Games , Ctivities to Help Integrate

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Games , Ctivities to Help Integrate DOCOIENT RESUME BD 181 667 EC 122 731 , AgTHOR .. Nolucki, Barbara: And Others . TITLE Sttaring the Street: ActivitiesforAllChildren. INSTITUTION . Childran's'Television 114kshop,New York, N.Y. _ SP014 AGENCY Office of Education (DHEw),. Washington'D.C. PUB' DATE 4 78 . CONTRACT' 300-77-0027 ',---- Port 107%).. AVAILABLE FROM Chil ren's Television workshop,Community Eilucation. Serirdces Division, DepartsentAu 1- Lincoln Plaza, Nei . fork', NV. 10023 ($2.00, S1.60. for- 25 or ore) , . .-,- EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. pc Not,Availablefrom EDRS. DESCRIPTORS :Early Childhood 2ducation;*Games: )0Hamdicapped Childrenf. *Learning Activities:*Mainstreaming ABSTRACT \-7 c Written for, teachers andparents with little or no knowledge'of special education,the book provide* informationon -games ,r ctivities to help integrateyoung, children with heating or visual,w ,pairments, mental retardation, andother physical and ,e learning disabilities. Each activityincludes ,statesents of the purpose, goals, materials, and_ procedures for 42 aCtivitiesin six categories (sample titles inparentheses): 'Sight (ShadoW Play):sound (Bert and Ernie's String Band) f feel, (Oscar'sVibrating Trash Can): Afigipt/feel (Rig Bird Decorates HisNest)il sight/sound/feel (Sesame ithArf Traffic Jam): andsensitivity (Cookie Mbnster Has problems). .e(CL) -\ C? v. 4! 41********-10***********,*****************************$40i**w***10********** 'AP-, Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made * . * , - !rook tha original dominant. .1, * ae******4*************0*****************'*****************.************** , .11 fegt'rfril 1 r ,... , re. .. ,,,"I"orkek,,.1,,,.,..ri,:,..,:,,y,,.,;,,), ; r .4, ,.; - , 1. fiti ! 'mow' 'ilif:Cati ti:II:k1 . kfe.4 Z / k. I4, t.I . Ili i 64111?".. in. nal.": 0,:e. i :i 1 iPr :1.4tr;". ca. ,..9.,,w,rolkow.00!),,,". T "ft 4tc.v4,.,..))14fir,i,*IV iniffi°(44't ji A VITIES FOR ALL CHILDREN ,,,.c.,,,4,, ,..1Sri; tfit, .'N ' ' ,:",1)410` ;11fittiilk ,,,,.., r,r, f 1 ,, .(1,. ,.4 I 4.4.'1-, le .0. ), , 1. (,..41, 1 t Al, toes, 6 k f .1 t.1 11 riA )!'i'1 'lj 31. vii: 1, ,:it !r',A '): m.) 3 .t:A.,;§; %I f 1 .°(..V. It' ti;1.,11 4t .1i, SESAME STREETjg II '-';Wi 1 1 7'. s,,,,., 'I 1P1 1 i .11Nrir il I % .111% VIM,' r I i ; PP,ii r.k 1 ti 11,4r, :.. 41 11 1)X.iti 1 iei ilk I IrgyckittvIv);,-.. i'iq I' . ' .,....4o.v..ryi',1..:...$., ., J.,; .,..,1..i,1\ 1,..., - ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,i,.. 7 IL. 1111441,,c'41' ,ili' ., ill! 1: '. I".41 4 ' ,,..:,,.. ) triaryAP-.-.. - 1 Iffy.'" .1ss 11 . AT 1 .1 v., e , ' ) A.4.7*-' .10441tk, %. ,.% !"3,.Ar'''' "..- Ay" ft, tehmta., .471/4 7: " y ,, . itr% ; s. rl? r. 3 Ott' ir4 ., lipr.711411 I prj. .44 044 A A Ali a' I 'k:. St .4 t . .C..Zcl.' vi# I "........ 41. arm t-1 it '_.1.1. uti( se. :'" 1 I .1i, , 111f,,,,ii . .r i 1 '1 .104 ir t 1 t ' S, I ---,,,, , A 1....41b °I # . 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Hatch 'Vice President/Public Affairs John F. Hellegers Vice President/General CoUnsel 4 fiThomas P. Kennedy , Senior Vice President Dr..Edward L. Palmer ViceRresident/Research \William F. Whaley President/CTW Products Group Robert D'avidson a. Secretary Al Hyslop Producer/Sesame Street , Dr. Lewis Bernstein Directoi of Research/Sesame-St e , La Marian Hayes Assistant Director of ResearchiSeme Street S. ;5 5 '111HARING THE STREET: Activities for All Child ita publiCdtion of the DtmmunitY Education,Services Division of ChNdr lovIeloniWorkshoP. 