, and can be downloaded via the following link:


4 The following introduction text was presented to all subjects: “Other public officials also offer guidance to the American people. Some of these officials are the United States governors, who regularly update residents in their state and the American people on the status of the outbreak.


One the next page we will show you some excerpts from a governor's press briefing. Please read them carefully, because we will ask you questions on them, which can affect your payout. You will be allowed to advance to the next page after 45 seconds.”

5 Description and full wordings of all vignettes are presented in Appendix E.


Burleigh, T., Kennedy, R., & Clifford, S. (2018, October 18). How to screen out vps and

international respondents using Qualtrics: A protocol.


Appendix E. Experimental Vignettes for Manipulating Charisma

Three vignettes make up the experimental conditions for manipulating governor charisma. Each vignette along brief meta-information is presented below.

1.1 Condition 1 – high charisma (treatment)

This is not a sprint, my friends, this is a marathon. You have to gauge yourself. And even though it’s so disruptive, and so abrupt, and so shocking, it’s also long-term. Stay six feet away from people. Don’t be reactive, be proactive. There’s economic anxiety, people are out of work. What does this mean? Unemployment insurance? Will it cover the bills? This fear of the unknown, this misinformation. You put it all together, it is very disorienting, to say the least. If you are feeling disoriented, it’s not you, it’s everyone, and it’s everywhere, and it’s with good cause. Also, we have to plan forward on testing. We’ve mobilized, we’ve scrambled, but this is still not where it needs to be. We need many more tests. The social distancing is important. You don’t win on defense, you win on offense. Don’t get complacent.

Meta-information: Vignette is created using excerpts of Andrew Cuomo’s March 28, 2020

Covid-19 press briefing. Total words: 143. Number of charismatic tactics: 11.73.1

1.2 Condition 2 – low charisma (control 1)

The plan is premised on the fact that people will reduce the density. The social distancing is important. Stay six feet away from people. And don’t get complacent. And if the goal is to open up the economy as quickly as you can, you’re going to need a much faster testing process to find

70 out who had the antibodies, which means they had the virus in resolve, and who’s negative, and who’s positive. That’s the only way you get the economy up and running in any relatively short period of time. We will have learned a lot. We will have changed, and we’ll be different, but I believe that we’ll be different in a positive way. So, I again ask the people, especially young people, please take this seriously for yourself and for others, and let’s do it on a voluntary basis.

Meta-information: Vignette is created using excerpts of Andrew Cuomo’s March 28, 2020

Covid-19 press briefing. Total words: 142. Number of charismatic leaderships tactics: 4.68. 1

1.3 Condition 3 – low charisma (control 2)

This week, we took additional steps to help mitigate and slow the spread of COVID-19 across the state. We are expanding testing capabilities. It's important that we use all of our healthcare resources responsibly. When we're asking people to stay home, this helps prevent an unnecessary level of disruption during these really challenging times. Again, I can't say this enough, it's going to take every one working together to be a part of the solution, and I know they are doing their part. Earlier today, I also issued an additional health emergency declaration effective immediately that provides additional regulatory relief. And, hopefully, this will create some additional business opportunities for those bars and restaurants who rely heavily on those sales.

This action allows government at all levels to conduct business in this era of social distancing by permitting public meetings by electronic means.

Meta-information: Vignette is created using excerpts of Kim Reynolds’ March 15, 2020 Covid-

19 press briefing. Total words: 144. Number of charismatic leaderships tactics: 2.99. 1


1 Number of charismatic leadership tactics are coded using our deep-learning computer algorithm

(see Appendix A for more details).


Appendix F. External Manipulation Check for Speech Vignettes

We performed an external manipulation check by recruiting 251 individuals via

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk on November 2, 2020. This sample is independent and has no overlap with the sample used for the main experiment. For the purpose of our manipulation check, we randomly assigned the participants to one of the three manipulations (cf. Appendix E) and then asked subjects to rate how inspiring and charismatic they believed other people would find the speech they just saw. We said that the excerpts were from speeches of governors but did not identify who the governors were. We incentivized responses based on how close their estimate would be to the average in an effort to ensure subjects had “skin in the game”. 28 participants failed the attention checks, which left us with a useable sample of n = 223 (however, substantive results remained the same when using the full sample).

We first estimated the model with the three conditions (using two dummy variables, where the Cuomo charismatic speech served as the baseline). We used maximum likelihood estimation and estimated the models for the two dependent variables joint, with a robust estimate of the variance (Roodman, 2011). We report results from the model with the controls (i.e., male, age, and ideological conservatism). The joint treatment effect across the two dependent variables was 2(4) = 8.11, p = 0.09.

