

Light Field Saliency Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks Jun Zhang, Yamei Liu, Shengping Zhang, Ronald Poppe, and Meng Wang

Abstract— field imaging presents an attractive alternative � � � �, �, �∗, �∗ … to RGB imaging because of the recording of the direction of the � incoming light. The detection of salient regions in a light field �� �, �, �1, �1 �� �, �, �1, �540 … image benefits from the additional modeling of angular patterns. … For RGB imaging, methods using CNNs have achieved excellent � � results on a range of tasks, including saliency detection. However, �� �, �, ��, �� Micro-lens … it is not trivial to use CNN-based methods for saliency detection Main lens Micro-lens Photosensor image on light field images because these methods are not specifically array �� �, �, �375, �1 �� �, �, �375, �540 (a) (b) designed for processing light field inputs. In addition, current � � ∗ ∗ light field datasets are not sufficiently large to train CNNs. To �� � , � , �, � … overcome these issues, we present a new Lytro Illum dataset, �� �−4, �−4, �, � �� �−4, �4, �, � …

which contains 640 light fields and their corresponding ground- … truth saliency maps. Compared to current light field saliency � � � � , � , �, � datasets [1], [2], our new dataset is larger, of higher quality, � 0 0 … contains more variation and more types of light field inputs. Sub-aperture Main lens Micro-lens Photosensor image This makes our dataset suitable for training deeper networks array �� �4, �−4, �, � �� �4, �4, �, � and benchmarking. Furthermore, we propose a novel end-to- (c) (d) end CNN-based framework for light field saliency detection. Specifically, we propose three novel MAC (Model Angular Fig. 1. Illustrations of light field representations. (a) Micro-lens image Changes) blocks to process light field micro-lens images. We representation with the given location (x∗, y∗). (b) Micro-lens images at systematically study the impact of different architecture variants sampled spatial locations. (c) Sub-aperture image representation with the given and compare light field saliency with regular 2D saliency. Our ex- viewpoint (u∗, v∗). (d) Sub-aperture images at sampled viewpoints, where tensive comparisons indicate that our novel network significantly (u0, v0) represents the central viewpoint. outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the proposed dataset and has desired generalization abilities on other existing datasets. This paper studies saliency detection on light field images. I.INTRODUCTION Previous work [1], [2], [20], [21] has focused on developing hand-crafted light field features at the superpixel level by IGHT field imaging [3] not only captures the color inten- utilizing heterogenous types of light field images (e.g., color, sity of each pixel but also the directions of all incoming L depth, focusness, or flow). These methods strongly rely on light rays. The directional information inherent in a light field low-level cues and are less capable of extracting high-level implicitly defines the geometry of the observed scene [4]. In semantic concepts. This makes them unsuitable for handling recent years, commercial and industrial light field cameras highly cluttered backgrounds or predicting uniform regions with a micro-lens array inserted between the main lens and inside salient objects. the photosensor, such as Lytro [5] and Raytrix [6], have taken light field imaging into a new era. The obtained light field can In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied to learn an implicit relation between

arXiv:1906.08331v2 [cs.CV] 29 Oct 2019 be represented by 4D parameterization (u, v, x, y) [7], where uv denotes the viewpoint plane and xy denotes the image pixels and salience in RGB images [22]–[28]. These CNN- plane, as shown in Figures1(a) and (c). The 4D light field based methods have been combined with object proposals [22], can be further converted into multiple 2D light field images, post-processing steps [23], contextual features [24], [25], at- such as multi-view sub-aperture images [7], micro-lens im- tention models [26], [27], and recurrent structures [28]. Al- ages [8], and epipolar plane images (EPIs) [9]. These light though these approaches achieve improved performance over field images have been exploited to improve the performance saliency detection on benchmark datasets, they often adopt of many applications, such as material recognition [10], face complex network architectures, which limits generalization recognition [11], [12], depth estimation [13]–[17] and super- and complicates training. Besides, the limited information resolution [9], [18], [19]. in RGB images does not allow to fully exploit geometric constraints, which have been shown to be beneficial in saliency J. Zhang, Y. Liu, and M. Wang are with the School of Computer Science detection [29], [30]. and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, 230601 China. In this paper, we propose a novel method to predict the S. Zhang is with the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin salience of light fields by utilizing deep learning technologies. Institute of Technology, Weihai, Shandong, 264209 China. Even with the emergence of CNNs for RGB images, there are R. Poppe is with the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, 3584 CC Utrecht Netherlands. still two key issues for saliency detection on light field images: Corresponding author: Jun Zhang (e-mail: [email protected]) (1) Dataset. The RGB datasets [31]–[33] are not sufficient to 2


Block1 Non-saliency Micro-lens image array Saliency map Block2 map Block3 Block4 Block5

