summer08 palestine NEWS 1 palestine NEWS £1.50 / €2.00 ISSN 1477-5808 Summer 2008 LLandand ggrabsrabs oorr ppeace?eace? IIsraelsrael mmustust ddecideecide INSIDE: Gill Clemens Derek Swain Metterschmid Summerfield Holy Land Drinking the Healthcare: or sea in the access Legoland? West Bank denied page 5 page 9 page 11 Palestine Solidarity Campaign Box BM PSA London WC1N 3XX tel 020 7700 6192 email
[email protected] web 2 palestine NEWS summer08 Contents 3 Normalising the occupation Betty Hunter explains how the West continues to finance Israeli colonialism 5 Holy Land or Legoland? Gill Swain looks at the strategies used to divide and rule the West Bank 8 “Blueprint Negev” Isabelle Humphries reveals the master plan for a new wave of “judaisation”, within Israel 9 Drinking the sea in the West Bank Clemens Metterschmid examines the reasons for the water shortage 11 Healthcare: access denied Dr Derek Summerfield reports on the evidence presented by Physicians for Human Cover photo: The settlement of Rights-Israel Har Homa, under construction 13 In Brief ISSN 1477 - 5808 News from around the world; Eye on the Web Also in this issue... 17 Campus News Peace Cycle rides again page 24 The visit to the UK by Palestinian academics; UCU vote; campaigns; twinning 19 Trade Union News Support for Gaza fishermen; TSSA backs boycott 20 Boycott, divestment, sanctions UK Action Plan 21 Activism around the UK Nakba Day rallies, new branches, action in the OPTs 25 Visit Palestine and meet the people 26 People for Palestine