PORTLAND DAILY PRESS $8.00 PER ESTABLISHED JUNE23, 1862. VOL. 13. PORTLAND^ TUESDAY MORNING^ AUGUST 10, 1875. __TERMS ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. BOARD. the character of Gen. Roberts as a so Id ie : (From Harper'* 'Weekly.] THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ENTERTAINMENTS. PBESS. False BUSINESS DIRECTORY, _WANTS. THE had been slandered, when, In fact, it was Pretenses. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the stated in the outset that he was a The Democratic Bookkeeper Wanted. Summer Boarders. clearly convention in Maryland has Booksellers and Stationers. ORAAD OPEWOG TUESDAY AUG, 10, 1875 so a PUBLISHING is and correct MORNING, brave man and faithful soldier long as he adopted platform ’which lays: PORTLAND €0.f Ac No. 1(1 Middle Street. who writes a good hand, quick HOYT, FOGH A few Summer Boarders will be taken by the day OF THE St. at figures, aud capable of taking entire charge remained in the But despite the oft ’oereby declare our T. P. McGOWAN, 334 Congress ONE or at Norton’s East Baldwin. This army. <‘17r8tT7WLa?. unfalter- At too Exchange St., Portland. of set of books in double entry. Good salary to a week Hotel, ing devotion to t uoso cardinal Address in house is located on the line of the P. & FOR GOVERNOR, of principles of Re- first class man, no other need apply. delightfully repeated statement Republican journals publican goveYnraent enunciated Terms; Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To Book Binders. with real BUSINESS, P. O. Box O. K. K. and only 25 miles from Portland. by Thomas confidence name, that no his character as Jefferson in so dear that mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in ad- G. K. NORTON. ; imputation affecting ’.anguage it oannot be paid WJI. A. QUINCY, Room 11, Printer’* 1083. aug7d3t* SELDEN vance GEN. CONNOR. been the improved, to wit:—‘Equal and exact te No. Ill Exchange St. References;—S. C. Hon. Bion a soldier in the field had ever made, justice Exchange, Strout, Esq., k all men nf whatever state or persuasion, F. A. L. relig- No. Plum Wanted. Bradbury, C. Libby, Esq., Dresser, Esq., Democratic aro constantly reiterat- ious er SMALL A SHACK FORD, 33 A. W. journals political; the support of the state gov- THE MAINE STATE PRESS to act as Gen. C. P. Mattocks, Col. Bradbury. ju23tl For Senators. Street* Activo and Intelligent Young Man, falsehoods to that effect. ernments all their rights as the most on the train. Reference ami Oxiord-,.John P. of Canton. ug ip oompe- Is published Thursday Morning at $2.50 a AN News Agent Swasey, tent administrations for oar domestio every To Let with Board. Samuel of Iliram. But the end- concerns, year, If paid in advance, at $2.00 a year. deposit required. RAILROAD D.*Wadsworth, why enumerate; why attempt and the surest and Builders. bulwarks an Carpenters Appl&£snoLM & BROS., For Clerk of Courts. against ti-Republi- A Pearl 369 Commercial Street. famished orunflmiBhed rooms. 10 THE less labor of setting forth the many instances can tendencies; the preservation of the general Bates of Advertising ; One Inch of space, the WHITNEY MEANS, Street, op- aug7d3t Park. PLEASANT 62 FREE STREET. Oxford.Jamos S. Wright, of Paris. government in its whole constitutional length of column, constitutes a “square.” posite my22tf of making figures lie, the malicious calum- vigor as first 75 cents For Commissioner. '-he sheet-anchor of our at home and $1.50 per square daily week; per week wanted a Partner. Active or Silent the clouds of with peaoe after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. Crawford House, Oxford.. .Joseph L. Chapman, of Andover. nies, misrepresentation safety abroad; the supremacy of the civil over a first class every other day after first week, 50 cents. PARTY ot good standing, showing Board. For Treasurer. which have obscured facts ? The ma- the military authority; economy In the WAI.TER COREY A CO., Arcade, No. some more white mountains, they public Halt square, tbiee insertions, or less, 75 cents; one Manufacturing business, requires or a Gentleman and bis Wife can that labor be IS Free Street. A Gcntlem#! C. of Hebron. expenses, may lightly burdened; week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. to work on a large scale, will bear a thorough with iirst class Board and Oxford.Christopher Cushman, of the Democratic papers have so reck capital TWObe accommodated 1875. jority the honest payments of onr debts, and the sa- Special Notices, one third additional. GEOBGK A. WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- investigation, business safe, and sales mado only to 20 Brown Street. AUG. 10, For Judge of Probate. Booms at No. myl9dtt TUESDAY, the policy of abuso and fals e- cred of the the diffu- Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction change St. UphoUtering of all kind* responsible parties; sold as fast as manufactured, H. lessly pursued preservation public faith; Oxford.Augustus Walker, of Lovel. sion ot and Sales,” $2.00 per Bquare per week; three insertions done to order. and profits equal to if rot surpassing any business teEIc hood that the campaign, so far as they t tre information, the arraignment of all r less $1.50. in Maine; only principals and responsible parties abuses at the bar of public reason; Aredom of Address care Mat- An earnest desire be called the campaign of Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State and Model Maker. treated with. “Manufacturer,” Portland Army and Navy Union to justify your generous confi- concerned, may religion; freedom of the press: freedom of the Press” has a circulation in Pattern & Portland, Maine. (which large every part tocks Fox, aufc2doodif Board. dence, and a strong regard for the honor and wel- lies and calumny. person under the protection of the habeas cor- Sommer that of Fore Uor. *1 would the the State) for $1.00 per square for first insertion, 3. I. HARBOUR, 330 Street, respectfully announce to public they and trial " have for excur- of our me with the to pus; by jury impartially selected/ and 50 cents per square tor each subsequent nsertion. Crass, Portland. completed their arrangements this fare State, inspire firm resolve If this is an evidence of the new birt fa of Address alt communications to Wanted. About two iniloB from flion, and will be done to secure the com- no and to consider no other These are most excellent sentiments. everything spare effort consequences means let They Agents fort of all who on this occasion. The the Democratic by all it re- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. participate in the to the duties party, are truths which the Photographers. Railroad of Mts. and endeavor faithfully discharge that Republican party has pro- throughout the stato for a standard wiuds along the sides Willey turn to its old and its old and real be- OLD ORCHARD new the will be incumbent on me choice shall ways A. 8. DAVIS A CO., No. 80 Middle Street. work of Willard, and opens to the tourist views, if your prove fessed and practiced for mauy years, and AGENTS great merit, finest in in by and a few minutes walk from the famed the White Mountains, and not surpassed to be the choice the also. I you and liefs. of people pledge __ steadfast adherence to BUSINESS CARDS. 3. H. LAMSON, 133 Middle St.,eor. Croc*. ILLUSTRATED BI HELIOTYPES. beauty this side of the Mountains. them that party has Rocky thousands for whom you act, in that event, an honest CASCADE AND MINERAL SPRING The Willy slide. Silver Cascade, the Flume, Dismal Local is a for fifteen years beaten the Democratic in Maino for these new self-government topic upon party. Plumbers. Only agency, engravings. Pool, and all the far-famed places in the Crawford purpose and a fixed determination to make the public will not to deliver Call from 1 Tlie from to Old a most which our These are the and Agents have goods. road the house Orchard Is Notch can be seen from the cars. Democratic friends put a great Republioan principles pur- JAMES No. 91 Federal Street good my single aim and constant care. MILLER, to 2, or 6 to 7, No. 176J Middle St.. Room 6. beautiful one, shaded nearly the whole distance by The excursionists will 4 hours at thelCrawford bat what have Gen. Connor’s deal of stress just now when aro out of poses; has the Democratic party to do sullw* WALTER HOX1E. largo trees. The house is nearly new and fitted up House them time to visit the Elephant’s Acceptance. they giving ample with them? That is Roofers. last season for a few country boarders. Good stables Head, Beecher’s Falls and other places of note in the power. The administrations of Pierco and party led to-day by many Wanted. for horses and carriages. Pleasant walks and drives. vicinity. of the leaders of ten and five J. N. McUOY A CO., 38 Spring Street. A team will be in readiness for Old Orchard Beach Every regular attache of the Press is iumished Buchanan had no faith in the doctrine when fifteen, years ago. to will be for sale on the train and on trusty, well recommended young men or Refreshments It has been nowhero In the at all times. Address MRS. C. M. BANKS, Saco, the picnic ground. with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. were to reorganized. light work in a hotel. Wages 516 per mouth. Also they attempting forco slavery upon Real Estate Agents. TWO •‘C” Press Office. my26dtf The excursion ticket can be exchanged with the Editor. All steamboat and hotel of truth aud the Demo- two experienced Table Girls. Apply at Pullen, railway, Kansas. The experience Maryland JOHN C. No. 93 conductor good for threo days by paying $1.00 ad- Democratic Legislature of New PROCTER, Exchange au4dlw» CENTRAL HOUSE, Old Orchard. managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding cratic platform is very comical. The Demo- STEPHEN BERRY, ditional, and showing this ticket at the Crawford lo3t of it when Street*_^_ by credentials to our Hampshire sight they changed SIJRiTIER BOARD. House they will receive $1.00 per day discount from of every person claiming represent cratic party has steadily denied equal aud exact Situation Wanted. the regular also redaction will be made to ‘‘bum- the ward lines of Dover and oth- and Stair Builder. price; journal, as we have iniormation that several Portsmouth, justice to all men; and the only organizations (gaid and his wife want situation to work in a those wishing dinner. ffiimbtib. cor. MAN mers” are courtesies in the name of the er so as to a (ffloolcj fob R. F. LlBBI.Lo. 333 Fore Street, Tickets for round seeking cities give Democratic that now exist in the family. Good recommendation. No children. Poakes’ Island, a short distance from Jones* trip $2.75, to be had at tho book minority country to maintain that No. 37 Plum Street. Cros* St., in Deleno’s Mill. A and music stores and of the committee. Press, and we have no to even pas- Cali or address, J. WICKSTON, Landing. Having bought and refurnished the disposition be, the control of the city But the denial are Democratic. The York A ON government. Democratic party C29 tl U. L. HOOPER. Cor. Maple auldlw* 9 Newbury St. beautiful residence, lately occupied by I). N. Poor. Train leaves Eastern Railroad depot at 7.30 a. m., sively, a party to such frauds. all the aud most notable the of held and a of Street*. I am ready to fnrnish board or rooms, on the most stopping at stations up back. outrage upon principle proclaimed doctrine the rights of liberal terms. Every attention will be given to the local is found in the state governments that amounted to state CHARLES H. Thomas J. Georoe P. self-government the action KIMBALL, and Ware; comfort of the guest. Little, Sherwood, We do not read letters and communi- sovereignty, and ended in bloody rebellion. Watches, Jewelry, Silver E. John O. anonymous of the Democratic Bakers Wanted. A. V. ACKLEY, William Tfiomes, Rick, Legislature of North Caro- The Democrats party, in one J. A. MERRILL A 139 Middle St. E. George E. Brown. cations. The name and address of the writer are in actively part of CO., Late of the View House. William Simmokb, mo jyl5dtf Manager Bay lina relative to the of Newbern in iuuuuj auu passively iu anotner, ARCHITECT, J. A. MERRILL. A. KEITH. aug3 Committee of d7t alt cases not for city that sougnt 0 WANTED AT Arrangements indispensable, necessarily publication the violent overthrow of the state. The is general govern- ISO 1-3 MIDDLE STREET, but as a guaranty of good faith. city Republican; the purpose ment Tho Democratic &c. & party superseded the Watches, Jewelry, W. C. COBB CO., EDUCATIONAL. We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu. of the Legislature is to make it Democratic. civil by the military power whenever it was (Boyd Block,) J.W. A II. H. Cor. MidA'e Seventh Reunion to MCDUFFEE, 28 and 30 Pearl nications that are not used. To do this, the ward lines were an rhanrro.l necessary sustain The Democratic & I'nion Sts* Street, slavery. — party the oivil service to MAINE. — by prostituting partis- PORTLAND, THREE GOOD BAKERS. OP THE that one ward having 150 voters was given anship, fostered administrative fraud, careless- aug3 dtf Aollege for de- I The oldest ■ ■ institution of ■ ■ the kind Cumberland County three another 300 voters nesses and extravagance, of which Swmrtwout Plans, Details, Superintendence, etc., every 1 in the State. in- ■ Republican aldermen, having of dec28tf ^^^P Thorough structionin 10th and 29th and Price were the first fru'ts. The Democrat- crlptlon building. _AGENCIES. Wanted. 1st, Regi- was five aldermen and and other wards Convention. given ic party proposed in its national convention a a a situation as enmusUD,nook-kEeping| jic'lLaw middle aged Lady, House- and all the B B collateral B ■branches of a so made as to the Democrats control virtual breach of the faith. The Demo- & SON. C. J. COMPLETE ■ B KUBINBSB ment Association up give public CHAS. H. HOWE WHEELER, keeper in a small tamilv. Call at B ■ EDUCATION, cratic BY For further Ba^B information, Address, of the party is allied with the only sect in this CUMBERLAND STREET. L. A. A.M Maine. Tbo of Cumberland are re- city government. Republican wards aug3dtf 425J Cray, Portland, —- Republicans County HE IVSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENT AT — that threatens and to send to meet in convention in country religious freedom, as It Civil Engineers Architects, Portlandnusiness eod&wGm quested Delegates were so made that one 600 voters has elsewhere #u7 up having always destroyed it when It No. 5 Washington Building, Partner Wanted. could. The Democratic has 176 Middle Street. PORTLAND, and 12th. Reception Room of City Hall, Portland, was given two aldermen. It was there pro- party been always YOUNG man who can command a cash capital Aug^llth the tool of the interest that hated freedom of PROVIDENCE, R. I. of One of the best business chances iu WESTBROOK SEMINARY vided that the aldermen should elect the BOYD BLOCK. A $3,000. PBOGBAnnB. — ON — the press and of the person. Portland. Old established well. A paying smart, mayor, and the named a board of Thus the Democratic has been the my 22 dtf ESTABLISHED IN 1849. man wanted more than money. Fire at Grand Legislature party energetic young TIIE FALL TERM Camp Army Hall, Wednesday Eve, Tuesday, August 10,1873, at 10 o’clock and recognized foe of what Must have good retercnces as to character. Satis- to which all who served in either will be finance who are to audit all bills and steady the Mary- will commence on regiment give land convention calls Si. M. PETTENGILL & CO.’S factory references given in return. For further par- made welcome. A. M. “the cardinal principles J. H. waiTants for the of the same. One HOOPER, ticulars address An excursion to the Islands morning at payment of republican government enunciated by 1875, Thursday fijr the purpose ot nominating candidates for four ADVERTISING AGENC* C. & S. Manufacturer, Portland. Me. Tuesday, August 17, 9 o’clock. Breakfast on arrival and Clam Bake later Thomas to which it Cleric of the Courts. of of the first results of that system is that the Jefferson,” pledges Its UPHO L8TERER 1unl0w2w*&dtf For further information address la the Music the old Senators, Judge Probate, No. 10 State and 37 Park Now day. by Regimental Band, of one “unfaltering devotion.” it has of- St., Boston, Row, York, with the Register Probate, County Treasurer, County salaries of officers are not Undoubtedly Nos. 31 and 33 Free G. M. BODGE. Target Shooting “Evans Repeating Rifle.” Commissioner. Republican paid. ten made the same professions before, but the St, Estimates furnished for in al have been made to have all the ex- gratis Advertising Jy2id:iw» Arrangements Also to chooso a County Committee, and to act Is this the local self-government of the new answer is written on every page of our in the Uniied States and British Prov- ercises under cover should it be stormy. politi- MAKUrAOTCREB Of Newspapers LOST AND FOUND. upon any other business which may come cal history. While it held four millions of inces. Soldiers of other are invited to accom- properly ? regiments before the Convention. Democracy men and women Parlor W. H. STOCKBRIDGE ns. deprived of right and in Suits, Lounges. Sprint* panv The basis of representation will bo as follows: Each every Tickets for all the exercises for sale the most loathsome It still called itself Beds, Mattresses, DODD’S NOTE LOST. TEACHER OF SINGING. good $1 75, by City and Town will be entitled to one and Senator Morton has seen the error slavery, the Executivo Committee. Delegate Wkll, the party of the and of ths Patent Bed En- one additional Delegate lor every 60 votes cast of peopls, especially KrDenongh Losagci, at G. L. BEAL, of his we mean— and of ADVERTISING a note for G. Orders left 156 Exchange Street. ) w-nnniioa Nelson for Governor In 1874. A traction of 36 ways—his inflation ways, poor laboring man, equal rights. Mr. ameled Chairs, Ace. AGENCY, $1,000, signed by Powers, J. Dingley of Golden Lumber E. apr20dtf S. DOUGLAS, votes additional to the full number will entitle the Allen, who is now, as democratic candidate for WHEREASTreasurei Co., Golden, W. H. CommitteeCommittee. and declares against any inflation of the cur- 0P-AU kinds of repairing neatly done. Furniture 121 WASHINGTON BOSTON. on three months to tho PENNELL,) or Town to an additional Delegate. This basis governor of men If STREET, Mich., July 5,1875, payable aulO d3t City Ohio, asking laboring they ozed and matted. oct5-’69TT>£Sti order of Alvin Plummer, at any Hank in Portland, will give the following delegates and apportionment. rency, for resumption, but is rather opposed will submit to the “remorseless Advertisements recciued for in the THE yoke" imposed every Paper Me., and endorsod in blank by said lias WILLOWS, a United States and British Provinces at the lowest Plummer, Baldwin.3 Naples....2 to contraction. There is yet hope for Mor- by “moneyed aristocracy,” was, when in con- been lostthrough the mail, all persons are cautioned PERRY & contract information FARMINGTON, MAINE* Bridgton.7 New Gloucester.4 gress, the tool of the of FOSS, prices. Any cheerfully given negotiating, or purchasing the same payment Excursions. ton. supple aristocracy against Brunswick.6 _ aud estimates promptly l'uurnished. This establishment will bo to Sum- Moonlight North Yarmouth.3 slavery, which degraded labor, denounced the having been stopped. aug5dlw* splendid open Elizabeth.6 Otisfield.3 GENERAL HORACE DODD. mer Boarders during the Summer Vacation, from Cape free working man as a mud-sill, and made the Casco.2 Portland.33 Current Motes June 20 to Sept. 18. Accomodations strictly flrst- slaves, whom it roduced as nearly as It could to CHANDLER'S BAND Cumberland.....3 Pownal. is to be ruined in Commission S' U. NILES, cla8s. Address, Somebody going the mere cattle, the rivals, in the states wbioh it Merchants,' TO LET. C. COOBESOW. Deering. .6 Raymond. 2 ju2dtdIV, will make an Excursion on business the Ohio controlled and the that it to and Wholesale Dealers In Falmouth.3 Scarborough. 3 prophet by election. Both territory sought ADVERTISING AGENT. Freeport.5 oontrol, of the intelligent mechanics and farm- Sebago...2 sides are indulging in the most confident pre- COUNTRY PRODUCE, For Rent. Boarding and Bay School. Wednesday Evening, Ang, 11th, Gorham.7 Standish. 4 ers of Ohio and of every other free state. And for Advertisements in all ol Gray.4 Westbrook. 6 dictions of Thus the Cincinnati it is Mr. Allen's boast that he is Contracts Newspapers MODERN house, one of the best locations in — — victory. unchanged. TO Windham.5 9 Moulton Street, Lead of Long WLarf the with ail modern 22 PINE Harpswell.2 The Boston Herald, in a and all cities and towns of the United States, Canada A city, improvements, gas, STREET, PORTLAND. Harrison.3 Y armouth.4 Commercial says: “The defeat of Allen will temperate PORTLAND, ME. Sebago, hot and cold water bath rooms, and water on Steamer Gazelle* courteous article, says that in stating such facts nd British Provinces. Eycrgrcen Landing Total.130 be if not an closets; 10 rooms; lays to tho sun all day. Posses- Tho Fall Session of this School for Young Ladies overwhelming there should be as these we forget that few northern demo- EBEN N. PERRY. MAYIIEW C. FOSS. Office No. 6 Tremont Boston. The will be illuminated Street, sion Sept. 1st. opens landing with Bon Fires. Vacancies in can only be filled crats favored and in ot delegations by unexpected force in the appeals that are be- slavery, that, any case, Also, a fine residence 54 Winter St; will be ar- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th. There will also be a display Fireworks. Steamer actual residents of the town which they is The for & leaves Custom at 8 o’clock and State represent. slavery gone. Herald, however, will re- J3T*Agents Cliipman Ayer’s ‘'Surprise ranged for two families. House Wbarf The Committee will be in session at the ing made to those who have not saved any- Kenst.” the best in the world. T. C. EVANS* For particulars address the County member that northern democrats sustained to yeast Also, a fine residence on Franklin St.; one on street Wharf at 8.15. above room at 9 o’clock on tho day of the Convention TR1T IT. MISSES to hate those who have and the very last the of their my!7dtf Quincy St., one on Lincoln St., a small rent of three SYMONDS, for the purpose ot credentials of thing something, slavery policy party, ADVERTISING AGENCY PRINT- nt their receiving delega- whether rooms on Oxford St.; store on Portland St. GEO. B. jy22deod2m Residence. On Thursday Evening tions. therefore to vote the Democratic ticket and they favored slavery or not, ana that Real Estate and Broker. some the a northern democratic President assured ERS’ DAVIS, Mortgage Chandler’s Band will make an excursion on Steamer DANIEL get of ‘more money’ promised, his S. C. WAREHOUSE, au6 deod2w ELLIOT, Brunswick, southern allies ANDREWS, Gazollo to WM. L. PRINCE, Cumberland, when the perennial mills shall hum that the war for slavery would paper be in 106 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. BOYS’ SCHOOL. L. B. CHAPMAN, Deering, and green ink shall shine over the happy fought our streets. As to the present Counsellor at ISAIAH WEBB, North position of the it is evident that neither Law, Healer in Wood and Metal and all kinds ol JONES’ LANDING. Bridgton, land.” The is more in party, Type HOTEL TO LEASE. SAMUEL DINGLEY. Sebago Lake, Enquirer emphatic the life convictions of its members Printers’ Materials. Advertisements inserted in any Custom House Wharf at 8 o’clock. its “From the long leading 88 MIDDLE STREET, ill. €. MITCHELL S leaving Balcony CONVEKS O. LEACH, Chairman, Portland, expressions, declaring: begin- nor iti real as in the United States or Canadas at Concert at Union House. A of Fireworks on feeling shown in its press and paper publishers’ display D. W. MERRILL, Secretary, Upper Gloucester. of this canvass we can to our friends (in Canal Bank Building,) owest prices. Send for estimates. THE NEW ENGLAND HOUSE, arrival and departure of boat. ning say conduct are especially favorable to equal rights. for ac a has not been Family School Boys, distance, there the slight- Now the choice In 1876 lies between the repub- PORTLAND, MAINE. FARR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Mt. dmihl: nf t.ha a.laafinn nf Allan Tt: PORTLAND, MAINE. ROWELL & aulOd3t lican and democratic parties, and the claim of GEORGE P. CO., WEST The “Sew Democracy.” Will practice in Androscoggin and Oxford Count- T1SBURY, was never doubted by any intelligent person. the latter that it is the party of equal rights is cb. dc9eodtf House contains 40 rooms and two Stores; is One of our Democratic Since (the financial question has been made as much a false pretense as the olaim made by ADVERTISING AGENTS situated the station ot tho Martha's Vineyard, Mass. contemporaries THE opposite passenger Old Orchard Beach the issue it is conceded his will some democratic papers that it is the party of Grand Trunk Railway, and in the immediate has christened the that name only majority vicinity, Send for Circular to party bearing hard money. All that we say is, cot that the IT. H. PAYSON & CO., FOR ALL TIIE LEADING NEWSPAPERS. and nearer than any other Hotel to the point of ar- reach high up into the tens of thousands. this state in the of the ujs uui serious uireuses to an- rival and departure of the European, Halifax, New M. jn year grace, 1875, Gov. has as much chance oi repuoucau party C. MITCHELL, Principal. Hayes being swer but PAVERS 6s CONTRACTORS. in of York and Boston Steamers, and the terminus of the for, that the great which are Dealers Printing Materials every description no15dtf “New Democracy.” This implies the exist- elected governor for a third term as he has objects presses, etc. Horse Railway to the western part of the city and 1 most precious to good citizens are very -type, ence of an “Old of struck with Stones Office No. 41 Park Row, New York. suburbs. Address Democracy” which like the being lightning.” a more likely to be promoted, according to Edge Set,Streets,Places,Sidewalks AUG. P. FULLER. CAMP METING! kinds of done GORHAM bad “old man with his has been The prospect of Mr. Randall all the signs of the times, by tbe republican and all paring promptly. 1u24dcodtf Me. deeds, put having Speak- & Portland, SEMINARY. than by tbe democratic party. And it is the BATES LOCKE, off.” such Democrats as use the er of the next House of Paving Materials furnished if desired. The Fall Term will commence National Camp Meeting commences Evidently Representatives constant statement of this truth which makes TO LET. term New Democracy have come to the con- does not please the Utica Observer. It calls us seem to the Herald incapable of rising above Oflco at Street Commiswioaer’s Port- Newspaper Advertising Agents, August 16th, and continues ten Office, MONDAY, August 5th, days. him an a a party prejudice. We can, indeed, oouoeive, laud* Die. eodtf clusion that the old man Democracy is too “inflationist, Protectionist, back- my7 STORY in THOMPSON BLOCK, 42 and continue thirteen weeks. Commercial, Classical, with tbe Herald, of a great party true to the 34 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. feet wide 100 feet in fitted and a and “He SECOND nearly depth, newly Collegiate, and Normal Courses. Commercial work National disreputable an individual to carry any long- payster salary grabber,” says: American principles of liberty and justice. But O. A. HI. D. up with counting room and tables. The best lighted a Students with a home the Temperance Camp Meeting CLARK, J. H. late ot D. R. Locke, o Locke & specialty. provided by er. Now that admit this of is not only out of accord with the the republican party is certainly muoh nearer Bates, room in the city. Suitable for jobbing or manufac- term or For send for they by change great body S. M. Pettengill & Oo. Jones, Toledo Blade. year. particulars, terms, etc., commences August 17th. and continues tbat ideal than the democratic, 74 FREE STREET, turing, or will be let tor either, with plenty of stor- catalogue to JOEL WILSON, Principal, or J. A. name that the Democracy which existed of the Democracy on issues of vital import- Opposite head of Brawn St. Send for list of 100 choice newspapers. age room, over SHEPHERD Sc CO’8. Whole- WATERMAN, Sec. jyl0d&w5w but he lacks the essential sale Goods Nos. 121—123 Middle ten days. to 1875 was a bad we will not ance, qualification Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. Fancy Store, Street, prior very lot, below tho Post Office. of H. E. THOMP- for leadership—honesty. While that misera- A Musical Visitor. alO iltf Inquire time in our on FRANK A. spare any reminding readers of ble scheme was in Richardson & SON, No. 32£ Emery street, the Spring Street BLACKSTONE, District Camp Meeting commences progress for robbing the The Burlington Hawkeye it alone responsi- Boynton’s horse car route. 