John Young and Joseph C.S. Lai School of Engineering and Information Technology University of New South Wales, Canberra, ACT, 2600, Australia

Keywords: flapping foil, power generation

Abstract expected to diminish the impact on wildlife. This is due to the entire foil moving at the same A fully passive flapping foil turbine was speed, thereby increasing the proportion of the simulated using a 2D Navier Stokes solver with turbine area working at maximum power two-way fluid structure interaction at a extraction. In the tidal flow and river Reynolds number of 1100. The angle of attack applications, operation is also possible in profile was specified, and variations in the shallower water than for horizontal axis rotary phase and shape of this profile on the power turbines, when the foil is oriented horizontally generation efficiency investigated. Performance and plunges vertically. Here the turbine size was found to be most sensitive to the phase, with may be increased by extending the foil span, relatively lesser effects from variations in the without affecting the plunge motion amplitude. angle of attack during the periods outside stroke A number of different factors affecting reversal. This behaviour was determined chiefly performance have been investigated in recent by the timing of the interaction of a large times, including foil shape (e.g. [6]), laminar leading edge vortex with the trailing edge of the versus turbulent flow conditions (e.g. [2,3]), foil. operation in a shear flow [4], and activation strategy. The latter describes the manner in 1 Introduction which the foil is driven, and may be broadly Flapping foils are under active classified as fully prescribed, partially passive consideration as an alternative to traditional or fully passive. rotary turbines, for power generation in wind, In fully prescribed studies both the tidal and oceanic currents, and rivers (e.g. [1- plunging and pitching motions are given as 4]), following an approach pioneered by functions of time. In partially passive strategies McKinney and DeLaurier [5]. In this concept an only the pitching motion is typically prescribed oscillating pitch motion creates a fluid dynamic (e.g. [7,8]), where some of the power extracted force on the foil, which then translates in an from the plunge motion is diverted to drive a oscillatory manner in response. Power is pitch motor, and thus the pitch motion is typically extracted from this translational indirectly flow-driven. Fully passive strategies (plunge) motion, and performance is measured rely on fluid-structure interaction to determine as for rotary turbines, that is as the percentage both the plunging and pitching motions (e.g. of energy extracted from the fluid stream [2,9,10]). Such systems may alternatively be passing through the frontal area of the turbine classified in terms of the degrees of freedom (in this case the swept area of the foil). and the constraints on the motion, e.g. 2-dof, Such power generation mechanisms strongly constrained pitch motion, loosely promise a number of potential advantages in constrained plunge motion [8]; 1-dof, fully comparison to rotary turbines, including a constrained plunge and pitch motions [11]; or 1- relatively low foil maximum speed which is dof, loosely constrained pitch and plunge motions [2,10]. 1 J. YOUNG, J.C.S. LAI

In all these studies flapping kinematics is a foil are driven directly by fluid-structure primary determinant of performance (that is, interaction). Maintaining a given angle of attack greatest extraction of power from the available time history was shown to provide a significant fluid stream) [1]. Most studies have considered benefit in efficiency compared to controlling the sinusoidal profiles in both pitch and plunge, pitch angle without consideration of the angle of although some have studied the effect of non- attack (41% versus 30% for the conditions sinusoidal profiles. considered). This work investigates the effect of Ashraf et al. [12] and Platzer et al. [13] variations in the angle of attack time history. considered prescribed motion for single foils The aim is not finding the optimum angle of and two foils in a tandem arrangement, for attack profile per se (which will be dependent sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillations, a on a wide range of factors including Reynolds range of different phases between pitch and number, foil geometry and plunge amplitudes), plunge, different phases between front and rear rather it is about investigating the effect of foils, and different spacing between the foils. changes in the profile on the flow physics, to For non-sinusoidal motion, the pitch rotation of understand the sensitivity of the power output to the foil was compressed so that it occurred at these changes as a first step towards developing the top of the upstroke and bottom of the a robust control system. downstroke with periods of constant pitch angle in between. This increased the power output by up to 17% over sinusoidal motions, by presenting the foil to the flow with the highest angle for a greater proportion of the flapping stroke than for sinusoidal motion. Similarly Xiao et al. [14] simulated = 1.0 × 10 flow over a NACA0012 foil. They explored4 the effect of different periods푅푒 of constant pitch angle, and predicted similar performance increases as seen by [12,13]. Hover et al. [15] noted that a quasi-steady consideration of the kinematics leads to the conclusion that the angle of attack should be held at the largest possible value for the longest Fig. 1. Regimes of operation of a flapping foil, and the possible time throughout the flapping cycle, to associated angle of attack and force directions throughout the flapping cycle. Top: propulsion mode. Bottom: power create the largest time-averaged aerodynamic generation mode. Adapted from [16,17]. forces. While this was in the context of flapping foil propulsion, it is also applicable to power generation. This may be seen in Fig. 1, where 2 Flapping Foil Kinematics the phase of the angle of attack relative to the plunge motion is the determinant of whether the 2.1 Foil Motion foil produces thrust or power. It is therefore The flapping turbine is modeled as a natural to explore the effect of the angle of two-dimensional foil undergoing both pitching attack trajectory (i.e. time history) for the power and plunging motions. The motion is defined by generation problem, particularly noting that this plunge position and pitch angle , as shown in application has been shown to be highly Fig. 2. The angle of attack of the foil is given unsteady and dependent on the formation, by: 푦 휃 evolution and interaction of LEVs [1,2], which are in turn sensitive to angle of attack. = tan (1) This work extends a previous study by −1 Young et al. [2] on a fully passive turbine 푦̇ 훼 휃 − ∞ design (that is, both plunging and pitching of the 푈


