February 2014


The Dun Valley Churches are members of The Clarendon Team

THE CLARENDON TEAM MINISTRY OF CHURCHES TEAM RECTOR Revd Nils Bersweden, The Rectory, The Plantation, Winterslow, SP5 1RE Tel 01980 862231. Mobile 07960 321355 E-Mail: [email protected] TEAM PRIEST (with Deanery Schools responsibility) Revd Elizabeth Moore-Bick Tel 01722 711144 E-Mail: [email protected] TEAM CURATES Revd Cynthia Buttimer Tel: 01980 862017, [email protected] Revd Jane Dunlop Tel: 01794 884793, [email protected] Revd Andrew Poppe Tel: 01980 863449, [email protected] TEAM LAY LICENSED MINISTERS Mrs Gill Morgan, Mr Bill Thompson, Mrs Debbie McIsaac, Mr Michael Barratt OTHER CLERGY Canon Roger Sharpe, Canon Jeremy Davies, Revd Anthea Cochrane, Revd Gordon Mitchell CLARENDON TEAM WEBSITE – www.clarendonteam.org - an informative website covering Worship services, notices and activities throughout the Team Team Worship Rota – www.clarendonteam.org/rotacurrent.htm, or to download in MS Excel www.clarendonteam.org/rotacurrent.xls

TEAM ADMINISTRATOR Clarendon Team Office, St. John’s School Room, Gunville Road, Winterslow, Salisbury SP5 1PP Tel 01980 863635 (Mon-Fri 9-11 a.m.) E-Mail [email protected]

WEST DEAN WITH EAST GRIMSTEAD CHURCHWARDENS Mr Bob Trott, Oakley, East Grimstead (Holy Trinity) 01722 712685 Vacancy (St Mary’s). Any queries to Team Administrator, or Treasurer or Secretary (below)

FARLEY WITH PITTON CHURCHWARDENS Mrs Sara Bossom, Stockbottom House, Pitton 01980 611133 Vacancy (All Saints)


LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Gill Morgan, Farley 01722 712438 Mrs Jenny Cotter, East Grimstead, 01722 712316 Mrs Sue Sinclair, Pitton 01722 712220 Mr Alan Bannister, West Dean, 01794 340872 Mrs Sara Bossom, Pitton 01980 611133

TREASURER TREASURER Mr John Semmons, Pitton 01722 712556 Ms Jane Higgins, 01794 340536

ORGANISTS SECRETARY Mr Barry Cooper, 01722 712350 Mr Mike Marx, 01794 340271 Ms Janice Brown

MAGAZINE EDITOR Rod Coppock, Timbers, Beeches Close, Pitton, SP5 1EF Tel 01722 712469 E-Mail: [email protected] ADVERTS EDITOR Tim Hawkes, Lodge Farm House, Elm Close, Pitton, SP5 1EU Tel 01722 712577 E-Mail: [email protected] 2


The Julian Meeting group meets for half an hour of silent prayer on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 2pm; there is no Julian Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday, and on the 4th Wednesday at 12.30pm the Julian group are invited to join Quaker Friends at the Meeting House in Wilton Road.

5th February at 3 David’s Garden, Pitton 19th February at 79 Firs Road, Firsdown

If you would like further details, please contact Hilary Semmons 712556 or Sue Sinclair 712220.

Pitton Methodist Society The Pitton Methodists worship together with the Anglicans at St. Peter's Church and have a Methodist led service there once a month (currently the 3rd Sunday). Minister - Susan Holden, 76a Countess Rd. Amesbury SP4 7AT 01980 623948 Steward - Mrs. Sarah Sankey 01722 712581

Our next PathFinders@Pitton will be on Sunday 2nd Feb at 11am Nils will be celebrating Candlemas at a special Eucharist Service We will meet in Mandy Kerley’s Meeting Room but come to Church as usual any time after 10.45 For more details contact Sara Bossom on 01980 611133


