The New Mexican Review, 03-21-1912

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The New Mexican Review, 03-21-1912 University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-21-1912 The ewN Mexican Review, 03-21-1912 New Mexican Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Co.. "The eN w Mexican Review, 03-21-1912." (1912). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE NEW M CAN REVIEW. THURSDAY. MARCH NO. 2 FORTY-NINT- H YEAU SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, 21,1912 ell 8tackhouse, Nemeclo Apodaca, of mines. fix- Jose D. Sena, Solomon Luna, Nathan BILLS BEGIN House Bill No. 6, by Llewellyn, SECOND BALLOT DOES NOT FIRST BALLOT ON SENATORSHIP Jaffa, Samuel Bushman, Gregory Page ing time for holding district court in and Thomas D. Burns, each 1., third Judicial district. The members voted as follows: House Bill No. 7, by Toombs, an forced Baca, Marcos C. de Catron, Felix TOP act to exempt property from GIVES NQpLUE 10 Martinez. sale. Baca, Miguel Fall, Catron, House Joint Resolution, by Llewel- Blanchard, W. E. Andrews, Fall. Them Two Measures lyn, to amend Article 21, Section 5 of ' Boulware, Robt. H. Jones, Martinez. Among the Constitution, repealing the Eng But Two More Candidates Join the Skidoo Column at Head William J. Mills Lead, B. Baca. State-Wid- e Prohibition lish language qualification and substi Felix Martinez, A. A. Jones and Burg, John Hagerman, ' for Martinez. statewide therefor. Will . Cartel1, P. E. Jones, Amendment tuting prohibition of List. No Important Relative Changes, but With Vote Cast for Many Favorite Sons, Who Campbell, J. W. Jones, Martinez, Trujillo introduced a House resolu Casados, Jnan D. JoneB, Martinez, tion to strike from the Constitution Several New Comers Get Votes. Be Eliminated ' Eventually Catron, Charles C. Catron, Jara the language qualification and provid mlllo. SQUABBLE OVELJOINI RULES ing for the submission to the elector- Chavez, James W. Andrews, Larra ate of the amendment. The report act providing bounties for the killing or such other reasona- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SSXXXXXXXXXXXXX row, zolo. was adopted. X A. B. Fall 23 17 X of wild animals. Referred to tbe to It Felix Martinez 23 X ble time as they may ask, Chrlsman, W. H. Prince, Baca. la to Be Untangled at the Speaker Baca Introduced resolutions X A. A. Jones 22 X committee on livestock. 22 answer. This ,..,,,.,.23 A A Jones make Investiga- Clancy, John J. Mills, Larrazolo. Evening Session of House to supply members of the House with X Felix Martinez ..'.'.,.23 23 X Senate Bill No. 20, by Pankey, an Mill 21 X tion will not conflict with the Laws and Session Laws. 21 X - X William J. ... Cooney, Thomas Andrews, Murray. To-Nig- Compiled X William J. Mills .....16 act defining building and loan assocl- at- A. B. Full ! 17 proceedings of the district Downs, Charles P. Fall, Mills. Also a House Joint Resolution provid- X W. H. Andrews 15 12 X atlons. Referred to tbe committee on X W. H. Andrews 12 X torney. Evans, John T. Jones, Martinez. ing for the donation of desks to St. X T. B. Catron 8 11 X Insurance and banking. M. Senate. Also a resolution 7 X X T. B. Catron 11 KXX.XXXXXXXXXXSXX Gage, Hugh Jones, Martinez. Michael's College. X R. L. Baca Senate Bill No. 21, by Burns, pro- - Martinez. con- X R. L, Baca 6 X Hous. Garcia, Rafael Jones, Chaplain McCollough led In prayer. providing for the payment of X M. A. Otero ;.; t X vlriinor for n atnti flnh hfltphprv and a X Goodell, A. 8. Fall, Murray. tingent expenses. X O. A. Larrazolo 4 O. A. Larrazolo 6 feeling in the House was tense and The rules were suspended by a strict ...... superintendent's cottage. Referred Gurule, Tomas A. Hagerman, Baca Chrlsman introduced House Joint X L. B. Prince 2 X Herbert J. Hagerman 4 X there was more or less commotion party vote, 14 ayes, 8 nays, 2 absent, to tbe committee on finance. Hilton, Conrad Powell Stackhouse, Resolution No. 6, providing for the X Nathan Jaffa 3 X Venceslao Jnrumlllo 2 X throughout the proceedings, frequent to permit Ilfeld to Introduce Senate House Joint Memorial No. 1, was N. Apodaca. printing of bills, etc. The committee X A. W. 2 X W. D. Murray 2 X clashes and whispered consultations. Joint Resolution No. 5, providing for Cooley referred to the committee on state af- House, John L. Jones, Martinez. on printing reported in favor of the X Herbert J. 2 X Nathan Jaffa 2 X Fervent prayer by Vicar General Four- the submission of an amendment to Hagerman. fairs; House Joint Resolution No. 6, Labadie. Tranquillno Mills, Larra passage of the resolution, The report X Solomon Luna ...... 