Let's all stop pretending we're shocked about Bill Cosby's bad behavior Cosby's role as fatherly and lovable Dr. Huxtable on NBC hit sitcom is all one sick act

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Sunday, November 23, 2014, 2:01 AM

Closeup: Comfortable examining room. Kindly doctor is administering to a weeping woman. The feeling is one of confidence and assurance. We are in good hands.

Cut to doctor: He looks into the camera, smiling with authority. That’s when the viewer sees that, why, it’s kindly Dr. Cliff Huxtable!

Doc Huxtable looks into the camera and says:

I play a doctor on TV, but in real life I’m a mad rapist.

What? You don’t think that commercial would fly?

Yes, yes, I know that Bill Cosby only played Dr. Huxtable on TV, but for those of us who couldn’t get enough of the curmudgeonly character, Cosby is the safe and loving father/husband/doctor of everyone’s fantasies.

He’s the father you wanted cutting your Thanksgiving turkey, and the doctor you wanted administering aspirin to your child. It’s tough to accept that — wait! — he’s not that guy? No, he’s the other guy — the one who is the antithesis of Dr. Huxtable.

But let’s stop pretending that we’re shocked. Remember back in 1997, when 22-year-old Autumn Jackson claimed she was Cosby’s daughter? He admitted to an affair with her mother, but it was Jackson who went to jail for extortion. (The verdict was overturned.)

Despite having paid support payments, America’s Dad told his “daughter” that “I will be for you a father figure, but I am not your father.” 2

I would have extorted the bastard too!

Then, in 2006, Cosby got nailed again. Andrea Constand claimed that Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her. Thirteen female witnesses with stories similar to Constand’s came forward. The more things change, the more they don’t.

Deals were made, settlements were reached, Cosby’s life went on as usual, even if the victims’ lives would never be the same.

Why weren’t criminal charges pressed? Right. Do you remember the story of Jordan Chandler, the first child to come forward in the Michael Jackson case? I do because I was the first one to learn of the story from Jordie’s uncle. Jackson was to music what Cosby was to TV. It didn’t get bigger.

Despite a huge settlement, Chandler’s family was destroyed. His father Evan’s dental practice was ruined, they went into hiding, and eventually Evan killed himself. That’s what happened to people who reported abuse by powerful stars back then.

Jackson’s family stood by him — the gravy boat is a tough ride to jump from without drowning.

Look at Bill’s gracious wife, Camille. Why? Because in the end, the powerful always win.

Right? No. Now, we have social media and finally the playing field is level. The powerful are as vulnerable as the victims. The arsenal is a viral video or accusation — the 21st century way of storming the Bastille to retake power.


It used to be that celebrity women feared their naughty nudie pix would one day surface to ruin their careers, not to mention their lives.

Now, they live in fear that someone else’s naughty nudie pix will get more attention than theirs.

Jennifer Aniston is promoting her new movie “Cake” by telling reporters that her naked butt was famous before Kim Kardashian ever uncovered her big asset. 3

“I was an original. Sorry, Kim K.,” Anniston joked, or maybe not joked.

That being said, the Rolling Stone Aniston cover came out in 1996, before there was much social media with which to break the .

So Jen, don’t break your ass worrying about whether enough people saw your naked butt. They did, they remember it, they love it. Good?


If you are aghast and angry at President Obama’s order to not deport noncriminal undocumented immigrants who have been here since 2011 then perhaps your family has been here before everyone else and is Native American, or maybe they are the new immigrants who buy U.S. residency by investing $500,000 in an American-based business.

Or perhaps you’re a pampered, pregnant Chinese wife who has moved into a luxury California “maternity hotel” until your baby is born so he/she can have dual citizenship. Yes, the rich can buy their way in, while people like your ancestors stay out.

Forget “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Why don’t we just make it: “Give me your rested, your rich, your pampered masses paying to be free.”


How do you make a multimillion-dollar tax problem go away? If you’re Al Sharpton (right), you do it by holding a press conference to announce that you are not the father of Rachel Noerdlinger’s son, that’s how.

Suddenly, everybody stops talking about the tax problem and starts talking about something that nobody was talking or thinking about in the first place.