Team Letter From Elizabeth Moore-Bick, Team Priest

As I currently write, my Christmas tree is still up in my hall. It is likely to still be up in my hall even when you come to read this, assuming you do before 2nd February! In the church we celebrate Candlemas on 2nd February, marking the official end of Christmas. We remember how Jesus was presented in the Temple at Jerusalem, as was customary according to the Jewish law. There, in the temple, Jesus is received by Simeon, who has been promised by God that he won’t die before he has seen God’s promised Saviour. Jesus is spoken of as the light for all people and Simeon prays contentedly that he might now ‘depart in peace’, confident of the future since God has kept his promise. It isn’t at all clear from the story how Simeon knows that this particular child is the promised one, but whether from gut instinct or conversation with Mary and Joseph, Simeon does know and that knowledge enables him to embrace his death with peace. Doubtless for each of us the New Year is already bringing new challenges and opportunities. Perhaps many of us made resolutions at the start of the year, which now only a few weeks in we’re already discovering are falling by the wayside. We’re constantly having to reassess things – situations, possibilities – often having to let things go, move on from them or through them. It can be extremely hard to do, especially if we feel things are taken from us or outside of our control. What reassurance do you need to handle these ‘little deaths’ well, so that you can accept them contentedly and without resentment, blessing them and letting them go? It is often the details in the Bible stories which I so love. In this story it is the detail and the image of Simeon taking the baby Jesus in his arms. We have no idea whether Simeon was a father or not; no idea whether he was confident or anxious when it came to handling six week old infants! But whichever way, confident or unsure of himself, he does hold Jesus close. Simeon’s gaze, full of life’s joys and sorrows, turns its attention to the small, round, smooth face of a 4 young baby, starting out on life, full of wonder and promise. I hope their eyes met. I hope Simeon saw the light and the life in this particular child’s eyes; just one seemingly small encounter with God can be enough for renewed hope, fresh strength, and the ability to bless even the toughest things in life. When at last I pack my Christmas tree away, there’s one final job I’ll have to do. My tree is looking beautiful, decorated with 120 white lights…well, 119 actually as a bulb has gone and needs replacing. It’s just one bulb, which at the moment is hidden discreetly, so it’s only a small piece of light which is missing but I don’t want to pack the set away incomplete for another year. I hope this year brings each of you many small pieces of light and that you take the time to stop, look and engage closely with them, whether they come to you readily and naturally or require some courage! It is only as we engage with the light, often small and fragile, that we find the strength to live at peace with the darkness. Elizabeth

St Peter’s Pitton There will be a lay led service at 11am on Sunday 9th February With Sara Bossom and Guest Speaker Cliff Lodge from Emmaus on White Hill “Prayer Works: How we grew our Church” Come and join us and hear all about it!

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? Reading while sunbathing makes you well red. A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tyred.


From the registers


Terence David MASON at All Saints, Farley on 23rd November 2013

Hew FANSHAWE at All Saints, Farley on 29th November 2013

Enid GRAY at St Mary’s, West Dean on 13th December 2013

Matilda Edith LEWIS at St Mary’s, West Dean on 31st December 2013

Enid Elizabeth Gray RIP 28 December 1920 – 28 October 2013 I’m sure that Enid would have approved of the Memorial Service held in St.Mary’s Church, West Dean on Friday, 13 December and on behalf of Enid’s family, I am writing to thank all who attended and donated generously to a collection, as she had requested. The proceeds were split equally between the Save the Children Fund and the St.Mary’s Church Heating Fund. Enid had lived at West Dean for the last 30 years following the passing of her husband, Hubert John GRAY in 1980. They had been married in St.Mary’s Church in 1966 and had spent 14 happy years together in their bungalow at Laverstock. Enid was a great lover of people all of her life and it was my pleasure to have been able to care for her intimately during her last 600 days on planet earth… The memoir, which I found amongst her personal effects, spoke vividly of her memories of growing up at Dean Farm in post WW1 England. Her father, one of 7