1an20d&wtf its sins. But how is it about tho new man tax-payers of $2,000,000)and dividing it among 6 1-2 DOW STREET, and continues one week. ble for this: He was a quiet, indifferent, even W. C. CLARK, September 6th, Congressmen in the name of Mr. Democracy—is there any evidence that he back-pay, a bashful To Let. Randall made himself offensively prominent. young man, and althongh yester- GOOD rents at Woodford’s Teacher of the Piano has been renewed ? We admit that he talks afternoon was 108 FEDERAL STREET, Corner. Possession Forte. Tickets from all Stations on the Maine Central On one occasion he provoked the thieves to day hot, and we were busy as given of 4 immediately. Inquire Terms $15 for n course of Twenty lies- Railroad aud its Branches to Old Orchard and better in his articles of faith because there them that he never heard a book to Into his 5 Doors East of St., J. H. REED, laughter by telling agent trying get heaven, Temple sons. return for one fare, and good from August 4th, until Iron is a difference between a of but one man who refused to take all the auGdlw* Woodford’s Corner. the close of the District Meeting in September. quite declaration to respectful, apologetic manner disarmed oar Wrought he to Hermans Kolzschmar. that could and that man AND WATEK Jgmcfcrs by permission The Boston & Maine Railroad, Portland & the effect that this is a “white man’s govern- salary get, was wrath, and drove the storm oloud that was GAS To Let. ju22dtf Rochester Railroad and Ogdensburg Railroad, will left at home his constituents.” by disgusted on our alabaster brow. We also carry passengers at the same rato. ment” and one setting forth a belief in equal gathering paused TENEMENT containing eight rooms with Sc- a Democratic which has aug3 deodtseplO Many paper been in tbe midst of a deathless PIPING. A bago. Apply to JOHN W. LOW, corner of Eaton Family School for Boys, and exact justice to all men irrespective of right sentiments Middle and Deer Streets. au4dtf loud in its demaud for a sound is tt is a currency and cooled the glow of genius tbat was — There upon ap21 FURNACE. AT — color. quite difference, too, trimming its sails for the breeze which is ns were a for EMMONS TO MT. DESERT between the endorsement of Pendleton’s (we writing puff Mrs. 8oothliug’s looked for from Ohio. Thus we find tho and asked H. L. GREGG & CO., To JLct. NORRIDGEWOCK, MG. in 1868 for the Windling Syrup), the yoUDg man 2 -VIA.- scheme payment of the nation- Front Roams. Albany Argus saying: “Tho Democracy do in and begged him to sit dowu. He obeyed SHIP- BROKERS. « Fall Term will commence August lGlli. al debt in greenbacks, and that of 1875 (in 09 FCBNIRIIGD3301-3 CONGRESS STREET. not to do this the value of and planted the end of his backbone on the Maine not propose (equalize © © Jy22 dtf IIAm.IIV V. EATON, Ohio) declaring against thalnfla. extreme edge ot a chair that we felt nervous Steamer and such processes as to Commission & Merchants ^ 2 Lewiston, the paper gold) by pros- lest the scanty he had oe his seat should Forwarding -4—i C3 jy21dtd Principal. tion which former scheme implied. The grip To Let. CHARLES DEERINO. trate industry and ruin business. A policy lose its hold and dash him prostrata to tha Petroleum, Graiu and other Charters, CAPT. so called New Democracy has been - rooms at 363 taught by toward We saw by the he came into Freight Engagements made Congress St., opposite moving specie payments by steady matting. way Negotiated. I the Park. defeats that it cannot tbe room that he bad never entered an edito- lor all parts of the world. PLEASANT repeated openly preach steps, without recoil—that is, toward tho § £ jyl4dtf WINTHEOP rial sanctum because be knocked at marine Insurance eflccted in reliable the heresies which the has so tena- equalization of tho two currencies in value— before, party the door and took off his bat when Offices. 2 is the of the as it is of the he came §« To Let. ciously defended the past fifteen unless policy Democracy, and “Oood 108 WALNUT STREET, WROUGHT IRON FURNACE years people.” iD, said, afternoon, sir,” instead of the door on SMALL tenement. Apply to Excursion Tickets to Southwest Harbor and B«- they desire a continuance of these defeats. kicking opeD, spitting the PHILADELPHIA. © The Baltimore stove, © A W. W. CARR, to Bar Harbor and Gazette (Democrat) save and yelling, “Hello, fob8 © turn, $3.50; Return, $4.00. No one that the leaders desire de- stealin'editorials, bay?’* jy7dtf 197 St. Tickets and State for sale at supposes at the of his Wa _dly c8 22 Newbury Ro«ms Compnnys’ that the fault-with many Democratic jour- top lungs. mentally blessed office, Railroad Wharf, foot ot State Street. feat, for if there is one thing for which the the yoOng man for his innocence, and eveD re- « CYRUS nals, in the South is WILLIAM SCHUMACHER, £ To Let. STURDIVANT, General Agent. Democratic leader particularly that|they Ig- laxed from our professional dignity sufficiently augOdtt average will give up all CONVENIENT tenement of six rooms, con- nore the importance of the financial issue of to assure him tbat it was extremely warm, au .S it is an office. FRESCO * A taining Gas, Water and Furnace, also good else, act of gracious condescension our part which PAINTER, S the day in their devotion to the idea of abol- oj stable. Apply at NO. 4 HIGH STREET. Now what about the “New overwhelmed the young man with grateful con- Office at Sclinmacher Brothers. « ! ! Democracy?” « jel8 dGw«ttf EXCURSION ishing “Grantism.” “Give us a return fusion, and be blushed and stammered oat — Does it bring forth fruits meet for 3 DEE AIN G BLOCK. S3 +s —OYER TIIE repent- to constitutional government.” they say, that “it was, indeed, very chilly, o To Let. ance? Has the ur—haw—yes, -53 party dropped its wicked “and then we can discuss the money ques- yes quite so, thank you." And we frowned I inform the that I have taken PL| respectfully public GOOD tenement of six rooms, in the centre of SEBAGO LAKE tion.” For it contends that “the so- him into or he would be the business of Clias. J. Schumacher and will attend ROUTE, practices ? Have the bad men who have led itself, silence, plodding O A the city. Apply to W. W. CARR, through tbe mazes of that snarl to me. I shall en- — lution of the involves the yet. to all jobs entrusted TO — money problem promptly ju30dtf 197 Newbury street. it into its past folly, disgrace and dishonor, Then we at a roll of deavor to keep the reputation which my predecessor settlement of the other evils, for the reason glanced ominously so Naples, North and been discarded? These under bis arm, and in those has held for many years, This furnace is without Bridgton, Bridgton certainly are perti- that there can be no return to constitutional manuscript bland, WM. 8CHUMACHEA. exaggeration, To Let. Harrison. patronizing tones we are prone to assume the most furnace ever nent enquiries. Let us proceed to canvass law so as we tolerate an uucoustiu- powerful heating BRICK HOUSE No. 74 Danforth long with aspiring young authors, prior to tearing Street, tional financial A. CARD, made. It has the best Grate and Sifter THEcontaining all tbo modern improvements. En- and after MONDAY, Auznst 9tb, 1875, the practice of this “new man” Democracy system.” out their lungs with a nail grab, and rending Mr. Wm. Steamer Hit. Pleasant will run as follows: I take great pleasure in recommending ever put in a furnace. The radiators are quire at No. 10, CENTRAL WHARF. ON Senator in a at Urbana their bodies limb from limb, we evor Leave Lake Station on arrival of 7.10 train the present year. If he is a better Morton, speech quivering Schumacher as one of the best house decorators InetCdtt Sebago person asked what we could do for made of heavy plated Iron and riveted from and to connect train on inquiringly him, n and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu- Portland, returning with than during the nast denari a va shall ha Ohio, Saturday evening, denounces Pen- Portland, in the manner. in and reached for the nail grab. macher will execute all work entrusted to him dura- most thorough which arrives Portland at 6.15 p. m. stealthily Make one most to dletonism, without as He while his I tender face was suffused bly, tastUy and TO BE LET. up your excursion parties, and take of happy proclaim the fact. qualification, repudia- said, the most delightful sails in Now England. with blushes, tbat he had nothing that wa katis^orny.^ SCHXmACHEK> First we find that Marcellus and tion ; declares that the passage of the act of no21tf Ecclesiastical Decorator. Warranted Gas Ticket** for Round Trip £2.30, for sale at Emery could publish—we pushed the nail grab back Perfectly Tight, desirable offires in tho Merchants National 1864 settles forever the of the use Eastern Depot. Eben F. Pillshury are the acknowledged offi- question of to its place—but be had come to ask our ad- THEBank building, recently occupied by Bank ol A. N. SHAW, Mas’r. RUDOLF R. BABCOCK. ECONOMY AND DURABILITY offices in third with GIBBS,Cl’k. to the takes vice. He was a musician: a vocalist, and in C. P. Portland. Also story, steam, Bridgton, Me., Aug. 5, 1875.aug7dlw cial managers of the party—the one as chair- greenbacks pay five-twenties,and gas and water. Possession given July 1st. Apply at his humble way a composer. He had written man of the State occasion to deny that he himself never favored MAKER & UNEQUALLED. Committee and the other as a ballad, only a little thing, but before MODEL JOBBER, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. the use of them for that unless simple A. purpose they it to the music honse for he — BY — 11. W. T. 1875. manager on the Execntive sending publication MANUFACTURER OF JulO dtf FOR SALE Aug. leading special been made Please call and examine it before pur- had previously equal to gold at be would let us hear as we were so Committee. We also find thought it, Markers’ chasing. Dr. Jordan, fabri- par. While he at one time believed that accustomed to dramatic and musical Watch and Chronometer Tools, To Rent. criticism, Mathematical, Optical and Philo- ANDREW MULNIX, 39 Centre St, cator-in-chief of campaign documents. Now the effect of the panic might be mitigated by and then we would fraukly tell him our opin- Instruments, School rooms for Gentlemen and wives or FOURTH ANNUAL sophical Orders for Galvanized Conduc- EXCURSION we do not that these the increase of currency, he no thinks ion of his abilities, and what we thought of bis single Gentlemen, at No. 215 Cumberland St. Gutters, say three political prof- longer Apparatus, Ac., PLEASANT tors, Ac., promptly attended to. —OF THE— that such result can be obtained in for the lyric stage. Good board can be had at next door in same block. jyl5d2m are any that prospects l'gates beyond the reach of political re- charmed. The idea of a 58 Market Street, Printers Exchange, Nutter Bros. & Co., ju3dtt T.O. WINSLOW. way. The period has gone by, he says, when We were haring Still we have not local musical to bolster up, and Wolf Tone generation. held the belief any increase of currency would do any pr otege puff, PORTLAND, IVLEL dly Association, good and lie ns Jul Let. FOR THE ISLANDS. the is tho in the and he believes and write, about, made break out To Be — — that present of miracles. checking panic, that it AT age with smiles like a fat baby with heat. 39 MARKET chamber in second on the must run its course until times are relieved priokly SQUARE, story corner of We can only express the apprehension that We promised to deal candidly with him and ruJtriiAiNu THECross and Middle Sts. Apply to THE by economy, and the of SEBAGO the conversion of this to industry operation asked if he had his music with him. PORTLAND, MAINE. HENRY DEERING, LAKE, permanent trio po- causes ang2 dcodGm my31tf No. 63 Exchange St. general Yes, he had; he thought that perhaps—if it YACHT RIVAL litical decency would nearly exhaust the stock * August 11, 1875. In contrasting the progress which Missouri wasn’t inconvenient—that is, If—if— machineworks of salvation. But there is no Oh we we would be political danger. made under five years of rule di- yes, said, delighted. TO LET d is now ready to take priyato parties to Republican would lock the door so that no ouu would J The following are *tlio list of prizes: These men are not We Iron Boiler Aft Diamond or Pleasant Cores, deep changed. Calumny.abuse after the with the five Engineers, Founders, Ladies’ Archery Gold Ring. rectly war, years of disturb ns, and he could sing us a few bars.or a Fairbanks Scales, Sea Piahing, or to any of the Pleasure and are stili their misrepresentation stanza or to us an idea of his Makers and Blacksmiths. Room in the Second Story of the Resorts in Casco Bay. Will accommodate Foot Knee £3.00 only po- stand-still since that time under Demo- two, just give THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Sledge .LOO skill and in in excellence. OF Printers’ Exchange, with power ii "■“““sixteen people comfortably. Has Croquet Throwing litical weapons. During the war and the re- style composition, MANUFACTURERS .... cratic the St. Louis and other amusements aboard. Is also fitted with Mack Race 3.00 rule, Globe-Democrat Then the timid man took his required. Apply to PRESS OFFICE construction wielded them young position Prized at Farid in 1807. Dishes for Chowder or Cunner period, they more other in the farther corner of the room and to STATIONARY AND PORTA- Highest or to R. Fry. says: In words, while the Republican began KARINE, THURSTON Jk CO., Ill A man to take The Committee offer in prizes $110 for Single Vienna, Montreal, 1873 thoroughly competent provided potently than now, but at no time have rule means and unroll bis manuscript. BLE STEAM ENGINES. Exchange Street. ot the Yacht, for terms to Sculls, in which the “Crack” Pullers of New Eng- they peace, order, prosperity charge Apply fivp. vftars nf TlflnmpraHf' ruin »r« “You will understand,” he] said apologeti- Philadelphia, 1874. ocl2 dtf land will take part. so recklessly slandered and so foolishly mis- Aicott’s Turbine Water Wheel. 40 cally, “that the music is com- W. ICICII & Tickets—75 cents; Chiidren. cents, forsalo by just as bad as five years of war.” althongh quite GEO. CO.’S STORE, the and at the Train. represented as at the present time. and the words need a little Elevators, Derricks, Hoisting To Let. Committee plete arranged, yet and Blanchard s Trains leave the Eastern Depot at 7 and 10 A. M., In the next has the final polishing and revision. Yon see,” he ex- Engines, to furnished or 173 VOICE STREET. and 2 place, party generally let, unfurnished, No. 4 P. M. The Plimsoll in plained, I write poetry a little, and have writ- Patent Boiler. Cotton seoond door from Frio street. J,!1). Ice water on tho Refreshments for sale. its bad ? We can controversy England suggests KOOMS St., _dtf grounds. dropped practices only tbe words as well as the music to this, my apr24 dtf to the Christian Union “a possible scene, say 4GENTH FOR RUE’S IWJTEUXOR Chandler’s Band will furnish music. judge In this state from the average tone of maiden ballad. I am aware that it is far Carriages and Sleiglis augGd5t in 2875 A. D., between an ingenuous youth and from aDd in re- 215 COMMERCIAL STREET, To Let. the party papers. Have they been more perfect, yonr criticism, please n every respect worthy of the most implicit confidence a teacher in history. Teacher: ‘So these rich member that it is my first effort.” MAINE. first the Stores to trulhfnl, fair and any the less abusive than he his left PORTLAND, ALSO- February and Chambers I will say my former customers and the public men were in tho habit of their We smiled enoouragingly, and put now sending ships C) boree ABOUTon Union St., occupied by Caldwell & generally that 1 can be found at in Let us see. Dr. Jordan hand in the breast ot his vest, held his music roil SALE—One New Statijnary Engiue, years past? pre- to sea till were worn out aud Hodsdon, and Whitney & Thomas. Apply to STATE FAIR! they rotten; and at arm’s length in his right hand, laid his head power, built to order. Fairbanks’ Postal Package Scales, Jalldtf ST. JOHN SMITH. pared a baseless falsehood about the Agricul- apll f NO. 22 PREBLE ST,. if when the sailors found they were unsafe they a little to one side, and began io a very altitu- tural land Designed for and adopted by the LNITED College sale, charging that leading refused to go in them were in dinous voice— and am ready to budd all kinds of they put prison TATES GOVERNMENT. THE had combined to it “Dar-” & Republicans purchase at and very many of these ships wont down, and ’that O’Donnell — confusion, Sylvester, ALSO — Combined Exhibition “Hem!” he said, in.some a low thus more CARRIAGES AM) SLEIGHS price, robbing the state of thousands of sailors perished. And at last a was a little — OF THE — high.” Patent Alarm was about one hundred Counsellors at Miles’ Safety Money PORTLAND SAFE DEPOSIT than a million dollars. All of tho Demo- man named Plimsoll found theso things out, He was right. It Law, CO, TO ORDER. and in the shade. Vie are no Drawer. cratic that wo have the and went into the Great Council of the twenty degrees Chartered bran net of the papers seen, except People of the humau else. He started •84 Legislature Particular attention given to nil kinds of judge voice, MIDDLE STREET, of iflainc 1875, ME AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Machias this and told of them.’ Ingenuous vouth: ‘And Milk Street KoMon. Repairing. Union, repeated story, regard- |m}|) ; IVAKEIIOIJSES—a what did the Council do?’ Teacher: said isn’i it either—Dar—oh — — less of the fact that Jordau is ‘They ““Dar!—oh no, that (2nd door below Cana Bank,) FOE THE HI If. SAHUTPL CIIAHP lias of the Dr. utterly had other charge State they things to attend and that it now have it.” BROWN & CO. Poraological Society, to, yes, I ,, FAIRBANKS, paint shop, and everything in this lino will have his without character and of was MAINK. of and the utterly unworthy very wicked of Plimsoll to lose his tem- And he went in a rich some kind of a ^PORTLAND, Safe-keeping Valuables Rental personal attention. 1 have on hand some of the late away oc2dtf New York. confidence. More than per and speak Youth: ‘I(ut .‘Ill Ilron.lway, of Safes, firm C. P. Kimball & Co. consisting of Stock Breeders’ Association, public this; when disrespectfully.’ tone— ... Carriages, wasn’t a — round and England Christian nation?’ Teacher: I am growing oh-hold! IN ITS— Phaetons, square corner, Basket Phaetons, the utter baseness and of Dr. Jordan’s "Darling, F' AIR1JAXKS Sc, CO Concord and Box which 1 shall sell at falsity ‘Oh yes, a very Christiau aud to Owners of Carriages. Wagons, prices Maine nation, spent Silv”— e24 to suit the times. Dairymen’s Association, had been made as clear as the vast sums to we rose *No Carriage is safe without them” _d9m Fire-proof and Burglar-proof story day by maintain Christianity. Put at And then up gnd made a sortie for this man — — time part of the church were in en masse. We twined oar AT the publication of every official fact, with the very busy that young ROCHE’S ROLLER CHAFE IRONS VAULTS. preventing a Wesleyan minister from putting brawny hands iu his golden locks, and dragged COAST PILOT ALBERT CHASE. names of the bidders and the 97 Exchange Street, Portland. dtf prices affixed, Key. before his name on his daughter’s tomb- him down to the press room, and had the boys accident* in jy5 prcreol taming, and allow the FOR THE GULF OF MAINE, these refused to ex- stone, aud part were.contending about which run him through the press till backed or DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS: papers give the proper double-cylinder to be turned safely in tbe narrow- side of the table the to stand at the had worked him carriage not John H. Park priest ought they off an edition of 3000 of No rattle, clogged mud or lrost. From Cast port to Boston. Mussey, J. F. K. Jacob Mo- but ou the other hand est places. by Libby, Swan, DKAIMCR planation, published Lord’s and so the church couldn't pay and then he flat- and easily put on. Give style of Lellan, William E. Gould, II. Brown, William Presumpscot Supper, dashed his gory earoass—a durable carriage A most thorough aud complete work, compiled Philip ‘And For sale G. Davis, William 4V. H. —AND— Jordau’s reiteration of the much attention to the sailors.’ Youth: tened, chaotic of and ruin- when ordering. by DODGE, GILBERT and issued the United Hinted Coast Harvey, Hammond, Anderson, persons interested in will find it to story. Nothing aggregation rags by Frank L. D. M. A. W. Port- drainage what became of Plimsoll and what became of out on the heedless feet of CO 45 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass., EDWARD P. Noyes, Sweat, Coombs, their to call on the could be more false than was sidewalk, where the For sale by Abner ALL advantage this story, and will have to KOOIIK, M. D., Bath. Maine, JAMES BAILEY, laud; Coburn, Skowbegan; Anson P. Morrill, the church?’ "What the teacher busy men wonld trample it into the dust of the Kcunebunk. CITY more In & CO,. Portland.jne23tt WM. SENTER & CO. Rcaiuleld; Joseph Dane, IIALL, nothing malicious partisan jour- answer remains to be seen.” earth. Send us another vocalist and «,. ». m. President Pierce Manufacturing Company original jnelod3m SWKAJT, nalism than to reiterate the base lie it W. when composer. __^ A. COOMBS, Secretary. of cement Also cont ractors for constructing Hotel in Newtown, a sale. or information pines. PORTLAND, At the Central Conn., for ESP^For circulars address etc. Pipe was Tho nominated Gen. A. W. sewers, digging wells, cementing cellars, disproved. party tan a brood of chickens of the rebellion records, or- OF BRICKS FOR HALF. COOMBS, Secretary, Portland. Works, Corner Fox and Cove Me. black and dog adopted The pnblication ANY Sts., Portland, as a QUANTITY dtf & Roberts “patriot soldier.” The record a to be 400,000 Bricks jnel4 Send all orders to J* L. SMITH. Sept. 21,22,23 24,1875. and.with them occupies basket, barking at dered by the last Congress, w ill prove and Hack- apr20dtf U. S. Hotel. of that was examined his have already Piling, Spars Delivered in any of the in to gentleman fairly by every one approaching. He steps into the very costly. Five octavo volumes Spruce part city quantities Something New'. Entries will close, to wit: Stock, September 7tb. matac by suit purchasers by 2lltb. Other political opponents in an entirely courteous and the chickens with his been for each volume Knees, send address to SI and Assignees in Bankruptcy. Trotters, September entries, September basket, moving paws prepared publication, your Spring St„ 21st. work have the of the Ladies’ and attention is called to Section 19 of the manner. Instead of attempting* to relute secures room to lie dowa when the small containing about 800 pages. The entire SIMOiWON & LADD, F. W. CLARK LADIES agent Easy Cutting Bend fees with the entries, in, Work Table call and show this gem of the work YOURAmendatory Act relating to Proceedings in one hundred vol- 1028 the statements, the Democratic press set it- balls of down nestle close to him and overrun it is estimated will require Commercial Hi, H»lyoke’« Wfcarf. Congress Street. room. Patterns cut free Tuesday to test the system, Bankruptcy, approved June 22, 1874. SAMUEL WASSON, Sec’y. alg iradtl n«U dtt marie tf auidlw WM. P. PREBLE, Clerk. East Surry, August 5, 1875. aug7d3w«&wlt32 self to stating in the most violent terms that his body. umes.

