Page 2 - Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - The Gallatin County News, Warsaw, Ky. TheTheGallatin County NewsNews Scenic Gallatin County Established 1880 An Independent Weekly Newspaper Member Kentucky Press Association Winner, KPA General Excellence Award Charles G. Warnick, Publisher 1975-1984 Denny Kelley-Warnick, Publisher Kelley Warnick, Editor Clay Warnick, Advertising Director TerryTerry Combs-Caldwell,Combs-Caldwell, OfOfficefi ce ManagerManager BobbieBobbie Hendrix,Hendrix, Assistant Manager Manager MarkMark Gray, Gray, Sports Sports ReporterReporter Mike Dickerson, News Reporter Edie Bain. News Reporter SubscriptionSubscription rates: rates: In Gallatin In Gallatin and surrounding and surrounding counties, counties,$26 per year; $26 Elsewhere per year; in Kentucky,Elsewhere $28 in per Kentucky, year; Out-of-State, $28 per $30year; per Out-of-State, year; Senior Citizens$30 per receive year; 10%Senior off; StudentCitizens rate, receive $19 per 10% year off;(nine Student months). rate, Website: $19 year (nine months). Telephone: Telephone (859) (859) 567-5051 567-5051 • Fax: • Fax:(859) (859) 567-6397 567-6397 • Email: • Email:
[email protected] [email protected] V-E Day Remembered Tuesday, May 8, was Victory in Europe Day. It marks the 72nd Anniversary of the defeat of Ger- many in World War II. As time goes on, the notice of this important day slips further and further back into the pages of newspapers. Sadly, few mention it anymore. Maybe that’s the way it should be, but it doesn’t seem right. Defeating Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Germany was a great victory. The United States sacrifi ced its sons and daughters, our most precious treasure, so we could guarantee our freedom from oppres- sion and tyranny.