She attributed her strong Christian faith to her mother who had worked in the Voluntary Aid Detachment when Oxford Infirmary was used as a military hospital. Richard Parsons – 01794-341405 – 15 January 2014 6

EAST GRIMSTEAD HOLY TRINITY Happy New Year Everyone. Our Carol Service went off very well. Thank you everyone for attending and all the readers and donations of wine for the hot toddy. Ladies as always you did a fantastic work on the flowers, they looked superb. We have had a lot of compliments over the year as to the flowers and the general appearance of the church and its grounds. Thank you everyone. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 24th 11.00am SONGS OF PRAISE WILL BE HELD IN THE READING ROOM. Come and join us and find your favourite hymns so EVERYONE can join in. Coffee & biscuits after.

Want to live longer? Eat nuts. This sounds unlikely, but is true: eating an ounce of nuts each day may reduce your risk of dying from a variety of illnesses, ranging from heart disease to cancer. People who eat nuts tend also to be slimmer, are less likely to smoke, and are more likely to have healthy habits such as exercising, taking vitamin supplements and eating fruit and vegetables. The research was based on a study of nearly 120,000 men and women in the USA. It found that as little as a handful of nuts a day are linked to a 20 per cent lower likelihood of dying from any cause in the following three decades. Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, high-quality protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Researchers were not able to determine which types of nuts are the healthiest, but that peanuts, which are in fact a type of bean, have a similar effect on health as walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans and pistachios. 7

From Revd Jane Dunlop – Team Priest Happy New Year! Welcome to 2014 – at the beginning of any new year we wonder what it will bring, but there is one thing we can be sure of, 2014 will be the start of four years of commemorative events to mark the First World War. So 2014 will be one of remembering and for assessing how the lessons of history can be used to inspire us to strive for a better future. Someone once said to me that 1914 was the year that the world changed, and certainly the Great War brought many changes. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed, devastating their families and the lives of the many women either mourning the loss of their husbands or left with little hope of ever having a family. “Lest we forget”: Three little words said every Remembrance Sunday are a powerful entreaty to turn the suffering from war into a message for a more peaceful future. But it is so difficult to heed these words for down the centuries the horror of war has been forgotten time after time. Jesus came to bring the message of hope, justice and peace to all the world. As I write this I continue to also think of the Christian message of forgiveness and reconciliation over war and oppression, so embodied by the largely peaceful change brought about by Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa, and pray that it will not be forgotten in current and future conflicts. For us in the Clarendon Team we have another more local and much older event to commemorate this year. 2014 is the 850th anniversary of The Constitutions of Clarendon, which were laws passed by King Henry II in 1164 at Clarendon Palace, a royal hunting lodge in Clarendon Park – the ruins of which lie between Alderbury and Pitton on the Clarendon Way footpath. At the heart of The Constitutions of Clarendon was the king setting out boundaries of how jurisdiction and power were to be drawn between the Church and the State. These were hotly contested and eventually led to the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas à Becket. Intransigence, misunderstanding and the pursuit of power all played a part in this. These are further historical messages 8 that are best not forgotten in striving for a more peaceful future. We will hear a great deal more about both commemorations over the coming year. Let us hope and pray that we do not forget the sacrifices of those who have given so much in the cause for a better future and remember the teachings and the lessons of history that will help us to achieve justice unity, faith and love. With love, Jane


Pitton School We welcomed 4 new children to our Owls class this term, taking the number of children in the school over 100! We have been focussing on science-based activities this month and enjoyed a whole-school trip to the Winchester Science Centre. Each class took part in a workshop and had the chance to try the hands-on exhibits whilst there. Following on from this we held 2 science days in school, one for the infants and one for the juniors, where we ran a number of different science based activities for the children. Next month we are looking forward to celebrating National Story- Telling Week with a week of themed activities culminating in a story -telling evening at school.

Are you a smart recycler?


