2016 FAI Annual Report
Growing the game growing communities ANNUAL REVIEW AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND IS THE GOVERNING BODY OF FOOTBALL IN IRELAND. THE SPORT IS BEING DEVELOPED BY THE FAI AND ITS ASSOCIATES; CLUBS, LEAGUES AND AFFILIATES IN EVERY TOWNLAND, CITY STREET AND COMMUNITY ACROSS IRELAND IN LINE WITH OUR MISSION TO FOSTER, DEVELOP AND PROMOTE THE game. OUR GOAL IS TO INCREASE PARTICIPATION IN ALL SECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY THROUGH OUR MEMBERS, VOluntarY AND EXECUTIVE, WORKING WITH THE MANY staKEHOLDERS WHO SUPPORT AND PLAY IRISH FOOTBALL. CONTENTS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 02 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S MESSAGE 04 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S OperationaL REVIEW OF 2015 08 FINANCIAL REVIEW 56 DIRECTORS AND OTHER INFORMATION 57 DIRECTORS’ REPORT 58 DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES STATEMENT 60 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT 61 FINANCIAL Statements 62 INTERNATIONAL RESULTS 82 Football Association of Ireland 02 ANNUAL REVIEW AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 President’S MESSAGE On behalf of the Football Association of Ireland, it is my pleasure The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan has nine pillars which are all linked with to introduce this Annual Review to our delegates and the football a view towards creating a culture of family following a tremendous week in Tipperary. excellence in our game. The nine pillars are Participation, Club and Community As we near the centenary of the It is the memories of fantastic moments Development, Women’s Football, Player Association, it is important to remember played out on the pitch that will live with Development, the SSE Airtricity League, that over the 95 years since our foundation us the longest – whether at local, national National Competitions, International the custodians of the game across the or international level.
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