MAC Block Fusion Bilinear interpolation

Fig. 2. Architecture of our network. The MAC building block converts the micro-lens image array of light fields into feature maps, which are processed by a modified DeepLab-v2 backbone model. address significant variations in illumination, scale and back- and capture view dependencies by performing non-overlapping ground clutter. Previous light field saliency datasets LFSD [1] convolution on each micro-lens image. We experimentally and HFUT-Lytro [2] include only 100 and 255 light fields, show that the angular changes are consistent with the view- respectively, captured by the first-generation Lytro cameras. point variations of micro-lens images, and the effective angular They are not large enough to train deep convolutional networks changes of each pixel may increase depth selectivity and the without severely overfitting. In addition, the unavailability of ability for accurate saliency detection. Figure2 provides an multi-views in the LFSD dataset and the color distortion of overview of the proposed network. the sub-aperture images in the HFUT-Lytro dataset impede Our contributions are summarized as follows: an evaluation of existing methods. (2) Architecture. The • We construct a new light field dataset for saliency de- adoption of CNN-based architectures in light field saliency tection, which comprises of 640 high-quality light fields detection is not trivial because the existing CNNs for 2D and the corresponding per-pixel ground-truth saliency images do not support the representation of 4D light field maps. This is the largest light field dataset that enables data. Thus, novel architectures must be developed for saliency efficient deep network training for saliency detection, and detection in light field images. addresses new challenges in saliency detection such as Based on the aforementioned issues, we introduce a com- inconsistent illumination and small salient objects in the prehensive, realistic and challenging benchmark dataset for cluttered or similar background. light field saliency detection. Using a Lytro Illum camera, we • We propose an end-to-end deep convolutional network for collect 640 light fields with significant variations in terms of predicting saliency on light field images. To the best of size, amount of texture, background clutter and illumination. our knowledge, no work has been reported on employing For each light field, we provide a high-quality micro-lens deep learning techniques for light field saliency detection. image array that contains multiple viewpoints for each spatial • We provide an analysis of the proposed architecture location. variants specifically designed for light-field inputs. We To explore spatial and multi-view properties of light fields also quantitatively and qualitatively compare our best- for saliency detection, we further propose a novel deep performing architecture with the 2D model using the convolutional network based on the modified DeepLab-v2 central viewing image and other 2D RGB-based methods. model [34] as well as several architecture variants (termed as We show that our network outperforms state-of-the-art MAC blocks) specifically designed for light field images. Our methods on the proposed dataset and generalizes well to blocks aim to Model Angular Changes (MAC) from micro- other datasets. lens images in an explicit way. One block type is similar to The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The the angular filter explored in [10] for material recognition. The next section summarizes related work on light field datasets, main difference is that [10] reorganizes the 4D information saliency detection from light field images, and saliency de- of the light field in different ways and divide the input into tection using deep learning technologies. We introduce our patches, which are further processed by the VGG-16 network novel Lytro Illum saliency dataset in Section III. We introduce for patch classification. We observe that this study does not our novel MAC blocks in SectionIV and evaluate them in pay much attention to the angular changes that may arise due SectionV. We conclude in SectionVI. to the network parameters, as it lacks an in-depth analysis of the relationship between its learned features and reflected information beneficial to material recognition. In contrast, II.RELATED WORK inspired by the micro-lens array hardware configuration of A. Light field datasets for saliency detection light field cameras, the proposed MAC blocks are specially tailored to process micro-lens images in an explicit way. The There are only two existing datasets designed for light field network parameters are designed to sample different views saliency detection, both recorded with Lytro’s first-generation 3 cameras. The Light Field Saliency Database (LFSD) [1] con- attention mechanism by focusing on informative regions in tains 100 light fields with 360 × 360 spatial resolution. A visual scenes. Another direction for improving the quality of rough focal stack and an all-focus image are provided for the saliency maps is the use of a recurrent structure [28], which each light field. The images in this dataset usually have one mainly serves as a refinement stage to correct previous errors. salient foreground object and a background with good color Although deep CNNs have achieved great success in saliency contrast. The limited complexity of the dataset is not sufficient detection, none of them addresses challenges in the 4D light to address the variety of challenges for saliency detection when field. Directly applying the existing network architectures to using a light field camera, such as illumination variations light field images would not be appropriate because a stan- and small objects on the similar or cluttered background. dard network is not particularly good at capturing viewpoint Later, Zhang et al. [2] proposed the HFUT-Lytro dataset, changes in light fields. Our work is the first to address light which consists of 255 light fields with complex backgrounds field saliency detection with end-to-end deep convolutional and multiple salient objects. Each light field has a 7 × 7 networks. angular resolution and 328 × 328 pixels of spatial resolution. Focal stacks, sub-aperture images, all-focus images, and coarse D. Deep learning technologies on light field data depth maps are provided in this dataset. However, the color Recently, in terms of different light field image types, channels in their sub-aperture images are distorted owing to learning-based techniques have been explored for light field the under-sampling during decoding [35]. In this work, we image processing. Yoon et al. [18] proposed a deep learning use a Lytro Illum camera to build a larger, higher-quality and framework for spatial and angular super-resolution, in which more challenging saliency dataset by capturing more variations two adjacent sub-aperture images are employed to generate in illuminance, scale, position. We also generate the micro- the in-between view. Wang et al. [41] built a bidirectional lens image array for each light field, which is not provided in recurrent CNN to super-resolve horizontally and vertically ad- previous datasets. jacent sub-aperture image stacks separately and then combined them using a multi-scale fusion scheme to obtain complete B. Saliency detection on light field images view images. Very recently, Zhang et al. [42] designed a Previous methods for light field saliency detection rely on residual network structure to process one central view image superpixel-level hand-crafted features [1], [2], [20], [21], [36]. and four stacks of sub-aperture images from four angular Pioneering work by Li et al. [1], [36] shows the feasibility directions. Residual information from different directions is of detecting salient regions using all-focus images and focal then combined to yield the high-resolution central view im- et al. stacks from light fields. Zhang et al. [20] explored the light age. Kalantari [43] proposed the first deep learning field depth cue in saliency detection, and further computed framework for view synthesis. They applied two sequential light field flow fields over focal slices and multi-view sub- CNNs on only four corner sub-aperture images to model depth aperture images to capture depth contrast [2]. In [21], a dic- and color estimation simultaneously by minimizing the error et tionary learning-based method is presented to combine various between synthesized views and ground truth images. Wu al. light field features using a sparse coding framework. Notably, [19] introduced the blur-restoration-deblur framework for these approaches share the assumption that dissimilarities light field reconstruction on 2D EPIs (epipolar plane images). between image regions imply salient cues. In addition, some of In order to directly synthesize novel views of dense 4D light et al. them [2], [20], [21] also utilize refinement strategies to enforce fields from sparse views, Wang [44] assembled 2D neighboring constraints for saliency optimization. In contrast strided convolutions operated on stacked EPIs and two detail- to the above methods, we propose a deep convolutional net- restoration 3D CNNs connected with angular conversion to et al. work by learning efficient angular kernels without additional build a pseudo 4D CNN. Heber [45] applied a CNN refinement on the upsampled image. in a sliding window fashion for shape from EPIs, which allows to estimate the depth map of a predefined sub-aperture image. In the successive work [46], they designed a U-shaped C. Deep learning for saliency prediction network for disparity estimation operating on a EPI volume Recently, remarkable advances in deep learning drive re- with two spatial dimensions and one angular dimension. The search towards the use of CNNs for saliency detection [22]– most similar to our work is [10], which proposes several [28]. Different from conventional learning-based methods, CNN architectures based on different light field image types. CNNs can directly learn a mapping between 2D images and One of the architectures is developed for the images similar saliency maps. Since the task is closely related to pixel- to raw micro-lens images. However, the network is mainly wise image classification, most works have built upon suc- designed to verify the advantages of multi-view information cessful architectures for image recognition on the ImageNet of light field compared with 2D RGB images in material dataset [37], often initializing their networks with the VGG recognition. In contrast, our work specifically focuses on the network [38]. For example, several methods directly use CNNs learned angular features from micro-lens images and their to learn effective contextual features and combine them to infer relationship with salient/non-salient cues. saliency [24], [25]. Other methods extract features at multiple scales and generate saliency maps in a fully convolutional III.THE LYTRO ILLUM SALIENCY DATASET way [39], [40]. Recently, attention models [26], [27] have To train and evaluate our network for saliency detection, we been introduced to saliency detection to mimic the visual introduce a comprehensive novel light field dataset. 4