1The work upon which this publication IS based a perfor pursuant to Contract #300-77-0027 with the U.S. Office ofducatlo, 13Spartmeni of Health. Education and WeitareC 1979 by Chi ni Thlivlskn Workshop. MUPPET Characters ioneion, 1973, 1974 7* Mup.tâ int. All right reserved. "SseaMS Street and the Ssum4113 t sign t trademarks sn ervice marks of Children's Tilevlsion Work Editorial offices: One Lin- coln Plaza, New York, New- tbrk, 10023. P richip the United States of America. Library of grits Catalog No. 77-94481 ,* IA e' POR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: JoAnne Full '4( 410 or Fran ufman (21 595-3456' A/ A MainAtreaming Aid 'SHAJaNa THE STREET' OFPERS ACTIVITIES FOR ALL CHI 'Big Bird'A Egg,' "Sesame Street Secre "Oscar and the Six Trash Can and 'What' Different?' allijouhd like the kda gif games-and activities you'd expectin a Workbook froth the Chldrei's T levisionorkshop,the produders o A f '"Sesame Street." But Sharing the Stree Activitie for All,Childfenrsno ord,inary activity book. It is a collection of,gamesnd activities desgned to give young) ildren I with special needs /experiences wh h likeretisameStreetwill be fun forhem and help them to learn a Variety 'o What'S more, Sha the Street Yovides actiKities all children' can 0 /. And that'srthe basicth.prit of Sharing the Street4toprovide A natural , . integration into the funa home and at school for children with hearin or 1 visual impairments, ment retardation and other physical or learning disabilities. The book was wr tten'for teachers and patents with little44- notowledge of special education'nd w 11 serve as an addiiional resource for indiViduals with training and experi he field. ."Sharing t e St eet is designed to help children With ipecial needsto successfully mt. ract with their siblings, frierids and classmates,"says author Barbara . ' KOlucki of CTW' -CommunityEducation SerVices'Division. "We think this will-be particularly 1jful to teachersi-A especially thoie inlHeadstart, daycare, -. , , cARz AMI.,1NEN/v YQI* Mk _710,5 .011nore0.1,0 .1 A Mainstreaming Aid.-- 2/ ' nursery, kindergarten-and elementary.public schoolclasses,.--'0-p.have a legal mandpte,to include, certain disabled ehildremin regular classrooms. ,Many of these teacherfs are fnding they need .134c1al materiafs ahd additionaltraining to help them' make mainstreaming .a rewarding'expe Sharing the Street suggests thnnerbus adaptaXionsto games and activities to ..provfds formainstreaming of chilaren witha variety of disabilities. 'Land on Sesadie Street ksa classic game in which childrenlearn geometric shapes. Here, it is aaapted so that all- childrencan play, includinq those with limited meobil_iIi,,sm Visuallyrimpaired children cam participate in'The Broken Letter . , . Shop' if sand or'othprgr ,.. ny materials are glued to the letters. Several su4gesti V , . \are given for makinginexpensive "sound-balls" to enable these childrento join'in ,tag or ball games pitch as 'Btg.Bird's Egg.'. , 'Oscar's Vibrating-Trash Can' is A music and dance activity that does not ' , 4 depend solely on sound. An entire section is'devqted to games that appreciation of . differences. 'Cookie MOnster Has Problems' i$ designedto helP all children I learn reastaningr problem-solving and self-help skills. 'Butit goes beyond that by helping childr0 to experience what it is like to14trelimited or 'no use of t ... different parts Tof the body. Cookie Monster has to eatra 'cookie with'"asore mouth and has to dress himself with Only one arm after he. gets the other one stuck in . a cookie jar.' \ \ . "Professiodals who have used these games Withchildren at a number of institutions tell us that the Zrariety in complekityof the activales and their . adaptatfbnssasssAsts themin adapting the gameA for,bhildren.With . a wide range of abilities. Hopefully allchhdIvri\willgrow both in'their skills ind their ' attitudes by..playing them," Ms. rdlucki says. a 47 A Mainstreamiqg Aid-- y puring. the 1975-76 broadcastseason, chiidren with Special needs were included on a Afeeldlt, basis on SesameStreet. 