BinnenCollegium26vrPDF 16-06-2003 14:21 Pagina 1 No.26, Spring 2003
[email protected] Governing the Future Europe John Peterson The European Commission: Plateau? Permanent Decline? Robert Toulemon L’Europe doit être gouvernée: Pour une synthèse entre intergouvernementalisme et fédéralisme Georges Berthu Quel rôle pour la Commission dans la future Europe? Deirdre Curtin From Governing the Union to Guarding the Governors? Imogen Sudbery Bridging the Legitimacy Gap in the EU: Can Civil Society Help to Bring the Union Closer to Its Citizens? Collegium BinnenCollegium26vrPDF 16-06-2003 14:21 Pagina 2 BinnenCollegium26vrPDF 16-06-2003 14:21 Pagina 1
[email protected] Governing the Future Europe BinnenCollegium26vrPDF 16-06-2003 14:21 Pagina 2 Editors Dr Marc Vuijlsteke, Chief Editor Christine Reh, Co-editor Christopher Reynolds, Co-editor Editing Board Members Nadia Elhaggagi Pieter Jan Kugel Jennifer Macnaughtan Karen Taylor Nadine Thwaites Collegium Collegium is published quarterly by the academic assistants and students of the College of Europe. The views expressed in Collegium are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the College of Europe. Copyright remains with the authors. Submissions to Collegium are welcomed. Manuscripts for consideration, in English or in French, should be sent in electronic format (Word) by email to:
[email protected] or on diskette to: Collegium, College of Europe, Dijver 11, Brugge, B-8000, Belgium. BinnenCollegium26vrPDF 16-06-2003 14:21 Pagina 3 Collegium No.26, Spring 2003 John Peterson The European Commission: Plateau? Permanent Decline? p. 5 Robert Toulemon L’Europe doit être gouvernée: Pour une synthèse entre intergouvernementalisme et fédéralisme p.