Lytro Illum camera Sub-aperture images Sampled sub-aperture images ! $ (14×14) × (540×375) (9×9) × (540×375) 1 2 3 " 4 5 6

7 8 9 (a) (b) Sub-aperture images #

$ ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Central viewing image 7 8 9 # (540×375)

Micro-lens image array Ground truth (4860×3375) Micro-lens image array " (540×375) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the dataset construction. (a) Lytro Illum camera. (b) Sub-aperture images. (c) Micro-lens image array. (d) Ground-truth map for the central viewing image. (e) The generation of a micro-lens image array from sub-aperture images. The digits indicate viewpoints.

A. Light field representation 14 × 14. To reach a compromise on the training time and the There are various ways to represent the light field [7], detection accuracy, we sample 9 × 9 viewpoints from each [47], [48]. We adopt the two-plane parameterization [7] to light field to generate new sub-aperture images, as shown define the light field as a 4D function L (u, v, x, y), where in Figure3(b). Third, we generate a micro-lens image by u × v indicates the angular resolution and x × y indicates sampling the same spatial location from each sub-aperture the spatial resolution. As illustrated in Figures1(a) and (b), a image (see Figure3(e)), which further produces a micro- set of all incoming rays from the uv plane intersected with lens image array of size 4860 × 3375, shown in Figure3(c). a given micro-lens location (x∗, y∗) produces a micro-lens The red region indicates one pixel with 9 × 9 observation ∗ ∗ viewpoints in Figure3(c), comparing to one pixel only with image with multiple viewpoints LM (u, v, x , y ). The micro- lens images from different locations can be arranged into a the central view in Figure3(d). We initially collect 800 light micro-lens image array. As shown in Figures1(c) and (d), fields and manually annotate the per-pixel ground-truth label all micro-lens regions on the xy plane receive the incoming for each central viewing image. To reduce label inconsistency, rays from a given angular position (u∗, v∗), which produces each image is annotated by five independent annotators. We ∗ ∗ only regard a pixel as salient if it is verified by at least a sub-aperture image with all locations LS (u , v , x, y). The central viewing image is formed by the rays passed through three annotators. We only keep those images with sufficient agreement. In the end, our new dataset contains 640 light fields the main lens optical center (u = u0, v = v0). Since the sub- aperture images contain optical distortions caused by the light with 81 views. rays passed through the lens [49], [50], in this paper, we Figure4 shows eight examples of central viewing images build our network based on the micro-lens images, which have and their corresponding ground-truth saliency maps. There are been shown advantages over the sub-aperture images for scene significant variations in illumination, spatial distribution, scale reconstruction [51]. and background. Besides, there are multiple regions for some saliency annotations.

