Thewestfield Leader During 1966 the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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Thewestfield Leader During 1966 the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County DRIVE TO EXIST THEWESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published WESTFIELD, NBW JERSEY, THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1966 Kvery Thursday 36 Pages—10 Cent* Move Clock Ahead Saturday Is Bundle Day Come Saturday night the Many Due At YMCA clorkwlnders ("tin remember) will move the hands one hour uhead and everyone in the fam- ily will lose an hour of sleep Sun- Monday For Annual day morning for Daylight Sav- ings Time is here again. Beginning officially at 2 a.m. Sunday morning (lie extra day- light period will stretch through Meeting, Dinner next October and provide a lin- gering twilight In tlie evenings Bobby Richar<Ine>n for everyone to enjoy—except of Due For Honor* course tired parents trying to To Be Speaker convince small fry (hut bedtime The Hoard of Education will be host at a public reception for Nearly 200 members and Kuesls has arrived desplU; (he bright- will be present at thc YMCA un- ness. Dr. and Mrs. S, N. Ewpn Jr. to- night from 8 until 10 o'clock In nual meeting Monday evening nt thc Westfield High School ciifc- which famed second baseman of the 11'riii. All who wish to honor the New York Yankees, Robert C. "Bob- District 4 Scouts Ewnns are cordially Invited to by" Itichardson will be honored attend. guest and featured speaker. Plan Recognition According to Arthur C. Fried, cluiirman, on additional 500 guests Series Of Blazes arc expected to join those attend- Dinner April 27 ing the meeting for Ml. Kichnrd- PKEI'AKING—Mrs, James L. Wescoal of the Weslfleld Service son's main address to be held la The annual recognition dinner of League is shown giving Bundle Day Instructions to Ken Straub, left, Keep Firemen the gymnasium. District •), Watchting Area Council mid George Johnson, members of Boy Scout Troop 172 who will ac- Boy Scouts, is scheduled for Wed- A reception for members and nesday evening at the Clii-Am Cha- company league drivers Saturday when they will pick up donations On The Go guests will lie held in the V lobby teau, Hie. 22, Mountainside. for the Thrift Shop. Ueginnlng at noon Saturday the drivers will cull- ut u:30 p.m. The dinner portion of VIMS every street in town to pick up bundles of used but saleublc Tlic Wcslfield Fire Department IIIG meeting will start nt 7 p.m. The dinner is given antuudly lo clothing, light furniture and lirfc-a-hrac for resiile at the Thrift Shop, hud a busy time of it Tuesday as a sharp. Included in the program will recognize the 1,000 adults who work Hie mujor Income producing nctlvlty of thc Service Itfuguc. All pro- scries of blnzcs kept thc firefighters be remarks by Mr. Hichardson, tlio with the more than 3,000 Cubs. Boy ceeds go In charity. This spring the shop especially needs donations on thc go most of the day. annual report of the president, Rob- KG THEM OVER—Members of the committee assisting the WesUield B'nal B'rith Lodge and Scouts and Explorers In the uistricl of dishes, kllrben utensils, knlck-kiuicks, jewelry, linens and light A taxing scries of afternoon brush erl C. Lincoln and Ihe Induction of ft CkJPt"" la Uic selection of the 1966 recipient of tlic ClUzenshlp and Civic Affairs Award are, which covers the communities of furniture. All bundles should be placed on porches, stops or lawns fires all along thc North Ave. em-new members to the board of direc- Westfield. Oiirwoad, Mountainside, by 12 noon Saturday. light standing, Mrs. Alan Gray, Ptl. Frank Crepeau, last year's recipient; Arthur SommcrHcld, anil Scotch Plains and Famvood. bankment abutting thc Central Hnil- tors. The dinner guesls will be en- Mine order, Majors E. Sidney Hulslzcr of Fanwood, George Johnston of Scotch Plains, Itobcrt II. road tracks from thc Gurwood line tertained by musical selections by L of Weslfield, and Fred Wilhclnis Jr. of Mountainside. About 200 are expected to attend to Cro.ssways PI. kept the depart- Mr. and Mrs. IClmer C. Schnuilcn> Ihe affair at which tlie new chair- ment busy for nenrly an hour. Thc borgcr of Westfield. They will bo man of the district, Hay Slovckcn Dates, Schools Listed blazes were believed ignited, by accompanied by Albert G. Danker. YM-YWCA To Sponsor of Westfield, will lie installed. He sparks from a passing train. According to Mr. Fried, the entire r Mayors Assisting B'nai B'rith succeeds Ben L. BraKK of Scotch Y Night Saturday Gnrwood mid Scotch Plulns depart- evening program wilt bo adjourned Plain:! who has held Ihe post for the by 9:15 p.m. because of the number past two years. For Bike Registration ments were