Pitton Pre-School We welcomed 4 new children to Pre-School this month and there is a real buzz in the building as children settle in to the new term. The children have been enjoying activities inside and out including dance, yoga and exploring the natural world. The 2 highlights of the month have been our celebration of Chinese New Year, when we again enjoyed a range of Chinese activities and tasted some fantastic Chinese food supplied by one of our parents, and our Chatterbox Challenge. This challenge allowed the children to practise their rhyming skills whilst raising money for 'I Can', a charity that helps children to develop their communication and language skills.

Brownies and Guides 2014 is the Big Brownie Birthday, when Brownies celebrate the fact that they are 100 years old! In our unit the Brownies started the celebration by joining many other Brownie packs at a special showing of ‘Dick Whittington and his Cat’ at the Salisbury Playhouse. During the year we are going to work on our Big Brownie Birthday Challenge and have already looked at ‘what we want to be when we grow up’ and discussed Codes of Conduct. We have also chosen to complete our World Guiding badge and have so far learnt about different Brownie uniforms around the world, written to Brownies in Salisbury, Massachusetts, listened to Tawny Owl telling us all about her trip to Switzerland as a Guide, celebrated Chinese New Year and tried some food from Commonwealth countries. The Guides have been equally as busy this month. They have now settled into 4 Patrols and are each working on their patrol-based ‘Go- For-It’ activities. So far they have: identified stars, tried ‘space’ food, run a meeting, looked at body images, tie-died and designed t-shirts. The Guides are also working on their First Aid and Performing Arts badges and are looking forward to putting on a Mother’s concert in March. We have welcomed new members to both units – Imogen, Caitlin, Lizzie, Coco and Snowy Owl to Brownies and Georgia, Tabitha and Holly to Guides. 11

Crossword No. 15 Down 1 Seas (Proverbs 8:24) (6) 2 One of the sons of Eli the priest, killed in battle by the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11) (6) 3 Specialist in the study of the Muslim religion (8) 4 ‘Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but — him as if he were your father’ (1 Timothy 5:1) (6) 5 One of Esau’s grandsons (Genesis 36:11) (4) 6 Taking a chance (colloq.) (2,4) 7 God’s instructions to the Israelites concerning grain offerings: ‘ — salt

Across 8 Interrogated (Acts 12:19) (5-8) 12 Confederation of British Industry 9 ‘Burn it in a wood fire on the — (1,1,1) heap’ (Leviticus 4:12) (3) 14 ‘All day long they twist my words; 10 Tobit, Judith, Baruch and the they are always — to harm me’ (Psalm books of Esdras and the Maccabees 56:5) (8) are part of it (9) 15 The crowd’s reaction to Jesus 11 Science fiction (abbrev.) (3-2) bringing back to life a widow’s son in 13 Clay pit (anag.) (7) Nain (Luke 7:16) (3) 16 Went to (John 4:46) (7) 16 Disappear (Psalm 104:35) (6) 19 ‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers, 17 How Jeremiah was likely to die if in view of God’s mercy, to — your he wasn’t rescued from the cistern bodies as living where he was imprisoned (Jeremiah sacrifices’ (Romans 12:1) (5) 38:9) (6) 22 David’s plea to God concerning 18 What the prophets do to a wall, those referred to in 14 Down: ‘On with whitewash (Ezekiel 13:10, RSV) — — let them escape’ (Psalm (4,2) 56:7) (2,7) 20 Made by a plough (Job 39:10) (6) 24 Royal Automobile Club (1,1,1) 21 Noah was relieved when the flood 25 How the book of Ezekiel refers waters continued to - to God more than 200 times 23 Jesus gave the Twelve the power (Ezekiel 2:4) (9,4) and authority to do this to diseases (Luke 9:1) (4) Answer on p.29 12

