RESEARCH ARTICLE ªThe mosquitoes that destroy your faceº. Social impact of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in South-eastern Morocco, A qualitative study Issam Bennis1,2,3, Loubna Belaid4, Vincent De Brouwere2, Hind Filali1, Hamid Sahibi5, Marleen Boelaert2* 1 National School of Public HealthÐMinistry of Health, Rabat, Morocco, 2 Department of Public HealthÐ Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, 3 Department of Biomedical SciencesÐFaculty of a1111111111 Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences- University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 4 CRCHUM, a1111111111 E cole de Sante Publique de l'Universite de MontreÂal, MontreÂal, Canada, 5 Agronomy and Veterinary Institute a1111111111 Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco a1111111111 *
[email protected] a1111111111 Abstract OPEN ACCESS Objective Citation: Bennis I, Belaid L, De Brouwere V, Filali H, Sahibi H, Boelaert M (2017) ªThe mosquitoes that To document the psychosocial burden of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) in rural communi- destroy your faceº. Social impact of Cutaneous ties in Southeastern Morocco. Leishmaniasis in South-eastern Morocco, A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189906. Method Editor: Anny Fortin, McGill University Faculty of Between March and April 2015, we conducted qualitative research in communities exposed Education, CANADA to Leishmania major or L. tropica in Errachidia and Tinghir provinces. Twenty-eight focus Received: September 25, 2017 groups discussions (FGDs) were realized, with a stratification by gender and tradition