Residents Unite to Oppose Gulf Action Talks with Saddam Leave Perez De
- Mr. Outside The Chronicle's Athlete of the Week, Bobby Hurley, sheEed the Terrapins with 26 points y THE CHRONICLE (&'•••: MONDAY, JANUARY 14,1991 © DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL 86, NO. 75 Residents unite to oppose Gulf action By PEGGY KRENDL angle Citizens for Peace in the The discussion took place With the United Nations dead Middle East. before Saturday's Congressional line for Iraqi withdrawal from The speakers had reasons for vote to authorize force in the Per Kuwait lurking near, several lo not supporting the use of mili sian Gulf. cal residents are organizing to tary force ranging from the lack Other speakers referred to the show that they do not support vi of consensus and debate within lack of debate concerning olence in the Gulf. the United States, the possibility whether U.S. forces should be Area groups including the Dur 'of a "a second Vietnam" and come involved. "I don't know if ham Minister's Association, the moral opposition to war. it's something we need to do be People's Alliance, Concerned Cit "The debate has just started," cause the democratic process izens United and several Univer said James Barber, James B. hasn't taken place," said City sity professors held a press con Duke professor of political sci Council member Jenny Engel ference on Jan. 11 in the Durham ence and member of Triangle Cit hard. Engelhard also noted that City Judicial Building. The con izens for Peace in the Middle Congress was pressed to make a ference, organized under an um East.
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