ser photocoagulation to the tumor excision and has been shown to in- cluding tumors and carotid artery surface and surrounding retina was crease patient survival.5 aneurysms1; however, reports of bi- provided. Visual acuity continued to temporal field loss from compres- decrease to 20/70 OD at 17 months, Carol L. Shields, MD sion by an abnormal vessel are rare.2 so PDT was performed (Figure). Miguel A. Materin, MD We describe a patient with a non- The entire astrocytoma was treated Brian P. Marr, MD progressive bitemporal hemiano- with a single 83-second laser spot at Jaime Krepostman, MD pia in whom there appeared to be 689 nm (50 J/cm2) following intra- Jerry A. Shields, MD compression of the optic chiasm by 2 venous verteporfin (6 mg/m ). Af- Correspondence: Dr C. L. Shields, an elongated right anterior cerebral ter treatment, resolution of macu- Ocular Oncology Service, Wills Eye artery (ACA). lar exudation, edema, and subretinal Institute, Ste 1440, 840 Walnut St, fluid led to improved vision of 20/50 Philadelphia, PA 19107 (carol Report of a Case. A bitemporal OD (at 1 month) and 20/30 OD (at
[email protected]). hemianopia was found in a 65-year- 4, 8, and 12 months). The tumor Author Contributions: Dr C. L. old woman with no vascular risk fac- showed minimal involution with de- Shields had full access to all the data tors during a routine eye examina- creased intrinsic vascularity. in the study and takes responsibil- tion in 2003. Magnetic resonance ity for the integrity of the data and imaging (MRI) results were nor- Comment.