Holding constant the covariates indicated that the mean for the charisma rating of the

Cuomo treatment speech was 3.52, SE =.09; that for the Cuomo control speech was 3.28, SE

=.10 and for Reynolds was 3.30, SE = .11. For the inspiring ratings we had: Cuomo treatment speech was 3.80, SE =.09; that for the Cuomo control speech was 3.57, SE =.09 and for

Reynolds was 3.45, SE = .10. Relative to the treatment speech the joint constrained coefficient

73 for the control speeches for the rating of charisma was -.22, SE = .12, z = 1.81, p = .07; that of inspiring was -.28, SE = .11, z = 2.48, p = .013. Given that the two control speeches from the two models were jointly not different from each other: 2(2) = 1.83, p = .40, we estimated a more parsimonious model where we pool the data from the two control conditions.

Results from the simpler model showed a significant effect for the treatment 2(2) = 6.63, p =.0364. The coefficient for the treatment effect in predicting charisma was .23, SE = .12, z =

1.87, p = .061 and that for inspiring was .28, SE = .11, z = 2.55 p = .011. The joint effect (i.e., constraining the treatment effect to be equivalent across the two models) was significant: .26, SE

= .10, z = 2.51, p = .012.

On the basis of the above results, we conclude that our vignettes indeed manipulate the charisma used to relay the governor’s Covid-19 message. Although the vignettes thus convey high or low charisma, given we anonymized the messages by refraining from telling the respondents who the governor is makes the conditions more subtle and removes any person- specific effects of the messenger. Thus, our findings are rather conservative and should be considered lower bound.


Roodman, D. (2011). Estimating fully observed recursive mixed-process models with cmp. Stata

Journal, 11(2), 159–206.


Appendix G. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix for Lab Experiment Study


Table G1. Summary Statistics for Lab Experiment Study Variables Variable N Mean SD Min Max

Experimental condition

Treatment: Cuomo charismatic speech 661 .278 .449 0 1

Control 1: Cuomo non-charismatic speech 661 .349 .477 0 1

Control 2: Reynolds non-charismatic speech 661 .372 .484 0 1

Experimental condition (reduced form) Treatment: Cuomo charismatic speech (Ref. 661 .278 .449 0 1 Control Conditions) Physical distancing - Preference (aggregate) 661 8.24 2.18 0 10

Physical distancing – Belief (aggregate) 661 6.79 1.76 0 10

Gender (0 female, 1 male) 661 .554 .497 0 1

Age 661 37.52 12.27 18 78

Intelligence score 661 1.50 .823 0 3

Over rating (0 under, 1 over) 661 .558 .497 0 1

Political ideological orientation 661 3.56 1.87 1 7 (1 extremely liberal, 7 extremely conservative)

Conservative (-1 liberal, 0 moderate, 1 conservative) 661 -.203 .885 -1 1 Geolocation (state) 661 23.88 13.93 1 48 Notes: The intelligence score is based on a brief cognitive ability task measure adopted from Jordan et al. (2020). The measure denotes the number of correct answers to each of the following questions: (1) The ages of Mark and Adam add up to 28 years total. Mark is 20 years older than Adam. How old is Adam?, (2) If it takes 10 seconds for 10 printers to print out 10 pages of paper, how many seconds will it take 50 printers to print out 50 pages of paper?, (3) On a loaf of bread, there is a patch of mold. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 40 days for the patch to cover the entire loaf of bread, how many days would it take for the patch to cover half of the loaf of bread?


Table G2. Correlation Matrix of Lab Experiment Study Variables

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 Treatmenta

2 Control 1 -.455***

3 Control 2 -.478*** -.564*** 4 Physical distancing: Preference -.021 .034 -.013 5 Physical distancing: Belief -.002 -.007 .009 .253*** 6 Gender .048 -.051 .005 -.109** .023 7 Age .021 -.067 .047 .126** .148*** -.110** 8 Intelligence score .046 .088* -.129*** .028 -.058 -.021 .053 9 Over rating -.039 .039 -.002 .223*** .781*** .016 .138*** -.038 10 Political ideological orientation .021 -.027 .007 -.287*** -.002 -.005 .133*** -.062 -.015 11 Conservative .028 -.022 -.004 -.286*** -.014 .001 .110** -.061 -.025 .933*** 12 Geolocation -.001 .046 -.044 .020 -.051 -.044 -.043 .011 -.026 .050 .051

Notes: N = 661. a variable is perfectly collinear with variable "charismatic". ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.