Rappahannock Record, Thursday, December 22, 2016, Section C1-12
Section C Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock, VA www.rrecord.com December 22, 2016 t’s no coincidence children, crayons, creativity mas season. We received 74 entries in three catego- and Christmas all begin with “C.” We don’t know ries, ages 4-6, 7-8 and 9-10. Iwhen it started, but for centuries we’ve been First-, second- and third-place winners were creating masterpieces with wax crayons and more selected by a panel of Rappahannock Record judges recently markers of all shapes, sizes and materials. DQGWKHZLQQLQJHQWULHVDSSHDUKHUH7KHÀUVWSODFH It’s a safe bet that as long as we’ve been writing ZLQQHUDOVRZLOOUHFHLYHDJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHWRWKH letters to Santa, we’ve been illustrating them with local business of their choice; second-place, a $15 seasonal art. JLIWFHUWLÀFDWHDQGWKLUGSODFHDJLIWFHUWLÀFDWH 7RNHHSWKHFUHDWLYHMXLFHVÁRZLQJZHWKRXJKWLW Thanks to all of the participants. We enjoyed the might be fun to host a coloring contest this Christ- show. 1st Place Winners Kynleigh Wilson, age 6, of Kilmarnock, took the top prize for the four to six age group. Reagan Brent, age 8, of Lottsburg won in the seven to eight age division. More winners appear on the following page Sarah Burgess, age 10, of Heathsville, had the winning entry for the nine to ten age division. C2 s$ECEMBER RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD +ILMARNOCKs6IRGINIA More Coloring Contest Winners Logan Burgess, age 6, of Heathsville Grayson Lee, age 7 2nd Place Winners Lily Hathaway, age 9, of Weems Zoe Paone, age 8, of Kilmarnock Maxwell Braly, age 4, of Irvington 3rd Place Winners Cameron Carlson, age 9, of Kilmarnock +ILMARNOCK s 6IRGINIA RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD $ECEMBER sC3 Dear Santa, like Shape by Shape, a laptop, like Charlotte has, if you can.
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