B. Dataset construction IV. LIGHT FIELD SALIENCY NETWORK Figure3 illustrates the procedure of our light field dataset We propose an end-to-end deep convolutional network construction. First, a set of 4D light fields are obtained using framework for light field saliency detection as shown in a Lytro Illum camera (Figure3(a)). Second, we use Lytro Figure2. Based on the micro-lens image array, the MAC Power Tools (LPT) [52] to decode light fields from raw 4D (Modal Angular Changes) blocks are designed to transfer the data to 2D sub-aperture images so that each light field has a light field inputs to feature maps in different ways. Then, the spatial resolution of 540 × 375 and an angular resolution of feature maps are fed to a modified DeepLab-v2 [34] to predict 5

Fig. 4. Example central viewing images (top) and their corresponding ground-truth saliency maps (bottom) from our novel Lytro Illum dataset.

1/8 1/8 Conv 3×3,1024 Conv 1×1,1024 1×1,2 Rate: 6

1 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 Conv 3×3,1024 Conv Conv Conv Conv 1×1,1024 1×1,2 Conv Max pool Conv Max pool Max pool Max pool Max pool Feature 3×3,256 3×3,512 3×3,512 Rate: 12 3×3,64 3×3 3×3,128 3×3 3×3 3×3 3×3 Bilinear 3×3,256 3×3,512 3×3,512 Sum maps 3×3,64 Stride:2 3×3,128 Stride:2 Stride:2 Stride:1 Stride:1 interpolation 3×3,256 3×3,512 3×3,512 Conv Rate: 2 3×3,1024 Conv 1×1,1024 1×1,2 Block1 Block2 Block3 Block4 Block5 Rate: 18

Conv 3×3,1024 Conv 1×1,1024 1×1,2 Rate: 24 ASPP

Fig. 5. Network structure of the backbone model based on DeepLab-v2 [34]. The reduction in resolution is shown at the top of each box. saliency maps. We first discuss the backbone model and then B. MAC blocks detail different MAC block variants. Our network is essentially a modified DeepLab-v2 network A. Backbone model augmented with a light field input process. As shown in We formulate light field saliency detection as a binary Figure2, a MAC block is a basic computational unit operating W ×H×C pixel labeling problem. Saliency detection and semantic seg- on a micro-lens image array input M ∈ R and W 0×H0×C0 mentation are closely related because both are pixel-wise producing an output feature map F ∈ R . Here, labeling tasks and require low-level cues as well as high- W = Nx × Nu and H = Ny × Nv, in which (Nx,Ny) is the level semantic information. Inspired by previous literature spatial size and (Nu,Nv) is the view size, respectively. The on semantic segmentation [34], [53], [54], we design our motivation of the MAC block is to model angular changes at backbone model based on DeepLab [54], which is a variant one pixel location in an explicit manner. An essential part of of FCNs [53] modified from the VGG-16 network [38]. There learning angular features is the design of convolutional kernels are several variants of DeepLab [34], [55], [56]. In this work, applied on the micro-lens images. However, it is unclear what we use DeepLab-v2 [34], which introduces ASPP to capture defines good angular filters and how many angular directions multi-scale information and long-range spatial dependencies should be chosen for better performance. In this paper, we among image units. propose three different MAC block variant architectures to The modified network is composed of five convolutional process light field micro-lens image arrays before block1 of the (conv) blocks, each of which is divided into convolutions backbone model, in which convolutional methods with kernel followed by a ReLu. A max-pooling layer is connected after sizes, stride size and sampled viewpoints are all designed to the top conv layer of each conv block. The ASPP is applied capture angular changes in light fields, as shown in Figure6. on top of block5, which consists of four branches with atrous For the design simplicity of the MAC block, some default rates (r = {6, 12, 18, 24}). Each branch contains one 3 × 3 settings are fixed to guarantee that the predicted map and the convolution and one 1 × 1 convolution. The resulting features ground truth map have the same spatial resolution in a fully from all branches are then passed through another 1 × 1 convolutional network architecture. First, the spatial dimension convolution and summed to generate the final score. The of output of the MAC block is ensured to be the same with that 0 0 network further employs bilinear interpolation to upsample of the 2D sub-aperture image, i.e. W = Nx and H = Ny. the fused score map to the original resolution of the central Second, the number C0 of convolutional kernels in the MAC viewing image, which produces the saliency prediction at the block is the same as that of convolution kernels in block1 of pixel level. In addition, we add dropout to all the conv layers DeepLab-v2. In our case where the data are captured by a of the five blocks to avoid overfitting and set the 1 × 1 conv Lytro Illum camera, the MAC block converts the light field layer with 2 channels after ASPP to produce saliency and non- input data into a 540 × 375 × 64 feature map. The parameters saliency score maps. The detailed architecture is illustrated in of LFNet variants, including the kernel size k ×k ×C and the Figure5. convolutional stride s, should meet the above two conditions. 6

rate=1 rate=1 rate=2 rate=3 rate=4

9 3 3 3 9 375 375 3 540 540 9 1125 Feature map 1×1 conv Feature map Atrous conv 3375 1620 3375 9 4860 4860 ⋯ 375 Concat 540 Micro-lens image array Micro-lens image array 3375 375 Feature map 4860 540 Micro-lens image array (a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6. Architectures of the proposed MAC blocks. (a) MAC block-9 × 9. (b) MAC block-3 × 3. (c) MAC block-star shaped. The selected viewpoints are highlighted in red.