I want to stop paying my taxes too. I hereby formally announce that I am not carrying George Clooney’s love child.


Kylie Jenner won’t admit that her lips, which are now larger than her head, are the result of plastic surgery. The larger-than-life lips are perhaps just an 4 allergic reaction to strawberries. And her dad is now her mom only because of a bit of bad luck.


Buckingham Palace has issued a reminder to U.S. reporter-slobs that if we want credentials to cover the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Kate and whazzizname) then we better dress the part.

Handlers of William and Kate want reporters in the field to dress like they’re going inside to dine with them? Note to Buckingham Palace: Why do you exist? Reporters work — we don’t cut ribbons at openings for a living or get honored nightly for accomplishing nothing more than procreating.


STASI: Rachel Noerdlinger is another smart woman who makes idiotic choices Bill de Blasio’s best two days in office turn into a hatefest, Uber’s senior vice president went on a rant about reporters, and Will Smith and Jada Pinkett’s two children sound like two spoiled space aliens from one of their dad’s sci-fi movies.

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 1:11 AM

It's not her men, it's the media.

Rachel Noerdlinger, Chirlane McCray's $170,000 chief of staff, now on leave, is so blinded by the males in her life — from her killer boyfriend to her troubled son, to her mentor ex-boss Al Sharpton — that she's blaming the media for her son's troubles instead of herself.

Once again, we have an extreme case of smart woman, idiotic choices. How does a woman as successful as Noerdlinger allow a man as horrifying as career criminal, convicted killer, cop-hater and blatant racist Hassaun McFarlan to share a home with herself and her son?

She does this by putting the lowlife boyfriend before everything and everyone, that's how. She keeps McFarlan — who posts illiterate anti- woman, homophobic rants such as "i feel the same way ma if a broad try that s--- with me she gettin curbed i think dudes who like that s--- are in the closet watch these dudes" — as her man despite it all. But in whose footsteps is her son now following — his mother's or her gigolo's?

But Noerdlinger isn't the first, nor will she be the last smart woman to go stupid over a man; to stand by a man who is not a stand-up guy. Clue: There's a big difference between a bad boy and a bad man.



Lifetime Achievement Award: Hillary Clinton

Stood by her man even when her man had legions of women kneeling at his, er, feet.

Most Likely to Earn a Lifetime Achievement Award: Huma Abedin

Taking a cue from her boss — mentioned above — Huma stayed when politician and husband Anthony Weiner tweeted out naked pictures of himself. And when he did it again, ooops, she did it again, too.

My Picker's Broken Award: Halle Berry

The self-named award is for the woman who loved abusers and cheaters. On what planet can a man find someone hotter than Halle Berry?

What Were You Thinking Award: Sandra Bullock

Smart, insanely successful and gorgeous, she married a cheating motorcycle reality star named for an infamous criminal. Worse, Jesse James is now married to, yes, an heiress.

Oh Right You Weren't Thinking Award: Lis Smith

Smart, beautiful, and idiotic, the political operative for Bill de Blasio's mayoral campaign hooked up with the Luv Guv, Eliot Spitzer, and was then not hired by de Blasio. De Blasio thinks Spitzer is so bad, he'd rather keep on a woman whose boyfriend is a killer than hire a woman whose boyfriend is a hooker lover.

Even a Spy Can Be an Idiot Award: "Homeland's" Carrie Mathison

Bi-polar and bi-continental, Carrie lost it and then almost lost it all for a man who looked like Doogie Howser gone bad.


It's impossible to understand how staffers let Bill de Blasio take even the best two days of his administration and turn them into a controversial hatefest. 7

At his inaugural, if you remember, as the new mayor stood with his bi-racial family, racist-sounding Sanitation Department chaplain Fred Lucas instead saw NYC as a plantation! What?

Then this Monday, instead of celebrating the fantastic news that our city now has the lowest crime rate in 20 years, Mayor de Blasio took time out to seethe to reporters that the reporting on Rachel Noerdlinger's boyfriend and son was akin to McCarthyism.

And that was akin to saying the Falklands War was World War Two with penguins.