Recipe of the month St James’ Beef 1lb stewing beef, cubed Seasoned flour 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 pint beef stock made from 2 beef Oxo cubes 2 tablespoons redcurrant jelly 2 tablespoons Lea & Perrins Salt and pepper  Preheat the oven to 150C, 275F, gas mark 2.  Dust the meat with the seasoned flour, and brown on all sides in the heated oil in a casserole that is also suitable for use on the hob.  Remove to a warm plate, and add the stock to the casserole, scraping all the brown bits from the bottom, and stir until thickened slightly.  Return the meat to the pan, and add the redcurrant jelly and Lea & Perrins.  Season, bring to the boil, then cover and place in the oven for 1 hour 30 minutes, or until the meat is tender.  Serve with mashed or baked potatoes, or rice, and a robust green vegetable such as sprouts, winter cabbage, kale or broccoli.  Variations: add any or all of the following - sliced carrots, chopped onions (fried first), mushrooms together with the meat.  Can also be used as a pie filling.  Serves 4.

A light-hearted take on romance... My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met. A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong. Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy. A man inserted an ‘ad’ in the classifieds: ‘Wife wanted’. Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: ‘You can have mine.’ 13

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CHRIS GILBY CMG TILING GEORGE JUDD Ceramic & Porcelain Wall & Floor Tiling East Farm, Winterbourne Gunner Fully insured, professional Salisbury SP4 6EE service - competitive prices 01980 610576 / 611828 Tel: 07879696986 [email protected] Chair caning, porcelain repair, www.cmg-tiling.co.uk leather work, upholstery Contact direct or through Chris [email protected] Emden: 01722 712780


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J. MATTHIAE & CO LTD. PETER NIGHTINGALE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Garden and Landscape Service CHARTERED TAX ADVISER Hard Landscape Specialist Patios, Paths, Steps, Garden Walls, Pergolas, Arches, Trellis work and Gates Financial accounts prepared Turfing and beds prepared for planting. Payroll and PAYE services Ponds, Palisade and Sleeper Walls. Value Added Tax Shed bases and Sheds erected. Timber decking. Personal & corporate tax returns OVERGROWN GARDENS CLEARED Taxation advice AND TIDIED. GENERAL GARDEN MAINTENANCE. JUDITH MATTHIAE ACA CTA DESIGNS AND IDEAS. General Property Maintenance. Hebron, Middleton, Winterslow TEL. 01980 862285 Tel: 01980 863494

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11.00am Parish Eucharist 11.00am Morning Worship Farley

Pitton 11.00am Parish Eucharist 11.00am Morning Worship

West Dean 9.30am Parish Eucharist 9.30am Morning Worship

East Grimstead 8.00am BCP Eucharist St. Johns, 8.00am Early Eucharist 8.00am Early Eucharist Winterslow All Saints, 9.30am Parish Eucharist 9.30am Parish Eucharist Winterslow Alderbury 9.30am Morning Praise 9.30am All Age Eucharist


West Grimstead 9.30am BCP Eucharist 11.00am Morning Worship

8.00am BCP Eucharist

Whiteparish 9.30am Morning Worship 9.30am Parish Eucharist

6.00pm BCP Evensong

Mid Week Eucharists St. Johns, 10.00am Wednesday 12th

Winterslow February 10.00am Wednesday 5th 10.00am Wednesday 12th Whaddon February February 16


Sunday Services

9th February 16th February 23rd February

Morning Worship

Team Sung 6.00pm Parish Eucharist 6.00pm Evensong Morning Worship 11.00am Methodist Service 11.00am Parish Eucharist

Morning Worship 8.00am BCP Eucharist 11.00am Morning Worship

BCP Eucharist 11.00am All Age Service

Early Eucharist 8.00am Early Eucharist 8.00am Early Eucharist

Parish Eucharist 9.30am Parish Eucharist 9.30am All Age Service

All Age Eucharist 9.30am Family Service 9.30am Healing Eucharist United Evening 6.00pm Prayer Lay Led Informal Morning Worship 9.30am Parish Eucharist 9.30am Praise at Lindy’s 8.00am BCP Eucharist