/ Richmond' Maine. the mountains. Regularly, on week days, he The Civil War in Spain. Milwaukee, August 9.—Flour is steady and firm. At Malaga July 20, barque Abby Bacon, Merrill, I MASSACHUSETTS. Wheat No 1 Milwaukee at 1 lor conducts the morning services in one of the A letter to the Pall Mall Gazette from Pul- is steady and firm; 33|; New York, ldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. No 2 Milwaukee at I seller for August at 1 28}; Sid fiu Gibraltar A1 cn, (fm parlors of the Twin Mountain House, on which BY TELEGRAPH. the of the citidel See 30$c; July 15, brig Stockton, gerda says bombardment seller 1 Corn is dull and lower; No 2 Boston) E. occasion he reads of com- September 25$. Alexandria. Something about « Pleasant Town on Ae passages Scripture, tie Urgel is not in progress, because the at 70c. Oats unsettled and No 2 at54c. Bar- Sid fm Havre eth ora, audi- Wnylayed by Tramps. fully lower; lnat.sMp* Undaunted, Dinara Surgical Instrument ments upon it and oiler® prayer, and the Alfousists are the arrival of additional 2 at 1 at for New York; Manufactory. nntl its South awaiting ley unsettled; No Spring opened 08; closing Reunion. Curtis, do; barque Almira Kennebec Vicinity. ence unite in one or two These Framingham, August 9.—This eve- 111 bid. and No 1 at 83c. New singing hymns. MATTERS IN heavy guns which are expected daily. Unless Rye dull nominal; Robinson, Tarbox, Orleaus. ot Instrument*, Mechanical services are number of MAINE. ning as special police officers Grover was Lake dull and nominal—Wheat Buffalo at Ar at London 7th Surgical daily enjoyed by a large ridiDg relieved, which is hardly possible, the Carlist Freights inst, barque Envoy, Berry, Iloilo *or Electric Batteries, from Saxonville to bis home in South Fram- Wheat to at 6. via Ascension. $ESSS" deformitie*, the guests of the hotel. leader must surrender to the Alfou- 3c; Oswego »“<1 Bolts, Crutcli- he was met a Lizzaraga bush Arat on Trusses, Supporters, To the Editor the Press: ingham by party of six tramps Receipts—6,000 bbls flour, 69.000 wheat, 0,000 Falmouth, Eng, 5th inst, ship St Vincent, es, <*c., me., hand and made to of sists. 0000 orde-. near Hastingsville who to his bush corn, 0000 bush oats, 0,000 bush barley, Thompson, Lobos for Bristol. Tho town of Riohmond is seventeen miles attempt stop The Sid tm Cardiff electric News and Other Items. The Fourth horse, l>nt failing in this fired three shots From Revolution in Ilcrzegovina. bush rye. 7th inst, ship John Watt, Desbon, batteries to let. tf* District. bbls flour. busb 00 Havana. south of Augusta, and it the a after him. One Accounts of the Shipments—12,000 17,000 wheat, through passes revolver shot took off one of Ilerzegovinia revolution Sid 1m 6th Repairing promptly attended to has his conveu- from bush corn, 0000 bush barley, 0000 bush oats. Conway inst, ech Lizzie Heyer, Poland, by Maine Central Railroad. travelers by Ignatius Donnelly adjourned his fingures and another passed the Sclavonian sources represent that the in- for United States. Many through St. 9.—Flour is unchanged who tion in Minnesota to 22. dash-board ef his buggy close to bis feet. Be- surgents had defeated the Turks in several en- Louis, August quiet, Ar at 26th Clara SCHLOTTEUBfcCU & CO., rail have never visited this village have Sept. and little Wheat ia unsettled and lower; Liverpool ult, ship Leavitt, Lam- GEN. PLAISTED SURE OF THE unarmed he hurried to South counters and wounded Selim Pacha. doing. bert, Portland. of Mr. C. C. of the Baltimore Ameri- ing Framingham No 2 Red Winter at 1 47 seller at 1 44; Manufacturers and Dealers n been most the view of Fulton, tho A cash; August Sid 26ih, Richard favorably impressed by and notified police. party has gouo in Arrest or Rioters at Glasgow. seller 1 44 1 Corn is unsettled and ship Ilf, Hubbard, Charleston. tho houses can, is named as the Republican or proposed September ® 45$. Sid fm Shields Never SURGICAL that mav be seen from tho oars, NOMINATION. pursuit of the rascals. No 2 Mixed 68 79c 60c bid seller for 26th, barque sink, Barstow, INSTRUMENTS. London, Aug. 10.—Special despatches to the lower; @ cash; Now York. and fusion candidate for Governor in Maryland. sales at 69$ 70c Oats unset- HI.* have formed an idea of the attractiveness Standard from that 00 August; @ September. Ar at Zanzibar Juno 301 Congress Portland, Me Glasgow reports rioters, tled and No 2 at 65c asked 45c bidjsales 26, barque Gemsbok, Bunker, of The most active line of business in parts of many of whom are were lower; cash; New York. the town which a closer inspection would badly hurt, brought at seller 41e seller for Sep- One door above Brown. apr27-sneodtt NEW rOKK. before the 46$ @ 4G|c August; 39$ @ Ar at Ennis, New York. not New England now is the sale of door bolts and Powers Notifies Ilis magistrates yesterday morning and tember. Rye dull End lower to sell at 81 85c. Whis- Oporto July 1G, brig Dyer, have dispelled. Richmond is a town of re- Delegates @ Arat Buenos the remanded to jail. The rioting broke out iu the key higher and unchanged. Ayres July 6, brig Stephen Bishop, tired sea them revolvers made lively by operations of New York. captains, and one meets every- suburbs agaiu on Monday and the volunteers Receipts—3,000 bbls flour, 35,000 bush wheat, 2,000 Gilkey, Not to Attend the Convention. Ar at Montevideo Julv 4, barques C O of have farms in the sub- tramps. Escape at Libelled Vessels. and regular trooos were ordered to bush com, 15,000 bush oats. 0,000 bush barley, 0000 Whitmore, where; many them Attempted hold Leilb; Anna Walsh, Lawrence, New York. Mme. Nilsson has been to decline themselves in but the bush rye, 104 hogs, 2555 cattle. Peabody, urbs, or are interested in the ice which compelled Naw York, Aug. 9.—Baxter & Co., who readiness, disturbance HAr at Guantanamo prev to 1st inst, brig Mattie B Great business, was fair and the liberal offer of for one hundred Saturday, were agents for the South quited by reading the riot act. It is re- Cincinnati, August 9.—Pork—demand Russell, York, New York. affords them for a of their $100,000 suspended ot Bargains firm Lard auiet and occupation part His Friends Out Threat- Wales Steamship Company. Two laden marked that mobs of Catholics armed with market at 22 00. firm; sales Sid fm Caibaricn 7th Inst, brig Teneriffe, Tracey, IN made her by Mr. Strakosh of New Breathing grain summer at kettle at Bulk Meats are in the afternoon resort to Dinslow’s nights, hatchets, steel knuckles and are 13; 14$ @ 14$. New York. time; they vessels, chartered by them, were libelled late kuives, organ- iu market on account of lair demand and firm; shoulders in good Sid fm Cardenas 4th 11 bookstore for their Boston and York, indisposition. She is now and sheriffs hoard. ized and acting under leaders. It is reported inst, brig Houston, Griffin, daily papers, and Saturday night, placed on demand at 8|c; clear rib sides held at 12$c ;clear sides North ot Hatleras. enings Slaughter. that several of the men iu are in Paris. The vessels tried several times to away custody head sold at 12$; latter sold at 13 boxed. Bacon scarce; read them there in convocation or retire to get centres. Cld at St John, NB, 7th inst, ship Ellen Southard, Minnesota will have this yesterday but the efforts of tho officers were shoulders at 9} @ 9$c; clear rib sides at 13$ @ I3$c: trees year the best and Woodworth, Liverpool. FURNITURE their gardens, where seated under shade frustrated the sheriffs. The American Fleet nt clear sides at 13$ 13$. Live Hogs are steady and of LSpecial to the Press.] by Cronstadt. smoke in largest crop potatoes for many years. The firm; oominon light at 7 35; fair to medium 7 50 @ they long-stemmed pipes greatcomfort Demoralization of tbe Police. New York, Aug. 9.—A Cronstadt letter SPOKE*. A.T of Western New Bangor, Aug'. 9.—A revolution as sudden 7 75; good to extra at 7 85 @ 8 05; receipts 1353 head; and The bouses in Richmond are crop York, notwithstanding an account ot the of Aug 6, no &c, sell Carrie from Provi- tranquility. Police Commissioner Smith, known a9 Gen. gives grand reception the shipments 655 head. Whiskey-demandfair and lat, Heyer, the of and complete as it was unexpected occurred in dence lor Charleston. built in that Grecian fashion of arch- ravages the beetle, will be fully up to says he has been in American fleet under Admiial Worden, in prices advanced; sales at 118. generally Baldy Smith, out-voted Aug 3, lat 44 CG, Ion 47 06, Don Justo, from the the fight for the Republican nomination to in the board to German, Sweden, RuMian, Norwegian and extra Winter at barque itecture, in which the front rests on heavy pil- average. every effort bring about a re- Detroit, August 9.—Flour dull; Baltimore for Havre. in this ditrict and form in tbe that tbe Prussian ports, including a grand review at 7 00 @ 7 50. Wneat is unsettled and lower; sellers There seems to be no lack of local interest in Congress to-day, entirely police; demoralization of Aug 1, lat 29 30. lou 70 45. brig Carrie PuriDgton, DEANE and they are surrounded by ample grounds Cronstadt the Oscar of are auxious; extra at 1 53 for 1 48 for new; No 1 lars, the attitnde the police force is beyond and by Czar, King Sweden, old; from Portland for Havana, 7 days out, BROS’, the Ohio The Cincinnati Gazette changes of everything connected comprehension, White at 1 52 for 1 43 for No 2 adorned with shrubbery and flowers, campaign. is worse and that and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, of Michigan old; new; tastefully with the growing daily; some steps do new at l No 1 Amber at 1 48 for old; 1 42 for received an order for contest. Previous to last week the taken to the Swedish, Russian and Americau 33$; among which rise summer houses, recently 120,000 suple- should bo quickly reform it, or tho fleets, new. Corn and No 1 Mixed 79c. Oats pagoda-like of the heaviest naval vessels steady quiet; A Triumph over Humbug;. the of General nomination of Powers wae generally conceded city will be without any police force. comprising fifty steady and white Western 63c; No 1 51 St. while hammocks from its shade trees. ments, containing speeches and firm; Michigan The constant in of the national swing afloat, stretching about two miles. After at 60c. Mess Pork at 22 and un- gain popularity Exchange and Senator delivered in Ma- throughout the district, much to the chagrin of 50. Lard is steady A half a mile above Richmond the Kennebec Hayes Sherman, the review, the above party, with a numerous changed. remedy and preventive, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, We will for the the greater portion of tho party. While thou- boarded the for two bbls bush river separates into two channels at the head of rion, O. WASHINGTON. retinue, frigate Franklin, and Receipts days—0000 flour, 20,000 and the rapid decline of the tormented and nauseous suro nom- were the of the wheat, 000 bush corn. 0000 bush oats. The Nashville Banner that sands were regretting the supposed guests Admiral. rubbish bolstered a false Swan Island. At this on the says sarcastically Shipments—600 bbls bush 0000 feebly up by temperanco point, westerly Note*. flour, 42,000 wheat, NEXT SIXTY BAYS some of Tennessee the ination of the obnoxious Aroostook statesman, Foreign bush 000 do oats. cry, a of merit Fort a in parts scarcity of mon- coru, exemplifies grand triumph genuine bank, Richmond, government trading Sir Charles driven the to the use however, Gen. Plaisted continued to work Prospect ol the Recovery of the Stolen Adderley’s shipping bill, to day, 9.—Flour is at 7 00 8 50, over rampant at which honest folks which has a in connection with ey has people of yellow- Indianapolis, August @ humbug, rejoice. post, history passed a second reading in the House of Lords. Wheat—Red 1 50; Amber 1 55 @ 1 60; White at 1 55 And soli onr stock of all kinds of and even bar silently and determinedly, and the result was money Package, well they may; for each accession of popularity the stood from 1710 to 1734. From legged chickens, wheat, and pig @ 1 60; .White 1 55 @ 1 60. Corn at 74c Oats at 60 Indians, to a which a that when the returns from tho caucuses held Washington, Aug. 9.—No time lias yet been 63c. Bulk Meats 85 remedy cures and prevents intermittent this fort, Richmond was named, it iron for circulating medium. (gl firmer; shouldes @ 8|c; clear although fixed for a preliminary of the MINOR TELEGRAMS. nb @ clear sides Bacon and remittent liver The Saturday evening came in, a glance exhibited meetiDg persons 12$ 12$; 12§ @ 12$. firmer; fevers, dyspepsia, constipation, was not as a town until 1823. In Thompson gun recently completed at arrested for shoulders clear rib and clear incorporated recently larceny of the §47,000 Grasshoppers are very plenty at several 9$ @ 9|; sides 13$ @ 13$ complaint, urinary troubles, uterine weakness and the South Boston Iron i the fact that Gen. Plaistod had completely and from the and 13$ @ 13$. Hams 14. Lard—steam kettle FURNITURE former times Richmond has been famous for Company’s works, package Treasury Department. points in Nebraska and aro doing great dam- 13}; general widens the field of Its beneficent and his Ottoman has 14$. debility, op- but has of one of the largest ever built in the world. Its fairly outflanked defeated opponents. employed Itichard T. Merrick age. its ship building, late years fallen off erations and is a direct gain to humanity, while ev- Powers’ friends as counsel, and au effort will be made to have Mobile, August9.—Cotton nominal;Middling up- so is while the famous Seeing this, immediately sent Ethelbert Parsons and Lottie C. at in greatly in that respect, that now there is weight 82,280 pounds, the bail reduced; but the authorities demand Philpott lands life. ery falling off public favor of a pernicious com- orders to all Powers delegates not to go near were carried over the falls at Niagara yester- seldom more than one vessel on the stocks at Krupp gun exhibited at Vienna only weighed bonds to the amount of and he will Savannah,August 9.—Cotton quiet; Middling up- pound, powerless for good but powerful for evil, is a 8100,000, day and drowned. lands Bangor or the convention, but leave it severely be committed for 13}c. as but for a reason any time, and often none at all. A large shoe 80,000 pounds. probably trial, not being able Dlessing quite unmistakable, very to bail in that sum. The losses by Are in New York for July were New 9.—Cotton different, let for once hide its diminished GREAT SACRIFICE the Hartford Times: The real alone. Consequently not more than five or six give York, August steady; Middling humbug and the steam saw mill of Says extents head. Would it were as factory, Foster, The officers claim they will have a large part only 814,209. uplands 14$c. always unsuccessful as in of the drouth in this of the is of any Aroostook delegates will be present. the instance. Spaulding & Co., constitute the principal man- part country not of the money before night. It has been ascer- The debris of fallen rocks has been cleared New Orleans, August 9.—Cotton steady; Mid- present We won’t be Undersold even What bade fair to he the most contested dling uplands at by ufacturing establishments of the place. Much probably yet fully appreciated by the pub- hotly tained that Ottoman recently made a heavy de- away in the Hoosac Tunnell, and trains passed 14$c. lic. The truth is, there has been most of the struggle for years will have elapsed into a mere posit in the Germania Savings Bank in Alex- through yesterday without interruption. Charleston, August 7.—Cotton is dull and easy; la Your Life Worth Ten Centa ? capital is invested in shipping and in the ice at 14c. andria, Va., and officers have gone there to se- Middling uplands Sickness and House in the State. time a of rain hereabouts ever formality, aud Gen. Plaisted will secure nearly Base ball—At Syracuse, N. Y., Bostons prevails everywhere, everybody com- any business. scant.supply cure the 7, money. Stars at St. Louis, oi some disease their Me. When since the October rain floods of 1869. every vote thrown. 1; Philadelphias 16, St. plains during sick, vsu unau iblauu, uypuoito xviuuuiuuu, is tuu j.ne employes in me casu room at tue Treas- Louis iTXarketa. mi__i ~ e t»__:_ al_a. h. .■ _ HAEKISO N’B O’Connell. You may think I am to the Governor and his staff arrived United States 5-20*s 1864, coup. 1168 partial my discovered by an Indiana young It and thinking something was tested the there and miniature 10. bishop & co. lady. wrong, United States 1865, old.. 119 Almanac....August PERISTALTIC wood, very But John of reviewed the military. At two o’clock the com- 5-20’s, hero, naturally. Bandolph weighs 8 measures 8 inches from the from the ill effects of which she was United States 5-20’s, 1865, new Sunrises....5.01 I High water...... 6.00PM pounds, mixture, pany sat down to dinner. The after dinner ex- ex-coup..119 BANGOR. who hated an Irishman almost as United States 1867 Sun sets... ..7.08 Moon sets.11.25 PM Boanoke, of the nose to the base of the with saved 5-20’s, do. 120$ i LOZENGES. tip skull, OJ great difficulty tbrongh the energy ercises consisted of remarks by Rev. Richard 1868 For sale In Portland as United States 5-20’s, do.121 by much he did a Yankee,—when he got to of an inches from the jaw to the top of the skull,and of tho physician and neighbors, who worked Eddy Gloucester, historical address by United States new 5*s....116$ Indorsed, ,hy all the Medical Jour- and heard the old Hon. John J. and States 10-40 London O’Connell, slave- inches from the mouth to the her all Babsou, speeches by Mr. United coupon. inf nals as the most Agreeable, 2J eye. One-half upon Saturday night Every effort w as 6’s MARINE ISTEWST NUTTER BROS. & CO. holder held his hands and said: "This Lorimer, Major George S. Merrill and General Currency ex. .... 122 Convenient, Effective and up of the face looks but the other made to arouse Mrs. Yeaton from Sure very natural, her lethargy, Briggs. The are the of Kennedy for 20 MARKET is the man—those are the the most elo- lollowmg closing quotations SQUARE. lips, has apparently been injured while turning to but without avail. This evening there will be a promenado con- Stocks: PORT OF PORTLAND, aprlOeod6m* that in And I Western Union Co—ex div.814 QOSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, quent speak English my day.” its state of of the of cert and a dance at the grove. Telegraph present petrifaction. Recovery body .maggie Doyle. Pacific Mail.382 was The day is for the celebration and IT1 Pleasant to the palate, cause no pain,act promptly think he right. Webster could address a Mr. The rems’ns of Miss delightful N Y and Hudson outlay, Aug. 9. Laughlin Freeman, a Waterford, Ire- Maggie Doyle of Au- has off Central R. consolidated.104$ never require increase of dose, do not exhaust, and bench of Everett could charm everything passed harmoniously and ARRIVED. Judges; a col- land, merchant and shipowner, who, before gusta, who fell from the barge Yosemite into pleasantly. Erie.14§ and for elderly persons, females and children, are Erie preferred.20 Steamer New York, Boston for East- the Two taken at move the bowels “HAMBURGS. could delude a Winchester, just thing. night lege; Choate jury; Clay could a the river near sending to sea brigantine so rotten that the Dresden, on Taursday last, were Michigan Central.... 62$ port and St John. NB. once the next morning. Warranted in all cases of a Tom Corwin could The Indian Frauds Union Pacific Stock. 72 ■ magnetize senate; hold could be taken ont in recovered this near and Brig Nellie Clifford, Tapley, Philadelphia. the Piles and Falling of the Rectum. We prom- decayed parts handfulls, morniug Richmond, Lake Shore. the mob in bis one New Yokk, 9.—A letter of 60| Sch Albert Dailey, Nason, Richmond, Va—coal to ise a cure for all symptoms of Dyspepsia, such as right hand; but no of them on Aug. Cheyenne JUST wrote to the Cardiff insurance firm, ‘‘I would forwarded to Augnsta the steamer City of St. Paul Railroad. 36$ Randall & McAllister. Oppression After Sour RECEIVED could do more than that one The won- August 1st states that Major Long, of the Eating, Stomach, thiog. The was St Paul preferred.59| Sch Laura A Webb, Hatch, New York—salt to E G Spitting of also der of O’Connell that he could out talk he inclined to renew the former insurance at Lynn. body badly eatcu by fishes. army, formerly inspector of flour for tbe Red Food,Palpitations ; Headache, was, Illinois Central, ex-div... 97 Willard. Dizziness, Pain in the Back and Loins, Yel- he could charm a if I there would % Cloud, Tail and Shoshone Indian Corwin; college better than eight guineas thought be no Spotted Wabash. 6$ Sch J K Baker, Robinson. Boston. lowness of the Skin and Eyes,Sick Headache, delude a better than agencirs, testified to the bad of the & Northwestern. 4 W to Everett; jury Choate, and danger of Plimsoll. This between ovrselves, quality Chicago If Sch J Scott, (Br) Kerrigan, Boston, load for Coated Tongue,Billiousness,Liver Coeplaint, 250 of & 542 PIECES leave Clay himself far behind in magnetizing THE TUKF. samples flour furnished by the Indian De- Chicago Northwestern preferred. St John, NB. Loss of Appetite, Debility, Monthly Pains private,” has been sentenced to pay a fine of the still Chicago & Rock Island. P S Boston. and all a senate. I have heard all the grand and ma- partment, worse quality which tbe 105$ Sch Lindsey, Johnson, Irregularities, Neuralgia, Faint- Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph. 18 Sch Danvers—iron to A E Stevens ness &c. New and desirable orators of America, who are singularly £300 and be imprisoned three months. contractors attempted to impose upon him, Pearl, Thayer, very patterns, their to The were the tor Pacific Rail- & Co. Travellers find the lust what they need, we J'esticamedon the world’s circumference. I know The Rev. Father a has hostility his inspection, the passage of following quotations Lozenges which offer at the popular Remy, missionary, Third ol road securities: Sch Brilliant, Crabtree, Franklin for Salem. as they are so compact and inodorous that they may what was the of I know Day the Fairfield meeting flour through Cheyenne without his of majesty Webster; arrived in from Thibet. The Pall inspection, Central Pacific int. a carried in the veet pocket, and as an aperient or prices what it was to melt just England tbe sale of flour which had been to bondsj 101| CLEARED. under the magnetism of Bbipped Union Pacific New bexative these Lozenges have no equal. Mall Gazette says that he made a number of the at the do....101$ Steamship Franconia, Bragg, York—Henry Henry Clay; I have seen eloquence in the iron agencies, grocery stores of Sidney Union Pacific land grants.994 Fox. aud the Trial Boxes 30 c. large Boxes 60r. seal 6c, 10c, 12c, 16c, 20c, 25c and logic of Calhoun; but all three together never conversions there under rather peculiar circum- Fairfield, Aug. 9.—In the 214 class Fagin Wyoming, attempts of government Sinking Funds. 96$ Ship Bessio Crosby, (Br) Brown, Liverpool—Berlin brother-in-law by mail free of postage to any address. 37 l-2c surpassed, and no one of them ever equaled, stances. He was coudemned was the and wou in storekeeper Palmer, of Agent Mills Co. per yard. to be quartered, favorite, three straight For sale S. Harrison & No. 1 Tremon the great Irishman. In the first place be had Saville, to influence his inspection of bad flour Sch Lucy Ann, Dighton, St George—Chase Bros. by E, Co., and his legs and arms were attached to four heats. Time, 2 46, 2.43. The best Temple, Boston. and by all Druggists. se9sneodly Iff. B -We would invite the atten- —what is half the power with a orator 2.45J, quar- intended for tbe Shoshone Indians, and the Chicago Stock Market. Sch Fair View, Lewis, Wiscasset—Chase Bros. special popular tion of nil our lady friends to the above —he had a presence. God that horses. But either the abbe's limbs were un- ter was made in 39 seconds. Mellinocket was action of Barclay, while Indian 9—Cattle—receipts since Satur- majestic put Superintend- Chicago, August [FROM MERCHANTS’ lot, as it includes some of the handsomest soul into a as ent at in flour which had 6100 under a EXCHANGE.] TUCKER’S PRINTING HOUSE royal body royal. He had, in commonly strong or else the horses were un- second and Yankee Jim third. Omaha, passing Long day head; large supply prices $c lower; patterns and best we have ever Spot, Togus 2 4 Cld at schs and bargains early youth, the brow of Jove or Jupiter, and rejected. The record of beef sold shows that sales extra at 6 75 @ 7 30; Texas 75 @ 75; ship- Philadelphia 6th, Royal Arch, oflered. commonly weak, for he resisted all their ef- Boy, Fearnaught and Belle, drawn. ments 4000 head. Oriole, for Portland. The Card and Job Printing Business of the the stature of Apollo; a little O’Connell would nearly every animal was rated at 1000 pounds, Book, Live scarce and 8000 the Ar at Cardenas 6th, sch Stephen Bennett, Doug- late David will be as have been no O’Connell at all. Smith forts. Struck with admiration for his heroic In the 2.32 class four horses started, Aird and while Major Long testifies that the cattle when Hogs firm—receipts head; Tucker, continued, heretofore, Sydney market is lairly active and higher; poor to extra 7 50 lass, Portland. at the Stand, said of Lord John Bussell’s when his Ludlow the latter sold fat never average over 850 five feet, he conduct, persecutors embraced the martyr being drawn, being to pounds. @8 30; chiefly at 7 75 @812$ and closed with pens OWEN The committee to 115 EXCHANGE STREET. FMOORE, went down to after the reform bill Professor 3600 head. The new launched from Yorkshire, and his religion, certainly a signal for New York parties for $1500. Charlie Morrill investigate empty; shipments ship Premier, McGilvery’s bad been the stalwart triumph Marsh’s had arrived at the Red Cloud 500 tho market nominal un- 2d inst. about 1400 tons, and carried, hunters of York- charges Sheep—receipts head; yard, Searsport, registers All orders, eithe personal or by mail, will receive CONGRESS STREET, CORNER RROWN. muscular Christianity. won the first heat in 2.34, and Brooks and 3 00 4 extra at 5 00 is to be commanded John When shire said: “That little shrimp! What, he Bully agency commence work to-day. changed ; Illinois Sheep @ 75; @ by Capt McGilvery. prompt attention Jy24dlysn jan!4 dtf the bill?” The Salt Lake Tribune the next three. Time the best 5 25. riggied, she will proceed to St John, NB, to load tor carry reform “No, said Syd- has come 2.32J, 2,34, 2.34J, _ no,” recently Liverpool. ney; “no; he was alarge man; but the labors into of some iD 49 seconds. Charlie Morrill was possession interesting old manu- quarter Tbe Northwest Expedition—The Crops* Domestic Markets. Sclilotterbeck’s Moth and Freckle Lotion. WILLEY & of the bill shrnnk him.” Do you Temember MEMORANDA. TYLER, script documents left by Dr. Isaac second. from Nkw York, Aug, 9—Evening.—Cotton market the story of Webster that Bussell Lowell Galland.who Oxxawa, Aug.9.—Dispatches Winne- A safe and sure tells, steady at $c decline; sales 3348 bales; Middling up- Sch “Annie Shepard,” was reported asnore 8th inst remedy for removing Tan,Pimples, when in Mass were about to died several years ago in Iowa. He The 2.48 class and the sweepstakes will be peg says the recent troubles in the northwest Freckles and the we, ichusetts, originally lands at 14$c; forward deliveries declined 3-16 @ $c. on Wheeler’s Ledge, near White Head. She was ly- Moth, Blotches, Eruptions from TAXIDERMISTS, break the Webster came were caused by the capture ot Mr. Ell’s Geo- it soft and fresh and to it up Whig party? owned the land,on which Nauvoo was built, trotted to-morrow. The track is in fino condi- Flour—receipts 23,047 bbls; sales 15,650bbls; the ing in a bad position, full of water, and was being Skin, rendering imparting home to Paneuil hall to and four logical survey party by a band of plain hun- market is higher with a limited of &c. a marble purity. protest; and, sharing the belief of the late General tion and the attendance good. expor demand,chiefly stripped sails, 16 Street Maine. thousand Whigs went to meet him. He lifted ters. The Cree Indians had also refused to al- for the West Indies and South America; Superfine Temple Portland, Robert E. PRICE FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. up that majestic presence before the sea of Lee, that the greatest inland city of low the party to proceed until they received as- Western and State at 5 35 @ 5 85; extra Western DOMESTIC PORTS. Birds, Animals, Deor Heads, Fishes, ftc. human his Horse surance that a would be made with and State at 610 @ 6 50; choice Western and State FRANCISCO—Ar Saw- faces, brow charged with thunder, America, would be situated at or near the Thief. treaty SAN 8tb, ships Orpheus, A. G. SCHLOTTERBECK & prepared, Staffed and Mounted to order. them next season. Ells at 6 55 @ 8 Oo; White Wheat Western extra at 7 00 @ Gen McLellan, New Yora. Prepared only by and he said: “lam a Massachusetts 9.—Owen F. is commissioned to ex- yer. Ardrosean; add 303 street. Whig—a rapids of the Mississippi, he procured the set- Augusta, Aug. Young to-day 7 50; extra Ohio 6 10 @ 7 75; extra St Louis at 6 55 @ schs Edwin Co., Apothecaries Chemists, Congress constitutional amine the coal fields of Saskatchewan. The RICHMOND—Ar 5th, Stanley, Dyer, One door above Portland. Me. ma27sndtf Whig—a revolutionary Whig—a tlement of to 8 60; including 5300 bbls of shipping extras, largely Kennedy, NS. Brown, ARTIFICIAL & Faneuil hall if Joseph Smith’s body of Mormons pleaded guilty stealing Longfellow’s horse, rains last week here will cause loss to farmers. Rockland; Catawamteaa, Windsor, EYES, LEAVES, c, Whig—a Whig. And, you city mills; market closing steady; Southern flour at Sid sch Sunbeam, Boston via Osborn on a of his land. To also to and was The is and 5tb, Bunker, break up the Whig party, where am I to go?” part further his ends he breaking stealing. Sentence heavy grain lodged in many places 6 30 @ 8 50. Rye flour quiet and firm at 5 10 @ 6 25. CITIZENS MUTUAL RELIEF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. it will rot. Landing. And Bussell Lowell Thousands of fields of oats and Cornmeal is steady: Western at 4 00 @ 5 00. Wheat — says: “We held our joined the Mormon church; but he was never deferred. ALEXANDRIA Ar 7th, schs Sophia Kranz, wheat are iu a of active and 1 breaths, where he could go. But if such condition that they cannot —receipts 533,894 bush; Spring fairly Dyer, Portland; Mary D Haskell. Boston. SOCIETY. Hat Birds and Feathers a Specialty. thinking destined to see his dream and he died Heavy Thunder—Damage by the Army 2c better for demand for he had been five feet five,” said Lowell, “we realized, be cut with a scythe or reaper. The crops in prime; chiefly export; BALTIMORE-Ar 7th, brig E H Rich, Paine, “ Worm. f inter quiet and firmly held; sales 324,000 bush; 1 38 lor and and Fowl would have said: who cares very poor. The posthumous documents in the the neighborhood of Montreal are also Cienfuegos. Application* membership any B3F*Fancv Pigeons of the best Breeds o n ‘Well, hang it, injured 39 for No 2 at 1 38 for 1 39 information be had of 9.—A to some Chicago, closing good; Sid 7th, brig Mar; ha A for Portland. desired may the following and in their seasou; also, Eggs for Setting. where you go?’ Well, O’Connell had all hands of the Tribune are full of Machias, Aug. heavy tempest and extent. In Western Ontario the rains 1 40 for No 2 1 44 1 45 for No 2 Berry, arguments in Northwestern; @ PHILADELPHIA—A*&Cth, sch Helen, Robinson, named Directors: Dr. Chas. Morse, Benj. Kingsbury, Ju2dtt that. Then he what never rain fall visited this section every day last week were succeeded sun- at 1 45 for 1 had, Webster had, favor of the authenticity of the Book of yesterday. The by tlilwaukec; closing prime; 148$ @ 50 for Jr., M. N. Rich, F. A. Waldron, C. W. Belknap, Mor- shine, and it is bo No 1 at 1 50 for No 1 Milwau- Wilmington. ard what Clay had, tbe magnetism and grace lightning burned Geo. W. barn thought there will little Spring; closing prime Ar 6tb. ship Alexandria, Brown, Ira Antwerp; sch Cyrus Nowell, Edmund Dana, Jr., and George A. mon, and curious speculations into the mean- Pettigrove’s done kee! 150 for No 1 158 for Amber Wes- that melts a million souls into his. When I injury to the crops. Minnesota; Emma McAdam, Murcb, Fernandina; J W Drisko, Harmon, and the undersigned, and five tons of at and two tern also bush No 2 last half LEONARD Attention ! saw him be was 66—lithe as a his of Greek and Hebrew names hay Machiasport, afloat; 32,000 Chicago Haskell. augosndlw G. JORDAN, Sec’y. Druggists boy; every ing found there- at at 140 Bangor. cows were killed at East August private terms; quoted 139$ bid; Cld sch Sea Allen, Jacksonville. in. Machias, owned by asked: No 2 6th, Dog, also 42,000 bush Milwaukee first half of Cld sch Portsmouth. A CARO for a or to or never The 7th, Hortensia, Larrabee, opportunity Druggist Physician Macready Booth him. Mrs. We have had one Cherokee Election. ttv X XU UU«U i'V » XU UIUKU IU 04- equaled Why, Pope. only pleasant UU^VVUiUVl 1V)WV sch F Portland. a paying Store In one of the .it would have Cld 9tli, Nickerscn, To the public or those a Refrigerator. I AN purchase Drug been delightful even to look at Fort I. rive soon at 1 51. Rye is quiet. Barley unchanged. 6th wanting smartest cities in New MINOR TELEGRAMS. day for more than a week. Gibson, T., Aug. 9.—The late elec- Ar at Delaware Breakwater inst, barque Helen have not time and do not agents to manufacturing Hampshire, is him, if he bad not at all: and all Corn—receipts 158.692 bush; the market is active at myself employ now offered. Handsome spoken you tion in the Cherokee nation for first and secoud Bosford. from Amsterdam, for orders; 6th, run rouud and shop bottles, black walnut The army worms infests and sales of 80 83c for Sands, dium up Customers, but sells my thought of was a greyhound. Then he had— President Orton no gardens fields, chief steady prices; 167,000 bush; @ John O Baker McCarty, from Antwerp; sch H aud ash fixtures, and a well selected and first class says proposition has been senators, members of the national and steamer for sail 75 ship Goods at Manufacturers prices, ami will simply say Western Mixed; @ 85}c do; @ iui stock of what so few American have—a voice and is destructive to like 83} U ntMWiiy, mmucB, uuui aiitjaguDi, uiucn, drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, speakers mrde to unite the Atlantic and Pacific Tele- very grass. Nothing grand council and for district officers off 78c lor heated Western 85 86c lor Yellow it they will call at Howell Morse’s, 20 Market fancy that sounded the passed Mixed; @ NEW YORK—Ar 7tb, ship Seminole, Holmes, San goods, etc. Will be sold at a For farther gamut. I heard him once in with the Western the of worms has been The result is the market is Square, and see my Refrigerator in full opperation bargain. graph Company Union that present crop known quietly. in doubt for chief, and Western. Oats—receipts 16,400 bush; Matthew as to address Exeter hall say: I send voice Francisco 108 days; barques Baird, Noyes, before it will be to their as the particulars price, &c., “Americans, my would be acoeptcd by the latter, there is so close that an official count he neces- very dull and held higher; sales 23,000 bush at 64 @ 14 buying, advantage, though since 1861. may Matanzas 7 days; Cleone, Maloney, Cienfuegos ds; of the merits I claim for It are all careeriDg, like the thunder storm, across the has been considerable talk to decide. It 69c for Mixed Western ;68 @ 72c for White Michigan. proof there and between leading sary is generally conceded that brigs Nellie Gay, Reed, Rio Grande 47 days; Anna R for themselves. S. B. GRAVES, Atlantic, to tell South Carolina that God’s Schooner Ashore at White Head, Hay is firm at 75 @ 800c for Hops are quiet speak stockholders of both companies. the present chief, William P. is re-elected shipping. Storer, Adams, Cardenas 10 days; Maria Wheeler, J. F. HIE are and to Ross, at 18 23c for new Eastern ana Western; 20 25c myl7sndtf RBI LI* Care of W. V. & thunderbolts hot, remind the negro Rockland, Aug. 9.—Schooner Suffolk for a second term of @ @ Grover. Matanzas 9days; schs Victor, Nickerson, Phillips C*., The brig Lockinvar, lost on the coast of Lady four years. Ross has a for do for New York. at 20c that the dawn of their is break- Coftee—Rio steady 17J @ Para, 28 days; Packard, Progresso 21 days; redemption was owned by I. G Allen of of HampdeD, Boston for Bangor, was reported majority iu the Senate and Council. The ma- gold for job lots 18 21c Pareppa, MB. d3w And I seemed to hear the answer come Brazil, Shelburn, cargoes; @ gold. Sugar quiet Ella Brown. Brown, fm Musquash, NB; B F Waite, DR. BICKNELL’S SYRUP, »u7_PORTLAND, ing." of tho local officers of the and a shade easier N. S. The loss is about $50,000. Both vessel ashore yesterday on Wheeler’s near jority Ross party are at 8 5-16c tor iair to good refining: New London. re-echoing back to London from the Rocky ledge elected. 8 7-16c for refined about at Aylward, and cargo were insured. prime; steady 10| @ 10} Ar Allred, Doanc, fm Liverpool; tySold by all Druggists for the cure of Bowel or Proposals. mountains. And with the White Head. Sho was full of for for crushed and 9th, barque brig then, slightest pos- water, lyiug 10} granulated; 11} @ ll}c pow- Orbit, Nash, Viquez; schs Coffin, Matan- proposals will he received at the office of sible flavor of an Irish Another unsuccessful effort was made Sun- dered. Molasses Rice Petroleum Speedaway, Summer Complaints, Dysentery, Dlarrhma, Cholera Chas. brogue, he would tell a and of etc. She is steady. unchanged. zas: Kain. Cat Island. SEALEDH. Kimball, Architect, No. 180* Middle to close badly, being stripped sails, heieokological Sunbeam, that would make ail Exeter hall laugh. day up rumshops and musical beer- is nominal ;crade at 5} @ 5§c; refined at 114c on spot Cld 7th, brig Wm Robertson, Peak, Barbadoes and Morbus, Colic, &c.,is purely vegetable, without a St,, Portland, Mo., for tho erection and completion story at a total loss. l* lOBABILITIES FOR THE NEXT TWENTV-FOCB and balance of cases at at of And, the next moment, tears were in his gardenc East New York. probably month; 15} 17; Nr.ptha Demarara: schs Susan P Thurlow, Tabbut, Penarth particle ot highly aromatic, a a Masonic Hall at Gorham Village, Me. Plans voice, Tallow is firm at 9c. Navat Stores—Rosin is opiate, powerful tonic, an old HOURS. 9}c. Anna P Port G B Mc- and specifications may be seen at the office of the like song, and five thousand men would Another person was drowned the under- Roads: Chase, Poole, Spain; pleasant to the taste, and guaranteed to givo imme- by firmer at 1 75 @ 1 80. Turpentine is firmer at 31} @ for Architect on and after 7th, 1875. All bids are be in tears. And ho never made an effort. tow at War JDef’t, Office Chief Signal Farland, McFarland, St Thomas; Chimo, Lansil, Aug. Rockaway Sunday. NEW HAMPSHIRE. , 32c. Eggs firm at 20} @ 22}c. Pork is firmer; sales diate relief. Prepared only by Edward Sutton, 0f l to be returned on or before Aug. 20. 1873, and are to You would go out of this hall, after Officer, Washington, D. 21 Bangor. hearing Chas. W. Sleeper left Lowell for Boston C., ; 350 bbls at 21 70 @ 80; 1000 bbls seller September Passed Hell Gate brigs Don from E. I. be endorsed: ‘‘Proposals for BuildiDg Masonic Hall Mr. or and tlirough Quixote, Providence, jy23sn3m Sumner, any orator, you would say, and August 10, (1 A. M. 11 21 70 @ 21 80. Beet is quiet at 8 00 @ 9 50 for plain for Hoboken lor at Gorham, Me.” Thursday morning, has not yet returned. New York Gottsnburg; Whitaker, **' ** “What a effort!” no man 10 00 10 75 for extra do. Beef Hams magnificent Well, Fears are entertained for his For New England, mess; @ firmer; Boston; schs Anna Eliza, from Port Johnson lor or safety. Declaration of Faith of new at 26 50. Cut meats middles at 13 PICTURES FOR 75 ; would never use the word effort with O’Con- the Prohibition dull; 12}c for Portland; Evelyn, Port Johnson for Portsmouth; CENTS. Druid has arrived at New and the Middle States, continued warm and city long clear. Lard is firmer at for old nell. I heard him twenty and 1 never Steamship York, Parly. 14} prime Ella, Harraden, New York for Boston; S A Payne, times, and Phoenician at clear weather during the with for new; 500 tcs seller for -fV-T saw him more than three at Farther Point. 9.—A of State day, light steam; 12} @ 13}c August do for Eastport; Pushaw, and Georgia, fm Hoboken times tho full Concord, Aug. meeting the to winds and at 14 1500 do seller at 14c. of his James Meade Central of southerly westerly stationary or 14} @ 3-16; September lor Bangor; R W Denham, do lor Salisbury. K. EASTMAN, | sweep power. You would get provoked was arrested in Brooklyn for Committee the Prohibition party of Butter at 19 22c lor 20 30c W. P. falling barometer, possibly followed unchanged @ Western; @ PROVIDENCE—Ar 7th, sch Altavcla, Joy, Irotn DAVIS’ NEW PHOTOGRAPH.GALLERY, WATSON, j that he did not, and you would robbing a man in hu own house. the state was held here this and the by light for State. Cheese at 5 11c. firmer 1875. say: “Oh, Sunday afternoon, raius during the night. heavy @ Whiskey Hoboken; Clara Fletcher, Sargent, Philadelphia; Gorliam, Me., Aug. 6, aug7dtd what a three men entered another declaration of was at 1 1 at 1 BOYD magnificent creature lie would be if he house in Brooklyn, following principles unani- 22} @ 23; closing 23. Montrose. Allen, Calais. BLOCK, would only but try!” But he would not knocked down Mrs. Knoll, tore a gold watch mously agreed upon: We believe in the legal Freights to Liverpool—the markot is firmer and DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR-Ar 5th, sch R M Result of the more Corn per steam at Corn sail at Corner of Middle and Exchange Sts-, “try.” and chain from her, and tried to escape in an prohibition of the importation, manufacture Conrcution Election Stilj active; 9d; per Brookings. Brown, New York for Bath. __ Wheat per steam at but one was and sale of as a Doubtful. 8d; 9}d. NEWPORT—Ar sch Charlie Dun- -rJ open wagon, captured. intoxicating liquor beverage. 7th, Steadman, you can get 12 Large Card Size Pictures for 75 cents* Mb, Beeoni:u at the We believe that no that is radi- Chicago, August 9.—Flour is scarce and firm. ton, GardlDer. Twin Mountain Three Italian assaulted anu tried political party N. 9.—Tho N. B.—Children iimlcr seven extra. tramps to Raleigh, C., Aug. result of tho Wheat irregular and active and firmer; No 1 Ar 8th, schs Wm Mclndoe, New York; jylOsnSw* House— The first of rob Priest Smith at cally divided upou this question can make or fairly Douglass. CARGOES OF PURE the Rev. Henry Ward Englewood, New Jersey, convention electiou is still doubtful. Returns Chicago at l 30}; No 2 Chicago sold at 1 23} @ l 27 on Kate Newman, Newman, Calais; Rival, Dunton, enforce any law for the suppression of the im- Beecher’s summer on Saturday, but lied when a woman of his from all tho counties show representation as the spot; closed at 1 26} on spot; 1 24} seller for Sep- Gardiner for New York. i. o. o. F. vacation sermons at the or an portation, manufacture sale of intoxicating No 3 at 1 house raised outcry, leaving him prone on follows:—59 Democrats, 59 Republicans,! In- tember;; do 118 (m 118}; rejected at 05 SOMERSET—Ar 5th, sch Nellio Chase, Norton, The annual session of the Eight Grand Twin Mountain House was preached We believe that the Democratic and I 06. Corn but some Worthy ICE, Sunday his doorstep. One was at the liquor. dependent Democrat, aud Cliorokee to @ gonerally unchanged, sales Baltimore. Lodge will lie held at Old Fellows’ Hall, in tho City Furni.bed and whipped by captured ferry. county 2 on A audience was Republican parties are so divided on which ratber lower* No Mixed at 70jje bid spot; 72e for VINEYARD-HAVEN—ArCth, brig Benj Carver, of on at 9 morning. very large in at- a drunken in radically hear from, heretofore had voted Demo- Portland, TUESDAY, August 10th, o’clock During fight Ashton, R. I., this as seller (5} 61c seller all the year: 67 Smart, from Weehawken for N. O. CRAW. made of question to make it impossible for either cratic. The Democrats claim that September; GO} @ Beverly. A. M. JOSHUA DAVIS, tendance, up the residents of the villa- Sunday, a Frenchman named Peter 25 they will 67}c for rejected. Oats irregular, but in mam J A Devereux; schs G D F King, of them uuder their present organization to ac- have four in the lower; Sid, brig Perry, Hatch, au3d7t* Grand Secretary. dec9’73_isdtf and ol the years old, was stabbed majority Convention. No 2 at 53c on the spot; 43} @ 44c seller for August; Sun, Ximena, Terrapin, Jachin, M L Varnev, ges adjacent guests hotels in tho perhaps fatally, by complish the object aimed at by us. We be- Rising Michael Ryan, an 20 36} @ 39}c seller September; 37} @ 37}c seller all the R Foster, Alquizar, Montrose, Cherub, Avon, Ruth JUST RECEIVED 100 CASES~~ Most of the inmates of the Crawford Irishman, aged years, lieve that all votes thrown for these parties as No 2 vicinity. who escaped. year. Barley quiet and weak; Spring at 120; Thomas, Mary Stewart, G B Ferguson, Harry Stew- I. o. O. F. at present organized and acting are not 1 21 seller for 112 seller October. L I) F and Fabyan houses* were brought by a only Yellow Fever. September; Rye is art, Harry Pcrcey, Wentworth, Loduskia, J The regular annual session of the K. W. Grand En- Wilson's Corned special thrown but that so in 2 Compressed Dwight Johnson, President of the Firemen’s away, they give just much easier and good demand; No at 83c on the spot; Willey. Yreka, A G Allen. campment of Maine. I. O. 0. F., will be held at Odd Beef, train from the Cfawford. One hundred and Trust Fort 9.—There 85 seller for Pork in aiul a choice lot of InsurancaCompanv, has been appointed strength and eucouragemeut to the liquor traf- Barrancas, Aug. has becu August. irregular but maiu is Ar 7th, brig Onalaska, Hart,New York for Trieste; Fellows’Hall, Portland, on WEDNESDAY, August no new cases of fever since at 21 50 on 21 55 21 Port eight vehicles came loaded with persons assignee in the case of Archibald Baxter & fic. Wo believe the only efficient way to pre- Saturday. Uos- higher spot; (gj 55} seller Septem- schs Kichmoud, Eaton. Johnson; Anna Eliza- 11th, 1875, at 8J o’clock A. M. Steward William E. Hill ber; 21 75 @ 21 85 seller October. Lard is and Georgetown for Edwin au3dfit* VERMONT AM) NEW YORK Co., the bankrupt grain merchants of New serve the present prohibitory law our pital died last night. quiet beth, Getcbell, Portsmouth; N. G. CUMMINGS, Grand Scribe. BUTTER. anxious to see and hear the distinguished pas. upou at 13 13 65 on 13 80 13 seller S Baltimore lor York. and secure elso is doing well. It is if steady 62} spot; @ 82} Tyler, Miller, Saco; Phcnix,Randall, statute hooks to its enforcement is Everybody doubtful for church. Not was September. Bulk Meats are very firm and holders Port Johnson Newburyport.. tor of Plymouth only the to vote with the Wo will there will be any more deaths. Tents, Flags, Boat Nails, Thompson &, Mayor Wickham received a letter yesterday prohibition party. asking higher; shoulders 8}c on spot; short rib mid- BOSTON—Ar 7th, sebs Abbie Pitman, Chase, Bal Awnings Kail, but the not uomioate or sustain 163 great drawing-room crowded, adjoin- from the Governor, approving the removal of any candidates for dles 11}; short clear do 12}. Whiskey is quiet and timore; Gen Banks, McFarland. Philadelphia. lOHMERUU NTKEET office who do not'most and en- firm at 1 Clh 7th, sch Amelia, Belfast. Covers, Canvass Letterings, ing piazza and corridors were thronged. It is corporation counsel Delafield Smith ou heartily fully The Alnbanin Election. 18}. Wentworth, y31_er. 44} Moseley, Baltimore. was City Rich- Republicans. for T wish to sell twenty-flve shares Slate Quar- prayer offered and the introductory hymns State of tions were harmonious. August ;39}c seller September. Pork easy, 21 50 Cld 9tb, barque Elmiranda, Staples, for Peuarth F A LEAVITT. Oirigo mond, Georgia and Russian at Liver- schs A "hare): were sung, the cash; 21 60 seller Sepember. Lard at 13 80 seller for Roads; Rokes, Rhodes, Port Caledoniaf M M mc3 sneoil ,, Jry»‘*“per fh;ue (par valuo $« per reverend gentleman announced Also eight shares iu at $60 as his text the pool. FOREIGN. September. Knowles. Dow. Machias. the Maine Slaio Quarry fifth and sixth verses of the The Illnck Hill*. per share value The Navarino has arrived at Receipts—8,000 bbls Hour, 41,000 bush wheat, 134,- NEW BEDFORD—Ar 9tli, sebs Como, from Slop flint Cough. (par at $100 per share.) third chapter of St. John. Mr. Beecher Hull. Lewis, JONES, began New York, Aug. 9.—A despatch from Fort 000 bush com, 1,000 bush oats, 2000 bush rye, 2000 Jacksonville; Palma, Weeks, Port Johnson. Address, (jim \ by describing the character fell from Dr. Morris’s of Wild Bedford St., of Nicodemus and Timothy Sullivan, roofer, the Laramie dated states that General bush of barley. SALEM.—Old 6th, brig Prentiss Syrup Tar, Cherry and Horc- No. 3 him from the in August 8th, Hobbs, Dodge, anSdlvv Boston. defending charge of cowardice. Atlantic mills Lawrence yesterday morning, with A British Banker on his Travels. bush wheat, 250,- Bangor. hound will in one ball tho he defined Crook, one compauy of cavalry, arrived Shipments—9,OOObbls fiour,120,000 cure^i cough time neces- Then morality and and and was instantly killed. 000 bush corn, 4,000 bush oats, 000 bush rye,750,000 Ar 7th, brig Manzanilla. Robbins, Calais lor New spirituality, there from the Black Hills yesterday. Rich London, Aug 9.—The trial of Alexander and sary to cure it with any other medicine. There is avowed his belief in the importance push barlev. London; schs Hattie Card, Moore, Pertn Amboy; in the World of both; Thomas A. Paiuo has been had been discovered iu Caster’s Gulch. William Collie, both of whom aro on bail on no Book Store discussed the relative values and appointed diggings Wm Flint, Pendleton, Port Albert, Dix, positively pulmonary disease that it will not cuic Cheapest declared for Rhode Island. A committee of tho miners the of sums of Toledo. August 9.—Flour is dull and unchanged. Johnson; Guager desired permission charge obtaining large money Calais. or alleviate. all cases 119 STREET. latter, as well as the former, to be Wheat dull and declined; closing weak; No 1 White greatly For of hoarseness,loss of EXCHANCrE indi£ of Crook to leave 100 of their uurnber iu the fiom the Loudon and Westminister banks on CM 7tli, sch Addie Hillsboro. to salvation. The Albert L. Dodge, wine and cigar merchant, Wabash at 1 55; Amber Michigan l at 1 45; Ryerson, Cousins, without regard to coal. peusable discourse occu- hills to their was a 49}c;new voice, coughs, croup, bronchitis, asthma, and whoop- 100,000 Bo.k. Chamberlin & of New protect claims. He will lay their false pretenses, brought to sudden stop seller at 1 seller 1 47 2 Red PORTSMOUTH—Sid 6th, sch Calista, Whitten, nearly au hour, and was successor to Dodge August 50; September ;No it has no and pied attentively before the this the announcement 1 1 New York. ing cough equal. Wo never knew a person Good Clorhx, Wnicbfi Jewelry ebrap. to. It was has made an for the benefit proposition government. morning by that Alex- Winter 1 50 @ 1 50}; new 35; rejected new at 07. listened followed by a brief York, assignment Ella. DC; who had used it hut that well done and of his Liabilities ander Collie had absconded. His bail was Com is dull and declined; closing quiet: high Mixed Sld7th,scb8 Mary Staples, Georgetown recommended It to others. Kepairing and Cleaning and then after taking up a col- creditors without preference. Rosebrook. prayer, thereupon estreated and a warrant issued for at 76c; seller September at 76}c. Oats higher ;grades Vineyard, Philadelphia. We aro prepared to guarantee Warranted. lection for the of assets $7000. of every bottle. Please purpose procuring addi- $20,000; Capture Ex-Treasurer Parker. his arrest. Messrs. advanced at damaged 65}c; No 2 seller for Au- Collie’s solicitor and Ser- 75}c; FOREIGN PORTS. call ami inquire about It. Trial size 10 tional copies of the Plymouthl collection of The danger in the lower is S. gust at seller September at 41c; seller October at cents. For ALBERT COLBY’S SONS, Mississippi thought Charleston, C., Aug. 9.—Treasurer Par- geant Ballentiue for the defence, announced 48c; sale and tunes for the accommodation of to be over. has 45c. At Yokohama 12, barque Ukraine, Mclcher, by A. S. Hinds, Preble T. G. Publisher, hymns The theory is that the flood ker, escaped from jail last week, where be their withdrawal from tho :asu. The July House; Loring, agMl and Hooh.eller.. those who the been vkJio prosecu- Lake demand. from New York, ar 3d. unv. and Federal W'orship here, services closed absorbed by the bayous, which were com- confined trial for tbe tion to Freights—no Exchange Sreot; C. L. G53 Con- was awaiting plundering declining proceed against William in for two bbls bush At Juno barque for Holt, with the singing of a hymn. paratively Receipts days—100 flour, 20,0U0 Shanghae IS, Almalia, Lowell, gress St, B. empty. state while iu office, was recaptured in Camden the absence of Alexander, the former was or- bush bush Oats. ;C, Woodman, Saccarappa; Dr Keen, Mr. Beecher to at this hous) Wheat, 9,000 Corn, 560 Padang. To Let, expects preach ball—Chicago Whites Cincinnati last and will be to Columbia iu dered to appear a month hence and the case for two bbls bush Ar at Genoa 5th Gorham; and E. P. J. W I 5; night brought Shipments days—100 flour, 6,000 1 inst, barque Adolph Engler, Weston, Fryeburg. SUIT of rooms without board. at No. every Sunday morning during his sojourn at Reds 13. irons. was 000 bush Corn, 30,000 bush Oats. Strout, New York. Apply adjourned. Wheat, Perkins & Co., General Agents, oclOeodtf A 17 DaufortU Street. mySldiat

tJim • Portland Delegation. Convention. these would be continued the He. O. Fitzgerald is to Portland Republican County meetings during coining NEW ADVERTISEMENTS INUSRANCE. AUCTION SALES THE PBESS. The Portland delegation to the Count; The Republican Count; Convention meets at rest of the encampment. again Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14tb, two Bev. Convention are Reception Hall, City Building at 10 o’clock this The afternoon 8ermou was delivered by days only, at U. S. Hotel. See him, if you AUG. 1875 requested to meet at the Ward O. BAILEY * CO„ TUESDAY MOBNING, 10, morning. It promises to be very full and more Mr. Pratt of Belfast. He took as his text can’t do better. au9-6t Please tell the people that you saw their F. room of Ward at nine Three, City Building, than usual interest is manifested in the result. xxii chap., verse 49: “But tarry ye in Advertisement in the PRESS, the circula- and Commission Merchants Luke, John Manning, advertising agent, New Marine Insurance I Auctioneers PBESS o’clock this Let there be a fall A number of were in town last until be with TBE morning. large delegates Jerusalem ye endowed power York, has given up the plan for conducting an tion of which, per month, exceeds 100,000, Salesroom 176 Fore Street, of Fes- from The was of the independent bis business will here- May be obtained at tbe Periodical Depots attendance. night. on high.” discourse agency,and (Oflce IS Exchange Street.) & after be done through the house of Messrs. senden Bros., Marquis, Brunei Co., Andrews, The following names were spoken of in con- events following the resurrection of the Lord, Geo. F. O. BAILEY. 0. W. ALLEB. Wentworth, Moses, ». B. Kendrick, and Chisholm P. Eowell & Co. the Brief nection with nominations. For Sena- and of the coming of and abiding with us of Bros., on all tr&iBs that run out of city. Jottings. pending Mr. Manning has valuable qualities in every- Regular sale ot Furniture and General Merchan- At Biddeford, of Phillsbury. The Winthrop people will try the islands to' tors, in the Portland district, Hon. F. N. Dow the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. The sermon thing that appertains to the preparation and For Schools. ATLANTIC dise every Saturday at salesroom, II# Fore etreet, At Saco, of L. at 9 o’clock Hodgdon, A is entititled to the nomination. In the was and well delivered in Mr. printing of advertisements. He has education, Singing commencing a. m. At of J. S. Carter. day. large party is expected. by usage strong phrased, ocSdtf Waterville, taste and a varied in a field No book can be better fitted to provide agreeable Consignments solicited. At Bath, of J. O. Shaw. Post Bosworth has voted to extend the use of the Western district, the names of Col. Hum- Pratt’s well known manner, free from extrava- experience special musical entertainment with Bros., and Stevens & Co. of activity. mingled instruction, At Lewiston, of French Cousins of and Andrew Hawes absurd than the Grand Army Hall to all regimental organiza- phrey Gorham, gances and appeals. The new arrangement will enablejhim to give GROCERIES AMD STORE FIX* tions holding meetings in this city. are spoken of. From the Northern district,the Mr. Inskip followed Mr. Pratt in an earnest even more care to the department in which he TUBES BY AUCTION. has special while the SONG MONARCH !! AND VICINITY. names of R. G. of and for the of interest excellence, thorough sys- !! CITY There was a patent street sweeper in opera- Scribner, Esq., Otiafield, appeal quickening spiritual tem of watching and checking adver- H. R. L. O. TUESDAY, Anguat 10th, at o’clock P. M., Philander Tolman are most and in the church. He denounced in and ordering, By Palmer, assisted by Emedsoe. 24 tion on Middle street yesterday. prominent, strong tisements, and the marvelous promptness with ON we shall sell at Rooms 176 Fore Street, a Stock New AdTertteenteau To-Day. PRICE 75 CTS. The at Bar Harbor, Mount Sat- both of these gentlemen have active supporters. angry terms the interference and lukewarm- which invariably meet jevery of Groceries, Ac. The Stock consists ol Barrels fog Desert, they pecuniary It contains tbo School Course, usual iu OF NEW YORK, Molasses, Chests Merrill of New and church cause to welcome Singing Flour, Sugar. Tea, Coilee, Tobacco, was the thickest ever known there In the Eastern district, Mr. ness of bishops high officials of the obligation, publishers every Church Music Books, with abundant exercises, etc., Starch. Mustard, Canned Goods. ENTERTAINMENT urday night, which the amount of business Cigars, Solces, COLUMN. men- doctrine of change enlarges and, in addition, a tine collection of cheeriul Easy Pickles, Toilet and Soane, and the steamer Lewiston, being unable to pro- Gloucester, is the only namejprominently with the holiness, [and declared, house of English Sauces, Fancy Moonlight Excursion—Chandler’s Band. coming through the Geo. P. Eowell & Glees for practice, thus rendering It quite as inter- Honey, Papers and Bags, with the others be in that at least bad the merit of Co. INSURE AGAINST Vinegar, together Seventh Reunion—1st, 10th and 20th Regiment. ceed, remained thero over night. tioned, though may presented. language esting as a good easy Glee Book. usual line of Sbelf Goods, Groceries, Fancy Goods, For of Clerk of D. W. Fes- that a million and a half of Ac. Tbe Fixtures consists of Show Cases, SPECIAL NOTICES. There was a car load of passengers from the the office Courts, forcibleness, It Desks, Will Believe the Baby.