asked to sliindby us all blectiiig 1966 Award Recipient The YMCA and VWCA will jointly off-duty paid and volunteer firemen of youths who will bo present and sponsor a Y night for all girls and Speaker of the evening will be were called In and a truck from the because Monday is a school night. of Westfield, Moun- William L. Vicser, vice chairman of boys in grade !i and !) Saturday. Dates for bicycle registration ut Plalnficld department was dispatch- •Mr, Hichardson Is expected to rjiwood and Scotch Plains Region 2 of the Hoy iicnuts. and a tion on deslgnaled days. Bicycles Activities will include the gym, 13 Westfield public and parochial ed lo headquarters hero. draw heavily in his talk upon Ills the Westfield B'nai May Commuter well-known lawyer in Newark. His schools were announced today by which are not licensed during the gameroom and dancing from 7-1U school checks must be registered on experiences na n YMCA worker in /and Women's Chapter subject, will be: "lircaktliroujih for Mrs. Sclh Bakes, chairman of tlie Thc fires Ihrcutcncd several struc- Simiter, S. C, during the off season p.m. There will also be swimming Youth." Sulurdny, June 4, between the hours tures und the roof of a building at the 1966 Citizenship and in the Wallace Pool from 8 to 10 Westfield Bicycle IJomd. At the same from baseball. Mr. Richardson Is Award recipient. Parking Permits Tributes (o the ndult leaders will time, Mrs. Hakes Issued n special of !l a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at Police 053 W. North Avo. owned by John p.m. Headiiuarlers. Active enforcement a member of the Fellowship of Chris- lifts held its initial be paid by individual Cub, Scout appeal lo Junior high school slu- Kennedy wag damnged. For n time tian Athletes, nnd an accomplished in Temple Emanu- The admission Ice will be taken at and Kxplorcrs participants. A s|>e-denls to comply with the town bi- of the bicycle ordinnnce becomes ef- Uic Wcslfield Plumbing Supply Co. tlie youth entrance of the Y with fective Monday, June 6. spenker as well us a dedicated Available Now cial award will be presented to Ray cycle ordinance. This Is tlie uge level bulldinii was endangered by another Christian layman. lie recently par- profits going toward teenage activi- llycrs of Mountainside for having which rides further from home to Appointees of Mayor Robert H. brush fire. i have been made from ties. Tlie doors will close at B:30 ticipated In the Raster sunrise serv- Applications for May commuter worked in tlie scouting program for baseball practice and games, parks, Mulreatiy lo current terms on the At 8:21 p.m. there was n garage ices nt the new Atlanta stadium be- [communities and the an- and no one will be admitted after 50 years. Bicycle Hoard are Mrs. Bakes, Joel t of tbe recipient will be parking permits arc now available etc., and who use the town's streets fire at 554 Hort St., owned by Carl fore 40,000 people. this time. tisnglioltz, Sister Therosn Joseph, TUSCWDO of New Providence nnd tj, Herbert Ross, lodge at the Town Clerk's office in tlie Mu- Tlie dinner is open lo all adult lo JI much greater degree than Ihclr The 'committee nrrangliif; (ho nf- nicipal Building and at tlic ticket Scout leaders and friends of Scout- younger—or older—brothers and sis- Mrs. Hyi?r Larscn, Donald J. Saw-leased by 1'etcr McCJale. When the The award tcllc find I.t. Thomas C'aUilon. fair included Mr. Fried ns chair- 1 May 14 at 8:30office of the Central Railroad sta- ing. Robert Wyalt of Westfield is ters. These, too. are the youngsters firemen arrived the entire reur of man, IX William Schumacher, H. tion, it was announced today. The Glee Club Concert chairman of the affair. John Gra- who are inclined lo leave their bikes '>«!es cf reaislraiioR ;:!. the- vi !h "sraff, back interior sr.ii a ccdr.r H. liiirrcit Jr., Holier! J. Fuller, Dr. Enanu-El. The iiarri of iVusliieiti is program chair- *« Clifford P. application form printed on Pnr/o unattended and unlocked when they ous schools are: April 27, Mch'lnley; sapling fence a I the rear of theJames J. Uyrd, William Cant and 1, Section 3 of today's Westfield man. re. engrossed in play—a great lemp- May 2, Wilson; May 4, Edison; May properly were on firo. There was Frank J. Dugnn. Leader may also be used. Saturday At WHS lalion to pranksters. Columbus; Muy (i, Holy Trinity; diimage to one section of the fence, The parking lot at Ilahne & Com- nraiittee consists of liu- rear of the garage mid to storm ield, representing The $4 monthly fee entitles the Fire In <ia« f The Bicycle Hoard was created 10 May a, Washington; May 10, Grant; pany will be available for guests at- The Westfield CIlec Club will pre- windows nnd screens stored Inside.
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