The plunge and pitch motion are linked to fluid dynamic torque transmitted to the flywheel the rotation of a flywheel as in Young et al. [2], by the mechanism linking the pitch and plunge so that the system is reduced from 2-dof (pitch motions to the flywheel rotation. and plunge) to 1-dof (flywheel angle). Power The power output of the turbine is extraction from the system is modeled as a measured as the time-average of the rate of viscous damper attached to the flywheel. The energy dissipation in the flywheel damper: equation of motion of the combined foil- 1 flywheel system is determined via the = 푡+푇 (5) conservation of energy as: 2 푃 � 푐푓푙푦 훽̇ 푑푡 + + The efficien푇 cy푡 is determined in the usual = + (2) manner via comparison with the available 푓표푖푙 푓표푖푙 ̇ ̈ 푓푙푦 ̇ ̈ power in the flow passing휂 through the frontal 푚 푦̇푦̈ 퐼 휃휃 퐼 훽2훽 퐿푦̇ 푀휃̇ − 푐푓푙푦훽̇ area swept by the foil (the 'Betz power'), where where is the flywheel angle, is the foil unit span is assumed, and is the total inertia measured about the pivot푓표푖푙 point, is excursion of the trailing or leading edges of the the flywheel훽 inertia measured about퐼 its centre, 푓푙푦 foil, whichever푠 is greater: 푑 and is the viscous damper strength. 퐼 1 = (6) 푓푙푦 2 푐 3 푃푎 휌푈∞ 푠푑 = (7) 푃 휂 푃푎 2.2 Angle of Attack Profile

The angle of attack profile is created as a Fig. 2. Plunging motion and pitching motion of the piecewise continuous polynomial in foil, and the associated angle of attack. , and parameterised in such a way as to generate a moment about the pivot푦 point also shown. 휃 퐿 퐷 wide range of possible profiles, from a sinusoid훽 In 푀what follows, the plunge motion and to a square wave. The profile consists of two angle of attack are specified as functions of second-order (i.e. parabolic) polynomial the flywheel angle rather than as functions푦 of sections, with position, slope and curvature time, and the pitch훼 angle is determined from specified as parameters. The parabolic sections Eq. (1), which may 훽be recast as: are linked by sixth-order polynomials matched 휃 to the parabolic section endpoints position, ( ) = ( ) + tan (3) slope and curvature, and thus are fully constrained once the parabolic parameters have −1 푦훽훽̇ been specified. This is shown in Fig. 3. Here where 휃 훽= 훼 훽 . The equation∞ of motion is 푈 values of 0th, 1st and 2nd derivative at points C solved in terms of : 푦훽 휕푦⁄휕훽 and B', and 0th derivative at point D, give seven 1 conditions requiring a sixth order polynomial = 훽 + + passing through C-D-B'. Note that is not the ̈ 2 2 (4) maximum angle of attack achieved in the 훽 훼푒 푚푓표푖푙�푦훽+� 퐼푓표푖푙�휃훽� 퐼푓푙푦 profile, rather it is the amplitude of the equal + area sinusoid. This was chosen as a way to 훽 훽 푓푙푦 ̇ normalise different profiles with a range of �퐿푦 푀휃 − 푐 훽 2 where time− �푚 derivat푓표푖푙푦훽푦ives훽훽 of퐼 푓표푖푙 and휃훽 휃훽훽 are�훽 ̇ converted� parameters. to time derivatives of , i.e. = , = . The term + in Eq.푦 (4)휃 represents the 훽 푦̇ 푦훽훽̇ 휃̇ 휃훽훽̇ 훽 훽 퐿푦 푀휃 3 J. YOUNG, J.C.S. LAI