This administration needs new spinners or a whole new spinning wheel.


To: Mr. Emil Michael, Senior VP, Uber

From: Former Uber Lover

How is it possible that you just trashed a million bucks of good will by telling other fat cats to spend a million bucks to smear reporters who dare to diss Uber for fighting regulation.

Or maybe it's the reporters who write about surge pricing — or better yet, surge gouging, a practice that needs not to be regulated but to be outlawed.

You said a good way to discredit reporters was to hire people to dig into "your personal lives, your families." First off, a reporter wouldn't mix up the folks he's talking to with the folks he's talking about, and secondly, Uber should fire your fat cat ass immediately.

Note to Mayor de Blasio — Michael's rant is what real McCarthyism sounds like.


A St. Louis mom waterboarded her child; an Arizonian used donations for her kids to fund her boyfriend's rap album; a Floridian killed and cooked her neighbor; a Mexican killed his friend and fed the penis to his dog; an upstate 8

New Yorker hauling a buck in a bucket was shot in the butt by another hunter.

Yet New York City, with the lowest crime rate since 1994 and not one case of penis pet food or buckshot butt gets the bad rap?


In a case of too much is never enough, the children of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett, Jaden and Willow, sounding like two spoiled space aliens from one of their dad's sci-fi movies, told the New York Times T Magazine that school is unnecessary. No, they don't go to school, although Willow went for one year. Sixteen-year-old Jaden added that "school is not authentic because it ends." So are those movies he made, despite the fact that they felt endless.


A Welsh widow resorted to bringing her husband's ashes to T-Mobile in an attempt to get the wireless company to cancel his cellphone and stop harassing her. It didn't work. Understandable. Sort of. How would the poor woman prove the ashes really are his and not from his late great cigar?


Thanks to Kim Kardashian, the latest women’s ideal shape means looking like you’ve got a Barcalounger attached to your butt No, the reality star's racy photos in Paper Magazine didn't blow up the Internet. And it's time time we came to the realization that real life doesn’t come with Photoshop

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Sunday, November 16, 2014, 2:00 AM

Too fat. Too short. Too big in the boobs. Just right in the butt.

At least I had that. A normal butt, I mean.

And then suddenly, when I’m old enough to die without my obit noting that I was too young to die, I get hit with life’s final humiliation — my ass is too small. Well, too small as defined by the Kardashian megabutt.

Forget my waistline altogether. I’d have to make the decision to live life without ribs (my own and the take-out kind) to get a waistline in real life into the size of Photoshopped Kim Kardashian’s 12-inch fake waistline. (Note: Real women don’t have giant lines running down our naked torsos.)

So the thing is, even if we could have starved ourselves into Kate Moss’ 1990s heroin-chic look, there’s no way we can live with the latest demand — no rib cage.

The new ideal measurement is 40-12-96. Can’t do it. Can’t starve into it, can’t eat into it. Even Barbie has a bigger waistline and smaller boobs than Kim, in her “break the Internet” cover shoot for Paper magazine. Forget the full frontal shot, what’s shocking is the full rear view.

The woman is posing with a champagne glass on her rear when in fact, the entire Duggar family cold sit down to a four-course meal on that rump — with room for extra guests. 10

We regular women are lucky if we can balance a shot glass without it falling off.

Yes, the latest women’s ideal shape means looking like you’ve got a Barcalounger attached to your butt. Once again, I fall, er, short.

I’m not alone — 99% of the women, on this planet anyway, have always fallen short of the “ideal” because that ideal has always been unattainable; a fake reality created by women’s magazines and driven by perverse fashion photographers who created ideal images of women, except these models looked like overgrown pubescent boys. Or gorgeous Martians.

What’s nuts is that we spent our entire lives trying to look like these freaks in clothes we couldn’t fit into, much less afford.

Now, the Kardashians have given us another freakish impossible ideal — the ass the size of Pluto, breasts the size of missile launchers and a waist so small that given the other proportions, you would have to live in zero gravity to keep from falling forward or backward when upright.

Time we came to the realization that, tragically, real life doesn’t come with Photoshop.

