DANIEL J. BICKEL Australian Museum, Sydney, NSW, Australia AUSTRALIAN, MELANESIAN AND MICRONESIAN ACROPSILUS MIK (DIPTERA: DOLICHOPODIDAE) Bickel, D. J, 1998. Australian, Melanesian, and Micronesian Acropsilus Mik (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).– Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 141: 1-17, figs. 1-21. [ 0040-7496]. Pub- lished 30 November 1998. The Australian, Melanesian, and Micronesian species of the genus Acropsilus Mik (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) are revised, and comprise eleven species: Acropsilus protractus Robinson (Solomon Islands, New Guinea, trop. Australia), and ten newly described species: A. albitibia (trop. Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu), A. boharti (Irian Jaya, Solomon Is- lands) A. colmani ( Papua New Guinea), .A. kuranda (Queensland), A. malaita (Solomon Is- lands), A.. maprik (Papua New Guinea), A. nigricornis ( Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Queens- land), A.. putosa (Papua New Guinea), A. toma (Papua New Guinea), and A. udot (Micronesia: Truk). Some species are widely distributed in the Australasian tropics. Acropsilus is known only from the Old World, and is particularly rich and often abundant in moist tropical habitats. The entire genus is reviewed and redefined, and its phylogenetic posi- tion is discussed. Acropsilus is close to the Oriental genus Griphomyia and both genera are ten- tatively referred to the Peloropeodinae, a subfamily which requires redefinition. D.J. Bickel, Entomology Section, Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, 2000 Australia. E-mail:
[email protected] Key words. – Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Acropsilus, Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia. The genus Acropsilus Mik comprises small-sized cited follows, and I thank the respective curators and dolichopodids. Although this genus initially appears support staff for the loan of specimens. to be rather nondescript, males of many species are Australian Museum, Sydney – M.