Parish Eucharist 11.00am All Age Service 9.30am Parish Eucharist

Mid Week Eucharists 10.00am Wednesday 12th 10.00am Wednesday 26th

February February 10.00am Wednesday 12th 10.00am Wednesday 19th 10.00am Wednesday 26th February February February 17


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850 years of Clarendon The Constitutions of Clarendon were drawn up in 1164, eight hundred and fifty years ago. The Assize of Clarendon were drawn up in 1166, and Thomas Becket was murdered in 1170. This year Friends of Clarendon Palace will produce a small mobile exhibition to take to the villages around Salisbury whose communities were affected by the presence of the Palace, both during its building and running. The remains of the medieval Palace of Clarendon sit on top of a hill with stunning views of the surrounding valleys and the spire of Salisbury Cathedral. From Pitton a footpath will take you to this historic place.

WHIST DRIVES - PITTON VILLAGE HALL 3rd Wednesday in the month at 7.30 pm Next one on 19th February 22







How to improve your creativity Would you like to be able to think more creatively? Then – get moving. Scientists have discovered that regular exercise such as going for a walk or cycling really does improve creative thought. Now research by Lorenza Colzato, a cognitive psychologist, found that people who exercise four times a week are able to think more creatively than those who exercise less. Prof Colzato said: “Anecdotal literature suggests that creative people sometimes use bodily movement to help overcome mental blocks and lack of inspiration. We think that physical movement is good for the ability to think flexibly, but only if the body is used to being active. Exercising on a regular basis may thus act as a cognitive enhancer, promoting creativity in inexpensive and healthy ways.” The results were published in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. 25

Opportunities to help give some TLC to Blackmoor Copse Do you enjoy walking in Blackmoor Copse Nature Reserve throughout the year? Do you enjoy seeing all the flowers, birds and butterflies and contemplating life while you stand and watch the dragonflies at King Charles’ pond? Do you love it enough to help it stay healthy and beautiful? There is an active, genuinely friendly group of volunteers (the Blackmoor Copse Conservation Group – BCCG) which meets regularly in the wood to help with all kinds of conservation work. We are definitely NOT a clique and welcome new helpers with open arms… and a bowsaw and loppers! We coppice hazel, cut back excess vegetation along the Right of Way and other rides, create small glades, clear windblown trees and generally give the wood some regular TLC. Blackmoor Copse is a very special nature reserve with rare butterflies, dormice and flowers. Working in the wood is a way of using a Green Gym or Natural Health Service to keep you fit and sane and helps you get to know more about its wildlife! A wood needs to have light let in, have trees thinned and managed, be loved – if it’s to live and breathe and flourish – and we try to give Blackmoor that care. We meet at 10.30 on various TUESDAYS on the RoW (come in through the White’s Common Gate, just below Manor Cottage on Ben Lane) and work for as long as we wish – a couple of hours or so or right up until 3 pm or so (whatever suits each person). We bring our own hot drinks, and a packed lunch picnic if staying all day, and take regular breaks and a very relaxed lunch break. All tools and gloves are supplied by Wildlife Trust, and any training we need is given by experienced volunteers. You just need to turn up in sturdy footwear and warm, old clothing. Our remaining dates for this winter are 4th Feb, 18th Feb, 4th Mar, 18th Mar. We will also continue to meet, once a month through the spring and summer, to keep paths clear and do some bracken swiping and enjoy all the birds, bees, butterflies, dragonflies, orchids and other wildlife that call Blackmoor Copse home! For more information, or to say you’re coming, phone Rod Poynting (Volunteer Warden) on 01722 322236 or Sue Walker/Tony Goddard on 01722 712713