We now discuss the detailed architectures of the three proposed Adaptation. Note that although the proposed framework MAC blocks. is specially tailored to process micro-lens based light field 1) MAC block-9 × 9: As described in Section III-B, each data for saliency detection, in theory, the proposed network micro-lens image has 9 × 9 viewpoints and can be consid- could be adapted to different types of light field data as ered as one of the pixel locations. The spatial resolution well if the camera acquires the same pixel with sufficient is 540 × 375 thus the size of the whole micro-lens image different views. However, directly using the proposed network array is 4860 × 3375. In this architecture, we design angular to process other types of light field data potentially has the convolutional kernels across all viewpoint directions, as shown following problems. (i) The number of views is usually limited in Figure6(a). The kernel size shares the same angular and the resulting images suffer from angular aliasing due to resolution of one micro-lens image, and the number of kernels the poor angular sampling of other cameras, such as multi- and the stride size are set to extract angular features for each camera arrays [58] and light field gantries [59]. (ii) For sparse micro-lens image. Specifically, we propose 64 angular kernels, and wide-baseline light fields captured by multi-camera arrays, each of which is a 9 × 9 filter. The stride of convolution convolution operating over the full resolution of light fields operations is 9, which leads to 540 × 375 × 64 feature maps. may be prohibitively memory intensive and computationally Each point on the feature map can be considered as being expensive. (iii) Compared to micro-lens based light field captured by the 81 lenslets. These kernels differ from common cameras offered by simple design, flexibility and little marginal convolutional kernels applied on 2D images in that they only costs, other light field systems are generally impractical for the detect the angular changes in the micro-lens image array. outdoor data collection due to the complex, heavy, and cost of This architecture directly learns the angular information from the capturing system. It is difficult to construct a realistic and light field images, and thus is expected to distinguish salient challenging saliency dataset of a certain scale. Therefore, the foregrounds and backgrounds with similar colors or textures. proposed network in this paper is currently only applicable to 2) MAC block-3 × 3: Motivated by the effectiveness of the micro-lens based light field data with a set of dense views. smaller kernels in VGG-16 [38] and Inception v2 [55], we V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS replace the 9 × 9 convolution in MAC block-9 × 9 with two layers of 3 × 3 convolution (stride= 3) shown in Figure6(b), Our experimental evaluation is split up into three main parts. which increases the number of parameters while enhancing The first section evaluates the three variations of the MAC the network nonlinearity. blocks to identify the network design that works best for light- 3) MAC block-star shaped: We design atrous angular con- field saliency detection. The second section discusses the an- volutional kernels to capture long-range angular features. The gular resolution, the overfitting issue and the advantages of the atrous rates are set to sample representative viewpoint direc- selected variant of the MAC block compared to 2D saliency tions. It has been shown that using selected angular directions detectors. Finally, the third section shows the performance we is beneficial in the context of depth estimation [15], [57]. can attain based on the best performing model. We show state- Here, we test the application in saliency detection. Different of-the-art results on the new Lytro Illum, HFUT-Lytro [2] and from MAC block-9 × 9, we select star-shaped viewpoints (i.e. LFSD datasets [1], based on a pre-trained network on the four directions θ = {0◦, 45◦, 90◦, 135◦}) from each micro-lens proposed dataset. image. To implement viewpoint sampling and angular filtering, we use atrous convolution with five atrous rates, as shown in A. Settings Figure6(c). The resulting feature maps are concatenated and 1) Implementation and training: The computational envi- combined using 1 × 1 convolutions for later processing. ronment has an Intel i7-6700K [email protected], 15GB RAM, 7

