Vol. 32 November 1986 No. 4 VIRGINIA'S LIME INDUSTRY Palmer C.Sweet Lime production in Virginia continued on the materials that contain at least 97 percent com- increase in 1985 after a four-year decline from bined calcium and magnesium carbonate content 1980-1983. Production tonnages and values are are considered necessary for salable lime. indicated in the Table; 1985 production was 605,000 short tons at a value of $26.4 million. PROCESSING Virginia's highest ranking in production oc- curred in 1915 when Virginia was third behind For calcining (burning) of the limestone, sev- Pennsylvania and Ohio with 267,000 short tons eral types of kilns are utilized depending on from 40 plants (Wood, 1958, p. 6). High produc- capacity of operation, fuel costs, market require- tion also occurred during the early 1940's with ments, and air pollution regulations. Increasingly the increased use in the steel furnaces at that important is the amount and cost of fuel required time. The year of most lime production was 1969, to convert each ton of limestone to lime. when Virginia ranked fifth behind Ohio, Penn- Vertical (shaft) kilns are elliptical or circular sylvania, Texas, and Michigan with 1,072,000 and may be of stone, reinzorced concrete, or boiler short tons ($13.6 million). Lime production of plate construction. The kilns are lined, usually 824,000 short tons in 1981 yielded a record value with two layers of refractory brick, and are of almost 36 million dollars. divided into three sections: preheating, calcining, Lime (calcium oxide), marketed as quicklime and cooling.
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