Friends of Do you, and perhaps your family, enjoy walking, riding or cycling in Bentley Wood? Would you like to know more about its plants and wildlife? Would you like to help in the conservation, maintenance and improvement of the wood as a nature reserve and as an amenity for the surrounding community? Would you like to meet other people who enjoy the beauty and peace of the wood and wish to see it conserved for future generations? Then please do join the Friends of Bentley Wood. The FOBW organise friendly walks and other social events in the wood (including barbecues), often at the central Barn. Local enthusiasts and experts can also help you to enjoy birds, butterflies, trees, moths, plants and fungi. If you would like to become a Friend of Bentley Wood there are membership forms on the FOBW notice board at the barn in Bentley Wood, and on several of the local village websites. Take or download a membership form and return it, with your subscription payable to the Friends of Bentley Wood, to Mr Tony Goddard, FOBW Treasurer, 3 Forestry Houses, Livery Rd, near Farley, Salisbury, SP5 1AG. Renewal of membership is on April 1st annually. SUBSCRIPTION: £10.00 Family (2 Adults plus any children under 16 years of age) / £6.00 Single. Wed 12 Mar 2014 Annual General Meeting, at East Grimstead Reading Room. The hall will be open at 7.00 pm for payment of subscriptions and the AGM will start at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be served and there will be time to circulate, chat, enjoy meeting other Friends over a glass of wine, and pick up your 2013 Nature Notes. There will also be some entertainment! Non- members wishing to join on the night are welcome.

For membership enquiries and queries email: [email protected] 27

The Power of the Positive Emotions by Richard Parsons at West Dean “... the subconscious mind will translate into its physical equivalent, a thought impulse of a negative or destructive nature, just as readily as it will act upon thought impulses of a positive or constructive nature” is how Napoleon Hill describes the importance of dominating one’s mind with positive emotions to sustain FAITH. In Chapter 4 of ‘Think and Grow Rich’, Hill explains precisely how to formulate a plan for the accumulation of WEALTH, a word which he mentions 29 times in his book. By contrast, the word ‘EMOTION’ is mentioned over 140 times, illustrating, perhaps, the importance of always being passionate about the methods employed to achieve a particular objective in life. In Chapter 5, Hill reveals his personal experiences of the differences between general and specialised knowledge. In creating a PLAN OF ACTION, a person must determine the information which s/he will require to pursue their life’s objective to a successful conclusion. Any areas of weakness in the plan must be identified and resolved with the help of the person’s MASTER MIND GROUP, as explained in Chapter 10. We live in truly amazing times... ask Google about ‘life’s purpose’ and you will be spoilt for choice when looking for guidance on this particular subject. Select your words carefully and a search for any subject will be similarly rewarding. Some of the results which I have acquired by this method are revealed at www.sp5.co.uk/wealth. Please call 01794-341405 or send an email to [email protected] for more information.

First man (proudly): “My wife's an angel!” Second man: “You're lucky, mine's still alive.” Is it true that you never really learn to swear until you teach a loved one to drive? Be nice to your kids. They’ll choose your nursing home.



All the members of the Group would like to thank everyone who supported the Scout Christmas Post, especially our hard- working stamp sales outlets. Over 3700 stamps were sold and approximately 3350 cards delivered in our local area. Thousands more cards were sorted in Salisbury and delivered throughout the whole of the Salisbury area! The Post raised over £500 for Group funds. This will enable us to update some of our equipment and provide more activities for our members.

Crossword No. 15 solution

For the latest information on what’s happening in Pitton or Farley, see:


Photos, news and details of upcoming events welcome: [email protected]