Remember that Geico commercial in which distressed Mary Lincoln asks Honest Abe, “Does this dress make my backside look big?” Abe is stuck for an answer. Now, for the first time in recorded history, there is a correct answer for the impossible question: “Yes! It looks enormous!”


What becomes a legend least? Going public.

Take Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill, who claims he went public because he was moved by the 9/11 families at the 9/11 Museum, to bring awareness that soldiers (like him) who leave the service short of their 20 years and don’t get a pension, and to use his freedom of speech.

My cousin was the lieutenant colonel who led the troops into Ground Zero on 9/11, stopping at ammo shops on Queens Blvd. to stock guns for the 200 reserve soldiers he mustered up that morning. He used his credit card and never asked for credit for his service. That’s what soldiers do. 11

O’Neill broke the SEALs’ code of silence, and while we appreciate his efforts as part of a team, he demeaned that honor in exchange for personal fame. Not honorable.


Last week, Mayor De Blasio got trashed by every guest and all media in NYC and beyond for arriving four minutes late for the 9:16 moment of silence to honor the victims of the 2001 American Airlines flight at Rockaway Park. Disrespectful! Disgraceful! Disingenuous!

Meantime? Not one, count ’em, not one other elected official even came to the 13th anniversary.

Who? Not Queens Borough President Melinda Katz (she sent a staffer), not City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, not Senators Kirsten Gillibrand nor Chuck Schumer (who hasn’t missed a party or appearance since kindergarten), not Phillip Goldfeder, the assemblyman from that district, not Congressman Gregory Meeks, not District 31 Councilman Donovan Richards. And giving new meaning to no shame, not Councilman Eric Ulrich, who criticized Blaz’s lateness in The New York Times. Even he sent a staffer in his place.


Is Sen. John McCain the only sane voice left in D.C.? Last week, he said, “I would rather see what our progressive and positive agenda is rather than spending all our time trying to block the President.”

On the money, McCain.

Why do we now elect people who spend their time — and waste ours – fund-raising and scheming to undermine the other party instead of running this country? Imagine if you hired someone who spent the workday begging others for money and undermining the boss? Right. (And left!)


On Friday, we learned that disgusting, demented, 20-year-old psycho killer T.J. Lane, who killed three students at his high school, managed to escape 12 from Allen Oakwood Correctional Institute with three other deranged cons. They ran through a soybean field and got nailed.

This is the pig who wore a T-shirt at his sentencing that read “Killer” and told the families of the victims, “F--- all of you!”

This is the pig we’re paying to live on our taxpayer dollars.

How is it possible that it’s not front-page news that a rocket landed on a comet in an impossible only-in-the-movies maneuver? More improbable still: How is it that the European Space Agency accomplished this? I mean ESA, not NASA? Houston, we have a problem.


Black arresting officer in Central Park Five case wonders why he was left off racial-bias lawsuit against city Retired Detective Eric Reynolds, who says he was first person to use terms 'wilding' and 'wolfpack,' never saw a white conspiracy to deny five of their civil rights

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 9:11 PM

Like a bad $41 million penny, it keeps turning up – the Central Park Five case. And one black officer wants to know why, in all the furor, that his name and that of the other black arresting officer were left off the racial-bias suit against the city.

First, there was the case, then the dismissal, then Ken Burns’ documentary, then the settlement by Mayor de Blasio, then Sunday’s front page Daily News story detailing the former administration’s push for a trial of the lawsuit, followed by the call to The News by the CP5 themselves demanding a final clearing of their names.

If you remember, one of de Blasio’s first orders of business was to make good on his campaign promise to settle the CP5 case. And he did. For $41 million big ones, despite the former administration’s push not to settle.

Yet, in all of this, one troubling question remains: Why were the two black arresting officers, Rudy Hall and Eric Reynolds – who himself arrested five of the black CP5 defendants – never named in the lawsuit that claimed racial bias by the cops?

And the main person asking that question is African-American retired detective Eric Reynolds himself. “I wasn’t named and Rudy Hall wasn’t named. Why?”

According to one official who wishes to remain anonymous, “Yes, more than 20 white officers were named, even though most of whom had no contact with these five!” 14

So I asked a lawyer for the CP5, Myron Beldock, why the two black officers were left off the racially motivated charge. His answer: “I’m not going to tell you.” What?