—There is no Musical Societies will bear In mind onr new CHO- Safe, and usual Grocer’s Tools. At same time, we Notice—The M. C. M. Crawford Houses at the White and C. Stone, of Methodists are from sanctification to-day Fabyan and senden, Esq., Benjamin Esq., kept mistake about it. Mrs. Winslow’s soothing RUS CHOIR, ($18.00 per doz.) by Di.Tourjec; also, shall sell by order of Manufacturer 100 Boxes Clothes Perkins* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mountains over the Portland and Ogdensburg Bridgton, are the candidates. Both have very by the influence of ministers who are leading syrup, for children teething, not only relieves Anthem Book ($1.50); both flue collections Pins. the for Choral Associations and for Choirs. V. O. BAILEE A CO., Auctioneers. For Sale—Tbe most Desirable lot ot Laud. able them “O God! Stir somebody,” child from pain, but regulates the stomach Marine Risks railroad yesterday morning. supporters. astray. my up and aug7 dJt To Let—A Tenement. bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, sof- Only The Heroes and the Leveretts will a For Judge of Probate, Messrs. H. C. Pea- he exclaimed. Indeed, he lost his head, Balloon Picked play quite tens — Up. the gums, reduces all inflammation, and FOR CHOIRS. ON — Legal Notice—1. of base ball at the foot of Elm street and D. Verrill of Hon. and foamed at the mouth while de- to mother and MORTGAGEE'S SALE game body Byron Portland, actually gives rest, health and comfort The latest Abbott Family School at Little Bloc. child. and collection of Church Music by the suc- of and F. M. of his The secret of his It is to univer- — Caloric Sale. Wednesday afternoon, at 2£ o’clock. C. A. Chaplin Harrison, Ray livering tirade. [excite- pleasant take, gives cessful compiler, H. R. Palmer, is OF — Engine—For sal satisfaction. Dr. Kenisou—Chiropodist. Yesterday was a good day for the hotels. All Westbrook, are the candidates who have been ment is found in the fact that a strong protest ! !THE LEADER ! Cargoes, Freights & Vessels United States Hotel—Portland. 1 named. is made conservative Methodists Not as nor as Fine Silver For Singing School—Song Monarch. of the houses show very large registers. The being by quite large expensive os other recent Jewelry, Watches, Church Music Books, it still contains a AUCTION COLUMN. Preble shows over 140 arrivals, including many For Register of Probate, W. K. Neal, Esq, against what they regard as the dangerous groat variety the year or y of Metrical music, Anthems, etc., etc., in addition to by xssagc. Ware, &c., Sheriff’s Sale—F. O. Bailey & Co. prominent people from distant cities. the present incumbent, andF. G. Stevens of dogma of santification, and that they are par- J. E. & the usual Singing School Course. L. O. KmeusoN Groceries and Store Co. Go., contributes a large number of Fixtures—F. O. Bailey & John Davis of Saco, formerly of the City Deering are named. ticularly vehement in their opposition to In- Sturgis tunes. -A-T AUCTIQIsT. whoso motives do not hesitate to Price $1.38, or $13.00 per D,x. Hotel, of Portland, was arrested in Saco yes- For County Treasurer, Lewis McLellan of skip, they ASSETS PHARMACISTS, Sold by all music dealers. Sent, post-free, lor re- shall, commencing on WEDNESDAT. MAIL, ARRANGEMENTS. an who has been to the busi- Indeed, some of them so far as terday for obstructing officer in the dis- Gorham, attending impugn. go tail price. WE August 11th, at 10 o’clock A. M., and 2| P. charge of his dutv. ness of the office for Mr. Hariliug, O. B. Dike, to denouuce the Old Orcharn encampment as a — DEALERS IS — OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. M., at Store, No. 13 Exchange Street, a Mortgagee’s CHAS. H. D.TSON & CO., Til Broadway, N. T. Stock ot line Gold Jewelry, Goldand Silver Watches. PORTLAND POST OFFICE. The excursion of St. Luke’s Society will leave Esq of Sebago, and Cyrus Cole, of Cape huge land speculation. It is a significant cir- Diamonds in Esq., Commercial and Bare and auglO d&w2w Plus and Kings, Solid Silver anq are mentioned. cumstance that the Methodist minister at Drugs Plated Ware, Ac., Ac. This is not a Stock selected C. W. GODDAliD POSTMASTER. State street wharf this morning at 1) a. m., on Elizabeth, prominently $16,003,584.74 for Auction but consists of Goods such as trade, For the names of Biddeford to two ser- J. W. YORK Assistant-Postmaster the Island Belle instead of the Charles Hough- County Commissioner, held, contrary custom, Chemicals, any first class Jeweler would select for tine Custom Horace r. muuKen, c,sq., or ueering, tue pres- vices in bis church and advised his CALORIC ENGINE trade. The Goods will be and are ton. Sunday, Lave on Land a largo assortment of guaranteed, Office Honra. ent Mr. Dividend to Policy Holders on consigned to os with order to sell. We hear that a hoy called at a house on Mun- incumbent, Townsend of Freeport, people “not to go trotting off to Old Orchard.” From 7.30 a m to 8.30 p m, Sundays excepted. BATII FOR SALE. F. O. BAILEE A CO., Auctioneers. and a William L. Prince, and Amos J. Osgood The evenintr service consisted of a praise and TOWELS, Sundays open for Carriers and General Delivery joy Hill yesterday left large bundle, pur- Esq., Premiums in aug9 dlt from 9 to 10 a m. the FLESH BRUSHES. terminating 1874, porting to come by express, directed to the oc- of Cumberland, arc among those mentioned for testimony meeting. Mr. Boolo opened THREE [HORSE POWER. City Delivery. HAIR MITTENS, cupants of the house. There was 65 cents to the position. meeting with a few well-chosen and inspiritiog and The public are requested to adopt the house door a safe and economical Groceries Store Fix- —AND — desiring light, the use of which will result in after the the clear- remarks on the of prayer, and then letter-boxes, greatly pay,and receiving money boy subject power, will find this what they increased in the of letters. to County Convention. PARTIES Engine just rapidity delivery contained old Delegates turned the services over to the of Mr. want. It cannot This machine is nearly tures, Free of letters Carriers will be secured ed out. The bundle newspapers. charge CHOICE SOAPS. explode! delivery by Gorham.—Hon. J. A. Daniel new, has the very best ot and the to the street and Waterman, It is that Mr. Boole will given satisfaction, by having them plainly addressed Inskip. hoped preach all of which will be sold at reason we in Douglass, Henry Mayberry. Charles A. Brack- very low prices. otter it for sale is because more power was Policy holders this Company obtain perfect se- BY AUCTION. number, The Gbain A. Otis and Ru- to-day. He is one ef the ablest and clearest required by the owners. curity, costing less than to insure in any other Com- No need call at the for all have New Elevatoh.—The grain ett, Beni. Watson, Purringtou person office, may A choice selection of This machine cost when new $750, and can now pany. mail matter left at their residences with- on Galt’s is now com- fus A. Fogg. speakers in the denomination, and it is always WEDNESDAY. Ang. 11, at 24 o’clock P. regularly, elevator wharf, nearly be bought at a great bargain. M., out risk or TOOTH BRUSHES, ON at store near west end of Deering’s charge. the last of Cape Elizabeth.—Jabcz Marriner, Fred. a pleasure to listen to him. A one-horse power (same kind) he seen Bridge, deliveries will be made in all the dls- pleted and will be finished by Sep- HAIR BRUSHES. Engine may LOSSES PAID IN near the Pottery, we shall sell the stock of Groceries Three daily, B. F. E. N. Wm. in operation at the office of FORD & Job TBIBTI DAYS at 8,00 and 10 a. and at 3.30 m. and tember. The work of the elevator is Harford, Pritchard, Perry, NAIL PERRY, AFTER PROOF. and Store Fixtures in said store, consisting of a cts, viz; m., p. building Atwood. E. H. Watson. BRUSHES, Printers. gen* n the business of Nos. and in Summer. era) assortment ot Family Groceries, portions 3,4,5,6 (the Mr. J. who Fryeburg COMBS, WALLETS, For turther address Fancy Goods, of the an additional at 1.30 under the supervision of D. Little, particulars, terms, &c., Toys, Ac., together with the Show Cases, Ac. heart city,) delivery p.m. Westbrook.—Capt. L F. Quinby, James PERFUMERY. FORD Sc PERRY. J. D. JONES, President. Scales, is in the of J. T. Moulton & Sons of J. B. John E. Collections employ Pennell, Dr. Stuart, Warren; A full assortment of aulOeodlw 49} Exchange St., Portland, Me. CHARLES Vice-President. F. O. dc and Charles DENNIS, Bailey Co.j Auctioneers, Are made on week at 7 and a. m„ and Chicago, architects and hnilders of elevators. Wyer Ayer, Boody. Letter from an Appreciative Visitor. days 11.30, SHOULDER BRACES AND TRUSSES. W. H. H. MOORE, 2nd VIce-Pres’t- auglO d2t at 1.30 and 8 p. m. On Sunday one collection at 6 p. The length of the elevator is 101 ft. 4 in.; the Brunswick.—F. C. Jordan, Isaiah Jordan, m. J. H. CHAPMAN, Secretary. Hon. Marshall Cram, Dr. John D. Physicians prescriptions prepared with groat care Portland, width, 53 ft 2 in., and the whole height of tho Lincoln, Aug.. 7th 187fi. United States Sheriff’s Sale. Me., July 26,1875. Hon. C. J. Gilman, M. G. Palmer. Fryburo, and sent to ail parts of the city. Hotel, feb4dlmoodllm&wCw Arrival and Departure of mails. structure, including the three story cupola, is Thinking that readers of the Press STURGIS’ DYSPEPSIA Cumberland as. Windham—.Thomas McDonald, Chas. R. many POWDER is ME. Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 1.C0 the most reliable article in the market for the cure of PORTLAND, on a Writ, and will be aeid at 107 feet On the west side of the bnilding Goodale, Albion P. Ayer, Wm. G. Sawyer and may not know what a charming village Frye- pnblie and 10.00 p. m. Close at 8.20 a m, and 1.50 and 9.00 Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Sick Headache, Heartburn ATTACHEDAuction, on FRIDAY, August 13th, at. 10 there is to be a dock elevator for caucus in- Hotel during the past year has been entiiely unloading Richard Maybery. The gave “no burg is we venture to a few of its and Sour Stomach. it and yon will never bo o’clock A. at the Auction Room of F. O. p. m. give tjiem Try THISremodeled and enlarged by the addition of 24 Iusure Life M., Bailey Boston and the West. Arrive at 5.00 p m. and another the east side for structions,” says a correspondent, “but a de- without it. Prepared ty your & Co., No. 176 Fora Street, in Portland, and said vessels, upon many points of interest. new rooms, also new dining room, reading room, Intermediate or Mails via Boston and Maine cided preference was exoressed for Messrs. County, the to wit Way ocean steamers and vessels. sample rooms and billiard ball, giving it a fallowing personal property Arrive at 1.00 and 8.00 m. Close at loading sea-going and Those who dislike to travel a distance capacity A lot of Trunkaand with Railway. p FessendeD,Peabody Hawes for the several long J. STURGIS & of accommodating 300 guests, making it now, with Valises, together material a m and 1.50 m. In the elevator there are 42 bins for hold- E. CO., WITH THE nsed in the Manufacture of Tranks. 8.20 p large positions for which they are named." these warm summer days, will find their jour- one exception, the largest Hotel in the It has Great Southern and Western. Arrive at 1.00 p. m. city. M. ADAMS, Sheriff. each 46 feet Within the build- P. B. T. been newly painted and frescoed, refurnished, (many Depaty and 12.30 a m. Close at 8.20 a 1.50 and 9.00 p. m. ing grain, deep. Bridqton—John Perley, Chise, E. ney over the Portland and road a F O. BAILEE & CO.. AacdsaMn. m, Ogdensburg June. Free and Sts. of the rooms with black walnut lurniture) and newly and routes. there are also three additional elevators for R. William W. Luther Congress Dated at 1875. Bangor, Mattawamkeag, connecting ing Staples, Cross, Billings, most delightful one. The distance is short and Jyl3deodtf carpeted, and is in all respects a new hotel, clean Portland, August 17, augiodst at 2.40 m. Close at 12.10 p. m. Geo. S. Isaiah H. Webb. For Arrive p. each a of 5000 Farnsworth, and and will be kept in all respects as a first Arrive at 9.00 a. receiving grain, having capacity the road runs a most bright, Augusta ana connecting routes. Stone for Clerk of Courts. through picturesque class hotel. Most centrally located in the business m. at 12.10 and 5 00 m. bushels. There to be in the build- AUCTION SALES- m. and 2.40 p. Close p. are placed country and smooth will JAMES L. WILLEY of the it otters to com- and the East. Arrive Caps Elizabeth—Jabez Marriner, Eben N. being extremely weary part city, superior advantages Express, Augusta, Bangor five Fairbanks scales for mercial men and parties. at 9 m. ing large weighing B. F. E. H. Fred H. neither nor mind. pleasure at 2.00 am. Close p Perry, Pritchard, Watson, body of the firm of Jones & Its table will at all times be with the & offices and the north. and steam shovels for and Formerly Willey, supplied MORGAN DOW, Skowbegan, intermediate the grain, the three large Hartord William Atwood. They will pre- Arriving at the station, the Oxford House choicest that the market affords. Arrive at 2.40 p. m. Close at 12.10 p. m. sent the came of Cole fir Treas- unloading the cars. These shovels will empty Cyrus County coach stands to take TIMOTHY Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, Skowhegan closed pouch closes at 9.00 p m. urer-all understood to be in favor of ready you to that well- WOLCOTT, Proprietor. intermediate via G. T. R. Ar- a of in a minute. In addition to the Peabody Fashionable Boot and Shoe eodtf Canada and offices, cargo grain for of Probate and for Clerk. kept hotel or, if you to be as fortunate Maker, auglO Salesroom No. 18 Bzekaage It, 12.45 m. Judge Fessenden happen rive at 2.20 p. m. Close at p boiler used in the old elevator there will be a LIFE HUM Morning Northwestern by G. T. R. Arrive at 8 45 a Standish—John L. Chase, John W. Welsh, as we are,to one of the real old fashioned coun- No. 16 Street, COMPANY, A. M. MORGAN. M. G. DOW. m. 6.30 a. m. new of The total Temple Close at engine eighty-horse power. W. H. Ward, and Gideon M. Tucker. A vote try farm-houses where, once feel Arrive at 9.00 a. Inside, you DR. Sales of Lewiston and Auburn. m., 2.40 of the whole structure will be 200,000 was passed that they attend the convention un- KENISON, Regular Farnltore. Groceries and Oman and 6.30 p. m. Close at 6.30 a m, 12.10 and 5.00 p. m. capacity perfectly at home. OPPOSITE ADAMS HOUSE. OF BOSTON. Merchandise every SATURDAY, at Salesroom No. and intermediate offices. Arrive bushels. In order to make the walls of the pledged. 13 at o’clock a. m. Rochester, N. H., The next morning your kind hostess points Chiropodist, Exchange street, commencing 10i 10.45 m. Close at 7.30 a and Raymond—Jesse William CHARTERED IN 1839. solicited and returns at 1.15 and p m, to stand the enormous Plummer, Bryant, Mr. Willey has resumed business as above, and is Consignments prompt msds. building strong enough a mountain deriv- Has at th. UNITED 15th. 2.00 p m. both for Fessenden and Peabody. onttoyou, “Jockey Cap” ready to serve his old customers, and would he rooms Portland, May mylSdtf North Conwav and other offices on the P. & O. R. pressure which they will be Bubject to, the out- new STATES HOTEL this week. Cumberland—John L. M. Prince ing its name from the fantanstic appearance pleased to meet many ones. R. Arrive at 1L45 a m, and 6.20 p m. Close at 6.45 with 2 8 inch and Wilson, Corns, Bunions, Warts, Bad Nails, side walls are built by planks and D. G. Blanchard. which the roots and at the а. m. and 1.45 p m. shrubbery top give Mr. Willey pays personal attention to the manu- etc., treated witbout pain. Office PURELlfjjlUTUAL. m. 2 Thus far By the Bridgton Stage. Arrive at 3 p Close at the inside by planks by 6 inches. it. The view from this eminence is said to be facture of Undies’ and Gentlemen’s Fine hours from 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., б. 50 a m. Boots and Shoes, and at prices LOWER than The oldest and most man- 800,000 feet of timber has been used upon it, County Commissioner.—We have received the finest in any Saturday ?. M. auglO(13t carefully Eastport, via each steamer. Arrive at 6 a m. the vicinity but owing to unavoid- other maker tor the same quality of workmanship. and 75 men have been Mr. Little a note from the of the town of Deer- Close at 5.00pm. employed. delegates able circumstances, we are not able to jy Repairing done in the neatest manner at is hereby that the subscriber has Deer Mount Desert, Mill- pro- given, aged company in the Castine, Isle, Sedgwick, tells us that as it and which states that the caucus of satisfactory prices been and taken upon herself country. ithis elevator, large is, ing, Saturday nounce it so from personal ju2dtf NOTICE duly appointed experience. the trust oi Administratrix of the estate of 6 a m. at 9 m. amnlv sufficient for all the work here, is small last was one of the ever held in DIREC TORSi Arrive at Close p largest the As every village has its Sunset Kock or Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island. Arrive Maine Central 7 per cent. Consols. WILLIAM BOYD, late of Portland, compared with those he has built in Chicago town, and that the delegation will present the Sewall Tapp James at 6 a m. Close Saturday at 5.00 p m. Ledge, so Fryeburg has its Pine Hill and we in the of and an, Sturgis, Thursday PRICE 95 AND County Cumberland, deceased, given Marshall P. Dwight Mails, via New York, day previous to sail- and some of the large grain markets of the name ol Horace F. Milliken, Esq., for County do not ACCRUED INT. bonds as the law directs. All persons Wilder, Foster, Conoiel, Foreign overstate when we say that the view having Charles Percival L. ing of steamers, Close at 1.50 p m. demands upon the estate of said are Hubbard, Everett, West, where some of the elevators have a ca- Commissioner. They add that Mr. Milliken deceased, George H. Nath’l J. Mails for Allan Line from Quebec close from this hill at the hour of sunset cannot be Statement of the Treasurer for the Year to exhibit the and all indebted Folgeb, Bradlre, Foreign required same; persons James S. Benj. Great Reduction m. of a million and a half bushels, has had much in matters and Ending Dec. 1H74. Amort, F. Stevens, Pres't. every Friday at 12.45 p pacity experience public exceeded by any in Maine. Below you see the 31, to said estate are called upon to make payment to SUSAN O. H. Administratrix. IN’ Foreign mails by Steamer. is deemed by the delegation and bis numerous Saco River Operating expenses.$1,281,681 25 BOYD, winding in and out among the vil- Portland, July 27,1875. aul0dlaw3wT ASSETS JAN. Mails will be dispatched from New York for the The Catholic Union Excubsion.—The well fitted for the Interest account. 569,138 47 I, 1875, friends, position. vu VIIO DIUO ituu United as follows: “hv-u' JkCiUOttl^O VUUbUlUUi Leases, rents, etc. 86,881 50 Kingdom Catholic Union excursion to Saco River 1. The Williams & Eagle lines—every yester- with a wide extended and tho For Sale. Guion^or Hep air of State Street.—As soon as this interval, villages 22 Tuesday via Queenstown or Plymouth—mails close was a success in every sense of the *1,937,701 most desirable lot of land in Poitland for a PRICES I day grand of and East in the 55 this office on at 1.50 p. m. work is done two of the will Conway Fryeburg fore- Gross earnings. 2,094,080 on at Monday, word. Three well filled trains left the Port- petitioners grass THEpublic building, or a memorial ball, situated 2. The Cupard line -every Wednesday via Queens- ground, Mount Washington in the Congress Street, in front of City Hall. Extends from $13,361,347.00. In order to keep our men employed we shall for ths over at their own expense the lot lying betwixt distance, Net earnings. 43 town—mails close at this office on Tuesday at 1.50 land & Rochester depot at 7.50 and 10 a. m., $156,379 Exchange to Market streets on Congress and about the whole horizon with its aud over nil I.i«- m. the sidewalk and traveled way one side of the gold, purple 80 feet on Market and streets. Hnrplu, p. and 1.30 m. When the last train arrived for Bonds bo made to the nnder- Exchange 3. The Hamburg American Packet Company, ev- p. crimson in the on the other Mt. Applications may For of NEXT street This will look well and will background; to Bankers and Brokers in the and particulars inquire SIXTY DAYS ery Thursday, via Plymouth, mails close at this there were more than 1200 persons on the prevent neu, any state, JOHN C. PROCTER. $1,365,000 Pleasant toward the at its base Messrs. HILL & Boston. rbii£*je;e^)r..a,C.““‘ office on Wednesday, at 1.50 p. m. wash. towering sky, RICHARDSON, CO., aul0d3w ground. The grove, which is a short distance Portland, August 9,1875. Annul Income. rell all kinds of 4. The White Star, every Saturday, via Qneens- Lovell's Pond with the neat little yacht “Por- 3,300,000 town, mails close at this office on Friday at 8.20 a m. from the was all day gay with a J. B. BROWN & SONS, station, happy Waterville Slate.—Experienced slate gus” floating on its bosom, and the en- Abbott School at Little Bine 5. Bremen line, every Saturday, mails close at lazily Familj and to whom Chandler’s Band workers and that the BANKERS. PORTLAND. this office on Friday at 1.50 p. m. joyous crowd, dealers say {samples sent tire village of Fryeburg; the whole forming a session of this well known school for boys lB-r.7iV;, 1,475,000 discoursed some of their finest music. In ad- dlwt2awtt will Batie of Gipcnm la A 81 n from the quarry begun between Waterville and beautiful picture not soon to be apr3 FALL begin September 6,1875. BuildiDgs, Equip- forgotten. ment and grounds unrivalled. For circulars aud Income. » 100 {!• II, FURNITURE dition to the the beautiful scene- pleasant ride, Fairfield, are as good as the.best ever About a mile and a half from the to Stated Meetings. imported. village are other information, applv Arcrage foreach Com- and there were many oth- $30,000 A. P. M. bnaiaeas AA 70 ry, pleasant rambles, Boston parties are examining the ground with some falls formed a few years since tho KELSEY, A., Principal. pany doing n by Farmington, Maine. aulOdeodlm in lieCnilcd Stale, MV lOO via A T RETAIL CITY GOVERNMENT. er attractions which the committee of arrange- a view to purchase. in the bed of the Saco. {'« change Though not To Loan on First Class mortgages Number of Policies ia- take (ft AAA The of the Council ments furnished. The amuse- — — regular meeting, City placo thoughtfully very wonderful or extensive well re- in Portland and Vicinity Balloon Picked «ued in 31 yeara. AT first of each month. yet they Up* OOjUUU the Monday evening ments were under the of Mr. M. E. Theft.—Howard of South Windham charge Wight one for the wa'k even if the walk itself in Sums to Suit, ten miles North Northeast off the The School Comm ittee meet the fourth Monday eve- pay up, by who his somewhat ardu- started for Boston on the boat to settle certain a large BALLOON with black stripe, of each month. Connelly, performed wero not as as it is. The PICKEDRaces, Ay^:r.“‘i”,,re4i‘.31145,000,000 ning pleasant country Real Estate 8 to 10 \vith basket attached. The owner can have the same ous duties to the satisfaction of all notes due last On his arrival Securities, paying per Amount of Death Wholesale Prices ! present. coming Saturday. level affords cent, iuterest free ol Taxes. in J. W. or being extremely many delightful ! Investments Real by addressing MOORE, Georgetown, Me., Claim, and Endow- Q O KA AAA MASONIC The dance was won J. in Boston he found his Estate in Portland and if JORDAN & Portlond. and jig by McGinty, who, pocket-book containing drives, and at almost every turn of the road Vicinity, judiciously BLAKE, paying charges. menu paid in 31 yeara J,50W,UUU We have special bargains in At Masonic Ho. 95 Street. made, are the best and safest modes of aulQd3t* Hall, Exchange we is a in that art. Mr. more than $600 was He it employing Amount of or believe, proficient missing. supposed come some view of moun- First class securities on In- Snrplna YOBK BITES. you upon charming capital. always hand. must have been stolen from his berth. Lamson seemed to monopolize things, carrying tain or river. terest and principal collected without charge. Guar- To Let. Blue Lodges—Ancient Land-Mark, first Wednes- antees title and in all its 6,500.000 off the in the sack and perfect ample security TENEMENT at No. 8 Casco to a day : Portland, second Wednesday; Atlantic, third prizes jumping match, Much more could be said of the natural Real Estate Loans. Real Estate Invest- Street, family Amtunt of Surplus to Wolfe Tone Association.—The Wolfe Tone without children. Rent $300. at the PARLOR SUITS Wednesday. foot races. The blind-folded wheelbarrow race, ments and Improvements made on commission A Enquire Association will make their annual excursion beauties of Fryeburg, but we fear it would ex- houec. anlOdtf Chaptebs—GroenleafK. A. C., first Monday; Mt. and on shares. Bankable paper bought and sold. nftrsrstSKs 575,000 —AND— which created much amusement convulsing the haust the reader’s to enumerate them. fall dne. Vernon, B. A. C., third Monday. to Lake Sebago to-morrow. A very patience with was wen Patrick exciting B. & S. second spectators laughter, by here for the Summer is an Council—Portland C. Masters, boat race may be expected and other sports. Sojourning Eng- G. R. The match was won DAVIS, A LARGE The great and apecial featare of the New Monday. Hurley. shooting by J. lish a of ASSORTMENT clergyman, graduate Oxford, England, England Mniaal I.ifc Inaarance Co. ia BUCK WWTCHJMBEB SETS Commandebies op K. T.—Portland, fourth Mon- the entire day not a dis- Riley. Throughout the Rev. Henry J. Carpenter. To him we Real Estate and Loan Agency, iUNON-IOBFEITABLE POLICIES. St. Albans, second Thursday. — — day: occurred to mar the The National Camp Meeting, OF Thla featare ia the right of the Grand Bodies—Grand first Tuesday in turbance pleasure enjoyed have been indebted for two rare Policy- now and Save Lodge, intellectual holder, made ao hy the law of the State of Buy Honey, Grand first evening in May; the excursionists BROWN’S BLOCK. May; Chapter, Tuesday by all, and in the evening re- treats in the form of lectures. The first oo27 Nln.sachusetts. Premium, Grand 3 p. M.; Grand Com- was 2peodly already paid Council, Wednesday after continue the Policy in force until are turned to their respective homes, having Fifth Day—A Fair Attendance—Hattie in some two weeks chose they mandery, Wednesday evening. given ago. Ho for his earned by the coat of inanraace. Pifteea Masonic Belief Association—Fourth Wednes- in one of the best excursions of Geo. A. & Co. participated the Camp. subject “Monarchism and Republicanism,’’ KIMBALL’S policies in Ihe New England Co. were paid Whitney day In every month. Tackle under this law the season. Too much cannot be ia 1874, amounting to Portland School of Masonic Instruction— praise given and treated it in a most manner. Blocks, masterly 937.000.00; which would hare been a 8econd and fourth Tuesdays of each month. to the committee of for the thor- NO. 46 EXCHANGE arrangements The second was delivered last night to an audi- total leas to the policy-holders, had they ST., ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITES. and efficient manner in which The fifth day of the Old Orchard ICE CREAM DEPOT. OR ROPE been insured ia any other than ough they per- Camp ence of those (IRON STRAPPED) company, first consisting largely spending the a Nlassachaeelt, Manufacturers of and Dealers In all Lodge—Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection, Meeting opened cloudy and but ere the company. kinds formed the duties assigned them. We feel cool, in thi3 New The offered to Friday. Summer vicinity, York, Boston TO TUG PUBLIC. ~ adrantages iaanrera by of Furniture, Feathers, A<%, Ac. Oouncil P. of J cond Fri- sure a munificent sum crowned their efforts in hour of preaching service the sun came out and this company ia Council—Portland and Portland being well represented. His amused himself the a behalf of the poor and the needy. during the day by throwing Having secured services of First Class Chapter Rose Croix de H.f third subject was “Richard Brinsley Sheridan,” and Cream and fitted out some First Class Chapter—Dunlap the most fervid down tho Maker, Geo. A. Ac Co. glances through Teams for the I am to furnish Whitney' Friday. he held the undivided attention of his audience business, prepared Age, Experience, Absolute Secur- yl6 (12m Consistory—Maine Consistory, S. P» R. S., fourth Personal. pine trees upon the assembled and Ice Cream of superior quality to Family suffering for an and Parties, Friday in March, June, September and December. hour a half. His style reminds one Picnics, &c. Plates and Spoons furnished to picnic Senator Morrill was in town yesterday. uuugiegauuu. xue uouuug sea-oreezes were of Gough in many respects. He has the same parties without extra charge. ity, Economical Management. I. O. 0. F. George Jones and Mrs. Jones of the unavoidably detained, much to the regret of Capt. aptitude for telling anecdotes and the same A i Odd Fellows' Hall, No. 88 Exchange Street. British Legation, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Gardiner, all. The morning audience was small, but Liberal Conditions of Travel, Res- dramatic power, but unlike Gough he is a man T. L. KIMBALL, Lodges—Maine, on Monday evenings; Ancient U. S. are at the Falmouth. those in charge of the the y A., meetings put Brotheis, on Thursday evenings; Ligonia, on Friday of the highest literary attainments. 