sinusoid (goodness of fit coefficient of determination = 0.9999995 and root mean square error 2 = 4.984 × 10 radians for amplitude 푅 = 1.0 radians). −4 푅푀푆퐸 훼푒

Fig. 3. Angle of attack profile parameterisation via patched polynomials. Points A - D indicate control points, shaded sections indicate sixth-order polynomial, unshaded sections indicate second-order polynomial, , and defined in the text. Points B' and C' are the inverse of B and C, displaced by /2 = 0.5. 훿 휇 훾

The three 훽 parameters휋 controlling the parabolic section width, slope and curvature, , and are defined as follows: 훿 휇 훾 = = ( )/ (8) 훽퐶 − 훽퐵 훿 훽퐶 − 훽퐵 휋 1훽퐷 − 훽퐴 1 = = (9) 훼퐶 − 훼퐵 훼퐶 − 훼퐵 휇 훼푒 훽퐶 −1훽퐵 휋훿 훼푒 = 2 (10) 휕 훼 / 훾 2� The width parameter훼푒 휕훽 훽 =휋 thus2 represents the duration of the parabolic section of the profile, 훿 compared to a half-cycle of foil motion. The slope parameter is the slope of the line Fig. 4. Effect of width, slope and curvature parameters on connecting the endpoints of the parabolic angle of attack profiles. Top: width variation, = 0 and section, non-dimensionalised휇 against the = 0 for all cases (except = 0 where = 1.0 which represents a sinusoidal profile). Middle:훿 slope 휇 variation, maximum slope of the equal-area sinusoid. The 훾 = 0.5 and = 0 for all훿 cases. Bottom:훾 curvature− curvature parameter is the curvature of the variation, = 0.5 and = 0.2 for all cases. All휇 profiles parabolic section, non-dimensionalised against 훿have equal magnitude훾 . 훾 the maximum curvature훾 of the equal-area 훿 휇 The slope determi푒 nes whether the angle sinusoid. Positive values indicate a concave up 훼 of attack peaks early or later in the half-cycle, curvature in the first half of the stroke as shown and the curvature휇 controls the nature of the in Fig. 3. peaks. With positive curvature > 0 profiles A wide range of angle of attack profiles with two peaks and훾 a trough per half-cycle are may be generated with this methodology, as generated, which is characteristic 훾of the angle of illustrated in Fig. 4. Here the phase by which the attack profile experienced by a flapping foil angle of attack leads the plunge motion, undergoing sinusoidal plunging and sinusoidal = 0.0° for all cases. In the top frame of Fig. 4 pitching where the plunge velocity is the width is seen to control the 'squareness' of sufficiently high (e.g. [14]). Thus a relatively 휙the profile. For = 0.0, = 0.0 and = 1.0 simple parameterisation allows examination of gives a curve훿 which very closely approximates a 훿 휇 훾 − 4 EFFECT OF ANGLE OF ATTACK KINEMATICS ON PASSIVE FLAPPING FOIL POWER GENERATION widely varying angle of attack profiles and given by = sin , with = 1.0, and the hence flow physics. angle of attack profile consisted of periods of constant angle푦 ℎof푐 attack훽 onℎ the upstroke of the foil and on the downstroke, separated 3 Numerical Method 0 by patched sinusoidal 훼curves for the foil 0 The 2D unsteady incompressible Navier reversals periods.−훼 The phase of the angle of Stokes equations, coupled to the flywheel attack variation relative to the plunge motion equation of motion, are solved using two-way was = 90°. For the optimal case from [2], the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) within the maximum angle of attack was = 40° and the commercial computational 'stroke휙 reversal fraction' , representing the (CFD) package Fluent 14.5. The domain is a 0 fraction of the total flapping cycle훼 over which rectangle with boundaries 20 chords from the 푅 ∆훽̂ = 0.2 foil. Velocity is imposed on the upstream, top the foil reverses angle of attack, was (where 0.1 represents rapid reversal and 0.5 and bottom boundaries, and pressure on the 푅 represents fully sinusoidal variation). ∆훽̂ downstream boundary. A second-order upwind The baseline profile was created by setting spatial discretisation is used, and the motion of = 0 = 0 the foil is introduced via a source term in the and , and applying a least-squares Navier Stokes equations for the plunge motion, fit to the Young et al. [2] case letting vary. 휇 훾 and rotation of a circular zone around the foil This resulted in a value of = 0.5337, with 훿 for the pitching motion. goodness of fit = 0.999973 and = 훿 The foil is a NACA0012 section, pivoted at 0.186°. The equal-2area sinusoid magnitude was 푅 푅푀푆퐸 the midpoint of the chord. The flywheel then determined to be = 53.676°. This is equation of motion Eq. (4) is reduced to a shown in Fig. 5. The patched polynomial 훼푒 system of first-order ordinary differential approach has the advantage that the second equations and discretised in time with a second- derivative of the angle of attack profile can be order Crank-Nicolson scheme. Details may be made continuous, as seen in the lower frame of found in Young et al. [2], which also contains Fig. 5. details of the mesh and time-step refinement, The baseline case was compared to the and validation against results in the literature, optimum case from [2] at Reynolds number that was carried out for laminar ( = 1100) = 1100, to assess the effect of changing the and turbulent ( = 5.0 × 10 and 1.1 × 10 ) angle of attack profile from a patched sinusoidal 푅푒 conditions. Based on this study,5 푅푒the laminar6 profile (discontinuous in second derivative ) simulations herein푅푒 use a time-step of = to a patched polynomial profile (continuous in 훼훽훽 1.25 × 10 seconds and a mesh of 186,000 second derivative, as shown in Fig. 5). Foil and cells (400 −cells3 on the foil surface) with first∆ 푡cell flywheel masses and inertia, and flywheel height from the foil surface of = 1.0 × 10 damper values were chosen as for [2]. Time = / chords, resulting in a cell Reynolds number−4 histories of reduced frequency and power coefficient due to aerodynamic forces = 0.2 - 1.2 on the foil surface∆ at all times. ∞ This mesh provided excellent agreement with and moments = /푘 +휔푐 푈 / 푐 푅푒the time history of aerodynamic forces for the are shown in Fig. 6. Here it should be noted that 푃푎푒푟표 퐿 ∞ 푀 ̇ ∞ optimum prescribed-motion case of Kinsey and the circular frequency퐶 of퐶 푦thė 푈 system퐶 휃 푐 푈is Dumas [17]. identical to the flywheel rotation rate , which is not constant as in prescribed motion studies.휔 훽̇ 4 Results There is only a very small effect apparent in the power from the change from discontinuous to continuous second derivative, and this is 4.1 Baseline Comparison Case reflected in the very similar reduced frequency A baseline angle of attack profile was (i.e. non-dimensional flywheel rate) time constructed from the optimal case in Young et histories. al. [2]. In that case, the plunge motion was