augmentation, we use geometric transformations (i.e. rotation, flipping and cropping), changes in brightness, contrast, and chroma as well as additive Gaussian noise. Specifically, we rotate the micro-lens image array 90, 180, and 270 degrees, and perform horizontal and vertical flipping. To change the rel- ative position of the saliency region in the image, we randomly (a) (b) crop two subimages of 3519 × 2907 size from the micro-lens image array. Then for one subimage and the image arrays with 0, 90, and 180 degrees of rotation, we adjust the brightness by (a) (b) multiplying all pixels by 1.5 and 0.6, respectively, and both chroma and contrast by the multiplication factor 1.7. Finally, Fig. 7. Light field image examples. (a) The HFUT-Lytro dataset. (b) The we add the zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance of 0.01 proposed Lytro Illum dataset. Left: the all-focus images and the central to all images. In total, we expand the micro-lens image array viewing images are shown for the two datasets, respectively. Right: nine sub- (4 × 4 + 8) × 2 aperture images are randomly sampled for each light field. by 48 ( ) such that the whole training dataset is increased from 512 to 24, 576. 4) Evaluation metrics: We adopt five metrics to evaluate and an NVIDIA GTX1080Ti GPU. We trained our network our network. The first one is precision-recall (PR) curve. using the Caffe library [60] with the maximum iteration step Specifically, saliency maps are first binarized and then com- of 160K. We initialize the backbone model with DeepLab- pared to the ground truths under varying thresholds. The v2 [34] pre-trained on the PASCAL VOC 2012 segmentation second metric is Fβ–measure, which considers both precision benchmark [61]. The newly added conv layers in the MAC and recall block, the first layer of block1, and the score layer are (1 + β2)P recision · Recall F = (2) initialized using the Xavier algorithm [62]. The whole network β β2 · P recision + Recall is trained end-to-end using the stochastic gradient descent β2 0.3 (SGD) algorithm. To leverage the training time and the image where is set to as suggested in [31]. The third metric size, we use a single image batch size. Momentum and weight is Average Precision (AP), which is computed by averaging decay are set to 0.9 and 0.0005, respectively. The base learning the precision values at evenly spaced recall levels. The fourth rate is initialized as 0.01 for the newly added conv layers in the metric is Mean Absolute Error (MAE), which computes the MAC block and the first layer of block1, and 0.001 with the average absolute per-pixel difference between the predicted poly decay policy for the remaining layers. A dropout layer map and the corresponding ground truth map. Additionally, with probabilities p = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5] is applied to amend several limitations of the above four metrics, such after conv layers for block1–block5 and ASPP, respectively. as interpolation flaw for AP, dependency flaw for PR curve and F –measure, and equal-importance flaw for all metrics, as We use the softmax loss function defined as β suggested in [63], we use weighted F w (WF)–measure based y β W H z i,j 1 X X e i,j on weighted precision and recall as the fifth metric L = − log z0 z1 (1) 2 w w W × H e i,j + e i,j (1 + β )P recision · Recall i=1 j=1 F w = (3) β β2 · P recisionw + Recallw where W and H indicate the width and height of an image, z0 and z1 are the last two activation values of the pixel where w is a weighting function based on the Euclidean ij ij distance to calculate the pixel importance from the ground (i, j) and yij is the ground-truth label of the pixel (i, j). truth. Note that yij is 1 only when pixel (i, j) is salient. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/pencilzhang/ MAC-light-field-saliency-net.git. B. Evaluation of MAC blocks 2) Datasets: Three datasets are used for benchmarking: the We present a detailed performance comparison among dif- proposed Lytro Illum dataset, the HFUT-Lytro dataset [2], and ferent MAC block variant architectures on the proposed Lytro the LFSD dataset [1]. Our network is trained and evaluated Illum dataset. As described in Section IV-B, these variants on the proposed Lytro Illum dataset using a five-fold cross- only differ in the convolution operations applied on their light validation. The trained model is further tested on the other two field inputs. The quantitative results of the comparison are datasets to evaluate the generalization ability of our network. shown in TableI, from which we can see that the MAC Note that the unavailable viewpoints in the LFSD dataset and block-9 × 9 architecture achieves the best performance for all the color distortion of sub-aperture images in the HFUT-Lytro metrics on the proposed dataset. We hypothesize that treating dataset (see examples in Figure7 for visual comparison) are every micro-lens image as a whole and applying the angular unsuitable for evaluation of our method. To apply the trained kernels that have the same size with the angular resolution of model on the two datasets, we pad the angular resolutions to the light field can help to exploit the multi-view information 9 × 9 using the all-focus image. in the micro-lens image array. The detection performances of 3) Data augmentation: In order to obtain more training two other variants are lower, probably because the increased data to achieve good performance without overfitting, we aug- number of parameters make the network more difficult to train. ment the training data aggressively on-the-fly. To facilitate this 8

TABLE I TABLE II QUANTITATIVE RESULTS ON THE PROPOSED LYTRO ILLUM DATASET QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON BETWEEN OUR 4D MODELAND 2D-CENTRALVIEWONTHEPROPOSED LYTRO ILLUM DATASET Method F-measure WF-measure MAE AP Method F-measure WF-measure MAE AP MAC block–star shaped 0.8045 0.7426 0.0555 0.9120 Ours 0.8116 0.7540 0.0551 0.9124 MAC block–3 × 3 0.8066 0.7471 0.0562 0.9118 2D-central view 0.8056 0.7446 0.0597 0.9016 MAC block–9 × 9 0.8116 0.7540 0.0551 0.9124