16 & 18 Center St. idence and ol Dr. Small has returned from his great law of compensation into service and 86 EXCHANGE Occupation, venings; Beacon, on Tuesday evenings; Ivy, D., trip up We understand that he inpends to remain ST., R., second and fourth Saturday. made up for the shortness of numbers the country. by time in the United and OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Iron Sheaves in great variety with first and third Wed- some States, perhaps and the unconditional Encampments—Machigonne, Mr. Hayes O3good,conductor on the Portland length of services,—the prayer meeting in the my2I dtf or without Boiler protection guar- nesdays; Eastern Star, second and fourth Wednes- lecture in some of the larger cities. We would Bushings. anteed by the fllaftiiachuaotts Laws com- third and is ill at his grove two hours. The usual bine to days; Portland, first and Saturdays. Ogdensburg, seriously residence lasting meetings » TOIJ lVICIi PINO A make it in the suggest that the M. L. A. secure him for one Relief association—Every third Tuesday in North Conway. were held in the tents at six o’clock. The time PRICES ON APPLICATION. GOOD NEWS month. of their lectures, as Portland will miss a great dcod3m Rev. Dr. Ricker of Augusta, will soon leave between ten and half-past ten was spent by GOOD ASSORTMENT aug7 Benefit Association.—Board of Directors meet deal if she does not hear him. The first Monday evening of each month. Association the state for the West, where he will remain tbe congregation in singing and exbortion, and Safest, FOR — OF — first of July Sojocbneb. meets Monday evening January, April, for a month a in the hope to much by'tbe indefatigable Hughes iu canvassing for and October. two, gain a The and needed rest and strength. His duties as Secre- the Standard, paper for which he is solicitor, Damabiscotta.—An association of citizens I Cheapest, TEMPLARS OF HONOR. of the Convention will and the claims of which he never fails to press, of Damarscotta are a fine brick block Troy Laundry COAL tary Baptist Missionary building CONSUMERS. Street. At Templars’ Hall, No. 100 Exchange in the meantime be peformed by Rev. H. S. in season and out of season. “Independent as 66x90 feet, which will contain three fine stores The Best in the World. first and third in each The subscriber would call the attention of too Council—Maine, Mondays of Portland. a book agent” is a phrase of which he is a on the first and a fine hall Burrage floor above, 55x63 to month. _ public Temple—Forest City, No. 1, every Wednesday It is announced by a telegram that Mr. W perpetual illustration. feet, with galleries, which will hold over 1000 & Active 'energetic nnd reliable Agent, COllARS CUFFS wanted in evening. The tabernacle has not every City, Tillage and Town Cram’s Grate H. Turner, late Supt. of the Portland and yet arrived, and a people. The building will cost when complet- SWEETSIR & MERRILL’S in Maine. Improved Barr, has been horrible suspicion is fast ed for Ia.nraace or for Pobtland Temperance Reform Club—Head- Rochester Railroad, appointed Supt. gaining ground that Application, Agen- now to be seen at $20,000._ Eaundried lor cies may be made to tbe quarters in Fluent Block, corner of Congress and of the Boston and New York Air Line Rail- it has been gobbled up on the road somewhere, Parasols and a general assortment of Streets, Booms 9 and 10. Open and Fancy Goods and all marked Exchange day vice Geo. H. and is now in use as a circus tent. The canvas STATE NEWS. Trimmings, CAFT. SAWYERS evening. Business meeting every Monday evening at road, Bishop, resigned. down. 7 j o’clock. was not meant for that kind of gymnastics. 3 CEMTS EACH. BRANCH Office 133 Commercial Street. No. 75.— KENNEBEC COUNTY. OFFICE, Portland Typographical Union, Accidents.—Yesterday afternoon a horse at- The transient attendance was larger yester- 169 Second in each month. Rev. O. M. now of Middle Street. Saturday tached to a and hitched to an iron than on Cousens, Kennebuuk, re- We the This Barr is so constructed that it will never wagon post day any previous day except Sunday. *3na glye you warp, Maine Charitable Mechanic Association— cently of Hallowell, the well-known temper- ja!2eodly and hence its durability is unquestionable, and by First Thurs- in front of Wilson’s grocery store, on Fedeial Last week the audiences were made Corner of Congress and Casco streets. chiefly up ance lecturer and clergyman, is to take charge MIDDLE an arrangement tor intreducing the air through the day in each month. street, became frightened and commenced run- of those who come to participate in the relig- of Oak Grove Seminary, at Vassalboro’, the ST., tire to unite with the gaees en the top of the coal Men’s Christian Association- Corner fall term of will on the produces perfect combustion, thereby saving at least Young ning around the post In so doing be upset the ious services—and of reporters. This week which begin 31st inst. Congress and Casco streets. Every evening. wagon and started on a run with the two front there are more in The Journal says that on Wednesday last, as Genuine_Article. PORTLAND, MAINE, Knights of Pythias—Bramliall Lodge, No. 3 many sight-seers attendance, Twenty-fire Per Cent of the Fuel, an excursion traiu on the Maine Central, from >s Thursday evenings; Munjoy Lodge, No. C, Mon- wheels. Turning the corner of Market street who pass their time in about the sauntering bound for was BURNHAM’S or to anthorized in thi. evenings; Pine Tree, No. 11, Friday evenings Winthrop, Portland, passing aay Agent State. and b •• comtrived ta clean yanr dree with- ay the wheels struck one of the curbstones and in laughing at all that to Monmouth at full tLe t their Hall, Clapp’s Block, Market Square. grounds, appeals through Centre, speed, Charles Custis& Co., ant eprning the Furnace deem. one of the shafts. With sense of the train struck an on the Pobtland Army and Navy Union- Corner smashed the remuants their ridiculous, in luncheon-eat- elderly gentleman ADDRESS First in each shoulder, sending him a distance of about a Photograph Gallery, Congress and Brown streets. Tuesday of the he ran down Market and love come Please call at the above named Office and wagon pell-mell ing making—who to scoff and * month. rod. No bones were broken, but he was badly -IN- street, striking a horse of Oorey & Co.’s. He who certainly manifest no to re- Tbe 493 St. see for yonrselres. Portland institute and public library disposition injured internally. gentleman's name is Congress Building, Open and free to all from 10 to 1 was finally stodded on Fore street. main and pray. Tozier: be was crossing the track at the depot MARKET SQUARE. V. City ju9 istf C. TARBOX, 0 5 and 7 o 9. afternoon as the 3 m. train at the time tne accident occurred, and did not Yesterday p. The opening prayer of the morning service Club Ticket, at very Low Rate, Hold. Payson Literary Society.—Meetings every notice the rapidly approaching traiu. Z. was Commercial a was made the Rev. J. B. General for the State of SARGENT, Brown’s cor. Brown and passing through street, by Foote of Syracuse. Agent Monday evening, Block, The Kennebec Journal says that the plan to J. V. P, BURNHAM. Congress streets, at 7J o’clock. young man named Michael Foley tried to jump Mr. then introduced as the oi Inskip praacherj enlarge the Masouic Hall in that city so as to dccl5 eodlj Maine, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Library Association, Congress aboard. His foot near Mercantile slipped and he came the occasiou a Baptist clergyman, the Rev. make it one of tbo finest in Maine, will not A* ?* fe24 dtf in each mouth. Deliv- FULLER, Hall Block. Second Monday falling before the wheels oi the car; he, howev- Mr. of the succeed at present Manufacturer of PORTLAND. or ME. ery of books, 2 to 6, 7 to 9. day and evening. Levy Philadelphia, coupling intro- ME., BATH, with deathlike to LINCOLN Portland Fraternity—No. 353J Congress street er, clung tenacity the car duction with some remarks as to tbe charity COUNTY. aug2 MWFtf I'! Reduction in Prices! Every evening. until he struck against a pile of lumber at the and catholicity of the Methodist church,which The Waldoboro New3 says that Dr. B. F. G. A. the BOSWOBTH Post R.—Meetings every Friday head of Commercial him to lose rather Lancaster, popular surgeon dentist of Wis- corner of and wharf, causing sounded oddly considering that the evening in Mechanics’ Hall, Congress casset, has succeeded in an improve- CUT GLASS REDUCED RATES his As he fell the weel of the car making VARNISHES Casco streets. grasp. just Methodists have just refused the use of their ment which will be a to those are blessing who — — Good Templars—Ar- ADD ( TO Independent Order of grazed his shoulder. He fortunately escaped grounds to the Universalists. Dr. Lew steDDed obliged to wear artificial teeth. It consists of a FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, SHIP’S Hair Switches Forest City cana, Monday; Mission, Wednesday; golden surface to the Dlate. the "old being so New street. Mystic, Thurs with a few injuries. fotward, returned his warm thanks for the ten- CABINS, &Cf &c. Boston, York, Chicago, St. Louis, in Williams’ block. Congress incorporated into the surface of plates of rub- lower than hare erer been sold at Sons’ of Temperance Hall Congress St dered and San Francisco, and all points West, they day, courtesy, congratulated the congre- ber that the whole surface contact with the undersigned is now prepared to furnish cut Iron at West End. Base to there before. Clad, Thursday, Ball.—Contrary expectation the of Christian mouth THE either white or enameled in via all tbe Rail and Steamboat Lines. No gation upon spirit love and is golden. glass, any quantity JAPANS, of America—Camps Patriotic Order Sons will bo no between the Live Oaks and the and at the shortest notice. game which is so And Dealer in A nice from 24 1,3 & 4 convenes over the Eastern Express Othce, charity widely prevalent to day. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. The workmen are men of experience and Switch, to 27 inches on employed Portland & Rochester 1 on evening; No. 3 Resolutes this afternoon. A telegram was re- are as Tickets Plum Street; No Tuesday He selected as the morning reading lesson 1 The Whig says that lato skilful as any in New Engladn, and all work is long, only evening — — No. 4 on Monday evening; No Saturday TO Wednesday evening; ceived from them that were un- was warranted to give satisfaction. MACHINERY, Elizabeth, yesterday they Cor. xiii and said that entertain- Mr. Levi B. Patten set upon by a couple 2 at School House, Turner’s Island, Cape chap though Glass signs aud tableware cut and engraved to any tVorcc.ler, Hartford, New able to come cither or this week. of men while walking Somerset street, Springfield. Friday evening. to-day the for the along design of letter, name or wreath in the best manner. Haven, New and ing highest respect beautiful and would have fared at their bands had York, Philadelphia, A club has been organized in Lew- badly A variety of new and original designs lor Door, SPERM, LARD, Washington at a redaction. professional and finished translation of James he he not made so an King vigorous outcry and resist- Ship and Car lights, may be seen at my store or may and on a basis similar to that of the Graf- the very best only Mutual Belief Association of Maine.— iston, should take the liberty of substituting the ance that they soon took to their heels. be hail on application by mail. BURNING, AND WOOL MAINE CENTRAL TICKETS tons. Live Lowells and others in Massa- iVKy term* ore a* low as can be obtained annual of this Association wis Oaks, word love for whenever that occurred The Whig says that two men who gave their The meeting charity in the country* and lest than fare. and a has been enclosed in the names as Robert White and .John Lewiston,Augusta Bangor regular held at Odd Fellows’ Hall last evening. From chusetts, ground iu the chapter, deeming that “love” better ex- Thompson, $ 6 O I centre of the The Chelsea club of Chel- and who claim to be from New Hampshire, BOSTON BOAT TICKET!!. ._0 the and Treasurer we city. the sense of the the reports of Secretary pressed original. He an- stole a hand-car at Olainon station and bad run C. H. FARLEY This i« also Ike place la hare Hair sea has been weakened by the engagement of warea aad made the following:—Amount paid out on the nounced as his text St. Jude, I chap. 21st verse: it up river about twenty miles when they were OILS. ROLLINS, LORING & ADAMS, iala Switches aad Carle. gather 4 Portland Mutrie, Piggott and Southwick, their short- to clear the track for a train. They Exchange Street, death of six members the past year, 85,1)83; “Keep yourselves in the love of God.” The obliged apaadtf No, 32 Exchange Street, Portland. second and third basemen, the Au- were subsequently arrested and brought to this PRICES LOW ! at last annual meeting, 308; pres- stop, by sermon was delivered from manuscript, was a 208 FORE STREET. Jy3dtt membership city, and on were seut to in de- droscoggins, as the club is called. The Bostons Saturday jail ent membership, 1,326; amount paid at first noble plea for Christian tolerance and charity, fault of $200 bail each. Fireproof Roofing Paint. jne2t d6m will visit Lewiston in September, and other P. death, $767; amount paid at last death, $1,245- elegant and logical in style, and in refreshing YORK COUNTY. REFRIGERATORS ! J. SMITH, Massachusetts clubs will make trips there dur- The best and cheapest Snow & Davis Patent Several amendments were made to the by-laws, contrast to the harangues in favor of the holi- F. W. Guptill, Esq., is to bo deputy collector Slate Hoofing Paint for Shingle. Tin and Iron WEDDING CAKE. the season. In all which will in the new The ing ness The “araens” which of customs at Saco, to till the vacancy occa- Roofs, also for cheap outsido work, sold by the gallon are prepared to furnish Wedding Cake of Styles, Grades and Sizes. 553 1-2 Street. appear by-laws. dogma. occasionally or Congress sioned by the resignation of T. H. Cole, applied by WE tho best quality, in large or small quantities, au4 d2w officers were elected for the ensuing him were novel to the Esq., as we The and best following interrupted preacher,and of the positiou. and were awarded two premiums and two di- largest assortment in the State, com- Family Jars.—John Garuou, now of Bos- J. N. McCOY & plomas by the Cumberland and biuiug all tbe latest called year:—H. A. Shorey, Bridgton, President; not a little embarrassing. IN GENERAL,. co., County Agricultural Improvements, AND B01EDEBS. was at Old Horticultural Societies* Fair in we think we TO CABFENTEBS N. H. Vice-President; ton, once of Biddeford, Orchard for ilH Spring SI., Portland, 1871, Colton, Bangor, Byron The usual meetings, prayer, testimony, Patents have been granted Maine citizens as can safely pledge ourselves to give satisfaction. in search of a woman whom he ca'ls THE at the Hoofing In Boston and Kimball, James N. Heed, last night took the recess. follows: D. Milo, E. ROOFERS AND PAINTERS. PEERLESS. long experience Bridgton, Secretary; juveniles, &c., place during Gilley, lifting jacks; S. A. ULMER & other cillJS where first-class work is She insists that the rank is brevet A. 1$. Jy2* dtf SON, MY large Peering, Treasurer. his wife. AFTERNOON SERYICE. Hodgdon, Springvale, anvils; Weeks, Oft'i C/Oiaj(rc»n Street. It Is euables me to slate or tin roofs in the best lime unsurpassed in Simplicity, Eaae of Man- done, that the marriage between thorn is Rockland, kilns. N. B.—We make a specialty of Wedding Cake. manner at a cost no greater than that of good only, aud Before the beginning of the preaching ser- agement, Durability, Dryueu and Parity shingles aug6 d2w* of Air and and a slate roof notouly appears much better, but Beal Estate Transfers.—The a She came to the beach yes- Southern Pine ECONOMY of ICE. following of brevet order. vice in the afternoon Mr. read several Flooring. Wnolesala increases the value of the building more than the Inskip and Retail at Manufacturers’ Prices. and is less the real estate transfers recorded iu this known as We aro see cost of slating, likely to take fire, and are terday with the person familiarly for “A sister desires pleased to that G. C. Shaw of the Cheaper thau any other. Can get a better article requests prayers: prayers 300 M. Dry 1 & 11-4 Inch LAJDIES’ by the rain water In good condition for house- after. Ho china tea store will BELTS. buying of manufacturer or agent. Don’t tail ot be- preserves county yesterday. “another,” and John came posting for two brothers and two nieces under open uuder the City Hotel hold &c. Catholic ing convinced of this fact before buying. purposes, of land with situ- an assault the most first quality flooring, G. B. BROAD A CO., Portland—Lot buildings, found her at the depot and began “A comodions an l best arranged retail SaleNroom corner of Crou and Fore Sts., T. C. COOPER, from —Roman Catholic—influence.” sister de- ated on Wilmot street, Josiali Jones to She For sale in lots or car loads at Prices. of Ladies* Belt under Commercial House. Rear of upon her feelings by bursting into tears. sires the to that she tea and grocery store in Maine. He, by dili- Cargo Belts, Manufactory Sltle and Mr la I Roofer, Buth Cornish. Consideration 81.00. people pray may be sanc- MANUFACTURERSClasps and Buckles in Horn No. IO Cross Street. J. W. Nickel, Silver, Resident, E Street, Kniahtrlllc. of land Irom Beujamin W. didn’t melt worth a cent, but got up and left “A sister desires for two gent attention to business and fair dealings DEEDING, and Hard Rubber. Gray—Lot Leigh- tified,” prayers sisters, Order Box at J, J, Lapplns, Grain Store, No, I Webster. and with an ‘110 Commercial Street, Fool of Centre St. J. F. MERRILL, ton to Wm. H. Consideration 8150. him. He followed her to the grove, seized and a father.” The mention of appreciative public, has built up the BROAD’S Patent Shawl York Street Portland. S. a brother, this Straps. jyjldlm* Lot of land from Winfield Leighton to the finest retail nel2 eodtf Leather Work of all MAWB. ber by the arm. Sho shrieked “murder,” heathen caused one trade of the kin l in Portland. We Fancy kinds. Beniamin W. Leighton. Consideration S150. family sad-looking man, my26’74dtf_PORTLAND, a recommend ltfl 1-4 FORE, COR. MARKET KT. FOR SALE, Bent. W. Leighton & als. police came, and ho left without bidding on the front to and our readers to give him a trial. Fop Sale. Lot of land from sitting seat, groan aloud, jne25 eod3m 8500. train for Portland. His show wo when Vermont Copperas, to Wm. Webster. Consideration formal farewell, taking the reminded the reporters of the eleven obstinate windows, understand, WELL ESTABLISHED Wholesale Business. Steam Engine and Boiler A It is the only one oi the kind in the state. For FOR as well as best She sought refuge in the Gorham House, stated completed and filled with groceries neatly BEST DYEINO, horse business jurors. Mr. Inskip that he had received artiaulars inquire of DISINFECTANT known. Better than ftpHE ENGINE an npright of about six M. C. A.—At the monthly THE of about Mr. marked, will not be equaled by any in this city, RUFUS DUNHAM, CUlo. and odorless. Uso in A power, aud an Upright Tubular Boiler were elected to a note from M’Donald, announcing that TOILET. Lime, cheaper solution. seen In meeting twenty-one delegates IhcurocKKTS.—Officers Durgiu and Steven8 218 Fore Street, Portland. double tho power of tho engine. Can bo is more comfortable and nor surpassed by any in Boston or New York. Convention. Mr. A. Little was of Saco, arrested at Oid Orchard Mrs, M’Donald doing mrrt8tf YACHTALAEM. HOWE & operation in the basement of tho the Bridgton yesterday On the 14th of they will be worth GOODWIN, and Thomas as well as could be expected. He also an- day August OO Tons, thoroughly and furnished. Peake Building, elected a life member of the Association, Higgins ot Lewiston, and John Lee of equipped GENERAL AGENTS, going to see. Bonds and Mortgages. 40 Has superior accommodations. Will be let Corner of Middle aad Market *1., and Lawrence, on nounced that the tabernacle had arrived, and Bev. Messrs. GibsoD, Morgan, Bradlee suspicion of picking the pocket selected Westerj Municipal Bonds by the day or week to responsible parties. Apply to Nos. 11,12,13 India, and 52 Central Sts., Boston. WILLIAM L#«fBLL. as soon as He also ““ McWbinnie active members. Mr. E. C. of Robert O’Brien of Biddeford, of five dol- would be pitched possible. It is best to buy your fruit jars of B. Adams CAREFULLYand Real Estate Mortgages and Trust Deeds. Jne28 Collections and F. €. ALLEN, DYEWOODS, COCHI- is a hard a in the & 140 corner Federal. Inquiries, Remittances promptly at- INDIGO, Chamberlain was confirmed as lars. Higgins ticket, and has served appointed testimony meeting grove Son, Exchange, of tended to. Superintendent ! CHARLES M. HAWKES, No. 8 market Street, or on Board, NEAL, ANILINES. PRINTING of every description neatly in the and Baid that 1 of the Allen’s Corner Sunday School. two terms in State Prison, for six o’clock evening, aug 7-d&wtf augl7TuTh&Sly2ap MMiddleSt. Jy20 dtf oc2S dly 1 executed at this URce. -1 _POETRY._ REAL ESTATE. | _MEDICAL _MEDICAL. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. The World’s Fair, 1876. Valuable Real Estate to For Moth-Patches, BOSTON Portland & Rochester R. R. Freckles, AND — For the lslands. j. B. Boston by LOWELL, Lease. AND TAN, ask your Drug- Arrangement of Trains, commencing & Maine gist for Perry’s Moth and May 3, 1875- Boston & Maine Railroad will IcaBO all their Freckle Lotion. It is reliable. PHILADELPHIA The Peaks’Island Steamboat Co.’s, THEvacant land on West Commercial Columbia, what she should Commercial, For on the passenger puzzled display and Reach Streets, will also sell lots on Danfurtli Pimples Line. TRAINS FROM PORTLAND; Of true home-uiake on her centennial Steamship Steamers Gazelle, railroad. day, Stroet, near Cassidy's Hill. Inquire of 7.50 A, M. for Rochester, Nashua and Asked Brother Jonathan; he scratched his head. Face, JOHN C. PROCTER, Blackheads or Worcester connects at Rochester with down Whittled awhile and Fleshworms, Leave eaeh port every Wed’s’y & Sat’d’y CAPT. A, S. OLIVER, reflectively, said, augidlm 93 Exchange Street. use Couie- trains on Eastern and Boston «& Roads Summer Your own invention and own Perry’s Improved — AND — Maine, making, too? done and at Nashua with Express Train tor Lowell Arrangement. Why, any child could tell what to Pimple Remedy— ye do; or \o and in Boston at 1.30 P. Show ’em your civil House lor Sale. I the Great Skin Medicine, Wharfage. Boston, arriving M.; service, and explain I at Junction with ON AND AFTER How all men's loss consult From Wharf, Boston, 3 p.m. connecting Ayer Expresn is everybody’s gain; of lato Thomas Barker; to close Long EXPRESS, Train for and THURSDAY, Show From Pino Street Phila- Fitchburg floosac Tun your new patent to increase your rents HOMESTEADthe Estate. to JOHN C. » B. P E K It Wharf, Apply PROCTER, R. IT, 49 Bond Stroct. New York. in. nel Line, and arriving at Worcester at 2.10 P By paying quarters ior collecting cents: 93 Street. delphia, at 10 a. CAPT. B. C. DEAN, AUGUST 5, ms, Exchange jy23d3w myl cod&w4m one half the M.. connecting with trains South and West. Show your short cut to cure financial ills Insurance rate of 3 HO P. ill, (N lea in boat Express) Train with By current sailing vessels. On nuil after AND I NTI I. FOBTBER making paper-collars hills; Thursday, July lit, Room Car attached, connects at NOTICE, Show new Valuable Real Estate on for R. Drawing your bleaching-process, cheap and brief, Middle SEA CAPTAIN CURED THE GREAT Freight tho West by tliePenu. R., and South Westbrook Junction with trains of Maine To wit: a chosen will run as follows:—Leaving the end of Custom Passenger Train* will leave Portland for jury by the thief; by connecting lines forwarded free of Commission. Central Road from Show state show Street for Sale. —OF— House Wharf daily (Sunday excepted. Bangor, Rockland, Lewiston, Bo*iou at 6.15, 9.60 a. in., 2.35, 6.00 p. m., your legislatures; your rings; PASSAGE TEN DOLLARS. &e.; at Rochester wiih down trains on Kite- And challenge Europe to produce such Steamer Cazelle will leave for Evergreen and arriving nt Koatoa at 10.50 a. m„ 1.15, 7.00, things aud central For or tern and Boston & Maine Roads; at at Ar officials half in milAT very valuable lot of vacant land Freight Passage apply to Jones’ at 9 and 10.30 a. m.. 2 and 3.30 ni. Epping 16.00 p. m. ICcfuroing. Irare Boston 8.30 high sitting sight Landing p. for Manchester and Concord; at Nnsbun for To share the and to fix I known as the site of Wood's Hotel, situated on E. B. leave at9.30 and It 30 a. ID., 12.30, 3.30, 6 00 n. m., arriving at Port- plunder things right; NAWPJfON, Agent. Returning, Evergreen Landing Lowell and Boston: at Worcester with It don’t Middle street, between Silver street and Willow and Jones’ Nigh land at 8 m. that fetch her, why, you only need RHEUMATISM. jn23-iy 70 l.ong Wharf. Uo*ton. a. in., 2.30 and 5 p. m., Lauding at 9.45, Haven and New 12.45, 5.00, 00,10.00 p. now ollcred for train for New York To show latest iu sires*. is sale, including all the inter- a. and 5 30 m. Sprlngfielu, Por l.owrll at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 2.35, 6.00 p. id. your style martyrs—Tweed; m., 2.45, p. and to New London witheu it hard to her est which the esiate of John M. Wood lias in the for goes through Por Concord anil Manchester Markot She’ll find hide spiteful tears Steamer Express will leave Cushings’ Island with (via to be sold under license change of enrs, connecting Steamers a. At such advance in one poor hundred years.” promises from the Probate I and Jones* Landing at 8.45 and 10 a. m.. 1.45 and Junction) at 8.15 m., 2.35 p, m.; (via Imwreuce) and all the BOSTON ^TEAMEIis7’_ of the Norwich Line for New ar- at Court, interest which the subscriber has 3 m. leave Island at 9.15 York, 9.00 a. m. —New York Nation. Remedy p. Returning, Cushings’ the next iu time for English there in the same. The lot early morning Por contains about nineteen (19,000) MUST and 11.30 a. m., and 2.15 and 5 p. m., and Jones’ riving Ureal Fall* at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 2.35, 6.00 thousand the morning trains South and West. m. square feet, having a front on Middle street SUMMER AKliAHGEMEST. Lauding 9.30 and 11.45 a. and 2.30 p. m. p. ra., 4.00 P, ill. for Rochester and Way Sta- of about ninety-seven (97) feet. All the foundation The an For Portsmouth Dover) at 6.15 a. m. THE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Steumo Express will make early trip daily, for (via and material now on the lot will the tion* connects at Roehester with trains Por be sold (except The Superior Sea Going Steamers leaving at 7 a. m. Returning, leave Joues’ 7.15 and Bochcslcr, Farmington and Alton present board fence around with the land. Alton and Wolfboro. a. the same) Cushings’ 7.30, and an evening trip after July Bay Bay (via Dover) at 6.15, 9.00 ni., 2.35 p. in. Most of GRIN Balm 6th, O.2o P. J9I. for Gorham, Por Old Adams’ Nlablt, iu Cincinnaii, the basement walls are in complete order for The Cordial of at 7.15 m. leave Jones’ Laud- Orchard Beach, Biddeford and Gxptcu Syri- leaving p. Returning, teamboat Train leaves New Lou- re-building. at 9 m. Express War Nlnuon* at 6.15, 9.00, 9-50 a. m 112.55, The number of horses at the stables ing p. don from Line Steamer ats 5 A. kept Parties desiring to treat for the property are re- Norwich UL, 2.35, 3,40, 6.00, 9.15 p. m. is fifty-four. Four bostlers attend to these. quested to call on the subscriber. AND Fare Down aiul Back 25 els. and from Worcester at 8 A. Ml., connecting Por Kennebuuk and Way Stations at 8.15, at with afternoon at 4 o’clock a. m. of JOSEPH ILSLEF. cum and Tonic Pills. Westbrook Junction 9.00 a. m„ 2.35, 6.00, 9.15 p. m. Promptly the watchman Maine 1875.jy!3tf Children Half Price 10 mingle trains going East over the Central Road, Por Camp Uronnd at 9.50 a. in.. 12.55, the stables to each horse ears of July 12th, passage 6.15, gives eight lickctN 81.00. and arriving in Portland at 1.18 P. M. 3.40, 6.00, 9.15 p. in. Trains leaving Portland at corn. about five the hostlers BEAK Train leaves Worcester at4.