varied from the baseline case. Results are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 5. Comparison of and profiles, for the optimum case of Young et al. [2], and the present baseline 훽훽 case ( = 0.5337, = 0, 훼= 0). 훼

훿 휇 훾

Fig. 7. Comparison of profiles, resulting profiles, = / + / and efficiency versus = 0.5337 =훼 0 = 0 휃 ° Fig. 6. Comparison of reduced frequency = / = phase ( , , , = 53.676 ). 퐶푃푎푒푟표 퐶퐿푦̇ 푈∞ 퐶푀휃̇푐 푈∞ 휂 / and = / + / , for the 푒 ∞ There휙 훿 is a clear휇 peak훾 in efficiency훼 centred optimum case of Young et al. [2], and the present푘 휔푐 baseline푈 ∞ 푃푎푒푟표 퐿 ∞ 푀 ∞ around a phase of = 90° (the baseline case). 훽casė푐 푈 ( = 0.5337퐶 , = 0,퐶 푦=̇ 푈0, 퐶= 53.676휃̇푐 푈°). The power coefficient plot shows that this phase 훿 휇 훾 훼푒 value does not generate휙 the highest power at any 4.2 Variation of Phase Angle given time. Indeed higher phases ( leading by a greater amount) generate larger peaks in The phase angle by which흓 the angle of attack profile leads the plunge motion was first power at the middle of stroke reversal,훼 as the푦 휙 leading edge vortex (with an attendant low

6 EFFECT OF ANGLE OF ATTACK KINEMATICS ON PASSIVE FLAPPING FOIL POWER GENERATION pressure region) interacts with the trailing edge complete, leading to a loss in power as shown in and causes a large pitching moment in the Fig. 8. direction of foil rotation (see [2] for details of this mechanism). However the timing of the interaction is crucial as once the foil has completed stroke reversal and translates, this low pressure opposes the motion and causes a dip in power, which for the higher phases more than offsets the earlier high power in the time- average used to measure efficiency.