'Me showos curriulum'was expanded in a formal a'ttempt toliceet the edUcational'needs of.thisaudience. Children with physical aisaiiilities and mental-retardatibnnow appear regularly on the shol4. DOf actress Linda bove is a full-time cast member. Members orthe Little Theatre of theDela!, and other disabled ,entertainers often . \laPPeakds guests. Live-actiob films of disabledadults performing everyday . ,... activities and varied occupationsare familiarj.ze children with their , . -lifestyles and to help counter negativestereotypds. Sharing ,the Street is arranged into chapter'son sight, sdund, 1 ' sight/feel and soynd/feel to facilitatethe book's use by those caticerned with disabilities specifib to theseareas. The section.of activities designed to % 7 develdp'sensitivity in everyone to the specialabilitkes,and needs of a great variety of people also is an important chapter,ofthis manual. Illustrations as wellas the Activities in Sharing_ the_Street'include chiPdxdn with specialneedstas they woUld be included in any'family of.-neijhborhood . / . group. 0 - 379 er 6 /. AL Author Barbara Kolycki Contributing Authors Michael Behrrnann and MillibSlowik Educational Consultants Editor Julie Mishkin I. Designer John Anderson Illustrator A. Delaney , 1 4. ,Prpduction and Editorial Coordinator . , Anne Barden Research and editorial assistance provided by, Children's Television Workshop Research and PubliCation Departments / This activiV book-Was develoPedas a special project of the Community Education Secvicesblyision of ' Children's Television Workshop Evelyn P Davis _ Vice President Richelen Hendrik Smit, Ed.D.
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    DOCUMENT RESUME ED 433 083 PS 027 309 AUTHOR Clarke, Genevieve, Ed. TITLE Proceedings of the World Summit on Television for Children. Final Report.(2nd, London, England, March 9-13, 1998). INSTITUTION Children's Film and Television Foundation, Herts (England). PUB DATE 1998-00-00 NOTE 127p. AVAILABLE FROM Children's Film and Television Foundation, Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, Herts WD6 1JG, United Kingdom; Tel: 44(0)181-953-0844; e-mail: [email protected] PUB TYPE Collected Works - Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Children; *Childrens Television; Computer Uses in Education; Foreign Countries; Mass Media Role; *Mass Media Use; *Programming (Broadcast); *Television; *Television Viewing ABSTRACT This report summarizes the presentations and events of the Second World Summit on Television for Children, to which over 180 speakers from 50 countries contributed, with additional delegates speaking in conference sessions and social events. The report includes the following sections:(1) production, including presentations on the child audience, family programs, the preschool audience, children's television role in human rights education, teen programs, and television by kids;(2) politics, including sessions on the v-chip in the United States, the political context for children's television, news, schools television, the use of research, boundaries of children's television, and minority-language television; (3) finance, focusing on children's television as a business;(4) new media, including presentations on computers, interactivity, the Internet, globalization, and multimedia bedrooms; and (5) the future, focusing on anticipation of events by the time of the next World Summit in 2001 and summarizing impressions from the current summit.
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