‘15 P* 9 00 a. m. and Then, o’clock, Arrangements for excursion or can Express 2.35 p. m. and Boston at 6 00 p. m. HOUSE FOR SALE. private parties with Express trains leaving do not commence their duties. Of those under the be made at the othce on the Wharf. ML, connecting stop at Camp Ground. Albany at 10 A. M.t and New York at 10.00 For the accommodation ot care of each, one one is led to the water- Judc 29. 1875. ju29dtf Old Orchard travel, ad- by House and Lot, 15 Winter Street. House Nervous A. M. arriving in Portland at 10.45 P. M. ditional trains, stopping at all stations, will leavo and to summer Debility. then the This 12 are sold in and ing trough urinary. BRICK2$ story, furnished rooms; Kitchen IT. FOREST CITY AND JOHN BROOKS, 1875, Excursion. 1875. Through tickets Portland, baggage Kcnnebnnk for Old Orchard and Port- consists of a pit sunken ten or twelve inches and wood house attached; good Cellar, Sebago water, checked through to Nashua,Manchester,Concord, land at 7.20 a. m.; Biddeford for Old Or- brick cistern, furnace, gas will, until farther notice, run alternately as follows; New York Norwich below the level of the basement large thoughout. Healthy THE Lowell, Worcester, by line, chard and Portland at 11.30 a. m., 2. 15, 7.00 ground floor, wide lot aud situated with Leaving STEAMER. and to location, pleasautly plenty However obscure the causes may be which contrib- Springfield Route, and all important p. m.; Biddeford for Old Orchard at 11.30 a. and kept compactly filled with sawdust and of sunshine. CHARLES M. H AWKES. points South and West. ute to render nervous debility a disease bo prevalent, FRANKLIN in., 2.15, 5.00, 5.40,7.00 p.m.; Old Orchard for short And it is a remarkable fact WHARF, Portland, CHARLES HOUGHTON ISr*Tiekets can be of BARNES BROS., at 10.27 a. shavings. affecting, ns it does, nearly one half of our adult pop- procured Biddetord m., 1.32, 4.14, 5.20, 6.10, 10.00 ju9__dtf at 7 o’clock P. and INDIA 28 and at the that a horse in this stable scarcely urinates ulation, it is a melancholy fact that day by day, and Daily, M„ will leave Portland Pier at 0 and t0.30 A. Exchange Street, Depot. p. m.; Old Orchard for Kcnnebnnk at 10.00 7 M dally M., WM. at this HE GRINS WITH JOY. year by yoar, wo witness a most increase ot WHARF, BOSTON, daily at F. and 2 and 3.30 P. ti. TURNER, Supt. p. m. excepting place, especially iprepared For Sale. frightful M., for dtf nervous affections from the to the (Sundays excepted). my3 for him. When horses come in from their and one half framo Lexington, Mass., June 23, 1873. slightest neuralgia Peakes’ story dwelling house, more grave and extreme forms of Island, Scott’s and Evergreen the harnesses are and ONEwith ell and stable new, built in ALPHONSE HILLER: work, removed, they nearly 1867, PROF. FARE $1.00. Landing and Long Island. Trains will leave Old Orchnrd for Port- all thoroughly finished and in repair, with are then led at once to the When good Dear Sir For the alleviation of human suffer- Passengers this Line aro reminded that e- Portland land at 11.42 a. urinary. twenty acres of excellent land divided by they Returning, leaving Long Island at 10 00 and 11.15 & Worcester 7.62, m., 12.12, 2.30, 4.28, 7.17,7.32, conveniently cure a corofoi table rest and avoid the ex- ni. a fresh or green horse comes to the stable, by into and wood lots. located I feel it my duty as well as pleasure to to night’s A. M. and 3.00 and 5.00 P. 3L; Evergreen Lauding 9.30 p. mowing, tillage Finely ing certify pense and inconvenience of in Boston late A.M. Uroiintl lor Portland at some old in the of on arriving 11.30 and 5 15 P. M.; and Scott’s Land at 11.45 Camp 7 47, 11.37 a. being driven with “stager” that town Westbrook, the Portland and the following facts in my own case: at night. A. M. and 5.30 P. M. in., 12 27,4.23,7.13,7.27 p. m. the rules ot the the new comer road,near Pride’s Corner. This is a desira- LiIKTE. 07,2 knows stable, Bridgton The past I was Foro afflicted with Sciatic Tickets and State Rooms foi sale by D H. ble piece of property for a country or for spring Young' Sl'SOAV TK IPS. —Leave Portland at soon learns to conform to the habits of the residence, No. 2C6 Middle street. 10.00 A Steamboat Train with Room a small farmer and Gardener,or for any person desir- Rheumatism,suffering night after night and all night, Nervous A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Express Drawing older inmates. Prostration. Through Tickets to New York via the various Car attached leaves Portland at 2.30 p. m. ing to do a marketing business, aDd will be sold for the least most daily, Trains. without cessation, the excruciating Sound Lines, for sale at very low rates. Largo parties taken upon liberal terms on applica- for New with Sunday From 5 to 7 o’clock each horse is taken in one half the cost of the as the owner has Sundays excepted, London, connecting buildings, I ever knew. doctor Freight taken as usual. tion to W. W. or CAPT. C. C. CHASE on removed from the Slate. of COBB & pains My who practiced in my HARRIS, the Steamers of the Norwich Line same evening for Leave Portland for Boston at 3.00 p. m. hand and thoroughly curried, brushed and Inquire RAY, J. B. CO ITIiE, JR.,General Agent. octl.874 board. No. family for over thirty years, to my entire satisfac- Attorneys, 42$ Exchange Street, Portland, Fare Dtwa and Back if5 Leave Boston for Portland at 8.00 a. n>. cleaned: from ten to fllteen minutes being Maine. cents. jy!7d&wlm tion, and In whom I still have the utmost confidence JyT dlf NEW YORK, spent by an hostler upon each horse. A It is of the said that “medicine would do me no could highest importance, then, that individ- MT. DESERT & MACHIAS. there the next in ample time with all cloth is over good—ho arriving early morning Trains on Boston & Maino road connect damp woolen always rubbed the fr arm lor sale. uals should be able to judge for themselves by their for trains and not me, time and in six or morning South West. steamers running between Portland and Bangor, coat of a help probably would, own if and to what extent are attacked hoase after being curried and 6 miles from on feelings, they HUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ISSPNo change of cars between Portland and New Rockland, Mt. St. FALMOUTH, Portland, lying weeks it leave in the meantime I this insidious to MAINE Desert, Machias, Eastport, Calais, brushed. This serves to remove all loose the Presumpscot, at the mouth ot the Piscata- eight might mo; by enemy ill-health, comfort, and London. Johu and Halifax. Also connect with Grand Truuk IN even life itselt if left to run its courso and to that qua river, containing 83 acres of loamy soil, cuts from must grin and bear it." But I was not disposed to unchecked, by Fare from Portland or Westbrook Junction to trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine Central dander, give fine, glossy, sleek the and prompt of curative reme- FAKES AND FREIGHT REDUCED. 30 to 50 tons of for 15 cows sea- do early application New York and Return, 11 Dollartt. trains at Transfer Station. so noticeable in the animals of hay, pasturiug every so, and in my desperation caught at the first arti- dies. STEAMSHIP CO. appearance son, wood and timber for all puaposes, good two Seats in Drawing Room Cars and State Rooms on All trains stop at Exeter 10 minutes for refresh- cle, which under the name of Quack or Patent Modi- this stable. storied bouse, with beautiful shade trees, bams and TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. the elegant Steamers City of Boston and City of ments at tirsc-class dining rooms. mi, i___ __ti •_ii__ or other relief. It New York, can be secured in at BARNES other outbuildings, good neighborhood, churches, cine, any remedy, promised hap- SEMI-WEEKLY LINE advance, Parlor cars on trains leaving Portland at 9.00 a. m., station in 5 minutes* walk. For further this was BROS*., 28 Exchange street, from 9 a. m., to 1 p. 2.35 Boston at 8.30 a. m. and m. ins, excepting the eight ears of corn. After schools, par- pened that the The Steamer LEWIS- p. m., 6.00 p. ticulars address or to P. E. MERRILL, m., and at the Depot, from 2 p. m until train time, J. T. Gen’l led back to apply TON. Charles __ FURBER, Supt. being their stalls, when cleaned, June 22,1875. On the Premises. uiamona ttiicumauc Capt. TO YEW YORK. and of the Conductor on the train. S. II. Gen’l Portland. cure, will leave Rail- STEVENS, Ag’t, they are then ready for work. The same pro- | jne23 eod&wtt Deering. Steamers leave New York from Pier 40, North au5dtf obtained at No. 88 Hanover street, Boston. The road Wharf, foot ot State St., River, foot of Canal St., at 5 p. m., counecting at New cess of currying, brushing, and cleaning, is Nervous T U E M D A V statements Debility every London with Steamboat train leaving at 5 a. m., and also with at noon and at Valuable Seal Estate for accompanying directions seemed reason- and gone through night, Sale. FRIDA! ETENING8.AT1 arriving in Portland at 1.18 p. m. EASTERN RAILROAD. at the close of their forenoon and afternoon’s able, and I determined to give it a lair trial. I did O’CLOCK, For Rockland, Castine, Deer Isle, Close connections made at Westbrook Junction So. W. and Bar work. At noon each horse is fed with half a so, at the same time being without faith in its effi- Sedgwick, Harbors, (Mt, Desert,) with trains of the Maine Central Road to and from well-known Deane property on State street and I followed the Milioridge, Jonesport Machiasport. the East. of oats. At feed is containing about 12000 feet or with com- cacy. directions, and the results were peck night chopped given. THE land, Returning will leave Machlasport every Monday ^'Tickets can be procured of BARNES BROS. modious house in is on the third This is composed of sheaf oats or rye straw dwelling good repair, ottered for that using bottle I was sensible that it Is characterized by a general languor or weakness of nnd Thursday Mornings at 4.:tO, touching ns 28 Street, and at the sale. house can Exchange Depot. The be seen every Thursday and the whole of the nervous above, arriving In Portland same con- passed through a straw cutter, and then, was acting powerfully and iavorably, and before us- organism, especially system, night, usually mvltt W. H. TURNER. Supt. P. & R. R. R. Friday from 3 to 5 P. M. obstructing and preventing tne ordinary functions of necting with Pullman Train, and when wet, ground oats and corn and bran For ing the fourth bottle my pain had passed and I early morning terms, etc., inquire of S. W. ROBINSON, Real away, nature; hence, there is a disordered state of the se- Trains tor Boston and tho West. mixed with it. A and a half of Estate Broker. 205 or up peck this Middle Street, WM. H. MORSE, now have occasion to grin (with joy) that I no longer cretions; constipation, scanty and high-colored For further particulars inquire at Railroad Wharf, comer of Pearl and Middle FALL RIVER is given to each horse. In addition to the Sts jal5dtf have to bear them. urine, with an excess of earthly or limey sediment, Portland. LIKE, Ou and after Jnne 1875, indicative of waste of brain nerve CYRUS Monday, 21st, chopped feed the rack is supplied with Yours and substance, fre- STURDIVANT, Gen’l Ag’t. eight respectfully, quent of the loss of and March 5,1875. martiOtf VIA FALL RIVERAND Trains will leave or nine of sweet palpitations heart, memory, Portland, Steamers Eleanora and Franconia NEWPORT, Passenger Station, Commercial,foot pounds bright, timothy hay, For Sale or to Let. WM. D. PHELPS. marked irresolution of purpose, and inability to carry of State Street, this the total amount of which is into action well-defined or To New York and all points South and West. being hay Mr. Phelps is a gentleman well and favorably any business enterprise, Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf, Bag- fed. of to fix the mind one of gage checked to destination. The world-renown^l Portland for Portsmouth and Boston at And, perhaps, this supply the horse lot and known in this community, and for the past 40 years upon any thing any length PORTLAND"! BANGOR. Portland, every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 buildings formerly occupied by Stew- time. There is great sensitiveness to Steamers. Rristol and Providence. •2.00 A. M.,6.15,19.00 A. M., and *2.35 P. M, Re- will not eat more than five has been recognized by our merchants as impressions, P. M., and leave Pier 38 East New ev- pounds during THEart & Melcber, on West Commercial St. An shipping River, York, Trains leave Old corner Kneeland leave one of the most successful though retained but a short time, with a and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. Colony Depot, turning the the excellent chance to start a mam captains sailing from this flickering THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. eryMONDAY night, finishing up balance during manufactory. The and condition of the mental ren- and South streets daily at 4 30 and 5.30 P. M. (Sun- Boston for Portsmouth and Portland at is port. This testimony is genuine and speaks more fluttering faculties, The Eleanora is a new steamer, just built for this the next building three stories high, 60x75, with an June 27th to at 6.30 P. 18.30 A. M., 112.30 P. M., *6.00 and •S.OO P. M. day. While Mr. Bartlett is partic- counting than volumes could in favor individual what is called a whif- and both she and the are days, August 29th, inclusive, room and room for and boiler. A express of the great dering commonly route, Franconia fitted up Leave for Scar- to engine spacious or fickle-minded man. There must of FARE REDUCED. M.), connecting at Fall River with one of the above Portland Cape Elisabeth, ular give nothing but clean timothy shed merits of the fle-minder, with fine accommodations for passengers, hay and good dry houees attached. The lot is near- be in making Steamers. Hall’s Celebrated Haodn borough, West Scarborough Jiaco, Bid- in in cold weather DIAMOND necessity each individual different symptoms, this the most convenient and comfortable route for engaged Summer, he is willing to ly 300 feet square. MATTOCKS & The fast CITI OE for the season. Wells, North Ber- FOX, according to his peculiar organization, habits, pur- Steamer, RICHMOND, travellers between New York and Maine. These ‘‘Only Forty-nine Miles by deford, Kennebank, feed which is one-third clover. mySdtf 183 Middle St. C. leaves Railroad Wliarf Rail. wick. Month Berwick Junction, Con- hay j RHEUMATIC CURE. suits and. temperament, which all seive to shape the Capt. Kilby, every steamers will touch at Vineyard Haven the About once a manner of the and Kve- during Tickets. State-rooms and Berths secured at the way Junction, Eliot and Kittery at week a peck of oil-cake meal manifestation of their nervous dis- Monday, Wednesday Friday summer mouths on their passage to and from New at lO o’clock. office of the line. No. 3 Old State corner of t6.15, 19.00 A. M., 2.35 P. M. is mixed with the This medicine is a turbances, a difference as marked as are ningti, York. House, up chopped feed, being prepared bv careful, experienced constituting For For F. O. Patterson’s Real Estate their physical peculiarities dissimilar and peculiar to Bangor, touching at Rockland, Camden, Bel- in State Room Washington and State streets, and at Old Colony Saco, Biddeford, Kenncbnnk, Wells, to about a third of a to a and conscientions physician, in obedience to tlio de- Passage $5, meals extra. North South equal pint hoise. themselves. These in the manner fast, Searsport, Depot, Boston, and in Portland at of Boston Berwick, Berwick Junc- sire of numberless friends in the profession, in tlio differences, and Sandy Point, Bucksport, Winterport Goods forwarded to anti from Philadelphia, Mon- depots This promotes the uniform good condition of form of their manifestation, do not indicate and & Maine and Eastern railroads, and at Rollins Ac tion, Conway Junction, Eliot and Kit- trade and among the people. Every bottle is war- any Hampden, treal, Quebec, St. John, aud all parts of Maine. BULLJETIN. difference to in will leave 22 and W. D. Little & tery at 16.15,19.00 A. M. and *2.35 P. M. the animals. And if at any time the urine of ranted to contain the full of tlio medicine in necessary be followed the treatment, Returning, Bangor every Monday, 53r*Freight8 taken at the lowest rates. Adams, Exchange St., Co., strength and at 6 49* St. For Saco, Biddelord, Kennebank, Con- ahorse is to its state of and of any case where disease has its origin in physical Wednesday Friday mornings o’clock, touch- are to send their to the Exchange cloudy and thickened, a tablespoon- Money Loan. highest purity development, and is at the Shippers requested freight R. and Portsmouth injury; the same remedies being alike applicable to ing above named landings, arriving iu Port- as as 4 J. KENDRICK, Supt. O. C. R. R. way Junction, Kittery ful of resin class Real superior to any medicine ever for this Steamers early P.M., on the they leave pulverized mixed up with the Hrst Estate Seouiity, in compounded tne weaK as to tne land at 5 o’clock P. M. days GEO. L. G. P. A. O. C. S. B. Co. at *2.00 16.15,19.00 A. M., and *2.35 P. M. Portland, terrible complaint. strong; to tne sturdy as to the Portland. For further information apply to CONNOR, feed is him. This acts ONor vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, &c., on varied in of and Steamer of Richmond” connects with L. H. PALMER, Ticket Agt., 3 Old State For Cape Elisabeth. West chopped given upon In simple cases sometimes one or two doses suffice. sickly, only degree quantity dura- “City stages HENRY FOX, General Agent. Portland. House, Scarborough, Commission. Houses bought, and sold. Apply to F. tion in the at Rockland, and other for Boston. ju30d3m Scarborough, Saco, and Biddeford at the and the is at once re- In the most chronic cases it is suro to use of them in order to overcome the landings, neighboring J. F. Ag’t, Pier 38, E. New York. kidueys, difficulty O. PATTERSON. Dealer in Real Estate. Office 3791 give way bv towns. Connects at AMES, R., 5.20 P. at 8 00 A. M. the nse of or disease. Nervous Debility, or what is Rockland with the Knox & Tickets M., Returning moved. Williams’ four five bottles. By this efficient anil generally and State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 9.00 A. M. Congress St., Block, between Myrtle and as is as in its Lincoln R. R., at Belfast wfth B. & M. R. Ban- The Train from Portland connects at The Pearl Sts. simple remedy, hundreds of dollars are saved to these regarded such, protean typed peculiari- R., Exchange Street. ocldtf Grand Trunk R. R. of Canada. horses are freely what water ocSdtf ties as are dreams with £. & N. A. and other Railroads. Conway Junction with the 8.00 A. M. train from given who can least afford to throw it as it the of the shipwrecked mariner away, surely iB, are to Rockland Boston lor North Conway. they want as they come from their work, un- by the purchase of useless who, in his strugzles for safety, lies down exhausted for $1.00, Camden.$1.50 ALTERATION IN TRAINS. prescriptions. tor a and Point.... Trains leave Portsmoaih for Dover at 7.15, less they are “green,” and then care is taken A First Class Residence in Peer- This medicine is for sale at all Druggists through- moment's sleep upon the wreck upon which he Belfast, Searsport Sandy 2.00 Lake with all the elements destruction in and Winnipiscogce 9.00, 10.20 A. M., 3.00. 5.40, 7.00 P. M. Returning to or out the United States and Canada. If it floats, of mad Bucksport, Winterport, Hampden SUMMER ABBA N GKMKNT1 not water feed until they are thorough- for Sale. happens commotion at 6.40, 7.50, 10.15, 10.55 A. M., 4.10, 6.20 P. M. ing that your druggist got it in as took,ask him to around him, when the first instincts of Bangor. 2.50 VIA cool. In a few after hasjnot his nature are a CYRUS The 2.00, 6.15 A. M., 9.00 A. M. and 2.36 P. M. Trains ly weeks, becoming new send for it to of the Wholesale in longing for a something solid upon STURDIVANT, Gen»] Ag’t, 2 story mansard roof house, now in pro- any Druggists Bos- ■ 'miuuwan On and after June 1875, from Portland make close connections habituated to the of the or to which he may find a place. Railroad Wharf, foot of State St., Portland. BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD Monday, 21st, for New regimen stable, the cess of completion, situated near horse ton, standing will run as follows: THE cars, In somo cases of this Portland. April 17th, j3E!9Rtrains York by one or other of the routes from Boston. same course is then taken with the bead ot Pleasant contains 16 disease tnere are paroxysms 1875dtf “late street, Deering, rooms, or with Express train 6.30 a. m. for Anburn and Lewiston. Passengers ticketed through. for two cellar and W. W. WHIPPLE & exacubations, extreme debility apparent in and after Jnno comers.” Of course, if horses come in over- arranged families, good £ acre ot CO., often conditions’©! Monday, 21, 1875, Slcnmer Express train for Island Pond, Montreal and Que- The 8.30 A/M. Train from Boston arrives in Port- land. From can everything; hectic in all its FOR Ml. the cupola be bad a fine view of the stages; HARPSWELL, ON Washington, wi.l leave Alton Bay daily bec at 7 a. m. land in season for to take the cars of heated, then are not watered until also all of the general symptoms with a passengers they city and harbor. Price $6000. to F. G. J. enumerated, for Wolfboro* and Centre Harbor at 12.00 M. aud 4.20 tram at 1.10 m for Auburn and Lew- only Apply W. PERKINS & local manifestation of it more Express p. the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad, the Grand cooled offi Dealer in Real CO., frequently apparent in 811,1 after 30, 1875, P. M., on arrival of trains PATTEIiSGN, Estate. Williams the facial tiT*?** «.0n leaving Portland at 9.00 ston Mail train for Island Pond, at Trunk for Montreal, Quebec, and nerves, though ft may be in any other part G. A. M. and (stopping Railway A very marked feature connected with Block. junldtf PORTLAND. Henrietta, Capt. Boston at 8.30 A. M. and 12.30 P. M. all stations to Island Pond,)* connecting with all of Canada East! and the Maine of the body, such as the thorax, abdomen or limbs, LOWELL, Will leave Harp*- night parts « mm ■ Returning—Leave Centre Harbor for Wolf- mail train for Montreal and the West at and Lincoln these stables is, that the air is so sweet and with of a well at 6 a. m. daily Quebec, Central Knox & Railroads for An- pains shooting, lancinating character. For touching at Chc- boro’and Alton at 7.15 A. M. and 2.00 P. Real Estate for Sale. U E. this an Bay M.; l. 30 p. m. gusta, Belfast and fresh. And this is MANN, Bangor. condition explanation is found in the fact that, beagne, Little Chebeague and Island. Wolfboro Bangor, kftockland, probably owing largely Long leave for Alton Bay at 8.30 A. M. and 3.15 train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5.10 other on these roads. 11 house, No. 16 Hanover street, eight marts as the vitality of a structure decreases age, over- Returning will leave Portland at 6 p. m. touch- Express points to the fact that scarcely any ever story deodCm&wlyll by Pier, P. M., connecting with Trains for Boston and m. urinating rooms, ad in house exertion or too excitement at ing at the above Dover, p. The 8.00 P. M. Train from Boston connects with the in THE perfect order, Sebago, frequent improper landings. Portland. ,JAS. T. Gen. takes place the several stables, and that warmed furnace. Price its nervous FURBER, Supt. Accommodation for South Paris at 6 p. m. Maine Central and & North American by $3000. Apply to F. G. times, sensibility increases: and if the On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday will touch S. H European the saturated STEVENS, Gen. Agent. Portland. Trains will arrive as follows: and Intercolonial for Ml. sawdust and shavings in the PATTERSON. Dealer in Real Estate, Williams* TO THE AFFLICTED. diminution is the result of irritation, as by disease or at Couseus’ Island each Railways Bangor, way. my24 dtl from Quebec, Montreal and West at 8.30. Halifax and other on these urinary itself are removed from the stable Block, second building east of City Hall. myl7dtf local injury, there is a general decrease of vital Will run an Excursion trip each day, leaving Port- Express John, points stamina or a. m. roads. power; the least shock or irritation may ana Pier at 9.15 a. m and Harpswell at 3 p. m., every third day.—Cincinnati Gazette, Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. m. The 12.30 P. M. Train from Boston connects at Port- act as a secondary cause, the inherent or primary touching at Long Island, Great and Little DR. Chebeague anu cause Mail from Quebec, Montreal the West at 2 p. land with the Maine Central Railroad for Au- SUMMER DALE, being some one or all of those already men- each way. HOTELS. RESORTS. In m. gusta, Bath and Lewiston) and on MON- Botanic, Eclectic and wilt exa- tioned, causation, however, there are a great For particulars inquire of Captain on board or Boner Extractor. Magnectic Physician, from Lewiston and Auburn at 2.20 and DAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS with mine all diseases of the human and will tell others on the list, such as scrofula, malaria, STEPHEN Express system, many RICKER, Agent. 