1 X George W. Prlchard 2 X chegu, roll call and reading of the the people to repeal the language to the committee on printing; House zolo. was adopted. X Charles A. Spless .... 1 X Thomas D. Burns 1 X Journal were preliminary routine bust qualification of the constitution. It Bill No. 6, to the committee on Judi- Llewellyn, W. H. II. Andrews, Fall Bias Sancnez moved that the bills X Powell Stackhouse .. 1 X Solomon Luna 1 X ness, after which the House buckled amends section 5, article 21 of the ciary. Lobato, Jose 0. Mills, Larrazolo. be ordered translated, printed and re X Jose D. Sena 1 L. B. Prince 1 X down to business, although there was Constitution. Adopted on third read- The Senate, by its off!- - Lopez, Remlglo Martinez, Milld. ferred. Bills Nos. 1, 2 and 4 were re X Venceslao Jaramlllo . 1 preceded more or less confusion all of the time. ing under ot - X Powell Stackhouse 1 X Martinez. suspension the rules. The on 2 ,cers, and walking two by two, pro- offered Love, Florence Jones, ferred to tbe committee finance; X George W. Prlchard.. 1 Nemeclo 1 X Representative Llewellyn following bills were Introduced and ceeded to the X Apodaca Manzanares, M. P. Mills, Baca. Nos. 3, 6 and 7, and the Trujillo House X X X X X X X X X S X X X X House of Representa the following resolution which was referred, an effort to table Senate Bill X Jose D. Sena 1 X Martinez, Manuel C. Jones, Baca. resolution to the committee on Judi tives, for the first Joint ballot for the adopted unanimously: No. 1 failing. X Samuel Bushman 1 X McGllllvray. Duncan Mills, An ciary; No. 5 to mines and mining. United States Senators. "Be It resolved, That cordial Invita Senate Bill No. 1 by to submit A. B. Fall and A. A. Jones today X Gregory Page 1 X drews. Hartt, A telegram from former Delegate B. After the joint session the Senate tion be extended to the a to "Skiddoo 23'' column In representatives Larrazolo constitutional amendment strike S. Joined the to three o'clock after- Mex-kc- , Moreno, Preslllano Mills, Rodey at Seattle, congratulating the adjourned this xxxxxxxxxxxsx&xx of the press of the State of New out the clause. the Joint for United States Mullens, James V. Martinez, Jones language House, was read balloting noon. and to visiting newspaper men Senate Bill No. 2, by Hlnkle. to fix Senators in the House of Representa- The above Is the result of the first Nichols, W. W. Jones, Martinez. Senate Joint Resolution No. 4, pro- House, from elsewhere, to be present at the the time for the of court In each 23 votes and ballot on the United States Senator-shi- Zacarlas Fall, Catron. holding for the to govern the tives, receiving sessions of this legislative assembly, Padllla, the fifth Judicial district. viding procedure honors at the bead of Feeling seemed less tense than yes- and to the favorite Francisco Mills, Baca. of U. S. and Joint thus dividing strange say, sergeant-at-arm- s In- Qulntana, electlqn Senators terday. Roll call, Invocation the and the is hereby Senate Bill No. 3, by Evans, to the column. by son ballots on the Republican side Rogers, W. E. Jones, Martinez. regu sessions ot the two houses was read and of were structed to provide Beats and afford late the manufacture and of The second ballot has brought no chaplain reading minutes caused the two Democratic candidates Sanchez, Bias Mills, J. D. Sena. storage In full. the routine of the forenoon facility to the aforesaid membei'B explosives. solution to the Senatorial deadlock. opening to lead in the ballot although they did Skidtnore, J. R Fall, Mills. A recess was taken to enable the session called to order ct the press, to the end that the peo- Senate Bill No. 4, The votes beyond the six by Speaker the full Democratic Smith, S. J. Jones, Martinez. by Burns, a cor to scattering not get strength have the fullest information representatives acquaint themselves still insufficient Baca at 10:30 o'clock. d ple may rupt practices act. The highest candidates, is and the Democrats have less than Toombs, Oscar T. Mills, Luna. penalty pre with the provisions of the resolution. After the minutes were corrected of the proceedings of this 'legislative scribed is one to five years. to elect any one man by giving him of the membership in either Tripp. George W. Mills, Fall. A keen Is over the pro and a recess was taken to Senate BUI No.
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