4.3 Variation of Slope Parameter Next the effect of the slope of the angle of 흁 attack profile in the periods outside the stroke reversal was considered, to investigate whether the leading edge vortex behaviour could be influenced. A phase of = 90° was used for all cases here. Results are shown in Fig. 8. Interestingly there is 휙a broad region of high efficiency, where the slope has only a moderate effect on time-average performance. The flow field is visualised in Fig. 9 for four cases, = 0.0, 0.025, 0.2 (high efficiency) and -0.1 (lower efficiency) at four different times in the휇 stroke, as the foil reverses direction. For the three high efficiency cases the vortex structure is largely similar throughout the stroke reversal. A large leading edge vortex is generated, and moves past the trailing edge just after the mid-point of stroke reversal ( /2 = 0.26). There are minor variations in the size and positioning of the vortex relative to the훽 foil.휋 There is a marginal benefit at = 0.025 compared to the remainder of cases. In contrast, for the lower efficiency휇 case ( = 0.1) the timing of vortex formation and interaction is quite different. Here the leading edge휇 −vortex has already moved past the trailing edge by /2 = 0.22, and is thus too early to contribute a strong beneficial pitching moment. Fig. 8. Comparison of profiles, resulting profiles, By /2 훽 = 0.26휋 it has induced a strong counter- = / + / and efficiency versus slope ( = 0.5337, =훼0, = 53.676°, =휃90°). 푃푎푒푟표 퐿 ∞ 푀 ∞ rotating vortex from the trailing edge which 퐶 퐶 푦̇ 푈 퐶 휃̇푐 푈 휂 푒 contributes훽 휋 a low pressure opposing the foil 휇 훿 훾 훼 휙 translational motion once stroke reversal is


Fig. 9. Vorticity magnitude during and after stroke reversal, for four different slope parameter values. Instantaneous angle of attack on the foil is indicated by black lines.

( = 0.0) and positive and negative curvatures 4.4 Variation of Curvature Parameter ( = 0.6 and = 0.4). A similar link between vortex훾 structure and time-average performance Finally the effect of the curvature 휸 is훾 revealed here,훾 in− comparison to Fig. 9. While parameter in the periods outside the stroke the leading edge vortex formation is broadly the reversal was assessed, as shown in Fig. 10. All same for the three cases shown in Fig. 11, minor cases here used phase = 90°, and two differences in size and timing of formation of different slope parameters were considered, the vortex lead to variations in the interaction of 휙 = 0.0 and = 0.2. the vortex with the foil, which in turn leads to Once again there is a much lesser effect on changes in the power coefficient peaks during efficiency휇 than휇 for variation in phase. The stroke reversal shown in Fig. 10. This is most performance is also less sensitive to the apparent for = 0.4, where there the vortex curvature parameter than to the slope parameter, moves past the trailing edge earlier in the cycle in that the performance is maintained across a than for =훾0.0,− and a secondary vortex is wide range of values, both positive and induced in the same way as discussed for negative. = 0.1 훾in Fig. 9 (although the effect is not as 훾 The flow field is visualised in Fig. 11 for pronounced here). three cases, namely the baseline case again 휇 −


plunge motion produced the largest variations in efficiency, indicating that the timing of the formation of the leading edge vortex is one of the most important considerations. Not only does the timing affect the size of the vortex produced, but also the interactions with the foil and in what manner the foil is moving when those interactions take place (thus determining whether instantaneous power contributions are positive or negative). Once a single phase had been chosen ( = 90°), other changes in the profile generated by variations in slope and curvature parameters휙 and had a lesser effect across a broad parameter value range. As these results are governed휇 chiefly훾 by the leading edge vortex, high Reynolds number turbulent flow may produce significantly different behaviour and this remains to be investigated.

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Fig. 11. Vorticity magnitude during and after stroke reversal, for three different curvature parameter values, with slope = 0.0. Instantaneous angle of attack on the foil is indicated by black lines.

휇 10 J. YOUNG, J.C.S. LAI