“This conversation has to go in another direction,” he demanded. What direction? It couldn’t head any further south! Then it did.

“Did you read the names?” he barked. I told him that yes I had. But Myron wasn’t having any of it. “I’m not answering you.”

So I didn’t get to ask him why – if Reynolds says he was the first police officer to use the term “wilding” and to call them a “wolfpack” in his arrest report – he wasn’t named in the suit against the cops for bias.

I didn’t get to tell him that Reynolds said, “I never saw a ‘white conspiracy’ to deprive these kids of their civil rights.”

But as the former city official told me, immediately after being appointed as the new corporation counsel, Zachary Carter “told (those involved in the case) that, like it or not, it was going to be settled. The only issue was how much, whether we believe it right or wrong. Ugly stuff.”

Ugly indeed. Like that $41 million penny, this nasty story gets more tarnished with every passing year.


If Mormon prophet Joseph Smith were alive today, he wouldn’t have been shot to death by an angry mob, he’d have his own reality show. “40 Wives and Counting.”

Now an essay has been published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints in which a 14-year-old girl who claimed to be married to Joseph Smith says he had 40 wives, and the prophet told her that he didn’t mean to take other men’s wives, but that an angel made him do it.

At least he didn’t say the devil made him do it. Current members of the Mormon church are shocked – shocked! -– that Smith had as many as 40 wives. Who isn’t shocked? Wikipedia names at least 50.



Nicki Minaj semi-apologized for the Nazi-themed imagery on her new music video, “Only,” by tweeting, “I didn’t come up w/the concept, but I’m very sorry & take full responsibility if it has offended anyone.” Then she said that the person overseeing it is not just Jewish but a best friend.

Ah, taking full responsibility means you don’t say you didn’t come up with the concept, or that the artist happens to be your Jewish best friend.

That’s like saying “one of my best friends is black.” Or, “I didn’t realize that lynching slaves in cartoons is offensive.”

Meantime, no one is complaining that the video also happens to be as demeaning to women as the Turkish commercial with the führer selling shampoo. Only thing is: Drake, featured in the video, is also Jewish.


Was that international or interstellar relations they were trying for? Prez Obamahad the nerve to give Vladimir Putin the cold shoulder at the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation summitwhile both menwere dressed like the gay monks from outer space in ’s old “” series. Based on Obama’s demeanor towards theKGB-turned-demonic president of Russia, the chance for cooperation – economic or political – has about as much chanceof succeeding as “Lexx.”



It’s not pot luck any longer if you get busted with an ounce or less of weed in the city. How much is that? From the happy look on Bill Bratton’s face, it looked like it was a bit less than the ounce bag he was holding. Too bad it was oregano.


Speaking of all things demonic, a Dayton, Ohio, mother was shocked and disgusted when the princess wand she bought for her 2-year-old daughter turned out to have a demonic girl slicing her wrists under the mirror. What’s worse, making little girls aspire to be princesses, which is about as aspirational as hoping to be a mermaid, or finding a cackling demon girl under the mirror? Why the shock? After all, sooner or later all fairytale princesses encounter a cackling female demon in the mirror.

STASI: Why do so many stars 'suffer' wardrobe malfunctions wearing $20,000 couture? Kate Upton hates it when her skirt malfunctions, The Awkward Rob Lowe peeing commercial has some people p----d, Rihanna upsets feminists, 64 Catholic parishes will merge and Geraldo Rivera and Kate Gosselin will be contestants on 'Celebrity Apprentice.'


NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 11:37 PM

Don't you hate it when your skirt falls off at a wedding? Or worse, when you forget to wear underwear to work on the very day that your skirt blows up over your head? And what about that time your shirt opened and your boobs popped out in the small appliance aisle at Costco?

Over the weekend, at a fancy bar mitzvah, yet, the crotch ripped on Iggy Azalea's second-skin leggings giving the bar mitzvah boy a serious reason for saying, "Today I am a man! No, seriously." It became a worldwide hit on balleralert.com appropriately enough.