5.40 m. the steamer for and ht. John. A As we have occasional inquires for what the without blood and wasting diseases of all kinds, sexual 131 Commercial St. HOTEL p. Eastport plain complaints are, questioning tho fevers, DIRECTORY, Accommodation from South Paris at 6.45. Pullman Parlor Car is run with the train directions how to make a SUMY SIDE patient. His of 36 has excesses and the many forms of pelvic and all chronic ma8dtf cheap honey ex- HOUSE, long practico years given him Embracing tbe leading Hotel? in the at which. leaving Boston 8.30 A. M., Portland 1.10 P. M. a thorough knowledge of all diseases to which the diseases, where there is great irritation; this, being State, tractor, we give the following, which, it well the Daily Press may always be found. to also with train Bos- LITTLE CHE BE AGUE ISLAND. human system is susceptible. reflected to the spinal marrow, produces a depression THE BEAUTIFUL, BARGE through Bangor: leaving will answer the of ton 12.30 P. M. and Portland 5.20 P. M. made, purpose very well in The are his that great nervous centre, from whence a corres- Passenger Offices, through following specifications to leave 6.00 A. warm while the is but This House is situated on one of the most ponding degree of nervous debility is distributed to ISLAND AUBIBr Augusta. Returning, Augusta weather, honey thiu; BELLE Portland 9.00 A. M.. 8.00 A. M. aud in beautiful Islands in Casco and all parts of the system; a weakened condition fol- Elm Court. St. W. M., Bangor cold werther, and in throwing out old, Bay, during RHEUMATISM, Will leayc Wharf for House, S. dr A. Voids, and Portland 2.35 P. M. for Boston. the winter has been re- lows, impeding, and the Long Chebcosue 74 EXCHANGE thick we all means recommend past thoroughly obstructing paralyzing Proprietor?. ST., honey, by the and Hips anil Spine complaints, Stiff Knees, White Swel- functional of muscular Island •Pullman Sleeping Car Express Train. AT. 2L— paired, painted, papered entirely re- operations every organ, and — — more and AFD This train runs but not on perfect of which there are and will be to the on lings, Kidney, Urinal Gravel complaints, Can- mental, necessary to on the essential Sunday Monday. machines, furnished, open public carry duties, Every Sunday, Until Further Notice, AVGUSTA. Train. of about merit now before cers, Scald Heads, Fever and Ague, Scrofula, Sores, business or pleasures of existence. lAccommodation many equal the At lO o’clock A. ill., and ‘A P. M.. nnd Augusta House, Stalest. Harrison Bali, Asthma, Crouos, Female Weasness, Paralysis, This condition ot the as it DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST. *Fast Express. public, ranging in price from $12.00 to Monday, June 21st, 1§75. individual, distressing is, at Trcfetben’a Cuch er, Proprietor. CHARLES F. Gen’l $18.00, Withered Limbs; many of tho above cases of seven may, with certainty, be cured by Touching Wharf, HATCH, Man. according to finish, and with careful Tears standing, and which eminent Way. Resuming at 0 JP. ffi, Cony nouse, G. A. A II. Cony. GEORGE BACHELDER. Sup’t. usage Boarders wil be taken tho or week on unwards, Proprie last lor by day rea- of and New had dtf tors. Tickets sold at Reduced June 21, 1875. jne21tf will many years. sonable terms. The House will be in Physicians Boston, York, pronoun- jyio_ Rates! first-class ced incurable have to his method of The machine consists ot an outer and the table will be yielded treat- To Milwau- case, every resnect, furnished with ment thoroughly cured. BANGOR. Canada, Detroit, Chicago, with a revolving frame two the best tue Portland and Boston markets aflord. 8TOI1IGTOI LIME kee. Cincinnati, St. Loniu, Omaha, PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R R within, having Excursion and Franklin House,—Harlow sides covered with fishing parties accommodated and Dr. Dale has “Hairs recently new impro- FOR N'E'W Ml., JHcl.augh Saginaw, St. Paul, Salt Lake City, wire cloth, through which with YORK, lin dr furnished boats, fishing tackle, guides etc. Tho ved Galvanic Battery,” which lio uses on Oaris, Proprietors. Denver, San Franciseo, the passes from the comb on the in- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. honey Island will be open to any parties desiring to camp patients when required. THE GREAT AHEAD OP AO, OTHERS. side, and against the wire case, being thrown out. Beet ol references given. BATH. and all points in the out the use of The beautiful barge, Island Belle, will run direct Bath M. by centrifugal force, By this Office hours This is the inside route Avoid- Hotel, C. Plummer, Proprietor to the Island, making two trips a day. The new from IO A. M., to G P. M., only Northwest. West and Southwest. combs be and re- No. Oak machine, may emptied steamer Henrietta will touch at the Island twice a 32 Street, Portland, Me. ing Point Judith, turned to the BELFAST. hive, saving much time to the day. Parties coming on the Boston trains or steam- J"3 lieodSm* J 0. FURNIVAI, Agt bees in comb building, increasing the ers can connect with these boats for the Island. Steamboat Express trains leaves Boston from Bos- American House. Clark Bro’s, Proprie honey ton & Itovidence R. R. Depot tors. collected the rich be- J. E. Jclicks, Iron daily, except Sunday THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in splendid during honey harvests, Proprietor. in the Blood. at 5.30 P. M. connecting at with the en- jne28dtt ENGLISH REMEDY Stoningtnn condition, is well equipped with first-class rolling sides often affording cells for the new and superb Steamer Rhode BOSTON. empty THE tirely Island, every stock, and is making the best connections and quick- when the PERUVIAN and and with queen, colony would otherwise be Monday, Wednesday Friday, the eleg- Parker House. School St. H. D. Parker dt est time of any route from Portland to the West. BVRUP Vitalizes ami ant and as a of often OCEAN popular Steamer Stoningtnn every Tuesday, B3TPULLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM greatly weakened, surplus honey HOUSE, Enriches the blood, Tones and in New Co., Proprietors. Thursday Saturday, arriving Fork al- AND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains On and after Monday, July 26,1875, ocoupies room that should be devoted to up the System, Builds up in advaucc of St. James Hotel—J. K. Crocker, CAPE ways all other llacs. Baggag Proprl* Portland at 7.00 a. m. and 1.20 m. Sealed brood is not ELIZABETH, MAINE. the Broken-down, Cures etor. leaving p. and until farther notice, Passenger Trains will leavo breeding. injured, but checked through. checked from Portland Debility. Baggage to Detroit and Eastern and Maine Central Railroad Station, Port- larv® and will soon Tickets procured at depots of Boston & Maine and Tremont House, Tremont and not to Custom young honey uncapped This well known, and summer Chills and The St.-Cbnpiu, Chicago, subject House examina- foot of State as follows: popular Dropsy, Cordial Balm of Eastern Railroads nud at Rollins & Adams 22 Ex- Gurney dr Co. land, Street, the cell when the machine is once in resort wilt »e tor the Di- Syri- Proprietors. tion. quit opened accomodation Feyers, Chronic For Sebago Lake, Fryebnrg, No. of the on and after June The Company are not responsible for baggage to Conway, motion. Hence comb with brood public 3, 1875. arrhoea, Nervous Af- Hernia and nil intermediate Stations at uncapped (Dyspepsia. HIE. amount $50 in value that Hu- BRUNSWICK, any exceeding (and person- should not be and fections, Boils, Gen. Pascuver Ag’t. New York. 7.10 a. m. and 2,10 m. taken, unsealed honey J. P. President. dr al) unless notice is given, and paid lor at the rate of p. _ (!HAHBEBLAIN, mors, Diseases of the cum P. K. Dining Rooms, W. R. Field, Trains will leave at must be and diy one passenger for $500 additional value. Ketnrning Semis 8.25 uncapped. juld _ and Blad- Lothrop’s every IfProprietor. Kidneys Proprietor. а. m. and 3.00 p. in.: No. Conway at 9.10 a. uBiug a auuu wim a ueui use a der. Female Coai- JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager. suunu, il. and 3.45 p. m.; Fryebnrg at 9.35 a. in. and s* brick mason’s but Arc. PORTL^IND CAPE ELIZARETH. W. J. SPICER, Superintendent. trowel, shorter, and dip- plaints, 21.1875- 4.15 p. m,; Baldwin at 10.20 a. m. and 4.56 p. BE WITT Thousands have been the use of this Portland, June jnelTdtf it in to HOUSE, changed bjr Tonic AND Ocean House—J. P. Chamberlain, Propri- m.; Sebago Lake at 10.55 a. m. and 5,30 p. ping frequently boiling water, pre- from to Pills, remedy weak, sickly, suffering creatures, etor. m., arriving in Portland at 11.40 a. m. and vent the edge clogging, two cards of comb LEWISTON, men and and invalids ME., strong, healthy, haopy women; !* f SIL A DELPHI A. MOUNT DESERT ! б. 15 p. m. can be uncapped and emptied clean and dry cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. CALAIS. in five Corner Pine and Park Caution.—Be sure you get the “PEBUVIAN STAGE CONNECTIONS. minutes, and returned uninjured to Streets, International Hotel, W. D. Simpson, 8YBCP» (not Peruvian Bark.) Sold by dealers Iron Line DAY ROUTE: At White Rock for North Windham. tbe hive. The honey is clear, and the flavor Medicines unrivalled for tbeir wonderful Clyde's of Steamers Proprietor. daily H. B. WING, Proprietor. generally. properties At Sebago Lake for Standish Corner. even when taken and remarkable cures of all dally unimpaired, from old dark A 32-page pamplet, containing a treatise on Iron Nervous Complaints. COMMENCING JUNE 14 th. At Baldwin for Kezar Falls Tbeir is in the treatment and Running between Providence CORNISH. daily Cornish, Porter, combs partly filled with bee bread, which A first-class Hotel in ar- as a medical agent and other valuable papers, testi- efficacy equally great and Fieedom. every respect, cure of and WED- Cornish with a view to the wants monials from distinguished physicians, clergyman Cancers, Nodes, Ulcers, Pustules, Pimples, Philadelphia every House, HI. B.Dayis, Proprietor At Brownfield would injure both flavor and color' if the ranged especially Fever NESDAY and SATURDAY All Rail via Knox A Lincoln R. R. to dally for Denmark and Brldgton. tho commercial and and others, will be sent free to any address. SETH Tetter, Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas, Scald- gives At for Stowe and Chatham. were extracted or {■of pleasure seeking Barbers’ direct communication to ana Rockland and Steamer Ulysses to North Fryeburg daily Lovell, honey by heating pressure. B public. W. FOWLE & SONS. Proprietors, 86 Harrison Head, ltcli, Scurvy, Salt Rheum, Copper DANVILLE JUNCTION. At Glen Station for Glen House. The in Colored Glandular Worms and rom Portland and all other points in Maine, with Haven, Deer Isle, Mount Desert and honey put up self-sealing glass fruit marl3-dtf Avenue. Boston. 1a18deod&wcowly Blotches, Swelling, Clark’s Grand Trunk Rail, At Bemis, until further lor Crawford Black Spots in tho Ulcers in the Philadelphia and Through rates are given to Dining Hall, Sullivan. notice, jars, aside from mere show, is more flesh, Discolorations, beyond. M. IV. House, Fabyan House and all points in White Moun- preferable Manhood Restored. Throat, Mouth and sores of Philadelphia and all points reached oy the Penn. way Depot, Clark, Proprietor. use Nose, Sore Legs, and tains. lor table than comb Central and the Phil. & R. and to a wLeave Portland (M. C. Depot) honey. A victim of every character, because those medicines are the Reading R>s., STEAMBOAT The size and of both the inner HOTELS. youthful imprudence, causing prema- best the principal cities in the South and Southwest. No ELLSWORTH. at 6.15 A. M. and Rath at 8 A. CONNECTION depth and ture nervous tiied in very P??::????:???!idaily decay, debilitv, etc., having Wharfage. No Commission lor forwarding. in Rockland at 10.15 A. with 2.10 p. m. from Portland at Lake for outer case will depend upon the size of frame vain known has found a self- City Hotel.—N. H. Higgins & Sons, arriving Sebago every remedy, simple Full information given D. D. C. MINK Props, Brldgton, No. Water- to be used. The outer case ij made cure, which he will send free to his fellow euffereis by Naples, Bridgton, Harrison, water- 29 Devonshire or J. B. Steamer leaves Rockland on arrival of train lord and Mouut Pleasant. YISITOBS TO BOSTON. Address J. 78 Nassau street New Agent, St., Boston, COYLE, FOXCROFT. tight ; a tub or part of a barrel be H.REEVES, York; Portland. and at Bar may used, P. O. Box 5153. feb2d&w6m Jr., Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays, arriving and needs to be WM. P. CLYDE & Gen'l Foxcroft P. M. Jeffords. Pro- Harbor at 4 P. M. Returning leave Sullivan only large enough to allow The Cool and CO„ Managers. Exchange, Trains arrive in Portland in season lor trains to Elegant Blood anil ly 12 So. Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. prietor. Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday at 5 A. M. Bar Boston the inner case to revolve without contact. Medicine _ leaving Portland at 2.35 and 6.00 p. m. and Harbor at 6 A. M Rockland at 1.30 P. ar- MANHOOD WOMANHOOD AND daily M., lor Steamers leaving at 7 p. m. The upright shaft [sets in an augur hole in a HALLO WELL. in Portland at 6 P. M., and Roston at 10 CLARENDON Baltimore & riving Freight trains will run between Portland and Up across the of the outer case. HOTEL, Norfolk, Washington P. M. strip top The STEAMSHIP Hallowell House—H. Q. BLAEE, Prep per Bartlett daily, leaving Portland at 8.30 a. m. NERVOUS DISEASES. LINE Connections made at with ends and bottom of the inner are made Rath, leave Bartlett at 10.00 a. m. [case befor the are warranted morning Returning, Upper Trcmont A Every placed people, and II I. AND. and evening trains, trom and to Lewiston ana of boards about ten inches with St., Boston. Book for Every Man. o Four time, a week. ART J. HAMILTON, Superintendent. wide, a strip be tbe most Powerful Alterative ever originated by Park Honse—R. L. Augusta. Portland, July 2,1875. jy3dtf from corner to corner on each of end the Medical man. They .impart. Williams, Prop. Fares as low as edge THIS POPULAR HOUSE, published by Peabody Institute; First Class by any other route- improved a new Steamship pieces at ttop and bottom, on which to nail throughout, with passenger elevator and JUST edition of the celebrated medical work en- Jgp^Tickets can be purchased at Depot and also at titled SELF-PRESERVATION. It treats JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. HIRAM. Horse R. R. Office Preble House. the wire cloth. The in the centre all modern improvements, is the most cen- upon opposite strip manhood, how how and how WM. LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. C. A. K. & L. It. Bath. the trally located of the FIRST CLAMS lost, regained perpetu- Ml. Cutler House,—Hiram Raston, Pro COOMBS, Supt. R., through which shaft passes is about four ated, cause and cure of Exhausted Im- Ju3dtf hotels in the city. Horse cars pass the Vitality, From Boston direct TUESDAY pr’.etor. inches room each side to insert potency, Premature Decline in every wide, leaving dojr to the centre of business, all places of Man, Spermator- to the and SATURDAY. and remove combs. amusement and railroad depots. rhoea, or Seminal Losses (nocturnal and diurnal), Strength Body LEWISTON. Transient board 50 to 00 Nervous and Physical Debility, — AND — When constructed without a ten- S3 $4 per day (including Hypochondria, DeWitt Honse, H. R. Wing, Proprietor Eastern Railroad. gearing, with Gloomy forebodings, Mental Depression, Loss of En- WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE. on is made on the parlor sleeping room) according to location. end of — upper the shaft, to •I- PICKERING DRAPER. ergy, Haggard Countenance, Confusion of Mind and AND — and McClellan. fit in a mortoise Loss of State 11 the aud IilNCOIiNVIIiUE. in a horizontal piece of Proprietor. Memory, Impure Blood, all From Providence every WEDNESDAY diseases from the errors op or the Reach House—F. E. SPECIAL. wood projecting eight or ten with an TSAsT3ni arising youth, and SATURDAY. Phillips, Proprieto “NOTICE. inches, my!3_ indiscretions or excesses of matuie years. handle near the outer end. forwarded from Norfolk to and upright The wire It is, indeed, a book for every man, and Freight Washington Portland Press young Alexandria steamer of the Lake end Juno LITTLETON, N H. id alter July 2, 1874, and un Daily cloth should be coarse and FOR middle-aged men in 300 bound in by Lady tinned, leaving particular. pages, II. L. Nutice, tbe about one-fourth of an inch mashes. beautiful French cloth, illustrated, price $1. Vigor to the Mind Mosely. Thayers Hotel, Thayer, Proprietor. only Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and COUGHS, COLDS, A Book for Use the extractor where bees will not be HOAESENESS, Every Woman, Richmond, and Va. and Tenn. R. R. to all places in LOVELL. the W. M. 240 attracted, and their robbing propensities de- AND ALL THROAT •Entitled. SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY OF South, Clark, Agent, Washington St., Red and the Yellow Tickets DISEASES, WOMAN, Morbid Boston. Kezer Valley Honse, C. H. Harris, Pro- ! AND HER Woman treated Removing Sensibility, Depression of Spirits, veloped.—Bee-Keepers' Magazine. TTSE DISEASES; or, of Phys- Dementia and Melancholia To all of North and Sooth prietor. iologically and in health and dis- points Carolina, by Sea- Pathologically, board and Roanoko Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line TO AND FROM BOSTON, ease, from Infancy to Old Aae. 350 pages, bound in MACHIAS. G. — WeUs’ Carbolic Price $2.50. Large size, $5.00. Each H. Keith, Agent, 222 Boston. OF THE — of Tablets, beautiful French cloth. With the very best package Washington street, Care Slieep. prescrip- the Cordial Palm contains one box ot the Tonic And to all in tho West Baltimore <& Ohio Eastern Hotel.—E. E. Stoddard, Prop. PUT UP ONLY IN BEES BOXES. tions forfprevailing diseases. Price $2.00. Pills, points by 1. With to never wuich may also be had separately at 50 cents per box, R. R., C. A. Chipley, Agent, 219 Wasnington street, BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD, regard management, A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. a noou xor jurtryoouy. starve a Boston. NAPI.ES* sheep, especially in summer. gold bills ot by Druggists generally, and The Peabody Institute has also Just published a RECENT TESTIMONIALS. Through lading given by the above named Elm Nathan Church & Pro- Will bo taken un all 2. Do not feed much if have GEO. C. CO.. Honse, Sons, grain you GOODWIN & Boston, Mass. new^book treating exclusively of NERVOUS AND Agents. prietors. _ Job but at all MENTAL more than Excursion good hay, events never let your jy23 d4wt DISEASES, two hundred roy- Passage 815.99. Tickets 825. Printing al octavo pages, twenty bound n For freight or passage to Norfolk, Wash- NORRIDGEWOCK. THROUGH TRAINS sheep grow poor. elegant engravings, Nov. 1874. Baltimore, substantial muslin, price $2. Frewsburgh, 12, ington, or other information apply to 3. Many farmers iose by their I have used the Cordial Balm and Syricum and Lo- Daulorth Honse, D.Danforth. Proprietor —OF THE— letting AGENTS WAN I ED. Either of the above books are Bent by mail to any E. SAMPSON, Agent, live as in autumn throp s Tonic Pills as a aud cure for the sheep long without feeding Men or women. $34 a week* part of the world, closely sealed, postage paid on re- preventive 53 Central Wharf, Boston, use of ardent spirits and habitual aud NORTH STRATFORD N. H. as if are in Proof f umiehed.Business pleas- ceipt of price. Or all three books sent to one address intoxication, E. H. ROCKWELL, Agent, EASTERN RAILROAD. possible; consequently, they good find them actually specific .in such cases. I S. condition in ant and honorable wit h no risk- at the same time on receipt of only $4. Here is of- regard no2dtt Providence, R. Willard Honse, C Railey BE Co. P October, and iose flesh and are them as most invaluable and CHARLES F. HATCH, Gen. Manatrcr. A16 page circular and Valuable fered over eight hundred and fifty pages of the ablest medicines, nothing prietors. made to there a could induce me to be without them. July 21.1871. Wit! gain again, will be tender free. EP'Send you rad- and best printed and bound popular medical science in the wool. Samples JACOB MESERVE. CO. PEAK’S ISLAND. place dress on postal card. Don’t and literature, on subjects of vital importance to all, INTEKNATIOaAL^STEAMSHEP 4. at onco to for to for Union House-W. Jones. Have your your lambs come in if lay but write only $4—barely enough pay mailing. It Eastport, Calais and 8t. by T. Proprietor. March, yobs should be borne in mind that these Tipton, Doc. John, Dig coarse wool; in May, if fine. F. M. REED.8th st.,new great Medical 3,1874. Windsor and Halifax. OFFICE Works are the Medical We take groat pleasure n informing of tlio 5. Shear if published by Peabody you PARIS HILL. your sheep, possible before the FORTUNE IN IT. it. Institute, an honored institution, established with surprisingly beneficial results from the use oi your Maine Central Every family buys SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, Hnbbnrd Hotel, H. Proprietor 20th of May. A Sold by Agents, Address, G. S. WALKER, large funds for the sole purpose of doing good. English Remedy, The Cordial Balm of Syricum and j Hubbard, These all the .Lothrop’s Tonic Pills in a case of great Nervous De- 6. Keep your sheep from all cold storms at Erie, Pa. 1y23t4w are, beyond comparison, most extra- THREE WEEK ! ordinary works on Physiology ever published. There bility and Prostration, by a member of our family TRIPS*”PER PITTSFIELD. all times of the year,and be as careful o» who nail RAILROAD. them is nothing whatever that the Mamed or of been under treatment by different doctors On and after MONDAY, June Home—Fletcher A as a horse. Single Lnucy Gale, Proprie- Many sheep perish by show- AGENTS WANTED SUM cither sex can either require or wish to know, but for licar.y three y ears past without any apparent ben- 14, the Steamer New York, Capt. tors. ers after even in what is and matters of efit therefrom; hut your medicines have a E. B. of Port- shearing, July; so I fastest Bible ever Send for onr fully explained, many the produced Winchester, City say, selling published. most most wonderful for tlio H. shear at a time of that can extra terms to NATIONAL important, and interesting character are intro- change better, and the pa- land, Capt. S. Pike, and New PHIIiljIPS. year they be hous- Agents. PUBLISHING now duced, to which no allusion even can be found in any tient enjoys comparatively excellent health. Brunswick, Capt. D. S. Posters, Hand Bills, Bill ed for a week after and in 00., Philadelphia, Pa.an4t4w Hall, Harden Honse, Adams A Kobbiuson, Heads, shearing; storms other works in our language. All the New Discov- MRS. HARRIET STURGISS. I will leavo Railroad Wharf foot ot State St., every if P. S.—Wo tell all with whom Proprietors iu autumn, sheep are exposed, it takes a WHEREVER IT HA* REEN TRIED, eries of the author, whose experience is such as prob- wo are acquainted Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6.00 p. m.,for never before fell to the lot of who aro similarly afflicted to and St John. Jong time to dry the wool and the sheep are ably any man, are given try your medicines. Eastport PORTLAND. in full. No person should be without these valuable Returning will leavo St. Jolm and on the consequently uncomfortable for a Eastport Adams St. Charles Adam long time; JURUBEBA . books. The press throughout the country, the clergy same days. House, Temple cold and are the result. WHOLESALE AGENTS Proprietor. consumption lias established itself as a perfect regulator and and the medical faculty generally highly extol these Connections made at Eastport for Robbinston, 7. liaise the standard of your flock; weigh sure remedy for disorders of the system arising extraordinary and useful works. The most fastidi- St. Andrews and Calais. Albion House, 117 Federal St. J.G Perry TIME. irom ous may read them. Connections made at St. John for CHANGE &c., at shor every fleece at number the improper action of the Lker and Bowels. Digby, Annap- Proprietor. jOF Cards, Tags, printed shearing; sheep, ■ T in NOT A but Address the Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 olis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S.f and note the weight of the fleece, and then FIIYftlU, by stimulating Sliediac, American House, India St. E. Gray, Pro- the secretive organs, gently and gradually removes Bulfinch St. (opposite Revere House), Boston, Mass. GEORGE C. GOODWIN i& O., RUST BROTHERS Amherst, Pictou, Fredericktou, Charlottetown and prietor. Coinmcnciii? June 21,1875. sell or kill the poorest sheep, as like all impurities, and regulates the entire N. B. The author and consulting physicians can be Summerside, P. E. I. # Bo.un leaves produ- system. 111 Cor. and Green t- Night Pullman Trnin tram find II 1H NOT A It ITT IS consulted on all of the above named and all SMITH. DOOLITTLE & GIL- (UP^Freiglit received on of unt they do not receive Dexter and A Pol I man fnme»*0 your druggist for it. GEO. 0. GOODWIN & For Sale by Druggists land, Cape Breton and Mt. John*, N. F. gan, Belftst, Bangor. CO., generally Cnlderwood House.— E. A. Cnldcrwood, run this train to Boston, Mass., Wholesale Agents. au6d4wt leads to many ihou*nti,• Bath and at 8.45 and 8.50 a. m. for tho respectfully informs ii,« d uW'° JOHN IiltKUNG New York Stock 5 30 p. m. for HALIFAX, direct, making connec- ton, Augusta Ask that he has an office UPWrrr'Ul'P Exchange, TUE opened for the ™i. V tl A I rJElDlL A CO.. Bankers and tions with the Intercolonial Railway, to* Windsor, WILTON. Front ICaugor, Dexter, Belfast, Skowhegan, fer of ltcal Estate, and all kinds of mailed to those desli at 2.20 cbimier, merchtndii?U#i 7‘i Krondvvny. New Vorlt. anCdlwt free ing to speculate. Address Truro, New Glasgow and Pictou, and steamers Wilton IV. Green* Proprietor Farmington, Lewiston, Rockland, Ac., and itorrM: have on hand now several lots and Brokers, I1oiim>>,B1. m. A Pullman Parlor Car is houses for sffie in ALEX. FllOTH INGHAM & CO., or Prince Edward Island; also at New Glasgow, 2.25 p. run with Babcock Co., Chi* the most desirable location. I have 0. EDGAR M. this train from Mannlkchircd by the H1»P* also the n.., ., Bankers and Brokers, LOTHROP, D., N. S.. with Lindsey’s Stages for Capo Breton, and Bangor. Fire and Hook and for or Knox and COMO Chr«Svnl Bnaiae. building plastering pnrposcs. Parties inn Stallions, Liglitfoot Opp. N. Y. Stock 12 Wall St. n. Y at Halifax with steamers for St. Johns, N. F. From Augusta, Rockland, Bath, and Lewis- samo Exchange. &T rk f-r*. in Wall Street often odder Truck* for Citir* and Town*, need of the will please calf on ma20 will leave Halifax on TUES- ton. at 6.16 p. in. nn,l t Hiram. deodly G^'IiETURNlNG fJ.Lv/* 11/ leads to fortune. A stationary Tank* for Factories. Send E. PONCE. m. fJOvJV/* fright Train front Ht. ami DAYS, at 8.30 p. 72 Book, entitled. Itlen anil Idioms of John, Bangor, Ac., at Boyd Block, Cor. Middle and Knox Stallions, LICIITFOOT AND 143 Court to Halifax and return page l 1.45 a.m. lor circular*. Eschange rpilE IIIRAM, Notice Street, Excursion tickets good until Wall Street, explaining everything. a*>rl3 dGmlwis f*r_^dl make the season of 1875 at the stable of October 10.00. 1 Through Train, to nil 1 HOMAN H.PEBKIKN, LOVEUT & 1st, $ Freight daily points RECORDS, No. 10 Plum Street, Port- US OX'S requiring work doD please apply to No received alter 10 a. m. on day of I on Mniue Knox & and *or freight sailing. Central, Lincoln, European NORWICH, CONN., Job of *urtber particulars address JOS. W. PE “Home” of W. C. A., No. 16 Spring St., plain For further information to J, B. I & North American railroads. Printing every description ncnl LO mil or apply COYLE, SENT FREE. tSTFS; Cieneral for New Englnud. EBEN G. Box and embroid- New > Agent 7 executed at this Office. Me. PERKY, 1511,Portland, family sewing, dress-mak**iB, copying, BOSTON MASS Jr., Franklin Wharf, or Bankers anil Brokers, H Broadway, PAYS0N TUCKER. Superintendent. ap23dtf ing and fancy-work u wools, etc., &c. '■c21ttf main oct28dtf JOHN PORTEOUS, Agent. York. jueiaeod&wly* jul9 dtf July! eodttit