Dear Friends,

Early this morning Julian entered to pray privately for our county and its churches and schools, a sign that some of our church buildings are once again open for private prayer. Today also non-essential shops have been able to open, you can go to the zoo and later this week Premier League football will return. Many single people enjoyed seeing family and friends with whom they had formed ‘bubbles’ over the weekend.

Whilst many will welcome the slow return of the things they enjoy, there is a risk that the nation starts to think that the crisis is behind us and returns to pre-pandemic patterns of behaviour. But we still have a very long way to go, especially here in the Northwest where there are still some very badly effected communities and where test and trace is not yet operating smoothly. Patience and determination are still important messages to communicate to the people we serve.

This Week’s Webinars

Two not-to-miss webinars await your attention this week.

• First we are thrilled that Robin Gamble who leads the national ‘Leading your Church into Growth’ team will be leading a webinar on Thursday (June 18) from 2pm until 4pm. The theme will be ‘Evangelism in a time of lockdown’ and you can book my emailing [email protected] • Second Bishop Julian's will lead a discussion on Sunday's Gospel reading (Matthew 10, 24-39). This will be at 3.30pm on Wednesday June 17. To book email [email protected]

Government Advice on Church Buildings

The long-awaited government advice on opening places of worship was published at the end of last week. It does not add greatly to the advice and guidance that has already been handed out but those of you who take particular delight in reading government documents can find it here.

Ready for Step 3?

The buildings checklist that we issued to parishes some weeks ago is here. It is possible that we may be able to re-start worship from July and so our advice would be that parishes start to make plans for that now. The checklist will take you through the steps that are required and should be read in conjunction with the advice on Holy Communion which is here.

Over 70’s and Vulnerable Groups

There have been some questions on the coronavirus email about those aged over 70 and what they can and cannot do with regard to volunteering, leading services etc. Those aged over 70 are considered to be a more vulnerable group and the general advice to them is that they stay at home as much as possible and minimise contact with others when out and about.

However this is not a hard and fast rule and in making decisions individuals need to consider the importance of the activity and their own health and wellbeing. It is an area where judgement and responsibility are required.

This of course does not apply to those who for health reasons have been asked to shield, whatever their age may be. We are especially aware of the frustrations faced by clergy who have been asked to shield.

Briefings this Week

We will have briefings for you this week on Wednesday (which will focus on more practical issues) and Thursday.

The Coronavirus Email Address Any questions or problems, drop us a line: [email protected].

Please email if you are off work or self-isolating.

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


The Coronavirus Task Group