Where Darwin once trod Out of the Amazon jungle and on to the Galapagos Islands, 600 miles off the west coast of Ecuador, where David Attenborough would be very much at home. We arrive on a flight from Quito at Baltra, an ex -US second world war base, and it doesn’t seem to have changed much in the meantime. Then a one-mile bus ride to join our ‘cruise ship’, but the only real means of getting around the islands is by boat and the distances aren’t great, so it’s quite homely, particularly given that there are only 94 passengers. The ship can’t dock anywhere in the islands, so our fourteen excursions to shore in seven days all have to be made on a rib, jumping off either onto lava or onto a beach. But what a delight once ashore. We saw sea lions, marine and land iguanas, lava lizards, turtles, giant tortoises, penguins (on the equator!), flamingos, pelicans, sharks, whales, albatross, frigate birds, nazca and blue- footed boobies, Darwin’s finches, mockingbirds, flightless cormorants, and the spectacularly coloured sally lightfoot crabs. Plus lots of other animals and indigenous flora. It is really difficult to choose the highlights, such was the sheer excitement of the whole tour. But snorkelling among lazy turtles and sea lions playing as if they were dolphins was pretty impressive, as was just standing and watching the antics of the animals. The marine iguanas, snorting out the salt from their systems as they came back onto land; the albatross playing out their courtship dance, clicking their long beaks against each other; the flightless cormorants hanging out their non-existent wings to dry; the amazing colours of the sally lightfoot crabs quite clearly enjoying their meals. None of these animals seemed even slightly put off by the presence of humans, whom they do not fear. The sea lions would show off as we walked past, standing upright and turning their heads through 360º; their cubs would play amongst themselves, throwing bits of seaweed from one to the other. Perhaps it was the fish market, where one sea lion wandered up and down between the fishermen, plainly begging for a piece of the tuna being cut up for sale - or maybe watching the sunset from the deck of the ship with a ‘blue-footed booby’ cocktail in hand. A joy. 30


The Editor and Dun Valley News Committee accept NO responsibility for the accuracy of articles, reports or advertisements printed in the magazine, and their inclusion does not necessarily imply agreement with their content.



FEBRUARY 1st 7.30pm Winterslow Scouts Burns Night Celebration Village Hall 2nd 11.00am PathFinders@Pitton St Peter’s 4th 10.30am Blackmoor Copse Conservation Group White’s Common Gate 4th 2.00pm West Dean & Winterslow Local House of Prayer tba 5th 10.30am Farley Coffee Shop Farley Village Hall 5th 2.00pm Julian Meeting 3 David’s Garden, Pitton 5th 8.00pm West Dean Bible Study Rectory Hill 8th 1.00pm Pitton Social Club Winter Lunch Village Hall 15th Deadline for copy submission for March DVN 17th 7.30pm West Grimstead Play Reading Group 28 Greenfields 18th 10.30am Blackmoor Copse Conservation Group White’s Common Gate 18th 2.00pm West Dean & Winterslow Local House of Prayer tba 19th 2.00pm Julian Meeting 79 First Road, Firsdown 19th 7.30pm Pitton Whist Drive Village Hall 19th 8.00pm Pitton Carnival Planning Meeting Silver Plough 19th 8.00pm West Dean Bible Study Rectory Hill 23rd 7.30pm Music in Farley Bach Cantatas, David Stancliffe All Saints 26th 7.00pm Pitton Village Hall AGM Village Hall 27th 12.30pm Royal British Legion Lunch Bowling Club Alderbury

MARCH 4th 10.30am Blackmoor Copse Conservation Group White’s Common Gate 5th 10.30am Farley Coffee Shop Farley Village Hall 12th 7.00pm Friends of Bentley Wood AGM East Grimstead Rdg Room 12th 7.30pm Pitton & Farley Parish Council Farley Village Hall 15th Deadline for copy submission for April DVN 17th 7.30pm West Grimstead Play Reading Group tba 18th 10.30am Blackmoor Copse Conservation Group White’s Common Gate 26th 6.30pm Pitton Ladies Waitrose Studio

APRIL 2nd 10.30am Farley Coffee Shop Farley Village Hall 11th 3.00pm Pitton Social Club Talk by Carol Kitching Village Hall 15th Deadline for copy submission for May DVN 21st 7.30pm West Grimstead Play Reading Group tba 23rd 7.30pm Pitton & Farley Parish Council Pitton Village Hall