Angular resolution F-measure WF-measure MAE AP 7 × 7 0.8018 0.7406 0.0567 0.9135 9 × 9 0.8116 0.7540 0.0551 0.9124 11 × 11 0.8006 0.7392 0.0567 0.9109

to compare angular and spatial patterns. We can see that the learned weights from our MAC block have noticeable changes in angular space, which suggests that the viewpoint cue of light field data is well captured. The angular changes are also (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) consistent with the viewpoint variations of micro-lens images, as shown in Figure9(b). The results are attributed to the Fig. 8. Visual comparison of different MAC block variants. (a) Central newly designed conv method in which the kernel size is the viewing images. (b) Ground truth maps. (c) MAC block-9 × 9. (d) MAC block-3 × 3. (e) MAC block-star shaped. same as the angular resolution of the micro-lens image, and the stride length guarantees angular features are extracted for each micro-lens image. Therefore, our 4D saliency detector Figure8 presents qualitative results of all variants. As illus- produces more accurate saliency maps than the 2D detector trated in the figure, these variants can separate the most salient shown in Figure9(c). regions from similar or cluttered backgrounds. Compared to In addition, we show the feature maps obtained from the two other variants, MAC block-9 × 9 outputs cleaner and more models in Figure 10. It can be seen that different layers encode consistent predictions for the regions with specular reflections different types of features. Higher layers capture semantic (row 1), small salient objects (row 2), and similar foreground concepts of the salient region, whereas lower layers encode and background (rows 2 and 3). Moreover, we can see that more discriminative features for identifying the salient region. MAC block-9 × 9 better predicts salient regions without being The proposed 4D saliency detector can well discriminate the highly affected by the light source (row 4). These results white spout from the white pants, as shown in Figure 10(a). demonstrate that the proposed network variants are likely However, as illustrated in the block1-conv1 and block5 of to extract potential depth cues by learning angular changes, Figure 10(b), most feature maps from the 2D detector have which are helpful to saliency detection. The kernels with the small values that are not discriminative enough to separate the same size of the angular resolution show better capability in salient tea cup from the pants. Thus the 2D detector produces depth discrimination. features cluttered with background noise in the following ASPP and score fusion. More comparisons of saliency maps C. Model analysis between the two models can be seen in Figure 11. Here, we perform all following experiments using MAC 2) Effect of the angular resolutions: To show the effect block-9 × 9, since this setup performed best in previous of the angular resolutions in the network, we compare the evaluation. performance of our architecture with varying number of view- 1) Effectiveness of the MAC block: To further delve into points in Table III. Note that we change the kernel size to the difference between regular image saliency and light field stay the same with the angular resolution. From the table, we saliency, we present some important properties of light field can see that the network using 9 × 9 viewpoints shows the features that can better facilitate saliency detection. We com- best performance overall. Increasing the angular resolution pare our 4D light field saliency (i.e. MAC block-9 × 9) to 2D to 11 × 11 cannot improve the performance, which can be model using the central viewing image as input (2D-central explained by the fact that the viewing angles at the boundary view). The quantitative results are shown in TablesII. We are very oblique [64] and the narrow baseline of the light field observe that light field saliency detection with multi-views camera leads to high viewing redundancy with higher angular turns out to perform better than the 2D detector with only resolutions [7], [65]. the central view. 3) Overfitting issues: Overfitting is a common problem To provide complementary insight of why light field related to training a CNN with limited data. In this section, saliency works, we visualize the weights of the first conv we analyse the proposed network by introducing different layers of our network and 2D-central view in Figure9(a) strategies to handle overfitting: data augmentation (DG) and 9

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 9. Visual comparison of our 4D model (top) and 2D model using the central view (bottom). (a) Visualization of the first conv layers. (b) Light field input with highlighted regions. (c) Saliency predictions. (d) Ground truth maps.



(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 11. Qualitative comparison of 4D model and 2D-central view. (a) Central viewing images. (b) Ground-truth maps. (c) Ours. (d) 2D-central view.

ASPP original training data as shown in Figure 12(a). As expected, both DG and dropout are crucial to minimize overfitting as shown in Figures 12(b)–(d). Figure 12(e) presents the corresponding PR curves. It can be seen that by increasing the amount and diversity of the data and the amount of dropout Score fusion between different layers during training, the performance of the network increases as well.

D. Comparison with 2D models To understand the additional information contained in the (a) (b) micro-lens light field images, we compare our best performing approach (i.e. MAC block-9 × 9) to 8 existing methods Fig. 10. Feature maps obtained from (a) 4D model and (b) 2D model using on the test set of our proposed dataset. Our comparison the central view from different layers. From top to bottom: the first conv features of block1, block5 output features, ASPP features with four atrous includes 4 traditional approaches MST [66], SMD [67], rates, and the score fusion maps via sum-pooling. For ASPP and sum fusion, MDC [68], WFD [69]; and 4 CNN-based ones: PiCANet [25], the non-salience and salience scores are shown in the left and right subfigures, Amulet [70], LFR [71], HyperFusion [72]. To facilitate fair respectively. comparison and effective model training, we use the recom- mended parameter settings provided by the authors to initialize these models. All CNN-based methods are based on DNNs dropout. The results obtained for our best performing model pre-trained on the ImageNet [37] classification task. We retrain are shown in Figure 12. Clearly, the network is overfitting with these CNN models on the proposed dataset in a five-fold 10

Original data w/ DG w/ dropout w/ DG+dropout 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1 Training Training Training Training 0.9 1.2 Validation 1.2 Validation 1.2 Validation 1.2 Validation 0.8 1 1 1 1 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 Loss Loss Loss 0.6 Loss 0.6 0.6 0.6 Precision 0.4

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 Original data 0.2 w/ DG 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 w/ dropout 0.1 w/ DG+dropout 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Iterations 104 Iterations 104 Iterations 104 Iterations 104 Recall (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 12. Training and validation loss for our model on the proposed Lytro Illum dataset. (a) Original training data. (b) Training with DG. (c) Training with dropout. (d) Training with DG and dropout. (e) PR curves for different strategies.