Then there was Kate Upton's epic malfunction in which her gingham skirt blew up, revealing her minuscule red thong. If there was any suffering going on — especially among her publicists — they covered it as well as Jackie O. And within hours, the country suffered a crippling red thong shortage.

Upton is beginning to have more WWB's (worldwide wardrobe breakdowns) than the Kardashians. Oh, wait, never mind.

That bunch have turned the wardrobe malfunction into their life's work — a kind of family enterprise. Kardashian boob out! Bingo! Front page. Screw the war.

And it always works. Remember when Britney took time out from cutting her hair off in random beauty parlors to prop up her fading career with a nicely placed undie-less exit from a car? And Lindsay Lohan's mostly in the news now for either losing her mind or her bikini top.

The wardrobe malfunction-as-career-booster is as good as a gig on "Dancing With the Has-Beens" — but without all the exercise and sweat involved. 18

Speaking of which, can anyone ever forget the tragic nipple slip by Nancy Grace on “Dancing with the Stars”? No. Never.

The well-placed nipple slip in fact has become so big among A-listers that celebrity events look like La Leche League meetings.

The way these clothes all fall off only in strategic places makes you wonder if their stylists are shopping at designer stores or shopping at Scores.


After I wrote that taking travel tips from Trivago Guy was like taking travel tips from Norman Bates, Trivago Guy showed up in a new ad, with a haircut, a clean shirt, and looking like he slept in one of those hotels he touts instead of in his car after a big drunk. And I'm getting blamed.

No. It's Aaron Marino's fault. He won the make-over the Trivago Guy contest, God forgive him. Here’s a link to the new ad.

But even Trivago's never been as annoying as the Awkward Rob Lowe peeing commercial, which just got more annoying. The International Paruresis Association, a group of people who can't go in front of others, said the ad ridicules people with a serious problem.

Wait. I have a serious problem and didn't know it? I thought it was called being discreet. Commercials should sell food, not ruin your appetite.


Feminists are not happy that Rihanna told Elle Magazine, "Any man that tells me what to do is sexy!" Thing is, you know that if a rich, successful man said that, those same women would say he was a sweet and sensitive guy. Hey! Maybe because she spends her days telling everybody exactly what to do every minute, leaving the sex part up to somebody else at night is well, sexy. Failing that, yelling, "F*** bitches, get money!" is also good. 19


With Catholicism shrinking in America since the pedophile priest scandal and the polarizing stands on celibacy, homosexuality and female ordination, Timothy Cardinal Dolan (above – and why isn’t it Cardinal Timothy Dolan?) announced a new “arrangement” for parishes this week.

That means that 64 parishes will merge, and 31 will no longer hold regular Mass or administer other sacraments. Sounds like parishes will be like Catholic couples who divorce, remarry and can’t receive communion any longer.

Meantime, Vatican inside traitor Raymond Cardinal Burke, who was this close to ex-Pope Benedict and his aide, Archbishop “Gorgeous George” Gänswein, told a Spanish weekly that the Church under the great Pope Francis is like “a ship without a rudder.” But it was steady under Benedict, who quit being the Pope to live the cushy life with George?


Democratic Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu took all kinds of heat from conservatives for saying “the South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans.” Talk about misguided! Didn’t she ever see “Gone With the Wind”? ... Everyone is shocked – shocked! – that Rosie O’Donnell is causing problems and fighting with the other co-hosts on “The View.” Just because she lost weight doesn’t mean she’s Gandhi ... Geraldo Rivera and Kate Gosselin (r.) will be contestants on “Celebrity Apprentice.” Kate plus Berate.


Maybe they semi-made it at home before going to the polls. With her well- manicured hand on our governor’s well-suited rump, Sandra Lee and Gov. Cuomo aren’t your typical political joined-at-the hip couple. On Tuesday, they went to vote in Mount Kisco, where he quipped to reporters, “If Sandra didn’t vote for me, I’m going to be very disappointed in a heartfelt, sincere way.” They will be watching the results at the Sheraton Hotel. Well, unless Sandra didn’t vote for him in a heartfelt, sincere way, that is.

[email protected] / @LINDASTASI 20