Model F-measure WF-measure MAE AP MST [66] 0.6695 0.5834 0.1243 0.6967 Traditional SMD [67] 0.7246 0.5371 0.1234 0.7789 MDC [68] 0.7407 0.5891 0.1094 0.7552 WFD [69] 0.7260 0.6408 0.1024 0.7604 PiCANet [25] 0.7908 0.6745 0.0782 0.8362 CNN-based Amulet [70] 0.8059 0.7686 0.0552 0.8485 LFR [71] 0.7756 0.7242 0.0702 0.8463 HyperFusion [72] 0.7549 0.6945 0.0752 0.8359 Ours 0.8116 0.7540 0.0551 0.9124

cross-validation way and apply the same data augmentation TABLE V method used in our work. The quantitative results are shown QUANTITATIVE RESULTS ON THE PROPOSED LYTRO ILLUM DATASET. BOLD: BEST, UNDERLINED: SECONDBEST in TableIV. We can see that in general, our model outperforms other methods in terms of F-measure, MAE, and AP metrics. Method F-measure WF-measure MAE AP Amulet [70] obtains the second best performance on the LFS [1] 0.6107 0.3596 0.1697 0.6193 proposed dataset. CNN-based methods consistently perform WSC [21] 0.6451 0.5945 0.1093 0.5958 better than traditional methods. DILF [20] 0.6395 0.4844 0.1389 0.6921 Multi-cue [2] 0.6648 0.5420 0.1197 0.6593 E. Comparison to state-of-the-art light field methods Ours 0.8116 0.7540 0.0551 0.9124 We compare our best performing model MAC block-9 × 9 to four state-of-the-art methods tailored to light field saliency TABLE VI detection: Multi-cue [2], DILF [20], WSC [21], and LFS [1]. QUANTITATIVE RESULTS ON THE HFUT-LYTRO DATASET.BOLD: BEST, We train our network on the novel dataset, and evaluate on UNDERLINED: SECONDBEST the others without fine-tuning. The results of other methods Method F-measure WF-measure MAE AP are obtained using the authors’ implementations. TablesV– LFS [1] 0.4868 0.3023 0.2215 0.4718 VII and Figure 13 show quantitative results on three datasets. WSC [21] 0.5552 0.5080 0.1454 0.4743 Overall, our approach outperforms other methods on three DILF [20] 0.5543 0.4468 0.1579 0.6221 datasets without any post-processing for refinement, which Multi-cue [2] 0.6135 0.5146 0.1388 0.6354 demonstrates the advantage of the proposed deep convolutional Ours 0.6721 0.6087 0.1029 0.7390 network for light field saliency detection. In particular, we observe that the proposed approach shows significant per- TABLE VII formance gains when compared to previous methods on the QUANTITATIVE RESULTS ON THE LFSD DATASET.BOLD: BEST, proposed dataset for all metrics. The performance is lower UNDERLINED: SECONDBEST on the HFUT-Lytro and LFSD datasets, which is due to the Method F-measure WF-measure MAE AP limited viewpoint information in these datasets. Therefore, a LFS [1] 0.7525 0.5319 0.2072 0.8161 large number of filters learnt on the proposed dataset are un- WSC [21] 0.7729 0.7371 0.1453 0.6832 derused. This demonstrates that different light field datasets do DILF [20] 0.8173 0.6695 0.1363 0.8787 affect the accuracy of methods. Multi-cue [2] and DILF [20] Multi-cue [2] 0.8249 0.7155 0.1503 0.8625 methods show better performance than our approach in terms Ours 0.8105 0.7378 0.1164 0.8561 of F-measure and AP on the LFSD dataset. The reason is that these methods use external depth features and post-processing refinement to improve the performance. 11

Lytro Illum HFUT-Lytro LFSD 1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5 Precision Precision Precision 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 LFS 0.2 LFS 0.2 LFS DILF DILF DILF WSC WSC WSC 0.1 Multi-cue 0.1 Multi-cue 0.1 Multi-cue Ours Ours Ours 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Recall Recall Recall (a) (b) (c)

Fig. 13. Comparison on three datasets in terms of PR curve. (a) The proposed Lytro Illum dataset. (b) The HFUT-Lytro dataset. (c) The LFSD dataset.

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Fig. 14. Visual comparison of our best MAC block variant (Ours) and state-of-the-art methods on three datasets. (a) Central viewing/all-focus images. (b) Ground truth maps. (c) Ours. (d) LFS [36]. (e) DILF [20]. (f) WSC [21]. (g) Multi-cue [2]. The first five samples are taken from the proposed Lytro Illum dataset, the middle three samples are taken from the HFUT-Lytro dataset, and the last two samples are taken from the LFSD dataset.

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